"Hot Search" filed on November 30, Zhou Dongyu Song Yang Justin public opinion field confrontation

1905 movie network news Directed by, starring, and released a group of role posters, and announced that it would be released on November 30, taking the lead in preheating the market at the end of the year and firing the first shot of the New Year. In the poster, there is a full screen of online public opinion, which is full of all kinds of people who don’t know the truth and endless condemnation and abuse. Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Yuan Hong are in the complicated public opinion field and have their own thoughts. I look forward to the film’s release on November 30th.

In the previous premiere activities, this film "pointing to reality" won many praises, such as "cyber violence", "public opinion reversal" and "choosing a concubine on campus", and all kinds of sharp realistic topics made the audience bluntly say that "the film shines into reality". Some viewers said, "The perpetrators do whatever they want, the victims are arguing, and the truth of online public opinion is inseparable, which not only makes people feel numb, but also deserves our good taste and thinking." The director also said at the scene, "Some time ago, the fire rescued many fraud victims, and I hope that" Hot Search "can also be a fire, so that the era of irresponsible voice on the Internet will pass."

A public opinion game of "smoke everywhere"

Audience: Did we influence public opinion or did public opinion influence us?

Is the school sponsored by the big group actually a "paradise for choosing a concubine" for the rich? In the movie, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), He Yan (Song Yang), Peng Yue (Justin) and others launched a battle of online public opinion around the "industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus" caused by a girl jumping off a building. Although there is no sword and shadow, the tit-for-tat between the forces of good and evil and the constant reversal of public opinion have made many viewers bluntly say "innovative", "substituted" and "thoughtful". "Deducting all sentient beings under the flow, whether we have influenced public opinion or public opinion has influenced us?"

Director Xin Yukun has always been good at digging deep into realistic themes, while Hot Search shows the story behind public opinion from a novel perspective. Some viewers expressed their surprise after watching the movie. "When you are purely a bystander, you see that there are so many unknown secrets behind the ever-changing public opinion events." Some viewers said, "The protagonist seems to be a character, but in fact, the sharp and ruthless comments behind it are the real protagonist of this film."

A bloody story of "Mayflies shake trees"

Audience: You may not be Chen Miao, but you can be her fellow traveler.

The film "Hot Search" tells a story of speaking out for the weak and confronting the powerful, and also depicts the people behind the "hot search". In the film, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, took the lead in tearing off the false mask of the wealthy businessman and declaring war on the unjust power. However, it was backstab, a teammate of He Yan (Song Yang), and Yue Peng, an investor (Justin) who suppressed her. Digging black materials, hanging hot searches, splashing dirty water ….. Faced with all kinds of threats, Chen Miao is still indomitable, and wants to reshape the unfair "rules". The audience also said that they were "moved by Chen Miao’s courage".

After watching the movie, many viewers described it as a story of "flying flies shaking trees". "You can’t help being angry, you will feel empathetic powerlessness, and you will have desperate feelings and blood." The self-media team led by Chen Miao tried their best to speak out for the truth, and was also rated as a just alliance on the Internet by the audience. Their courage and fearlessness inspired many viewers, saying that "it may not be Chen Miao, but it can be Chen Miao’s fellow traveler".

The film Hot Search will be released nationwide on November 30th.