State Administration of Financial Supervision: Accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing has achieved results.

The Beijing News According to the State Administration of Financial Supervision, on January 26, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, attended the meeting and stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Xiao Yuanqi, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, presided over the meeting. Responsible comrades from relevant departments of the Central Finance Office, the Central Finance Office and the General Office of the State Council attended the meeting. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.
The meeting pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. At the beginning of January this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing, requiring cities at or above the prefecture level to establish a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. The coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the central financial work conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.
The meeting held that the coordination mechanism should give full play to the leading role of local governments, strengthen overall planning of work, refine policies and measures, and promote the accurate docking of real estate development enterprises and financial institutions. According to the principle of fairness and justice, the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support should be screened and pushed to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. It is necessary to strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation, pre-sale fund supervision and so on in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.
The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.
The meeting requested that all supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Editor Liu Jiani