Lao Tan’s Views Sharing | The origin of "Subject III" is full of creativity and interest.

What is the origin of the dance of subject three in Guangxi? And why can it spread all over the world? The reason is revealed!

Guangxi Kemusan Dance is a unique dance form originating from Guangxi, China. Its origin is full of creativity and interest, and it skillfully combines subject three in driving test with dance, giving people a refreshing feeling.

The creative inspiration of Guangxi subject three dance comes from subject three in driving test. Some local young people who love dancing are based on the driving movements in subject 3 and show them in the form of dancing. They skillfully integrated the driving skills such as shifting, steering and braking into the dance movements, and cooperated with the dynamic music rhythm to create this novel and interesting dance work.

There are several important reasons why the dance of subject three in Guangxi can quickly spread all over the world:

First of all, the innovation of dance is the key to its success. Combining driving skills with dance breaks the framework of traditional dance and brings a brand-new visual experience to the audience. This unique idea has attracted people’s attention and aroused widespread concern and discussion. Its appearance makes people see the infinite possibilities of dance and inspires more people’s love and creative desire for dance.

Secondly, the promotion of social media has played an important role. In the current digital age, social media has become the main channel for information dissemination. The video of Guangxi Kemusan Dance has spread rapidly on major social media platforms, and people have praised, shared and commented on it, forming a viral communication effect. The power of social media has made more people understand and fall in love with Guangxi subject three dance, which has promoted its spread and popularity around the world.

In addition, the simple and easy-to-learn dance of subject three in Guangxi is also one of the reasons for its popularity. Both professional dancers and ordinary people can master their basic movements and participate in them through study and practice. This low-threshold participation method allows more people to join the dance craze and feel the happiness brought by dance together. At the same time, the cheerful rhythm and lively atmosphere of the dance of subject three in Guangxi also enable people to find ways to release and entertain in their busy lives, which has aroused widespread resonance and participation.

Finally, the success of the dance of subject three in Guangxi can not be separated from the promotion of cultural exchange under the background of globalization. With the acceleration of globalization, various cultural elements are integrated with each other, forming a diversified cultural pattern. As a unique cultural phenomenon, Guangxi Kemusan Dance has attracted people’s attention and love all over the world with its novel and interesting forms. Its appearance enriches the content of global culture and promotes the communication and collision between different cultures.

The fuel consumption is as low as 5L, BYD Han DM-i is exposed, the design remains unchanged, and the price is lowered by 20%.

BYD’s successful transformation in just a few years can not be separated from its massive investment in the field of new energy.

In recent years, the benefits have gradually emerged. Blade batteries, super hybrid DM-i, etc. have become brand-new synonyms for BYD, and BYD has also won the favor of friends. BYD, on the other hand, is unmoved and concentrates on expanding its product matrix to seek more market share.

No, on the day of the release of BYD Song (parameter picture) Pro DM-i, the road test spy photos of BYD Han DM-i were exposed on the Internet. I have to sigh that BYD’s speed is too fast, which is not to give friends a chance.

According to the exposed road test spy photos, the appearance of Han DM-i is almost the same as that of the models currently on sale, with some adjustments only in the details. According to the previous application information, the new car will be equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T engine, while the Han DM currently on sale is equipped with a DM-p plug-in hybrid system. Compared with the two cars, Han DM-i is obviously better in fuel economy.

In addition to the difference in power, the appearance of the Han DM-i is also different from that of the Han DM model. In addition to the obvious difference in the logo in the lower left corner of the tail, the taillight part has also been replaced with a newly designed taillight group shape, although it is still a penetrating taillight, but the overall shape is more slender.

Combined with the declaration drawings submitted by BYD to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Han DM-i continues the exterior design of Han DM models, and the front part continues the design of the models currently on sale. The large-size hexagonal air intake grille has formed a "big mouth" visual effect. The grille is decorated with lattice structure of chrome-plated elements, which gives people a very strong visual impact. The top of the grille is consistent with the cash, and a thick chrome-plated strip with the "Han" logo is on both sides.

The side part of Han DM-i is still designed with multiple waistlines, thus creating a slender outline of the vehicle, and the "Long Lin" decorative plate at the rear window triangle is also preserved, which well reflects the exquisiteness of the new car.

As the biggest highlight of this change, the dynamic performance of Han DM-i is undoubtedly the biggest highlight.

Han DM-i will be equipped with a super hybrid system composed of the same 1.5T engine as Tang DM-i. The power performance can refer to the powertrain of the current Tang DM-i. Of course, BYD will not rule out the power adjustment of Han DM-I in the later period, but the general data is still the same. The maximum power of the current Tang DM-I is 102kW, and the maximum power of the motor is 145kW. Although compared with the 2.0T engine of BYD Han DM currently on sale, correspondingly, the fuel consumption performance of Han DM-i in the feed state will be reduced, which is more in line with consumers’ demand for low fuel consumption.

After all, the biggest advantage of BYD’s DM-i hybrid system is obviously the low fuel consumption performance of the vehicle under the feed fuel consumption. Although there is no relevant information on the fuel consumption of DM-i models at present, referring to the comprehensive fuel consumption performance of BYD’s Tang DM-i as low as 5.3L100km, this is obviously very rare for a big guy who is positioned in a medium-sized SUV, and the high probability of fuel consumption of BYD’s Han DM-i will be stabilized at around 5L.

Finally, let’s look at the price. Combined with the official guide price of the current BYD Han DM plug-in hybrid model of 21.98-23.98 million, the BYD Han DM-i exposed this time is expected to be lowered in terms of price, further lowering the price threshold. It is estimated that the starting price will be controlled at around 170,000, and the reduction rate will be around 20%, so as to enhance the competitiveness of its own products.

On the whole, the Han DM-i launched by BYD this time is obviously more suitable for home use than the previous Han DM. After all, in today’s background, car companies have gradually begun to abandon models with high displacement, and BYD Han DM-i is obviously more suitable for the current consumption trend with the blessing of super hybrid DM-i and blade batteries. As for BYD Han DM, there is a high probability that it will be retained. After all, some consumers still prefer powerful models.

How many dangers are hidden in the popular "partner culture" among young people?

Original grapes

Photo: Huang Zi | Written by: Grape | Editor: Ruoying

Original article, please do not reprint without permission.

Hello, I’m Grape ~

In recent years, a "partner culture" has become popular. When searching on the Internet and social platforms, all kinds of partner-seeking stickers will appear: travel partner, game partner, weight-loss partner, fishing partner, fitness partner, music festival partner … anything you can.

▲ Image source: Xiaohongshu

Besides finding partners, the Internet is a good place for young people to make friends and fall in love, but it is precisely because of the convenience of the Internet that this young culture and way of making friends are popular, and its potential risks also follow.

Because most online friends and love will move to the offline base and rush. And leaving the false online world, the perfect ta in your impression may reveal its true face, or even have ulterior motives …

Today’s safety guide for girls, let’s talk about the risks and precautions of offline foundation!

▲ Image source: Giphy

Possible risks of sub-line base

* No one was killed with a stick, just talk about the possible risks and remind everyone!

Under the line, the base can’t match the number, but it threatens personal safety. Not only offline, but also online communication stage, the risk already exists.

information security

Presumably, everyone knows that the identity information provided by these partners and netizens is probably false, right?

In the public identity information, ta’s information may be false from beginning to end, and the age, occupation, gender, hobbies and even photos are all processed. The person you are facing is an artificial setup made up by ta by all means, which is not the real situation. And naive you, all the real information revealed out …

A friend will say, "Who is so stupid that he will reveal his true information? 」

You know, even if you are vigilant, the other party may lock you in through the dynamics published by your circle of friends and social platforms. There are some bad situations, such as home address being leaked, information being hijacked, photos being abused, etc …

And looking for a travel partner offline, it is inevitable to buy tickets to travel together, and then your identity information may be stolen.

personal security

There is no need to explain too much about personal safety. If you encounter a pervert or a trafficker, you will face sexual assault, trafficking, and even deception to North Myanmar …

You may feel a little alarmist, but similar incidents did happen. When searching for relevant information, a post caught the attention of grapes:

A netizen posted an article titled "Attention, 2003 girls who want to meet netizens in Huizhou!"! The content of the post is a screenshot of netizens chatting in a group. From it, we can see that the netizen S in the group chat is promoting his little sister who is about to meet him, claiming that "the chat has been paved and the hotel has been opened in 2003 …"

In other words, the so-called noodle base is just a trap carefully designed by this person, just waiting for the other party to take the bait. Once the swindler’s plot succeeds, the girl will face great harm, and this is just one of them. We dare not imagine how many such scams and injuries there are in the world.

In addition, there is a noteworthy place in this post. Netizen S also posted the video of Xiaomei to the group, and then it was discovered by the majority of netizens that this video was not Xiaomei herself, and the real protagonist of the video was a girl who had nothing to do with this matter. The girl said: The video she sent to her circle of friends was stolen. This also confirms the information security problem we mentioned earlier.

In addition to being sexually assaulted, you may also be trafficked and deceived to northern Myanmar.

Recently, the events in northern Myanmar have been frequently searched, including journalists who went to expose the truth regardless of the danger, and witnesses who survived. Their reports and memories showed the terrible and unscrupulous fraud gangs in northern Myanmar to the public, and also let us know that many people have not escaped. When they first went to North Myanmar, except for expecting high-paying jobs to take the initiative, the rest were basically cheated by relatives and friends.

Once cheated, violent beatings, personal control, rape and sexual assault, forced drug use … these inhuman treatments are all possible. If you think it’s far away from you and you can’t be deceived to North Myanmar, then the next fact is closer.

That is: the person you are chatting with and falling in love with is probably a person who specializes in fraud. As the other person gets to know your information step by step and gains your goodwill day by day, maybe fraud is close at hand.

▲ Image source: Giphy

property safety

According to the witness who fled from northern Myanmar, the companies there are engaged in the fraud work aimed at domestic women, playing games, falling in love with women and cheating money, commonly known as "killing pigs".

The other party may induce you under the guise of investing together, or directly ask for borrowing money and helping to order a link, and finally lose both money and people.

In a word, danger is everywhere. So how should we avoid these dangers?

Matters needing attention in face base

Grapes have compiled some precautions for your reference ~


1. Avoid money transactions when communicating, and don’t click on the link sent by the other party easily;

2. Do not disclose personal home address, company and other specific information;

3. Agree on the time and place of the noodle base, choose daytime as the time, and choose a crowded and familiar big business district as the place;

4. Inform your family and friends of the purpose, time and place of this trip in advance, set up danger signals (such as sending specific numbers, stipulating the time limit for replying messages, etc.), and ensure that someone knows your whereabouts and safety;

5. Set an alarm clock in advance, and you can leave by answering the phone when you feel uncomfortable.

6. Prepare protective articles such as anti-wolf spray, just in case.

Face-based time

1. Keep close contact with family and friends;

2. Be wary of the other party’s request to get along alone in a private space (such as ktv, private cinema, car);

3. Mention the details of online communication and verify whether the other party is an online communicator;

4. Don’t eat and drink the food and drinks provided by the other party easily, especially those opened in advance and far away from your sight;

5. Carry important items such as bags with you;

6. Consumption AA generated by noodle base.


1. Be alert to the other party’s request to send you home;

2. Evaluate whether the other party meets your expectations. Even if you feel good, don’t blindly trust;

3. We should still be vigilant. It is not excluded that some swindlers "catch big fish in a long line" and pay attention to safety when they meet later.

▲ Image source: Giphy

That’s all the precautions grapes thought of. After all, a person’s strength is limited, so we also collected suggestions from readers. Let’s take a look ~

Motu soil

First, there must be a video call to avoid cheating, even in the case of developed AI technology; Second, we must know more about each other’s information, and feel each other’s views on family and friends from the process of talking with each other, so that we can know whether some of their personalities are consistent with ourselves; Third, the site must be open; Fourth, if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable before and during the dough-making, you can find an excuse to leave. You must be vigilant and don’t blindly trust each other. As long as you feel uncomfortable, there must be something wrong.

If the other person is tempted to touch the color, please call loudly to attract the attention of the people around you, and then grab the things and run away.



I have seen more than a dozen male netizens who have met in games, and I have some precautions to share with you: when meeting, I should choose someone who has known each other for a long time and is close to my age; Don’t treat netizens as real friends, unless the relationship has reached the point where there is nothing to say, after all, the network will still hide its true self more or less; When you meet for the first time, you must choose a place with high safety factor.

Ask about the motivation of making friends first, although the other person may not say what he really thinks, and at the same time clearly express his attitude. When meeting for the first time, it’s best to explain in advance the time you want to end or reveal the schedule behind you. Don’t procrastinate too much. Even if you feel good, you should have moderate contact.

bean-starch jelly

to one’s heart’s content

Meet alone only with the same sex. If there is the opposite sex, it must be a group of people with the same sex that they trust. Do not meet minors alone; Don’t go to KTV and other places when you meet for the first time, and don’t drink; Know each other long enough to meet again; As for the exhibition/concert and other activities, it is just a simple meeting, which has little impact.

Have a certain understanding in front of the noodle base, be sure to meet in public places, and never stay too late with the noodle base object casually, and don’t follow the noodle base object to remote places! No matter whether the target is old people, children or women, no matter how safe and powerful you think you are, people’s hearts are unpredictable. Protect yourself in case you regret it.

light rain

Ok, that’s all for this issue ~

Let’s make it clear that not all scammers are encountered on the Internet, but many scammers are hidden on the Internet. This article just reminds everyone that I hope we will not meet them!

Good morning, I love this world.


[1] The most important person. Self-report of Myanmar returnees: fleeing the road and burying the body [EB/OL] (2023-07-24) [2023-08-08].

Read the original text

Ministry of Civil Affairs: This year, the welfare lottery sales amounted to 184.6 billion yuan, down about 30 billion yuan from last year.

  From December 28th to 29th, the National Civil Affairs Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting summed up the civil affairs work in 2019, analyzed the situation, studied and deployed the work in 2020, and mobilized the national civil affairs system to fight for winning the battle against poverty and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

  On December 29th, the government wechat "China Civil Affairs" of the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the data map of "Civil Affairs Work in 2019" produced by the new government media of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Among them, the data map revealed that in 2019, the welfare lottery sales were 184.632 billion yuan, and the public welfare fund was raised about 53.7 billion yuan.

  The Paper noted that compared with the official welfare lottery sales data in 2018, it dropped by about 30 billion yuan in 2019.

  On August 15th, 2019, the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Civil Affairs in 2018 issued by official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed that the welfare lottery sales in China in 2018 was 224.56 billion yuan, an increase of 7.58 billion yuan or 3.5% over the previous year. The lottery public welfare fund was raised to 64.36 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6% over the previous year. In the whole year, the civil affairs system spent a total of 25.17 billion yuan on lottery public welfare funds, an increase of 3.0% over the previous year, including 17.15 billion yuan for social welfare and 910 million yuan for social assistance.

  In fact, some media have noticed a sharp decline in welfare lottery sales in 2019.

  According to the report of national business daily on August 4, 2019, "In June, the national lottery sales totaled 34.767 billion yuan, a decrease of 23.862 billion yuan or 40.7% compared with the same period of the previous year. Not only did the monthly data decline, but the reporter combed the lottery sales data in the first half of the past decade and found that the lottery sales showed negative growth year-on-year for the first time in the first half of this year. "

  With regard to the decline in sales data, the national business daily report quoted experts in the lottery industry as saying that in early 2019, in order to regulate the lottery market, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments strengthened the supervision of high-frequency quick-opening games and quiz games, extended the sales time of high-frequency quick-opening games and reduced the number of lottery games. In addition, the ban on internet lottery sales also has an impact on lottery sales.

  It is worth mentioning that the corruption case of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center exposed in 2017 and 2018 has aroused widespread public concern.

  According to an article published on November 9, 2018 on the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, "Reducing repression, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and reconstructing the credibility of Welfare Lottery", the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs started with typical cases to promote the formation of a good political ecology. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have seriously investigated and dealt with a series of corruption problems in the Welfare Lottery field, and seriously held accountable three members of the former party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed there. The Central Leading Group for Inspection Work and the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have successively handed over dozens of clues concerning bureau-level cadres of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

  The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Party Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs unified their thinking and understanding, took practical measures to reduce the stock and curb the increase, and seriously investigated and dealt with the violations of laws and regulations of 14 bureau-level leading cadres, including Bao Xuequan and Wang Suying, former directors of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, and Wang Yunge and Feng Lizhi, former deputy directors, in an effort to reshape the new image of the welfare lottery industry and revive its credibility.

  In January, 2019, according to the report of WeChat official account’s "China Lottery News of Public Welfare Times" on the WeChat of Public Welfare Times, after the implementation of the new Regulations on Function Allocation, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the internal organizations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in charge of welfare lottery management have changed. Before the reform, the welfare lottery management was in charge of the Department of Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion. After the reform, the welfare lottery management has been refined, and the planning and finance department and the newly established charity promotion and social work department are in charge. (The Paper reporter Jiang Ziwen)

A city with a hundred flavors | See Chongqing at the New Year’s Eve party. VIPs should "sit first"

This article is transferred from: Yang Guangwang
Chongqing, January 27 th, the news of the Golden Bull puts its tail, and the tiger is blessed with wind. The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and the taste of the year is coming to the nose. As the capital of food, Chongqing is best suited to the rich group annual banquet. The dishes are fragrant, and the taste buds dance gracefully between the teeth and on the tip of the tongue. This is the first time for aesthetic food. Chongqing Channel of Yangguang. com will publish value food information from time to time in the column of "One City with Hundreds of Flavors" to explore Chongqing’s food highland and share the delicious food with the "delicious dogs". In this issue, I followed the footsteps of Chongqing Channel Food Xiaobian of Yangguang. com and entered the "First Sitting Mansion".
Creative Chinese-style door head (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Xian ting Cang mo ke teahouse Hou Jiayin
"I have no intention of staying or staying, watching the flowers bloom and fall before the court; Don’t be surprised by yourself, and follow the clouds in the sky. "Regardless of ancient and modern times, literati are always looking for a good place to put their bodies and souls. For educated and picky diners, the dining environment is the first element that bears the brunt.
The flute is melodious, the harp and the sound are harmonious (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Just "sit first"! Shouzuo Mansion is located at the foot of Zhaomushan Forest Park, a natural oxygen bar. Under the infiltration of rich negative oxygen ions, it opens a pleasant afternoon tea mode and steals a half-day leisure. First, brew a pot of green bamboo leaves before the Ming Dynasty, or a cup of precious Tieguanyin, which is warm and sweet and beautiful. Either the old monk is calm, quiet and safe, or he is full of ideas and high spirits, splashing his pen and ink on the Chinese chapter.
The cultural performance of the first sitting mansion "changed face" (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
Chinese-style courtyard, unique and exquisite, antique, exquisite kung fu tea performance is eye-catching, and the sound of folk music is fresh and pleasant, which can pick up elegance and interest everywhere.
The eaves are drooping and the tea is fragrant (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
As soft as breathing, the eaves lights turn green and moss. The moist and silent blue slate seems to be impregnated with tea fragrance. At every moment of moving forward or stopping, the fragrance spreads all over the body. The sunny patio seems to hide the mystery of time, and the calligraphy and painting furniture are brilliant and sharp-edged. Let the family "sit first" and have a drink with friends, so let the tea smell warm and moist for this long time and interpret the password of time.
Good mood begins with afternoon tea (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Cups and plates are poems and paintings of paper and pen dishes.
"Good-looking bodies are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million." For food, to be the ultimate, color, flavor and shape are indispensable.
Recommended dishes: Sanchahu Qiaoke Wang (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
The dishes in the first residence, from the utensils to the color, flavor and shape of the dishes, are all fine and unique.
Recommended dishes: roasted sea cucumber with tofu (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Color matching, shape adjustment, the position where the main course should be placed in the plate, the lovely small ornaments in the blank space, and amazing poems, every detail is just right, just like a perfect match made in heaven.
Recommended dishes: Skillful vegetable rolls (Photo courtesy of Shouzuo Mansion issued by Yangguang. com)
These key points are controlled by beauty of chongqing, who was the youngest flight attendant of Southwest Airlines, and Huang Can, the chairman of Caixiangyuan Catering Culture Company. Shouzuo Mansion is a high-end brand of its chain business, and its fine service management, innovative Chinese design and strong cultural genes all stem from her artistic temperament of liking art and music.
Antique private rooms (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Shouzuo Mansion is a black pearl restaurant that has been appraised for many years, and is committed to spreading healthy food and traditional culture. In Shouzuo Mansion, there are countless signature dishes, such as "Longjing shrimp balls, braised roast chicken with turmeric, cherry foie gras, yak meat with milk wine, dried roast chicken in this period, dried roasted elegant fish, shredded roasted rabbit with agarwood, preserved okra with sesame sauce, pickled fish head with tortillas, swan crisp, and Tricholoma matsutake chicken bean curd …", which makes people unable to stop.
Recommended dishes: Tricholoma matsutake chicken tofu pudding (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Beautiful scenery, delicious food, fine wine, and a beautiful table of delicacies can’t help themselves in the taste of the year. In the interesting food, release the interesting soul, which is worth it! (Text/Wei Ge)
Recommended drink: custom-made red wine (photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
[group annual banquet hotline]

Respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence, People’s Daily: scientifically coordinating medical resources.

Original title: Scientifically coordinating medical resources to better protect people’s health

With the successive winter in various places, respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence. The CPC Central Committee adheres to the principle of putting people first and life first, timely predicts the overall situation, epidemic characteristics and development trend of respiratory diseases this winter and next spring, and takes effective measures to carry out prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases to effectively protect people’s life safety and health.

Every autumn and winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Recently, acute respiratory diseases in China have continued to rise, which is related to the superposition of various respiratory pathogens. According to the monitoring, the current epidemic acute respiratory diseases are all caused by known pathogens, and all of them have corresponding mature treatment methods. No new infectious diseases caused by new viruses and bacteria have been found. Therefore, the public need not worry too much or even panic.

After more than three years of fighting against the epidemic in COVID-19, China has accumulated richer experience in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, laying a solid foundation for dealing with various public health emergencies. At present, China’s medical resources and drug reserves are sufficient, and emergency plans and prevention and control measures are effective, which can completely prevent and control respiratory diseases. In order to effectively solve the urgent problems of the masses, it is still necessary to mobilize all forces, co-ordinate the allocation of medical resources, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, do a good job in health science popularization, and let the masses see a doctor more at ease.

Scientifically allocate medical resources and smooth two-way referral channels. In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of graded diagnosis and treatment system, and initially established a model of "first diagnosis at the grass-roots level, two-way referral, rapid and slow division and treatment, and linkage up and down". Health departments actively do a good job in graded diagnosis and treatment, unblock referral channels, adjust personnel across disciplines and hospitals, ensure the supply of medical materials, promote Internet medical care, and maximize the ability to receive medical treatment. Give full play to the role of medical association to improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of general infection and the efficiency of severe identification and referral in primary medical and health institutions. Further increase the supply of medical services, promote the opening of pediatric clinics in all kinds of medical institutions at all levels, separate the noon, night and weekend clinics according to the number of patients, extend the service hours, and constantly optimize the treatment and treatment procedures such as registration, examination and payment to facilitate the people to seek medical treatment.

Adhere to both traditional Chinese and western medicine and give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristics of "simple and inexpensive" and plays an irreplaceable role in disease prevention and treatment. During the fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China adhered to the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and screened out effective prescriptions such as "three drugs and three parties", which made important contributions to epidemic prevention and control. Practice has proved that Chinese medicine has always had rich experience and outstanding advantages in dealing with acute respiratory diseases, and can make great achievements. It is necessary to give full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine, popularize the knowledge of disease prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine, and continuously improve the prevention and control effect.

Adhere to prevention, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and advocate a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to establish the concept that "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health" and constantly improve the self-protection ability of the masses. When you have respiratory symptoms, you should be well protected, keep a social distance, and avoid cross-infection in your family and unit. Large hospitals are crowded with people, waiting for a long time, and the risk of cross-infection is high. If there are children at home with mild symptoms, it is recommended to choose primary medical and health institutions first. Do a good job in the supply and vaccination services of vaccines such as influenza, and vaccinate key populations such as the elderly and children as soon as possible to reduce the risk of illness. Do a good job of personal protection, do not go to work with illness, do not go to school with illness, and develop good hygiene habits.

Hubei Daily client, paying attention to Hubei and the world events, not only pushes authoritative policy interpretation, fresh hot information and practical convenience information for users, but also introduces a series of special functions such as reading newspapers, reporting materials, learning and online interaction.

treat life as merely playing games

Although I am getting older, my former students have begun to step into the society and plan their own lives, but my love for games has never faded.

  In my spare time, I turn on my computer, log in to the game, and run my own small world in a virtual space. World of Warcraft, an old game, although there are too many sorrows in the national costume of the DPRK on this day, all this is just a place of spiritual sustenance for a casual player.

  People often ask, at this age, you still play games, just like a child. Yes, in fact, I just hope that I can do whatever I want, just like a child, without too much scruples.

  In fact, in the game, compared with other people’s efforts to make copies, playing the arena seriously and running all over the sky, what I like is just a quiet fishing by the river, watching the falling fishing rod and clicking when taking the bait, all of which bring me great happiness. Many friends in the game don’t understand why I spend my time fishing calmly in a virtual world, and ironically, I have no interest in fishing in reality. I sometimes wonder why I am so interested in a virtual fishing game.

  Every time a fishing rod falls, it carries an expectation that something you like will be hooked, and there is a slight expectation in your heart;

  Every click on the hook is a realization of expectations. Although disappointment accounts for the vast majority, that little satisfaction is the greatest happiness of this click.

  Life is not so bad, every day is full of hope for your future, and you keep working hard in the passage of time. The reality has always been in front of us. He told us again and again that it is not necessary for you to work hard to gain something, so we repeated the rising and falling of the stars in the morning again and again, and kept advancing in the failure again and again for the ideal in our hearts, and one day we will realize this dream.

  The game, life, the dribs and drabs in the game, the subtleties in life, one’s own grasp and persistence, and that little bit of luck are all an experience.

What is the biggest difference between Kobe and James? Which of them is the real superstar in NBA?

The biggest difference between Kobe Bryant and lebron james lies in their style and basketball characteristics.

First of all, Kobe Bryant is generally regarded as a player with outstanding scoring ability. He is famous for his excellent scoring skills and excellent hitting ability, and he can score in various ways in the game. Kobe is very dominant on the offensive end. He can single his opponent, shoot from a long distance and create excellent scoring opportunities. His competitiveness and determination always enable him to come forward in the competition.

On the other hand, lebron james is widely regarded as an all-round player. He is excellent in scoring, rebounding and assisting, and can contribute to all aspects of the team. LeBron is famous for his physical fitness and basketball IQ. He can use his strength and agility to create advantages under the basket and create good scoring opportunities for his teammates with his passing and organizational skills.

As for who is the real superstar in NBA, this is a subjective question, because everyone’s definition and standard of superstar may be different. Both Kobe Bryant and lebron james have achieved great success in their own time. They both performed well in the competition and won many championships and personal honors.

Kobe is famous for his competitiveness and determination, and his scoring ability and leadership make him a player to be reckoned with. LeBron is famous for his all-around ability and leadership, and his basketball IQ and dominance make him an all-round player.

Therefore, both Kobe Bryant and LeBron are superstars in NBA history, and their contribution and influence are undeniable. They have made extraordinary achievements in their own fields and times and become legends in basketball. No matter who is considered a real superstar, their status and influence can’t be shaken.

However, to determine who is the real superstar in NBA, more factors need to be considered. First of all, we can look at their career statistics. Kobe Bryant averaged 25 points per game during his NBA career, while lebron james averaged 27 points. In terms of scoring, James is slightly better. However, Kobe’s data on rebounds and assists are relatively low, while James performed well.

Secondly, we can look at their achievements and honors. Kobe Bryant won five NBA championships, and twice won the honor of finals MVP. Lebron james won four NBA championships and four finals MVP honors. In this respect, Kobe is slightly better.

In addition, we can also consider their influence on the team and the league. Kobe Bryant is known as the symbol of the Los Angeles Lakers. His leadership and competitive spirit have made the Lakers achieve brilliant results under his leadership. Lebron james, through his leadership and all-round development ability, brought many teams into the playoffs and achieved excellent results. In this respect, both of them have great influence.

Finally, we can also consider their performance and personal style in the competition. Kobe Bryant is famous for his calm and brave performance. He always stands up at critical moments. Lebron james is famous for his versatility and teamwork spirit. He can always create opportunities for his teammates and promote the development of the team in the competition.

To sum up, Kobe Bryant and lebron james are both superstars in NBA history, and they have outstanding performances and great influence in different aspects. No matter who is regarded as a real superstar, their achievements and contributions cannot be ignored. Their unique basketball styles and achievements have made them legends in NBA history.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

Great news! Guo Ailun has recovered well, and the Asian Games is expected to show its grace again.

The fans ushered in great news! Guo Ailun is recovering well, and he is expected to show his outstanding strength again in the Asian Games. The resolution of the injury problem has cheered the fans, and his return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I expect him to shine again in the Asian Games and win honor for the China men’s basketball team. In the past few years, Guo Ailun has played an important role in the men’s basketball team in China. His outstanding performance and leadership style have made him an idol in the hearts of fans at home and abroad. However, injuries have been plaguing his career, which not only separated him from the team for a long time, but also worried the fans. Countless fans are looking forward to his recovery, hoping to enjoy his excellent performance again in the Asian Games.

In the process of recovery, Guo Ailun made great efforts and perseverance. He actively cooperated with the professional rehabilitation team to carry out rehabilitation training and constantly broke through himself in order to return to the stadium as soon as possible. And his firm will and unyielding fighting spirit also deeply infected the people around him. His teammates are full of expectations for his return, and the coaching staff is full of confidence in him. They believe that under the leadership of Guo Ailun, the China men’s basketball team will make some gains in the Asian Games. As the highest comprehensive sports meeting in Asia, the Asian Games is of great significance to the China men’s basketball team. This is not only a competitive game, but also an opportunity to show our strength. For Guo Ailun personally, the Asian Games is also a stage to prove himself again. He is eager to win honor for his country and bring joy to the fans with his own strength.

Therefore, he attaches no less importance to the Asian Games than other important competitions. Guo Ailun’s return will have a positive impact on the China men’s basketball team. As a leader, his play on the court and his influence off the court are irreplaceable. His excellent organizational skills and calm judgment made him the soul of the team. In addition, his personal ability is also quite outstanding. With superb skills and decisive attack, he can score key points for the team at critical moments. The fans expressed full expectations and appeals for Guo Ailun’s return. Numerous messages and comments have sprung up on social media, expecting him to shine again in the Asian Games.

Someone said: "I look forward to seeing Guo Ailun show his excellent state in the Asian Games, so that the whole world can know the strength of the China men’s basketball team!" Others wrote: "I wish Guo Ailun a smooth recovery and look forward to seeing him bring more victories to the China men’s basketball team!" The voice of the fans is undoubtedly the greatest support and encouragement for Guo Ailun. With the Asian Games coming, the news that Guo Ailun has recovered well is exciting. His return will add a lot of strength and confidence to the China men’s basketball team. I believe he will shine again in the Asian Games and win more honors for the China men’s basketball team! No matter how the game results, Guo Ailun will always be a hero in the hearts of fans, and his persistence and fighting spirit will inspire more young people to pursue their basketball dreams.

May he achieve excellent performance in the Asian Games and continue to make greater contributions to the basketball cause in China!

Different choices: Kobe failed to catch up with Jordan, and James found another way to "be king" in another place.

When it comes to the comparison between Kobe and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is the first shooting guard in the NBA, Kobe is the second shooting guard in the NBA, and Jordan is in front of Kobe, which is not controversial.

When it comes to the comparison between James and Jordan, most people think that Jordan is ahead of James; But some people think that James should be ahead of Jordan.

The reason why there is such a big difference is not because James is better than Kobe, but because of the track problem.

Kobe’s choice is to catch up with Jordan head-on. His route is similar to Jordan’s, and even his playing style and style are close to Jordan’s. In this case, Jordan has six champions and six FMVPs, and Kobe has five champions and two FMVPs, so everyone thinks that Jordan won and Kobe lost.

James’ choice was to find another way. The route he took was different from Jordan’s, and even this road was not traveled by many people. In the end, James achieved some "first" achievements on his own road, but many NBA stars including Jordan didn’t, so James did what they didn’t do, so comparing from different angles, naturally James could be ahead of Jordan.

The most typical example is that James is the first player in NBA history to get FMVP from three different teams, but Jordan, Duncan, Russell, Bird, Jabbar and other stars can’t even get together with three teams. From this perspective, James is indeed the first person in history.

This is also the reason why in the first-person vote in history, Kobe got less votes and James got more votes.

Take the World Cup group match as an example. In the 2022 World Cup group match, the first in Group E is Japan, the second is Spain, the first in Group F is Morocco, and the second is Croatia.

Jordan is Morocco and Kobe is Croatia. They are very comparable. In contrast, Jordan is in the lead, so there is no suspense in the ranking. Jordan is the first and Kobe is the second.

James is Japan, and he is on his own way, and he is also the first. Durant and Harden are similar to James’ route. Obviously, they are all behind James.

When choosing the strongest team in the group stage, no one will choose Croatia because it has Morocco in front of it, but someone will choose Japan because it is also the first in the group. But can you say that Japan, which ranks first in Group E, must be better than Croatia, which ranks second in Group F?

Obviously not.

This is Kobe’s paranoia.

In fact, there was only one person in Kobe’s pursuit, that is Jordan. He just wanted to catch up with Jordan. As for the others, he didn’t care. For him, he either surpassed Jordan or didn’t surpass him. That’s all. In his cognition, there is no difference between the second place and the 100th place, so he can say that the second place is the biggest loser.

Of course, there was another one he wanted to surpass, and that was O ‘Neill …

James, on the other hand, is more rational and smarter.

Perhaps he wanted to catch up with Jordan’s path in the early days, but after realizing the difficulty, he chose another one. On this road, James was one of the pioneers, and finally he succeeded and became the leader of this road.

You can’t say that James’s other way is bad. After all, many imitators followed James’s old path, but their achievements were not as high as James’s, such as Durant.

And James is also trying to collect all kinds of "firsts" to increase his chips for the GOAT.

There are many criteria for the selection of the GOAT, among which James is the GOAT, but in fact, from a competitive point of view, Jordan is undoubtedly the GOAT, which is the fundamental reason why Jordan has a very high position in the NBA.