Evergrande suddenly!

China Fund Journal, Taylor

Brothers and sisters, a little bit of news tonight.

Hengda Real Estate: The outstanding debt has accumulated nearly 300 billion yuan

On the evening of February 1, Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on major matters such as major litigation and failure to settle due debts.

The announcement shows that as of the end of December 2023, Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (together with its consolidated subsidiaries referred to as "issuers") had a total of 2073 pending proceedings with an amount of more than 30 million yuan, and the total amount of the underlying amount was about 502.596 billion yuan.

As of the end of December 2023, the issuer involved a total of about 2978.1 billion yuan in unliquidated maturing debts; in addition, as of the end of December 2023, the issuer’s overdue commercial tickets accumulated about 2050.04 billion yuan. Evergrande Real Estate has recently encountered enforcement, adding 20 pieces of information on the person subject to enforcement, involving an amount of about 1.347 billion yuan.

On January 29, the Hong Kong hearing court ruled that China Evergrande should be liquidated. On the same day, China Evergrande’s liquidation case was re-heard in the Hong Kong High Court. The judge said that China Evergrande’s workout plan lacked progress, and the company was insolvent and officially ordered Evergrande to be liquidated.

Sean, the relevant head of China Evergrande, responded to the outside world: "Today’s court ruling is contrary to our original intention. We can only express that we have done our best and are very sorry."

According to Sean, China Evergrande has been working towards repairing and enhancing asset value and business vitality, and has made several major adjustments to the core terms of some restructurings, not only to protect the interests of overseas creditors, but also to protect the time and space for the company to continue operating chemical insurance. It has also received the full understanding and valuable support of a large number of creditors.

China Evergrande’s financial report shows that as of the end of June 2023, China Evergrande’s total liabilities were 2.39 trillion yuan, total assets were 1.74 trillion yuan, and net assets were – 644.20 billion yuan.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Announcement: Chairperson Resigns!

On the evening of February 1, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China announced that on February 1, 2024, Mr. Chen Siqing submitted his resignation to the board of directors of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China joint stock company. Due to his age, Mr. Chen Siqing resigned as the chairperson, executive director, chairperson of the board strategy committee and member of the bank.

In accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of the Bank, Mr. Chen Siqing’s resignation will take effect from the date of service on the Board of Directors of the Bank. As confirmed by Mr. Chen Siqing, he has no disagreement with the Board of Directors of the Bank, and there is no need to notify the shareholders and creditors of the Bank of any matters related to his resignation.

According to the website of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Chen Siqing has been the chairperson and executive director of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China since May 2019. Chen Siqing joined Bank of China in 1990 and worked for Bank of China Hunan Branch for many years and served as the assistant general manager of the international relocation of Zhongnan Bank Hong Kong Branch. He used to be the assistant and vice president of Bank of China Fujian Branch, the general manager of the risk management department of the head office, the president of Guangdong Branch, and the vice president, president, vice chairperson and chairperson of Bank of China. He used to concurrently serve as the chairperson of BOC Aviation Leasing Co., Ltd., and the non-executive director, vice chairperson and chairperson of BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

According to the official WeChat account of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, on the morning of January 20, 2024, the relevant responsible comrades of the Central Organization Department attended the cadre meeting of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and announced the central decision: Comrade Liao Lin was appointed Secretary of the Party Committee of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and Comrade Chen Siqing was removed from the position of Secretary of the Party Committee of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Liao Lin was born in February 1966 and graduated from Guangxi Agricultural University with a doctorate in management from Southwest Jiaotong University. He has served as Vice President and Vice President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as Chief Risk Officer since November 2019, and Vice Chairperson and President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China since March 2021.

Before joining Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Liao Lin had about 30 years of experience in CCB. He joined CCB in 1989 and served as Vice President of Guangxi Branch, President of Ningxia Branch, President of Hubei Branch, President of Beijing Branch, Chief Risk Officer and Vice President of CCB as Chief Risk Officer.

US stock situation

Tonight, the three major U.S. stock indexes rose, with the China Concept index rising more than 1%.

Just now, Huawei detonated! Yu Chengdong made a sound and continued to swipe to see the next one

Evergrande sudden! China Fund News, light touch to read the original text

China Fund News, like sharing, watching, write a message, swipe up to see the next one

Original title: "Hengda sudden!"

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Lift the table! As long as Tucki P7 starts at 140,000, what millet SU7 should we buy?

Xpeng Motors is having a hard time now.

Xpeng Motors sold 9,026 vehicles in March, an increase of 98.6% compared with February. However, there are hidden dangers behind the increased sales data.

In March this year, Xpeng Motors’s sales volume lagged behind the new car-making forces such as the world, Ideal, Weilai, Zero Run and Extreme Krypton. In March this year, the sales volume of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, Wenjie AITO, LI, Zero Run, Krypton and Weilai were 32,530, 31,727, 28,984, 14,567, 13,012 and 11,866 respectively. Previously, Xpeng Motors, known as one of the "Wei Xiaoli", often ranked in the top three in the sales list, but now, Xpeng Motors has become the "old seven" in the sales list of the new car-making forces.

In the first quarter of this year, Xpeng Motors has not exceeded 10,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. In three months, Xpeng Motors only sold 21,800 vehicles. Compared with last year, Xpeng Motors’s sales have improved to some extent, but compared with the progress of its competitors, Xpeng Motors’s sales increase is very limited.

In order to save itself, Xpeng Motors has started to reduce the price. As the main sales model in Xpeng Motors, Tucki P7 sold 1,605 cars in March, and the sales volume dropped significantly compared with last year. In order to save the sales volume, this car was given a terminal discount of 84,000 yuan in Shenzhen, plus regional subsidies and replacement subsidies in Shenzhen, and the comprehensive preferential price was only 140,900 yuan.

Take the newly released Xiaomi SU7 as an example. The starting price of this Tucki P7 is about 80,000 yuan lower than it. So for consumers, it seems that Tucki P7 is much more cost-effective, not to mention that Xiaomi SU7 has stronger performance, longer battery life, more handsome appearance and better handling. After all, the price difference is 80,000 yuan.

Of course, we need to explain that the preferential Tucki P7 is a stock car, which has been in stock for more than one year, but for electric vehicles, the stock of more than one year actually does not affect the product quality. As long as the power battery is ok, there is nothing to worry about other parts.

Tucki P7 may be the most affected model by Xiaomi SU7, while Tucki P7 and Xiaomi SU7 are actually very close in positioning, both of which are pure electric coupes, and their prices are in the price range of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

The body length of Xiaomi SU7 is 4997mm, the width is 1963mm, the height is 1455mm, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is three meters. The Tucki P7 has a body length of 4888mm, a width of 1896mm, a height of 1450mm and a wheelbase of 2998mm, which are close, while the size of Xiaomi SU7 is a circle larger.

The price range of Tucki P7 is 209,900-339,900 yuan, and the price of Xiaomi SU7 is 215,900-299,900 yuan. It seems that Tucki P7 is 6,000 yuan cheaper. However, 209,900 yuan is still the guide price of the 2022 model 480 that is discontinued for sale, and the battery life under NEDC standard is only 480 kilometers. The starting price of Xiaomi SU7 is 215,900 yuan, and the pure battery life of the entry model is 700 kilometers under CLTC standard. The Tucki P7i Pengyi version with a guide price of 289,900 yuan has a pure battery life of 702 kilometers under CLTC standards, while the Xiaomi SU7 Pro version with a guide price of 245,900 yuan has a pure battery life of 830 kilometers under CLTC standards.

The battery life is not as good as that of the power performance. The strongest version of Tucki P7 has an acceleration of 3.9 seconds, while Xiaomi SU7 has an acceleration of 2.78 seconds. In addition, in terms of design and product configuration, both of them are not rivals of the same level. It’s time for Tucki P7 to make a change, so reducing the price has become the best choice for Tucki P7.

Tucki P7 with more than 200,000 yuan may not be very competitive in front of Xiaomi SU7, but Tucki P7 with more than 140,000 yuan is still very attractive, which may help Xpeng Motors regain some market share.

Whether WeChat gives Tik Tok a "bright red card" is a monopoly or unfair competition is controversial.

  A few days ago, Tik Tok said that new users could not log in to Tik Tok normally with the authorization of WeChat, because there was a problem with the login service provided by WeChat open platform, which caused troubles to the common users of Tik Tok and WeChat. According to people close to Tencent, WeChat’s move is "based on platform rules and consideration of protecting users’ privacy".

  At the beginning of the new year, Tik Tok released the video social App "Duoshan", and it was soon discovered that the download link was blocked by WeChat on the grounds that "the webpage contains unsafe content".

  As of press time, Tencent officials did not respond to this matter. However, on January 26th, WeChat issued a notice on "Handling of Recent Induced Violation and Malicious Confrontation", which explicitly prohibited the testing and induced behavior of external links, and specifically named the offending apps including today’s headlines, Tencent’s Didi Chuxing, JD.COM and so on.

  Is it suspected of unfair competition?

  On January 23, the relevant person in charge of Tik Tok said in an interview with the media that WeChat has the value of hydropower infrastructure. At present, there are more than 200 million users who use WeChat accounts to log in to Tik Tok alone. Once WeChat is unilaterally banned, it will have a greater impact on users.

  Cong Lixian, a professor at the School of Intellectual Property of East China University of Political Science and Law, holds different views on the "infrastructure theory". He told the "Legal Daily" reporter that under normal circumstances, basic telecom service providers are considered as basic network service providers. Facebook and Twitter have a very large market share in the United States and have never been recognized as infrastructure.

  Earlier, Zhang Xinnian, a Beijing lawyer, said in an interview with the media that if Tencent unilaterally terminated Tik Tok’s WeChat authorized login, it would be suspected of damaging the normal choice rights of Tik Tok operators and consumers, which could be considered as unfair competition.

  Cong Lixian believes that in the market economy, whether it is compatible with other people’s products or services is usually the result of free competition, and deciding whether it is compatible is also a voluntary choice for operators to maximize their interests. Whether incompatible behavior constitutes unfair competition as stipulated in the Anti-Unfair Competition Law depends on whether the operator is malicious.

  "Based on the protection of personal information and the protection of corporate commercial resources, it is understandable that WeChat carries out necessary management and does not involve malicious incompatibility; Wechat and Tik Tok can still be installed and run on the same device, and they are not compatible. Moreover, in addition to WeChat account, Tik Tok users can also choose to log in to Tik Tok by means of mobile phone number, headline account, etc., not just relying on WeChat account login. " Cong Lixian said that this is a normal enterprise competition, and moral kidnapping should not be used to accuse normal business operations.

  Kong Xiangjun, dean of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said in an interview with the Legal Daily that compatibility is not only the operator’s choice, but also may be based on various reasonable factors such as safety and efficiency. Compatibility and incompatibility are common phenomena on the Internet, and forced compatibility is not only impossible, but also harmful. We should not only adhere to the principle of freedom of competition, but also limit the scope of "malice".

  "As far as this incident is concerned, if Tik Tok has a variety of options for users’ access channels, a certain platform operator has no obligation to open up. Whether or not to open the platform is usually the freedom of competition of operators, and the law only restricts the competitive behavior of monopoly operators. Wechat’s termination of authorized login will objectively bring inconvenience to Tik Tok users, but this benefit has not yet risen to the legal level, more like a ‘ Reflective interests ’ That is, if it is good to log in with WeChat account, it will cause some inconvenience if it cannot be used. However, this benefit is the reflective benefit brought by the previous login. The benefits felt by the parties are not real benefits, so it is difficult to claim rights. " Kong Xiangjun said.

  Internet industry is cautious about monopoly.

  Accusing the monopoly of WeChat is the voice that the headline department has made many times. The relevant person in charge of headlines once pointed out in an interview with the media: "The core lies in the rapid development of headline products, including Tik Tok, which has shaken Tencent’s monopoly position and commercial interests."

  So, does WeChat’s behavior constitute a monopoly? Article 3 of the anti-monopoly law stipulates that monopolistic behaviors include: the operators reach a monopoly agreement; Operators abuse market dominance; Concentration of operators that have or may have the effect of eliminating or restricting competition.

  Sheng Jiemin, a well-known expert in anti-monopoly law and a professor at Peking University Law School, said in an interview with the reporter of Legal Daily that in fact, the determination of monopoly status is very complicated, and in judicial and law enforcement practice, it is necessary to be very cautious about the determination of "abuse of market dominance" by enterprises.

  "Many people think that a large market share has a monopoly position, but it is not. To judge whether an enterprise has or abuses a dominant market position, many factors must be considered." Sheng Jiemin said that the rapid iteration of the Internet industry determines the criteria for judging dynamic competition rather than static scale. In addition, Internet companies are trying their best to expand their own scale, and the boundaries of related markets are far less clear than those of traditional markets. In this case, more attention should be paid to market entry, market behavior of operators, impact on competition and other factors.

  Cong Lixian also believes that it is difficult to define the scope of the relevant market, whether the specific parties in the relevant market are involved in market dominance, and whether the relevant parties are abusing market dominance. "In view of this incident, WeChat belongs to social software and Tik Tok belongs to short video application, and they actually do not belong to the same relevant market."

  You Yunting, a Shanghai lawyer, told the reporter of Legal Daily that on the issue of monopoly, on the one hand, it depends on whether the operators have a dominant market position, and on the other hand, it depends on whether the consequences of monopolistic behavior have caused subversive changes to the whole competition pattern. "Tencent didn’t block all users in Tik Tok, but just stopped logging in new users’ WeChat accounts, not to mention abusing the dominant market position."

  Xue Jun, deputy dean of Peking University Law School, told the Legal Daily reporter: "Being unable to log in with WeChat account normally will objectively affect the user experience of Tik Tok users, but it is unlikely to have a long-term and obvious effect of eliminating and restricting competition. Because even if Tik Tok users can’t log in with WeChat account, they can log in by other means. It is still necessary to go deep into the specific legal relationship involved by the parties, and not just look at some big things, otherwise it may be biased. "

  "This incident is not entirely a bad thing for Tik Tok. In a sense, it is also an opportunity to test the stickiness of Tik Tok users. Enterprises must have a sense of management and cannot pin their business models on the cooperation of others. " Xue Jun said.

  Information security attracts netizens’ attention

  Although Tik Tok has repeatedly denied "acquiring the WeChat relationship chain" in this storm, the discussion on the relationship chain has not stopped.

  Weibo user "Nutritionist-Guo Lin" said, "My Tik Tok has not been bound to WeChat. Today, I downloaded Duoshan, logged in with Tik Tok, and saw that many friends recommended are WeChat friends … … I feel that Tik Tok is very unsafe. ".

  On January 25th, Zhou Tian Finance reported that the code screenshots obtained from the industry showed that today’s headline adjusted the Cookie of WeChat browser and sent it back to today’s headline server. It is speculated that the headline is likely to obtain the WeChat friend relationship chain in this way. According to the screenshot, the headline extends the life cycle of Cookie in WeChat browser to 10 years, while in the industry, such cycle is usually about a few days.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that in the era of big data, respecting users’ right to choose and privacy is an eternal theme. Taking the case of using Sina Weibo user information illegally by Pulse as an example, the court held that protecting user information was an important basis to measure the legitimacy of the operator’s behavior, and finally decided that Pulse constituted unfair competition.

  Zhu Wei said that enterprises should give priority to personal information security and privacy protection from the perspective of users. Secondly, under the framework of laws and regulations, reasonable and proper use of data can bring better product experience to users.

  You Yunting added that in addition to the platform side, users should also raise their awareness of self-protection. They should try to install products from big companies and not install apps from unknown sources. Permissions related to their privacy must be thoroughly understood before choosing whether to agree or disagree, and synchronization functions must not be abused. Reduce the possibility of personal information disclosure through good use. (Reporter Han Dandong Luo Congran)

The documentary "Looking for Guiyang" explores the water rhyme and exotic food, dumping everyone.

1905 movie network news Since its broadcast on March 25th, Quest for Guiyang has made the audience see a different Guiyang: it is a summer capital that enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, and the comfortable and slow pace of life makes people yearn for it. Guiyang is not only a model of China’s eco-city and big data smart city, but also a flavor museum with numerous special cuisines.

There are 98 rivers criss-crossing, and karst landforms make Guiyang like a city floating on water. The second episode of "Shui Yun Yuan Rong’s Dietary Wisdom" takes "water" as the starting point to show the treasures of Southwest China, explore the delicacies of water born of different forms, and lead the audience to deeply understand the ingenious mystery of Guiyang flavor from a new perspective.

Time precipitation Guiyang shuiyun

Water not only breeds life, but also is a skillful craftsman in shaping flavor. It exists in different forms in different spaces, and it is related to rivers, rainfall and various microorganisms, so it also produces different forms of food and flavor.

Local people can not only flexibly use water resources to create delicious food, but also discover more flavor secrets in the process of fighting against humidity, all of which have a subtle influence on Guiyang people’s taste preferences and lifestyle. With the help of the unique local microbial flora, fresh soybeans were fermented into local lobster sauce, which was similar to the Japanese national food natto. However, Guiyang people gave it more room for deduction, and lobster sauce continued to ferment for six months, forming a bean paste-like lobster sauce cake. The complex flavor precipitated over time, bringing more outstanding magical taste. These foods made by different processes such as fermentation are even more stunned by the audience and exclaim that the food after Nirvana’s rebirth is still amazing.

Traditional techniques contain folk wisdom.

There are many rivers in Guiyang, and the annual precipitation exceeds 1000 mm. Such a region and climate have created extremely rich aquatic resources in Guiyang. Rivers pass through mountains, and after hundreds of millions of years, mysterious sinkholes and caves have been created. Cave fishing reflects the local aquatic characteristics. The water temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius all the year round, and the fish grows slowly, making the meat more tender and firm. Luo Bangyun, who runs a beancurd shop, uses anti-slip sandals and fishing techniques handed down from generation to generation to collect these delicious fish and shrimp as delicious dishes. Whether it is fried or steamed, or dried fish, the locals who live near the water use their ingenuity to give birth to a new flavor.

Some flavors are fresh and palatable, while others need time to brew slowly. For Wei Xing Wu, an old chef, despite the increasingly developed preservation technology, traditional techniques are more worthy of spreading. Fresh pork is sterilized by hot oil at high temperature, quickly fried into thin crispy skin, and then immersed in lard for preservation.

Relying on oil to isolate water and air, the texture and taste similar to fresh meat can be preserved for more than one year, which is the traditional oil-bottomed meat in Guiyang. Guiyang people have a unique way to preserve food, and these traditional techniques, which have been precipitated over time, are the persistence of craftsmen from generation to generation and the great wisdom of folk food.

Fire and water quenching change surprise: strange food combination collapses everyone

Water is unpredictable and breeds countless delicious foods. In the local area, people come and go in different periods, and a variety of soy products have evolved, which is dazzling. If the quality of tofu is good, the local well water is indispensable. The unique bean curd soaked in green rock, and the bean curd made of chicken minced with soybean milk, all kinds of strange combinations have undergone repeated quenching of water and fire, changing into surprising bean food, which makes people salivate.

Guiyang, located at low latitude and high altitude, has a mild and humid climate, with lush trees all year round, but there are also delicious foods that only appear briefly in autumn — — Purple fungus. Whether cooked alone or with other ingredients, its fragrant and sweet taste has attracted many people. Some viewers lamented: "This short but wonderful existence, just like our life, we should learn to enjoy the happiness of the moment even though we keep walking."

Fire and water blend to light the southwest: Guiyang people understand the hot pot.

As the city with the highest frequency of enjoying hot pot per capita in China, hot pot accounts for half of Guiyang’s diet. In the food logic of Guiyang people, you can’t cook hot pot without ingredients, and there is no single hot pot item that can dominate here. With the broadcast of "Looking for Guiyang", netizens and viewers have also exposed the hot pot food here, laughing that "Guiyang people really understand the hot pot!"

According to statistics, there are new hot pot categories in Guiyang every year. For Guiyang people, whether it’s a pot with rich taste of bittern soup or a pot with sweet and smooth beans and rice, it’s an all-inclusive flavor and a bond to maintain the world. The unique taste of Guiyang is also passed down from generation to generation through this water bond in this ancient food custom.

The program group also said: "In addition to hot pot, there are too many delicious foods here, all with local characteristics. Like delicious and heavy beef soup, elastic and tough cowhide and smooth sour powder, it is a perfect combination. These delicious foods with the smell of Guiyang fireworks carry the memories and thoughts of Guiyang people, as well as the soul comfort of thinking about the source of food. I hope that the audience can experience those’ subtleties’ that cannot be copied in "Looking for Guiyang" and find their own good memories. "

The root of Xiong Haizi’s disobedience lies in the family education experts’ guidance and education prescription.

  The long summer vacation is coming to an end, and many parents are relieved. "It’s finally liberated!" For them, the experience of fighting with "Xiong Haizi" during the holiday is no easier than going to work.

  According to psychologists, every holiday is a period of high incidence of parent-child conflicts. In fact, this is an important part of education. As parents, we should know how to seize the opportunity and guide the situation.

  Children are not sensible.

  Parents lack the awareness of cultivating social people.

  Wen Fang, director of the Beijing Psychological Counseling Center for Primary and Secondary Schools, said that during the non-holiday period, parents are busy at work and children are busy at school, and there is not much time for contact and communication with each other. During the holidays, many parents will take a special leave of absence in order to spend time with their children and enjoy a harmonious parent-child time. However, this intimate contact has made parents discover many unsatisfactory places in their children. Many parents who come to the counseling center for help have a headache for their children’s hospitality.

  Some parents confide that they don’t know why their children are so ignorant. When guests come, things at home don’t make people move at all. Even because I moved my own things, I directly beat out the children brought by the other party. Other parents ask for help. When a guest comes to the house, the child hides in the room and is unwilling to communicate with others. Both parents doubt whether the child has depression.

  Wen Fang said that parents who have this kind of trouble should first cultivate their children’s sense of ownership, so that they can feel that they are the masters of the family and have a certain sense of responsibility. "With the sense of ownership, he can give some attention to people who come home. Otherwise, the child will think that the person who came is looking for my father to find my mother, which has nothing to do with me. " In addition, with the sense of ownership, there will be a certain sense of "sharing" and "sacrifice". "I am the master of the family and have to take care of the guests."

  On this basis, parents should also pay attention to instilling in their children the awareness and habits of being civilized and polite in peacetime. "Adults should be taught manners such as how to address when they come and how to say goodbye when they leave." In Wen Fang’s view, this is actually an important educational link for children to develop from natural persons to social persons.

  At the same time, after receiving the guests, parents should give timely summary guidance: how did they just perform and what can be improved … … "Point out the problem must be timely, because children are emotional. Why did you do this at that time? Children remember it best. In a few days, it is no longer educational to turn over the old accounts when the children forget. "

  It’s not just parents who are upset. Many children also feel very headache about getting along with their parents day and night. "What I want to buy and what I want to do is not free at all, and my parents have to intervene in everything." Wen Fang said that this actually reflects a common problem. Parents take more care of their children and have less development training. In the process of consultation, it is found that many parents often regard their children as a caring object, rather than a member of the family. "To put it more seriously, it is to regard the child as a very fragile treasure and put it at home to look after it. However, the child is ungrateful. Because looking after it, there is bound to be no freedom, and the child is of course unhappy. "

  Wen Fang introduced that in this case, many parents are prone to autocracy. "Everything is arranged by me, and everything is my final say." In this way, the child’s emotional changes will not be taken into account. "Now children have a strong sense of independence. When parents are authoritarian, they will resist and contradictions will come out."

  In Wen Fang’s view, during the holidays, parents should not only take care of their children’s food and drink needs as natural persons, but also have certain training and guidance to help them integrate into society and family, play their role at home, enhance their family awareness and promote their further transformation into social people.

  Children don’t want to go to school.

  Parents help their children find their sense of being students.

  With the approach of school, the problem of "school phobia" began to emerge. "It’s time to start school. Many children are afraid to go to school because they haven’t finished their homework or because they have a bad relationship with teachers and classmates." Wen also came into contact with some exaggerated cases. A second-grade child couldn’t hear the word "start school" at home, and he trembled when he heard it.

  In contrast, there are children who are extremely looking forward to the start of school. Before the start of school, they are eager to contact their classmates. Parents who came to ask for help reported that they often couldn’t find their mobile phones at night, only to find that they were secretly taken to bed by their children and chatted with their classmates on WeChat overnight.

  In this regard, Wen Fang suggested that the most important thing for parents at this time is to help their children find the feeling of being a student. In terms of work and rest, try to be close to the school, for example, arrange a certain time every day, let the children concentrate on reading and writing homework, and collect their hearts properly. In addition, we should also pay attention to regulating children’s emotions, especially for freshmen, junior high school students and senior high school students who want to enter the new collective. Parents should pay special attention to children’s emotional counseling and guide them to prepare and connect in advance.

  During this time, parents can also let their children’s emotions have an appropriate catharsis. For example, let their children find good friends to meet and chat before the start of school. "This way, it will not be too exciting for old friends to meet each other. At that time, the enthusiasm is too much, and you may not be interested in listening in class. " With catharsis in advance, when the school starts, you can smoothly transition to the normal class.

  Wen Fang believes that in the remaining half a month or so, parents should also guide their children to make up for the lesson of family, so that children can feel their sense of responsibility at home.

  Children’s psychological rebellion

  Parents learn to use "other children" skillfully.

  Many parents report that their children seem to be particularly rebellious during the holidays. Liu Weibing, an associate professor in the Department of Youth Work of China Youth University for Politics, pointed out that treason is actually a kind of resistance and doubt when he was a guest in Beijing City Radio "Face to Face Education". Generally speaking, children begin to enter puberty at the age of twelve or thirteen, but in fact, at the age of seven to nine, children’s sense of independence begins to sprout, and they begin to disagree with the rules formulated by adults. "What do parents sometimes think of underage children? In fact, I think that sometimes parents and teachers must listen to children’s reasonable ideas and grow up with them to avoid adult preconceptions. "

  Song Shaowei, an expert in adolescent psychology and deputy director of Tsinghua University Happiness Science and Technology Laboratory, said that the main reason for children’s rebellion was that they suddenly discovered that one day their parents were not as authoritative and tall as they thought when they were young, so they began to complain about their parents. At this time, it is particularly important for parents not to turn themselves into invincible parents who are always right, but to admit and accept what they have done wrong. As children grow older, we should give them the right to speak, solicit their opinions when making decisions, and pay attention to their inner demands.

  In Song Shaowei’s view, two kinds of family environment tend to make children’s rebellion stronger: one is a family that is too indulgent and dotes on children in the process of raising. The children in this family are overindulged since childhood, all kinds of needs are fully met, there are basically no rules at home, and there are many problems in school. Children are completely deformed at home and difficult to control at school. The second category is over-educated families, especially those whose parents are engaged in certain occupations, which are the hardest hit areas. For example, parents who work in the fields of justice, accounting and education are prone to problems. Influenced by their careers, these parents often can’t rub sand in their eyes when disciplining their children. "Let’s talk about teachers, because I have seen too many good children, and it is easy to find problems when I see my own children, which leads to strict discipline." Song Shaowei said that it is impossible to discipline children too loosely or too strictly, and moderation is the key.

  Then, compared with other stages, what are the priorities of education for rebellious and adolescent children? Liu Weibing said that in the face of children at this stage, parents should be positively motivated. What is positive motivation? He cited the movie Looking Up as an example. In the movie, Ma Fei’s test scores were from the bottom to the bottom, and his father said, "It’s very good, it’s improved, and it ranks two places ahead." "This is positive motivation. People are moving forward step by step, and it is impossible to fly in one step, so parents should gradually open their children’s potential. " Liu Weibing told reporters.

  Song Shaowei suggested using "other people’s children" skillfully. "Now, many parents often use ‘ Other people’s children ’ Suppressing one’s own children not only fails to achieve the purpose of education, but also causes children’s rebellion. Actually, ‘ Other people’s children ’ It can be an external force to promote children’s progress. The key is what parents say. " He introduced that if "other people’s children" are better than their own children, they can say, "Yes, you are doing better and better now, and you will soon surpass someone." If "other people’s children" are not as good as their own children, you can say, "You are much better than others now, but keep it up." This way to communicate with children, on the one hand, children will see their own advantages and have more confidence in themselves; On the other hand, we will also see the gap between ourselves and excellent "others", so that we can not only agree with ourselves now, but also have the courage to work hard for ourselves better.

  Song Shaowei believes that children’s "rebellion" does not disappear naturally with age. Only when children realize that their parents’ love for them is sincere and everything they do is for their own good, will this emotion gradually weaken. At the same time, when children see that their parents are no longer the strong ones who control everything from high above, but the "weak ones" who need to be loved, the "rebellion" of their parents in their hearts will really disappear. (Reporter Niu Weikun Photo courtesy of Xinhua News Agency)

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.


JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.


JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

If you are going out to fight in a group, you can add a national tide sweater, and the coat will be directly slay. UR’s 24-year-old new national tide mahjong sweater is both fashionable and interesting. The mahjong patterns scattered at random are quite ingenious in design, and with the words "Everything is fine", it implies that good luck is rolling in the Year of the Dragon. The design of another MIFICY New Year’s uniform sweater is simpler and more rude, with a swastika in front of it and a sparrow god in the back. Then take Lesportsac’s new handbag, white and green color matching perfectly restore the visual sense of mahjong, and the large-capacity interlayer has super practicality at the same time.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

As for the I-person friends who don’t want to be too ostentatious, it’s better to use accessories to make a little effort. Yu Zhaolin’s gift-packed stockings in the Year of the Dragon won the hearts of many girls with the three-dimensional Q version of the small dragon head doll and cartoon design. The embroidery on the soles of the feet is not only cute, but also makes people feel dark. New online celebrity — — And Mao Mao slippers for home mahjong, which are designed with soft and comfortable thick soles, are easy to wear and shoot. Leofoo has also specially introduced the Golden Transfer Beads of Guochao Mahjong, and the 5D hard gold is combined with sand surface technology to sculpt the image, so as to ensure that you can have everything you want in the southeast, northwest and China.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

Dress up and get ready, and naturally choose a set of mahjong that is the most important. For example, the shuffling sound of the roller coaster table dual-purpose automatic mahjong machine is as low as 53 decibels, and the imitation jade mahjong and the retro national style are elegant, which can be perfectly integrated into the Chinese style home decoration. Purple Lake’s 24mm pocket mahjong weighs only 0.8g, which is more suitable for traveling or partying, and is convenient for a happy battle anytime and anywhere.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

After the New Year is the New Year, the celebration of the New Year Festival in JD.COM is about to break out, and the sales of clothing and beauty products such as red products and dragon products are also hot. Open the JD.COM app and search for "dragon luck" to go directly to the venue of the JD.COM Clothing and Beauty New Year Festival, and enjoy the super-value discount of 200 minus 30 for each cross-store. There is also delivery in JD.COM during the Spring Festival, so that everyone can buy at any time and place. Going to Jingdong to buy clothes and beauty cosmetics is good and cheap. Before it’s too late, call your mahjong partners and put your good luck on your body!

Expert from Helwan University, Egypt: American military hegemony has brought war and suffering to the world.

  Xinhua News Agency, Cairo, September 11 (Reporter Shen Danlin, Yao Bing) Mohammed Simi, a professor of political science at Helwan University in Egypt, said recently that the history of American military intervention and expansion is long and bloody, and that American military hegemony has not brought peace and stability, but war and turmoil, which has caused great suffering to people all over the world.

  In an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, Simi said that the United States has a "long history" of military intervention and expansion, and successively launched wars against Native Americans and Mexico and annexed Hawaii. After World War II, the United States launched the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War.

  On July 30, 2023, a villager pointed out the traces left by American air strikes in the Kh Salac area of Nangarhar province. Xinhua News Agency (photo by aimar Zahir)

  Simi pointed out that since 2001, the United States has launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of "anti-terrorism", resulting in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths, millions of injuries and tens of millions of displaced people, posing a serious threat to regional peace and stability. The United States has also established a huge military network around the world, with military bases and troops stationed in many countries.

  In his view, American military hegemony brought not peace, but war, which caused great pain and turmoil to people all over the world. "The military presence of the United States has become the source of tension and instability in some areas. For example, the military presence of the United States in the Middle East has always been the main source of dissatisfaction among many people in the region. "

  Simi also said that American military hegemony has intensified the arms race, "which may increase the risk of misjudgment and war." He believes that in order to reduce conflicts, the United States must stop military intervention, reduce its military budget, and adopt dialogue and diplomatic means.

  On the 5th, in Cairo, Simi participated in the seminar on the release of the report of the national high-end think tank of Xinhua News Agency, The Root, Reality and Harm of American Military Hegemony.

Gather in the spring city and cut the waves! Big coffee gathered, and the 2023 National Swimming Championships kicked off on the 10th.

Reporter Huai Xiao Intern Liu Xiaolu

What kind of surprise will "Butterfly Queen" Zhang Yufei bring in the final battle of the year? hair

From December 10th to 15th, the 2023 National Swimming Championships will be staged in the swimming pool of Jinan Olympic Sports Center. As the trials of the 2024 Doha Swimming World Championships and the Paris Olympic Games, this event is the most important local single event in China swimming this year, and it is also the final work of the China Swimming Army in 2023.

At that time, China’s top swimmers will gather in Quancheng, and Qin Haiyang, Wang Shun, Zhang Yufei, Yang Junxuan, Xu Jiayu, Pan Zhanle and Li Bingjie will show their elegance in Quancheng Jinan. This weekend, come to the Olympic Sports Center to see the flying people in the swimming pool!

The "frog king" returned with honor.

Male model debuts

The rise of China Swimming Army in 2023 has a great relationship with Qin Haiyang. In October this year, he just won the title of Best Male Swimmer of the Year of the World Swimming Federation, which is the first time that China athletes have won this honor.

Being recognized by FINA shows that Qin Haiyang’s performance is brilliant enough. This year, he won 23 gold medals in Fukuoka World Championships, Chengdu Universiade, Hangzhou Asian Games and FINA World Cup, creating a myth in breaststroke.

In this national swimming championship, Qin Haiyang signed up for three individual events: 50-meter breaststroke, 100-meter breaststroke and 200-meter breaststroke, and will appear at Jinan Olympic Sports Center on the 10th, 12th and 14th.

For Qin Haiyang, the stage of the National Swimming Championships is no stranger. As early as 2018, he won the 200-meter breaststroke championship. This time again, Qin Haiyang is expected to achieve all the gold medals.

Wang Shun, the big brother in the swimming corps, has maintained a high competitive level for many years. In this national swimming championship, Wang Shun signed up for the individual events of 100m backstroke, 200m backstroke, 100m breaststroke, 100m butterfly and 200m individual medley. There are so many events that he can be called a "model worker."

Wang Shun and Jinan Swimming Pool are old acquaintances. In 2019, Wang stood on the FINA World Cup Jinan Station, but missed the championship medal. After four years, Wang Shun will never allow himself to be disappointed when he returns to Jinan again.

Xu Jiayu, who set a new record of 52.23 seconds in the men’s 100m backstroke at the Hangzhou Asian Games, will also compete in the 100m backstroke and 400m freestyle at the Jinan Olympic Sports Center.

Of course, the new generation also has strong players. For example, at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, Pan Zhanle, who opened the 100-meter 47-second mark in men’s freestyle, will make an all-round attack in five events: 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 200m freestyle and 200m backstroke.

For Pan Zhanle, swimming is a simple matter of "jumping into the water and winning". This makes people wonder, how fast can he swim this time?

"Butterfly Queen" outshines others.

Can the veteran still eat?

This year, the only female swimmer in China can compete with Qin Haiyang, only "Butterfly Queen" Zhang Yufei, both of whom won 23 gold medals in this year’s international competition.

In this national swimming championship, Zhang Yufei will participate in five individual events, including women’s 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 50m butterfly, 100m butterfly and 200m butterfly. With a total of six days’ schedule, Zhang Yufei will play in the preliminary and final matches on five competition days (December 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th and 15th).

Zhang Yufei, 25, has entered the second half of her career, but at present, no matter which event she plays, she has the ability to win all the gold medals, and her competitive state is excellent.

Besides Zhang Yufei, the most surprising thing this year is the strong return of veteran Ye Shiwen.

At the London Olympic Games in 2012, Ye Shiwen was crowned as the "double champion" of women’s 200m individual medley and 400m individual medley, reaching a peak in her sports career. However, after that, she was affected by injury and illness, and fell into a trough, far from the public eye.

After that, Ye Shiwen retired, came back, retired again and came back again, and never stayed away from swimming. At this year’s Asian Games in Hangzhou, Ye Shiwen won one gold and one silver, announcing his return. In this competition, Ye Shiwen will appear in the 100m breaststroke, 200m freestyle and 400m individual medley. Today, Ye Shiwen is still competitive in medley and breaststroke.

In addition, Li Bingjie, Yu Yiting and other new generations will also appear in Quancheng. Among them, Li Bingjie signed up for five events: 200m freestyle, 400m freestyle, 800m freestyle, 1500m freestyle and 200m butterfly. At present, she has strong dominance in Asian women’s middle and long distance events.

Yu Yiting, who is only 18 years old, will compete in 11 events, such as the 200m individual medley, 100m butterfly and 50m breaststroke. This little girl with multi-line attack will also win more attention in Jinan Olympic Sports Center.

Fight at home

Qilu athletes strive for good results

For Shandong swimmers, what they are most looking forward to is undoubtedly Yang Junxuan, who plays at home.

This year, Yang Junxuan has not fought much, but his strength is still online. At the Asian Games in Hangzhou, Yang Junxuan won 2 gold medals and 1 silver medal, and achieved the best personal record in the 100-meter freestyle upstream, showing an excellent competitive state.

As a grand slam winner of Olympic Games, World Championships, Short-course World Championships, World Cup, Youth Olympic Games, Asian Games, National Games and Military Games, Yang Junxuan is not only the pride of Shandong, but also an indispensable member of China Swimming Army.

In Taiyuan Station, Shanxi Province, the National Swimming Championships in 2018, the fledgling Yang Junxuan won the women’s 100-meter freestyle championship. Now she is fighting at home, and her goal is more honor.

In this competition, Yang Junxuan will compete in 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle and 200m freestyle. As a short-distance swimmer, it goes without saying that 100m freestyle is her dominant event. In the 200-meter freestyle, Yang Junxuan’s performance has also made steady progress in recent years. At present, if she can maintain a good competitive state, it is not impossible to win gold at home.

In addition, Ji Xinjie will also participate in this national swimming championship. In recent years, Ji Xinjie’s performance is not excellent, but there is always a feeling of untimely birth.

Previously, in the field of men’s long-distance freestyle, Ji Xinjie, who is the best player in Asia at least, has been shrouded in the aura of Sun Yang and cannot shine his own light because of Sun Yang. In the 2017 National Games in Tianjin, Ji Xinjie won five silver medals in a row, which is an absolute "sad hero".

Now, Ji Xinjie, who is 26 years old, is a veteran of the China Swimming Army. This year, he won only the sixth place in the men’s 200m freestyle in the National Swimming Championships. This time at home, can Ji Xinjie hand over a satisfactory "answer sheet"? It is worth looking forward to.

Sprint to Paris

Can it bring surprises?

Due to FINA’s special schedule for the new World Championships (to be held in February next year) and to avoid being too close to the Asian Games, this year’s national championships will be held in mid-December. The specifications of this tournament are higher than in previous years, which is equivalent to the national championship. As a trial for the World Championships, no domestic active master was absent from this tournament.

This year’s competition is not only in line with the international competitions such as the World Championships and the Olympic Games, but also adopts the latest standards of FINA. Its purpose is to let the contestants test the training effect in the actual combat environment, and also to train for the World Championships in Doha and the Paris Olympic Games.

At present, the China Swimming Team still has great hope to surprise the Chinese people again in the World Championships and Olympic Games next year.

Among them, Qin Haiyang and Zhang Yufei are both in their prime and have the strength to compete for the gold medal; If Wang Shun and Xu Jiayu can adjust to the best condition, there is also hope to compete for medals.

After 00, represented by Yang Junxuan, Pan Zhanle, Li Bingjie and Yu Yiting, they also have the strength to compete for gold and silver in their respective advantageous projects through many competitions. Next year in Paris, they are expected to gain a more stable position in the national team.

Considering that Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang are among the best in the world, people will naturally look forward to next year’s World Championships in Doha and China Swimming in the Paris Olympic Games.

A hundred years’ experience of football in China 143

Chapter 143: Robert Evergrande’s successful employment in his hometown and Su Meng, the boss, hit it off at once.

Su Meng was a little frustrated after Su Cheng Evergrande failed to invite Heinz Barton. One day, she drove into her hometown Robert while drinking on the road.

"You are blind and drink while walking." Su Meng is so angry.

After a while, I watched my hometown Robert fall down, but I was still concerned and asked him if he was okay.

"I’m fine." Robert in his hometown replied in English.

"Why are you drinking while walking? I think you must have something on your mind." Su Meng didn’t know what Rob was good at in his hometown. When he saw that he was a foreigner, he also asked in English.

"There are some troubles. I wanted to travel to China to relax myself, but I found that a person is still boring."

"That’s true. Traveling alone is really boring."

"I’m sorry, lady, I bumped into you while I was drinking. Fortunately, you drove slowly, otherwise I would die in a foreign country, haha."

"You’re so humorous. I’m glad you’re all right. Get in the car. I really want to talk to you."

"Well, I see that you are also a real person. Find a place and I will invite you to dinner."

"Let me treat you, you know? Sioux City is my hometown. How can you invite me in my hometown? I should invite you. "

"Then I’m welcome. My name is Robert from my hometown. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Su Meng."

As soon as they sat down in a restaurant, the observant China fans recognized Su Meng and his native Robert and asked them to sign their names and take a photo.

"So you are the famous Brazilian native Robert."

"So you are the owner of a famous football club."

The two praised each other and both admired each other.

"I know, you’re a world-class handsome man, so how can you fall …" Su Meng was unbelievable and hard to ask, but he wanted to know why.

Robert knew what Su Meng meant, and told Su Meng the whole story of his falling out with the Brazilian Football Association.

"So that’s it." After listening to Robert’s story in his hometown, Su Meng was so surprised that he burst out laughing.

"Ms. Su, what happened to me was so terrible. You laughed at me when you said you hit it off with me?"

"Mr. Robert, you misunderstood. I just want to say that this is really a blessing, haha." Su Meng said and smiled again, and then her topic.

"I mean, you are my Bole, my noble, you know? Our club is looking for a new coach, and recently negotiations with German famous coaches Heinz Barton and Van Ba Siteng failed. "

"I see, you mean you want me to be the head coach of your club?"

"Mr. Robert is really a smart man, that’s what he means. If you make a name for yourself in our club, you won’t worry about finding a next home."

"I can think about it. To be honest, the two guys you mentioned just now made me miserable, haha!" Hometown Robert said jokingly.

"I have to thank these two guys, otherwise how could I meet such an excellent coach in my hometown?"

After that, both of them burst out laughing. After that, Su Meng arranged a place for Robert in his hometown, and took him to visit Suzhou City and Suzhou Evergrande Club, and signed a contract with him. From February 2015 to November 2017, the goal was to achieve the Grand Slam in China and win the AFC Champions League in three seasons.

Robert from his hometown told Su Meng that he and she hit it off at once. Now she has helped himself and offered a very high salary. At the press conference when the new coach took office, he said in front of everyone on the scene that he would definitely lead the team to complete the task. If he failed to complete the task, he could do it for free.

After signing the contract with Suzhou Evergrande, Robert in his hometown was in a good mood and thought to himself: It seems that he has come to China this time.

Zhao Junzhe: The Shenzhen team is tenacious and must pay attention to giving victory to the people of Hebei who are fighting floods.

# Cangzhou Lions vs Shenzhen Team # Pre-competition Conference

Zhao Junzhe: We have been completing the tournament according to the plan, and our performance against Nantong team is good. The next two home games are crucial. Although Shenzhen is influenced by many off-site factors, it is still tenacious. We also attach great importance to our opponents. This is a difficult game. We should go all out and pay attention to details, and dedicate the victory to the people of Hebei in the joint stage of fighting floods.

Oscar: We are fully prepared for this competition as before. It is a very important competition, and we want to get the most points. In addition, I also want to express my concern to the people affected by the recent floods. My heart is with you.