Huzhou Association for Science and Technology, Zhejiang Province: Grasping the Volunteer Service of Science and Technology in Agricultural Time to "Escort" Spring Farming

Since beginning of spring this year, continuous rainfall and low temperature have had adverse effects on crop growth and spring ploughing. In order to reduce the impact of meteorological disasters, do a good job in spring ploughing agricultural production, and lay the foundation for achieving agricultural efficiency, increasing farmers’ income and rural revitalization. Recently, Huzhou Association for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province organized a volunteer service team of spring ploughing science and technology composed of agricultural science and technology personnel to go deep into fields, orchards and tea gardens to carry out technical guidance and training for spring planting, spring sowing and spring ploughing.

The first is pairing assistance to help low-income villages increase their income.Huzhou City and County Association for Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province went to Liujing Village, Hongxing Bridge, a poverty-stricken village, to deploy and arrange the work of spring ploughing and spring preparation and poverty alleviation, actively mobilize the enthusiasm of poor households, large breeders, family farms, agricultural technology associations and various agricultural operators in the village to carry out spring agricultural production according to local conditions and time, and at the same time, send more scientific and technological volunteers to the families lacking labor in the village to carry out film laying, transportation, transplanting and watering, so as to ensure the strong and orderly development of spring ploughing production.

The second is to visit and investigate, and ask for the pulse to solve the problem.Tea, as the main agricultural product of Changxing, is in the critical period of budding, which determines whether tea can be mass-produced. The low temperature and rainy days have had an impact on new buds. The Changxing County Association for Science and Technology of Huzhou City organized agricultural technicians of the county tea association to visit the main producing areas of white tea and purple bamboo shoot tea such as Shuikou Township and heping town to understand the impact of low temperature freezing on tea, and guide tea farmers to lay straw on the roots of tea, remove new buds that have been damaged by freezing, and increase water and fertilizer management to ensure tea production. In addition to tea, more than 30,000 bees in the county also suffered from low temperature and freezing injury, and the eggs laid by bees could not hatch normally, which seriously affected the spring reproduction and also affected the later honey collection. Changxing County Association for Science and Technology immediately organized the county bee industry association and beekeeping experts to visit the big beekeepers in the county one after another, to teach the experience of bee conservation, strengthen feeding management, increase the feeding temperature and honey concentration, and help improve the hatching rate of bee reproduction.

The third is training and guidance, popularizing practical technology.Huzhou Association for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province organized technical training courses on agricultural plant protection drone operation, bayberry pest control and tea industry rural practical talents around agricultural planting and breeding, disaster prevention and mitigation, meteorological knowledge, policy interpretation, energy saving and emission reduction, etc., trained more than 500 tea farmers and fruit farmers, distributed more than 2,000 popular science materials such as "Popular Science in 24 solar terms" and "Series of Agriculture with Zhejiang Characteristics in the New Century", popularized practical technology to farmers, and promoted spring through "popular science service".

The relevant person in charge of Huzhou Association for Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province said that it is an important measure for the Association for Science and Technology to help rural revitalization by letting agricultural technicians listen to people’s voices, observe people’s feelings, know people’s opinions and solve people’s worries. Huzhou Association for Science and Technology will continue to give full play to the power of voluntary service of science and technology, build bridges between experts and farmers, promote high-quality science and technology popularization resources to go deep into rural areas and serve farmers, and contribute to rural revitalization and common prosperity. (Huzhou Association for Science and Technology,Changxing County Association for Science and Technology)

Contributed by Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology

Editor in charge: Zou Bingyang