"China Table Tennis" revealed that Liu Guoliang took the active national table tennis players to Call.

1905 movie network news On February 20th, the film starring Deng Chao,,,,,, etc. released the "call of the National Team" version, and Liu Guoliang and the active players of Guoping collectively appeared to cheer for the film. It is predicted that the China table tennis men’s team suffered a series of heavy losses, and the ending of "the most classic battle of turning defeat into victory" has been decided, but the process is still in suspense.

The Jedi counterattack of China Table Tennis tells the story that Dai Minjia, a coach studying abroad, volunteered to return to China in the early 1990s when the men’s table tennis was crushed by the "European powers" and led the veteran recruits to launch a counterattack against the "powers" in Tianjin to save the men’s table tennis. Since its release, the film has received unanimous praise from the audience, with high scores of Cat’s Eye 9.4 and Taobao Film 9.3. It has become the new film with the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation since February, and the film is being shown nationwide.

Liu Guoliang’s "Youth Memories", the most exciting home game and the most thrilling cup-winning battle, turned defeat into victory.

The latest announcement of "call by the National Team" in "China Table Tennis Fight Back" was kicked off by Liu Guoliang, a famous table tennis player in China, a world champion and an Olympic champion, who was the head coach of the China table tennis team, the current executive vice-president of the International Table Tennis Federation and the chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association: "China table tennis’s enduring glory for decades is the result of several generations’ efforts. The 1995 World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin was a classic counterattack of table tennis in the low valley. As a witness, I am also full of youthful memories. "

The preview reveals the heavy pressure experienced by China’s men’s table tennis national team in the 1990s. The absolute main force of the team is seriously injured. If you don’t play, you may lose a valuable point in the men’s team final of the World Table Tennis Championships. However, your hard support may ruin your whole sports career, and the collective and individual interests will collide fiercely at this moment. At that time, the Swedish team has won swaythling cup, who represents the highest honor of the men’s table tennis team, for three consecutive years, and at the same time, it is far ahead of China in terms of technical play and training methods. At that time, China’s economy was in the stage of comprehensive recovery, and the team was short of funds, so it was unable to catch up with Europe and even other countries in East Asia in terms of equipment and equipment, which also made our training level have a huge gap with the top teams in the world. While other countries, especially European teams, spend a lot of money to "dig" Chinese players to Europe to play in the league in order to study and learn the characteristics of China’s team, which leads to the great dilemma of the loss of excellent players in China. Even on the eve of the game, the players we regard as "secret weapons" are known in advance and thoroughly studied by other teams … … The 1995 World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin is just around the corner. Can we win at home and win the coveted swaythling cup?

In this big environment, the notice also shows more unknown details and insider: "Foreigners have learned our horse racing in Tian Ji more and more slippery" in the on-the-spot arrangement. All this has brought great pressure to head coach Dai Minjia and the whole team. "Can your generation turn over?" It has become the soul inquiry that pierces China men’s table tennis and even all China people’s hearts. This tournament has become the most exciting home in the history of the World Table Tennis Championships, the most thrilling battle to win the cup, and the most classic battle to turn defeat into victory in the history of table tennis. Since then, China has officially stood at the top of table tennis in the world, and this "never give up" spirit has been passed on to generations of table tennis players, leading the China table tennis team to achieve better results.

The active players of Guoping assembled for "China Ping-Pong" to play call to stimulate blood and Hollywood’s "positive rigidity""

On February 18th, the trial (the first stop) of the Durban World Table Tennis Championships started. Since 2006, the national team’s "civil war through competition" presented in the form of live broadcast has become the "strongest competition on the surface" in the hearts of table tennis fans. Just like the captain of China table tennis men’s team — — "Dragon Team" Malone said after the first singles match: "Intra-team competition has always been a very good tradition of the China team, which can make everyone actively mobilize, not relying on qualifications and previous competition results to select, giving many young athletes a direct and upward opportunity." There is a similar plot in the movie "China Table Tennis Fight Back". For example, all the players in the country gathered to launch a "Thousand Talents Battle" and selected two super newcomers, Hou Zhuoxiang and Dong Shuai, who were only 16 years old. As the absolute core of the team, Bai Minhui was "invited back" to the local team because of his lack of concentration in training. The scene of Bai Minhe apologizing to the coach and all his teammates in the rain has also become one of the most talked-about names of the audience. The wonderful story with fire, laughter and tears won the audience’s love and made many athletes and even world champions feel the same.

Surprisingly — — The table tennis players who are actively preparing for the war have appeared in advance and call for the movie. Fan Zhendong, Malone, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Manyu Wang and other national team players also expressed their support for the film: "Let China table tennis inspire people!" "Let’s cheer together!" Take the lead in showing the audience the inheritance and strength of the national ball spirit.

The first weekend of the film’s release was unanimously recognized by the media, film critics and the general audience. In addition to the wonderful ups and downs, the film’s restoration and tribute to the details also became the focus of the audience’s discussion. Whether it’s the almost "copy-and-paste" modeling and movements of the actors and prototype characters, or the confusion of whether it’s a movie or an old photo, the audience feels the harshness and sincerity of this film. This also made many viewers feel: "The casting and details are carefully chosen, and many characters can match the number, which perfectly reproduces the details of the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships!" Many viewers said, "The film shows the high-burning blood of table tennis and the spirit of China people. I hope that the film can be as fearless as the world’s strong players like China table tennis, and it will be a slap in the face with Hollywood movies! " China Ping-Pong Fight Back has become the new film with the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation since February. This word-of-mouth work of "both laughter and tears are good enough to burn and cool enough" will surely leave a deep impression on the audience.

The movie "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" is directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun, Aruna, etc. The film is being shown in the whole country.