Evergrande suddenly!

China Fund Journal, Taylor

Brothers and sisters, a little bit of news tonight.

Hengda Real Estate: The outstanding debt has accumulated nearly 300 billion yuan

On the evening of February 1, Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on major matters such as major litigation and failure to settle due debts.

The announcement shows that as of the end of December 2023, Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (together with its consolidated subsidiaries referred to as "issuers") had a total of 2073 pending proceedings with an amount of more than 30 million yuan, and the total amount of the underlying amount was about 502.596 billion yuan.

As of the end of December 2023, the issuer involved a total of about 2978.1 billion yuan in unliquidated maturing debts; in addition, as of the end of December 2023, the issuer’s overdue commercial tickets accumulated about 2050.04 billion yuan. Evergrande Real Estate has recently encountered enforcement, adding 20 pieces of information on the person subject to enforcement, involving an amount of about 1.347 billion yuan.

On January 29, the Hong Kong hearing court ruled that China Evergrande should be liquidated. On the same day, China Evergrande’s liquidation case was re-heard in the Hong Kong High Court. The judge said that China Evergrande’s workout plan lacked progress, and the company was insolvent and officially ordered Evergrande to be liquidated.

Sean, the relevant head of China Evergrande, responded to the outside world: "Today’s court ruling is contrary to our original intention. We can only express that we have done our best and are very sorry."

According to Sean, China Evergrande has been working towards repairing and enhancing asset value and business vitality, and has made several major adjustments to the core terms of some restructurings, not only to protect the interests of overseas creditors, but also to protect the time and space for the company to continue operating chemical insurance. It has also received the full understanding and valuable support of a large number of creditors.

China Evergrande’s financial report shows that as of the end of June 2023, China Evergrande’s total liabilities were 2.39 trillion yuan, total assets were 1.74 trillion yuan, and net assets were – 644.20 billion yuan.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Announcement: Chairperson Resigns!

On the evening of February 1, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China announced that on February 1, 2024, Mr. Chen Siqing submitted his resignation to the board of directors of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China joint stock company. Due to his age, Mr. Chen Siqing resigned as the chairperson, executive director, chairperson of the board strategy committee and member of the bank.

In accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of the Bank, Mr. Chen Siqing’s resignation will take effect from the date of service on the Board of Directors of the Bank. As confirmed by Mr. Chen Siqing, he has no disagreement with the Board of Directors of the Bank, and there is no need to notify the shareholders and creditors of the Bank of any matters related to his resignation.

According to the website of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Chen Siqing has been the chairperson and executive director of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China since May 2019. Chen Siqing joined Bank of China in 1990 and worked for Bank of China Hunan Branch for many years and served as the assistant general manager of the international relocation of Zhongnan Bank Hong Kong Branch. He used to be the assistant and vice president of Bank of China Fujian Branch, the general manager of the risk management department of the head office, the president of Guangdong Branch, and the vice president, president, vice chairperson and chairperson of Bank of China. He used to concurrently serve as the chairperson of BOC Aviation Leasing Co., Ltd., and the non-executive director, vice chairperson and chairperson of BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

According to the official WeChat account of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, on the morning of January 20, 2024, the relevant responsible comrades of the Central Organization Department attended the cadre meeting of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and announced the central decision: Comrade Liao Lin was appointed Secretary of the Party Committee of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and Comrade Chen Siqing was removed from the position of Secretary of the Party Committee of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Liao Lin was born in February 1966 and graduated from Guangxi Agricultural University with a doctorate in management from Southwest Jiaotong University. He has served as Vice President and Vice President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as Chief Risk Officer since November 2019, and Vice Chairperson and President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China since March 2021.

Before joining Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Liao Lin had about 30 years of experience in CCB. He joined CCB in 1989 and served as Vice President of Guangxi Branch, President of Ningxia Branch, President of Hubei Branch, President of Beijing Branch, Chief Risk Officer and Vice President of CCB as Chief Risk Officer.

US stock situation

Tonight, the three major U.S. stock indexes rose, with the China Concept index rising more than 1%.

Just now, Huawei detonated! Yu Chengdong made a sound and continued to swipe to see the next one

Evergrande sudden! China Fund News, light touch to read the original text

China Fund News, like sharing, watching, write a message, swipe up to see the next one

Original title: "Hengda sudden!"

Read the original text

A large number of tickets for the concert cannot be purchased? Wang Junkai’s fan group issued a document asking the organizer to provide an explanation

On July 25th, TFBOYS sixth anniversary concert tickets went on sale. Many fans who bought tickets said that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at the opening time, there were a large number of tickets that could not be purchased, including senior members of the TFBOYS combination official website (fans who recharged 298 yuan membership fee) who had previously claimed to have the right of first refusal. And then scalpers openly sold high-priced tickets on other platforms, so some fans suspected that the platform had locked up a large number of tickets in advance, which caused heated discussions. On the afternoon of the 25th, Wang Junkai’s fan club "Wang Junkai Weibo" issued a statement, hoping that the concert organizer would provide an explanation.

The full text is as followsWhat is it?

Hello, relevant departments and leaders.

On August 10, 2019, the TFBOYS group will hold its sixth anniversary concert in Shenzhen. At 10:00 on July 25, the concert tickets will be sold exclusively on the Barley Network, claiming that 25,000 tickets will be open for senior members of the TFBOYS group official website (fans who recharge the membership fee of 298 yuan) to buy first.

However, ticket-buying fans found that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at 10 o’clock, a large number of tickets could not be purchased, and there was a large number of tickets locked in advance! As a result, a large number of fans who have recharged premium members and obtained ticket-buying privilege accounts did not buy tickets.

At the same time, the major scalper organizations on the Internet began to sell tickets at an amount [several times higher than the original ticket price], and the maximum ticket price has exceeded 10,000 yuan! There are even scalpers claiming that the organizers directly provide consecutive tickets!

The exclusive channel of Damai.com has no tickets, but all kinds of scalpers are openly selling high-priced tickets, which makes fans puzzled and unacceptable, and the rights and interests of senior members to buy tickets are seriously damaged! Why is there a large number of scalper tickets when Damai.com is the exclusive agent of tickets, and all the ticket prices are much higher than the original ticket prices, openly sold at high prices on [Taotao Ticket and other apps]!?

We hereby request: All parties concerned to investigate the situation related to the ticketing of this concert and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers! Barley is required to provide proof of the number of tickets successfully purchased from 10:00 to the time when the tickets are sold out.

At the same time, as a senior member of the official website of TFBOYS combination, we strongly request @TFBOYS_FanClub @TFBOYS combination @Fengjun culture as the organizer to make a reasonable explanation for why there are a large number of high-priced scalper tickets under the exclusive authorization of Damai.com ticket sales!

It is reported that on July 8, the sixth anniversary concert of the TFBOYS group was officially announced, and it will be held in Shenzhen on August 10, 2019. The concert is called "THE FEVER". According to netizens, the Mayday group will serve as the surprise guest of the TFBOYS concert.

Oho Ou: Idol is not a derogatory term. I can fight for the role.

Special feature of 1905 film network At the premiere of the Shanghai International Film Festival, some media asked Oho Ou, who has many fans, whether he will choose an actor or an idol for himself in the future. Looking back at Oho Ou’s "report card" in the past few years, the answer to this question may be easy to find.

According to the current criteria of "rice circle", Oho Ou, who was born in the talent show, will undoubtedly be called "idol". Time flies, the "fast men" players of that year have already embarked on different development paths. Some people have cross-border variety shows, some are still studying music, and some have even faded out of this circle.

Oho Ou also often "disappears", plunged into the crew and stayed out for several months. Fans ridicule "how people are gone" and worry that he is "exposed" too little. He appreciates everyone’s understanding, but he is not worried about himself. In his view, "idol" is by no means a derogatory term. Compared with these different identities, Oho Ou is more afraid of being "defined": "I feel that I have many faces, and I hope I can show them in different roles."


From the beginning to the following,, … … Oho Ou suddenly realized the fun in the performance — —After going to the character’s life, making his choices and experiencing all kinds of things, he feels that he has become "rich", which can’t be given by daily life.

Oho Ou said frankly that at the beginning of his career, he "didn’t want to know what he really wanted to do". He found a "serious thing" through acting and wanted to pursue something, which made him feel good. Although many times, no one can predict the final result of a work, Oho Ou always keeps a normal heart and even cherishes every opportunity he gets.


In the interview, he even told us very frankly: "Now there are fewer and fewer opportunities, and many times we have to touch them." But as long as I seize an opportunity, Oho Ou said firmly: I am willing to work hard for this role.

The following is Oho Ou’s self-report


After reading the script of "Desperate" in the early stage, I had an idea, hoping to have the opportunity to play a villain. Director Gan Jianyu has been grinding this script for more than three years, and director Cao Baoping has joined us. After talking, I think I can try the role of Xia Xi.


I quite like Xia Xi, who doesn’t talk much and is energetic. This kind of marginal figure is extreme, and his experience is much worse than ours. Sometimes actors will like roles with more space, which will make them more enjoyable.

Xixi and his brother (Xia Tao) feel like enemies with everyone in their world. We have discussed their pre-history before, which is not reflected in the script and follow-up, but we will think, why did they come to this day? What did they go through, what happened, and why did they go on such a road of no return?


We don’t know the real reason, just give ourselves a preset. There is a line in the play that says "Xia Tao lost a leg because of Xia Xi". For a person like Xia Xi, he can work hard for his brother. Their "abnormal" brotherhood is quite interesting.

After filming Left Ear, I think the performance is quite interesting: you have been to the character’s life, made his choices, and experienced what he experienced, which will make you feel very different. Many roles you may not experience without acting, some may be fictional, and some may be real events. Being an actor will make you feel a lot richer.

I won’t (mind joining the group to reduce exposure), but fans may mind. I belong to the type that I will devote myself to doing one thing. In fact, people have limited energy, so everything can’t be yours. If you want to do something, you must learn to give up something. I think I’m also pursuing what I want. Fortunately, I think my fans quite understand me. In fact, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time, you will feel that "how can this person be gone?" Actually, I was filming in the crew at that time.


I really hope to meet you more often through the role. I didn’t think about what I wanted to do before, but now I have a serious thing to pursue, which I think is also quite good.


From idol singers to actors, there are still doubts about me now, and I think there will still be in the future. If you question this thing, you must listen to good opinions, and you don’t have to pay attention to those who deliberately seek trouble. If you say that you are angry with this kind of thing, you may be "dead" early. It is very important to have your own pursuit and thinking. Sometimes I think some questions are correct, so I have to keep working hard.Maybe after ten years, some people will question me, but I will continue to work hard after twenty years. This is how people keep going up.


I think idols are not derogatory terms, but also a good existence. Someone just asked me, do you want to be defined? I said that as an actor, of course, I don’t want to be defined. I feel that I am quite multifaceted and can be shown through my role.


I think everyone’s opinions, whether idols, actors or singers, are ok. In fact, this is quite rich. I don’t have to compete with others for what they think, so I have to do it. I know what I am doing, what I want, and why I work hard.

Now I sometimes shoot some movies that I want to do and like. In fact, it’s not an investor, it’s just that we do something that we really like together. I hope we can be free without being bound.


Especially now (good projects) opportunities are getting less and less, so we should touch them all. I especially cherish every opportunity and everyone who has helped me. If one day I suddenly meet a character that I particularly like, then I can work hard for it.

Ouhao Q&A;

Of course, we also brought Oho Ou the most concerned issue of "Seagull" (fans and friends):


Xiao Shang Shang: Do you have any plans to make a record?


Oho Ou:I was planning last year, but the plan couldn’t keep up with the change. Many times, I spent several months in the crew, and half a year may have passed after another publicity. They said they haven’t sung for a long time, and I said I also hope to have a new style. New Oho Ou, new records to meet with you. But it must be done seriously. It’s the same as the state of doing nothing but filming for more than two years now. I ho pe to do it well, at least to get through myself first.


Xiao Shang Shang: Will you consider a more sweet love scene next?


Oho Ou:I made a play that was quite sweet. It was called "I don’t know what’s in my heart". I have played an easy role. Every day, I just talk about love, things at home and things at the company. You just said that many of my roles are heavy, which I think is a little easier.

Xiao Shangshang: Not a overbearing president?


Oho Ou:No, he may be overbearing in some ways, but he is not the president (laughs). His bullying is that if you love someone, you will be recognized for life, just you! I think it’s quite fun. You can go after it.Eat this Amway! )


Xiao Shang Shang: What kind of entertainment are there in private?


Oho Ou:Playing basketball and watching movies seems to be nothing … … Listen to the music. Because I spend a lot of time in the crew, and the crew, you know, is no different from going to work. I actually get up and work all day in the morning from nine to five, and go back to bed after filming. Usually, if I have a holiday, I will travel with my friends and buy some trendy sneakers I like. I am usually bored.


Xiao Shang Shang: How do you relax on the set?

Oho Ou:More boring, except filming, I just go back to sleep, occasionally watch some movies, and for a while I will let myself watch a movie every day.

Xiao Shang Shang: Listen to your description as if entering the state of the elderly in advance?


Oho Ou:That’s what they said about me. (who? ) I have been filming for two or three years, and I feel a little tired. Many times it’s not that you don’t want to. I also want to travel with my friends or something. But always in the process o f work, you can’t relax yourself, so I think I have to go out for a walk next.


Xiao Shang Shang: Did shooting so many plays make you feel more calm?

Oho Ou:I’m old.


Xiao Shang Shang: During the "Desperate" roadshow, you took a baby on a hot search. Do you think you are good at taking a baby?

Oho Ou:I like children very much. I like to play with children, because they are the cutest at that age, and they are innocent and have no troubles, so I like to play with children and tease them.

A city with a hundred flavors | See Chongqing at the New Year’s Eve party. VIPs should "sit first"

This article is transferred from: Yang Guangwang
Chongqing, January 27 th, the news of the Golden Bull puts its tail, and the tiger is blessed with wind. The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and the taste of the year is coming to the nose. As the capital of food, Chongqing is best suited to the rich group annual banquet. The dishes are fragrant, and the taste buds dance gracefully between the teeth and on the tip of the tongue. This is the first time for aesthetic food. Chongqing Channel of Yangguang. com will publish value food information from time to time in the column of "One City with Hundreds of Flavors" to explore Chongqing’s food highland and share the delicious food with the "delicious dogs". In this issue, I followed the footsteps of Chongqing Channel Food Xiaobian of Yangguang. com and entered the "First Sitting Mansion".
Creative Chinese-style door head (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Xian ting Cang mo ke teahouse Hou Jiayin
"I have no intention of staying or staying, watching the flowers bloom and fall before the court; Don’t be surprised by yourself, and follow the clouds in the sky. "Regardless of ancient and modern times, literati are always looking for a good place to put their bodies and souls. For educated and picky diners, the dining environment is the first element that bears the brunt.
The flute is melodious, the harp and the sound are harmonious (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Just "sit first"! Shouzuo Mansion is located at the foot of Zhaomushan Forest Park, a natural oxygen bar. Under the infiltration of rich negative oxygen ions, it opens a pleasant afternoon tea mode and steals a half-day leisure. First, brew a pot of green bamboo leaves before the Ming Dynasty, or a cup of precious Tieguanyin, which is warm and sweet and beautiful. Either the old monk is calm, quiet and safe, or he is full of ideas and high spirits, splashing his pen and ink on the Chinese chapter.
The cultural performance of the first sitting mansion "changed face" (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
Chinese-style courtyard, unique and exquisite, antique, exquisite kung fu tea performance is eye-catching, and the sound of folk music is fresh and pleasant, which can pick up elegance and interest everywhere.
The eaves are drooping and the tea is fragrant (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
As soft as breathing, the eaves lights turn green and moss. The moist and silent blue slate seems to be impregnated with tea fragrance. At every moment of moving forward or stopping, the fragrance spreads all over the body. The sunny patio seems to hide the mystery of time, and the calligraphy and painting furniture are brilliant and sharp-edged. Let the family "sit first" and have a drink with friends, so let the tea smell warm and moist for this long time and interpret the password of time.
Good mood begins with afternoon tea (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Cups and plates are poems and paintings of paper and pen dishes.
"Good-looking bodies are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million." For food, to be the ultimate, color, flavor and shape are indispensable.
Recommended dishes: Sanchahu Qiaoke Wang (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
The dishes in the first residence, from the utensils to the color, flavor and shape of the dishes, are all fine and unique.
Recommended dishes: roasted sea cucumber with tofu (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Color matching, shape adjustment, the position where the main course should be placed in the plate, the lovely small ornaments in the blank space, and amazing poems, every detail is just right, just like a perfect match made in heaven.
Recommended dishes: Skillful vegetable rolls (Photo courtesy of Shouzuo Mansion issued by Yangguang. com)
These key points are controlled by beauty of chongqing, who was the youngest flight attendant of Southwest Airlines, and Huang Can, the chairman of Caixiangyuan Catering Culture Company. Shouzuo Mansion is a high-end brand of its chain business, and its fine service management, innovative Chinese design and strong cultural genes all stem from her artistic temperament of liking art and music.
Antique private rooms (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Shouzuo Mansion is a black pearl restaurant that has been appraised for many years, and is committed to spreading healthy food and traditional culture. In Shouzuo Mansion, there are countless signature dishes, such as "Longjing shrimp balls, braised roast chicken with turmeric, cherry foie gras, yak meat with milk wine, dried roast chicken in this period, dried roasted elegant fish, shredded roasted rabbit with agarwood, preserved okra with sesame sauce, pickled fish head with tortillas, swan crisp, and Tricholoma matsutake chicken bean curd …", which makes people unable to stop.
Recommended dishes: Tricholoma matsutake chicken tofu pudding (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Beautiful scenery, delicious food, fine wine, and a beautiful table of delicacies can’t help themselves in the taste of the year. In the interesting food, release the interesting soul, which is worth it! (Text/Wei Ge)
Recommended drink: custom-made red wine (photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
[group annual banquet hotline]

Table Tennis World Cup Day 1: Table Tennis Boom 8

On the evening of December 4th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Team World Cup ended its first match day. At present, the China team only played once, and swept Sweden, a European powerhouse, with an 8-0 victory. Although it also encountered some shocks, on the whole, it still grasped the initiative on the field and won easily.

In terms of foreign associations, strong teams such as Japan and South Korea maintained a total victory, but only the United States blew out 8-0, and the other teams failed to achieve zero opponents. In addition, the China-Hong Kong team lost to Puerto Rico 7-8, which broke the first upset of this competition, which surprised fans and friends. Please see below for the detailed situation.

China is the undisputed strongest team in Group A. As mentioned earlier, we scored 8-0 in the first game, among which Lin Gaoyuan/Manyu Wang beat Carlson/C Carlberg 3-0, Sun Yingsha beat Berg Sterlon 3-0, and Wang Chuqin beat A Carlberg 2-0. However, Sun Yingsha played a little hard in that game, and her opponent really fought hard.

As mentioned earlier, the China-Hong Kong team with good strength lost to Puerto Rico in America, among which Puerto Rican star A Diaz played a brave role, the women’s singles swept Du Kaiyu 3-0, the women’s doubles beat Du Kaiyu/Zhu Chengzhu 2-1 with her sister M Diaz, and Gonzalez/Afan Nador also won Huang Zhen Ting/Lin Zhaoheng 2-1.

The competition in this group is fierce. Although the German team is the second seed, the five core players, Bohr, Ochalov, Qiu Dang, Francesca and Han Ying, did not participate this time, and their overall strength plummeted. However, as the saying goes, "the skinny camel is bigger than the horse", they finally won Egypt 8-3 and were not upset.

As for the Slovakian players’ performance, they beat the European champion team Portugal 8-5 with a total score, but there was some luck, because the latter was not an all-star team. Without the core players Freitas and Apollonia, they failed to play the strongest level of their team: no way, too many masters didn’t come to this competition!

The Japanese team, the arch-rival of table tennis, has a big advantage in Group C. After all, their men’s and women’s teams and singles and doubles have strong strength. However, Hayata Hina’s state this time is average, and she lost one game in both games, but she finally won, and the whole team also won 8-2 over Romania and 8-1 over Australia.

In the case of Japan’s dominance, France is the only team in Group B that has the ability to attack them. In this competition, it won Australia 8-3 first, and then the United States 8-5, while the United States bombarded Australia 8-0, but lost to Romania 5-8. At present, France is expected to protect two and rush one, Romania and the United States may get the second place, and Australia has no hope of qualifying.

South Korea played in Group D, although it didn’t lose, but it was not easy to win. In the first game, it beat Singapore 8-3, and Canada 8-2 in World War II. Their athletes didn’t seem to be fully in the state. In addition, some people didn’t seem to adapt to the new 15-game 8-win system. After leading 2-0, they habitually relaxed and didn’t win the third game.

However, the strength of the other teams in Group D is average. Without Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, the China Taipei team beat Canadian 8-3 and Indian 8-4, and its performance was average. Canada won India 8-5, while India narrowly beat Singapore 8-7. Singapore has not won yet, so the possibility of qualifying is not great. Let’s wait for the group match to end the next day and the list of the top eight will be born!

You wanted to go to Thunder that year? The former Rockets 3+4 center is suffering, and it is not easy to stay in the Russian city.

Great changes have taken place in the lineup of Houston Rockets this summer. One of the disappointments is that the Rockets sold usman Garba, Josh Christopher and Ty Washington. Their development this year was daunting and almost wasted.

Among them, usman Garba also accepted an interview with the media after joining the Thunder, revealing that he especially wanted to go to the Thunder when he was in the draft. The former Rockets center complained that he didn’t get enough chances, and Thunder is a team that suits him very well.

As the No.23 rookie in the first round of 2021, Ousmane Garouba was plagued by injuries in his first season without playing, averaging only 2 points and 3.5 rebounds per game. In the Rockets, his overall performance is not satisfactory. However, Osman Garba represented Spain in last year’s men’s basketball European Cup. At that time, his overall performance was excellent. Osman Garba also served as the main rotation inside player to help Spain win the men’s basketball European Cup. However, after returning to the NBA, Osman Garba could not win the trust of then head coach Steve Cyrus, so he had to play as a substitute and his playing time was scarce. Usman Garba has been in a low state all season. He averaged 3 points, 4.1 rebounds and 0.9 assists per game. His data is average, but Osman Garba’s efficiency is high, especially his defensive potential.

However, the Rockets seem to have no patience to train usman Garba, who was easily sold cheaply in the offseason and finally came to the Thunder. Osman Garba said that he had already made contact with Thunder coach Daniolt and general manager Presti, and believed that they would benefit a lot from Thunder’s tactical system, and the two sides reached an agreement on many issues.

In addition, Garba, usman, like the Rockets, the Thunder also looks very competitive. Shea Kirghiz-Alexander, Josh Giddy, Chet Holmgren and Rugenzdort are all young, and I believe we are a team. Usman Garba admired them very much. However, even usman Garba expressed his hope to be selected by the Thunder, which already has Chet Holmgren, Robinson Earle, Poksevsky and Davidson Bertain, so the situation has not changed at all. For usman Garba, staying in Oklahoma City is not easy.

Two consecutive defeats sent Manchester City to defend the title, and Arsenal ran for 11 months without success.

Nottingham Forest 1-0 Arsenal (war communiqué)

Titan sports’s all-media correspondent in Britain, Liu Chuan.

In the last round, Arsenal lost 3-0 to Brighton at home. The prediction given by the English media is that Manchester City will lock the league title after this round of game against Chelsea. However, at that time, the outside world obviously overestimated the current state of the arsenal. As a result, Arsenal, who took the lead on Saturday, lost to Nottingham Forest 0-1 away, not only "assisted" the latter to avoid relegation, but also completely sent Manchester City to the throne.

Arsenal have only won two games in the last eight rounds. The media bluntly said that as a champion team, the performance in the final stage was not even above the passing line. Arteta tried to change the formation in this game. Ben Wright, Kiviol and Gabriel partnered with three central defenders, while Zaka, Thomas and jorginho started in midfield. When the team was in a state of non-high oppression, Thomas retreated to the right defense line to participate in the defense. This strange change of formation has caused many English media to adjust their coverage of Arsenal’s starting formation several times after the opening. Pat neven, a famous Scottish player, said that he couldn’t understand this trial array at all. "You will find that quite a few players are in unfamiliar positions, especially when you find that neither side of Arsenal’s defense is a full-back, and the real left-back Thirny is sitting on the bench. You don’t know how he feels when he looks at Ki viol in his good position."

Arsenal quickly conceded the goal in the 19th minute, and Awoniyi, with Ramsdale attacking before and Gabriel chasing after, sent the ball into an empty net before the two men finished the attack, 1-0! The subsequent multi-angle slow motion shows that Gabriel actually put the shovel before Avonii’s foot and touched the ball, but this tackle made the ball refract to the arch of the Nigerian striker impartially, helping the opponent to push the ball comfortably into the empty goal.

The defeat in Nottingham was Arsenal’s first consecutive defeat in the league this season. Unlike losing to Brighton in the last round, they had nearly 90 minutes to change the situation when injury time was included in this game, but in the end, the gunman held 82% possession of the ball, but the audience only shot three shots. The actual injury time in the second half was as long as 8 minutes, and Nottingham Forest was almost torn by the pressure of relegation. Many home fans in the stands were afraid to look straight at the stadium after 80 minutes and chose to bury their heads and pray for the team.

Even in this case, Arsenal’s performance was criticized by the media for lack of urgency, as if they were the leading side. BBC reporter gary ross is puzzled by Arsenal’s slow pace. "Those who don’t know the score may think that Arsenal are leading 1-0 now and are patiently seeking the second goal to seal the victory. But the fact is that even the fans with good temper probably can’t accept the team’s withdrawal from the league title competition in this way. I’m afraid even Manchester City didn’t think of it, because after they beat Everton last Saturday, they were tied with Arsenal for the first time in quite some time, and the gunners actually collapsed immediately."

Even so, Arsenal fans who went out with the team still sang Super mikel arteta in the stands when the game was about to enter the injury time stage. Although the game is still not over, everyone seems to have accepted the reality that the championship will fall short in advance. Simon Stone, a famous BBC reporter, believes that Arsenal’s performance is still good throughout the season, but this time it is a monster-like terrible team that competes with them for the championship trophy. "You can hear the songs of Arsenal fans, and they still firmly support Artta, because in any case, they will all win the second place in the league with league points that were unimaginable at the beginning of the season. They have not been able to compete with Manchester City, but Arsenal is still the club closest to Guardiola’s terrorist team in the league."

With the final whistle of referee Anthony Taylor, Nottingham Forest successfully relegated, while Manchester City completed the great cause of three consecutive league titles and won five Premier League titles in the last six seasons. Some fans ridiculed that even Manchester City players probably didn’t expect the suspense of the league title to be announced so soon. "Considering the schedule of the last two weeks, after defeating Everton last week, Guardiola probably thought that Arsenal would beat Brighton first, narrow the gap at the top of the list to 1 point again, and then beat Nottingham Forest today, and rushed back to the top of the list briefly with the advantage of many games. Therefore, Gua Shuai’s schedule of winning the league within Manchester City is mostly around next Wednesday, that is, after the make-up match against Brighton. He may think that only then can they establish enough advantages in the standings to lock the league title. No one expected that Arsenal would lose two games in a row and take the initiative to go out. "

For Arsenal, this means that they have occupied the top spot for 248 days this season, but in the end they lost the title. This also set an embarrassing record for the top leagues in England: the non-champion team that stayed at the top for the longest time. Coach Artta first congratulated Manchester City for successfully defending the title, and then took the initiative to take the responsibility of losing. "We must first congratulate Manchester City for defending the title again, but for us, this is a sad day. The team should face the reality now. Today, we lost the ball first, and then we didn’t show enough excellent performance to turn the situation around. According to today’s game situation, even if we are given another three hours, we may get nothing. This is my responsibility and I will take the initiative to bear it. We have worked hard together for this (championship) for 11 months, but we haven’t done enough. This is football. The pain is very intense, but we must find a solution to improve the performance of the team as soon as possible. This season is not over yet, and there is still a harsh week ahead. "

As a famous player in Arsenal, Adams, the old captain of Arsenal, frowned after the game. He believed that the team eventually lost to the lineup gap with Manchester City. "Arsenal can only base itself on its own resources. When some (main) players decline, they obviously can’t come up with effective emergency alternatives. Of course, their overall performance this season has been excellent. Saka is likely to win the best young player award of the season, but by the end of the season, this feeling of falling apart is really embarrassing. "

Future Technology: What will happen to our life?

Nowadays, technology is developing at an unprecedented speed. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones and virtual reality are subverting our way of life and making our life more convenient and efficient. In the future, the development of science and technology may be more rapid, and the changes will be more profound and extensive. In this brand-new world, we may face many new challenges and opportunities.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the computer system to achieve a certain degree of autonomous decision-making and task execution by simulating human intelligence and learning ability. In recent years, artificial intelligence has been widely used in various fields, including natural language processing, image recognition, speech recognition and so on.

With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, its impact on society and employment has attracted more and more attention. The following are some possible impacts:

  1. Automation replaces some jobs: Artificial intelligence can perform some jobs that require manpower through machine learning and independent decision-making, such as data processing and customer service, which may lead to some traditional jobs being replaced by automation.
  2. Create new employment opportunities: Although automation may replace some traditional jobs, the development of artificial intelligence will also create new employment opportunities, such as data analysis and machine learning engineers.
  3. Improve production efficiency: artificial intelligence technology can help enterprises optimize processes, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, thus improving the competitiveness of enterprises.
  4. Personal privacy and security issues: Artificial intelligence can collect and analyze a large amount of personal data, which may cause personal privacy and security issues.

Generally speaking, the development of artificial intelligence has brought many opportunities and challenges to society. In the process of dealing with its influence, we need to pay attention to human welfare and moral issues, and at the same time, we need to constantly improve our technical level and adaptability.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be operated by remote control or preset program. In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, drones have been widely used in various fields, including transportation, military, security and so on.

In the field of transportation, drones can be used for logistics distribution and traffic monitoring. For example, drones can deliver express parcels to your doorstep without manual delivery; At the same time, drones can also monitor traffic conditions in cities with traffic jams in order to make timely adjustments and optimizations.

In the military field, drones are also widely used. UAV can be used for reconnaissance, strike, aerial refueling and other tasks, and its maneuverability and concealment are incomparable with traditional military equipment. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of technology, the weapons and equipment of drones are becoming more and more advanced.

In the field of security, drones can also be used for monitoring and support. For example, drones can be used to monitor borders and coastlines to prevent illegal entry and drug trafficking; At the same time, drones can also be used for firefighting, rescue and other tasks to improve efficiency and safety.

Of course, with the increasing application of drones, it also brings some problems and challenges. For example, the privacy and security issues of drones require the joint efforts of the government and enterprises. At the same time, the regulation and management of drones also need to be strengthened to ensure their normal and legal use.

Generally speaking, the application prospect of UAV is very broad, which can bring many benefits and conveniences, but also requires us to pay attention to and solve related problems and challenges.

The development of virtual reality technology has attracted people’s extensive attention. With the continuous development of technology, virtual reality technology has been gradually applied to entertainment, education, medical care and other fields, and has played an important role in these fields.

In the entertainment field, virtual reality technology is widely used in the production of entertainment content such as games and movies. Virtual reality technology can provide users with more realistic game experience and movie-watching experience, thus increasing users’ immersion. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used for live broadcast of concerts, exhibitions and other activities, so that the audience can feel the atmosphere of the event site personally.

In the field of education, virtual reality technology has been widely used in learning and training. Virtual reality technology can provide students with richer learning experiences, such as simulation experiments and virtual field trips. Through virtual reality technology, students can have a deeper understanding of the learning content and learn and explore in practice.

In the medical field, virtual reality technology is also widely used in surgical simulation, rehabilitation and other aspects. Virtual reality technology can help doctors to operate and treat more accurately, thus improving the success rate of surgery and rehabilitation effect. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used in psychotherapy and anti-pain therapy to help patients relieve pain and discomfort.

The development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change, involving all aspects, including society, economy, education, medical care, security and so on. The emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles and virtual reality will greatly change our way of life and work. In this era of rapid development, how to deal with future changes has become an important issue.

First of all, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies. Governments, enterprises, academic institutions and other aspects need to increase investment and support in science and technology to promote the development and application of science and technology and better meet people’s needs.

Secondly, we need to adapt to the development and application of new technologies. In the process of the emergence and popularization of new technologies, we need to constantly learn and adapt to make better use of them, so as to better adapt to the changes in society and life.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring. In the application of new technology, some security and privacy issues may be brought, which need our attention and solution. At the same time, the development of new technologies may also have an impact on some traditional industries and employment, and we need to pay attention to and help the affected people.

Finally, we need to build a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. The development of science and technology needs to be carried out under the legal and ethical framework to ensure that the development of science and technology is in line with human interests and values. We need to establish and maintain this environment by various means to ensure that the development of science and technology is sustainable and beneficial.

In a word, the development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change to our life and society. Faced with these changes, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies, adapt to the application of new technologies, pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring, and establish a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. Only in this way can we better cope with future changes and achieve the goal of sustainable development.