After Evergrande resumed trading…

Today is the first trading day of Hong Kong stocks in October. Evergrande’s two stocks resumed trading today, and China Evergrande has become the most concerned individual stock in the market.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, as of the close, China Evergrande had a strong performance throughout the day, rising more than 40% during the session.

The biggest intraday rise fell back to about 10%, and then rose again. As of the close, it rose 28.13% to close at HK $0.41, and the turnover was HK $161 million, 73% larger than the previous trading day.

Evergrande Properties rose as much as 14%, but fell as much as 3.39% to close at HK $0.57.

Evergrande Automobile announced in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 3 that at the company’s request, the company’s shares will be temporarily suspended from trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at 9:00 am on September 28, 2023, pending the company’s publication of an announcement on inside information.

China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the evening of October 2 that the board of directors of the company believes that there is no other inside information that needs to be announced at present. The company has applied to the Stock Exchange to resume trading of the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

On the same day, Hengda Property also announced that the board of directors of the company believes that the company’s operating conditions are normal and there is no other inside information that needs to be announced. The company has applied to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to resume trading in the company’s shares from 9:00 am on October 3, 2023.

According to previous reports, on the morning of September 28, China Evergrande, Hengda Automobile, and Hengda Property announced the suspension of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

That evening, China Evergrande Group announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had received a notice from the relevant departments that Mr. Xu Jiayin, the executive director and chairperson of the board of directors of the company, had been taken compulsory measures according to law on suspicion of illegal crimes.

On September 24, China Evergrande Group issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, containing the terms of the company’s proposed overseas workout ("Proposed Restructuring"). Each new note to be issued under the proposed restructuring shall comply with the "Pilot Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance of Securities and Listing of Domestic Enterprises" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the "Measures for the Administration of Examination and Registration of Medium and Long-term Foreign Debt of Enterprises" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission according to its applicable circumstances. The company must prove that it complies with the relevant provisions. In view of the ongoing investigation of Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (the main subsidiary of the company), the current situation of the group cannot meet the eligibility for issuance of new notes. Holders of securities of the company and potential investors should exercise caution when trading securities of the company.

On the evening of September 22, China Evergrande announced that since the announcement of the company’s planned overseas workout, the group’s sales were not as good as the company expected. Based on the company’s current situation and consultation with its advisors and creditors, the company believes it is necessary to re-examine the terms of the proposed restructuring to match the company’s objective situation and creditors’ demands.

On September 16, the WeChat official account "Shenzhen Nanshan Public Security" issued a case report saying that recently, the public security organs have taken criminal compulsory measures against Du and other suspected criminals of Evergrande Financial Wealth Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Investors who need to report the case can register the case.

China Hengda in the first half of 2023 financial data show that in terms of liabilities, as of June 30, China Hengda’s total liabilities 2.3882 trillion yuan, excluding 603.98 billion yuan of contractual liabilities is 1.78422 trillion yuan, of which 624.77 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 1.05657 trillion yuan (including 596.17 billion yuan for engineering materials payable), other liabilities 102.88 billion yuan. Borrowing is 624.77 billion yuan, compared with 612.39 billion yuan at the end of 2022, an increase of 12.38 billion yuan, and the average annual interest rate of borrowing is 7.97%, compared with 8.12% at the end of 2022.

In the first half of 2023, China Evergrande’s revenue was about 128.18 billion yuan, gross profit was about 9.80 billion yuan, gross profit margin was 7.64%, operating loss was 17.38 billion yuan during the period, non-operating loss (including litigation, land recovery, equity disposal and other losses such as asset appraisal impairment) 15.03 billion yuan, income tax expenses 6.84 billion yuan, net loss total 39.25 billion yuan. China Evergrande’s cash and cash equivalents are about 4.047 billion yuan, of which restricted cash is about 9.334 billion yuan.

Source | Observer Network Synthesis

Original title: "After Evergrande resumes trading…"

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Wu Mengda: After 100 years of performance, I hope the audience can still remember me

1905 movie network feature At the premiere press conference, Wu Mengda picked up his guitar and sang "Kiss Goodbye" on the stage, recreating the classic scenes of the old version of "Oolong Courtyard".

He was still in his exuberant, funny and nonsensical appearance. What had changed was that he was now a white-haired old man who was nearly 70 years old. It was even more hard to imagine that a few years ago, he had been repeatedly reported to have died due to rapid heart failure.


At the end of the press conference, Wu Mengda’s 45-year role collection appeared on the big screen, which was really a wave of memories full of feelings. He said on the stage that he was grateful to the audience for their willingness to give him a meal. Acting is the greatest meaning of his survival. He will not retire and will play for another 50 years!

After the press conference, Uncle Da accepted our exclusive interview, and he once again talked about how much he loves performing.


"I can’t live without my acting, and I love acting very much. Many people ask me, I’m almost 70, why do you love acting? Although I was sick a few years ago and my heart was not good, I have been following movies and the development of Chinese movies. I really like being an actor. In fact, I can be a director or a backstage very early, but I just don’t want to go."

Yes, 65-year-old Uncle Da will continue to play.


"The mainland has a lot of room, and Hong Kong people can’t make deep comedies"

In the early 1990s, Wu Mengda and Chow Xingchi were so popular in Taiwan that they attracted the attention of the director Zhu Yanping. He traveled from Taiwan to Hong Kong to find Wu Mengda, which led to their first collaboration -.

Stills from "Truant"

Zhu Yanping is Taiwan’s version of "Wang Jing", and the production speed is fast enough to release up to five films a year. Wu Mengda never even saw Lin Zhiying from the beginning to the end of the filming of "truancy". It took only four and a half days to film all his scenes.


"I was startled, and the effect was pretty good."After that, Wu Mengda collaborated with Zhu Yanping again. This was their second collaboration, and it also launched the "Oolong Academy" series of films that became popular in the video hall era.

"Laughing Forest Kid 2: New Oolong Courtyard" stills

"Oolong Court" was launched that year, in Taiwan whirlwind won 100 million Taiwan dollars box office, breaking records."There were a lot of Hong Kong dramas in Taiwan back then, and I was almost the one who broke the record.", Wu Mengda recalled,"But the’Oolong Courtyard ‘I played with Hao Xiwen and Shi Xiaolong ranked first, higher than my cooperation with Zhou Xingchi!"


The next year, they struck while the iron was hot and then pushed the sequel, which was a big hit. Not only in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but also in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other South East Asia regions, as long as the TV station aired, the audience ratings were very high.

"Invincible R-Star" stills

More than 20 years later, the Chinese film landscape has changed dramatically, and going north to co-produce is the general trend. At this time, the "Oolongyuan" series has ushered in the third installment. In the face of the current market context, we must first face such questions: Is it selling feelings, is it frying cold rice?


Uncle Da explained it like this."Although it is old wine in a new bottle, every movie must have its new creation and new classic every time."In his eyes, "a movie is a huge dream factory, and it is fun to have constant creativity with the changes of the times."

So, in "New Oolong Courtyard", where is Uncle Da’s "fun"?

This time, he is no longer playing the old version of the big brother who is infatuated and honest, but the abbot of the Oolong Hospital, Master Changmei. This character is an Internet celebrity live streaming host in the play, who picks up his mobile phone from time to time to engage in live broadcasts. Uncle Da is very interested in these new and popular things. Douyin, Kuaishou, he said he understands it now.

The other was a re-creation of a series of characters. "In the past, when he was in his prime, he played the role of the eldest senior brother who was confused and pretended to be smart. He didn’t know anything, so he pretended to be great.


Therefore, we can see such a Wu Mengda in the movie, which is also the Wu Mengda we are most familiar with: from beginning to end, he looks smiling, and when he is angry, he should also smile.

Zhu Yanping, Wu Mengda, and Hao Xiwen were the old version of the team, and the new version added mainland comedians such as Wang Ning, Kong Lianshun, and Song Xiaobao. Happy Twist + Wanhe Tianyi + Benshan Media, the IP of "New Oolong Courtyard" almost brought together the most popular and down-to-earth comedy team in the Chinese film industry.


Uncle Da said that he had been following Northeast comedians for a long time and was deeply impressed by "Country Love". He was very familiar with Zhao Si and Xie Dazu.

He believes that there is no difference between Hong Kong comedy, Taiwanese comedy and mainland comedy, and the language of comedy is common all over the world. "The best thing about comedy is that it doesn’t even need dialogue, it may be just a look. Like Charlie Chaplin, in an era without dialogue, it is performed by body language. This is the most lovely and precious aspect of comedy."


As an important member of the once glorious era of Hong Kong comedy, he also lamented in the face of the decline of Hong Kong films:


"Our Chinese mainland now has a lot of space, everything is more advanced than Hong Kong, and the production cost is higher than Hong Kong. The whole market is thousands of times larger than Hong Kong, tens of thousands of times. Hong Kong is too small, and what we know is limited to Hong Kong culture, real history, classical culture. In fact, we Hong Kong people are not very deep in it. So we have always emphasized making commercial films,Those more in-depth comedies and dramas cannot be filmed by Hong Kong people."


"At the craziest time, I read a script 200 times"

In 1973, Wu Mengda applied for the Hong Kong TVB artist training class. The reason for applying for the exam was that he felt very handsome. Of course, his mother’s strong encouragement was also the main reason. After that, he entered the training class with Zhou Yun-fat, Lin Lingdong and others.


After graduation, Wu Mengda and Zhou Yun-fa worked together as extras. It was not until the TV series "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" that he first tasted the popularity of "Hu Tiehua". On the contrary, Zhou Yun-fa, because of his height, could only continue to play tricks on the set.

Wu Mengda played "Hu Tiehua" in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang"

Soon after his debut, Wu Mengda became a big hit, and during that period, he was completely bloated. He spent every day with his boss, and he described his life at that time as "gambling, smoking, alcohol, and women." The result of erosion was that he owed a lot of debt and was frozen by TVB for four years.


There was no drama to shoot, and when he was at his worst, he only had money left to buy a pack of cigarettes. He once thought of suicide. Even his junior brother Du Qifeng criticized him at that time as "a piece of mud that can’t support the wall".


After experiencing ups and downs, we must also usher in a change of heart.

Wu Mengda used this time to immerse himself in acting. He watched movies, read books, and studied scripts. After that, he finally turned around with "Sequel to Senior Brother Xinja".


He starred in the drama as an instructor opposite Tony Leung. According to him, there was a two-page play that he watched 200 times just to play when he reprimanded Tony Leung in the play"The mouth is scolding him, but the eyes are hurting him"The feeling.

"The Sequel to the New Zha Senior Brother" plays with Tony Leung

"200 times", Wu Mengda mentioned "200 times" again in this interview.

"Every play, every line of dialogue, I may have watched more than 50 times. In the craziest time before, I watched it 200 times.Why did I watch it for so long? Do I have a bad memory? No. Basically watching it five or six times, I can remember most of it, but I have to keep interpreting it from other angles, so I have to keep reading the script and keep giving it more vitality. "

Now, he has developed a habit of reading the script carefully the night before filming, and not bringing the script to the scene on the day of filming. He said that when he was filming "New Oolong Academy", when he worked with Zhou Xingchi in the past, he was even more, "It’s not for the camera, it’s not for the plot, and it’s not for the dialogue. I just eat it all, and then see what can spark each other on the scene, play some fun with the opponent, play tricks on the object, and suddenly come, and the opponent can’t react."


The collaboration with Stephen Chow began with "He Came From the Jianghu" and "Hero of the World". At that time, they were father, son and mentor in the play, and they were neighbors who lived across the street outside the play. They were brothers who always discussed performances together in the car before going to the set.

"He Came From The World" Stills

"Gambling Saint" was their true starting point, and likewise, they also achieved "Gambling Saint".


In the movie, Wu Mengda was mistakenly beaten by Zhou Xingchi. He was wearing women’s clothes while foaming at the mouth and saying, "It’s alright", "Then let’s go". This funny scene is his temporary design. There is also the classic image of "Third Uncle". When Zhou Xingchi shouted "Third Uncle", he had a seizure like a convulsion, and his whole body trembled. This is not groundless, but his own performance style, and he also named it "Congenital Uncontrolled Disorder".

"Gambling Saint" stills

With improvisation and tacit cooperation, they have crossed the world in one song and one relaxation, becoming the most classic screen partner in Hong Kong film history.


In the eyes of the public, Wu Mengda may be the "little follower" next to Zhou Xingchi in the movie. Since the movie, he has hardly played a male lead. He doesn’t mind the light and heavy scenes at all."I treat the protagonist and the supporting actor the same, and I pay the same. I won’t say that the protagonist is more nervous or that I will play the supporting role casually. No, absolutely not."


Some time ago, he made another cameo appearance in a big movie "Sir Wei", where he played Hai Gong again. In the TV series "Xiaobao and Kangxi" and the movie "Lu Ding Ji Ji", Wu Mengda has played Hai Dafu twice, both of which are funny and crazy. This time, he seems to be reinterpreting in the opposite direction of insidious and fierce.

"Hai Dafu" in "Lu Ding Ji"

"Comedy, farce, tragedy, drama, I have filmed all kinds of dramas, what else can I do?"He said that he didn’t want to do repetitions, but he had no choice but to play too many roles. Even if it was a new production, a reenactment, or a cameo, he believed that there was still a lot of scope and space to complete better performances.

"Sorry for not acting 

And influence me the most "

Uncle Da was very honest, saying that he really couldn’t do without acting, and even when he was hospitalized and sick before, he was concerned about the movie and the set.


"I keep wanting to act, and I keep hoping to create, which will make me younger. Living in the film and television industry, there is a group of people who accompany you to play and chat every day, and respect you very much. This is the greatest pleasure in life, and it is also the job I like."


When it comes to the most satisfying roles, he listed four:The third uncle in "Gambling Saint", Li Sucan’s father, Hai Dafu in "Lu Ding Ji", and Taibao in "Heaven Ruoyou Love".


He has created a lot of classic comedy roles, but so far, it is this tragic little character in "Heaven Ruoyou" that has won him the only Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

"If there is love in the sky" stills

Similarly, in this interview, we also found a Wu Mengda who is completely different from the stereotype of "comedian".


He said that the biggest regret in his life was not being in "The Wrong Ride," and that he wanted to play the sad, mute father so much. In his opinion, the performances of the movie version of Sun Yue and the TV version of Li Xuejian are great, but from the body language to the eye details, he believes that there is a different way of acting from them.


In 2006, in the variety show "Operation Style", he passed the addiction of "Riding the Wrong Car". But it was just a small segment of the show’s acting, and he had to get into the play and get lost in it. Although his easy-to-put acting skills were not realized in the "Riding the Wrong Car", they were in "Heaven If You Love", and later football coaches, more visible.

Wu Mengda performed "The Wrong Ride" in a variety show.

The movies that influenced him the most were not comedies, but Chen Kaige’s "Yellow Earth" and Hou Xiaoxian’s "Love and Dust"."I’ve watched these two more than 50 times, and they both have videotapes. I watch them almost every day when I have time, and learn something from them."


Two literary films, two literary films with the same sense of loneliness.


"If you don’t like it or worry, what are you singing?"In the dialogue in "The Yellow Earth", he said he would always remember it."That tone is really lonely and wandering, but it will hit your heart. The whole atmosphere is too painful."


And "Love the Wind and Dust", born in Xiamen, he may have aroused his memories and nostalgia for southern Fujian in the local atmosphere of this Taiwanese film.


I watched Uncle Da’s "congenital disorder" in comedy movies, but I forgot that he was so calm and peaceful in the audience, and even willing to embrace loneliness and loneliness.

"Stephen Chow’s golden partner" and "the all-purpose supporting actor of Hong Kong movies," Wang Jing also described him as "a good actor who can act in big comedies and big tragedies, and a really good actor with acting skills." Some people even said that he is "China’s Morgan Freeman."


"In 50 years, in 100 years, how do you want the audience to evaluate you?"


At the end of the interview, we threw this life summary question to him, and he quickly put away his smiling face, thought for a few seconds and said,"I hope the audience can still remember me, I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"


As soon as he finished speaking, he asked again without reason."Huh? 50 years from now, 100 years from now, I’ll still be here, ask again then!"


After calming down, he laughed and teased again. Well, this is Wu Mengda.


Photo/Yang Nan

Video/Teacher Meow

Your "overseas purchasing" beauty cosmetics may just have been around Huaqiang North.

  Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, January 13th Question: "Overseas purchasing" beauty cosmetics may just have turned around in Huaqiang North. What does the smuggling case of Huaqiang North exceeding 600 million yuan reflect?

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Simomo and Sun Fei

  "Overseas purchasing is pulling a suitcase and saying that it is going abroad. It may just be a turn in Huaqiang North." At the end of 2020, a cosmetics smuggling case involving more than 600 million yuan caused an "earthquake" in Shenzhen Huaqiang North. With the intervention of the industry authorities, thousands of beauty shops were closed almost overnight and closed for rectification.

  Since 2018, due to the decline of the traditional communication electronics market, many digital cities in Huaqiang North, such as Mingtong, Manha and Yuanwang, have been transformed into beauty cities. The beauty industry has been soaring for a while, and it is hard to find a booth. However, major smuggling cases have brought the chaos in Huaqiang North’s beauty market to the surface.

  The gang "swiped the bill" exceeded 600 million yuan, and the transformation of Huaqiang North suffered heavy losses.

  These days, Huaqiang North Mingtong, Yuanwang, Women’s World and other beauty cities are deserted, and most shops in the mall are closed. Through the glass window, you can see the scattered packaging bags and sporadic goods in the store. Many merchants posted WeChat QR code and mobile phone number on the window.

  "Most of these cosmetics in Huaqiang North are branded goods, but they are smuggled. The price tag is generally much lower than the counter price, and some are even half lower." At the gate of Mingtong Beauty Shop, Dou Hong (a pseudonym), the owner of beauty shop, told Xinhua Viewpoint reporter.

  In 2018, Mingtong Digital City successfully transformed into a beauty city. As the first batch of settled merchants, Dou Hong not only enjoyed preferential rents, but more importantly, seized business opportunities and earned the "first bucket of gold" in life.

  Soon, Manha Digital Plaza and Longsheng Accessories City quickly followed suit and "transformed" into a beauty city. In just over two years, Huaqiang North has gathered thousands of beauty shops, and the monthly rent for stalls with good locations is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but it is still hard to find a file.

  With the industrial agglomeration of Huaqiang North Beauty Market, more and more Wechat business and Daigou choose to come here to get their goods directly. "Those overseas purchasing agents in the circle of friends pull suitcases and say that they are going abroad. In fact, they may just go to Huaqiang North." Dou Hong said.

  At the end of 2020, the Anti-smuggling Bureau of Shenzhen Customs, together with the public security departments, investigated shops suspected of smuggling in several beauty shops in Huaqiang North, destroyed a smuggling criminal gang that used the cross-border e-commerce platform to "swipe the bill" to smuggle cosmetics and other goods into the country, and arrested 36 suspects, with a case value exceeding 600 million yuan.

  "There are customs clearance gangs and cargo owners’ gangs. The cargo owners organize the goods abroad and hand them over to the customs clearance gangs. They use the personal information of citizens bought through illegal channels to create false orders, false payment orders and false logistics orders, and then deceive the customs and transport the goods into China." Yu Xiaopeng, deputy section chief of the investigation department of Shekou Branch of Shenzhen Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau, said.

  According to the relevant regulations of China, from January 1, 2019, the annual transaction limit of cross-border e-commerce individuals will be increased from 20,000 yuan to 26,000 yuan. Yu Xiaopeng introduced that smuggling gangs tried to steal consumers’ information and consumption quotas for cross-border e-commerce transactions, and falsely reported goods that should have been imported in the nature of general trade as cross-border e-commerce imports.

  Nowadays, hundreds of beauty shops including Mingtong, Manha, Yuanwang and other shopping malls are mostly closed, and the street office has posted many banners in the shopping malls with the words "crack down on smuggling according to law and strengthen market order".

  Smuggled cosmetics seized by anti-smuggling personnel of Shenzhen Customs (photo). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of Shenzhen Customs)

  From "shanzhai" to "smuggling", how does Huaqiang North go "negative"?

  What Huaqiang North lacks most is its keenness to the market and its adventurous spirit.

  After the decline of the traditional communication electronics market, merchants in Huaqiang North have tried to explore various industries, and finally it is "imported" beauty products that form a stable industrial agglomeration effect.

  "Shenzhen is backed by customs port trade, and there are many sources of cosmetics. Moreover, cosmetics themselves have higher profit margins, more opaque prices, and the difference between official retail channels is large, which is still consumables." Dou Hong told reporters.

  As one of the earliest industrial areas of electronic, communication and electrical products in Shenzhen, the annual sales of tens of thousands of merchants gathered in Huaqiang North in that year exceeded 100 billion yuan, and they went out of well-known enterprises such as Tencent, Han’s Laser and Hainengda, and became innovative places.

  However, with the rapid development of the Internet to reduce the asymmetry of price information, the imitation of "cottage" and "high imitation" mobile phones was squeezed out by brand mobile phones, and Huaqiang North also ushered in development pains.

  At the beginning of the transformation, many beauty cities in Huaqiang North were positioned as high-end, genuine products and genuine goods, but the emergence of major smuggling cases still revealed that the transformation has a long way to go.

  At CC Beauty Shop in Mingtong Beauty City, the smuggled goods seized by the staff of Shenzhen Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau were worth about 2 million yuan. "The goods are all purchased from overseas through smuggling channels at low prices." The owner Li said.

  Chinese translation labels, including product name, name of country or region of origin, distributor, importer, agent in China, production batch number and service life, are affixed to the outer packaging of regular imported cosmetics, while smuggled products do not have these.

  In addition to smuggled products, fakes are also eyeing the newly emerging beauty market in Huaqiang North. According to some merchants, some fake sellers pretend to be merchants in the professional beauty market to sell goods. After the complaint, it is verified that the other party does not even have a basic berth.

  In addition, there are criminals who are eyeing businesses with no exclusive supply and insufficient experience. "After all, it is a new industry, and merchants’ ability to identify goods is not enough. We can only call the police when we find fake goods and report them to the market supervision department for handling. " A merchant said.

  Anti-smuggling personnel of Shenzhen Customs seized smuggled cosmetics on the spot (data photos). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of Shenzhen Customs)

  How to take the transition road of Huaqiang North?

  The physical store was closed and the online shopping business was also affected. The reporter contacted Zhou Feng (a pseudonym), the owner of a physical store in Huaqiang North Beauty City. He told the reporter, "The regulatory authorities are checking the Chinese standard and cannot deliver the goods these days."

  At present, the cosmetics market in China is one of the fastest growing markets in the global cosmetics industry. Among them, foreign beauty brands occupy most of the domestic market, and the huge price difference between domestic and foreign beauty products makes businesses take risks.

  Zhou Feng judged that the next closure and rectification will make the management of Huaqiang North’s beauty industry more strict and tend to be standardized. "The return of profit margins to normal will also intensify competition among merchants." He said.

  It is understood that in recent years, the Futian District Government of Shenzhen has continuously issued supporting policies to help the transformation and upgrading of Huaqiang North business district from many aspects, such as creating innovation space, training innovation teams, gathering innovative enterprises, and attracting global innovation forces, and the market itself is also doing more active exploration.

  Bauhinia City was once a commercial building transformed into a beauty city at the same time as Mingtong Digital City. Due to Mingtong’s obvious oligopoly effect in the beauty market, Bauhinia City has taken a different approach and is ready to build itself into a global food trading center.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, said that Huaqiang North has always had innovative genes, but the industrial transformation and upgrading must be legal and legal, and it should not be allowed to grow wildly. It is necessary to establish the concept of paying equal attention to the rule of law and development, safety and speed, integrity and innovation, fairness and efficiency.

  Song Ding, deputy director of the China Urban Economic Expert Committee, said, "Regulators should also play an active role in strengthening intellectual property protection, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and promoting Huaqiang North to embark on the road of high-quality development." Liu Junhai said.

Many provinces started the recruitment of civil servants in 2017, and some areas set up disabled posts.

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 8 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces started the recruitment of the "provincial examination" for civil servants in 2017. This year, the recruitment policy of civil servants in various places continued to increase the inclination to the grassroots, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces also set up special positions to recruit students for the disabled.

  Many places have started this year’s "provincial examination" recruitment of civil servants

  Today, the registration of civil servants for the 2017 exam in Fujian Province was officially launched. The registration time is from 8: 00 today to 17: 00 on the 14th.

  Since November last year, the recruitment of provincial civil servants in 2017 has started one after another. The 2017 civil servant recruitment in Beijing and Shanghai has been written at the end of last year, and the "provincial examination" written test in Jiangsu will also be held on the 11th of this month.

  In addition, according to the statistics of reporters from Zhongxin. com, since the beginning of this year, six provinces including Guangdong, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Zhejiang and Fujian have also released the 2017 civil service recruitment announcement. It is also reported that in 2017, Shandong has also made it clear that the civil service recruitment announcement will be released in the middle and late March.

  Compared with previous years, what changes have taken place in the recruitment scale of "provincial examination" for civil servants this year? Observing the recruitment plans announced by various places, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Shanghai and Jilin this year is basically the same as last year, while the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guizhou this year has declined compared with last year.

  For example, last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Guangdong was 17,412, and this year’s recruitment plan dropped to 15,018; Last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Zhejiang reached 8409, but this year it dropped to 6466. For another example, in the recruitment of civil servants in Beijing in 2016, the total number of recruits reached 6,857, the highest in history. This year, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing dropped to 5,022.

  However, some provinces have greatly increased the recruitment scale of civil servants this year. For example, Heilongjiang recruited 8,831 civil servants this year, an increase of 2,687 over last year, with an increase of 43.7%. According to the statistics provided by Huatu Education, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Heilongjiang this year has set a new high in the province in the past five years.

  Observing the announced announcement of "provincial examination" for civil servants, the recruitment policies of some provinces this year deserve attention. For example, just as the national examination recruitment policy in recent years has tilted to the grassroots level, the recruitment policy of "provincial examination" issued by various places has also tilted to the grassroots level.

  For example, in 2017, the recruitment of civil servants in Guizhou Province continued to implement the "two 80%" policy, and 84% of the province’s recruitment plan was arranged in towns and villages, dispatched institutions and grassroots front lines (including Selected Graduates). Guizhou also stipulates that organs and agencies in counties and towns (except towns, offices and agencies where the county seat is located) in concentrated contiguous areas with extreme poverty can recruit graduates from high schools and secondary vocational schools (technical secondary schools).

  This year, Zhejiang’s civil servant recruitment plan includes 350 village officials from Selected Graduates. According to reports, Li Zezhou, deputy director of the Civil Service Management Office of the Organization Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee, said, "The purpose of recruiting 350 Selected Graduates village officials is to let more people go to the grassroots to exercise and serve the front-line people."

  Li Zezhou said that this year’s recruitment will pay more attention to grassroots orientation, demand orientation and problem orientation, and at the same time, try to select comrades who know the grassroots, are familiar with the grassroots, and master the mass language and mass work methods to work in institutions above the city level.

  In addition, some provinces have specially expanded the positions for the disabled in this year’s civil service recruitment. For example, this year, Zhejiang increased the recruitment of civil servants with disabilities, with 22 positions for civil servants with disabilities.

  Jiangsu recruited the disabled for the first time this year, and the competent authorities specially prepared 29 job plans, which were directed to the disabled persons with disability cards and meeting the job requirements, including the relevant departments of the Disabled Persons’ Federation, the Nanjing Economic and Information Committee, Jiangyin Municipal Market Supervision Administration and other government departments.

  Among the above-mentioned provinces that have announced the recruitment notice and have not yet taken the examination, the written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants in Jiangsu Province will be held on the 11th of this month, and on April 8th, Guangdong Province will hold this year’s written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants.

  In addition to the above two provinces, the written test time of "Provincial Examination" in six provinces including Zhejiang, Guizhou, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Fujian is scheduled to be held on April 22nd.

  In recent years, many places have arranged the written examination of "provincial examination" for civil servants on the same day, which is also called "civil servant joint examination" among candidates.

  Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of that the "joint examination" for the recruitment of civil servants in many provinces began in 2009, and on April 26th of that year, seven provinces held the recruitment examination for civil servants on the same day. Since then, it has become a practice among some provinces to hold civil service examinations on the same day in the middle and late April of each year. On April 23 last year, the written examination of public subjects of "Provincial Examination" in more than 20 provinces was held on the same day.

  Li Manqing introduced that all the provinces participating in the "Joint Entrance Examination" are organized separately, and the "Joint Entrance Examination" is not the same volume. In the past, some candidates took exams across many provinces, and if they were hired by many places, they could only choose one position, which had an impact on the recruitment of other positions. Many provinces choose the written test on the same day, which helps to avoid the disadvantages of candidates taking advantage of the test time difference to travel around the provinces frequently to take the test. (End)

5.407 billion people earned 5.2 trillion yuan! Domestic tourism is expected to return to the top 90% of the epidemic this year.

China tourism academy (Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism) released the Report on the Development of China Tourism Group (2023) at the 2023 China Tourism Group Development Forum.It is predicted that the number of domestic tourists will reach 5.407 billion in 2023, and the domestic tourism income will reach 5.2 trillion yuan, which will be restored to 90% and 91% in 2019 respectively.

According to china tourism academy’s calculation, in the first three quarters of 2023, the comprehensive index of national tourism economic operation has been in the boom zone, with an average of 111.09. Driven by multiple factors, such as the innovative supply of culture and tourism system, the confidence boosted by tourism consumption policies, and the comprehensive protection of all levels of government departments, the tourism market will be prosperous, orderly, integrated and innovative in 2023, and many indicators such as the number of tourists and tourism consumption will be outstanding. Although the fourth quarter is the traditional off-season, the willingness of urban and rural residents to travel in the fourth quarter of this year remained at a high level of 90.37.

Report analysis,Domestic tourism consumption is further concentrated in scenic spots, resorts, blocks and business districts.The choice of tourist destinations and projects is more diversified. Family outing, suburban vacation, city roaming, festival tourism, interest tourism, reverse tourism, night tourism and light sports constitute the characteristics of "diversity+personalization" in the holiday tourism market.

Both the supply and demand sides have made concerted efforts, and various places are competing to integrate sports, music festivals, concerts, science and technology, intangible cultural heritage, theme exhibitions and national customs Hanfu into tourism and leisure life, unlock new ways of playing tourism, promote the deep integration of culture and tourism, and form a new growth point of cultural tourism consumption.

From the perspective of industrial development, the prosperity of the tourism industry and the confidence of entrepreneurs have obviously rebounded. At present, the passenger flow of domestic head scenic spots has increased significantly year-on-year, the aviation industry has improved significantly, the year-on-year recovery has been obvious, and the hotel performance has improved.In the first three quarters of this year, there was a strong demand for financing such as mergers and acquisitions, equity conversion and short-term debt private placement of China’s tourism groups, listed companies and tourist attractions.

According to the investment and procurement index of the cultural tourism industry jointly developed by china tourism academy and China Amusement Park Association, among the 1,836 enterprises surveyed, 79.2% of the investment/operation enterprises and 46% of the manufacturing/service enterprises have carried out investment activities, which shows that entrepreneurs and managers are optimistic about the future of tourism, and their investment fields are mainly concentrated in the construction of theme parks/amusement parks, cultural tourism equipment, science and technology, resorts/blocks, destination operations and other fields.

"2023 China Tourism Group Development Forum" was held in Shanghai from December 11th to 12th, hosted by china tourism academy and china tourism association, and undertaken by Xiangyuan Holding Group. The top 20 tourism groups in China this year include China Tourism Group, OCT Group, BTG Group, CYTS Holdings, Haichang Group, Jinjiang International Group, Ctrip Group, Chunqiu Group, Fosun Tourism Culture Group, Huazhu Group, Tongcheng Travel Group, Zhejiang Travel Investment Group, Hangzhou Business Travel Canal Group, Kaiyuan Tourism Group, Xiangyuan Holding Group, Shandong Wenlv Group, Hubei Cultural Tourism Group, Lingnan Group and Sichuan Tourism Investment Group.

4 years, 54 million, pay cut and return to the Lakers! Ham publicly praised James as your big brother.

There are still many players in today’s league. Their starting point is not high, and they almost missed the opportunity to land in the NBA. However, with their step-by-step efforts, they gradually shine on the court. Among the active NBA players, which one impressed you the most? Some fans may choose Van fleet. Van fleet’s physical condition is not excellent, and his height is only 1.83 meters. This kind of small defender is hard to be favored by the team. However, at the age of 29, he has now grown from a draft player to an all-star player. He won a championship trophy with the team and has been the core of the Raptors for several seasons. It is really not easy. This offseason, Van fleet was poached by the Rockets, and signed a three-year super contract worth 130 million US dollars, completely playing his own value.

Wood, the core of the inside attack of the Lone Ranger, is also a draft loser. Up to now, his average score can reach 15 points per game. Although Wood, as an inside player with little functionality, only focuses on offense, and lacks some blue-collar attributes, this summer Wood is still one of the most sought-after players in the free market. After ending his contract with the Lone Ranger, Wood will look for his next home, reportedly including Bulls. In addition to Van fleet and Wood, like Vincent, Struce and Dunrow who entered the finals with Miami Heat this year, Stephen Curry’s younger brother Kokuri, and caruso, the former "mascot" of the Lakers, they all entered the NBA as draft losers.

There is also Reeves of the Lakers. After caruso left the Lakers, Reeves was regarded as his successor, and the second generation of the Lakers’ mascots was born. They have a lot in common, the same skin color, both of whom are draft losers, the players are very high, and they are all right-hand men around James. During the period when Reeves first came, many Lakers fans felt that he and caruso were still not comparable. After all, there was still a big gap in their physical fitness, and the defensive end was not at the same level at all. caruso’s defense was really fierce. However, after playing for a season, Reeves has made rapid progress and is more suitable for the current old Zhan. James is almost 39 years old now, and his playing time and possession of the ball will be reduced. Reeves’ organization and attacking with the ball can just share a lot of pressure for James.

On the offensive end, Reeves is one step ahead of caruso, and his three-point shooting is one of the most stable in the Lakers, with a shooting percentage of 40%. It’s no problem for old Zhan to match caruso in 19-20 seasons, but now James needs players like Reeves even more. During the offseason this summer, Reeves also faced the problem of contract renewal. His last contract was only two years’ basic salary, with an average of more than one million dollars a season. Now, Reeves has made his mark. According to Stein, a well-known journalist, Reeves can sign a contract with a maximum of 100 million dollars for four years during the offseason, and the Spurs also offered him a big contract with an average of more than 21 million dollars per season, but in the end, Reeves chose to stay with the Lakers.

The Lakers reached a four-year $54 million renewal contract with Reeves, with an average of less than 14 million a year, which is much less than the price offered by other teams. In four years, it was 54 million, and the salary was reduced to return to the Lakers! Hamm publicly praised James as your big brother. Reeves said, "I want to stay with the Lakers.". For me, this is like home. I definitely want to stay with the Lakers. My teammates, coaches and management are very supportive. " In fact, Reeves himself knows that he can get a better platform and resources by staying in a traffic brigade like the Lakers, and even get "special treatment" in the game, making it easier to play his own worth. Lakers coach Hamm publicly praised Reeves: "He is excellent, and he will soon grow into an all-star player."

Old Zhan is of course the happiest to keep Reeves, because the cooperation between them is very tacit, and James often teaches Reeves’ competition experience. Reeves spoke highly of the team’s eldest brother James: "You never want to see a player like that not playing, just because he is so outstanding. Since he was selected in 2003, he has been almost a signature figure in the league, and I really hope to play with him." Speaking of old Zhan’s character, Reeves said: "He acts like a child, as if he were 18 years old. I have never seen him in a bad mood. He is always laughing and having fun. Because of his brilliant achievements, for such a person who is placed on the altar, he can be so approachable, you can discuss anything with him, you can have great communication with him, and you can joke with him at will. "

Reeves can continue to cooperate with Zhan in the new season. Do you think he is expected to hit the All-Star in the future?

Bouncing monster! He is only 1.98 meters tall, but he can touch the upper edge of the rebound. This talent is enviable.

CoenCarr as an 18-year-oldbasketballAthletes have shown extraordinary talent and excellent skills. He comes from Texas, USA, and is good at playing.rearguardPosition, famous for holding the ball to break through and smash the opponent. In high school, his talent was recognized, not only ranked among the top 60 high school players in the United States, but also won the championship of McDonald’s all-star dunk contest. His jumping ability and physical fitness are amazing, whether inbasketballHe can always give an amazing performance to the audience on the court or in the game.

However, it is worth mentioning that even at the beginning of his career, he showed extraordinary jumping ability. Through the physical examination of joining the team, he just touched the upper edge of the rebound with a run-up. This stunt not only attracted the attention of the team, but also became an important reason for his fame.CoenCarr’s height is only 2.01 meters, and to reach this height, you usually need to have a height of 2.11 meters, which makesCoenCarr is even more different. Previously, the only player who could do this was retired superstar Garnett, who was 2.11 meters tall. It can be said,CoenCarr, with his talent beyond age, once again aroused people’s concern for talent.Attention and exploration of miracles.

CoenCarr’sbasketballTalent did not suddenly appear, but accumulated through his hard training and hard work during high school. His high schoolbasketballI have had a wonderful career and made remarkable achievements. First of all, he performed well on the offensive end, averaging 20.9 points, 9.6 rebounds, 1.6 steals and 1.7 blocks. On the offensive side,CoenCarr has become the team’s scoring weapon with its excellent breakthrough ability and scoring means. On the defensive end, his physical fitness and flexible pace make him a multi-position blocking player, which can limit his opponent’s scoring ability. This comprehensive strength makes him favored by scouts and is also for him.Professional leagueLaid a good foundation for its development.

However, although he has shown excellent abilities during his high school years, he did not stop there. In the scout’s evaluation, he still has some places that need to be further improved, especially diversifying his offensive moves. Only on this basis, can he cause a bigger sensation when he participates in the draft and have the opportunity to become a popular candidate in the top ten. Undoubtedly,CoenCarr’s talent is visible to the naked eye and he has a certain sense on the defensive end, which makes him one of the most popular types of players in recent years. Just like the LakersReddyLike Kuminga of the Warriors, although their technical level is average, with their excellent physical fitness, they eventually became lottery shows. Of course, besides talent, self-discipline and perseverance are also the keys to success. Just like Zion, if there is no self-discipline, even the best talent will be abandoned.

on the basis ofCoenCarr’s talent and hard work, his future prospects have attracted much attention. Many teams have expressed great interest in him and have high expectations for his development. Not only that, but his talent will also become the vast number of young peoplebasketballAn example and inspiration for enthusiasts. His success tells us that talent is important, but self-discipline and persistence are equally indispensable.

CoenCarr’s jumping talent is not only praised for its visual impact, but also representsbasketballThe purity and passion of sports. As a young player who is getting better and better, he should keep right.basketballEnthusiasm of sports, using their own talent and efforts to constantly break through themselves. Whether in the improvement of personal skills or in the cultivation of teamwork, he needs to always keep the right.basketballLove and persistence. And forbasketballFor fans, his success means the birth of an example, one that makes people believe that as long as they have real talents and unremitting efforts, they can dream one after another.basketballThe road.

CoenCarr’sbasketballAlthough the tour has just begun, his unique talent has left a deep impression on the fans. He is only 1.98 meters tall, but he can easily touch the upper edge of the backboard. This bouncing talent has aroused widespread concern. Through the rightCoenBy analyzing Carr’s unique talent and achievements, we can not only see hisbasketballPotential and development space, can also get some enlightenment and thinking.

just asbasketballShowing human beingsLike the endless possibilities of potential, as individuals, we should also exert our potential in our own fields and strive to realize our goals and dreams. Whether inbasketballOn the field or on the road of life, only with self-discipline and passion can we make continuous progress in a rapidly changing environment. So we should study.CoenCarr’s attitude beyond height, not afraid of difficulties, pursuing his dreams with a positive attitude, and making unremitting efforts.

Finally, hopeCoenCarr can continue to maintain his unique talent and love, and strive to improve his technical level and becomebasketballA new superstar. At the same time, I also look forward to more likeCoenYoung players like Carr can play inbasketballSuccess on the road presents us with more amazing.basketballPerforming. No matter how tall we are, as long as we have enough efforts and talents, we can all achieve our goals.basketballdream

0-1 upset! Tower Shuai failed. Arsenal sent Manchester City to win the championship ahead of schedule. Gua Shuai smiled and won three consecutive championships.

In the early morning of May 21st, Beijing time, the 37th round of Premier League continued, and Arsenal came to the City Stadium to play against Nottingham Forest. After a 90-minute battle, Avonii scored the only goal in the game, and the gunman lost the game in an unexpected way, sending Manchester City to the top of the Premier League in advance.

After the last round of Arsenal’s 0-3 home defeat to Brighton, the Gunners’ hope of winning the league title has been declared dashed. At present, the Gunners can only hope to win the last two games, and pray that Manchester City will come from behind in every turn. As long as Manchester City wins this round, the Blue Moon will defend its title ahead of time, while if the Gunners lose, the Blue Moon will defend its title ahead of time. Nottingham Forest is currently 3 points higher than the safe area, and they need a victory to ensure that they land early. In the first round, the Gunners won 5-0 at home.

In this game, Arsenal changed unexpectedly. Brother Tazi abandoned the long-standing 4-2-3-1 formation and changed to 3-4-3 formation: Ramsdale, who just renewed his contract, guarded the goal; Viol, Ben-White and Gabriel partner in the defence; Zaka, jorginho, Odegard and Thomas sat in the midfield; Saka, Jesus, and Trossat joined hands in the frontcourt trident; Martineli, Zincenko and Saliba have confirmed the season reimbursement.

The 11th minute, Trossat Dezhisai, Jesus plugged in and was blocked by navas. In the 16th minute, Saka kicked the corner, but Nottingham Forest didn’t kick far. Jesus nodded and the ball pushed out of the crossbar. In the 19th minute,Odegard’s frontcourt pass was cut off, Gibbs-White took the ball and quickly advanced the counter-attack direct pass, and Avonii followed up and stabbed it into the net before Gabriel put the shovel and Ramsdale attacked, 1-0!Arsenal took the lead in losing the ball away from home, and the gunners lost the ball in 9 games in the last 10 rounds; Awoniyi has scored five goals in the last three games. If Nottingham Forest can avoid relegation, he will certainly make great contributions.

In the first half, the backward gunmen failed to organize an effective attack on Nottingham Forest, but in the second half, Nottingham Forest continued to threaten the gunners’ door. In the 48th minute, the Nottingham Forest positioning ball was passed to the restricted area, and Zaka didn’t go far. In front of Renan Lodi’s cross, Felipe pushed it from close range, but Ramsdale blocked the ball from the bottom line in time. In the 60th minute, Ben White made a cross from the right, Saka volleyed from a small angle in the restricted area, and navas saved the ball from the bottom line.

In the 66 th minute, Thomas’ backcourt pass was stolen again, but fortunately Gibbs-White hit the side net with a low angle. The scene was backward, so Artta had to adjust immediately. Thirny and Nkitiya came out to replace Kiviol and Zaka, and Tazi became a 3-3-4 storm. However, the changing Arsenal didn’t attack the organization effectively in the rest of the game. Obviously, Tazige, who is used to the system of four defenders, has not been able to play other formations.

In the end, the score couldn’t be rewritten. Arsenal’s away game was 0-1, because they were four points behind Manchester City in two rounds. The gunners personally put Manchester City on the Premier League championship, and Guardiola’s team completed the Premier League’s three consecutive championships. After Nottingham Forest won this game, it was also a round of relegation in advance.

Infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems

In order to train artificial intelligence models that can solve common problems, infrastructure is needed to provide support. These infrastructures are usually composed of hardware, software and tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training. This article will introduce the infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems.

I. Hardware infrastructure

When training artificial intelligence models, it is usually necessary to use high-performance computing hardware to provide support. The following are several common hardware infrastructures:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit (CPU) is a general-purpose computing hardware, which can be used to run various types of software, including artificial intelligence models. Although the performance of CPU is relatively low, it is still useful in training small models or debugging.

  2. GPU: A graphics processor is a special computing hardware, which is usually used to process images and videos. Because of its highly parallel structure, GPU can provide higher computing performance than CPU when training artificial intelligence models, so it is widely used.

  3. TPU: Tensor processor is a kind of hardware specially used for artificial intelligence computing, developed by Google. The performance of TPU is higher than that of GPU, and it is suitable for large-scale artificial intelligence model training and reasoning.

Second, the software infrastructure

In addition to hardware infrastructure, some software tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence model. The following are some common software infrastructures:

  1. Operating system: Artificial intelligence models usually need to run on an operating system, such as Linux, Windows or macOS.

  2. Development environment: Development environment usually includes programming language, editor and integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and testing artificial intelligence models. Common development environments include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch and Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Frames and libraries: Frames and libraries provide some common artificial intelligence model algorithms and data processing tools, making model development and training more convenient. Common frameworks and libraries include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and Scikit-Learn.

Third, the tool infrastructure

In addition to the hardware and software infrastructure, some tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence models. The following are several common tool infrastructures:

Dataset tool: Dataset tool is used to process and prepare training datasets, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, format conversion, etc. Common data set tools include Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

2 Visualization tools: Visualization tools are used to visualize the training process and results to help users better understand the performance and behavior of the model. Common visualization tools include Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

Automatic parameter tuning tool: The automatic parameter tuning tool is used to optimize the parameters of the model to improve the performance and accuracy of the model. Common automatic parameter tuning tools include Optuna, Hyperopt and GridSearchCV.

In short, training artificial intelligence models to solve common problems requires the use of a variety of infrastructures, including hardware, software and tools. These infrastructures are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training, so that the model can better solve various practical problems. In practical application, users need to choose the appropriate infrastructure according to specific requirements and data characteristics, and design and implement it accordingly.

The current situation of the three major wingers of Inter Milan is worrying. Is it feasible to return to the Nerazzurri?

Not all the players who left can always perform as well as they did at Inter, and not all the players who left can be as happy as they were at Inter. Today, three players are not as smooth as they were at Inter, and some don’t even know where they will play next season. Such an encounter can’t help but make Nella feel emotional.

First of all, let’s talk about Perisic. Last season, the performance of "Sabre" in Inter Milan was like a god’s help. He almost propped up the entire left of the Nerazzurri on his own, and he is also one of the core members of coach Inzaghi’s tactics, which is very important in Inter Milan. However, due to the expiration of his contract, the 34-year-old wanted to win a high-paying contract in the second year of his career. However, due to the financial pressure, the senior management of Inter Milan could not bear it. Finally, under the call of the old coach Kong Di, he chose to leave Italy and join Tottenham in the Premier League.

However, at Tottenham, Perisic can’t enjoy the tactical position when he was at Inter Milan. Even with Kong Di’s support, he has to abide by the dressing room order. In Tottenham, only Harry Kane and Sun Xingyu will always be the star players. On the court, Sun Xingyu has always been the exclusive "channel" on the left. In this position, he can exert his greatest energy. Last season, he even got the Premier League Golden Boot.

However, the appearance of sabre has squeezed Sun Xingyi’s living space on the court. Not only can they not play the effect of 1+1>2, but they even have a situation of mutual restraint. A large part of the reason for Sun Xingyi’s poor performance this season is that they have never been able to form a tacit cooperation.

Because of his unsatisfactory performance, Perisic has never been recognized by Tottenham fans, and even often becomes the target of fans’ attacks. For Sabre, who is used to enjoying cheers and applause at Inter Milan, only he can understand the taste.

With the exit from the Champions League, Kong Di, the coach of Tottenham Hotspur, is also facing a crisis of leaving school. There are rumors that he is likely to leave Tottenham Hotspur at the end of the season. Once Kong Di leaves the team, Perisic’s life at Tottenham will be even more difficult. Of course, he may also be purged by Tottenham, so his whereabouts next season will be in doubt. In such an embarrassing situation, it is no wonder that he will show his thoughts about Inter Milan from time to time on social media. It is said that he once told his former teammates that he regretted leaving. Recently, there are rumors that he wants to return to Inter Milan next season. I wonder if Inter Milan will accept him again.

Also showing regret to leave the team is Ashraf, who is currently playing for Greater Paris. Although Ashraf has an excellent performance in Paris, he seems to be unhappy, which is largely due to the tension in the dressing room in Paris. As we all know, the relationship between Neymar and Mbappé is not harmonious, which also affects everyone in the team. Ashraf is even regarded as Mbappé’s minion by the outside world, which will make him feel unhappy. After he eliminated Spain in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, he even shouted the slogan "Forza Inter" in a live webcast, which won a lot of attention from Nella and reflected his dissatisfaction with Paris.

In addition to the complicated dressing room, the Moroccan even got into a lawsuit of "sexual assault" recently, which caused him to fall into a huge scandal and trouble. Although he thought he was set up, he still had to bear the criticism from the fans before the judicial conclusion was reached. Once the court makes a ruling against him, I don’t know how he will respond at that time, and I don’t know if he will regret leaving Inter more.

In addition to these two men, Nella are still paying attention to another veteran, that is, Cancelo, who is currently playing for Bayern. Although Machete has only played for one season at Inter Milan, he has left a deep impression on the fans of Inter Milan, and it is at Inter Milan that he made a name for himself and grew into an excellent right-back.

After the winter window this season, Cancelo was loaned to Bayern Munich by Manchester City. After a short honeymoon, his situation in Bayern became more delicate. He has missed starting for six consecutive games and played less and less, which made him feel lost. Originally, Bayern had a buyout clause of 70 million euros in his lease contract, but in this situation, it is absolutely impossible for Bayern, who has always been shrewd, to exercise this clause. In this way, Cancelo will be returned to Manchester City. But in the Blue Moon, I am afraid there is no place for him. Maybe after returning to Manchester City, Guardiola will choose to put him on the market for sale.

So is it really possible for any of these three people to return to Inter Milan? Personally, I think it is possible, but it is more difficult.

First of all, in terms of social status, apart from Pericic, who is worth around 15 million to 20 million euros due to age, Ashraf and Cancelo are both worth more than 50 million euros. Such a high price is definitely not affordable for financially strapped Inter Milan. Once again, the annual salary, Perisic’s annual salary in Tottenham is as high as 6 million euros after tax, and Ashraf is as high as 8 million euros after tax in Paris, but Cancelo’s annual salary is only 2.5 million euros after tax, which is the lowest among the three. For Inter Milan, except Cancelo’s annual salary, the salaries of the other two have exceeded the salary ceiling.

In addition to economic reasons, from a competitive point of view, on the left side dominated by Pericic, now Inter Milan have Gohsens and Dimarco. After leaving the team with his sword, Dimarco has made great progress, and Gohsens is gradually recovering his state in Atalanta, so I am afraid there is no shortage of people in this position. Moreover, Pericic is 34 years old after all, and his one-year mentality of Tottenham will be affected to some extent, so the state geometry is also something that Inter Milan needs to consider. From this point of view, even if Perisic really wants to return, I’m afraid the Nerazzurri will have to think about it.

On the right, Inter Milan intends to release the main right-back dumfries this summer, and Bellanova may also be returned, thus creating a vacuum on the right, and Inter Milan is bound to find a suitable target in the transfer market. Although both Ashraf and Cancelo play on the right, it is almost impossible for Inter Milan to have enough funds to sign them because of their worth and high annual salary, but if their owners can accept the loan, there will be huge room for operation!

So will Paris and Manchester City agree to loan? Personally, as far as Paris is concerned, it is almost impossible. With Ashraf’s current ability and state, unless the "sexual assault" lawsuit reaches the point where he can’t stay in France, it is difficult for Greater Paris to give him up. Once the lawsuit really reaches the point of forcing Moroccans to leave the team, they will also choose to sell in exchange for funds, and it is almost impossible to let him leave the team by loan. Of course, if the official extreme to the point where he was jailed, then Paris is estimated to be directly terminated rather than sold.

Cancelo is the most operable, first of all, the attitude of Manchester City. Although I don’t know why Blue Moon loaned him out, it at least shows that Manchester City is open to his departure, and even the loan is acceptable. Secondly, the annual salary. Although Cancelo has outstanding ability, his annual salary is not high, and it is within the range that Inter Milan can afford (if the information I have found is correct), then Inter Milan is totally worth a try.

Of course, it depends on the player’s wishes. Of these three people, Cancelo’s feelings for Inter Milan may be the most difficult to judge, and besides feelings, there are many teams he can choose, even including Real Madrid and Barcelona. For professional players, feelings are one aspect, and career prospects are the most realistic one. Therefore, even if Inter do reach an agreement with Manchester City, it will take some effort to convince Cancelo.

Of course, the above words are only personal, just for the pleasure of Neila, so don’t take them seriously.