The finals of the 4th Cross-Strait Student Baseball League started, and 32 teams of 840 players learned baseball skills and made great friends.

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Creation Client Reporter Wu Wei

On November 11th, the finals of the 4th Cross-Strait Student Baseball League kicked off in 8 stadiums in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The tournament will last until 18th. There are four groups: University Group, U18 Group, U15 Group and U12 Group, and 32 teams (20 from mainland China and 12 from Taiwan Province) will play 80 games. During the games, various exchange activities will be held, such as "Players’ Night", visits and exchanges, and watching drone performances.

A total of 840 players participated in this year’s finals. For the first time, exchange activities and competitions were interspersed, and the time for communication outside the competition was greatly increased. Players from universities, primary and secondary schools on both sides of the strait exchange skills, make great friends, appreciate the pulse of development, enhance emotional harmony, and promote "a family on both sides of the strait" through baseball exchanges.

After six years’ efforts, many schools in Shenzhen have started baseball, and more and more student baseball clubs have emerged. Baseball has become one of the favorite sports for students. Before the finals, the "2023 Shenzhen Training Camp for Little League Baseball Across the Taiwan Straits" was launched, and Taiwan Province’s outstanding hard ball was invited for in-depth training, guidance and exchange, so as to jointly improve the baseball level across the Taiwan Straits.

For this competition, Xu Yong, CEO of the Cross-Strait Baseball Exchange and Cooperation Committee, is full of expectations. He said: "The Fourth Cross-Strait Student Baseball League Finals is of great significance for students from both sides of the strait to get together and build a better platform for students from both sides of the strait. I hope they will become good golfers, good partners and good brothers through this competition."

On the first day of the competition, despite the continuous rain, Qiu Guanbo of Taiwan Province Xinbei Chongyi Senior High School found it "very exciting and fun". He said: "It was a special experience. The weather was bad, but the atmosphere was warm. Everyone was warm and friendly and felt very happy." He also said that the competition opportunity is rare, and he wants to feel the charm of Shenzhen city, gain novel experiences and discover different scenery from different perspectives.