Love is no small matter! Why are we moved by these romantic films?

Special feature of 1905 film network I don’t know when, out of the pursuit of daily ritual, people began to create their own festivals by homophonic methods. As a result, on May 20, when the Civil Affairs Bureau was full, the flash brother also became a busy "escort".

Shopping, eating and watching movies have become a trilogy of people’s daily love. When couples began to miss the cinema, what impressions did the classic domestic films with love elements on the big screen leave on the audience in those years?

According to public statistics, the cumulative box office of this kind of domestic film TOP10 reached 15.604 billion. From "33 days of lovelorn love" to (hereinafter referred to as "predecessor 3"), the combination of comedy and love seems to be more in line with the audience’s appetite. The National Day file has become a box office blessing for such films, and many stars have become "bringing goods".

Laughing with tears is easier to achieve box office.

Since the birth of the film, love has become one of the enduring themes on the big screen. From the silent film era Chaplin’s "City Lights" to the audio film era, from Stephen Chow’s "A Chinese Odyssey" series to "Former 3", this kind of classic films can always set off a movie fever.

According to statistics, there are as many as seven films with love and comedy elements in the TOP10 box office of this kind of films, and the audience seems to prefer this type of combination that can make people laugh and cry. Perhaps it is because people can not only find emotional resonance for love from this kind of movies, but also laugh and release the pressure of life.

On the basis of audience, love and comedy are more extensive. Whether it is the degree of topic discussion in first-and second-tier cities or the decline of word-of-mouth in third-and fourth-tier cities, the two types of elements can complement each other to some extent.

In the time division of story background, these ten films mainly focus on contemporary love. Except for Fanghua, the other nine films mainly reflect the marriage and love life of young people. What needs to be preserved in this era is not only love, but also people’s views on marriage and love. Therefore, the love story that happened at the moment can arouse the emotional feedback of the audience, and then lead to discussion and even spread in circles.

In addition, in recent years, this kind of films mostly impress the audience with emotional cards. By poking at the pain points in people’s hearts, the topic spreads and attracts more viewers to watch. Some people in the industry summarized this as emotional marketing. For example, "Ex 3" magnified the propaganda point of "brokenhearted and crying" and poked many young men and women who had ex-husbands, reaching the emotional resonance of the audience.

This marketing method is also reflected in other films. For example, on December 31, 2018, by creating the audience’s emotional requirements for the sense of ceremony, the "one kiss for the New Year" was used to attract the audience into the cinema. However, if the content of the film is less than expected or the goods are not in the right version, the market will also have a very obvious anti-bite effect. 

In the marketing channel, these films began to spread by making materials that are more suitable for young people’s fragmented reading habits with popular short video platforms as carriers. Because the short video platform is highly overlapped with the crowd portrait of the mainstream audience, the conversion threshold of diversion is low.

"We have mobilized a lot of short video marketing that is close to the tears of" Former 3 "and the way of breaking up." A staff member who has participated in the marketing of the film said so. After the box office hit, films such as, and so on followed suit. Later, short video marketing gradually became one of the standard of film marketing.

Who is the box office "with goods" talent?

Head movies usually correspond to the head creative team, company, etc., and so do such movies with love elements. In those movies that make the audience laugh and cry, which box office "goods" talents are hidden?

In terms of actors, Deng Chao and Zhou Dongyu became the "first brother" and "first sister" of the cumulative box office of such films respectively. The total box office with Deng Chao as the leading role reached 4.199 billion yuan, and Zhou Dongyu scored 2.919 billion yuan with The Later Us and Better Days.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Dongyu won the Best Actress at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards in China and became a double winner. In addition to showing the elements of love, Better Days’s discussion on campus bullying has certain social significance.

Behind-the-scenes companies, Light Media participated in the production of four films, ranking first among major companies. As we all know, the theme of youth has always been the field that light media is good at. The stories and production modes of youth films and romantic films often overlap more. In addition, the film channel program production center and Wanda Film and Television also participated in the production of some works.

According to statistics, in the TOP10 box office of this kind of movies, there are 4 National Day movies, 2 New Year movies and 1 Spring Festival movie respectively. This kind of films released in prime time are more likely to take advantage of the schedule bonus and get better box office, especially the National Day file.

However, in recent years, there are few such films released in more movie-watching periods such as Tanabata and Valentine’s Day. In addition to the competition of films in the same period, the homogeneous dog blood plot and the emotional expression of moaning without illness made the audience feel tired and unloved. While domestic sci-fi films and cartoons are constantly creating new box office and word-of-mouth highs, such films seem to have made limited progress as a whole.

In terms of douban score, 6 of the TOP10 films are above the passing line. The latest film, Better Days, scored 8.3 points in Douban. In addition to the love element, the audience can have a more sense of substitution and desire to watch movies by injecting more thoughts about current life and phenomena. The content is the era of the king, and we look forward to more domestic love-themed films with both word-of-mouth and box office harvest in the future.

Anke Innovation promotes the global influence of the brand with Thursday Rugby Night.

If you want to choose one of the most popular sports in the United States, many China audiences may choose basketball because of the great influence of the NBA in China, but the most accurate answer is "American football". Among the top 100 TV programs in the United States in 2023, 93 were Major League Football (NFL) events. With its powerful influence, rugby matches can help brands reach millions of consumers at one time, thus becoming a "battleground" for brands to enhance their popularity.

As a "born global" brand in China, Anke Innovation also saw the unique marketing value of rugby matches and made an innovative and bold attempt. On December 7, 2023, US Eastern Time, Anke Innovation launched an interactive creative short film specially made for Anker Nano series chargers on Thursday Night Football, TNF) broadcast by Amazon Prime Video, so as to accurately reach younger, more energetic and more enthusiastic target consumers and let them experience the innovation and breakthrough of Anker Nano series in charging speed and use experience.

This launch made Anke the first China brand to launch a streaming TV advertisement on Thursday Rugby Night, which was broadcast by Prime Video alone, which not only effectively enhanced the brand’s overseas popularity, but also shortened the distance from "content" to "business" through a new form of interactive video advertisement. During the period of watching the advertisement, consumers can go directly to the flagship store of Amazon brand for purchase through the QR code in the advertisement, thus realizing a one-stop shopping experience from watching sports events to placing an order for purchase. At the same time, compared with the cable TV era, the rise of streaming media TV has also provided innovative functions such as effect measurement and user interaction for the advertising of sports events, and has become one of the new ways for advertisers to build brands and improve marketing effectiveness. According to the analysis of Amazon Marketing Cloud, this TNF marketing campaign has brought nearly 50% incremental consumers to Anke Innovation. According to Amazon data, the sales of Anker Nano series related products increased by 20% after 8 days of TNF advertising.

Encore innovative TNF video advertisement screenshot

The brand is broken, why is it "Thursday Football Night"?

After years of development, Anke Innovation has become a brand with global popularity, with its products selling well in 146 countries and regions and over 100 million users worldwide. In order to seek a breakthrough in global brand building, sports marketing with great influence has become an ideal choice for Anke’s innovation. Across the ocean, one-third of Americans (107.4 million people) will watch live sports events in 2025, an increase of 71% over 2021. In many sports events, football is an important way to seize the minds of American consumers, and Thursday Rugby Night (TNF) broadcast by Amazon Prime Video alone is loved by many American audiences. The data shows that TNF got off to a good start in the first season of Amazon Prime Video. The average audience of the game between Los Angeles Lightning and Kansas City Chiefs reached 13 million, setting a new record for the audience of Major League Football (NFL) games at that time. In the 2023 season, the average number of TNF viewers per game reached 11.86 million, a year-on-year increase of 24%. At the same time, the median age of the audience watching TNF on Prime Video is nearly 7 years younger than those watching Major League Football (NFL) on online TV, with higher family income, more devotion to the game and longer watching time. This provides an excellent marketing opportunity for advertisers who are committed to building brand awareness and brand influence among young and high-income people.

According to Anke’s innovation, there are three main reasons for choosing Thursday Football Night (TNF). The first is the huge potential audience base, and the audience are all Prime members with strong consumption power, which helps Anke to innovate and enhance brand awareness; Secondly, the characteristics of audience segmentation are obvious, which helps Anke to innovate and attract young consumers interested in scientific and technological products; Thirdly, TNF itself has a good brand image. By cooperating with well-known sports programs like TNF, it will help Anke Innovation to convey a brand image full of vitality and innovative spirit to users.

After careful evaluation and measurement in the early stage, Anke Innovation put the time of TNF advertising on the game on the evening of December 7, Eastern Time. That night, the Patriots of New England and the Steelers of Pittsburgh had a wonderful and exciting night match. The Patriots led by a score of 21:3, but then the Steelers rose to catch up by 15 points, but they finally regretted losing. This suspenseful game attracted the attention of many fans. During the competition, Anke innovatively used a short advertisement with a sense of science and technology to reach and interact with the fans. In the short film, Anker Nano series charger has become the protagonist. From taking the subway to the office scene, this "fastest charger series created by Anker Innovation for iPhone with USB-C interface" has been deeply implanted in the hearts of many overseas consumers.

At the same time, Anke Innovation and Amazon Advertising have jointly given this creative short film a new interactive form — — By scanning the QR code in the lower left corner of the advertisement, consumers can use smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets in their hands to go directly to the customized landing page created by Anker Innovation in the flagship store of Amazon brand, and get a one-stop understanding of various innovative products of Anker Nano series, and complete a series of operations such as "adding a shopping cart" and "buying now" with just a few clicks, and get a one-stop quality experience from watching to shopping.

By scanning the QR code, consumers can go directly to Anke Innovation Amazon brand flagship store.

Innovation first, building a streaming media eraMarketing closed loop"

With the evolution of digital marketing technology, the form of live streaming TV broadcast has brought new delivery forms and monitoring means to sports events, so that the measurement of marketing value can be rationally analyzed and judged with more comprehensive and detailed data, providing reference for the next marketing activities.

Thursday Rugby Night (TNF) provides advertisers with an innovative audience-based creative delivery scheme. Brands can display differentiated creative advertisements to different segments of the audience according to the dimensions of geography, crowd characteristics and behavioral signals, so as to enhance the relevance of advertisements. Relevant data show that the interactive rate of brand search of TNF advertisers who adopt audience-based creative delivery scheme is 116% higher than that of advertisers who put on linear TV, and at the same time, they also get relatively higher browsing rate and purchase rate of product details pages.

At the same time, Amazon’s all-round measurement solution for advertising gives the brand a more comprehensive and effective insight into the advertising effect and influence. Anke Innovation uses the first-hand insight data of Amazon’s marketing cloud to analyze the key dimensions such as the search volume, the number of visitors to the station, the purchase analysis of the 14-day attribution window and the purchase ratio of new customers, and understand how sports marketing can improve the transformation and sales of products.

With the great influence of TNF advertising and a series of innovative solutions of Amazon advertising, Anke Innovation has greatly improved brand awareness and sales conversion rate. Amazon marketing cloud analysis shows that consumers who have seen Anke’s innovative TNF advertisements and DSP advertisements at the same time have increased the brand search rate and purchase rate of Anke’s innovative brands by 17% and 42% respectively compared with consumers who have only seen their DSP advertisements. In addition, TNF advertising also brings stronger brand effect. In this marketing activity, the purchase rate of consumers who have seen its TNF advertising first and then its search advertising and DSP advertising is 1.32 times that of consumers who have only seen its search advertising and DSP advertising.

During the whole marketing period, Amazon advertising team provided comprehensive support for Anke Innovation from consumer insight to measurement and evaluation. For example, in terms of strategy formulation, Amazon advertising provides in-depth crowd insight reports and effect estimates to help formulate effective marketing strategies and create interactive advertising materials. After the broadcast, Amazon Advertising provided an advertising effect monitoring and evaluation report covering the entire shopping journey of the target audience. At the same time, the advertisement viewing crowd package created according to the actual reach can also help Anke innovate "audience re-marketing", continue to talk with the audience who have watched TNF advertisements in other marketing channels, establish more effective connections, and create a complete sales closed loop.

Go hand in hand to create a new era of China brand going out to sea.

Today, video marketing is becoming a new trend of change. More creative video advertisements are more likely to attract consumers’ attention and promote the transformation of sales. In order to enhance the brand’s creative marketing ability, Amazon Advertising provides a one-stop video advertising solution, including video advertising in Amazon Mall, streaming TV advertising on channels such as Freevee and Twitch, and online video advertising on third-party websites. In 2024, Prime Video’s programs and movies will also contain limited advertisements. In the United States alone, Prime Video advertisements are expected to reach 115 million viewers every month, which provides a new solution for advertisers to shape global brands. In addition to Thursday Night of Rugby (TNF), Prime Video also includes live broadcasts of different kinds of heavyweight sports events from different countries and regions, including American professional women’s basketball league, European Champions League, French Open and Japanese world baseball classic, which provides diversified opportunities for brands to use sports events for marketing.

In the future, Amazon Advertising will continue to support more China enterprises going abroad, enhance the global popularity and goodwill of China brand with more insightful, creative and effective marketing campaigns, and promote China enterprises to build global brands.


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A Weibo 50,000 Shandong Men’s Basketball Association published inappropriate information and was reduced by 50,000 yuan.

Live broadcast on August 4 th CBA officially announced that Shandong Expressway Club released inappropriate information through the official social media platform, giving it a penalty of 50,000 yuan for reducing the league expenses of the club.

The official announcement of CBA is as follows:

CBA clubs:

On July 31, 2023, China Basketball Association (Beijing) Sports Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CBA Company") punished the violations related to the Yumin Station competition of the 2023 CBA Summer League.Shandong Expressway Club released inappropriate information through the official social media platform, which had a negative impact on CBA league.

In order to enforce the league discipline, according to the provisions of Article 86 of Chapter VII of the Disciplinary Guidelines for Chinese Men’s Basketball Professional League (hereinafter referred to as the Disciplinary Guidelines),Shandong Expressway Club was fined 50,000 yuan for reducing the league expenses of the club.

Here, CBA Company requires Shandong Expressway Club to do its own education and rectification work on the above issues, put an end to behaviors that are detrimental to the league and sportsmanship, and maintain the image of China basketball and CBA league.

I am writing to inform you.

On the evening of July 31st, CBA officially announced the punishment for the conflict between Shandong and Xinjiang Summer League. Yu Dehao and Jia Cheng were suspended for one game and fined 20,000 yuan, while Gao Shiyan was fined 10,000 yuan.

After the ticket was issued, Weibo, the official of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, released a dynamic statement, saying that the club decided to impose internal penalties on Gao Shiyan and Jia Cheng, and one person was fined 100,000 yuan; After that, this Weibo dynamic was deleted.