Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed as Japanese capital? The factory admits: But …

On September 20th, the rumor that Hua Xizi’s "Public Relations Collective Resignation" and the letter of apology had nothing to do with the public relations department went on the hot search, which once emphasized that it was an authentic domestic product.

Jiupai Financial Reporter noticed that the product parameters of Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation in Tmall flagship store showed that its manufacturer was Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd.. The product is similar in shape to the traditional snuff bottle, and the details page emphasizes its inheritance of "Oriental Rhyme".

According to the data, Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is 100% wholly-owned by Dongse Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and its chairman and legal representative are Ishihara Jinghong, and its director and general manager are Tamura Keiji, with a registered capital of 3.48 million US dollars. It was established in 1999. The national enterprise credit information publicity system also shows that Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly owned by a foreign legal person).

On September 20, Jiupai financial reporters called Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd., and the staff said that "Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation is produced by us, and we are a Japanese-funded enterprise; But the factory is in China and the employees are all from China. "

In this regard, Huaxizi customer service responded to the Jiupai financial reporter: "At present, all the products of Huaxizi are manufactured in China, which have been put on record by the government and passed the strict testing of relevant departments."

It is reported that Dongse Group is a well-known Japanese cosmetics pigment related manufacturer, and its production scope covers functional raw materials, powder and liquid makeup, nail polish and skin care. Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a cosmetics processing enterprise invested and established in China.

Previously reported

Recently, when Li Jiaqi introduced a Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan during a live broadcast, he saw a netizen leave a message saying that it was getting more and more expensive. He asked, "Where is it expensive? It’s been this price for so many years. Don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. Domestic brands are difficult … where is it expensive? "

Later, Li Jiaqi said: "Sometimes I look for my own reasons. After so many years, my salary has not risen. Have you worked hard?"

It is this sentence that triggered a heated discussion among netizens.

On September 19th, more than a week after the live broadcast in Li Jiaqi, Weibo, the official of Huaxi Zi, issued an apology statement, saying that he was sorry that we were late. In the past week, the whole network paid great attention to it, and the relevant opinions were fully recorded and being revised according to the opinions of netizens. Some netizens think that Hua Xizi didn’t respond more to the Li Jiaqi incident, and half of the contents in the letter were promoting the brand.

The apology statement is as follows:

Thank you for your attention to Hua Xizi.

I sincerely apologize to all of you. In the past week, Huaxizi has received great attention from the whole network. We are scared and at a loss, and the brand has not spoken before. During this time, we constantly absorbed your criticisms, opinions and suggestions.

I’m very sorry for taking up too many public resources. Thank you for your encouragement. We have fully recorded the relevant opinions, and the team is comparing, revising and upgrading them one by one, adhering to the initial intention, bringing you better products and providing better services.

This large-scale attention and discussion is a valuable opportunity for us to listen to the real voices of different consumers, and it is also the starting point for the team to self-examine and start again. Thank you very much for your attention, whether you have used our products or have never known our partners.

Hua Xizi was founded in Hangzhou, and became attached to Xizi Lake, with Hua as the surname and Xizi as the name. R&D center, production plant, tax payment, etc. are all in China, and it is an out-and-out China brand. "Promoting the beauty of the East and casting a century-old national makeup" is Hua Xizi’s brand vision. Since the development of domestic products, it has been endless. As a young China makeup brand, Hua Xizi hopes to tell the story of China and inherit the beauty of the East.

Just a few words, can’t reply one by one.

In the future, we will continue to share with you what the brand is doing, so that everyone can understand Hua Xizi in more forms.

Down-to-earth, steady and far-reaching; Let a hundred flowers blossom and domestic products become stronger.

After Hua Xizi apologized, some media initiated a vote on "How to treat Hua Xizi’s apology", and 33,000 people participated in the voting before the press release. Among them, 11,000 netizens thought Hua Xizi didn’t respond to the price issue, 5,934 netizens thought it was too late, and nearly 5,648 netizens thought it was more like a brand advertisement.

Source | Observer Network Comprehensive @ Jiupai Finance, previously reported

Original title: "Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed to Japanese capital? The factory admits: but … "

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