
Text/I am not afraid of hammer anti-fraud network
Xiaobian is a full-time stock trader, and many old fans know it. In the past, whether it was to reveal the original stock scam or the fund-raising scam, some people would leave a message saying: "The stock is the same, it is a scam." It’s also a scam for us to invest, and it’s also a scam for us to invest. It’s the same as losing money and being cheated when investing in stocks.
The picture above shows some people’s understanding of stocks. I don’t know if he really bought stocks.
Due to the reputation of China stock market, it is a harvester for retail investors. Attract people when they rise, and harvest a large piece when they fall. So is the stock a scam?
Stock is a part of the ownership of a joint-stock company and also a certificate of ownership issued by the joint-stock company. It is a kind of valuable securities issued by the joint-stock company to various shareholders as a shareholding certificate to obtain dividends and bonuses. Each share represents the shareholder’s ownership of a basic unit of the enterprise. Every listed company will issue shares.
Given that there are many aunts and grandfathers, it is difficult to understand the above words. To put it simply, someone has opened a shop or is going to open a shop, and then you think this shop has a future, so you give him money to open it. If the store runs well, the money earned every year will be distributed according to your capital contribution. If you drive badly and lose money, you can also bear the loss. If you are particularly unlucky, you may lose everything.
Therefore, buying stocks is an investment company. Invest in good industries, good management, good brands and so on.
In addition to investing to make money or lose money. In order to activate funds, the stock market adds another attribute to stocks. Free trading is generally understood by retail investors in China as speculation.
Therefore, the stock has three obvious attributes:
1 investment attributes. The stock corresponds to a legitimate company with industry that can be seen and touched! This company has business and has a good level in the industry. Through the efforts of all the company personnel, from a small company to a large company, and then the corresponding share price is also rising. The bigger the company, the more valuable the stock is.
2 Dividend attributes. Some companies, especially in the industry, make money every year and make money crazily. After making so much money, and then the company’s books can’t be used up, the shareholders’ meeting will be red. Then share the money with the shareholders. Many listed banks in China have good dividends. Dividend every year.
3 hype attributes.
Some people think that this company is not worth so much money, so they sell the shares of this company, causing the stock to fall. Some people think that a company is particularly good in the industry, and it wants to make a lot of money, have great development, and even a new Tencent. Everyone bought the stock of this company crazily, and then the stock rose sharply every day. Such a fall and a rise will lead to fluctuations in the stock price, in which there is arbitrage! Also known as stock trading. There are even some stocks that have been hyped because of a news. Some illegal listed companies and bookmakers have teamed up to speculate, and some hot money has pushed up prices to harvest retail investors and other incidents of cutting leeks.
Therefore, in stock investment,
Buying is the most important thing for the company. Buy industries that you know and are optimistic about.
Buy companies that will make money, companies that will keep making money.
Buy companies with good technology and buy companies with leading technology in the world.
Here are a few examples. When it comes to companies that are particularly profitable, you have to mention Kweichow Moutai:
Kweichow Moutai rose from around 40 yuan in 2014 to more than 1,700 yuan this year, an increase of more than 40 times. What is the reason for the rise? It is not difficult for everyone to understand! Brand scarcity, and then the most important thing is that it is too profitable.
In the picture above,It earned 16.7 billion in 2016 and 41.2 billion last year.You may earn more this year. When people live well and have money, they will consume Maotai. After all, it is the boss of liquor. (Stocks are not recommended here, just examples!)
Maotai stock keeps rising, and then it pays dividends every year.
In China A-share stock market, there are many similar stocks!
Good company, good brand, and very profitable.
Good industry, good technology, and very promising.
And so on many valuation systems.
For example, Ping An in China, the leading insurance company in China, rose from 10 yuan to 90 yuan. The stock keeps rising and pays dividends every year.PS: China Ping An earned 149.407 billion yuan last year, nearly 150 billion yuan.
For example, Mu Yuan shares, the leading pig producer in China, rose from 17 yuan to more than 90 yuan. The stock keeps rising and pays dividends every year. Mu Yuan shares earned 6.114 billion last year. In the first quarter of this year, it earned more than 4 billion.
And all walks of life are in the corresponding leading companies, which requires time to learn, dig and understand.
The above companies make a lot of money.Do you have any real business in the fund-raising scam and the original stock scam you invested in? What is it for? How much money can you earn a year?
The above is just an example, which does not mean that there will be such a big increase or earning power in the future. This is also a professional difficulty in the stock market.
After raising the good stocks with rising and dividends, we should also raise some bad stocks. The origin of bad stocks lies in the company’s operation itself.
Letv, the company of Letv mobile phone, dropped from the highest 44.72 yuan to the present 0.18 yuan. The reason is that there is something wrong with the operation, which leads to the break of the capital chain, the rapid expansion and the sudden death.
Immortal creatures, from 29 to less than 1. The reason is that there is something wrong with the vaccine.
The emergence of similar junk stock hedgers above has problems with supervision and the professional level of investors. Many times, problems can be seen from the company’s financial statements.
There are ups and downs, this is the stock market!
The statement that the stock market is risky and investment needs to be cautious is really not casual.
Real cases happen all the time.
How to make money in the stock market requires you to know the industry thoroughly and know the company thoroughly. That is to say, you should be very professional and know some techniques.
And the present situation of Chinese investors is:
Ordinary stocks buy stocks as soon as they open an account. Sometimes they don’t even know what the company does, and they don’t know what the development prospects of the industry in which the company is located. They buy them when they look pleasing to the eye. It is entirely by luck. Once you lose money, call it a stock scam, banker cheat people.
Some people only speculate in stocks, chasing up and down every day, and have no idea why the stocks have gone up and what their valuation is, and then blame the China stock market for losing money?
You have to learn how to cook for several months before you can make money!
You have to learn programming for several years before you can make money!
You have to get a certificate to study accounting, or you can earn money only after you have done it!
Why do you dare to invest money to buy stocks without studying for a day? How can you make such good money?
Therefore, the stock market is not a scam, and the China stock market is not a scam, but it is still young. Many systems are gradually being reformed.
To sum up,
Stocks are issued by listed companies, and those that can pass IPO are well-known large enterprises in the industry. And the financial report is transparent, which is in line with relevant national laws.
The fund-raising scam is made by private individuals, and there is no corresponding business entity, even people can set it up. Violating the laws of the state.
The original stock scam is privately issued by the company, which has no legal effect, and the company’s finances are opaque and unknown in the industry. The company’s reputation depends on blowing!
In the past week, A shares have skyrocketed.
It stems from China people’s confidence in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, from China’s anti-epidemic ability and from the leadership of the country, so A shares seem to be starting a bull market.
Whether it is a big bull market or not, a strong country and finance must be strong. Finance is the foundation of all social activities. Therefore, I suggest that young people who have read this article, whether you have money or not, even if you play analog disks, I suggest paying attention to the stock market.
The fund-raising scam, the original stock scam, what the hell are they?
In China stock market, awesome people, awesome things and awesome companies are really awesome!
Everyone is searching.
Is the stock a scam? Is the stock a scam? Is the stock market a scam? What are the stock market scams?


Ghosts and evil spirits

You buy it when people tell you to? I can’t judge whether it’s a trap or not. Isn’t that how stocks are made? If you want to make money and don’t want to take risks, you can dream. Moreover, this article is about long-term, and investing in companies with development potential is not the same as those short-term ones that chase up and kill down. The example you gave shows that you didn’t understand what the article was saying at all. To sum up, the article should be that the stock market is used for investment, not for speculation! There are scams in the stock market, but we can’t say that the stock market is a scam. Those who are caught in speculation will blame the stock market. Have you taken the time to study it and just talk nonsense? What qualifications do you have to express your opinions without studying it?


@ Jining Xiaofang

It’s not a scam. What you said is very good. Individual investors are all value investments, but what do institutional stocks look at? See the number of retail investors! Choose a stock with a small number of retail investors to lurk in, get enough chips, and then pull it up to attract people to take over! This is not a scam?




Youcaijun 0C7

Come on, China’s stock market is rising by capital, and what value investment is all bullshit. The main force can pull it whenever it wants and smash it whenever it wants! I have also learned the knowledge of ancient tickets, and I also know the value investment. I bought a consumer sector with a low price-earnings ratio of only 9.6, and my financial performance was very good. I still hit bottom three times. After I bought it, he just kept falling, or he continued to fall under the 732 line. To put it bluntly, the main force was to see that there were fewer retail investors, but more retail investors were suppressed. This is the status quo of A shares, but there were only a few good stocks, and the rest were circles.




Da ju zi fa LAN Lin ka

The problem is that dividends are rare. You have to understand who has the money and who doesn’t want to go out.




All three replies

Jining xiaofang

It’s not a scam. What you said is very good. Individual investors are all value investments, but what do institutional stocks look at? See the number of retail investors! Choose a stock with a small number of retail investors to lurk in, get enough chips, and then pull it up to attract people to take over! This is not a scam?




Jining xiaofang

Have you studied it? With so many people studying, can you tell me which trend represents a 100% rise? It’s not regular, people play games with people!




Jining xiaofang

Not participating is earning.




All 4 replies

Light inlaid orchid 4T

It is certain that stocks are not a scam, but most people have to pay for their stupidity and arrogance.




Light inlaid orchid 4T

When you see that it is a scam, don’t play with it.





Duoduo 39151698

The stock market cheats each other for profit.





China’s stock pit is gone, and China’s stock is completely desperate. Please empty it as soon as possible, and never play China’s stock.




Xiao yue catching butterflies in Yunfeng Gorge.

Everything that people experience when they come into this world is a scam.




Zymwcnmb god

Exactly, which one belongs to you. Money will also cheat you to play.




Shanderun Y3

Just like us, we can take it whenever we want.




The celestial immortal refers to the future.

The ups and downs of the stock market are artificially controlled.
The country needs hundreds of millions of investors to invest heavily.
You must stay away from the stock market when you go crazy.
After plunging twice, I intervened in batches to make bands.




Yong Yu Ning 02V

Did A shares skyrocket? indicating that sth is obvious




Wei gaomin cC

I’ve been ruined by stocks this year.





That’s right, isn’t it? Looking at it deeply, it’s all a scam. Although it’s good for this and that, it’s bad for maybe only seven losses and two draws.




Sleepwalking in nothingness 123

The stock market is a combination of cheating and gambling.


















































