Respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence, People’s Daily: scientifically coordinating medical resources.

Original title: Scientifically coordinating medical resources to better protect people’s health

With the successive winter in various places, respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence. The CPC Central Committee adheres to the principle of putting people first and life first, timely predicts the overall situation, epidemic characteristics and development trend of respiratory diseases this winter and next spring, and takes effective measures to carry out prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases to effectively protect people’s life safety and health.

Every autumn and winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Recently, acute respiratory diseases in China have continued to rise, which is related to the superposition of various respiratory pathogens. According to the monitoring, the current epidemic acute respiratory diseases are all caused by known pathogens, and all of them have corresponding mature treatment methods. No new infectious diseases caused by new viruses and bacteria have been found. Therefore, the public need not worry too much or even panic.

After more than three years of fighting against the epidemic in COVID-19, China has accumulated richer experience in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, laying a solid foundation for dealing with various public health emergencies. At present, China’s medical resources and drug reserves are sufficient, and emergency plans and prevention and control measures are effective, which can completely prevent and control respiratory diseases. In order to effectively solve the urgent problems of the masses, it is still necessary to mobilize all forces, co-ordinate the allocation of medical resources, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, do a good job in health science popularization, and let the masses see a doctor more at ease.

Scientifically allocate medical resources and smooth two-way referral channels. In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of graded diagnosis and treatment system, and initially established a model of "first diagnosis at the grass-roots level, two-way referral, rapid and slow division and treatment, and linkage up and down". Health departments actively do a good job in graded diagnosis and treatment, unblock referral channels, adjust personnel across disciplines and hospitals, ensure the supply of medical materials, promote Internet medical care, and maximize the ability to receive medical treatment. Give full play to the role of medical association to improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of general infection and the efficiency of severe identification and referral in primary medical and health institutions. Further increase the supply of medical services, promote the opening of pediatric clinics in all kinds of medical institutions at all levels, separate the noon, night and weekend clinics according to the number of patients, extend the service hours, and constantly optimize the treatment and treatment procedures such as registration, examination and payment to facilitate the people to seek medical treatment.

Adhere to both traditional Chinese and western medicine and give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristics of "simple and inexpensive" and plays an irreplaceable role in disease prevention and treatment. During the fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China adhered to the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and screened out effective prescriptions such as "three drugs and three parties", which made important contributions to epidemic prevention and control. Practice has proved that Chinese medicine has always had rich experience and outstanding advantages in dealing with acute respiratory diseases, and can make great achievements. It is necessary to give full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine, popularize the knowledge of disease prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine, and continuously improve the prevention and control effect.

Adhere to prevention, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and advocate a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to establish the concept that "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health" and constantly improve the self-protection ability of the masses. When you have respiratory symptoms, you should be well protected, keep a social distance, and avoid cross-infection in your family and unit. Large hospitals are crowded with people, waiting for a long time, and the risk of cross-infection is high. If there are children at home with mild symptoms, it is recommended to choose primary medical and health institutions first. Do a good job in the supply and vaccination services of vaccines such as influenza, and vaccinate key populations such as the elderly and children as soon as possible to reduce the risk of illness. Do a good job of personal protection, do not go to work with illness, do not go to school with illness, and develop good hygiene habits.

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