Liu Yan outdoor fitness photo big show chest and buttocks, flat support sweating


(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)

  On October 09, 2015, a group of outdoor fitness photos taken by Liu Yan was exposed. She was generously wearing a sky blue sports Bra, with a small breasts and a sweet smile, and the devil’s figure was at a glance. Her willow waist and sexy buttocks also made many fans shout: "Good figure!" "My nosebleed!" Liu Yan also performed a flat support on the spot, highlighting the results of her fitness for more than a month, reflecting the health and hard work of contemporary women.
  Outdoor sunshine and green grass, Liu Yan awakened his lazy body in the early morning with healthy exercise. This photo is different from the past. There is no sexy and enchanting pose, no cold and tempting eyes, Liu Yan shows more confidence and firmness, and unremitting pursuit of life. This time, Liu Yan shows his good figure that he has been exercising for a long time to the public, and also shows the fledgling vest line and demonstrates the standard movement of flat support, which is comparable to professionals.
  It is reported that Liu Yan has only been in fitness for more than a month, but she has already mentioned her admiration for fitness in several programs. She said: "There are many things in the world that are not necessarily rewarded for giving, such as love; but a good figure is really rewarded by giving a little bit. As long as you exercise scientifically and healthily, everyone can have a good figure!" Liu Yan does not slack off on fitness even if he has a busy schedule. Every time he arrives at the hotel, the first thing he does is to ask about the opening hours of the hotel gym and insist on going to the gym to exercise every day. This outdoor photo also confirms that Liu Yan’s efforts have paid off: after insisting on fitness, her already healthy and sexy body is more and more full and exquisite, and the front and back are raised, which is very enviable!
  With the end of the eleven-day holiday, everyone has chosen their own way of leisure. When we are still indulging in delicious food and sleeping in, Liu Yan is still busy with work. For Liu Yan, work is his life, but in the face of the public, he does not want girls to be "desperate Sanniang". Liu Yan said that work should be happy and always put health first. Liu Yan, who has a thriving career, does not value his reputation very much. On the contrary, he is happy to settle down and cherish the current life. Even if his work is busy, Liu Yan will take time to exercise and accompany his family. Liu Yan’s positivity, optimism and filial piety towards life have also become an example for young people to learn from. The following is an exclusive interview with Liu Yan:
  Reporter: You recently posted a Weibo saying: "Recently, I have been exercising, and I have been hoping that in the near future, I will have someone fishing line to eat a delicious dinner. With a guilty mood, I went to the gym to practice hard for an hour and a half, and then I was hungry. Now I just finished a bowl of noodles and drank 300ml of Coke. What can you do to save me?"
  Liu Yan: I later figured out that you can consume as much as you eat, that is, after you eat, you still have to pay the price in the morning, to consume calorie, or to do 30 minutes of aerobic and more than 30 minutes of anaerobic training.
  Reporter: Sounds so professional, aerobic and anaerobic, so Muse’s fitness plan is to lose food and find balance that day.
  Liu Yan: I’m okay, I’m not that gluttonous. I just eat when I’m really hungry, otherwise I can’t sleep, and sometimes I do.
  Reporter: But in fact, many girls find it difficult to maintain fitness and lose weight. So do you think it’s easy to lose weight, or do you think it’s easy to love you for a lifetime?
  Liu Yan: Wake up, it’s impossible to love you for the rest of your life. But losing weight can be successful, and it must be possible. Slimming down and then getting fit is an investment in your body, and it is the most effective investment. No amount of investment in career, love, or marriage may have the perfect return.
  Reporter: Female friends must listen carefully, preferably then take notes.
  Liu Yan: No, it’s useless, they still want to eat whatever they want. I have a lot of ladies who eat, "Oh, I’m so annoyed!" Then continue to eat, basking in Moments every day, all delicious food.
  Reporter: So it’s always tomorrow that I have to lose weight?
  Liu Yan: Unless you are stimulated, you will really lose weight. I was stimulated because Yuan Shanshan showed the vest line, because we are all in "Pancake Man". I think she can do it, and in more than a month of silence, I should be able to do it too.
  Reporter: Then, did you persevere?
  Liu Yan: The vest line is a little bit, and then I want to show it when the mermaid line comes out. The mermaid line is super difficult.



(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)




(Liu Yan shows his breasts, hips and sweats)

After Evergrande resumed trading…

Today is the first trading day of Hong Kong stocks in October. Evergrande’s two stocks resumed trading today, and China Evergrande has become the most concerned individual stock in the market.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, as of the close, China Evergrande had a strong performance throughout the day, rising more than 40% during the session.

The biggest intraday rise fell back to about 10%, and then rose again. As of the close, it rose 28.13% to close at HK $0.41, and the turnover was HK $161 million, 73% larger than the previous trading day.

Evergrande Properties rose as much as 14%, but fell as much as 3.39% to close at HK $0.57.

Evergrande Automobile announced in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 3 that at the company’s request, the company’s shares will be temporarily suspended from trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at 9:00 am on September 28, 2023, pending the company’s publication of an announcement on inside information.

China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the evening of October 2 that the board of directors of the company believes that there is no other inside information that needs to be announced at present. The company has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading of the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

On the same day, Hengda Property also announced that the board of directors of the company believes that the company’s operating conditions are normal and there is no other inside information that needs to be announced. The company has applied to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to resume trading in the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

According to previous reports, on the morning of September 28, China Evergrande, Hengda Automobile, and Hengda Property announced the suspension of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

That evening, China Evergrande Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had received a notice from the relevant departments that Mr. Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law on suspicion of illegal crimes.

On September 24, China Evergrande Group issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, containing the terms of the company’s proposed overseas workout ("Proposed Restructuring"). Each new note to be issued under the proposed restructuring shall comply with the "Pilot Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance of Securities and Listing of Domestic Enterprises" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the "Measures for the Administration of Examination and Registration of Medium and Long-term Foreign Debt of Enterprises" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission according to its applicable circumstances. The company must prove that it complies with the relevant provisions. In view of the ongoing investigation of Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (the main subsidiary of the company), the current situation of the group cannot meet the eligibility for issuance of new notes. Holders of securities of the company and potential investors should exercise caution when trading securities of the company.

On the evening of September 22, China Evergrande announced that since the announcement of the company’s planned overseas workout, the group’s sales were not as good as the company expected. Based on the company’s current situation and consultation with its advisors and creditors, the company believes it is necessary to re-examine the terms of the proposed restructuring to match the company’s objective situation and creditors’ demands.

On September 16, the WeChat official account "Shenzhen Nanshan Public Security" issued a case report saying that recently, the public security organs have taken criminal compulsory measures against Du and other suspected criminals of Evergrande Financial Wealth Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Investors who need to report the case can register the case.

China Hengda in the first half of 2023 financial data show that in terms of liabilities, as of June 30, China Hengda’s total liabilities 2.3882 trillion yuan, excluding 603.98 billion yuan of contractual liabilities is 1.78422 trillion yuan, of which 624.77 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 1.05657 trillion yuan (including 596.17 billion yuan for engineering materials payable), other liabilities 102.88 billion yuan. Borrowing is 624.77 billion yuan, compared with 612.39 billion yuan at the end of 2022, an increase of 12.38 billion yuan, and the average annual interest rate of borrowing is 7.97%, compared with 8.12% at the end of 2022.

In the first half of 2023, China Evergrande’s revenue was about 128.18 billion yuan, gross profit was about 9.80 billion yuan, gross profit margin was 7.64%, operating loss was 17.38 billion yuan during the period, non-operating loss (including litigation, land recovery, equity disposal and other losses such as asset appraisal impairment) 15.03 billion yuan, income tax expenses 6.84 billion yuan, net loss total 39.25 billion yuan. China Evergrande’s cash and cash equivalents are about 4.047 billion yuan, of which restricted cash is about 9.334 billion yuan.

Source | Observer Network Synthesis

Original title: "After Evergrande resumes trading…"

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Geely’s mobile phone satellite communication patent is authorized

  Recently, a patent for "a satellite antenna transceiver module and mobile end point" applied by Hubei Xingji Times Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliate of Geely mobile phone, was granted, according to the Tianyancha App.

  The abstract shows that in the utility model patent, the satellite antenna transceiver module is located on the metal frame of the moving end point, which includes a plurality of satellite antennas, and the spacing of adjacent satellite antennas is greater than a preset value; at least part of the plurality of satellite antennas is configured as a transmitting antenna, and the rest is configured as a receiving antenna. The satellite antenna transceiver module provided in this patent is used on the moving end point, which improves the performance and communication quality of the antenna.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In July, it’s time for new car companies to submit their June sales transcripts. Judging from the delivery data released by car companies, most car companies have shown a steady growth trend, and the auto market has also ushered in a recovery.

  Among them, GAC Ai ‘an once again broke through the 40,000-vehicle mark, and LI’s monthly sales volume also exceeded 30,000. After adjustment, Weilai Automobile’s sales volume returned to the 10,000-vehicle club again, and Xpeng Motors, which just released the G6, is also struggling to catch up, and the market competition is very fierce. Next, look specifically.


  Sales in June: 45,013 vehicles, up 86.7% year-on-year.

  On July 1st, the brand released the sales data for June, reaching 45,013 vehicles, up 86.7% year-on-year, basically the same as that in May. From January to June, the cumulative sales volume was 209,336 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 109%.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  Since the beginning of 2023, the sales volume of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an has grown steadily. Except for less than 10,000 vehicles in January, it has made rapid progress since February. The sales volume in February reached 30,086 vehicles, and the sales volume in March-June was 40,016 vehicles, 41,012 vehicles, 45,003 vehicles and 45,013 vehicles respectively. It can be seen that the sales performance of GAC Ai ‘an is very bright, and the monthly sales volume has exceeded 40,000 vehicles for several months.

  Judging from the current product structure, the main sales models of GAC Ai ‘an are still AION Y and AION S. These two cars have performed very well in all aspects, especially in terms of battery life and price.

  Of course, prior to this, Ai ‘an launched a limited-time preferential policy. By June 30th, when purchasing various models of Ai ‘an, you can get a maximum of 10,000 yuan of all-insurance subsidy, and at the same time, you can enjoy financial discount, replacement subsidy, new car charging ceremony and other benefits, which increased the sales volume of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an in June.

  In July, Haobo ushered in the market. The new car is the first mass-produced model of AEP3.0 platform of Guangzhou Automobile Aian and Spirit electronic and electrical architecture. It adopts a brand-new design style and is equipped with rotor doors and electric tail fins, which looks very cool.

  In addition, the performance of the new car in terms of power is also very eye-catching. The power layout of single motor rear drive is adopted, and the comprehensive maximum power of the driving motor is 250 kW and the maximum torque is 430 Nm.

  After the listing of Haobo GT, GAC Aian will also enter the era of "Aian+Haobo" dual brands. In addition, according to the plan, the goal of GAC Ai ‘an in 2023 is to protect 500,000 vehicles and strive for 600,000 vehicles, and the growth rate needs to reach above 84.5%. According to the data of the first half of the year, the annual sales target achievement rate of GAC Ai ‘an exceeds 41%.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In addition to the outstanding sales performance, GAC Ai ‘an also released two major action plans of "Quick Power Supply +V2G", which further optimized the private pile and shared power supply network to improve the convenience of car owners. It is understood that GAC Ai ‘an plans to build 180 power stations during the year, and it is estimated that 2000 super charging and replacing power stations will be built in 2025.

  Li Auto

  Sales in June: 32,575 vehicles, up 150.1% year-on-year.

  According to the new car delivery results released by LI in June, it delivered a total of 32,575 new cars, up 150.1% year-on-year. The monthly sales volume exceeded 30,000 for the first time, and the ideal L7 delivered more than 10,000 cars for three consecutive months.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In 2023, LI performed well on the whole, with sales of 15,141 vehicles and 16,620 vehicles in January and February, both exceeding 10,000 vehicles. In March-May, sales exceeded 20,000 vehicles, with 20,823 vehicles, 25,681 vehicles and 28,277 vehicles respectively. In June, sales exceeded 30,000 vehicles for the first time, and sales have been rising.

  According to the data, in the second quarter of 2023, the cumulative delivery volume of LI reached 86,533 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 201.6%; From January to June, LI delivered a total of 139,117 new cars, up 130.3% year-on-year. The delivery in the first half of the year has exceeded the delivery in 2022.

  At present, L7, L8 and L9 launched by LI have all been delivered, and the product line layout has been basically completed. Based on this, LI is also full of confidence in the next sales performance.

  According to Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of LI, in the third quarter of this year, the target of Ideal L8 and Ideal L9 is to deliver over 10,000 vehicles per month, and Ideal L7 challenges the target of 15,000 vehicles per month, and challenges the monthly delivery of 40,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter of this year.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  In addition, LI plans to launch the first 5C super flagship model Ideal MEGA in the fourth quarter of this year, and its market goal is to become the sales champion in the price range above 500,000 yuan.

  With the release of MEGA models, and the L7, L8 and L9 models of Ideal L family that have been listed now, Ideal will soon realize its layout of "extended range+pure electricity" and quick march.

  In a letter to all employees issued by LI on June 30th, Li Xiang said that the three years from 2023 to 2025 will be the most important three years for LI from stage 1 to stage 10. LI’s goal is to achieve the first sales volume of all luxury brands in the China market (that is, the first sales volume of all passenger cars above 200,000 yuan), and the delivery volume will reach 1.6 million vehicles/year.

  Earlier, Li Xiang also posted on social platforms that with the delivery of pure electric vehicles and the ideal L6 next year, we are confident that the total sales volume will exceed BBA in 2024. Generally speaking, in the luxury car market of over 300,000 yuan, including traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles, LI has been firmly in the top five, and it is getting closer to BBA.

  Zero run car

  June sales: 13,209 vehicles, up 17.3% year-on-year.

  The data shows that the zero-running cars delivered a total of 13,209 new cars in June, up 17.3% year-on-year and 9.5% quarter-on-quarter. From January to June, the cumulative delivery volume of zero-running cars was 44,502.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  From the perspective of product structure, the delivery of zero-run C01 and C11 exceeded 11,600 vehicles, accounting for more than 87%, of which C11 delivered 8,900+vehicles, ranking first in the delivery of B-class new power SUV, and C01 delivered 2,700 vehicles for medium and large cars.

  According to the sales calculation, the proportion of T03, a zero-run entry model, is gradually decreasing, while the sales of C series are increasing significantly, which will also increase the average selling price of zero-run cars and bicycles. According to the data report in May, the average selling price of zero-running bicycles has increased from 136,000 yuan in 2022 to 168,000 yuan this year.

  After adjustment, the zero-run cars have been completely renewed, especially the zero-run C series, and extended-range models have been launched. With the highly competitive new price positioning of "the same price for oil", the market competitiveness has been significantly improved, and the sales volume has been steadily improved. In May, it has once again entered 10,000 clubs, and the sales volume climbed again in June. Therefore, it is expected that the zero-running car will improve the company’s gross profit margin after increasing the proportion of C platform models.

  On June 20 th, the official announcement of the zero-run car has completed the delivery of 200,000 vehicles. According to the previous plan, the sales target in 2023 is 200,000 vehicles. In the future, 1-3 new cars will be launched every year, and 7 new pure electric vehicles will be launched by 2025, covering the automobile markets such as cars, SUVs and MPVs.

  According to the zero-running aspect, in the second half of 2023, zero-running cars will focus on the popular price band of 150,000-200,000, and adhere to the "price-to-price ratio" to bring more surprises to consumers. In fact, from the growth data, the growth of zero-running cars is quite strong, at least in the second half of the year.

  Nezha automobile

  June sales: 12,132 vehicles, down 7.7% year-on-year.

  Nezha Automobile delivered 12,132 new cars in June, down 7.7% year-on-year, and 1,201 new cars were delivered in overseas markets. From January to June, the cumulative delivery of automobiles in Nezha has exceeded 60,000, reaching 62,417, up 200% year-on-year. Among them, Nezha GT, which has attracted much attention, sold only 1,298 vehicles in June, which is not satisfactory.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  Nezha officials said that 4,000 Nezha cars were sent abroad in June, and nearly 8,000 cars were exported in large quantities in the first half of this year. In the second half of 2023, Nezha cars will also land at the Munich Auto Show, and then Nezha GT will be listed overseas.

  It can be seen that Nezha Auto is constantly expanding its overseas market. At present, its products have been exported to ASEAN, South America and the Middle East. At the same time, it is also the first new car-making force to be listed in Thailand and Malaysia and deliver new cars. In addition, Nezha Auto also opened the first overseas vehicle factory in Thailand.

  Regarding the development of Nezha Auto, CEO of Nezha Auto revealed that in the next three years, Nezha Auto’s overseas revenue should be 20%-30% and 40%-50% in the overseas market within five years.

  At present, the product price of Nezha automobile covers the price range of 100,000-300,000 yuan, and the models cover three body forms, namely sports car, coupe and SUV. The power is from pure electric to extended range, and the products are very rich.

  Among them, Nezha GT is built on the platform of mountains and seas, and adopts a pure electric technology model with two doors and four seats, providing two choices of single motor and double motor. The CEO of Nezha Automobile once posted on the personal social platform that the female customers of Nezha GT account for nearly 30%, and those under 30 account for over 50%.

  Nezha V focuses on the 100,000-class smart car market, achieving equal rights in science and technology, and its high cost performance has become the first choice for most consumers; Nezha U is positioned as a smart luxury market with a price of 150,000 yuan, which is more attractive to young people. After all, its battery life is good, which makes more people feel smart and leapfrog. Nezha S entered the 300,000-class luxury new energy market and became one of the best-selling models in the B-class new energy market.

  At the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Automobile Expo held in June, the special edition of U Camping in Nezha made its stunning debut. The new car added a variety of new equipment on the basis of the original model, reaching a car suitable for camping life from the outside to the inside.

  At the beginning of July, Nezha U-Ⅱ Challenge Edition came into the market. The new car is positioned as a pure electric compact SUV. The biggest change is to upgrade the original dual 8-inch screen to a 12.3-inch dual screen, which has a stronger scientific and technological atmosphere.


  June sales: 10,707 vehicles, down 17% year-on-year.

  The data shows that in June, Weilai Automobile delivered a total of 10,707 new cars, up 74% from the previous month and down 17% year-on-year. Among them, 6,383 high-end intelligent electric SUVs and 4,324 high-end intelligent electric cars were delivered. From January to June 2023, Weilai delivered a total of 54,561 new cars. Up to now, Weilai has delivered a total of 344,117 new cars.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  From the data point of view, since June, Weilai’s sales volume has obviously improved, and the sales volume has exceeded 10,000. The simultaneous listing and delivery of the new ES6 helped Weilai’s sales, and the popularity of new cars on the Internet was high, which gave birth to an increase in orders.

  Then, Weilai adjusted the user’s rights and the price of all models. The price of all new cars was lowered by 30,000 yuan, and the lifetime free power exchange was cancelled. The warranty period of the whole vehicle was adjusted from 10 years of unlimited mileage to 6 years or 150,000 kilometers, 6 years of free car networking and lifetime free road rescue.

  At the same time, Weilai said that after June 12, free power exchange will no longer be used as the basic car rights, and users can choose to pay for power exchange at a single time. Weilai will launch a flexible power-on-energy package thereafter.

  Regarding this adjustment, Weilai Li Bin responded that this adjustment has been discussed internally for a long time and listened to the opinions and suggestions of some users. There are too many aspects to consider, and they are still being deliberated at three o’clock today. "Now is the most appropriate time to release", there must be some thoughtless places, and everyone can’t be satisfied.

  For the delivery expectation in the second half of this year, Li Bin said at the conference call in the first quarter of 2023: "We are confident to achieve the sales target of delivering 20,000 new cars every month." This price cut may be the "killer" for Li Bin to achieve its goal.

  Weilai Automobile’s actions don’t stop there. On June 15th, ET5 Travel Edition was launched, and the price of the new car was the same as that of the car, which caused a heated discussion in the industry. The car adopts pure electric mode, the overall design is more popular with young people, and the cockpit space and trunk space are very advantageous, as well as the towing function, which can be used for both general family use and travel.

  On June 28th, Weilai brand-new ES8 was delivered. As the first owner of the brand-new ES8, Yu Minhong went to Weilai to pick up the car that day, and the chairman Li Bin delivered it himself. In addition, Weilai EC6 also completed the new car declaration in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in February this year, and it is expected to be released and listed in the third quarter of this year.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  On June 30th, Weilai announced the launch of 51 charging and replacing stations, including 29 Weilai replacing stations, 18 Weilai super charging stations and 4 destination charging stations. In this regard, Li Bin issued a document in Weibo, saying that 51 charging and replacing power stations were put into operation in a single day, and the speed of infrastructure construction increased.

  In addition, as of June 30, 2023, there were 1,543 Weilai power stations, including 423 expressway power stations, 2,767 charging stations and 16,367 charging piles, and 740,000+third-party charging piles were connected to provide users with more convenient charging and replacing conditions.

  In 2023, Weilai will set the sales target at 250,000 vehicles. Weilai said that it is currently in the acceleration stage of cornering. With the arrival of new ES6 and ET5 series models, the sales volume will also be improved.


  Sales in June: 10,620 vehicles, up 146.9% year-on-year.

  According to the official news, 10,620 new cars were delivered in June, up about 146.9% year-on-year and 22.4% quarter-on-quarter, achieving positive growth year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter for five consecutive months. From January to June, the cumulative delivery of krypton was 42,633 vehicles. By the end of June, a total of 120,581 vehicles had been delivered.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  At present, Extreme Krypton has launched three models: Extreme Krypton 001, Extreme Krypton 009 and Extreme Krypton X. Among them, Extreme Krypton 001 is a pure electric hunting coupe, which is also the first model of Geely SEA’s vast architecture, and has won the recognition of consumers with its excellent performance. According to the data of the Federation, the sales volume of the car reached 25,000 from January to May, a year-on-year increase of 71%.

  In addition, in order to enhance the product value and user experience, Extreme Krypton 001 launched the right of "free upgrade of product power", and the value of free optional packages ranged from 28,000 to 35,000, which lasted until the end of September this year.

  Extreme Krypton 009 positioning luxury pure electric MPV, sales in the last three months have remained at the level of about 2,000 vehicles. And krypton X was gradually recognized after it was delivered in June. On June 28th, Extreme Krypton 001 and Extreme Krypton X were pre-sold in Europe, further boosting the sales of extreme Krypton cars.

  In addition to introducing more abundant products, Krypton Auto continues to expand its channels. The data shows that up to now, there are more than 300 directly operated stores, covering more than 70 cities across the country. In addition, there are 700 self-built charging stations in more than 120 cities across the country, with an average of one per day, ranking among the top three pure electric brands in China.

  XPENG Motors

  Sales in June: 8,620 vehicles, down 43.6% year-on-year.

  In June, the sales volume in Xpeng Motors was 8,620 vehicles, down 43.6% year-on-year and up 15% month-on-month, of which the total delivery of P7 increased by 17% month-on-month, and in the second quarter, 23,205 new vehicles were delivered, up 27% month-on-month. From January to June, there were 41,435 vehicles in Xpeng Motors. By June 30, 2023, the cumulative delivery in Xpeng Motors exceeded 300,000 vehicles.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  According to the data, Xpeng Motors is the only new car-making force whose monthly sales volume is less than 10,000 vehicles, and its sales growth has encountered a bottleneck.

  It is worth noting that it was launched on June 29th, and the new car was positioned as a medium-sized pure electric SUV. Five models were launched, with a starting price of 209,900 yuan. The whole system was built based on 800V architecture, providing XNGP intelligent assisted driving system, with excellent product strength and cost performance. The new car locks competitors into Tesla Model Y, which is very rich in intelligence and configuration.

  In this regard, He Xiaopeng, Chairman and CEO of Xpeng Motors, said: "Tucki G6 is a successful product with a monthly sales of at least 10,000 yuan, and it is confident to sell Tucki G6 to the sales champion of 250,000-yuan SUV within two months."

  At present, the problem that needs to be solved urgently in Xpeng Motors is sales volume. The price of Tucki G6 launched this time is low. According to Xpeng Motors, the pre-sale order of Tucki G6 has exceeded 35,000. If the production capacity can keep up, it will help Xpeng Motors to make a turnaround in sales volume.

  According to the plan previously released by Xpeng Motors, five new cars will be launched in 2023, including two brand-new models and three existing models, and the first MPV model in Tucki with internal code name H93 will be released in the fourth quarter of this year. When the products are abundant, Xpeng Motors is expected to achieve a breakthrough in sales.

  Shenlan automobile

  Sales in June: 8,041 vehicles, up 14.5% from the previous month.

  On July 1st, Deep Blue Automobile announced its sales performance in June. The data shows that the delivery volume of dark blue vehicles is 8,041 vehicles, an increase of more than 1,000 vehicles compared with May, and an increase of 14.5% from the previous month, which is basically the contribution of a dark blue SL03 vehicle. From January to June, Deep Blue delivered a total of 41,626 vehicles.

Sales continued to pick up, and the results of new forces were released in June.

  On June 30th, Deep Blue S7 has started large-scale delivery. On the day of delivery, Deep Blue Auto also released a brand-new brand strategy. It plans to launch more than two new products every year, and launch more than 12 brand-new and redesigned models in three years, and move toward the long-term goal of 1.5 million vehicles, accelerate its entry into overseas markets, and build 10,000 marketing service contacts.

  With the landing of double cars, the subsequent delivery volume of Deep Blue Automobile will show an increasing trend. It is understood that at present, the large order volume of Deep Blue S7 has exceeded 10,000. At present, there are 746 order centers, 390 mobile exhibition halls, 427 delivery centers, 528 maintenance centers, and an online and offline butler center covering the whole country.

  Summary:In addition to the above-mentioned new energy vehicle brands, a number of car companies have also announced the sales data of their new energy products. For example, the sales volume of AITO reached 5,668 vehicles, Lantu delivered 3,007 new vehicles, Feifan F7 delivered 2,336 vehicles, Extremely Fox delivered 1,855 vehicles, Haval Xiaolong series achieved 6,098 vehicles, and Wuling Bingo also achieved 19,118 vehicles … It is not difficult to find that there are not only many brands in the new energy vehicle market, but also the competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the gap has been widened.

It’s a pity that a pair of good skins! 2022 Volvo XC60 has frequent problems.

Recently, a number of 2022 Volvo XC60 owners have reported that there are suspected car quality problems, which affect safe driving. They collectively spit out the central control screen in the car: so rubbish! Nothing works except reversing images! If you use the meeting card, it will crash! All rely on the "mobile phone bracket" to cure all diseases.

Some car owners bought a 2022 XC60 Zhiyuan Deluxe SUV on July 28th, 2021. After taking the car home, the car system failed the second time, and the central control screen was completely black. Fortunately, it could still be started.

Due to waiting for the 4S shop to give a treatment plan, the owner stopped the car in his garage and did not start it. On the morning of July 31, I wanted to drive, got into the vehicle, and prompted that there was a fault. I couldn’t start, the battery was dead, the spare battery was dead, and the central control panel of the car failed. The whole car has no electricity, can’t be locked and can’t be started.

Also, since the day when the car was picked up on December 19th, last year, the car quality problems such as black screen, false alarm of faults, and inexplicably sounding voice reminders kept appearing. The car fault code was detected in the 4S shop many times, and the problem remained after the car system was overloaded.

A car owner in Beijing said that he brought a 2022 XC60 Zhiyi Deluxe Edition on July 20th. Less than a kilometer after leaving the 4S shop, the central control screen turned black and the LCD dashboard was not fully displayed.

What makes it even more difficult for car owners to accept is that once the car system failure occurs, it is often difficult to solve it effectively in a short period of time, and these problems often occur shortly after the car owner buys the car.

In fact, the quality of Volvo XC60 is at the middle and lower reaches of the same class, and its major problems are abnormal sound of oil pump, armrest box, door hinge, A-pillar on bumpy road section, steering and so on.

On June 11th, last year, the 2022 Volvo XC60 went on the market, which was a mid-term change. The appearance was adjusted and the car system was upgraded. There are 9 models to choose from, and the official guide price is 373,900-603,900 yuan.

According to the feedback from major auto websites, forums and riders, the explosion of 2022 XC60 has some problems such as black screen, crash and restart, and it is a concentrated explosion.

Say a few more words

As a mid-level luxury brand that focuses on sales, it is really wrong for the new model to have so many failures soon after its launch. I don’t know what the manufacturer will explain and how to solve the problem. It is estimated that it will be recalled in a high probability.

The high value of Volvo XC60 gives it a lot of points, which is unparalleled in the same class. However, the "long" looks good, and it will not help if the quality is not enough. After all, the main function of the car is to drive, and the face value is just the icing on the cake.

It’s a pity that a pair of good skins!

Source: Sina News

BYD’s new generation of cars have drawn their swords, and the sword will set off a new energy storm.

In the second half of 2020, BYD’s new generation of products was born, and it became an explosion when it went on the market. After completing the climbing of production capacity, it firmly occupied the first place in the sales of high-end new energy cars and fired the first shot of a new generation of models.

After the Han model, from March to April, 2021, BYD’s new generation products were unveiled. The high-end SUV Tang (EV, DM-I), the mid-range SUV Song PLUS (parameter picture) (EV, DM-I) and the mid-range car Qin PLUS(EV, DM-I) drew their swords and drew their swords to the sky, which is about to set off the mid-to high-end new energy vehicle market.

Byd Han new energy

BYD Han has been on the market for 9 months, and its cumulative sales volume is as high as 68,010 vehicles, with an average monthly sales volume of 7,556 vehicles, which is far ahead among the C-class high-end new energy cars in China. Competitors at the same level include Tesla MODEL S, Weilai ET7, Weilai EC6, BMW 535Le, Mercedes-Benz E300eL, Audi A6L Quattro, Volvo SC90 New Energy, etc., but the monthly sales of all competing models are far less than Adihan New Energy.

Byd Tang new energy

BYD Tang New Energy originally had two models, DM and EV. However, Tang EV has been discontinued for nearly a year because of the change. Only one Tang DM is on sale. At the end of last year, 2021 Tang EV was listed, but the blade batteries were given to Han EV to ensure its delivery. Recently, the new Tang EV has finally been officially listed in China, and a new Tang DM-I will be added this month, forming three product lines of Tang DM, EV and DM-I. It is expected that the sales of Tang New Energy will explode in the second half of the year.

At present, the high-end new energy SUVs mainly include Tang New Energy, MODEL X (imported), Weilai ES6, Li ONE, Audi Q7 New Energy, BMW X5 New Energy, etc. For the time being, Li ONE’s sales volume is leading. However, with the launch of new Tang EV and Tang DM-I by Tang New Energy this month, there is little suspense that the sales volume will surpass that of Li ONE.

Byd Qin PLUS new energy

During the month, BYD continuously launched Qin PLUS DM-I and Qin PLUS EV, and made great efforts in the field of mid-range cars through upgrading models. In just one month, the market order of Qin PLUS DM-I has broken 50,000 vehicles, and Qin PLUS EV will further push up the order volume of Qin PLUS new energy vehicles.

At present, the mid-range new energy cars mainly include Qin PLUS New Energy, Tesla MODEL 3, Tucki P7, GAC Aeon S, etc. The sales of Tesla MODEL 3 are far ahead, and other models are basically incomparable.

However, due to the limited production capacity, the monthly production capacity of Tesla MODEL 3 can only reach about 30,000 vehicles at most. With the continuous increase of new energy in Qin PLUS, the production and sales in the fourth quarter exceeded 30,000 vehicles, surpassing Tesla MODEL 3 and becoming a mid-range new energy car. The crown selling is basically a high probability event.

Byd songplus new energy

During the month, BYD continuously launched Song PLUS DM-I and Song PLUS EV, and made great efforts in the field of mid-range SUVs through upgrading models. At present, the order has broken 20,000 vehicles, and Song PLUS EV will further push up the order volume of Song PLUS new energy vehicles.

At present, the mid-range new energy SUVs mainly include Song PLUS New Energy, Tesla MODEL Y, BMW ix3, Roewe RX5 New Energy, GAC Aian LX, etc. Tesla MODEL Y is far ahead in sales, and other models are incomparable for the time being.

However, Tesla MODEL Y is also limited by production capacity, which is collinear with MODEL 3. The total monthly production capacity can only reach about 40,000 vehicles at most, Model sells 30,000 vehicles in March, and MODEL Y can only sell 10,000 vehicles per month. With the continuous increase of new energy in Song PLUS, it is basically a high probability event that production and sales in the fourth quarter will surpass Tesla MODEL 3 and become the sales champion of mid-range new energy cars.

Write at the end:

In recent years, with the catfish Tesla being put into the China market, the sales volume has been rising all the way, which has also stimulated China car companies. First, BYD pressed hard, then Wuling came from behind, and then Weilai, Ideality and Tucki tried their best to catch up.

Judging from the current market situation, in terms of mid-to-high-end models, Tesla has already left Weilai, Ideality and Tucki farther and farther in sales volume, and there are even signs that it will counter BYD for the first time this year. However, BYD has taken advantage of Hanxin Energy to triumph all the way. Recently, it has drawn its sword continuously and launched a large number of mid-to-high-end new energy vehicles, which will start a hand-to-hand battle with Tesla.

In terms of production capacity, Tesla’s production capacity this year is about 400,000 vehicles, and BYD’s sales target for new energy vehicles this year is also 400,000 vehicles. If the target can be achieved, it is basically equal to Tesla’s production capacity. Is BYD continuing to suppress Tesla, or is Tesla turning over for the first time? In the end, it is only possible to know who will die at the end of the year.

Tesla’s weakness is limited by production capacity, but the new model came on the market earlier and seized a certain opportunity. Although the release of BYD’s new models is a few months late, its capacity expansion speed is higher than Tesla’s. With the centralized listing of many new models in Qin, Tang and Song Dynasties, a strong war of resistance will be launched with the leading edge of technical route and the cost and cost performance advantages brought by the vertical integration of core technologies.

In 2023, the first adjustment of domestic oil prices will rise; Will there be a wave of price increases for mainstream car companies early next year?

1. In 2023, the first adjustment of domestic oil prices will rise.

According to the domestic refined oil price adjustment rules, a new round of refined oil retail price limit adjustment window will open at 24: 00 on January 3, 2023. As of December 27th, on the 6th working day, with reference to the crude oil change rate of 4.87%, it is predicted that gasoline and diesel will be raised by 275 yuan/ton, and after conversion, it will be raised by 0.21-0.24 yuan/liter. At present, the 4 cents that fell only last week has increased by half. According to this calculation, it will cost about 10.5-12 yuan to fill a tank with a capacity of 50L.

The date of price adjustment (24: 00 on January 3) is getting closer and closer, and downward adjustment is impossible. Oil prices will usher in the "first price increase" in 2023, and riders can refuel in advance.

2. Will there be a price hike for mainstream car companies early next year?

In order to seize the last wave of policy dividends, a group of new energy vehicle companies launched an unprecedented limited-time insured promotion war when the "state subsidy" entered the countdown. According to incomplete statistics, since November, more than 20 car companies have successively introduced time-limited insurance policies: some car companies have adopted the method of "locking orders before the year, paying a deposit and enjoying state subsidies in 2022", while others have played a combination boxing scheme of "insurance within the year+price increase after the year". Among them, BYD, which has completed the annual sales target of 1.5 million vehicles ahead of schedule, took the lead in launching the "first shot" of price increase.

In the price increase statements of various car companies, "the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated on December 31, 2022, and the countries that have licensed vehicles will no longer give subsidies" and "the prices of major raw materials such as batteries continue to rise sharply" are two essential reasons. In recent years, the continuous high sales of new energy vehicles directly boosted the growth of lithium battery loading. However, the explosive growth of terminal demand has caused the price of lithium material, which is an important raw material for vehicle power batteries, to soar. From the low price of 41,000 yuan/ton in June 2020 to the high price of 537,500 yuan/ton on October 18, 2022, the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate rose by more than 12 times, up by more than 8 times compared with the beginning of last year.

According to the analysis of Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, the net profit rate of lithium mine business of leading enterprises is around 70% this year, and the profit rate of power battery enterprises is around 8%, but the profit rate of vehicle enterprises is only around 5%. Obviously, the rising prices of raw materials have directly squeezed the profits of car companies. Therefore, in the context of the withdrawal of "state subsidy", I am afraid that more new energy vehicle companies will join the price increase camp in 2023.

3. Weimar Automobile was applied for freezing property.

Weimar Automobile, once one of the "Four Little Dragons", a new force to build cars, is living in the dilemma of "lack of money". From the aggravation of losses to internal salary reduction, from the power lock-up storm to the decline in sales, coupled with the IPO being blocked and patent compensation … Weimar Automobile was particularly cold this winter, but unfortunately it did not stop there.

Recently, Anji Zhixing Logistics Co., Ltd. and Weimar New Energy Automobile Sales (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Weimar Automobile Technology Group Co., Ltd. made public the non-litigation preservation review ruling. According to the documents, the applicant Anji Zhixing Logistics Company requested the court to seal up and freeze the property of the respondent Weimar Company and Weimar Company worth 76.52 million yuan. The court held that Anji Zhixing Logistics Company’s application was in compliance with the law and was ruled to be executed.

However, it is noteworthy that Weimar Automotive Technology (Sichuan) Co., Ltd. has recently undergone a number of industrial and commercial changes, with its registered capital increased from 170 million yuan to 520 million yuan, its legal representative, executive director and manager changed from Freeman Shen to Wei Wei, and Mianyang Anzhou Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. became the new shareholder of the company. I wonder if the blessing of the state-owned party will bring a new situation to Weimar Automobile?

4. Or introduce new models, and expose the product planning of GAC Toyota.

On December 21st, the fifth plant of GAC Toyota New Energy Vehicle was officially put into operation, with an annual production capacity of 200,000 vehicles. Then on December 26th, GAC Toyota officially reached the milestone of annual output of 1 million units. A few days ago, some domestic media exposed the production plan of the fifth factory. The 200,000 new cars in the new factory are all new energy products. In addition to the confirmed pure electric medium-sized SUV bZ4X, there will be brand-new SUVs and MPV models.

According to Toyota’s recent product planning, the SUV model may be the Grand Highlander which will be launched in February next year. The MPV model is still mysterious, because there is no pure electric MPV product in Toyota’s planning. In addition, the sixth plant of GAC Toyota may also be planned, and it is expected to start construction in 2023 and officially put into production in 2025.

5. Land Rover Defender Special Edition sold 898,000, and 130 pre-sold 1.198 million.

2023 is the 75th anniversary of the Land Rover brand. To celebrate this milestone, Land Rover launched the legendary version of the 75th anniversary of Defender, and the prices of the two models were 898,000 yuan and 958,000 yuan respectively. This car continues the design of the ordinary version and introduces the iconic Grassmill green to commemorate the Land Rover Series I launched in 1948.

At the same time, the Guardian 130 also started the pre-sale, offering two models with optional extended light kit and off-road kit, with a pre-sale price of 1.198 million yuan. The new car can be regarded as an extended version of the 110, with a length of 5100mm and a wheelbase of 3022mm, and an eight-seat layout of 2+3+3 is adopted in the car. The power is equipped with a power combination of 3.0T six-cylinder double supercharged engine and +48V light mixing.

6. Starway Eta Ursae Majoris made its debut and started blind booking.

Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris officially appeared and opened a blind subscription, with a price range of 170,000-220,000 yuan. The new car is based on Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, with a length of 4781mm and a wheelbase of 2815mm, and is positioned as a medium-sized SUV. In terms of appearance, the grid with borderless style, the through LED strip and the dot-matrix light groups in the fog lights on both sides increase the recognition of the whole vehicle. From the side of the car body, a sporty coupe SUV shape is adopted. A large number of horizontal lines are used at the rear of the car, and the penetrating taillights further stretch the visual width of the tail.

The interior design is simple and fashionable, equipped with a 24.6-inch curved dual screen, built-in Qualcomm 8155 intelligent cockpit chip and Horizon J3 driver-assisted chip, which supports functions such as WHUD, ARHUD and 50W mobile phone charging. The power is equipped with a 2.0T engine and matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

7. Weilai will sell more than Lexus next year.

Li Bin, the founder and chairman of Weilai, said in an exclusive interview with the media in Weilai, 2022 that 2023 will be the year when the sales of the second-generation platform will be released, and three new cars will be released next year. It is expected that the overall sales potential of the second-generation platform will be seen in the fourth quarter of next year. The internal sales target for next year is to exceed the sales of Lexus fuel vehicles. Qin Lihong, president of Weilai, said that there was "little pressure" to achieve this goal.

The data shows that from January to November this year, Weilai Automobile delivered a total of 106,700 new cars. Lexus’s performance has declined this year, with a cumulative sales volume of 168,600 vehicles from January to November. There is a gap of more than 60,000 vehicles between them. Judging from the sales volume of 227,000 vehicles of Lexus in China in 2021, the sales volume of Weilai Automobile will reach 19,000 vehicles at least every month. Weilai has obvious advantages among competitors at the same level, and has attracted a large number of loyal fans. As for whether Li Bin’s statement that "the sales volume will definitely exceed the sales volume of Lexus fuel vehicles next year" can be achieved, we may wish to wait and see.

8. Two-door and four-seat layout, Geely Panda mini will be unveiled soon.

We learned from the official that Geely Panda mini will be unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which will open on December 30th. As a brand-new micro electric vehicle, the new car is small and cute, and it is more cute with a round headlight group. In terms of size, the length of the car is 3065mm, the wheelbase is 2015mm, and the layout of two doors and four seats is adopted. According to the application information, the car will be equipped with a 30kW motor and a lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Guoxuan Hi-Tech, with a pure electric cruising range of about 200 kilometers.

The market segment of mini pure trams has become another strategic goal of various car companies. As for whether Geely Panda Mini can be recognized by the market, it depends on whether it can match the price range accepted by consumers.

"Voyager" made its debut, and Jetway firmly implemented the "Travel+"strategy.

  Yin Tongyue emphasized that "Jietu’s development path is the concentrated embodiment of Chery’s strategy, and it is the undertaker, innovator and breakthrough. It represents the determination and practice of the Group to open up user thinking and Internet thinking, and contributes irreplaceable’ ecological power’ to the development of the Group." Li Xueyong said, "Jietu has firmly implemented the’ Travel+’strategy, and has not changed its original intention along the way, constantly expanding the’ Travel+’ecosystem and enriching the’ Travel+’products, which has brought more surprises and joy to users during their travels, broadened the boundaries and horizons of Jietu and provided more development possibilities."

  As a brand-new product in the era of "Travel+"2.0, "Traveler" embodies Jietu Automobile’s profound understanding and insight into user groups, fully considers the travel needs of users in multiple scenarios, focuses on free and comfortable travel experience, redefines unruly and free travel life with the core of science and technology, and tries to open up a new blue ocean in the global automobile market.

  "Jietu’s development path is the concentrated embodiment of Chery’s strategy, and it is the undertaker, innovator and breakthrough. It represents the determination and practice of the Group to open up user thinking and Internet thinking, and contributes irreplaceable’ ecological power’ to the development of the Group." At the Second Travel+Conference of Jietu Automobile held yesterday (March 1st), Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group, stressed that "as one of the’ double mainstream’ brands of Chery Group, Jietu Automobile should continue to strengthen users’ thinking, and continue to innovate in key areas such as products, marketing, ecology and services to create an upward pyramid."

Photo courtesy of Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group  

  At the press conference, Jietu Traveler made its debut. As a brand-new product in the era of "Travel+"2.0, Jetway Traveler was designed by former Porsche design director Hakan Saracoglu, focusing on free and comfortable travel experience, redefining unruly and free travel life with the core of science and technology, fully considering the travel needs of users in multiple scenarios, and boldly trying and exploring to open up a new blue ocean in the global automobile market.

Photo courtesy of Jietu "Traveler" Enterprise

  Jietu brand has been firmly on the road of "travel+"since its release, which is also the foundation for its future travel. Li Xueyong, general manager of Jietu Automobile, said, "Jietu firmly implements the strategy of" Travel+",and has not changed its original intention along the way, constantly expanding the" Travel+"ecosystem and enriching the" Travel+"products, bringing more surprises and joys to users during their travel, broadening the boundaries and horizons of Jietu and providing more development possibilities."


Photo courtesy of Li Xueyong, general manager of Jietu Automobile.  

  By integrating well-known domestic tourism resources and providing value-added rights for users’ travel, Jetway Automobile fully focuses on users’ travel needs. It is understood that Jietu Automobile has joined forces with 80+ ecological partners to create 100+ rights and interests, covering more than 100 cities across the country.

  At the event site, Jietu Auto and Eco-Alliance partners brought users exclusive value-added rights and interests belonging to Jietu users, including the Jietu rights and interests plan. A total of 9,217 hotels in the national 30+ hotel brand matrix have a minimum of 20% discount, and more than 10 value-added rights and interests; Jietu travel plan, 50% off the national 5A scenic spots, so that users can love to travel, go to travel, start a new journey and enjoy travel. Relevant rights and interests will be officially launched during the spring equinox on March 21, when users can receive corresponding benefits in Jetway APP.

  Focusing on users and experiences, we actively expand a new chapter in the "Travel+"strategy, and Jietu Automobile adheres to the positioning of the "Travel+"travel eco-leading brand to achieve leap-forward development. Even in the face of the impact of uncertain factors such as the epidemic, the sales volume of Jetway has continued to grow. The data shows that during the period from 2019 to 2022, the sales volume of Jietu Automobile was 138,000, 127,000, 154,000 and 180,000 respectively.


Photo courtesy of Zhang Chunwei, General Manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company  

  Zhang Chunwei, general manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company, said confidently, "In the past five years, Jietu Automobile has gained the choice and trust of 660,000 car owners and 23.81 million fans. Because of the support of users, Jietu Automobile has created a record of the growth rate of its own SUV and has the speed of Jietu that makes all Jietu people proud. In 2022, the total sales volume of Jietu ranked first in the 7-seat SUV with independent fuel. "

  Focusing on the "traveler" who made his debut this time, the new car embodies Jetway’s deep understanding and insight into the user community. In appearance, "Voyager" combines the design language of "vertical and horizontal way" with the concept of "travel+",and the posture of the whole vehicle is vigorous, with sharp lines and full profile coexisting. The central control panel in the interior is angular, simple and powerful. The combination of 15.6-inch central control panel and 10.25-inch instrument panel, and the leapfrog configuration such as suede seat and crystal bumper further enhance the luxury of the whole vehicle.


Photo courtesy of Jietu "Traveler" internal enterprise  

  In terms of intelligent driving, healthy cockpit and ecological services, Jetway "Voyager" is equipped with XWD intelligent four-wheel drive+double lock, 8155 intelligent cockpit and 2.0TGDI Kunpeng Power, creating a 5-year healthy cockpit environment, and launching 20+ "Travel+"ecological products to realize travel camping, travel leisure and entertainment. (China Economic Net reporter Wang Yueyue)


Celestial Auto unveiled in beijing international automotive exhibition with new technology.

In 2024 (18th) beijing international automotive exhibition, Sailis Auto made a stunning appearance with all its AITO products and the latest technological achievements. On the day of the exhibition, Celestial Auto also held a technical innovation strategy sharing meeting, and publicly introduced innovative contents such as Celestial Rubik’s Cube Platform and AITO Intellectual Driving Index.

Zhang Xinghai, Chairman of Celestial Group, said at the meeting that the company will continue to deepen its cross-border cooperation with Huawei, devote itself to providing users with excellent life cycle experience and explore new paths for China’s automobile industry.

At this year’s auto show, the Cyrus booth displayed products, technologies and services in an all-round way, including Cyrus Rubik’s Cube platform, a new generation of extended range assembly, and a highly integrated electric drive seven-in-one assembly. It is particularly worth mentioning that the integrated die-casting body technology of AITO M9 also appeared in this exhibition, showing the strength of Cyrus in intelligent manufacturing.

In addition, AITO’s M9 light and shadow space has become the highlight of the exhibition, and its intelligent lighting system can realize a variety of interactive and entertainment functions, attracting a large number of audience’s attention. At the same time, Cyrus also demonstrated its charging service, boutique accessories, etc., which fully presented the quality of CARE care service.

At the sharing meeting, He Liyang, president of Sailis Automobile, released the AITO intelligent driving index. The data shows that the cumulative mileage of intelligent driving models in AITO has exceeded 135 million kilometers, and the daily users of intelligent parking account for 68%, highlighting the popularity of intelligent driving among users.

At the same time, Cyrus Auto also introduced in detail the self-developed Cyrus Rubik’s Cube platform, which is characterized by safety, power, space and wisdom and is committed to providing users with a high-quality driving experience.

Celestial automobile has always insisted on technological innovation, and it has made remarkable achievements in three-power technology and extended range technology. The newly completed super factory has realized 100% automation of key processes. Looking forward to the future, Sailis will continue to focus on technological innovation, promote high-quality development, and strive to become a leading technology-based enterprise. (Li Ji)

E-week new forces | The price is raised again. Tesla’s highest increase in the United States is $6,000; Audi sued Weilai for trademark infringement; Standing in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, starting a z

1. The highest price increase in the United States is $6,000.

On June 16th, Tesla official website showed that the prices of some models were raised by up to $6,000. Only the prices of Model 3, Model SPlaid and Model XPlaid remained unchanged. The specific price adjustment details are as follows:


Source: First Electric Network

2. Sue for trademark infringement

According to German Business Daily, Reuters and other foreign media reports, Audi filed a lawsuit in Munich court, suing Weilai’s models ES6 and ES8 for infringing the trademark rights of Audi’s two models S6 and S8.

Audi sued Wei Lai! Go out or take an extra name for insurance.

Source: First Electric Network

3, the car to the countryside | The first stop was started in Kunshan, Jiangsu, and the maximum subsidy for C11 was 5,000 yuan.

We learned from the retail official that on June 17th, the first stop of the 2022 new energy vehicle going to the countryside activity organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and the National Energy Administration and implemented by China Automobile Industry Association was launched in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, with the participation of T03 and C11 vehicles.

The benefits during the event are as follows:

Enjoy the car purchase gift: the value of 1000 yuan/Taiwan car purchase gift;

Enjoy the financial gift: up to 4000 yuan/Taiwan financial discount;

Enjoy the worry-free gift: send the charging pile when you buy a car.

The retail T03 starts at 73,900 yuan, with an acceleration time of 0-50km/h of 4 seconds, a 10.1-inch high-definition touch screen and an 8-inch LCD instrument screen for dual-screen linkage, which can realize voice control, navigation, remote control, automatic parking and other functions. The appearance colors are available in eight options, including quicksand powder and coral orange.

The car goes to the countryside | The first stop starts in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. The maximum subsidy for T03 and C11 is 5,000 yuan.

Source: First Electric Network

4. Will Tesla Cybertruck welcome a new opponent? Sany heavy industry electric pickup truck renderings exposure

Recently, the renderings of Sany Heavy Industry electric pickup truck were exposed online. The overall shape is very sci-fi, and there is no exhaust system. It is a new energy pickup truck with high probability. According to the news exposed before, Sany Heavy Industry set up a pickup truck division in a low-key way as early as 2020, and plans to enter the new energy pickup truck market.


Source: First Electric Network

5. The second phase project of Shunyi Industrial Park covers a total area of 58,600 square meters, and has been officially started.

On June 14th, the groundbreaking ceremony for the second phase of LI Industrial Park was held in the airport section of Shunyi Park in Zhongguancun. The project covers a total area of 58,600 square meters and is expected to be delivered by the end of 2023. Upon completion, it will become another industrial park integrating office work, scientific research and development in LI Headquarters. The project is planned and designed by Shoucheng Holdings.

Source: car home.

From 60,000 yuan to 468,000 yuan, the intelligent electric medium and large SUV Weilai ES7 was launched in the world.

On June 15th, Weilai 2022 product launch conference was held online, and the high-profile Weilai intelligent electric medium and large SUV ES7 was launched in the world. ES7 is the first of the second generation technology platform of Weilai NT2, equipped with Weilai intelligent system Banyan Banyan.

The starting price of the standard endurance package before Weilai ES7 is 468,000 yuan; Long battery life starts from 526,000 yuan; The first edition is 548,000 yuan, and the price before BaaS scheme subsidy is 420,000 yuan. Booking will be opened at Weilai APP from now on, and delivery is expected to start on August 28, 2022.


Source: First Electric Network

7. The high-tech HiPhi Z production version is exposed, super sci-fi coupe style, or officially unveiled on June 21.

On June 15th, some media exposed the spy photos of a group of high-tech HiPhi Z production models, and there was almost no obvious change between the new car and the previous version. The new car seems to have started mass production, at least the trial car. The real car basically continues the appearance of the previous auto show and has a strong sense of science fiction.


Source: car home.

8. Zhiji L7 will start the delivery of the first batch of car owners at 618.

According to the official news of Zhiji Automobile, on June 18th, Zhiji L7 will open the first batch of car owners for delivery. At the same time, at 19:01 on June 14th, Zhiji Automobile will hold a conference on "New World Intelligent Origin", which will focus on five standards: "Intelligent driving, intelligent scene level, social ability, continuous evolution ability, and multi-creation".


Source: First Electric Network

9. Ask the official map of M5e details to release the third quarter listing/front face details adjustment.

On June 13th, AITO asked M5e to release a set of official maps with black details. Different from the extended-range version, the M5e front is fully enclosed, and the headlights have also changed in detail. There is an exquisite "AITO" logo inside the headlights, which is matched with two LED light groups.


Source: Easy car

10. The price of Tesla Model Y long-life version has increased by 19,000 yuan, and the current price is 394,900 yuan.

On June 16, Xiao Bian learned from official sources that the price of the Tesla Model Y long-life version increased by 19,000, and now the price is 394,900. The previous price of this model was 375,900. At present, the prices of the rear-wheel drive version and the high-performance version of Tesla Model Y have not changed, which are 316,900 and 417,900 respectively.

Source: Understand the car emperor