Love is just: the best love never needs to be defined.

Original title: "Love is just", the best love is never defined.

"The biggest advantage of this drama is that it restores the original appearance of love." Spring blossoms, an urban love drama deus ex, won the praise of the audience. The play tells the story of the mutual understanding and love between Song Sanchuan, a badminton tennis player, and Liang Youan, the president’s special assistant professional manager. In the play, they are sincere and enthusiastic, not afraid of love and dare not to love. They are the long-lost "sunshine" in each other’s lives, and they have seen a positive and beautiful love and restored the living conditions of contemporary urban youth.

Compared with other urban love dramas, "Love Is Just" swept away the stereotype of the audience on urban love dramas in the past. On the contrary, it was a "firework spirit" that was closer to life and paid more attention to the characters themselves. Liang Youan, the heroine, appeared as a "32-year-old single woman for five years" in the workplace, but such working and living conditions often troubled this gold medal employee. In the application for adopting a puppy, Liang Youan revealed that "I am eager to go home every day and someone will feel the sense of healing", and the encounter between the hero and heroine is actually the "sunshine" to illuminate each other’s lives, and it is a panacea to untie the "heart knot" and open the "bottleneck". I still remember at the launching ceremony of Love, the head of the team said, "I hope many women can get rid of the autism of intimate relationship, brave enough to love." From the experience of watching the drama, the slow plot rhythm is the way for the screenwriter to show the delicate feelings of the characters in the drama, and it also has a certain healing effect.

It is not difficult to find that Song Sanchuan and Liang Youan have similar life experiences and circumstances, which is also an important factor in their final "chemical reaction". In the plot structure, the screenwriter interweaves the emotional views of people aged "20+" and "30+", which makes the audience full of imagination for the plot. However, across age and occupation, they all show a new atmosphere of young people who dare to challenge themselves and constantly overcome difficulties and meet challenges in pursuit of life value, which also resonates with many people in the workplace and young people.

There are too many forms of love, and the best love is a positive force generated by "resonance at the same frequency" in Love. While welcoming sweet love, they are also faced with conflicts of ideas and experiences. They surpass themselves again and again in coping with challenges, strengthen mutual trust, and finally gain career growth and beautiful love. Such a view of love can be used for reference among young people, just as psychologist Li Songwei said, "Intimate relationship is a healthy relationship first, and love is not necessary." Indeed, love must be tacit, just like meeting by chance. When deciding to give confidence to each other, age, identity and occupation become unimportant.

Liang Youan’s unique temperament is precisely the undoubted energy of working women in the new era, and we can’t help but feel sorry for Liang Youan’s family misfortune, unfair treatment in the workplace and emotional experience. At the same time, her ability to deal with trivial matters in life and her rare sobriety in the face of complex situations deserve our admiration.

"Love is just" is not just love. The connotation of the plot extends to every corner of the workplace, love and life faced by young people. It is precisely from its character quality and core that we can truly understand "Love is just".

In the plot, there is almost no greasy inherent image of brother-sister love, and whether the dreamy combination of Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan can really land in real life is worth discussing by the audience and netizens.

As an exploration of the narrative structure and plot grasp of the emotional urban drama of brother and sister, "Love Just" has also caused some disputes on the idealization of the plot, the actor’s sense of CP, acting skills and other issues, but it is undeniable that its concept of love and outlook on life is a kind of spiritual communication under mutual equality, and it constantly challenges the limits to become a better self, and it is a sincere work with a good impression and experience for young people at the crossroads of love. (Author: Han Xin)