Officials were reported to have taken care of the female anchor and returned to work less than a week later.

  Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone.

  Screenshot of the exposed video. Network screenshot

  Department-level officials were reported to support female TV anchors, buy BMW cars for female anchors, and provide nearly 1 million yuan of funds to female anchors for their consumption every year. The video of the official and the female anchor being shot abnormally in the room was also exposed. Jin Zeyin, former deputy secretary-general of Zhangjiajie Municipal People’s Government and director of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee, was reported.

  On April 22nd, there was an exclusive media report that Jin Zeyin was reported to have adopted a female anchor. "Jin Zeyin’s dismissal was not notified. In less than a week, he went to the municipal government to go to work normally." Several veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie who did not want to be named questioned this.

  The Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee responded that the official did not report it because the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection was not over; Dismissal is because his life style has been confirmed; It is a resolution of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to work in the municipal government office after his dismissal; Jin Zeyin was a general cadre in the municipal government, but he didn’t hold a post.

  The reporter claimed to be the husband of the female anchor who was adopted.

  On April 20th, an online post titled "Jin Zeyin in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province has been corrupted and committed adultery with Lu Wei for a long time" attracted attention. The poster claimed to be the husband of Lu Mou, an employee of Zhangjiajie TV Station, and publicly reported that Jin Zeyin, an official in Zhangjiajie, had a style problem.

  According to the above net post, since 2012, "Jin Zeyin has committed adultery with my wife Lu Mou (Zhangjiajie TV Station) and bought a luxury BMW car for her, providing her with nearly 1 million yuan for her consumption every year", and so on.

  However, the poster who claimed to be Lu’s husband misspelled his wife’s surname "Lu" as "Lu".

  The report net post distributed a video of 1 minute and 21 seconds, which presented three scenes: a middle-aged man walking around the room in pajamas; The process of a woman wearing pajamas and dressing; A man went out with a woman on his back. This edited video shows that men and women are in the same room.

  On April 21, the relevant person in charge of the network information office in Zhangjiajie confirmed to The Paper that the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a meeting on this report that morning, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Public Security Bureau had intervened in the investigation on the authenticity of the report post. On the 25th of the same month, Jin Zeyin’s personal data disappeared from the official website of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee.

  The Paper survey found that Jin Zeyin and Lu had already crossed paths. Jin once served as deputy district head and propaganda minister in Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie City, while Lumou worked in Wulingyuan District TV Station. After Lumou applied to Zhangjiajie TV Station as the anchor of the news channel.

  According to Jin Zeyin’s colleague, who did not want to be named, since the day after the media report (23rd), Jin Zeyin has never appeared in public in the company, and the door of his office has been closed.

  According to the above-mentioned staff, on April 23rd, the relevant staff of Zhangjiajie City Commission for Discipline Inspection came to the Development Zone to announce that Jin Zeyin had been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Subsequently, the organization department came to the Economic Development Zone to announce the resolution of dismissing Jin Zeyin. "At that time, it was only orally announced, and no written documents were seen."

  Veteran cadres questioned that they went to work in the municipal government office after being exempted.

  Three veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie questioned The Paper, saying that Jin Zeyin had been transferred to the Zhangjiajie municipal government office to work less than a week after he was dismissed from his post.

  The veteran cadres said that they learned from relevant channels that the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau launched a "double investigation" on this matter after the incident: on the one hand, it checked the style of Jin Zeyin, on the other hand, it checked the video in the online report post to see if the shooting was legal.

  According to a person familiar with the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau, after the report occurred, the relevant departments of Zhangjiajie launched a "double investigation" on the whistleblower and the reported person. So far, the "mysterious reporter" who posted the post has not surfaced.

  The Paper learned from relevant channels that the whistleblower refused to show up for fear of retaliation. Before the online report, the whistleblower sent the detailed report materials to the relevant departments in Zhangjiajie, and only chose to report online when there was no response.

  The reporter tried to get in touch with the reporter many times and was told by him through relevant channels that "it is not convenient to show up for the time being, and all evidence and complete videos will be made public when there is danger".

  Official response Disciplinary Committee has filed a case.

  The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee that Jin Zeyin is married and his wife works in the education system. After Jin Zeyin and Lumou were exposed, Lumou didn’t go back to the TV station to work.

  On May 24, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee provided reporters with several internal documents stamped with the official seal in response to the query of veteran cadres.

  These documents confirmed that, after research by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to put Jin Zeyin’s violation of discipline on file for review, and to remove him from the posts of Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal People’s Government (concurrently) and Director of the Management Committee of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone (Zhangjiajie Science and Technology Industrial Park).

  According to the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee on April 25th, Yang Guangrong, secretary of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee to listen to the preliminary investigation and verification of Jin Zeyin’s life style by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Committee.

  The above-mentioned meeting held that the life style of leading cadres is by no means a trivial matter, nor a minor issue, but a major event related to the credibility and image of the party among the people … … Judging from the investigation and verification, there is a violation of discipline in Jin Zeyin … …

  The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection filed a case review on its disciplinary problems and agreed to adjust Jin Zeyin to the work of the municipal government.

  The minutes of the meeting also mentioned that Lu Mou, the relevant party, had reported the case to the public security department on the issue of monitoring and collecting evidence for suspected illegal intrusion into houses, and the municipal and district public security departments should file an investigation according to law and detect the case as soon as possible.

  The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee explained that the current investigation of Jin Zeyin by the Commission for Discipline Inspection is not just a matter of life style, but the economic problems mentioned in the net posts are being investigated together; However, before the results of the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection came out, Jin Zeyin was still a civil servant, and there was nothing wrong with adjusting his post.

  "On the issue of dealing with Jin Zeyin, the Zhangjiajie Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Organization Department and the public security are all investigating and handling according to law, discipline and regulations." The relevant person in charge of the above-mentioned propaganda department said.