PC players are going to win again? March boutique end-game inventory: blue agreement, launched in ancient century war.

After February, when there were many masterpieces, players must still be wanting more. As a rare game year for several years, players will also welcome many interesting heavyweight works in March.

Today, let’s take stock of these boutique end-games that met with players in March.

"Blue Agreement" Japan Test

The Blue Agreement, known as the "Japanese Protogod", will start the internal test in late March. This internal test is the first test since the large-scale revision of the game. It was scheduled to be tested at the beginning of the year, and later it was decided to skip the ticket until March.

"Blue Agreement" is a two-dimensional animation-style action MMORPG developed by Project Sky Blue, which was jointly established by Bandai Nanmeng Palace Online and Bandai Nanmeng Palace Studio. Up to now, it has taken five years to develop it. Because of its cartoon rendering style, it was also dubbed by many players as the "original god" of Japan at the beginning of its publication.

However, there is still a big gap between the game and the original God, and the game is more similar to MMORPG such as FF14. There is no occupation restriction in the Blue Agreement. Players can change their corresponding occupations and skills by switching weapons, and at the same time, players can use different weapons to develop them, thus achieving different combat effects.

Interested players may wish to pay attention to the follow-up test results of the game.

Hanbok "The War of the Ancient Century" went online

The multi-platform MMORPG new work "Ancient Century War" based on the IP of Ancient Century will be launched in South Korea on March 21st.

As a MMORPG, The War of the Ancient Century tells the story of the period when many races of the original "The Ancient Century" settled in the mainland of Noia after the extinction of the original mainland. During the game, players can not only explore in the vast open world of seamless maps, but also fight with other players without worrying about the influence of equipment.

Judging from the previously published gameplay information, the game supports multi-dimensional combat gameplay in the ocean and land, allowing players to experience a full range of war perspectives.

Because the game adopts the mode of PC and mobile communication, the game may be more mobile in content, which may have a certain impact on the player experience.

Wolong: The Fall of Heaven

This work on the theme of the Three Kingdoms, which was released on March 3, triggered a heated discussion among players once it was announced. After all, it is a work related to our culture, and many players are also looking forward to the real face of the game.

As a new work developed by the production team of Benevolence King, this novel Wolong continues the style of its soul game, and carries out a lot of overhead treatment on the theme of the Three Kingdoms, and combines many famous military commanders in the Three Kingdoms period with monster beast elements to design many monsters, transformations and characteristic moves.

Due to certain operating threshold, the experience of players is quite challenging, and this game is also one of the most worthwhile games for players to experience in March.

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition

Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition, which will be launched at the end of this month, is also the most worthwhile game for players to experience in March. Since Capcom restarted the Resident Evil series, the repeated versions of the series have been unanimously recognized by players.

Nowadays, Resident Evil 4, the most classic in this series, will also usher in a remastered version. This version not only preserves the essence of the original play, but also makes up most of the pictures, details and playable parts. From the previous announcement, Lyon not only added MP5 submachine guns, but also added new weapons such as crossbows.

In terms of picture quality, Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition still maintains the super-high picture quality of recent generations of remastered editions, which is also a great evolution for the original. In addition, in order to make the game more scary, the game will also change the enemy’s appearance structure and order, and adjust the opening part of the game to night.

At present, the work has been confirmed to log on to many platforms such as PC/PS5/PS4/XSX, and it is not enough to go to Paul.

Lysa’s alchemy workshop 3

On March 24th, Glorious’s new series of alchemy workshops, Liza’s alchemy workshop 3, will be officially released, and players can enjoy Miss Liza’s legs again.

This work is the third in this series, and the game depicts the last adventure of Lesha and others. Liza’s new adventure began with the sudden emergence of the Mystery Islands. Leisha and others who live in Keken Island suddenly learned that there were unknown islands off the coast and quickly went to investigate-after growing up, Leisha and her companions were about to launch the "last summer adventure". In the game, you can not only see the characters who appeared in the previous work again, but also the new characters who are the key figures in the story.

Compared with the previous two films, there will be two new systems, namely, the building of the alchemy workshop and the cooking, in the new adventure, players can cook at the bonfire in Yuan Ye, which can temporarily strengthen the team and make the battle easier.

Another new workshop building system allows players to build alchemy workshops in various areas as adventure bases. The alchemy workshops can meet the needs of players for blending and rest, and can also get different bonuses according to architectural styles.

The Last Survivor: Part I PC Version

The Last Survivor: Part I is a role-playing action game with the theme of doomsday, but it is very different from previous games with similar themes. The two protagonists have distinct personalities, and they will do whatever it takes to survive. Although there are mutant monsters in the game, they are also the main cause of the end, but most of the battles in the game are with humans.

The Last Survivor is a very popular classic. No matter whether you have heard its fame or notoriety, you should not be unfamiliar with it. Fortunately, the plot of the first part does not contain any parts that make fans uncomfortable, so players can experience it with confidence.

"The Last Survivor: Part I" is a reprint of the first generation of this series. This version retains the original gameplay content, greatly optimizes the screen and operation experience, and is no longer exclusive to the PS platform. PC players can also play on the Steam platform.

Due to the recent popularity effect of the live-action drama "The Last Survivor", the sales volume of this version has ushered in a huge increase, and both the PC version and the PS4 version have reached a sales increase of 2 times or even 3 times, so Sony is making a profit.

However, at present, we don’t know whether there will be adaptations or new content added to the game. Friends who have already played the first generation can consider waiting and seeing first.

The above is the end tour that we took stock of for you in March, including both classic masterpieces that players are looking forward to and innovative online games in Japan and South Korea. Interested players must not miss this month’s wonderful works.