Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed as Japanese capital? The factory admits: But …

On September 20th, the rumor that Hua Xizi’s "Public Relations Collective Resignation" and the letter of apology had nothing to do with the public relations department went on the hot search, which once emphasized that it was an authentic domestic product.

Jiupai Financial Reporter noticed that the product parameters of Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation in Tmall flagship store showed that its manufacturer was Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd.. The product is similar in shape to the traditional snuff bottle, and the details page emphasizes its inheritance of "Oriental Rhyme".

According to the data, Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is 100% wholly-owned by Dongse Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and its chairman and legal representative are Ishihara Jinghong, and its director and general manager are Tamura Keiji, with a registered capital of 3.48 million US dollars. It was established in 1999. The national enterprise credit information publicity system also shows that Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (wholly owned by a foreign legal person).

On September 20, Jiupai financial reporters called Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd., and the staff said that "Huaxizi Balanced Liquid Foundation is produced by us, and we are a Japanese-funded enterprise; But the factory is in China and the employees are all from China. "

In this regard, Huaxizi customer service responded to the Jiupai financial reporter: "At present, all the products of Huaxizi are manufactured in China, which have been put on record by the government and passed the strict testing of relevant departments."

It is reported that Dongse Group is a well-known Japanese cosmetics pigment related manufacturer, and its production scope covers functional raw materials, powder and liquid makeup, nail polish and skin care. Shanghai Dongse Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a cosmetics processing enterprise invested and established in China.

Previously reported

Recently, when Li Jiaqi introduced a Huaxizi eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan during a live broadcast, he saw a netizen leave a message saying that it was getting more and more expensive. He asked, "Where is it expensive? It’s been this price for so many years. Don’t talk nonsense with your eyes open. Domestic brands are difficult … where is it expensive? "

Later, Li Jiaqi said: "Sometimes I look for my own reasons. After so many years, my salary has not risen. Have you worked hard?"

It is this sentence that triggered a heated discussion among netizens.

On September 19th, more than a week after the live broadcast in Li Jiaqi, Weibo, the official of Huaxi Zi, issued an apology statement, saying that he was sorry that we were late. In the past week, the whole network paid great attention to it, and the relevant opinions were fully recorded and being revised according to the opinions of netizens. Some netizens think that Hua Xizi didn’t respond more to the Li Jiaqi incident, and half of the contents in the letter were promoting the brand.

The apology statement is as follows:

Thank you for your attention to Hua Xizi.

I sincerely apologize to all of you. In the past week, Huaxizi has received great attention from the whole network. We are scared and at a loss, and the brand has not spoken before. During this time, we constantly absorbed your criticisms, opinions and suggestions.

I’m very sorry for taking up too many public resources. Thank you for your encouragement. We have fully recorded the relevant opinions, and the team is comparing, revising and upgrading them one by one, adhering to the initial intention, bringing you better products and providing better services.

This large-scale attention and discussion is a valuable opportunity for us to listen to the real voices of different consumers, and it is also the starting point for the team to self-examine and start again. Thank you very much for your attention, whether you have used our products or have never known our partners.

Hua Xizi was founded in Hangzhou, and became attached to Xizi Lake, with Hua as the surname and Xizi as the name. R&D center, production plant, tax payment, etc. are all in China, and it is an out-and-out China brand. "Promoting the beauty of the East and casting a century-old national makeup" is Hua Xizi’s brand vision. Since the development of domestic products, it has been endless. As a young China makeup brand, Hua Xizi hopes to tell the story of China and inherit the beauty of the East.

Just a few words, can’t reply one by one.

In the future, we will continue to share with you what the brand is doing, so that everyone can understand Hua Xizi in more forms.

Down-to-earth, steady and far-reaching; Let a hundred flowers blossom and domestic products become stronger.

After Hua Xizi apologized, some media initiated a vote on "How to treat Hua Xizi’s apology", and 33,000 people participated in the voting before the press release. Among them, 11,000 netizens thought Hua Xizi didn’t respond to the price issue, 5,934 netizens thought it was too late, and nearly 5,648 netizens thought it was more like a brand advertisement.

Source | Observer Network Comprehensive @ Jiupai Finance, previously reported

Original title: "Huaxi Zidai Factory was exposed to Japanese capital? The factory admits: but … "

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Linqu: Optimizing the High-quality Planting Mode of Cherry and Building a Billion-level Industry of Fruit Industry

Qilu. com Lightning News May 16 th In recent years, Linqu County, based on the ecological advantages of mountains and rivers, takes big cherry as the "breakthrough" to increase income, and according to the "five ones" thinking and measures of defining a plan, formulating a standard, building a platform, casting a brand and forming a model, accelerates the development of fruit industry and makes every effort to build a fruit industry cluster with big cherry as the main part.
Zong Chuanbao is busy picking big cherries at Jinguo Family Farm in Yeyuan Street, Linqu County. He told reporters that cherries have been planted for 8 years. In recent years, through online and offline sales models, the annual income is very impressive.
With the rapid development of big cherry industry, there are many problems, such as the aging of fruit varieties, the small scale of business entities, and the extensive and backward planting habits. In view of this situation, Linqu County actively changed its thinking, "leading the industrial revitalization with excellent technology", started with promoting the upgrading of old orchards, popularizing new varieties of big cherries and standardized planting techniques, implemented the "park+standardization" promotion action, established a "base-market-terminal" big cherry circulation system, comprehensively optimized the planting and sales process, standardized production according to market demand, and ensured high-quality, safe and stable fruit supply.
In Henglilu Village, Chengguan Street, Linqu County, the village cooperative built a multi-arch cherry demonstration park, planted high-quality cherry varieties such as Meizao, Oba and Ramesses, and planted new varieties such as Luying series and Ruide in the open air to create a modern agricultural planting park with low energy consumption, low cost and high output.
Zeng Qingquan, secretary of the Party branch of Hengli Furnace Village, said that a demonstration shed of cherry in a 12-acre greenhouse was built in the village, which led the people to change the old traditional planting mode and introduce new varieties. Now the planting mode has been changed from tall and high-diameter to low crown and KGB, which is convenient for management and saves labor. The greenhouse uses a series of advanced means such as water and fertilizer integration, automatic unsealing and automatic heating to reduce labor intensity and improve economic benefits.
In recent years, Linqu County has planned to build eight rural revitalization and development areas, including facilities such as Big Cherry, Mountain Persimmon Farm Travel and Hongguo Town, build 30 agricultural characteristic industrial parks and 20 modern agricultural science and technology demonstration parks, cultivate 300 strong villages with "one village, one product" characteristic industries, lead industrial upgrading, promote agricultural efficiency and increase farmers’ income.
Wei Shujuan, director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Linqu County, said that in order to continuously consolidate its advantages, the next step will be to build a 10 billion-level industrial cluster of fruit industry with big cherries as the main target, continue to do a good job in variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand cultivation and standardized production, improve seedling breeding, scientific and technological demonstration, large-scale planting, cold chain market, e-commerce and other elements of the whole industrial chain, strengthen brand cultivation, and enlarge and strengthen the leading regional public brand of big cherry. At the same time, relying on festivals, e-commerce and other platforms, we will open up the upward channel of agricultural products, fully promote the popularity of big cherry in the chest, and promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the industry.
Lightning journalist Yu Gang Linyi Rong Media Su Kai Weifang Report

Foundation has its own skin care effect, and "combination of makeup and care" has become a new trend of beauty makeup.

  Even after the impact of the epidemic, the domestic cosmetics market still maintained a growing trend. The business data center of the financial media CBN recently released a survey on cosmetics consumption. The report showed that the field of cosmetics showed a trend of personalization and skin care with data: the consumption scale of skin care cosmetics increased more than six times in three years, while the proportion of skin care makeup was over 90%, among which BB cream /CC cream had the highest growth rate. Among consumers’ demands for the efficacy of skin care cosmetics, moisturizing is the core demand, and herbs, ancient prescriptions and essence are the main publicity points of skin care cosmetics. "Combination of makeup and nourishing" has become a new trend of makeup consumption. On the one hand, consumers’ promotion of skin care requires that products can achieve skin care effect while maintaining beauty; On the other hand, make-up brands try to combine their functions through continuous product innovation and research and development.


  Taking the legendary light and soft focus liquid foundation as an example, the functions of liquid foundation and skin cream are combined through product development and ingredient collocation. According to the feedback from users, this product has a good hiding power. After application, it can hide the true color of skin and give users an ideal complexion. It can also hide tiny flaws, and the whole makeup feels natural and shiny. Consumers are very satisfied with this effect. After a day’s experience, you will also find that the whole makeup is very durable, and it will be very docile after being applied to the skin, and there will be no makeup removal; In addition, the legendary light-transparent soft focus liquid foundation in this life has strong ductility and fine powder quality, and the embarrassing phenomenon of "powder sticking" has almost never appeared.


  Many consumers think that this liquid foundation has no heavy and greasy feeling after use, especially after cleansing, and there is no obvious tension on the facial skin. This is because Legend has been light in this life and has its own maintenance function. Its herbal makeup, which is more suitable for orientals, makes the skin’s day’s work stress-free. For example, its rich ganoderma lucidum stem extract can enhance the metabolism of skin cells and improve the skin protection function; The extract of Grifola frondosa fruiting body can enhance the moisturizing ability of cells; Mushroom mycelium extract is rich in biological enzymes, which can enhance the skin barrier and help nutrient transformation and absorption. Based on the above herbal ingredients, it is said that this life is light and transparent, which protects the skin, conceals the blemishes and beautifies the skin, and achieves the effect of being light and transparent.


  With its excellent product strength, the legendary light-transparent soft focus liquid foundation has become a highly recommended item for many platform beauty experts once it is listed, and its excellent use experience has made fans "plant grass". Looking at the development of the whole makeup industry, we can see that consumers’ concept of skin care is changing, their knowledge of ingredients and efficacy is deepened, their trust in professional doctors is improved, and their awareness of scientific skin care is enhanced. They need personalized makeup to express themselves, and at the same time pay attention to the integration of makeup and nourishing to reduce the burden on the skin. In this process, beauty brands such as Legend Life continue to exert their efforts in quality upgrading, technological innovation and channel assistance, and constantly push the industry forward.

Central Meteorological Observatory: In the next three days, there will be strong winds in the coastal areas of South China.

  CCTV News:According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that in the next three days, attention will be paid to the development trend of typhoon "Little Dog" and the influence of wind and rain, and there will be strong wind disaster risks in the coastal areas of South China and the South China Sea.

  Typhoon "Little Dog" will affect the southeast coast.

  Typhoon KOINU, the 14th typhoon this year, was upgraded from typhoon level to strong typhoon level this afternoon (6th). At 5pm, its center is located in the northeast of the South China Sea, about 200km southeast of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, which is 21.5 degrees north latitude and 116.7 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is 14 (42m/s), and the lowest pressure at the center is 955 hectopascals, which is 7. It is estimated that "Little Dog" will move to the south-west direction at a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour, and its intensity will be maintained or slowly weakened, and it will gradually approach the coastal area from the west of Guangdong to the east of Hainan Island.The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow typhoon warning at 18: 00 on October 6..

  Affected by typhoon "Little Dog" and cold air, it is estimated that there will be strong winds of 6-8 grades and gusts of 9-10 grades in most parts of the East China Sea and the waters near Diaoyu Island, the Taiwan Province Strait, the northern part of the South China Sea, the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, among which there will be strong winds of 9-11 grades and gusts of 12-13 grades in parts of the coastal areas of Guangdong and the northern part of the South China Sea. From 20: 00 on the 6th to 20: 00 on the 7th, there will be heavy rain or rainstorm (50-65mm) in the southeast of Fujian and the east coast of Guangdong. From the night of the 6th to the day of the 9th, there was strong wind and rain in the coastal areas of eastern and southern Guangdong and central and southern Fujian.

  Rain and snow weaken in the western region

  From the night of the 6 th to the day of the 9 th, there were rainfall processes in southern Gansu, Sichuan, Chongqing, most of Guizhou, Yunnan and other places, and some areas had moderate to heavy rain; There are small to medium snow or sleet in eastern Tibet, southern and western Qinghai, and there is heavy snow locally.

  Specific forecast for the next three days

  From 20: 00 on October 6 to 20: 00 on October 7,There are small to medium snow or sleet in the western mountainous area of southern Xinjiang basin, southern Qinghai and eastern Tibet; There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, eastern and southern Sichuan Basin, central and eastern Yunnan, central and southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong, southern Hainan Island and western Taiwan Province Island, among which there are heavy rains (50-65 mm) in parts of eastern Guangdong and southern Fujian coastal areas. There are 4 ~ 6 winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Liaodong Peninsula and eastern coastal areas of Zhejiang, and 6 ~ 7 winds in parts of central Tibet. There will be 6-7 northeast winds with gusts of 8 in the Taiwan Province Strait, and 8-9 northerly winds with gusts of 10 in the northeastern South China Sea (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 National Precipitation Forecast Chart (from 20: 00 on October 6 to 20: 00 on October 7)

  From 20: 00 on October 7 to 20: 00 on October 8,There are small to medium snow or sleet in parts of southwestern Xinjiang, south-central Qinghai and northern Tibet, and there is heavy snow (5 ~ 9 mm) in central Qinghai; There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southeastern Tibet, central and southern Yunnan, coastal areas in central and eastern Guangdong, northern and eastern Fujian and Taiwan Province Island, among which there are local heavy rains (50-80 mm) in coastal areas in southern Guangdong and southeastern Fujian. There are 6~7 winds and 8 gusts along the coast of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and the western coast of Taiwan Province Island. There are 6-8 winds and 9-10 gusts in most sea areas of the East China Sea, Taiwan Province Strait and northeastern South China Sea, among which there are 9-10 winds and 11-13 gusts in parts of Taiwan Province Strait and northeastern South China Sea (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 National Precipitation Forecast Chart (from 20: 00 on October 7 to 20: 00 on October 8)

  From 20: 00 on October 8 to 20: 00 on October 9,There are small to medium snow or sleet in parts of southwestern Xinjiang, south-central Qinghai and northern Tibet; There are moderate to heavy rains in southeastern Tibet, southwestern Sichuan, central and southern Yunnan, coastal areas of Guangdong and Fujian, and parts of eastern Liaoning, with heavy rains (50-60 mm) in the southern coastal areas of Guangdong. There are 6-8 winds and 9-10 gusts in the southern part of the East China Sea and the Taiwan Province Strait, and 7-9 winds and 10-11 gusts in the northern part of the South China Sea and the north sea area of Beibu Gulf (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 National Precipitation Forecast Chart (from 20: 00 on October 8 to 20: 00 on October 9)

Is the village superior to Russia superior? Guizhou Football United played against Dzenit on November 17th.

According to "Colorful Guizhou Network", "China Daily" and other media, Guizhou will form a Guizhou Football League to play a game with Russia and Dzenit. Tickets for the competition can be collected free of charge, and the audience is controlled at around 30,000 people.

This series of football activities includes Guizhou Football United Trial, International Football Carnival, Tianhetan Football Night and so on. In terms of football competition, Guizhou Football United will select the best professional players in Guizhou through trials to form Guizhou Football United, which will compete with UEFA Cup and Super Cup champion and Russian Dzenit Football Club in Guiyang Olympic Sports Center on November 17th.

The football carnival will be held on the evening of November 16th, and international trade fairs, roadside music festivals and interactive sports activities will be held outside the stadium. Citizens and friends will enjoy players competing on the same stage, Guizhou minority songs and dances, drone performances and fireworks shows; You can also taste Chinese and Russian specialties, products and experience sports parent-child interaction projects.

It is reported that this activity aims to strengthen cultural exchanges among BRICS countries, further enhance the external visibility and influence of colorful Guizhou and Shuang Shuang Guiyang, promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in sports, culture, economy and other fields, and enhance the friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples.

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To sum up, soft writing is a process of continuous learning and exploration. Only by choosing the right platform and tools and paying attention to the improvement of personal skills can we make our articles more valuable. Come and use Tiger AI WeChat official account and Overflow Enterprise to promote your soft writing level!

Fabiano suggested that Rishalison consider a strong Serie A team, and Cristiano Ronaldo faded out of the mainstream.

Rishalisson complained that he had too few chances to play at Tottenham Hotspur. Although the Brazilian star apologized to Kong Di, people felt that his personality was not suitable for the top teams in the Premier League. Fabiano, a former Brazilian star, also wants his younger generation to consider other leagues. Apennine football is suitable for players with this personality. Fabiano suggested that Rishalison should consider the strong teams in Serie A, both Milan and Rome need strikers. As Serie A is developing, the arrogant players can choose Italian football. Of course, fabiano also advised Risalesson to lower his salary standard. Although the Brazilian star has a strong personal ability, his career is in a state of "no progress".

Can Cristiano Ronaldo consider the mainstream league? The goal efficiency of Portuguese superstars in Saudi Arabia is still very high. Many people expect Cristiano Ronaldo to return to the five major leagues in Europe, and fabiano also discussed this topic-Cristiano Ronaldo has faded out of the mainstream. Although the Portuguese superstar is still in excellent condition and his influence is still the same, it is almost impossible for him to return to the mainstream teams in European football. At the beginning of Ronaldo’s victory in Riyadh, mainstream sports channels were still paying attention to his movements. However, judging from the mainstream media such as Team Newspaper and Kicker in March, there is less and less content about Cristiano Ronaldo in sports, which is a sign that he has faded out of mainstream sight.

When Rishalison came to Tottenham, people had high expectations for him, because he could play on the wing or in the middle, taking into account the roles of Sun Xingyu and Kane. Fans who have seen FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 know that Rishalison has a strong personal ability, and his goals are usually ornamental. He also praised the younger generation for combining the advantages of South American players and European players. However, Risalesson did not show his comprehensive quality in the top teams in the Premier League. Fabiano felt that there were two reasons that prevented Risalesson from developing his potential under Kong Di. The first one was injury. His injury on the eve of the World Cup disrupted his development plan in this club.

Most players will increase the probability of injury in the Premier League. After all, the big clubs in English football have high competition density and fierce confrontation. If Risalesson can choose a strong Serie A team, the schedule of Apennine Club will be less intensive, which will effectively alleviate his injury. Furthermore, although the thickness of Tottenham’s lineup is not very good, there is no shortage of wingers in Kong Di, and Sun Xingyu and Kulusevski are still ahead of Rishalison. Although Rishalison is still qualified for the front waist, after Lucas Jr. returned from injury, Rishalison’s playing opportunities will be reduced.

Others talked about Rishalison as Kane’s replacement, and fabiano also told the truth-in Brazil’s tactical mode, Rishalison has no problem as a center. However, Kong Di’s system needs a No.9 player with strong fulcrum and a strong sense of grabbing points. Obviously, Lisa Song’s style can’t be rotated with Kane, so it is better for him to change teams. Judging from the overall situation, the requirements of top teams in Serie A for strikers are not so complicated, and Risalesson can give full play to his potential. Moreover, fabiano said that the strong Italian football teams have a rising trend in the Champions League, AC Milan has entered the quarter-finals, and Inter Milan has a high probability of advancing to the next round.

Serie A has gradually separated from the category of "pension league", which is also something that Risalesson needs to consider. After the ball, the author thinks that Lisa Song is very similar to Anthony in some aspects. They both like to show off their skills and show off their skills. The platform of the Premier League is more rigorous, especially the strict manager like Kong Di, who can’t tolerate the mistakes of his players. It can be seen that fabiano suggested that Risalesson consider the top teams in Serie A, and this suggestion has some truth. Regarding whether Cristiano Ronaldo can return to the mainstream, some time ago, Chelsea’s striker couldn’t score, and some people suggested that Burleigh reconsider the Portuguese superstar. After all, Cristiano Ronaldo’s ability to seize opportunities is ok.

As the Blues gradually recovered in these games, no one suggested that Burleigh and winstanley consider Cristiano Ronaldo. As for other strong teams, they have no financial resources to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo. After all, his salary requirements are too high, and no big club is willing to face so many locker room storms. Therefore, C Ronaldo faded out of the mainstream. In fabiano’s view, the cooperation between Cristiano Ronaldo and Mendes ended, which also led to the end of the Portuguese superstar’s career in the mainstream league. After all, Mendes has a good relationship with the major teams, and Cristiano Ronaldo has lost his interpersonal relationship in the mainstream football.