Football plate welcome catalyst again

  According to a number of media reports, recently, the Office of the National Youth Campus Football Leading Group officially approved Xiamen, Qingdao and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture to set up a national campus football reform pilot zone to carry out campus football reform experiments around youth campus football teaching, sports competition and teacher training. Analysts believe that the football sector is expected to benefit.

  The foot reform in the three places is rich in content

  According to the application plans previously submitted by the three places, the contents of football reform in Xiamen include: striving to create 165 campus football schools in 2017; Support and encourage schools to form women’s football teams; Establish a separate enrollment system for football special students; Implement the campus football personnel training and upgrading project; Establish a training base for campus football reserve talents.

  Qingdao’s reforms include: by 2019, the campus football penetration rate will reach 25%; By 2024, the number of primary schools, middle schools and universities that regularly carry out campus football activities will reach 35% of the total number of schools, and the number of registered young football players will reach 100,000.

  In addition, Yanji’s three-year reform plan shows that in 2015, physical education class, a primary and secondary school in the city, added a football teaching link, with no less than 16 hours of football courses per semester, and the campus football popularization rate reached 65%, with 850 trainings. In 2016, the football penetration rate reached 75%; Transform four school football venues and build a municipal off-campus football training base; Create 10 to 12 national youth campus football characteristic schools; Training more than 1600 people. In 2017, the campus football penetration rate reached more than 85%; Transform six school football venues and build a municipal off-campus football training base.

  The prospect of football is worth looking forward to.

  The previously approved "Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Football in China" has defined the direction and goal of the future reform and development of football in China. The core contents mainly include: the China Football Association is decoupled from the General Administration of Sports, and there is no administrative level; Hosting the World Cup and kicking the national football team into the World Cup are the goals; Establish professional league Council to operate Super League; Study and issue China League Football Lottery; Increase investment in national football and build two new training bases; By 2025, 50,000 football schools will be built.

  Related concept stocks are expected to benefit.

  Zhao Huan, chief analyst of fortune securities, believes that the revitalization of football has risen to the national level, and the development space of the football industry is broad. National policy support is bound to encourage diversified capital investment and develop and expand the football industry through the capital market. From the investment point of view, football will become a compulsory course on campus, which will undoubtedly increase the mass base and market prospect of the future football industry, and related football concept stocks are expected to benefit. Investors can pay attention to Jiangsu Shuntian, TEDA, Lehman Optoelectronics, Shuangxiang, and China Sports Industry.