4 years, 54 million, pay cut and return to the Lakers! Ham publicly praised James as your big brother.

There are still many players in today’s league. Their starting point is not high, and they almost missed the opportunity to land in the NBA. However, with their step-by-step efforts, they gradually shine on the court. Among the active NBA players, which one impressed you the most? Some fans may choose Van fleet. Van fleet’s physical condition is not excellent, and his height is only 1.83 meters. This kind of small defender is hard to be favored by the team. However, at the age of 29, he has now grown from a draft player to an all-star player. He won a championship trophy with the team and has been the core of the Raptors for several seasons. It is really not easy. This offseason, Van fleet was poached by the Rockets, and signed a three-year super contract worth 130 million US dollars, completely playing his own value.

Wood, the core of the inside attack of the Lone Ranger, is also a draft loser. Up to now, his average score can reach 15 points per game. Although Wood, as an inside player with little functionality, only focuses on offense, and lacks some blue-collar attributes, this summer Wood is still one of the most sought-after players in the free market. After ending his contract with the Lone Ranger, Wood will look for his next home, reportedly including Bulls. In addition to Van fleet and Wood, like Vincent, Struce and Dunrow who entered the finals with Miami Heat this year, Stephen Curry’s younger brother Kokuri, and caruso, the former "mascot" of the Lakers, they all entered the NBA as draft losers.

There is also Reeves of the Lakers. After caruso left the Lakers, Reeves was regarded as his successor, and the second generation of the Lakers’ mascots was born. They have a lot in common, the same skin color, both of whom are draft losers, the players are very high, and they are all right-hand men around James. During the period when Reeves first came, many Lakers fans felt that he and caruso were still not comparable. After all, there was still a big gap in their physical fitness, and the defensive end was not at the same level at all. caruso’s defense was really fierce. However, after playing for a season, Reeves has made rapid progress and is more suitable for the current old Zhan. James is almost 39 years old now, and his playing time and possession of the ball will be reduced. Reeves’ organization and attacking with the ball can just share a lot of pressure for James.

On the offensive end, Reeves is one step ahead of caruso, and his three-point shooting is one of the most stable in the Lakers, with a shooting percentage of 40%. It’s no problem for old Zhan to match caruso in 19-20 seasons, but now James needs players like Reeves even more. During the offseason this summer, Reeves also faced the problem of contract renewal. His last contract was only two years’ basic salary, with an average of more than one million dollars a season. Now, Reeves has made his mark. According to Stein, a well-known journalist, Reeves can sign a contract with a maximum of 100 million dollars for four years during the offseason, and the Spurs also offered him a big contract with an average of more than 21 million dollars per season, but in the end, Reeves chose to stay with the Lakers.

The Lakers reached a four-year $54 million renewal contract with Reeves, with an average of less than 14 million a year, which is much less than the price offered by other teams. In four years, it was 54 million, and the salary was reduced to return to the Lakers! Hamm publicly praised James as your big brother. Reeves said, "I want to stay with the Lakers.". For me, this is like home. I definitely want to stay with the Lakers. My teammates, coaches and management are very supportive. " In fact, Reeves himself knows that he can get a better platform and resources by staying in a traffic brigade like the Lakers, and even get "special treatment" in the game, making it easier to play his own worth. Lakers coach Hamm publicly praised Reeves: "He is excellent, and he will soon grow into an all-star player."

Old Zhan is of course the happiest to keep Reeves, because the cooperation between them is very tacit, and James often teaches Reeves’ competition experience. Reeves spoke highly of the team’s eldest brother James: "You never want to see a player like that not playing, just because he is so outstanding. Since he was selected in 2003, he has been almost a signature figure in the league, and I really hope to play with him." Speaking of old Zhan’s character, Reeves said: "He acts like a child, as if he were 18 years old. I have never seen him in a bad mood. He is always laughing and having fun. Because of his brilliant achievements, for such a person who is placed on the altar, he can be so approachable, you can discuss anything with him, you can have great communication with him, and you can joke with him at will. "

Reeves can continue to cooperate with Zhan in the new season. Do you think he is expected to hit the All-Star in the future?