Behind the sales volume of 700,000, Geely China Star and China’s high-end market went in both directions.

Although sometimes we always say "don’t judge heroes by success or failure", countless facts of "success or failure" make us have to pay more attention to the winners. Especially under the stock competition, the "involution" of the automobile market is accelerating, and the automobile enterprises are also facing more complicated situations.

According to the retail sales data of the Federation, in July this year, the retail sales of the domestic narrow passenger car market reached 1.775 million, down 2.3% year-on-year and 6.3% quarter-on-quarter. From January to July, the cumulative sales volume was 11.299 million vehicles, only a slight increase of 1.9% year-on-year. Only three car companies that entered the TOP10 retail sales list of car companies in July achieved a year-on-year increase, which further highlighted the "pain" of the current auto market.

Therefore, when we saw that Geely Automobile rose against the trend, especially the performance of "China Star" series was eye-catching, we couldn’t help it. The data shows that Geely Automobile China Star High-end Series not only achieved sales of 700,000 vehicles in just a few years, but also continued to climb in the first seven months of this year. It is necessary to know that China Star’s models are all in the most competitive market in the domestic automobile industry at present, and they are also the "hinterland" of old joint venture brands. Under such "encirclement and suppression", China Star can still achieve such good results, and there must be something extraordinary about it.

Sales performance is only external performance, and excellent product strength is the fundamental reason.

The data can speak: According to the official sales volume of Geely Automobile, in July this year, the sales volume of passenger cars was 138,135, a year-on-year increase of 13%, and it has maintained a year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter growth for six consecutive months; China Star’s high-end series sold 29,696 vehicles, up about 9% from the previous month and over 15% year-on-year. Among them, Xingyue L, one of the flagships of China Xingshuang, reached a record high of 15,666 vehicles in July, with a year-on-year increase of over 24%. At present, the cumulative sales volume exceeds 270,000 vehicles; Since the launch of another 1.5TD model, the overall competitiveness of Xingrui has been further strengthened, which has rapidly boosted sales. In July, sales exceeded 10,204 units in Wanda, and the cumulative total sales exceeded 320,000 units.

Judging from the above data, the sales situation of China Star is good this year. Further analysis shows that the cumulative sales volume of China Star has exceeded 700,000, and it is accelerating at a high base. Taking Xingyue L as an example, the sales volume of new cars is 6000+ and the orders are 30,000+in 10 days, and the average monthly sales volume is over 10,000. In the past two months, it has repeatedly hit record highs, and it is still full of stamina after two years of listing; The same is true for Xingrui. It takes 30+ days from 0 to 10,000 vehicles, and 100+ days from 10,000 to 50,000 vehicles. After 10 months of listing, the sales volume quickly exceeded 100,000 vehicles, and after two and a half years of listing, it quickly exceeded 320,000 vehicles, with the highest market share in a single month of 3.21%. These two cars can be said to have their own traffic genes since they were born, and their debut is the representative of the peak.

From the perspective of market segments, Xingrui entered the hinterland of the sedan market with the price of 100,000-150,000, which was the most competitive and was almost monopolized by joint venture brands in the past. Now, although the "halo" of joint venture brands has weakened, their combat effectiveness is still very impressive. And Xingrui has made great strides all the way, entered the head competition, and constantly set a new record for China sedan with high-value products, becoming a new choice for sedan that can keep pace with mainstream joint ventures and even catch up with joint ventures. How difficult is it? Just think about it.

As for Xingyue L, it is also a masterpiece of hard-core joint venture, and it has entered a battleground for military strategists in the 150,000-200,000-class SUV market. In this already fierce market segment, Xingyue L not only has record sales, but also the average transaction price of all models is as high as 170,000. Facing the joint venture rivals such as CR-V, RAV4 and Tiguan L, it also won recognition with high value and high quality, and became the king of hard-core SUV of 200,000-class.

The models that can stand out in the current market environment must have the hard-core product power to kill the enemy. Two models based on CMA architecture were endowed with "high-value" genes from the very beginning and became the spokespersons of "high-value China cars". Take Xingrui as an example, its 1869mm ultra-wide body +2800mm ultra-long wheelbase, BOSE advanced audio, top-class car fragrance system, dual 12.3-inch high-definition LCD screen +7.5-inch full-color HUD head-up display, as well as the latest Galaxy OS system, a new generation of E02 high-performance chips, etc., not only meet the needs of users’ sense of technology and grade, but also bring users a smooth and easy-to-use intelligent car experience.

Xingyue L, on the other hand, also has the full range of Drive-E 2.0TD power, 100-kilometer acceleration of 7.5s, Aisin imported 8AT gearbox, 100-kilometer fuel consumption of 6.9L, Borg Warner’s sixth-generation four-wheel drive system, as well as AR-HUD enhanced head-up display, Geely Galaxy OS, HWA high-speed driving assistance system and other rich functional configurations, achieving high value that rivals at the same level can’t match. We can see from the inside that why China Star has established a joint venture? How can it stand out in the "hot water" fuel vehicle market? You can find clues from the above points.

Breaking records is not the goal, but enhancing brand influence is the ultimate goal.

At present, China Star has become a masterpiece of Geely’s brand, and it can be regarded as a successful model. In fact, we know that there have been various cases in the high-end breakthrough of China brand, but there are not many real successes; In such a short period of time, the cumulative sales volume of China Star exceeded 700,000 vehicles, and cars and SUVs went hand in hand, realizing the transformation from phenomenal explosion models to classic models, achieving joint venture and killing, and gaining widespread recognition from consumers. Such a situation is rare. Driven by China Star, Geely has achieved the goal of brand promotion, while the high-end strategy is getting better and better.

The high-end image of China Star has brought direct brand premium to Geely and achieved its own market performance. However, high-end is not far from the masses, but should be closer to users, so that more consumers can get a higher-level value experience. For example, in the two years since the birth of China Star, there have been many examples of co-creation with users, such as joining hands with Long Zijia, a cutting-edge jewelry designer, to create the "China Star" ×CIGALONG co-branded limited jewelry "Xingmang", and to interpret the new height of rims; Join the trend fitness brand "Super Orangutan" to jointly create a "Super Player Fitness Party" and launch a series of exclusive private education courses; Jointly with Sanxingdui Museum, a joint-name model of Xingrui Space-Time Edition was launched; The launch of Xingrui only this turquoise version, etc., played a new height for users and successfully approached users.

As the saying goes: the moon comes first by being close to the water. Only by interacting with users can users fully understand that the original intention of high-end is not to be above the top, but to give users a better product experience. As the most direct bridge between brands and users, products are good or bad, which determines the final result of brand development. Only by going deep into users can we deeply understand and actively respond to users’ actual needs, and effectively avoid the embarrassment of "applauding without making a seat". From this perspective, China Star has obviously found its own doorway.

Since the listing of China Star Series, by creating an all-round and ecological "star" experience, cars are no longer cold vehicles, but travel partners who can resonate emotionally; At the same time, in line with the original intention of "fighting for the value of China automobile", China Star took the lead in adopting the strategy of "popularizing high-end products", successfully broke the inherent pattern and brand barriers of joint venture brands, led China brand cars to transform from price advantage to value advantage, gradually grasped the right to speak in China automobile market, and showed the quality and self-confidence of China automobile to the world.

China Star played an important role in helping Geely go to its own sea of stars.

Undoubtedly, the automobile development in the new era is facing all kinds of tests, but no matter how complicated and fierce the competition is, the foundation of constant change is the high-value experience brought by advanced technical strength.

Obviously, the core technology of China Star is its "high value" code. Fundamentally speaking, China Star has CMA, the world’s leading car-making architecture, which can cover the development needs of different models from A-class to B-class, and build a world-class good car.

In terms of intelligence, Geely has already made a forward-looking layout in the fields of low-orbit synchronous satellite, V2X vehicle-road coordination, high-level autonomous driving and so on, and gradually applied it to many models such as China Star, and took the lead in making smart travel in the era of 5G smart travel. Under the guidance of "Blue Geely Action Plan", GHS2.0 intelligent hybrid system, which leads the world in intelligent energy saving and new energy technology, has also been put on China Satellite for the first time.

Technology is the "foundation" of the automobile industry, and technology can only be verified by products. On the Geely China Star model, there is the most genuine technology of Geely, which is also the true embodiment of "high value", and it is also related to the future development of Geely brand. Now these have been verified on China Star products, and Geely’s upward road is stable.

Write at the end:

Why did Geely China Star stand firm with the joint venture brand in the most competitive market segment, and made quite eye-catching achievements against the trend? There is no other reason than its outstanding performance in product strength and marketing service, which shows us the rising road of Geely brand and even China brand, and also verifies its own uniqueness. We believe that China Star will show better achievements in the market in the future, which will contribute to the upward development of Geely brand. We will wait and see.

(This article was originally produced by the editorial department of [Car Industry] New Media, and the author of this article is Wei Wuxian. Please indicate the source when reprinting.)

The main body of responsibility for "live broadcast with goods" is clear

  Exaggeration and falsification of data … … While the mode of "live broadcast with goods" is developing rapidly, there are also many problems. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and promote the healthy development of the new format of live broadcast marketing, the State Administration of Market Supervision issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Webcast Marketing Activities on November 6 (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions).

  "Webcast marketing activities, as a new format of Internet e-commerce, have both ‘ E-commerce+promotion+shopping guide and selling goods ’ And other characteristics, the model is new, there are many subjects, and the legal relationship is complicated. " The relevant person in charge of the Advertising Supervision and Management Department of the General Administration of Market Supervision said that the Opinions fully considered the attributes and characteristics of webcasting marketing activities, industry status and supervision system, and clarified the legal responsibilities of relevant subjects in webcasting marketing activities based on relevant laws and regulations, which is of great significance to guiding grassroots law enforcement and promoting industry norms.

  The "Opinions" require innovative regulatory concepts, actively explore regulatory methods that adapt to the characteristics of new formats and are conducive to fair competition among various market players, and investigate and deal with illegal acts such as infringing consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, infringing intellectual property rights and disrupting market order in webcasting marketing activities according to law, promote the healthy development of webcasting marketing, and create a fair and orderly competitive environment and a safe and secure consumption environment.

  Specifically, the Opinions mainly include three parts:

  Compacting the legal responsibilities of relevant subjects. This paper mainly sorts out the responsibilities of the three main bodies (network platform, commodity operators and webcasts) in the marketing activities of webcasting, and makes clear the responsibilities in three aspects for the first time. First, the live broadcast platform jumps to the network live broadcast marketing mode of the traditional e-commerce platform, and it is clear that the live broadcast platform fulfills the responsibilities and obligations of the e-commerce platform operators; The second is to provide paid diversion services for online platforms, which constitute commercial advertisements, and should fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of advertising publishers or advertising operators; Third, it is clear that webcasts should fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of operators in accordance with the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and those who constitute commercial advertisements should also fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of advertisement publishers, advertising operators or advertising spokespersons according to specific circumstances.

  Strictly regulate the marketing behavior of webcasting. It mainly provides for the establishment and implementation of the inspection and acceptance system for goods, goods or services prohibited from being sold, commercial advertisements prohibited from being released, and standardized advertisement review and release.

  Investigate and deal with illegal activities of live webcast marketing according to law. This paper mainly lists eight key illegal behaviors in the current online live marketing activities, such as e-commerce, infringement of consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, unfair competition, product quality violation, infringement of intellectual property rights, food safety violation, advertising violation and price violation, and it is clear that they should be investigated and dealt with according to the corresponding laws.

  The data shows that in the first half of this year, there were more than 10 million live e-commerce nationwide, and the average daily audience exceeded 260 million. Insiders analyzed that the introduction of this regulatory opinion will effectively regulate the market and help promote the healthy development of this new format.

How many dangers are hidden in the popular "partner culture" among young people?

Original grapes

Photo: Huang Zi | Written by: Grape | Editor: Ruoying

Original article, please do not reprint without permission.

Hello, I’m Grape ~

In recent years, a "partner culture" has become popular. When searching on the Internet and social platforms, all kinds of partner-seeking stickers will appear: travel partner, game partner, weight-loss partner, fishing partner, fitness partner, music festival partner … anything you can.

▲ Image source: Xiaohongshu

Besides finding partners, the Internet is a good place for young people to make friends and fall in love, but it is precisely because of the convenience of the Internet that this young culture and way of making friends are popular, and its potential risks also follow.

Because most online friends and love will move to the offline base and rush. And leaving the false online world, the perfect ta in your impression may reveal its true face, or even have ulterior motives …

Today’s safety guide for girls, let’s talk about the risks and precautions of offline foundation!

▲ Image source: Giphy

Possible risks of sub-line base

* No one was killed with a stick, just talk about the possible risks and remind everyone!

Under the line, the base can’t match the number, but it threatens personal safety. Not only offline, but also online communication stage, the risk already exists.

information security

Presumably, everyone knows that the identity information provided by these partners and netizens is probably false, right?

In the public identity information, ta’s information may be false from beginning to end, and the age, occupation, gender, hobbies and even photos are all processed. The person you are facing is an artificial setup made up by ta by all means, which is not the real situation. And naive you, all the real information revealed out …

A friend will say, "Who is so stupid that he will reveal his true information? 」

You know, even if you are vigilant, the other party may lock you in through the dynamics published by your circle of friends and social platforms. There are some bad situations, such as home address being leaked, information being hijacked, photos being abused, etc …

And looking for a travel partner offline, it is inevitable to buy tickets to travel together, and then your identity information may be stolen.

personal security

There is no need to explain too much about personal safety. If you encounter a pervert or a trafficker, you will face sexual assault, trafficking, and even deception to North Myanmar …

You may feel a little alarmist, but similar incidents did happen. When searching for relevant information, a post caught the attention of grapes:

A netizen posted an article titled "Attention, 2003 girls who want to meet netizens in Huizhou!"! The content of the post is a screenshot of netizens chatting in a group. From it, we can see that the netizen S in the group chat is promoting his little sister who is about to meet him, claiming that "the chat has been paved and the hotel has been opened in 2003 …"

In other words, the so-called noodle base is just a trap carefully designed by this person, just waiting for the other party to take the bait. Once the swindler’s plot succeeds, the girl will face great harm, and this is just one of them. We dare not imagine how many such scams and injuries there are in the world.

In addition, there is a noteworthy place in this post. Netizen S also posted the video of Xiaomei to the group, and then it was discovered by the majority of netizens that this video was not Xiaomei herself, and the real protagonist of the video was a girl who had nothing to do with this matter. The girl said: The video she sent to her circle of friends was stolen. This also confirms the information security problem we mentioned earlier.

In addition to being sexually assaulted, you may also be trafficked and deceived to northern Myanmar.

Recently, the events in northern Myanmar have been frequently searched, including journalists who went to expose the truth regardless of the danger, and witnesses who survived. Their reports and memories showed the terrible and unscrupulous fraud gangs in northern Myanmar to the public, and also let us know that many people have not escaped. When they first went to North Myanmar, except for expecting high-paying jobs to take the initiative, the rest were basically cheated by relatives and friends.

Once cheated, violent beatings, personal control, rape and sexual assault, forced drug use … these inhuman treatments are all possible. If you think it’s far away from you and you can’t be deceived to North Myanmar, then the next fact is closer.

That is: the person you are chatting with and falling in love with is probably a person who specializes in fraud. As the other person gets to know your information step by step and gains your goodwill day by day, maybe fraud is close at hand.

▲ Image source: Giphy

property safety

According to the witness who fled from northern Myanmar, the companies there are engaged in the fraud work aimed at domestic women, playing games, falling in love with women and cheating money, commonly known as "killing pigs".

The other party may induce you under the guise of investing together, or directly ask for borrowing money and helping to order a link, and finally lose both money and people.

In a word, danger is everywhere. So how should we avoid these dangers?

Matters needing attention in face base

Grapes have compiled some precautions for your reference ~


1. Avoid money transactions when communicating, and don’t click on the link sent by the other party easily;

2. Do not disclose personal home address, company and other specific information;

3. Agree on the time and place of the noodle base, choose daytime as the time, and choose a crowded and familiar big business district as the place;

4. Inform your family and friends of the purpose, time and place of this trip in advance, set up danger signals (such as sending specific numbers, stipulating the time limit for replying messages, etc.), and ensure that someone knows your whereabouts and safety;

5. Set an alarm clock in advance, and you can leave by answering the phone when you feel uncomfortable.

6. Prepare protective articles such as anti-wolf spray, just in case.

Face-based time

1. Keep close contact with family and friends;

2. Be wary of the other party’s request to get along alone in a private space (such as ktv, private cinema, car);

3. Mention the details of online communication and verify whether the other party is an online communicator;

4. Don’t eat and drink the food and drinks provided by the other party easily, especially those opened in advance and far away from your sight;

5. Carry important items such as bags with you;

6. Consumption AA generated by noodle base.


1. Be alert to the other party’s request to send you home;

2. Evaluate whether the other party meets your expectations. Even if you feel good, don’t blindly trust;

3. We should still be vigilant. It is not excluded that some swindlers "catch big fish in a long line" and pay attention to safety when they meet later.

▲ Image source: Giphy

That’s all the precautions grapes thought of. After all, a person’s strength is limited, so we also collected suggestions from readers. Let’s take a look ~

Motu soil

First, there must be a video call to avoid cheating, even in the case of developed AI technology; Second, we must know more about each other’s information, and feel each other’s views on family and friends from the process of talking with each other, so that we can know whether some of their personalities are consistent with ourselves; Third, the site must be open; Fourth, if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable before and during the dough-making, you can find an excuse to leave. You must be vigilant and don’t blindly trust each other. As long as you feel uncomfortable, there must be something wrong.

If the other person is tempted to touch the color, please call loudly to attract the attention of the people around you, and then grab the things and run away.



I have seen more than a dozen male netizens who have met in games, and I have some precautions to share with you: when meeting, I should choose someone who has known each other for a long time and is close to my age; Don’t treat netizens as real friends, unless the relationship has reached the point where there is nothing to say, after all, the network will still hide its true self more or less; When you meet for the first time, you must choose a place with high safety factor.

Ask about the motivation of making friends first, although the other person may not say what he really thinks, and at the same time clearly express his attitude. When meeting for the first time, it’s best to explain in advance the time you want to end or reveal the schedule behind you. Don’t procrastinate too much. Even if you feel good, you should have moderate contact.

bean-starch jelly

to one’s heart’s content

Meet alone only with the same sex. If there is the opposite sex, it must be a group of people with the same sex that they trust. Do not meet minors alone; Don’t go to KTV and other places when you meet for the first time, and don’t drink; Know each other long enough to meet again; As for the exhibition/concert and other activities, it is just a simple meeting, which has little impact.

Have a certain understanding in front of the noodle base, be sure to meet in public places, and never stay too late with the noodle base object casually, and don’t follow the noodle base object to remote places! No matter whether the target is old people, children or women, no matter how safe and powerful you think you are, people’s hearts are unpredictable. Protect yourself in case you regret it.

light rain

Ok, that’s all for this issue ~

Let’s make it clear that not all scammers are encountered on the Internet, but many scammers are hidden on the Internet. This article just reminds everyone that I hope we will not meet them!

Good morning, I love this world.


[1] The most important person. Self-report of Myanmar returnees: fleeing the road and burying the body [EB/OL] (2023-07-24) [2023-08-08].

Read the original text

Your "overseas purchasing" beauty cosmetics may just have been around Huaqiang North.

  Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, January 13th Question: "Overseas purchasing" beauty cosmetics may just have turned around in Huaqiang North. What does the smuggling case of Huaqiang North exceeding 600 million yuan reflect?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Simomo and Sun Fei

  "Overseas purchasing is pulling a suitcase and saying that it is going abroad. It may just be a turn in Huaqiang North." At the end of 2020, a cosmetics smuggling case involving more than 600 million yuan caused an "earthquake" in Shenzhen Huaqiang North. With the intervention of the industry authorities, thousands of beauty shops were closed almost overnight and closed for rectification.

  Since 2018, due to the decline of the traditional communication electronics market, many digital cities in Huaqiang North, such as Mingtong, Manha and Yuanwang, have been transformed into beauty cities. The beauty industry has been soaring for a while, and it is hard to find a booth. However, major smuggling cases have brought the chaos in Huaqiang North’s beauty market to the surface.

  The gang "swiped the bill" exceeded 600 million yuan, and the transformation of Huaqiang North suffered heavy losses.

  These days, Huaqiang North Mingtong, Yuanwang, Women’s World and other beauty cities are deserted, and most shops in the mall are closed. Through the glass window, you can see the scattered packaging bags and sporadic goods in the store. Many merchants posted WeChat QR code and mobile phone number on the window.

  "Most of these cosmetics in Huaqiang North are branded goods, but they are smuggled. The price tag is generally much lower than the counter price, and some are even half lower." At the gate of Mingtong Beauty Shop, Dou Hong (a pseudonym), the owner of beauty shop, told Xinhua Viewpoint reporter.

  In 2018, Mingtong Digital City successfully transformed into a beauty city. As the first batch of settled merchants, Dou Hong not only enjoyed preferential rents, but more importantly, seized business opportunities and earned the "first bucket of gold" in life.

  Soon, Manha Digital Plaza and Longsheng Accessories City quickly followed suit and "transformed" into a beauty city. In just over two years, Huaqiang North has gathered thousands of beauty shops, and the monthly rent for stalls with good locations is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but it is still hard to find a file.

  With the industrial agglomeration of Huaqiang North Beauty Market, more and more Wechat business and Daigou choose to come here to get their goods directly. "Those overseas purchasing agents in the circle of friends pull suitcases and say that they are going abroad. In fact, they may just go to Huaqiang North." Dou Hong said.

  At the end of 2020, the Anti-smuggling Bureau of Shenzhen Customs, together with the public security departments, investigated shops suspected of smuggling in several beauty shops in Huaqiang North, destroyed a smuggling criminal gang that used the cross-border e-commerce platform to "swipe the bill" to smuggle cosmetics and other goods into the country, and arrested 36 suspects, with a case value exceeding 600 million yuan.

  "There are customs clearance gangs and cargo owners’ gangs. The cargo owners organize the goods abroad and hand them over to the customs clearance gangs. They use the personal information of citizens bought through illegal channels to create false orders, false payment orders and false logistics orders, and then deceive the customs and transport the goods into China." Yu Xiaopeng, deputy section chief of the investigation department of Shekou Branch of Shenzhen Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau, said.

  According to the relevant regulations of China, from January 1, 2019, the annual transaction limit of cross-border e-commerce individuals will be increased from 20,000 yuan to 26,000 yuan. Yu Xiaopeng introduced that smuggling gangs tried to steal consumers’ information and consumption quotas for cross-border e-commerce transactions, and falsely reported goods that should have been imported in the nature of general trade as cross-border e-commerce imports.

  Nowadays, hundreds of beauty shops including Mingtong, Manha, Yuanwang and other shopping malls are mostly closed, and the street office has posted many banners in the shopping malls with the words "crack down on smuggling according to law and strengthen market order".

  Smuggled cosmetics seized by anti-smuggling personnel of Shenzhen Customs (photo). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of Shenzhen Customs)

  From "shanzhai" to "smuggling", how does Huaqiang North go "negative"?

  What Huaqiang North lacks most is its keenness to the market and its adventurous spirit.

  After the decline of the traditional communication electronics market, merchants in Huaqiang North have tried to explore various industries, and finally it is "imported" beauty products that form a stable industrial agglomeration effect.

  "Shenzhen is backed by customs port trade, and there are many sources of cosmetics. Moreover, cosmetics themselves have higher profit margins, more opaque prices, and the difference between official retail channels is large, which is still consumables." Dou Hong told reporters.

  As one of the earliest industrial areas of electronic, communication and electrical products in Shenzhen, the annual sales of tens of thousands of merchants gathered in Huaqiang North in that year exceeded 100 billion yuan, and they went out of well-known enterprises such as Tencent, Han’s Laser and Hainengda, and became innovative places.

  However, with the rapid development of the Internet to reduce the asymmetry of price information, the imitation of "cottage" and "high imitation" mobile phones was squeezed out by brand mobile phones, and Huaqiang North also ushered in development pains.

  At the beginning of the transformation, many beauty cities in Huaqiang North were positioned as high-end, genuine products and genuine goods, but the emergence of major smuggling cases still revealed that the transformation has a long way to go.

  At CC Beauty Shop in Mingtong Beauty City, the smuggled goods seized by the staff of Shenzhen Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau were worth about 2 million yuan. "The goods are all purchased from overseas through smuggling channels at low prices." The owner Li said.

  Chinese translation labels, including product name, name of country or region of origin, distributor, importer, agent in China, production batch number and service life, are affixed to the outer packaging of regular imported cosmetics, while smuggled products do not have these.

  In addition to smuggled products, fakes are also eyeing the newly emerging beauty market in Huaqiang North. According to some merchants, some fake sellers pretend to be merchants in the professional beauty market to sell goods. After the complaint, it is verified that the other party does not even have a basic berth.

  In addition, there are criminals who are eyeing businesses with no exclusive supply and insufficient experience. "After all, it is a new industry, and merchants’ ability to identify goods is not enough. We can only call the police when we find fake goods and report them to the market supervision department for handling. " A merchant said.

  Anti-smuggling personnel of Shenzhen Customs seized smuggled cosmetics on the spot (data photos). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of Shenzhen Customs)

  How to take the transition road of Huaqiang North?

  The physical store was closed and the online shopping business was also affected. The reporter contacted Zhou Feng (a pseudonym), the owner of a physical store in Huaqiang North Beauty City. He told the reporter, "The regulatory authorities are checking the Chinese standard and cannot deliver the goods these days."

  At present, the cosmetics market in China is one of the fastest growing markets in the global cosmetics industry. Among them, foreign beauty brands occupy most of the domestic market, and the huge price difference between domestic and foreign beauty products makes businesses take risks.

  Zhou Feng judged that the next closure and rectification will make the management of Huaqiang North’s beauty industry more strict and tend to be standardized. "The return of profit margins to normal will also intensify competition among merchants." He said.

  It is understood that in recent years, the Futian District Government of Shenzhen has continuously issued supporting policies to help the transformation and upgrading of Huaqiang North business district from many aspects, such as creating innovation space, training innovation teams, gathering innovative enterprises, and attracting global innovation forces, and the market itself is also doing more active exploration.

  Bauhinia City was once a commercial building transformed into a beauty city at the same time as Mingtong Digital City. Due to Mingtong’s obvious oligopoly effect in the beauty market, Bauhinia City has taken a different approach and is ready to build itself into a global food trading center.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, said that Huaqiang North has always had innovative genes, but the industrial transformation and upgrading must be legal and legal, and it should not be allowed to grow wildly. It is necessary to establish the concept of paying equal attention to the rule of law and development, safety and speed, integrity and innovation, fairness and efficiency.

  Song Ding, deputy director of the China Urban Economic Expert Committee, said, "Regulators should also play an active role in strengthening intellectual property protection, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and promoting Huaqiang North to embark on the road of high-quality development." Liu Junhai said.

Central bank’s RRR cut: the decline in the income of bank wealth management products is good news for the stock market.

  On January 1, 2020, the RRR cut came as scheduled, and the central bank decided to comprehensively reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points from January 6. The central bank said that the RRR cut will release about 800 billion yuan of long-term funds and reduce the cost of bank funds by about 15 billion yuan.

  What impact will the RRR cut have on various wealth management products? Liu Yinping, a researcher at Rong 360 Jianpu Technology Big Data Research Institute, believes that after the RRR cut, the market liquidity will be further relaxed and the price of funds will drop, resulting in a decline in the yield of fixed-income products; However, the RRR cut will be beneficial to some equity assets, and the income of fixed-income products will decline, and some funds will flow to equity assets, thus prompting asset prices to rise.


  Impact 1

  Bank deposit interest rates will fall, and small banks may last for a long time.

  Since 2019, the central bank has been guiding the interest rate in the loan market to fall, thus solving the problem of financing difficulties for small and micro enterprises. At present, the interest rates of various types of deposits in banks are at a high level. In order to avoid narrowing the deposit-loan spreads, banks will lower the interest rates of various deposit products, including time deposits, large deposit certificates and structured deposits.

  Liu Yinping pointed out that different types of banks have different capital pressures, and the progress and extent of interest rate reduction will be different. Large and medium-sized banks may take the lead in lowering the deposit interest rate, while small banks have great difficulty in raising deposits, and the reduction of deposit interest rate may be one step behind.

  Impact 2

  The average yield of bank wealth management will fall below 4% again.

  Since last year, the bank’s wealth management yield has continued to fall, and at the end of December, the yield has rebounded. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Data Research Institute, the average yield of bank wealth management products rose to 4.11% last week.

  Liu Yinping said that the RRR cut will lead to loose liquidity, and most of the underlying assets of bank wealth management are fixed-income assets, and the yield of such assets will drop, so will the yield of wealth management products, which is expected to fall below 4% again in the short term. However, the impact of RRR cuts on the income of wealth management products such as equity, commodities and financial derivatives is uncertain, which may push some equity assets higher.

  Impact 3

  The average yield of the money fund will fall to the range of 2.4%~2.5%.

  The monetary fund yield behind all kinds of baby financing has always been sensitive to changes in market interest rates. Since the end of November last year, the yield of money funds has continued to rise. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Big Data Research Institute, the average yield of goods-based babies last week was 2.69%, a 39-month high.

  Even if the RRR is not lowered, the funds will gradually loosen after New Year’s Day, and the yield of the money fund will also fall. Lowering the benchmark will further loosen the liquidity and accelerate the decline of the yield of the money fund. It is expected that the average yield will fall to 2.4%~2.5% in the short term.

  Impact 4

  Theoretically speaking, RRR cuts are good for the stock market.

  After the RRR cut, there will be more funds in the market, and some of them will flow to the stock market. Moreover, the increase in corporate credit will help improve the operating conditions of enterprises. Theoretically, the RRR cut is good news for the stock market.

  However, judging from the performance of the stock market after previous RRR cuts, the stock index has been mixed. Liu Yinping pointed out that there are many factors affecting the stock market, including policies, economic environment, the development of all walks of life, market confidence and so on. Today is the first working day after the RRR cut, and all major stock indexes rose in the morning, so it seems that the market confidence is sufficient.

  Text/reporter Cheng Wei

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In 2023, the National University Student Robot Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and robot contest ended.

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Ten-year-old end-game ushered in an explosive rebound in popularity? Those PC-side tours that have soared online in the summer file.

With the advent of the summer file, major games have launched their own new activities, which has also ushered in a hot game market. Many PC-side games, new or old, attracted a large number of players by virtue of summer activities, and even broke their own highest online record. Today, let’s take a look at the PC games that have skyrocketed in popularity in the summer file.

Crossing the line of fire

Domestic players are absolutely familiar with Crossing the Line of Fire. This summer’s file coincides with the 15th anniversary of Crossing the Line of Fire. On this day worthy of celebration, the official of Crossing the Line of Fire has also given the majority of players a hard work, that is, giving away the first heroic weapon "Fire Kirin" of Crossing the Line of Fire for free.

Players can keep this "AK47- Fire Kirin" forever by completing at least one game every month for 6 months.

At the end of 2012, the first heroic weapon "Fire Kirin" of Crossing the Line of Fire was born. This weapon was full of controversy from the beginning of its birth. Some people think that this weapon destroyed the balance of the game, while others think that it made Crossing the Line of Fire clear the payment mode and reached its peak. In any case, in the whole history of domestic games, "Fire Kirin" will undoubtedly occupy its own position.

The launch of the activity "AK47- Fire Kirin" in Bai Piao undoubtedly ignited the enthusiasm of the players. On the day of the activity, the room lines in the game were all red and full.

According to the real-time monitoring data of third-party websites, the number of online users reached 4.179 million in the early morning of the activity, once again breaking their own record. It is reported that the last time the number of simultaneous online users of Crossfire reached 4 million was on August 26th, 2012, eleven years ago.

Forever robbery

If you want to select the more successful domestic games in recent years, then "Never Robbed" is definitely on the list. As a domestic martial arts chicken-eating game, with a beautiful picture and a refreshing fighting feel, Never Robbed, after the launch of Steam, has been welcomed by many players.

On-line last week, the basic version of "Never Robbed" and the deluxe version entered the top five of the Steam weekly sales list, and the basic version won the first place in the Steam weekly sales list.

However, it is estimated that many people did not expect that this domestic buyout game was announced to be a free game on July 14 at the press conference of the 2nd anniversary of Never Robbed. According to the Basic Law, a buyout game will be vomited or even resisted by players after it is declared free. Surprisingly, however, the official released another surprising data the next day, and the single-day sales of the game reached 1 million.

The reason why it can continue to sell after it is declared free is the official conscience of "Never Robbed" about the feedback to the old players after the transfer, which makes people feel really fragrant and can’t be refused. For the old players who buy the game, the official will give feedback on Ninghong Night’s best fashion (as shown in the poster), out-of-print commemorative avatar and 10 treasure chest optional gifts.

In addition to props feedback, the player will also give back the equivalent gold nuggets according to the version purchased by the player, that is to say, the money for buying the game is equivalent to directly recharging into the game, and you can also get props worth more than 300 pieces, so the old players can directly make money.

In addition to selling explosions, the number of players online at the same time soared after the game was free. According to the statistics of the SteamDB website, the number of simultaneous online users of the game’s Steam platform exceeded 260,000, breaking the record of 186,000 set in 2021. Not only that, considering that there are other versions, the actual number of players will only increase even more.

Black desert

Players who pay attention to online games and like action games will certainly be familiar with the action online game Black Desert made by Korean developer PearlAbyss.

The game is based on the medieval wars in Europe, and mainly describes the entanglements caused by the ancient product "Blackstone". Players become independent fighters and use the power of Blackstone to fight against the Republic of Kalpayne and the Kingdom of Valenciva, which hold corrupt power. The game is characterized by emphasizing the refreshing and heavy sense of fighting and the free and rich open world gameplay.

The game is developed by an independent engine, but it will never lose to any first-class engine game in terms of picture quality, light shadow, surface vegetation, physical characteristics and other details. The game uses seamless map technology, and the scene is visible. The game has a real weather system, morning glow, sunset glow, rainbow and other natural landscapes.

In the summer file, Black Desert also launched its own new information "The Country of Dawn". According to the analysis of foreign media, the number of new players in Black Desert increased by 267% and the number of returning players increased by 335% last month. Developer Pearl Abyss took this opportunity to boast about the visual effects of the game.

It is reported that the inspiration of "The Country of Dawn" comes from the scenery and culture of South Korea, so it is not surprising that Pearl Abyss’s excellent employees go all out to describe the beauty of their motherland.

Legion fortress 2

Old players are no strangers to Legion Fortress 2. After all, it is definitely an old game of grandparents’ generation, which has been in operation for 16 years this year. So a look at the old game, in this summer, not to be outdone, ushered in a new wave of outbreaks. A new simultaneous online player record was set on the Steam platform, reaching 258,997.

According to the statistics of SteamDB website, on July 13th, the number of online players reached 2,589.97 million, which set a new record in December last year. At that time, the number of online players reached 167,591. As for the reason for the soaring popularity, it is probably related to the brand-new "Legion Fortress 2" summer activity launched by Valve Company, which added many new maps, new actions, new special effects and new ornaments to the game.

Interestingly, however, this update is not officially produced by Valve, and most of the content is made by players. As a game with a "long history", "Legion Fortress 2" has basically been shelved by V Society in the first two years and is in a stocking state.

However, the game has a huge group of players, and in the face of players’ petitions, it finally attracted the attention of V Club. Since last year, officials have been more concerned about the operation of the game. At the beginning of this year, V Society officially announced that it would make a big update in May this year, but the content of the announcement was quite special. V Society hoped: "The author of the creative workshop will output the content quickly and submit the content to the Steam creative workshop before May 1."

Because the project "Legion Fortress 2" is too long, V Club can’t allocate manpower to make a long-term update. So we can only pin our hopes on the players themselves. Fortunately, the two sides cooperated well in this wave of update work, and finally all players can enjoy the new game content.

Ark of destiny

As we all know, for some reasons, basically no Korean games have been able to enter China in recent years. When several Korean games appeared in the edition number in December last year, it was really eye-catching, and the most eye-catching one was Ark of Destiny. Now, after months of waiting, this game, which many players have been looking forward to for several years, was finally officially opened on July 20.

The Ark of Destiny is a MMORPG set in medieval Europe, which describes a peaceful fantasy world suddenly invaded by demons, and players embark on an adventure journey in order to find the Ark scattered around the world.

In the game, players can freely cultivate a variety of professions, and each profession has different combat systems and skills, so that players can experience different fun. Players can not only be exposed to the growth of characters, diverse costumes, props enhancement and other content, but also experience the magnificent world outlook, moving stories and skills with a sense of shock.

The game was originally opened on July 13th to make an appointment for players to enter in advance, and the sudden influx of a large number of players overwhelmed the server for maintenance. After that, many servers entered the queue state, and the queue time was as long as one hour when the players were the most.

At present, the game has been fully opened, and many new servers have been added. Interested players can try it.

Fearless contract

After several years of waiting, the shooting game "Fearless Contract", which has been popular abroad, was finally officially launched on July 12.

"Fearless Contract" is a 5v5 tactical FPS game that emphasizes the character’s personality. The game is set on the future earth, and all characters will be collectively called "agents". Each "agent" has its special abilities and will play its greatest role in corresponding special situations.

The Fearless Contract has a variety of roles, exciting competitive modes and various tactical strategies, and has built a shocking competitive world. "The Fearless Contract" is not as different from the heroic design in "Watching the Pioneer". On the contrary, everyone has the same blood volume and shares the same set of weapons that can be purchased. They are exactly the same except for their skills.

The special skills of different characters not only skillfully enhance the tactics of the battle, but also improve the strategy of the team game, which makes people feel like playing a game that combines MOBA and FPS and pays attention to teamwork and strategic layout.

As a brand-new masterpiece of fist, the game has already achieved good results overseas. After the first anniversary of the game operation, the monthly active users broke through the 14 million mark, and the peak number of viewers of related e-sports events on Twitch reached 1 million.

The fearless contract, which has accumulated a huge popularity, has also exploded directly after the opening of the national service. The huge number of players even caused the game to crash twice in a row after opening the service, and had to be shut down for maintenance.

Running the World Natural Heritage Site Shi Bing started the first "Ink Yunshan" cross-country race.

At 8: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, the 2023 "Running Guizhou" Mountain Running Series (Shibing Station) and the first Shibing "Ink Yunshan" Cross-country Running Challenge started in Shibing Music Fountain Square, and more than 1,000 runners rushed to various sports landscapes of "Ink Yunshan".

The reporter learned that the "Running Guizhou" mountain running series is a self-owned brand event created by the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau. It was founded in 2018 and has been selected as a national sports industry demonstration project and a China sports tourism event. Along the way, tens of thousands of runners started their first cross-country race in this large-scale series in southwest China. No matter old friends or newcomers, they all followed the pace of "running Guizhou" and fully enjoyed the magnificent landscape of Guizhou between good mountains and good waters.

Yuntai Mountain, a world natural heritage site, is a tourist treasure for exploring and seeking seclusion on the eastern route of Guizhou Province. The athletes’ departure broke the tranquility here and brought back the wild interest of cross-country running. This competition is the second stop of the 2023 "Running Guizhou" mountain running series. There are three groups of 50 km "Chaoshan Group", 20 km "Xunshan Group" and 10 km "Leshan Group", including many elite athletes such as Zheng Wenrong, Wang Aili, Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Shi Aiai, and more than 1,000 cross-country runners. Shi Qiang, a contestant who specially came from Chengdu, Sichuan, said: "The Cunninghamia lanceolata River is crystal clear, and Yuntai Mountain has a long-standing reputation. Today, I can immerse myself in the beautiful scenery here and feel physically and mentally happy through running." "Although it is the first time to participate in the competition, I think I can fight and surpass some players." Since shibin No.3 Middle School, Wu Escape River said happily.

As a more challenging 20-kilometer race, after about two hours of cross-country trekking in the mountains, the contestants reached the finish line one after another. Zhang Guili, a female player from guiyang university, won the second place. "It’s my first time to participate. I’m very tired when climbing the hill. I feel that I can’t hold on. It’s completely unexpected to finally get the ranking."

During the 50-kilometer race of Chaoshan Group, the contestants will pass through Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, a world natural heritage site, and Cunninghamia River Rafting Scenic Area, a national AAAA scenic spot, and shuttle between mountains, streams and ancient roads, so that they can truly feel the charm of Shi Bing’s intersection of nature and humanity.

After fierce competition, in the end, Liao Tingying, Zhang Guili and Zhou Yangyang won the top three women in the 20km mountain-seeking group, while Shi Aiai, Li Xun and Gao Li Chang won the top three men in the 20km mountain-seeking group. Wang Aili, Fan Lina and An Qin won the top three women in the 50 km Chaoshan group, while Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Wang Jinhai won the top three men in the 50 km Chaoshan group. Ping Huang Qielan Long-distance Running Association and other organizations won the Best Organization Award.

"Today, the weather is not hot, which is more suitable for running. This track is also very easy to run. I have been running in the mountains, and the scenery and track are better. It is quite comfortable to run all the way down." Wang Zhihu said happily. Wang Aili, who won the first place in the 50-kilometer women’s team, excitedly told reporters: "I only came into contact with cross-country running last year. The first feeling when I came here was that the mountains and rivers were beautiful, and I will come again next year."

In order to protect every dream of going to Shan Ye, the staff and volunteers made preparations early. Steaming fried rice with eggs, delicious and sweet corn porridge, bamboo sun chicken soup with endless aftertaste, electrolyte drinks full of energy, as well as five-color glutinous rice with local characteristics, beef stewed radish, white sour soup, lime and alkali, and …… a group of luxury food supplies brought the best logistical support to each athlete. During the competition, the local catering industry and accommodation industry were booming, and restaurants with local beef dishes were even more busy. Player An Qin said that because of the beautiful scenery of Yuntai Mountain, he was reluctant to return for Shi Bing’s food.