Wang Jianlin, don’t admit defeat

Article | Market Value Observation, Author | Yuntan, Editor | Xiaoshimei

Wang Jianlin, China’s former richest man, continues to fight while some property companies lie flat.

On the evening of June 28, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted its Hong Kong IPO application materials for the fourth time, more than 500 days after the first listing application.

In the past three years, Wang Jianlin’s life is not easy. The impact of the epidemic, the strictest supervision in the history of real estate, a group of once-famous real estate giants have collapsed.

Considering that the betting agreement with investors will take effect at the end of the year, if Zhuhai Wanda fails to list, then Wanda will face up to 40 billion share repurchase pressure.

For Lao Wang, going public is no longer the "icing on the cake". There are only 6 months left. Wang Jianlin, who does not admit defeat, must fight to the back.

"Wanda Commercial Management is Wanda’s core enterprise. I can lose any enterprise, but this cannot be lost."

But this "lifeblood" continued to be undervalued after it went public in 2014, so in 2016, Wang Jianlin decided to delist Wanda Commercial Management.

In the seven years since, the real estate industry has undergone a sudden change, and Wang Jianlin has always adhered to the "three major tasks" – reducing debt, light asset transformation and promoting re-listing.

During this period, Wanda Commercial Management introduced a number of investors, but also buried the risk of gambling.

In 2017, Wanda shares and debt double-kill, Wang Jianlin bite after the teeth, at the expense of borrowing to Sunac, let Sun Hongbin and R & F tension to 63.75 billion yuan to pick up 13 Wanda cultural tourism city and 77 hotels.

At the Wanda annual meeting in January the following year, Wang Jianlin was in tears:In 2017, Wanda experienced too many storms and hardships.

But the wave has not subsided, and another wave has come to attack.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The nine investors who helped Wanda privatize previously agreed with Wang Jianlin to go public at the end of 2018, otherwise Wanda would have to pay interest and buy back shares.

However, the road to listing of real estate companies is basically locked, Wang Jianlin can only ask for help from old friends, Pony Ma, Zhang Jindong, Sun Hongbin, Liu Jintao opened the purse generously, jointly funded 34 billion, to solve the urgent needs of Lao Wang.

Since then, Wang Jianlin has switched to H shares again, and the listed entity has been changed to Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

On the eve of its listing in Hong Kong, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management launched a Pre-IPO financing, transferring 21.17% of its shares to multiple investors such as Country Garden, CITIC Capital, Ant Group, Tencent, PAG Pacific Alliance Investment Group, etc. A total of about 6 billion US dollars (43.50 billion yuan).

The price Wanda needs to pay is that it must complete the listing by the end of 2023, otherwise it needs to buy back investors’ shares. That is to say, if the listing cannot be completed by the end of this year, Wanda needs to use 40 billion funds to buy back the equity.

The same script played out again, but this time, the friends were already cash-strapped, and some of them could not even protect themselves, so there was no money to help others.

For Wanda, which is currently not well-off, the expenditure of tens of billions of dollars is undoubtedly adding to the woes.

The end of the bet is approaching, and the iron man Wang Jianlin must speed up his pace.

In the history of H-share listings, it is rare for such a large number of IPOs to be repeatedly tossed.

Due to the delay in obtaining the "big road" of the China Securities Supervision Commission, some analysts said that,Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has set a "record" for the slowest overseas listing of a private company.

As early as October 11, 2021, Zhuhai Wanda obtained the acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission and submitted its first listing prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ten days later. But to this day, Wang Jianlin has not yet received the "pass" he has been longing for.

According to past experience, it only takes 3 to 6 months to get from "small road" to "big road", but Wang Jianlin waited 627 days. In addition, several Wanda IPO applications have also stepped on the implementation node of the "Pilot Measures" for overseas listing, and the road to listing can be described as a difficult buff.

Under the pilot scheme, domestic companies seeking to list overseas or in H-shares must obtain, in addition to an acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "small road", "H-share issuance approval" issued by the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "big road". Only after having the "big road" will the Hong Kong Stock Exchange conduct a listing hearing for the company and start the issuance, roadshow and listing work.

In addition to the two "tickets", it also needs to be filed with the Securities Supervision Commission and approved. In other words, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has an additional hurdle of approval.

Previously, Wanda’s listing information had expired three times, and the fundamental reason was that the "big road" had not been approved. On June 2, the China Securities Regulatory Commission raised six major questions to Zhuhai Wanda and asked for supplementary materials. Compared with the ease of listing in 2014, Wang Jianlin’s IPO can be described as even more difficult.

Therefore, in response to the supplementary material requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, whether Wanda’s reply can pass the customs will be the key to the sprint listing.

Looking at the requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, it can be seen that the problem mainly focuses on compliance, including corporate governance, capital exchanges with major shareholders, the authenticity of rental rate data, share repurchase, debt repayment arrangements, and high proportion of dividends.

According to the requirements, the issuer should supplement the materials within 30 working days. That means Wanda has about two weeks to prepare this response.

However, it is better to receive a reply than no news. Wanda also pointed out that "requesting supplementary materials is a normal process, and the listing is still in progress."

Just leave Wang Jianlin time is not much, in the face of the Securities Supervision Commission questions, Wanda iron also need their own hard.

If the "big road" is successfully obtained, coupled with the current policy atmosphere to support the real estate market, it is not impossible for Wanda to accelerate its listing.

Wang Jianlin is a man who refuses to admit defeat.

16 years of military experience have created his character of integrity, perseverance, and perseverance.

At the beginning of his business, he ran supermarkets, factories, elevator factories, substations, and eventually waded into the field of real estate development. But real estate is a capital-intensive industry. Due to his lack of experience, he has walked to the edge of the cliff many times due to capital chain problems.

At first in order to obtain a 20 million loan, he has more than 50 times hope to meet the leader of a bank, sometimes in the bank gate a stand is a whole day, but at that time Wanda is still a little-known small business, the bank is not willing to take risks, the final loan or not down.

On the one hand, he was exhausted for loans, and on the other hand, he was unable to start the project for a long time. Wang Jianlin didn’t sleep for nine days and nights at that time, and on the tenth day, he was directly unconscious in the company and was rushed to the hospital.

"You can’t be afraid of humiliation, you can’t be afraid of setbacks. The living can’t be suffocated to death by urine, and the bank can’t find it, so think of other ways." Wang Jianlin finally rescued Wanda, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, by issuing bonds.

In 2000, Wang Jianlin decided to switch to commercial real estate, but Wanda’s troubles still did not stop. In the first three years, Wanda mainly sold, and the merchants who purchased the shops directly sued Wanda in court for poor management.

In just three years, Wanda has fought 222 lawsuits. Although it has lost only two, the company is struggling to cope. Many people left Wanda at that time to find other ways.

Wang Jianlin did not flinch. In the face of difficulties, he believed in the thinking of "actual combat" and explored innovation and solved problems in practice. "When you reach the Yellow River, you will not die, and if you hit the south wall, you will not look back. When you reach the Yellow River, you will build a bridge and pass, and if you hit the south wall, you will turn over with a ladder."

He came up with an "urban complex" model. "Make a commercial center, build office buildings and apartments next to it. Sell apartments, office buildings, get cash flow, and the shops will run themselves."

This "combination of rental and sale" has allowed Wanda to rapidly expand its territory across the country and gradually grow into the country’s leading commercial real estate enterprise.

From an operational perspective,Wanda Commercial Management is China’s largest and most profitable business operations service provider.

According to the prospectus, Zhuhai Wanda achieved 17.196 billion yuan, 23.481 billion yuan and 27.12 billion yuan respectively in 2020, 2021 and 2022; its net profit during the same period reached 1.112 billion yuan, 3.512 billion yuan and 7.534 billion yuan respectively.

It can be seen that after the epidemic was released, Wanda bottomed out and rebounded, successfully achieved a V-shaped reversal, and its profitability increased significantly. Moreover, the profitability level from 2021 (adjusted by a specific algorithm) to 2022 has exceeded the gambling requirements. Considering the signs of consumption recovery, it will also be a high probability event to complete the betting profit requirement of 9.46 billion yuan in 2023.

The parent company Dalian Wanda Business Management Group is even larger, in 2022, Dalian Wanda Business Management revenue 49.314 billion yuan, net profit 12.301 billion yuan.

Taking Zhuhai Wanda as a reference, its revenue is 3 times and 6 times that of Xincheng Holdings and China Resources Vientiane Life Business Management, and 3.4 times that of the entire China Resources Vientiane Life Profit (2.206 billion yuan).

As of the end of 2022, Zhuhai Wanda had 472 projects under management, covering an area of 65.60 million square meters, making it the world’s largest business operations service provider and the only service provider in China to export large-scale management to third parties.

This asset-light model is not only what Wang Jianlin hopes to achieve, but also favored by capital markets. In Hong Kong stocks, the price-to-earnings ratio of China Resources Vientiane Life is nearly 5 times that of China Resources Land. The market value of Country Garden Services once exceeded that of Country Garden, which is mainly engaged in real estate development. Vanke also split All Things Cloud and listed it in Hong Kong.

The "limit for betting" has been reduced, and the listing battle of Zhuhai Wanda will most likely determine the fate of the real estate kingdom. But Wang Jianlin, a soldier, will not easily admit defeat. For now, this big gamble continues.

In April last year, Wang Jianlin took over the 10-year operation rights of the commercial project owned by Hu Baosen, "the first brother of Henan Real Estate"; five months later, two Wanda workshops in Zhengzhou opened at the same time.

In addition, Wang Jianlin also worked with Xinyuan Zhang Yong and Shanxi Tian Sen Du Yinwu, and took over the operation rights of Beijing Blue Harbor and Wukesong Zhuozhan Shopping Center. In 2022 alone, Wanda Commercial Management was involved in more than a dozen transactions.

Taking advantage of the recovery in consumption after the epidemic, Wanda is back on the road. The latest data shows that Wanda Commercial Management Group opened 12 Wanda Plaza in the first half of 2023, with a total of 484 openings. Total rental income in the first half reached 26.32 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year;

In addition, compared with other business management service providers, Wanda is more efficient, with a rental rate of 98.2% in the first half of the year and a 100% rent collection.

In addition to the core sector of business management, Wang Jianlin also pointed out at the annual meeting that in 2023, in addition to promoting the listing of Zhuhai Wanda Business Management, there will be cultural tourism "starting again".

After selling a number of cultural tourism assets to collect funds, Wanda Cultural Tourism "came back" in 2023. After the Lunar New Year, the once-quiet Wang Jianlin made frequent appearances, appearing in Luoyang White Horse Temple, Luoyi Ancient City, Guizhou Danzhai and other places, and immediately signed a number of cultural tourism projects.

Not only that, Wanda also issued a recruitment announcement called "Return to the Goose Plan", which is intended to bring back people who have worked at Wanda Hotels. More than 100 Wanda hotels are said to have participated in the campaign.

Residential real estate has also begun to return to the public eye. Wanda Real Estate (residential sector) focuses on Wanda’s commercial development and has been located in Wuhan, Guiyang and other places.

"In China’s real estate industry, Wang Jianlin deserves to be ranked first in terms of strategic execution and tactical discipline." Hu Baosen said of Wang Jianlin.

From surviving with a broken arm in 2017 to today’s massive counteroffensive, Wang Jianlin has taken precautions and acted countercyclically, which is the key to Wanda’s long-term survival.

Wang Jianlin once said: "Wanda’s difficulties are only temporary and phased, and Wanda will never lie flat." However, since the beginning of the year, the negative news lingering on Wanda has continued to ferment, causing Wanda, who originally "went ashore early", to once again fall into doubt.

However, these negative news are not completely real, and there are still many controversies. For example, the previously frozen equity of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management 1.90 billion, which Wanda said was worth far more than 1 billion yuan in property disputes. Wanda is using legal channels to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company.

Previously, Dalian Wanda suspended the small public debt of 6 billion yuan, taking into account the current market conditions and voluntarily giving up the issuance, and will not have a direct impact on the listing of Zhuhai Wanda.

In fact, after the crisis in 2017, after Wanda repaid more than 200 billion in debt, the "debt nuclear bomb" has been dismantled. The decisive transformation to light assets has also made Wanda lighter.

Moreover, compared with the crazy leveraging companies such as Sunac and Evergrande, Wang Jianlin has a more forward-looking strategic vision. He often takes precautions before the storm, even at the risk of breaking his wrists, ultimately escaping disaster.

At another crucial crossroads, the former richest man in China is facing a crucial battle.

As his favorite song sings: "I want to go from south to north, and I want to go from white to black." At the age of 69, he chose to stubbornly continue to fight.


A large number of tickets for the concert cannot be purchased? Wang Junkai’s fan group issued a document asking the organizer to provide an explanation

On July 25th, TFBOYS sixth anniversary concert tickets went on sale. Many fans who bought tickets said that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at the opening time, there were a large number of tickets that could not be purchased, including senior members of the TFBOYS combination official website (fans who recharged 298 yuan membership fee) who had previously claimed to have the right of first refusal. And then scalpers openly sold high-priced tickets on other platforms, so some fans suspected that the platform had locked up a large number of tickets in advance, which caused heated discussions. On the afternoon of the 25th, Wang Junkai’s fan club "Wang Junkai Weibo" issued a statement, hoping that the concert organizer would provide an explanation.

The full text is as followsWhat is it?

Hello, relevant departments and leaders.

On August 10, 2019, the TFBOYS group will hold its sixth anniversary concert in Shenzhen. At 10:00 on July 25, the concert tickets will be sold exclusively on the Barley Network, claiming that 25,000 tickets will be open for senior members of the TFBOYS group official website (fans who recharge the membership fee of 298 yuan) to buy first.

However, ticket-buying fans found that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at 10 o’clock, a large number of tickets could not be purchased, and there was a large number of tickets locked in advance! As a result, a large number of fans who have recharged premium members and obtained ticket-buying privilege accounts did not buy tickets.

At the same time, the major scalper organizations on the Internet began to sell tickets at an amount [several times higher than the original ticket price], and the maximum ticket price has exceeded 10,000 yuan! There are even scalpers claiming that the organizers directly provide consecutive tickets!

The exclusive channel of has no tickets, but all kinds of scalpers are openly selling high-priced tickets, which makes fans puzzled and unacceptable, and the rights and interests of senior members to buy tickets are seriously damaged! Why is there a large number of scalper tickets when is the exclusive agent of tickets, and all the ticket prices are much higher than the original ticket prices, openly sold at high prices on [Taotao Ticket and other apps]!?

We hereby request: All parties concerned to investigate the situation related to the ticketing of this concert and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers! Barley is required to provide proof of the number of tickets successfully purchased from 10:00 to the time when the tickets are sold out.

At the same time, as a senior member of the official website of TFBOYS combination, we strongly request @TFBOYS_FanClub @TFBOYS combination @Fengjun culture as the organizer to make a reasonable explanation for why there are a large number of high-priced scalper tickets under the exclusive authorization of ticket sales!

It is reported that on July 8, the sixth anniversary concert of the TFBOYS group was officially announced, and it will be held in Shenzhen on August 10, 2019. The concert is called "THE FEVER". According to netizens, the Mayday group will serve as the surprise guest of the TFBOYS concert.

The price of Krypton 007 in Hangzhou has been greatly reduced, with the lowest price of 229,900! just this once

In [car home Hangzhou Preferential Promotion Channel], there is a price reduction promotion, and the price reduction rate is as high as 10,000! As a model that has attracted much attention, the starting price of Krypton 007 has dropped to 229,900 yuan. You can click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount! Act quickly and seize this excellent opportunity to buy a car!

Extreme Krypton 007 is a brand-new electric SUV, which adopts a streamlined design and presents a fashionable and scientific image. The front face of the car has a unique design, which adopts the extremely krypton family-style design language, and the air intake grille adopts a closed design, which highlights its new energy identity. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is fashionable and the details are exquisite, which highlights the high-end positioning of the car. Extreme Krypton 007 also uses LED headlights and unique daytime running lights to make the vehicle more conspicuous during driving and improve driving safety. The side lines of the car body are simple and smooth, and the roof lines are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic visual effect. In the rear part, the Krypton 007 adopts a streamlined design and a unique taillight shape, which makes the whole car look more fashionable and full of technology. Generally speaking, the design of Krypton 007 is exquisite and atmospheric, giving people a high-end and fashionable feeling.

Extreme Krypton 007 is a medium and large SUV with a body size of 4865*1900*1450 and a wheelbase of 2928 mm. It has a spacious body and spacious interior space. The lines on the side of the car are smooth, showing a sense of movement and strength. The car has a front track of 1635mm and a rear track of 1650mm, and the tyre size is 245/45 R19 before and after the car is equipped, providing excellent handling and stability. The rim style of Krypton 007 is unique, and it adopts fashionable multi-spoke design, which complements the color of the car body and adds a sense of movement to the whole car.

The interior design of Krypton 007 is fashionable and simple, made of high-quality materials, and the overall style is luxurious and atmospheric. The steering wheel is made of genuine leather, which feels comfortable and supports electric up and down+front and rear adjustment, so that drivers can make personalized adjustments according to their own needs. The central control screen is 15.05 inches, equipped with voice recognition control system, which can control multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions, and the operation is convenient and quick. The seat is made of imitation leather and genuine leather. The main/co-pilot seat supports multi-directional adjustment such as front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment, leg rest adjustment and lumbar support. The front seat also has heating, ventilation and massage functions. The driver’s seat and co-pilot seat also support electric seat memory. The rear seats support the proportion down, and the space is flexible and changeable. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB/Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. In a word, the interior design of Krypton 007 is comfortable and practical, and the configuration is rich, providing a comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.

The engine equipped with Krypton 007 has a maximum power of 310kW and a maximum torque of 440N·m, which brings excellent power performance to drivers. The engine can provide abundant power output, so that drivers can feel a strong sense of pushing back and stable power output during acceleration and driving. At the same time, the engine also adopts advanced technology, which has high fuel economy and low emissions, bringing users a more environmentally friendly and economical driving experience. Whether it is daily commuting or long-distance travel, the engine of Krypton 007 can provide users with excellent performance and reliability, so that users can easily control and enjoy driving pleasure.

In our communication with the owner of car home, he shared his comments on Krypton 007. He said that he chose a black body, and thought that this appearance was very atmospheric, especially the front face design, which left a very deep impression on him. Although he may be a little unaccustomed to seeing the rear butt at first, he gradually adapted to this design as time went on. This evaluation is undoubtedly an affirmation of the design of Krypton 007. We believe that the design of Krypton 007 will become a highlight to attract consumers.

Subversive black technology blessing, China’s high-end car brands "look up" to break into the million-level market

This may be a press conference of the most concerned domestic automobile brands in recent years. During the press conference, the keyword "looking up" directly rushed to the hot search.

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On January 5th, with a car looking up at U8 heading sideways to the conference stage, it means that the automobile consumption market has ushered in a brand-new brand, and at the same time, it has also ushered in the first "million-class" automobile brand belonging to China automobile enterprises.

After several rounds of preheating, we are no strangers to the brand-new brand "Looking Up". In particular, the short video of hard-core function introduction released for several days recently has aroused the appetite of the outside world. Therefore, the outside world has also paid great attention to this long-awaited conference. During the press conference, the keyword "looking up" even rushed into the hot search list directly.

As Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., Ltd. said when he mentioned looking up at the brand at the ceremony of BYD’s 3 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line two months ago, looking up at the brand is carrying subversive "black technology".

The same is true. After the press conference, dry goods are full and heavy technical functions are frequent, which is why car novels are written every other day. It is necessary to spend some time to digest and think when the heavy information that comes upon us overflows.

Looking back at this conference, it not only ushered in the brand-new high-end automobile brand and its first model, but also ushered in a new node in the development process of China automobile brand, and began to really have its own million-level luxury automobile brand.

The birth of hope comes naturally.

Why do you choose to launch Looking Up Brand at this stage? You know, looking up to the price of the brand’s models will hit a million levels. Before looking up, BYD’s long-term experience in major markets was in the range of 100,000-300,000.

Before talking about this topic, the car novel thought of a sentence circulating on the internet, "You can’t buy BYD now, and you can’t afford BYD in the future." It is not difficult to see the great changes that have taken place in BYD in just a few years.

According to the latest data, in December last year, BYD achieved a sales volume of 234,598 passenger cars, with a cumulative sales volume of 1,868,543 vehicles throughout the year, and it is expected to become the global new energy vehicle sales champion.

In this regard, Wang Chuanfu said, "The performance of the market proves that our choice and persistence are correct, and it also gives the brand an opportunity to make an upward breakthrough."

In addition, according to its disclosure, BYD has a technical dream to provide users with extremely safe cars by better controlling the posture of the car body. And when new energy vehicles have not yet entered the mainstream stage, an ET concept car equipped with four-motor drive technology has been conceived. In order to realize this bold idea, BYD’s R&D team has been fighting for it for 20 years.

At present, with the steady progress of BYD brand, it has gained the recognition of more and more users. On this basis, it is natural to launch high-end brands and look up to nature.

Technology is king, empowering the "million level"

Although the price of the first model has not yet been announced, from the price range revealed before, the price of its models will touch the million-level high-end automobile consumer market.

To reach this level of market, as a brand-new brand, how to support its million-dollar price? For the answer to this question, Wang Chuanfu also gave the answer at the press conference.

In his words, "China people’s high-end brands are not just buying materials, but should be based on super technology to provide users with subversive products and experiences".

The "super technology" mentioned here was also officially released at the same press conference-Yi Sifang.

According to reports, "Easy Sifang" is a 100% independent research and development power system with four motors as the core. The wheel end dynamics can be adjusted at a speed of millimeters through a more perceptive electric drive system. Suitable for pure electric and hybrid platforms, covering hard-core off-road and super-running models. This technology is also the first mass-produced four-motor drive technology in China.

In BYD’s view, this technology is the "golden key" to provide users with the ultimate safety. It can accurately control the four-wheel dynamics of vehicles with the four-motor independent vector control technology, thus breaking the imagination of traditional cars and creating a brand-new automobile safety technology system.

It can be seen from the pictures displayed at the press conference that the U8, the first model equipped with this technology, has the "black technology" functions such as turning around in place and emergency floating to get out of trouble. Even if there is a flat tire during high-speed driving, the vehicle can still maintain a stable posture.

In the future, the "Easy Sifang" technology will be equipped as standard on all models of the brand.

U8, U9, two cars open the road of looking up.

At the press conference, in addition to looking up to its first mass production model-U8, which is positioned as a million-level new energy hard-core off-road vehicle, as an egg, its million-level pure electric performance sports car U9 was also released at the same time. This also means that at the beginning of the official release, we have chosen to go straight into two market segments: high-end hard-core off-road and performance super-running.

Looking up at U8 and looking up at U9 all adopt the family "dimension door" design language of looking up at brands. Among them, looking up at U8 is more than 5 meters long and 2 meters wide. The acceleration time of looking up at U9 is 2 seconds.

In this regard, Wang Chuanfu said that in the era of electrification, China car companies have mastered the initiative of technology. During the vigorous development of new energy vehicles in China in the past 20 years, technology has blossomed and the market has blossomed. "Now our battery and electric drive technology have stood in the forefront of the world, and our deep technology accumulation and mature industrial chain support us to continue to move forward to the deep water area of technology."

Although Wangwang is still a brand-new high-end brand just born, Wang Chuanfu is not worried about the performance of this brand-new high-end brand in the future market. In his view, "mature technology has given birth to mature products, and will eventually show an increase in sales."

According to it, "in the history of automobiles for a hundred years, technological breakthroughs often bring brand-new products and experiences, and BYD has achieved high-end brands with super technology. Have the responsibility, obligation and courage to explore the most cutting-edge technology in the industry and transform it into products to contribute to consumers. "

In the future, Wangwang brand will take the lead in carrying many top technologies mastered by BYD, impacting the million-level high-end market that has been firmly occupied by traditional brands.

As a million-level high-end brand, Wangwang Amy Hu, general manager of the Sales Division, introduced it at the press conference, and Wangwang will establish a self-operated channel to ensure that users can enjoy open and transparent services and the rights of consistent interoperability.

According to reports, in the first quarter of this year, Wangwang Automobile will set up experience centers in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou and other cities. 【END】

Attachment: Ten Highlights of "Easy Sifang" Technology

1. "Easy Sifang" is a set of power system with four motors independently driven as the core, which completely reconstructs the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution, completely subverting the power system capability system of previous fuel vehicles.

2. The prototype of "Easy Sifang" technology appeared in the ET concept car released by BYD Group 20 years ago, which was inspired by the cheetah’s perfect posture control at high speed, and four motors independently drive the four wheels of the vehicle. This is also an innovative driving technology that finally ushered in mass production opportunities under the background of core breakthroughs in the three technical fields of battery, electric drive and electronic control after 20 years of continuous exploration.

3. The most subversive value of "Easy Sifang" technology is to break through the constraints of the traditional automobile technology architecture and provide users with extremely safe cars with brand-new ideas.

4. Compared with the traditional fuel vehicle power system, the "Easy Sifang" technology can independently adjust the dynamics of the four-wheel end of the vehicle at millisecond speed through a more perceptive electric drive system, thus better controlling the body posture.

5. "Easy Quartet" technology can provide users with greater safety redundancy, such as accurately adjusting the torque of the remaining three wheels at a frequency of 1000 times per second after a single wheel puncture, and timely and forcefully compensating the posture of the car body through the driving wheel to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. This function is expected to avoid the occurrence of secondary accidents to the greatest extent from the root of power.

6. The model equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology can even get the emergency floating ability by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function, because the protection ability of the core system of the whole vehicle reaches IP68 level and has good tightness of the body and cockpit, which shows the imagination space of the power technology application mode of traditional fuel vehicles.

7. The maximum rotation speed of the "Easy Sifang" platform is 20500rpm, and the horsepower of the whole vehicle is over 1,100 horsepower, which can meet the performance requirements of various extreme scenes such as streets, off-road and racetracks.

8. The powerful power brought by independent research and development of highly integrated motors also supports the "Easy Sifang" technology to realize flexible in-situ U-turn function on high adhesion roads such as asphalt roads.

9. With the independent positive and negative torque output capability of the four-motor drive technology, the "Easy Square" platform can achieve a braking distance of less than 40 meters and an agile steering capability of less than 12 meters while the steering gear and brakes are not working.

10: In the future, all models of Wangwang brand will be equipped with "Easy Sifang" technology as standard.

Original is not doing business? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

Original title: Doing nothing? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

When it comes to live broadcast, who will you think of? Online celebrity? It seems that online celebrity, no matter which platform, has finally moved towards bringing goods.

Because of what?

Because making money!

But I don’t know when it will start, and some stars in the entertainment circle have also started live broadcast.

But now it seems that star live broadcast with goods has gradually become the mainstream.

Ada has always been a "sexy goddess" in everyone’s mind, and it should be regarded as a "bridesmaid event" when it is the hottest. When the popularity of Ada was high again, it turned out to be an event held by a live broadcast platform, and it also became an excellent anchor. In the two-hour live broadcast, it sold more than 15 million products, including 18 products such as juicer, electric toothbrush and vacuum cleaner, and at the same time, it also won hundreds of thousands of yuan in online gifts.

At that time, it caused a heated discussion. How did a good female star become a net red? However, this is not a case.

Wong Cho Lam, a variety coffee, also entered the stage of live broadcast with goods early. And his record is also worth mentioning. A commodity can sell more than 100,000 pieces in just 12 minutes, and the sales during the live broadcast period have exceeded 10 million, not including the reward income of live broadcast of more than 3 million yuan.

And do you still think it’s very expensive to bring goods live by a star?

In fact, what you think of losing your worth is to raise your worth in others’ eyes. Star live broadcast with goods not only brought rich returns to themselves, but also brought rich returns to businesses. Although everyone is ostensibly saying that all the stars have gone to be online celebrity, it’s so disgraceful. But you can’t deny that the star’s ability to carry goods is too strong.

Therefore, it’s not worthwhile for you to feel bad about the live broadcast of the stars. You still feel bad about your wallet ~ After all, double 11 is really coming!

Editor in charge:

We asked seven companies to explore Apple’s new CarPlay The Secret Behind.

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A deeper understanding of the transformation of the automobile industry


Produced by: Electric Planet News

Author: Yu Fei and Pang Fei

At WWDC 2022 this morning, Apple detonated the car circle in three minutes.

With the advent of new operating systems such as iOS16,And a whole new generationCarPlay. This generation CarPlay The innovation is so great that it is even equivalent to a complete intelligent cockpit:

Open the dashboard to display speed, fuel consumption, oil quantity and rotation speed;

Occupy the central control panel, and even adjust the air conditioning temperature and seat heating/ventilation;

Linkage map, using CarPlay Realize AR navigation of dashboard;

Bind the phone, synchronize the desktop components of iOS …

Moreover, Apple also promised, "No matter how strange your car screen is, as long as it supports new. CarPlay, it will definitely be displayed perfectly. "

What is this equivalent to?It is equivalent to buying an iPhone, and you bring your own smart cockpit!

In addition, for the first time, Apple announced its own "friends circle of car companies", and more than half of the luxury car companies stood. CarPlay Around, there are even the first batch of cooperative car companies of Android Automotive OS-and …

From the early hours of the morning to the present, our circle of friends has been brand new. CarPlay The news. Friends took the initiative to attack Apple this time.Full of expectation, but with some caution..

With a similar attitude, we interviewed employees of seven different companies, from newly-built cars to OEM, and even chip companies, hoping to hear what people in the industry think of Apple’s half boots.

Today, together, we bring a new generation. CarPlay The secret of tearing apart.

First, are you afraid of building a new car?

This is the first chapter title that comes to mind when we choose the topic.

Why do you want to talk about new cars?Because there is no CarPlay in the new car, and there is no Android Automotive and carlife, only NIO OS, Xmart OS and "Tesla OS" …

Why? Because the new forces still want to build their own operating system.

This sentence in quotation marks comes from Liu Yu (a pseudonym), the product manager of the new smart cockpit. He told us that he saw the new car in the morning. CarPlay At the time,Shock, admirationIs their first reaction.

Praise refers to the fact thatCarPlay Such an "external system" can control non-safety related vehicle functions and display vehicle data."it’s already great."

Even, he thinks this is a "milestone" for Apple to build a car.

We asked him, will your new car be considered a threat? Liu Yu said yes, because "our system is still in an advanced stage."

Compared with all kinds of OS of new cars,CarPlay There is a natural barrier:IPhone’s huge user base.

In 2021, Apple’s mobile phone shipments accounted for about 22% of the global share-an achievement that no car company has achieved in the auto market. Another figure is that in 2021, Apple won a 60% share in the high-end market above $600 (4,000 yuan)-and no luxury car company has achieved similar results in the automobile market.

IPhone users’ sense of identity with Apple’s ecology is CarPlay’s greatest "confidence".

Liu Yu thinksThe habit of iPhone users, or stickiness, is actually the biggest threat to the newly-built self-developed OS.

"If you want to use beeps, use beeps, and if you want to use Netease Cloud, use Netease Cloud." Liu Yu said that iOS users can pass. CarPlayMost of the usage habits are smoothly drawn from the mobile phone to the car.

"But we don’t want users to use it in our cars. CarPlayWe just haven’t reached it yet. CarPlay Such a good experience. "

If the experience can’t catch up, Liu Yu thinks the final result may be"Users will no longer use the car machine system directly, but will use it most of the time. CarPlay」。

And then there’s the shocking part—"In the end, the data dominance of car companies will be lost.".

Throw it to who? Apple, of course. Who threw it to Apple? At least more than half of the luxury car camp and more than half of the Japanese camp.

Liu Yu gave us an example: According to the DEMO published by WWDC,CarPlay Will know that these car company usersWhere have you been, what APP you used, how far you drive every day, how much energy you consume, and your travel habits.How about. Even the braking and steering data that can’t be obtained yet,In fact, it can also be obtained indirectly through GPS.

According to Liu Yu’s description, we think it’s more like"public test" iCar.

The chain is like this: the first generation of CarPlay won the favor of iPhone users and the support of car companies → the new generation sought deep customization → obtained basic data → accumulated data of different market segments for iCar’s smart cockpit.

This is another shocking point of Liu Yu:Car companies are willing to give data, and Apple can eat the rights of different car platforms.

Take the first batch of cooperative car companies as an example. There are nearly 100 models and more than 30 platforms in 14 car companies. If each platform supports the new generation of CarPlay, Apple’s efforts for "public beta" and the significance of the negotiation itself are huge and "horrible".

"I really don’t know how to talk about it."Liu Yu concluded.

But at the same time, we also received some different voices, such as another PM Feng Li (a pseudonym) from a new car.

He admits that the influence of the new CarPlay is very wide, but it is not the time to talk about who will change his life."The new forces didn’t quickly change the life of the traditional car factory.CarPlay It will not kill the opponent in an instant, but no one should despise Apple. "

In addition, Feng Li believes that not all models support new ones. CarPlay, even new CarPlay On cars and models, it may appear as an "apple tax".

Second, do traditional car companies really care?

What’s interesting is that,Throughout WWDC, there was no person in charge of a car company, and no specific model appeared on the "platform".

If you think this is Apple’s habit-at the WWDC in 2020, the new generation 5 Series became the first model to support the iOS14 carkey function, but it earned enough traffic.

More interestingly,At WWDC this year, BMW did not become the first batch of new ones. CarPlay Partner of. Equally intriguing is the absence of the parent companies of Audi and Porsche.

"As a main engine factory, I definitely don’t want to let others master the whole ecological lifeline of the car."Wang Long (pseudonym), an intelligent cockpit engineer from an independent car company, told us this.

Jiang Quan (a pseudonym), the head of an intelligent cockpit team, holds the same view. "CarPlay won’t work in China, and the OEMs won’t agree to hand over the intelligent brain to Apple. We must firmly hold it in our own hands. 」

This sentence is not difficult to understand.

As can be seen from the demonstration of the new version of CarPlay, if you don’t tell you about the existence of the mobile phone, the new CarPlay is like a complete car system, which takes over almost all the functions of the central control, which shows that the car factory needs to open a large number of bottom interfaces to Apple.

Another car system company expressed similar views to the above to us:"Apple’s HMI has a very strong apple gene, which will make many former loading plants unbearable. 」

Zhao Guan (pseudonym), the person in charge of the company, revealed two details to us from the idea of vehicle safety:

First, at present, from the perspective of demo, all the access signals are simple instrument signals, and some tt icons (tell-tale) need functional safety. This CarPlay is definitely not feasible and needs a separate hardware circuit and system.

Second, I didn’t see the access of the intelligent driving domain. This piece should also be very complicated. Each family’s apa scheme and mr scheme are different. How to access and the delay of data transmission are all problems.

According to the explanation of relevant people,"From the perspective of automobile safety, this is not a complete set of instrument display results. 」

Jiang Quan added to us: "The whole family bucket model means that the brain and face are given to Apple. In this case, the positioning, tonality and differentiation of smart cars in various OEMs are all gone, which does not meet the demands of general OEMs. 」

Wang lung also generously admitted that the new CarPlay After coming out, they felt a sense of crisis. But he believes that in the end, we will see if we can meet the needs of users. "Domestic OEMs have strong autonomy and are more inclined to do (car OS) by themselves. "

Wang Long also complained to us that the car machines of international car companies are difficult to use. "I can’t understand a car machine system, and the air conditioning adjustment interface can be placed in a four-level menu."

For this reason, he believes that international car companies use new CarPlay On the contrary, it may be a good thing, although it is equivalent to "they just handed this piece over to others."

Which piece? As mentioned aboveuser data"We all feel that these usage habits of users are the core".

We further asked Wang lung, as an iPhone user, will it be new? CarPlay Tempted, he affirmed, because he is the owner.

"Like Toyota, if you can use this. CarPlayThank god. But I don’t think it’s meaningful to have our own cars and other new domestic forces. 」

Third, Huawei Qualcomm Apple, change the ring and fight again?

An old friend @ Battery King shared a point with us:If Apple’s chips enter smart cars, it will be a "dimensionality reduction blow".

He even thinks that Apple may have been tying the A-series chips or even the M-series chips of the car specification. "Otherwise, it (new CarPlayThe adaptability of) will not be so strong, and the possibility of (soft and hard integration) will not be ruled out. "

Wang’s point of view is very interesting, but at the same time there is some truth.

Let’s take a look at the structure of A15 chip: 6-core CPU, 15.8TOPS NPU, 5-core GPU, video decoder, image processor …

Is it familiar?In fact, today’s smart phone SOC is very similar in structure to a chip., such as FSD Chip, is not much different from A15 in structure.

Even the M series used in notebook computers is essentially the same as the SOC components of NVIDIA’s Drive series-CPU, CPU, memory controller … and so on.

Liu Yu also expressed similar views.Otherwise, it can’t directly throw the instrument and the big screen at once.

But Feng Li thinks the possibility is almost zero."Apple should not supply chips to other car companies, and it has never been supplied."

When it comes to chips, two other hot words in the automobile circle recently are HarmonyOS and Snapdragon, followed by Huawei and Qualcomm.

new CarPlay After coming out, one of the voices we heard was that"HarmonyOS’s nemesis is coming."On the one hand, Apple’s software capability is obvious to all; on the other hand, Apple’s way of making friends is also very similar to Huawei’s.

"Apple doesn’t build cars, but Apple helps its partners build good cars", which doesn’t seem to be against it?

Liu Yu said that if Huawei is compared with Apple,For traditional car companies, HarmonyOS is not very adaptable.(refers to and CarPlay Compared with the adaptation cost), relatively new. CarPlay It will be more difficult to open the market.

AITO bound M5

Jiang Quan’s opinion is that HarmonyOS is now providing basic capabilities and basic applications, and OEMs can make their own applications. "That’s another way to play.". As for Apple’s eco-gameplay, we can only judge it after CarPlay releases the technical data.

If Huawei is facing Apple at the level of software and hardware integration, then Qualcomm is facing an old rival again in the field of general-purpose chips.

The new CarPlay will debut at the end of 2023, when Qualcomm will have brand-new car regulations.Class 8295 chip will also get on the bus. The battle between iOS and Android camps has spread from the mobile terminal to the automobile field. What’s Qualcomm’s position?

We contacted Qualcomm with questions, and the response wasIt is not convenient for us to evaluate the topic related to friendship and business, and this topic is suitable for OEM to evaluate.

Fourth, iCar officially entered the countdown?

Next year’s new CarPlay may be "the first public beta of iCar".

In other words, we should not see the real iCar before 2024-but by 2024, every car will support new ones. CarPlay Our cars are all customized "iCar" by car owners.

Faced with Apple’s obvious ambition, various car companies have different attitudes, including Japanese and European manufacturers who resolutely choose to cooperate, as well as the intriguing "old friend" BMW, and China’s new car that Alexander is determined to go his own way.

As observers, we encourage all-encompassing, and we hope to see hundreds of battles. At least after today, we are extremely eager to see the 2023 of the smart cockpit.

Unless otherwise specified, all interviewees are treated as aliases.


Chairman Aauto Quicker quit.

Original Guo Ruyi’s business figure

Author: Guo Ruyi

In another week, 41-year-old Su Hua will no longer be the chairman of Aauto Quicker.

On the evening of 20th, according to the announcement issued by Aauto Quicker, from October 29th, Suhua will step down as chairman and be replaced by another founder, Cheng Yixiao. Cheng Yixiao also served as CEO of Aauto Quicker.

However, Su Hua is not completely out of Aauto Quicker. He continues to be an executive director and a member of the remuneration committee. More importantly, his different voting rights will not change.

This is another handover of Aauto Quicker’s top leadership power after Su Hua resigned as CEO two years ago. A week later, Cheng Yixiao will become the undisputed number one in company management.

Aauto Quicker, where Hong Kong stocks are listed, implements the arrangement that each share has different rights. Each class A share can cast ten votes, and each class B share can cast one vote. At present, Suhua’s shareholding ratio is nearly 10%, slightly higher than that of Cheng Yixiao, and it is the largest individual shareholder in Aauto Quicker. Su Hua also has more voting rights than Cheng Yixiao.

Aauto Quicker’s announcement specially emphasized that their voting rights have not changed, which still continues the current pattern of shareholders’ rights. But even so, in terms of internal governance, the influence of Suhua will undoubtedly be further diluted. According to Aauto Quicker’s official statement, he "has to focus on other affairs".

Ten years ago, Su Hua, who had been tossing and turning repeatedly between starting a business and a big factory, met Cheng Yixiao through the introduction of Aauto Quicker investors. At that time, Aauto Quicker had just started, and it was still a product for users to make and share GIF animation. The first meeting between the two touched Cheng Yixiao, and he decided to introduce Suhua, so he did not hesitate to give up his considerable shares.

Since then, Su Hua has served as CEO, Cheng Yixiao as Chief Product Officer, and Aauto Quicker has started to move towards running all the way as a short video giant.

Aauto Quicker’s entrepreneurial myth is one of the most eye-catching cases in the golden age of Internet in the past years. In February 2021, Aauto Quicker landed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and became the "first short video". Now, its active users have reached hundreds of millions.

Su Hua also earned hundreds of millions of net worth by this. According to the 2023 Hurun Global Rich List, its wealth reached 31 billion yuan, ranking 668th. It took only ten years from obscurity to becoming a man of the hour in business.

In January this year, Suhua reduced its holdings in Aauto Quicker and cashed in about HK$ 3.8 billion. At that time, it was announced that it would "invest in charitable donations, cutting-edge scientific and technological exploration and infrastructure investment". Nowadays, there are fixed templates for the reasons of retiring or cashing out in the internet circle, that is, charity and cutting-edge technology. Suhua also used this trick, but the market didn’t seem to buy it, and Aauto Quicker’s share price plummeted by 6% the next day.

Su Hua’s resignation as chairman is the latest move of Aauto Quicker’s frequent personnel adjustment in recent years. Since the second half of 2021, the internal structure of Aauto Quicker has been adjusted many times, and it is not surprising that the authority of senior executives has changed and whether they will stay or not. Also in January this year, Aauto Quicker CTO Chen Dingjia resigned on the grounds that "more time should be devoted to family and personal affairs."

Corporate governance in Aauto Quicker once had a very distinctive feature, that is, the relatively rare dual-core governance. Similarly, R&F Property, a real estate industry, has been jointly run by Li Silian and Zhang Li for a long time, which is known as the dual boss system. In Aauto Quicker, two parallel hills are Suhua and Cheng Yixiao.

The predecessor of Aauto Quicker was led by Cheng Yixiao, and Suhua played a significant role in the process of growing into a short video social platform. This is a subtle entrepreneurial combination. The two people’s equity and voting rights are close. Ideally, they will share the same share, especially in the early stage. In fact, this model did have a honeymoon period of several years. Generally speaking, Suhua was responsible for investment and financing, commercialization, internationalization and functional departments, while Cheng Yixiao focused on product and technology business. However, if it is not handled properly, dual-core governance will easily lead to internal friction.

Before Aauto Quicker went public, there was some overlap in terms of authority between Su Cheng and Su Cheng. According to comprehensive media reports, it was once common to select sides and divide factions within Aauto Quicker. This has become a major problem criticized by the outside world in Aauto Quicker. It was not until Suhua stepped down as CEO and retreated from the front line of management to the position of chairman that this dual-core governance pattern changed.

In the past two years, Cheng Yixiao, who became the CEO of Aauto Quicker, gradually got used to this role. Before that, he was always considered to be inarticulate and not good at making public appearances. However, under the circumstance that Suhua made less and less public appearances, he assumed more responsibilities in this respect. And more like a comprehensive CEO.

In terms of performance, Cheng Yixiao’s leadership performance in the past two years has also been recognized. Aauto Quicker’s domestic business has been profitable for four consecutive quarters, and it achieved overall profitability at the group level for the first time in the first quarter of this year. Of course, there are also challenges, such as the pressure of growth and the pressure of stock price. When Aauto Quicker was first listed, its scenery was infinite and its market value was high, but now its total market value has shrunk by nearly 80%.

It is in this situation that Aauto Quicker’s "key person" changed from two to one, and the power was finally unified into Cheng Yixiao’s hands.

What awaits Suhua next may be a more leisurely life like a wild crane. After retiring, the Internet tycoons with financial freedom are usually less known to the outside world. Boss Ma is an exception. In April this year, Suhua registered and established a software information company, and maybe there will be other actions in the future. The cutting-edge technology that big bosses especially admire, I wonder if Suhua will make substantial progress.

Aauto Quicker, which belongs to him, has stirred up years, and many of them will become the past.

Original title: "Chairman Aauto Quicker quit"

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Game Working Committee of China Music and Digital Association: Don’t treat games as a scourge.

  The topic of protecting minors has once again become the focus of social attention.

  On August 3rd, the Economic Information Daily published "Online Games Grow into Hundreds of Billions of Industries". The article points out that Internet addiction among minors is widespread at present, and online games have an inestimable impact on the healthy growth of minors.

  In response to the topic of protecting minors in this report, 21st century business herald interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Game Working Committee of China Audio-visual and Digital Publishing Association. The person in charge told 21 reporters that at present, the work related to the protection of minors is continuing to advance, and game companies are actively implementing various anti-addiction work, and they should treat the role played by games in society with an objective and rational attitude.

  The person in charge also revealed exclusively that the Game Working Committee has recently convened some key game companies and organized a closed-door seminar on online game addiction prevention. At the meeting, it was once again explicitly requested that all game companies should cover the standard on products in accordance with the planning schedule and in accordance with the requirements of quality and quantity.

  Talking about online games:

  Adhere to the healthy and reasonable consumption of content, and don’t regard the game as a scourge.

  21st Century: What do you think of some metaphors about online games?

  Head of Game Working Committee:We believe that we should treat it objectively. Over the years, the management of online games has been mainly carried out in two aspects, one is the healthy content, and the other is the reasonable consumption. Under the premise of strict management, the competent authorities also advocate the diversification of online games, emphasizing the most basic principle that online game works should follow — — Convey the correct orientation, pay attention to the cultural connotation, and spread the positive energy of upward goodness.

  For example, we advocate the development of functional games and promote the combination of games with medical care, education, tourism and cultural creation, so that society and consumers can benefit from them and help people establish correct values.

  "21st Century": It is mentioned in the report that in 1929 questionnaires about students’ playing time, 26.23% students play online games once every two or three days, and 11.66% students play online games almost every day. 53.91% play games for 1-2 hours every day, and 2.28% play games for more than 5 hours every day. What do you think of this survey?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In some surveys of students playing online games, whether in provincial, prefecture-level cities or towns, from first-tier to fourth-tier cities, there will inevitably be deviations in statistical dimensions or data interfaces.

  According to the data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, there were 6.436 million left-behind children in rural areas. Left-behind children in rural areas may have more opportunities and time to get in touch with online games because of the lack of guardian’s companionship and supervision, so the proportion of playing games may be higher.

  From the management point of view, the competent authorities have clear requirements on the management measures and intensity of game publishing. Both the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, which was implemented on June 1 this year, and the provisions put forward in the Notice on Preventing Minors from Addicting to Online Games, which was issued by the State Press and Publication Administration in 2019, have clearly defined the length of play, in-game recharge behavior and curfew time for minors. Game enterprises should follow the principles, fulfill their duties and conscientiously implement various laws and regulations.

  In fact, under the background that the protection of minors has been strengthened year by year, most domestic game companies can strictly implement various requirements, and the effect is still very obvious. For example, head enterprises have strict in-game screening systems, and once illegal users are found, they will take immediate measures. At the same time, the competent authorities are constantly strengthening the mechanism of beforehand, during and in post supervision.

  Talking about not being insured:

  A closed meeting has been held to implement the game anti-addiction work.

  21st Century: During the summer vacation, did the Game Working Committee carry out any actions to urge game companies to protect minors?

  Head of Game Working Committee:The Game Working Committee has been continuously promoting all kinds of work related to the protection of minors. With the official implementation of the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, we are also making efforts with all parties in the industry to protect minors. During this year’s ChinaJoy, the Game Working Committee convened some key game companies to hold closed-door seminars on online game addiction prevention.

  At the beginning of the year, the Game Working Committee launched the promotion of the group standard of "Age Tips for Online Games", which has been deployed in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Xiamen. The so-called age prompt is mainly based on China’s national conditions, according to the growth characteristics of minors of different ages, to evaluate the types, content and functions of the game works and other factors, to prompt the age of the minors who are suitable for use, and to make a clear mark on the relevant interface of the game works. At present, more than 361 products of many key enterprises have been on-line for age tips, and more products will be on-line in the near future.

  The Game Working Committee also cooperated with the head enterprises and social welfare organizations to launch the "Network Literacy Course", focusing on minors and people who lack network literacy knowledge, continuously paying attention to the education of minors in green grid, and exporting high-quality network literacy courses. In addition, the Game Working Committee and scientific research institutions organize and hold ideological and political literacy classes for game practitioners, and guide game enterprises and practitioners to insist on putting social benefits first through learning, firmly grasp the correct orientation, keep innovation, vigorously carry forward and cultivate socialist core values, and strive to achieve the organic unity of social benefits and economic benefits to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the industry.

  21st Century: Will the Game Working Committee have any normal activities to protect minors?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In the organization of activities, the Game Working Committee cooperated with People’s Daily to hold a social responsibility forum, and held a forum for the protection of minors with some game companies. In the form of case sharing, round-table forum and initiative release, it conveyed voices to all parties in the industry and actively promoted the efficient development of the "uninsured" work.

  In the future work, we will closely cooperate with the industry authorities and local authorities, and add more activities with the theme of protecting minors and practicing corporate social responsibility in China Game Industry Annual Meeting, ChinaJoy and other brand activities, and invite more industry experts, game companies and mainstream media to participate, so as to send a strong voice to the society and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

  "21st Century": It is understood that the Game Working Committee recently held a closed-door meeting to implement the game anti-addiction work. What new arrangements have been made for the game anti-addiction work at this closed-door meeting?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In this closed meeting, the Game Working Committee invited some units and enterprises that participated in the formulation of standards to make a centralized summary of the progress of the previous group standards such as "Age Tips for Online Games", to understand and collect the problems encountered by enterprises in actual work, and also to inform enterprises of the problems and situations found by the Game Working Committee. From the overall direction, the social responsibility of game companies is constantly strengthening, and the work of preventing addiction in games is becoming more and more detailed.

  In the next step, the Working Committee plans to let more game companies participate in the protection of minors, and explicitly requested at the meeting that all game companies should cover all products with good quality and quantity according to the planning schedule. Besides,We plan to launch age tips on the whole platform. The existing age tips are mainly designed for client games and mobile games. Next, we will plan to promote this standard on the host platform to achieve all-round protection for minors.

  21st Century: How will the anti-addiction mechanism in China’s online games evolve in the future? From which aspects will it be further improved? What efforts should the Game Working Committee and all sectors of society make in this regard?

  Head of Game Working Committee:In the future, the anti-addiction mechanism of online games in China will be more systematic, strict and perfect, and all the work carried out will be more specific and in-depth.The real-name authentication platform under the management of the State Press and Publication Administration has been completed, and the follow-up work will focus on this platform, complete the docking between game enterprises and this platform, and use this platform to set up the first "firewall" to prevent game addiction.

  On July 29th, at the China International Digital Entertainment Industry Conference held in Shanghai, the competent authorities said that the national anti-addiction real-name authentication platform has been built, with more than 5,000 access enterprises and more than 10,000 games, and the game enterprises have moved from heteronomy to self-discipline, which has initially achieved the basic goal of anti-addiction work.

  In addition, the work of age-appropriate tips needs to be further improved and strengthened. The Game Working Committee will speed up the promotion of age-appropriate tips in all game products, and take age-appropriate tips as one of the evaluation criteria, urging enterprises to set the content of games more carefully. At the same time, it will also help minors and their guardians to choose games that are more suitable for their age groups. After the age-appropriate prompt pilot work is mature, it will also be included in the version number audit system.

  Judging from the specific requirements in the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, the prevention of addiction to minors’ games will be a long-term systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of the whole society and the support from the government, associations, parents, enterprises, media, schools and other aspects, and will continue to develop and improve over time to jointly build a healthy ecology to protect the growth of minors.

  As an important bridge and channel, the Game Working Committee will promote enterprises to do a good job in the protection of minors, and advocate game enterprises to unswervingly become practical and responsible practitioners.

  Author: Cai Shuyue, Zhu Weijing Editor: Cao Jinliang

[Video ]2010 auto china

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    CCTV (China News): Come and pay attention to auto china. As the largest auto show in China, the unique scenery of luxury cars is indispensable. Luxury brands such as Porsche, Bentley and Bugatti have appeared one after another. Let’s follow the camera to feast our eyes.

    This car is the most expensive luxury car in this auto show, the 2010 Bugatti Veveyor 16.4 Sport Edition. It is the first time to appear in the Asia-Pacific region, and the price abroad has reached 2 million US dollars. In terms of power, it is equipped with a strong 987 horsepower output, a four-turbocharged 8.0-liter W16 engine, a dual-clutch gearbox and an all-wheel drive system, and the top speed can reach 407 kilometers per hour.

    Next, we see Lamborghini’s latest model LP670-4, which is limited to 10 units worldwide. It is equipped with a 6.5L-V12 engine with an output power of 670 HP and a top speed of 342 kilometers per hour. The other LP570 is specially sold in China market, and uses a four-wheel drive 5.2LV10 engine.

    Bentley brought a brand-new flagship model that made its debut in Asia at the Beijing Auto Show. It was equipped with an 8-speed automatic transmission, which was nearly handmade and weighed nearly 2.6 tons. It takes only 5.1 seconds to accelerate from standstill to 100 kilometers, and the top speed can reach 296 kilometers per hour.

    Porsche has brought a hybrid car. This 918 is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system and a two-seat high-performance sports car with an engine in the middle. It has a 500-horsepower V8 gasoline engine and three electric motors. However, the fuel consumption is only 3.0L per 100 kilometers.

    BMW, a new hybrid concept car, uses a 1.5L turbocharged diesel engine and is equipped with a hybrid system at the front and rear, with a maximum power of 356 HP, a cruising range of 640 kilometers and a fuel consumption of only 3.76 liters per 100 kilometers.

    Other luxury car brands, such as Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and British finidi, have also introduced new models at this auto show. (Editor: Jassamyn Liu)

Editor: Liu Yi

Hot weather, so that fitness is healthier.

Recently, Beijing citizens participated in water sports on the Liangma River. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photo

  Since July, the "barbecue mode" has been opened in many places across the country, especially in North China, where the temperature has been high for many days. In this case, if there is no scientific and reasonable method to participate in sports, it is often easy to cause physical damage or even serious consequences.

  To this end, the reporter of Workers’ Daily recently learned about all kinds of accidental injuries and diseases easily caused by sports in high temperature weather by visiting sports medical experts and related industry insiders. Experts in the industry said that taking protective measures, controlling the amount of exercise and replenishing water in time can effectively avoid sports injuries.

  Be careful when exercising at high temperature.

  Recently, the hot weather in Beijing has continued, but many citizens still insist on physical exercise. Ms. Shao, who lives in Chaoyang District, told reporters that she has been insisting on running recently with the idea of "sweating a lot in summer, and fitness can reduce fat faster". However, in the course of running last evening, I experienced symptoms such as vomiting and dizziness, and I once fainted. Finally, with the help of my colleagues, I gradually relieved myself through cold compress.

  In this regard, Wang Dahui, chief physician of the Pediatric Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, told the reporter that the most common disease caused by exercise under high temperature is heatstroke. "In a high temperature environment, the body can’t effectively dissipate heat, which leads to a rapid increase in body temperature and symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting and temporary loss of consciousness."

  Wang Da Hui said that what is more serious than general heatstroke is heat spasm and heatstroke. Heat spasm refers to muscle painful spasm caused by high-intensity exercise or exhaustion of physical strength. "There are many factors that cause muscle cramps in athletes, including dehydration, loss of trace elements (such as sodium and potassium), extreme environmental conditions and nervous fatigue." Heat stroke is a serious emergency, characterized by high fever and disturbance of consciousness, which may even lead to death in severe cases.

  In addition, according to Wu Hongliang, a doctor in Shanghai Punan Hospital, exercise at high temperature has certain influence on circulatory system, digestive system and urinary system. "A lot of sweating and the loss of chloride reduce the acidity of gastric juice and easily cause indigestion. Exercise at high temperature can slow down the movement of the small intestine and form other gastrointestinal diseases. "

  In order to avoid the above pathological changes, relevant experts reminded that when exercising at high temperature in summer, we should pay attention to mastering scientific protection and sports rehabilitation methods. If you feel unwell, you should immediately stop exercising and cool down and get rid of heat. If it is serious, you should seek medical advice in time.

  Indoor and outdoor should be distinguished.

  The reporter learned through interviews that with the recent high temperature weather, many fitness enthusiasts prefer to use all kinds of fitness equipment indoors when participating in physical exercise, but some people are still keen on running, cycling and ball games outdoors.

  In this regard, Han Zhen, deputy director of the emergency department of Beijing Friendship Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, believes that strenuous exercise should be avoided as much as possible at noon when outdoors at high temperature, and certain sun protection measures are needed during exercise. "When the outdoor temperature exceeds 35℃, especially when the humidity is high, it is necessary to avoid long-term strenuous exercise, such as long-distance running and football. When the sun is particularly strong, you should also reduce outdoor exercise and try to avoid direct sunlight on your head. It is best to exercise outdoors in the early morning or evening when the weather is cool. "

  Wang Dahui told reporters that the outdoor exercise temperature is higher, and people are more alert to the changes in their bodies, but it is often easy to ignore when exercising indoors. Indoor fitness should pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the air conditioner, which is generally recommended to be between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius, and maintain appropriate humidity to provide a comfortable exercise environment. "If the temperature is too low, once you enter the outdoor high-temperature environment after exercise, it is easy to produce diseases such as colds and dysentery. In an air-conditioned room, it is necessary to ensure good indoor air circulation. You can increase air flow by opening windows or using fans. "

  Guo Yong, the physical fitness coach of the national winter sports team, suggested that in hot weather, you can choose some low-intensity exercise methods, such as walking, aerobics, yoga, etc., to reduce physical consumption. "Under high temperature, indoor projects can be considered more, but we must avoid too low room temperature and too high exercise intensity."

  Scientific fitness has a coup

  Facing the contradiction between hot weather and physical exercise, is there any more scientific and reasonable fitness method and guidance that can not only achieve fitness effect, but also effectively avoid the sports risks brought by high temperature? The answer is yes.

  Wu Peng, deputy director of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Center of Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, believes that in order to achieve scientific fitness at high temperature, special attention should be paid to the following aspects: properly adjusting exercise intensity to avoid overwork; Sports clothes and shoes and socks with good air permeability, sweat absorption and quick drying should be selected so that the body can better dissipate heat and sweat; Exercise in high temperature weather should be fully hydrated, especially salt and electrolyte; Take regular rest during exercise to avoid overwork; Don’t eat cold drinks, drink iced drinks or take a cold bath immediately after exercise.

  Wu Peng also reminded bodybuilders that antipyretics such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are ineffective for patients with heatstroke, and they may aggravate liver damage or cause kidney damage and gastrointestinal bleeding, so these drugs are not recommended.

  Li Liang, an associate researcher at the National Physical Fitness and Scientific Fitness Research Center of the Institute of Physical Education of the State General Administration of Sport, said in an interview that the most important thing in high-temperature weather is to reasonably choose sports events, time and equipment, and make corresponding adjustments according to personal physical fitness and environmental conditions. "Especially for people with heart disease and hypertension, fitness activities should be carried out reasonably and moderately under the guidance of experts."