Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year’s Day! There was a lot of laughter at this party in Jindun Primary School.

Beautiful and moving songs, enthusiastic dances, gripping recitations, handsome and tough martial arts and wonderful instrumental performances … On the afternoon of December 29th, Class 15, Grade 1 of Jindun Primary School held the theme activity of "Welcome the New Year and Celebrate New Year’s Day". The whole activity climaxed, and the audience applauded constantly. The students greeted the arrival of the new year with laughter.
In order to set off the festive atmosphere, teachers, students and parents arranged the indoor and outdoor environment of the class together, including red lanterns, colorful balloons and exquisite flowers.
At the get-together, children’s performances were brilliant, including passionate music, dynamic dances and humorous sketches. The classroom was full of happy smiling faces and lively figures of children.
In the game session, the children are more enthusiastic and proactive, and they have cultivated the spirit of unity and cooperation in cooperation. The activity ended with a cheerful group dance by the children.
"This activity fully demonstrated the children’s talents and abilities, passed on the beauty of the festival to every child’s heart, and built a good platform for the healthy growth of children and the construction of class culture." Zheng Guangtian, the class teacher, expressed the hope that the children would experience more happiness, make continuous progress and grow up happily during the activities.
Correspondent Guo Xiwen