In 2017, they accidentally became "online celebrity"

  Blue Army Brigadier Man Guangzhi

  Dan Jixiang, head of the Forbidden City

  Wu Yishu, a talented woman with flying flowers.

  … …

  the year 2017

  There are some "online celebrity" worthy of our praise.


  "Hello, everyone, I am Man Guangzhi who everyone wants to capture alive."

  Accompanied by Zhu Ri and the military parade, a figure who was previously rumored only in the circle of military fans was quickly known to the public. He was the brigade commander of the First Blue Army of the Chinese Army — —Man Guangzhi.

  A man who makes all the major war zones and units of the People’s Liberation Army want to "capture alive".

  Since Man Guangzhi was transferred to the Blue Army Brigadier in 2015, this unit, known as the "coyote", has often defeated the Red Army with overwhelming advantages. In the Zhu Rihe exercise in 2015, Man Guangzhi led the Blue Army to set a record of 10 battles and 10 victories. From 2014 to 2017, the Blue Army achieved 32 wins and 1 loss.

  Hate to tooth itch, the red army played the slogan of "stepping over Zhu Rihe and taking Man Guangzhi alive".

  Is it possible to "capture" Man Guangzhi alive?

  Man Guangzhi said, "At present, this possibility is not available. It is difficult for the Red Army to put forward the slogan of taking me alive, and it is not so easy to take me alive. Of course, there is such a possibility in the future, and I hope there is such a possibility. "

  Dan Jixiang: A Dean of online celebrity who can tell jokes.







  “中国核潜艇之父” 人间蒸发30年




  91-year-old Huang Xuhua, known as "the father of nuclear submarines in China", is the chief designer of the first generation of nuclear submarines in China, an academician of China Academy of Engineering and honorary director of 719 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

  Huang Xuhua lived incognito for 30 years for the cause of nuclear submarines in the motherland. He has not returned to his hometown in Chaoshan, Guangdong for 40 years, and even his parents don’t know what he is doing. Huang Xuhua said: "Before I was transferred to Beijing, the leader only told me to go to Beijing for business, and I didn’t bring my luggage. My family asked me what unit I was in Beijing, but I never answered. When my father died, he only knew that his son was in Beijing and only knew his son’s mailbox number. "

  In 1987, Shanghai Wenhui Monthly published the reportage "A Life Without a Name", which described the life experience of the chief designer of China nuclear submarine and mentioned "Chief Designer Huang". Huang Xuhua’s 30-year secret life was gradually revealed to the world.

  "There is no waste in this life. Life belongs to nuclear submarines and the motherland, no regrets!"

  "the most distinguished passenger in the second class of high-speed rail"

  On the second-class seat of the high-speed rail, the white-haired old man was correcting something with pen and paper. Wear old shoes barefoot and look focused.

  Even an ordinary person, it is not easy to do this, but the identity of this seemingly ugly old man is not simple. The first batch of academicians of China Academy of Engineering — —Liu Xianlin.

  Liu Xianlin, 78 years old, is an active advocate of localization of surveying and mapping instruments, honorary president of China Academy of Surveying and Mapping, and has won the first prize of national scientific and technological progress twice.

  Academician Liu’s image of assiduous study, frugality and simplicity is respectable. Netizens called him "the most distinguished passenger in the second class of high-speed rail". When he noticed the old shoes on Liu Lao’s feet, netizens shouted "Look at his feet, I am moved to cry."

  Under the onlookers of netizens, many media wanted to report on Academician Liu Xianlin, but he refused, on the grounds that "the state has given him enough awards and honors, and now he wants to focus on research".

  Wu Yishu, a talented woman in the Chinese Poetry Conference

  On February 7, 2017, 16-year-old girl Wu Yishu won the championship in the Chinese Poetry Conference, and with her strong strength and talented temperament, she left a deep impression on the audience and became an instant hit.

  "This beautiful girl after 00 has satisfied all people’s fantasies about ancient talented women." He is 1.8 meters tall, with long hair hanging down, eyebrows and phoenix eyes, dressed in a Chinese costume, but he is "aggressive" when he talks.

  These characteristics make Wu Yishu quickly circle countless powders.

  In fact, in the program, Wu Yishu often looks surprised and can’t believe his answer is so good. He will also find another way when the players are speechless and don’t know how to answer. People like her, not only her ability to recite ancient poems and comprehend them, but also her personality.

  Besides poetry, Wu Yishu has a broader life. Wu Yishu is interested in chemistry, and she is a representative of chemistry class at school. According to other contestants, Wu Yishu’s future ideal is to do scientific research.