# Emotion

In this world, love flows in people’s hearts like a winding river. Sometimes it is as calm as a mirror, and sometimes it is rough.

The abuse of heart in love may be due to mutual misunderstanding and suspicion. When two people drift away because of lack of communication, the feeling of heartache is unbearable. When one party in love is forced to leave for some reason, the heartbreaking pain is even more unacceptable.

However, in these cruel plots, the reversal of love comes quietly. At a casual moment, people who seemed indifferent suddenly showed their warmth and care, and those who had been hurt were healed by mutual understanding and embrace.

In this world full of variables, the reversal of love also makes us understand that we should cherish every time we get along with the people we love, and don’t leave regrets because of impulse or negligence. When we learn to listen attentively and feel with love, we can find our own happiness in this cruel love.

In this love story full of reversals, we not only see the joys and sorrows of love, but also see that love has become more firm and precious after the storm. It is these stories of heart abuse and reversal that let us know how to cherish and learn to be strong, and also let us find our own home in the world of love.