Daily broadcast fashion fell 5.03% to 11.33 yuan/share.

On January 29th, the daily broadcast fashion fell by 5.03% to 11.33 yuan/share at 13:17, with a turnover of 35.2564 million yuan, a turnover rate of 1.28% and a total market value of 2.704 billion yuan.

According to the data, Nippon Fashion Group Co., Ltd. is located at No.98, Rongyang Road, Zhongshan Street, Songjiang District, Shanghai. Its main business is clothing enterprises. With innovation and imagination as its core competitiveness, it forms a creative production relationship of symbiosis, communion, coexistence and sharing through sustainable business organization form and individual independent and free value. The company is not only committed to its own globalization and internationalization strategy, multi-brand, high-quality and market-leading strategy, but also actively promotes the benign development of industrial ecology, transforms fashion art culture into good design, provides solutions for a better city life, and undertakes social responsibilities.

As of September 30th, there were 13,100 shareholders and 18,200 shares outstanding per capita.

From January to September, 2023, the daily broadcast fashion realized an operating income of 699 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.40%; The net profit attributable was 20,765,900 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 27.14%.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: A Jun
