Topic: Wen Jiabao’s visit to Japan.


[content overview]:China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "For Friendship and Cooperation" in the Japanese Parliament this morning. This is the 22-year interval when the Japanese Parliament welcomed China leader and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of the State Council, People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at the Japanese Parliament.

    China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "For Friendship and Cooperation" in the Japanese Parliament this morning.

    He said that for the sake of friendship and cooperation, it is necessary to inherit and carry forward the long-standing historical tradition of Sino-Japanese friendship. During more than 2,000 years of contacts, the Chinese nation and the Japanese nation have learned from each other and promoted their respective development and progress. > > > Click on the video   > > > Full text of the speech


? [Theme] Friendship and Cooperation I hope this visit will become an ice melting trip.

? Wen Jiabao: Five Principles for Pushing Sino-Japanese Relations to a New Historical Stage

    Under the new historical conditions, China and Japan have growing common interests and face major issues that need to be addressed together. Based on such objective facts, the leaders of the two countries have reached a consensus on building a strategic and mutually beneficial relationship. Our goal is to conform to the trend and popular will, push Sino-Japanese relations to a new historical stage, and realize peaceful coexistence, friendship from generation to generation, mutually beneficial cooperation and common development. In order to achieve this goal, we need to grasp the following principles: first, enhance mutual trust and fulfill commitments. Second, take the overall situation into consideration and seek common ground while reserving differences. Third, equality, mutual benefit and common development. Fourth, focus on the future and strengthen exchanges. Fifth, close consultation to meet challenges. > > > click details.

? Sino-Japanese exchanges have lasted for more than two thousand years.

    Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, production techniques such as rice planting, mulberry planting, sericulture, textile and smelting have been spread from China to Japan, and Chinese characters, Confucianism, Buddhism, laws and art have also been absorbed and used for reference by Japan. The Japanese have sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty for more than ten times, and Abe Zhongmalu is one of them.

    Jian Zhen, a monk, went to Japan eastward, but failed to cross the sea five times, so that he became blind and remained determined. He was 66 years old when he succeeded in crossing the sea for the sixth time. Monk Jian Zhen spread Buddhism to Japan, which he thought could help the world and help others. > > > click details.

? Friendship and cooperation need to draw lessons from history
    For the sake of friendship and cooperation, we need to sum up and learn from the historical lessons of infinite years. As we all know, the friendly exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese people for more than 2,000 years were blocked by the painful and unfortunate history of more than 50 years in modern times. The Japanese war of aggression against China has caused great disasters to the people of China, with heavy casualties and huge property losses. It is hard to describe the trauma to the hearts of the people of China. > > > click details.
? 2008 Japanese children were abandoned in China after the war.

    In the war-torn era, Marshal Nie Rongzhen rescued the Japanese orphan Mihoko on the battlefield, took good care of her personally, and tried every means to send her back to her relatives. In 1980, Mihoko and his family made a special trip to China to visit Marshal Nie. After the war, 2,008 Japanese children were abandoned and orphaned in China, and they were taken in by war-torn China people.

    Up to today, 2,513 Japanese orphans have returned to Japan to settle down. > > > click details.

? [General Wen’s punch line] Although the wind is in Wuthering Mountain, it will not move.
    Wen Jiabao said: "There is a stone lantern in the Jian Zhen Memorial Hall in daming temple, Yangzhou, which was personally delivered by the filial piety elder Morimoto of the Japanese Tang Zhaoti Temple in 1980. The lamp lit by himself is a pair with another lamp of the Japanese Tang Zhaoti Temple. This pair of lights is still burning today, and it shines in the distance, symbolizing the bright future of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples from generation to generation.

    There is a proverb in your country:Although the wind is whistling, the mountain will not move.Although the development of Sino-Japanese relations has experienced ups and downs, the foundation of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples is as unshakable as Mount Tai and Mount Fuji! > > > click on the details.

? [Netizen’s voice] Melting ice and melting snow, a ray of sunshine comes through the clouds in the spring.

[Mickey’s girlfriend]:I wish Premier Wen’s "ice-melting trip" warm the heart of Japanese "grassroots"

[Magpie Nest]:On the eve of Premier Wen Jiabao’s trip to the East, he made it clear to the outside world that he intended to establish a communication and cooperation mechanism between China and China and achieve a mutually beneficial strategic relationship, which indicated that China had taken a decisive step towards building a peace mechanism in East Asia and was also a symbol of the sublimation of’s diplomatic wisdom. Diplomacy transcends the bondage of emotion, takes rational judgment as a tool and takes national interests as a refuge, which is the proper meaning of great power diplomacy.

[Dongxiang dutiful son]:Breaking ice-melting ice requires a high degree of mutual trust. Enhance exchanges, especially among the younger generation, and increase mutual understanding. Take history as a mirror, look to the future and jointly promote the prosperity of East Asia. May peace be with us forever!

[▲ Marshal▲]:"After 22 years, the leader of China once again boarded the podium of the Japanese parliament" sounds a sense of pride. Hehe, it seems quite difficult to board the podium of the Japanese parliament! It’s an honor to be on the board.

Editor: Huo Junxia