Diet, games and sleep can improve memory.

With the growth of age, the body’s memory will become worse and worse. At the level of neurons, what happened in our brains to make us forget the past? In modern life, the pace of people’s life is getting faster and faster, and many people try to enhance their memory in various ways. So in what way can we enhance our memory? Here’s how to enhance your memory.

Diet helps improve memory.

Some foods have the title of "brain food". Take astaxanthin, a substance existing in food, as an example. They are abundant in fish and shrimps and crabs. Astaxanthin, as a carotenoid, has antioxidant effect, and it is considered to have the strongest antioxidant activity among carotenoids. It can enter the human brain and directly act on nerve cells. At the same time, astaxanthin can also protect nerves. Therefore, eating this kind of food regularly will greatly improve memory.

Besides, Nanfang Daily also lists some foods that people can easily get to improve their memory, including fish, milk, millet, eggs, peanuts, corn and day lily, all of which contain elements to improve their memory.

(Source: Nanfang Daily)

Games enhance memory

According to Life Times, playing some smart phone games that use physical knowledge, such as "cutting rope magic" and "angry birds", can improve attention and avoid being distracted when remembering things. And in the course of the task, it can also exercise the adaptability of players. During the whole game, there are also some games involving planning and adjusting strategies, such as "Plants vs Zombies", which can also improve memory.

(Source: Xinhuanet)

Xinhuanet once reported that British researchers can train players with "brain tonic training" through an experiment, which can effectively help improve unhealthy eating habits. The game developed by Cambridge University helps to improve the memory of schizophrenic patients. It can be said that games have great potential in improving human brain memory.

If you want to remember well, sleep is indispensable.

Xinhuanet Zeng Dengwen said that sleep helps to improve memory. Nicholas Dimay, a British psychologist, said in the magazine "Cerebral Cortex" that memorizing things before going to bed is more profound. In a set of comparative experiments, some volunteers recited words before going to bed, while others recited them 12 hours after staying awake. Volunteers who recite words before going to bed remember them better. This is mainly because of the role of hippocampus in human brain. The hippocampus is mainly responsible for memory. During sleep, new memories are "unsealed" and constantly "played back" in the hippocampus, so people will remember this part very clearly after waking up.

Therefore, there must be scientific methods to improve memory, instead of blindly believing in advertisements. Some of the above methods, I hope to bring help to your study and life. (Zhang Anjian)

This paper is scientifically checked by Zhou Hongzhi, a professor at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Beijing University of Technology.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.


JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.


JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

If you are going out to fight in a group, you can add a national tide sweater, and the coat will be directly slay. UR’s 24-year-old new national tide mahjong sweater is both fashionable and interesting. The mahjong patterns scattered at random are quite ingenious in design, and with the words "Everything is fine", it implies that good luck is rolling in the Year of the Dragon. The design of another MIFICY New Year’s uniform sweater is simpler and more rude, with a swastika in front of it and a sparrow god in the back. Then take Lesportsac’s new handbag, white and green color matching perfectly restore the visual sense of mahjong, and the large-capacity interlayer has super practicality at the same time.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

As for the I-person friends who don’t want to be too ostentatious, it’s better to use accessories to make a little effort. Yu Zhaolin’s gift-packed stockings in the Year of the Dragon won the hearts of many girls with the three-dimensional Q version of the small dragon head doll and cartoon design. The embroidery on the soles of the feet is not only cute, but also makes people feel dark. New online celebrity — — And Mao Mao slippers for home mahjong, which are designed with soft and comfortable thick soles, are easy to wear and shoot. Leofoo has also specially introduced the Golden Transfer Beads of Guochao Mahjong, and the 5D hard gold is combined with sand surface technology to sculpt the image, so as to ensure that you can have everything you want in the southeast, northwest and China.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

Dress up and get ready, and naturally choose a set of mahjong that is the most important. For example, the shuffling sound of the roller coaster table dual-purpose automatic mahjong machine is as low as 53 decibels, and the imitation jade mahjong and the retro national style are elegant, which can be perfectly integrated into the Chinese style home decoration. Purple Lake’s 24mm pocket mahjong weighs only 0.8g, which is more suitable for traveling or partying, and is convenient for a happy battle anytime and anywhere.

JD.COM Clothing Beauty New Year Festival launched Queshen Hupai Wear Raiders every 200 MINUS 30 to help you start the Year of the Dragon.

After the New Year is the New Year, the celebration of the New Year Festival in JD.COM is about to break out, and the sales of clothing and beauty products such as red products and dragon products are also hot. Open the JD.COM app and search for "dragon luck" to go directly to the venue of the JD.COM Clothing and Beauty New Year Festival, and enjoy the super-value discount of 200 minus 30 for each cross-store. There is also delivery in JD.COM during the Spring Festival, so that everyone can buy at any time and place. Going to Jingdong to buy clothes and beauty cosmetics is good and cheap. Before it’s too late, call your mahjong partners and put your good luck on your body!

Based on market changes and optimizing consumer experience, fashion enterprises explore digital cooperative business models.

2023 is considered to be a year in which generative artificial intelligence and digital technology have developed by leaps and bounds.

Facing the ever-changing market demand, the new digital retail model driven by science and technology has brought more innovation and growth opportunities for enterprises.

In order to continuously improve the service quality and efficiency of consumers and strengthen the emotional bond between brands and consumers, fashion enterprises have strengthened their close ties with Internet enterprises, increasingly moved closer to intelligence and improved digital infrastructure. Optimize the online and offline consumption experience through the blessing of algorithms and platforms.

Consulting firm McKinsey analyzed in the report "The State of Fashion 2024", "With the outbreak of artificial intelligence in 2023, related use cases have appeared in creative industries including fashion. However, in order to seize the value of this revolutionary technology in 2024, fashion enterprises need to go beyond automation and explore its potential to enhance human creative work. "

Relying on artificial intelligence, Victoria’s Secret analyzes user needs and provides customized shopping experience.

Recently, Victoria’s Secret and its company announced the establishment of a strategic long-term partnership with Google Cloud, which will use artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence technology to jointly create a more personalized and comprehensive online shopping experience for consumers around the world. At the same time, Victoria’s Secret will also improve the experience of consumers and employees through this initiative, and promote the operational efficiency of internal business.

Relevant data show that official website, Victoria’s Secret has more than 500 million visits every year, and this figure is still growing. Based on this, Victoria’s Secret will make use of new technology to create personalized consumption experience for every visitor as an important task of the company, hoping to bring a brand-new dialogue assistant driven by generative artificial intelligence through cooperation with Google Cloud.

It is reported that the dialogue assistant will be created by Vertex AI, the artificial intelligence platform of Google Cloud, with the goal of providing shoppers with customized product recommendations and practical product suggestions according to personal preferences and life experience.

For this strategic cooperation, Chris Rupp, chief customer officer of Victoria’s Secret, said: "The introduction of artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence technology of Google Cloud will not only improve consumers’ online shopping experience, but also give our internal team the ability to promote innovation in various business functions."

In addition to optimizing the experience for consumers, Victoria’s Secret is also actively exploring and integrating the advanced artificial intelligence technology of Google Cloud to further improve its internal operational efficiency. Victoria’s Secret hopes to apply this technology to brand marketing and consumer demand analysis. In addition, Google’s artificial intelligence technology can also be used to optimize the supply chain system, make accurate product demand forecast, and better manage inventory supply. At the same time, it can empower the human resources department and the offline store operation department to formulate more personalized employee induction and training plans.

In this regard, Murali Sundararajan, chief information officer of Victoria’s Secret, said: "The strategic application of artificial intelligence can not only help us to understand the needs of consumers from the data level, but also improve the overall operational efficiency within the company. This artificial intelligence technology will be used in international market development strategy, marketing planning and supply chain system optimization. Through a series of application measures, we can effectively simplify our internal operational processes and better meet the diverse needs of different customers. "

Although generative artificial intelligence is still a new technology, more than half of fashion companies are using it. McKinsey pointed out in the report "The State of Fashion 2024" that 73% of fashion executives said that by 2024, generative artificial intelligence would be their business priority. In the fashion field, 25% of the potential value of generative artificial intelligence is driven by use cases in design and product development.

According to combing, generative artificial intelligence is mostly used in product innovation, marketing, sales and customer experience in the fashion field. Compared with other fields in the fashion value chain, this technology can produce significant results and may be more feasible to implement in the short term.

For example, converting sketches, emotional boards and descriptions into high-fidelity designs; Recommend exclusive products according to consumer profiles, and generate personalized experiences and offers … In addition, generative artificial intelligence can quickly aggregate and perform emotional analysis from social media, and model and simulate development trends from multiple consumer data sources. ……

Integrate platform resources, PumaBuilding a new digital service model

As a member of the fashion industry, after experiencing the era of "search" and "platform e-commerce", the field of sports equipment and apparel has also entered the era of "mobile socialization" with the development of retail digitalization.

Not long ago, PUMA announced that it has reached a cooperation with Tencent. It is reported that PUMA will take Tencent’s global ecology as its position, improve the digital infrastructure with the help of Tencent platform resources, further narrow the distance with consumers, continuously improve the service quality and efficiency of consumers, and strengthen the emotional binding between brands and consumers. Relying on Tencent’s diverse social ecology, PUMA will open up the social media matrix and connect the online and offline global ecology to help PUMA bring a consistent online and offline experience to every consumer and achieve long-term growth of brand power.

"Nowadays, consumer demand in sportswear market is diversified and subdivided, and leading digital technology brings more personalized and differentiated demands to consumers. To this end, we continue to introduce innovative products, upgrade services and consumer experience, and let more consumers feel the charm of sports. " Li Min, general manager of PUMA in China, said, "Joining hands with Tencent is another innovative attempt. Tencent’s ecology covers all kinds of scenes in consumers’ lives, which will bring more localized insights to PUMA, so as to tap the potential needs and interests of consumers. At the same time, relying on digital services that are highly in line with the needs of local consumers, we will better serve the vast number of sports enthusiasts and new generation consumer groups and promote the long-term growth of PUMA in the China market. "

Under the guidance of the brand proposition of "FOREVER. FASTER.", Puma has accelerated the expansion of e-commerce platform-wide business growth, continued to stabilize its sales performance on traditional mainstream e-commerce platforms, and continued to increase its market share, while developing business growth points on emerging social e-commerce platforms. Relevant data show that in the Double Eleven in 2023, Puma’s total e-commerce sales increased by 22% year-on-year. China’s revenue in the first three quarters of last year increased by 16% year-on-year.

Text/Meng Lingjin

Respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence, People’s Daily: scientifically coordinating medical resources.

Original title: Scientifically coordinating medical resources to better protect people’s health

With the successive winter in various places, respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence. The CPC Central Committee adheres to the principle of putting people first and life first, timely predicts the overall situation, epidemic characteristics and development trend of respiratory diseases this winter and next spring, and takes effective measures to carry out prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases to effectively protect people’s life safety and health.

Every autumn and winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Recently, acute respiratory diseases in China have continued to rise, which is related to the superposition of various respiratory pathogens. According to the monitoring, the current epidemic acute respiratory diseases are all caused by known pathogens, and all of them have corresponding mature treatment methods. No new infectious diseases caused by new viruses and bacteria have been found. Therefore, the public need not worry too much or even panic.

After more than three years of fighting against the epidemic in COVID-19, China has accumulated richer experience in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, laying a solid foundation for dealing with various public health emergencies. At present, China’s medical resources and drug reserves are sufficient, and emergency plans and prevention and control measures are effective, which can completely prevent and control respiratory diseases. In order to effectively solve the urgent problems of the masses, it is still necessary to mobilize all forces, co-ordinate the allocation of medical resources, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, do a good job in health science popularization, and let the masses see a doctor more at ease.

Scientifically allocate medical resources and smooth two-way referral channels. In recent years, China has vigorously promoted the construction of graded diagnosis and treatment system, and initially established a model of "first diagnosis at the grass-roots level, two-way referral, rapid and slow division and treatment, and linkage up and down". Health departments actively do a good job in graded diagnosis and treatment, unblock referral channels, adjust personnel across disciplines and hospitals, ensure the supply of medical materials, promote Internet medical care, and maximize the ability to receive medical treatment. Give full play to the role of medical association to improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of general infection and the efficiency of severe identification and referral in primary medical and health institutions. Further increase the supply of medical services, promote the opening of pediatric clinics in all kinds of medical institutions at all levels, separate the noon, night and weekend clinics according to the number of patients, extend the service hours, and constantly optimize the treatment and treatment procedures such as registration, examination and payment to facilitate the people to seek medical treatment.

Adhere to both traditional Chinese and western medicine and give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristics of "simple and inexpensive" and plays an irreplaceable role in disease prevention and treatment. During the fight against COVID-19 epidemic, China adhered to the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and screened out effective prescriptions such as "three drugs and three parties", which made important contributions to epidemic prevention and control. Practice has proved that Chinese medicine has always had rich experience and outstanding advantages in dealing with acute respiratory diseases, and can make great achievements. It is necessary to give full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine, popularize the knowledge of disease prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine, and continuously improve the prevention and control effect.

Adhere to prevention, improve the health literacy of the whole people, and advocate a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to establish the concept that "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health" and constantly improve the self-protection ability of the masses. When you have respiratory symptoms, you should be well protected, keep a social distance, and avoid cross-infection in your family and unit. Large hospitals are crowded with people, waiting for a long time, and the risk of cross-infection is high. If there are children at home with mild symptoms, it is recommended to choose primary medical and health institutions first. Do a good job in the supply and vaccination services of vaccines such as influenza, and vaccinate key populations such as the elderly and children as soon as possible to reduce the risk of illness. Do a good job of personal protection, do not go to work with illness, do not go to school with illness, and develop good hygiene habits.

Hubei Daily client, paying attention to Hubei and the world events, not only pushes authoritative policy interpretation, fresh hot information and practical convenience information for users, but also introduces a series of special functions such as reading newspapers, reporting materials, learning and online interaction.

Trey Yang’s younger brother, 13 years old, is over 1.80 meters tall! Fast and accurate shooting, can he enter the NBA?

Trey-Yang is the most popular fried chicken in the league, and Dancsics is also known as the peerless double arrogance of the same generation.

Since joining the Eagles, he has been selected to the All-Star team twice in five years, and also led the team to the Eastern Conference finals.

In the first round of the 2021 playoffs against the Knicks, Trey Young, who was only in the third grade at that time, led the team to the next level.

In that series, he disturbed the defense of the Knicks by himself, and then he was nicknamed "Mayor of new york".

As a professional athlete, Trey Young’s personal ability is beyond doubt.

But do you know that he also has a younger brother who plays basketball very well?

Trey-Yang’s younger brother, Timothy young, was born in 2010. Butre-Yang is 12 years younger, but in terms of figure, he tends to catch up with his older brother.

Recently, when I participated in the school competition, some media captured a photo of two brothers, Trey Yang, whose younger brother was obviously over 1.80 meters.

If this trend continues to develop, it will not be a problem to exceed 1.9 meters or even reach 2 meters in the future.

According to the data, Timothy young was assigned to the 2029 players and has not yet been rated.

But on the Internet, many actual combat videos about him have been circulated.

Like his brother Trey Young, Timothy young is also a defender, and he is also good at stopping three points after dribbling.

His body doesn’t look very strong, but at the moment of shooting, the movements are very smooth.

If you can practice three-pointers, it should not be difficult for Timothy young to enter the NBA.

Nowadays, society is paying more and more attention to the world. Brother Alphabet and brother of knight Mobry all got the contract through relationships.

Suppose Timothy young signed up for the election at the age of 19, that is, six years later, when Trey Yang Gang turned 30 and was at his peak.

Those teams with draft picks may sign Trey Young’s younger brother in order to please him.

What’s more, judging from the released game video, Timothy young’s ability is not bad, at least the basic skills are qualified.

At the same age, domestic players don’t have to stop jumping shots, and many of them can’t even move the ball smoothly. …

Paris official: Captain Marchionos has renewed his contract with the club until 2028.

On the evening of May 19th, Beijing time, Paris Saint-Germain officially announced that it would renew its contract with team captain Marchionos until 2028.

Marchionos is 29 years old. In the summer of 2013, he joined Paris Saint-Germain from Rome with a transfer fee of 31.4 million euros. Marchionos has played for the team for 405 times, contributed 38 goals and 10 assists, and won 26 championships including 7 Ligue 1 with the team.

Regarding the renewal, Marchionos said: "I am very happy to renew my contract with the club. I am very proud. This is a special moment. The Paris Club has always given me a lot of trust, and I have great confidence in the club. I believe that we can achieve great achievements together in the next few years. "

Tenghage needs 300 million to fully upgrade Manchester United’s lineup! Buy at least five people, and Degea Maguire will go one of them.

Tenghage is well aware of his Manchester United squad, however, once one of these players is absent, the standard will plummet. In particular, midfield starters bruno fernandez, casemiro and Eriksson, who started the team together, remained unbeaten, but only seven times this year, Manchester United won 6 wins and 1 draw.

However, Tenghage did not dare to rotate. Manchester United lacked the thickness of the squad and could not have two reliable players in every position. Especially key players like Rachford and B Fei can’t rotate, so their chances of fatigue, injury or suspension are naturally higher. Rachford recently missed three games due to groin injury. His goal count (28 goals) is nearly three times that of any teammate, and only B Fei scored in double figures.

In Seville’s Europa League, Manchester United was out of the game, Vallanet, lisandro Martí nez and Garnacho were injured and missed, B fee was suspended, Rachford and Luke Shaw served as substitutes, and the team fell behind in all aspects.

Tenghage said: "We have to admit that we have problems and don’t have enough manpower, especially in the front line. Sometimes you have to make some decisions to win the next game. For example, using the same starter, which helps to get into the rhythm of the game. But after playing too many games and the load is getting higher and higher, you need to take turns. 」

If the conditions are right, Manchester United hope to carry out a major cleaning this summer and introduce high-level new aid. However, this requires funds. The Glazer family has not sold the club yet, and whether the Qatari financier can become the new owner is in doubt. The reconstruction of Tenghage needs a lot of money, reaching the astronomical level.

Who was most responsible for Manchester United’s first goal against Seville? Degea and Maguire fans have their own opinions. From the normal analysis, the responsibility of the English centre-back is even greater, because Degea’s passing has full space for him to handle the ball well.

A video of lisandro Martinez answering Degea’s similar pass shows everything. Under almost identical circumstances, the Argentine iron guard controlled the ball and successfully passed it to his teammates. And if a team wants to pass and control the organization in the backcourt and want to meet the players without any opponents, it is impossible to achieve it.

Of course, based on Degea’s knowledge of Maguire, he should probably play it safe. He would rather kick the ball out of the sideline than pass it to the 80 million-pound iron guard, as he did with Norwich. Of course, if the Spanish goalkeeper does this, then Tenghage and the fans will definitely point at him. "A goalkeeper who can’t pass the ball. "You can imagine people would say this about Degea," Maguire’s position is so empty that he dare not pass it on? 」

To be sure, Degea and Maguire are out of character. Maguire’s turning speed is slow, and his chasing ability is poor, so he needs the goalkeeper to dare to attack and help him out. Unfortunately, this happens to be Degea’s shortcoming. Therefore, since their cooperation, problems have emerged one after another, and it was not until Lima and Vallanet took the place of the big head that things changed.

Ideally, if Manchester United want to really rise, they need to replace both and introduce a new goalkeeper and a substitute central defender. There are quite a few similar rumors, and the leading role candidates mainly include four: brentford’s Spanish goalkeeper David Laya, Porto’s Portuguese No.1 diogo Costa, Napoli’s Korean international Min Kim Zai and Ajax’s Dutch central defender Timber.

Because of financial constraints, if only one of these two positions can be reinforced, then Maguire is the one who should be cleaned. He has no worries about finding a next home, and the price of the replacement is cheaper. Tenghage can further raise funds by selling central defenders such as Eric Baye.

In defence, Manchester United also need a main right-back. Frimpong, the Dutch international of Leverkusen, is a favorite candidate of Tenghage, and his price is 44 million pounds. By selling one of the existing right-backs, Diogu Dallo or Wanbisaka, plus two other redundant full-backs, Brandon Williams and Tres, about 30 million pounds can be raised.

The above positions belong to the lower-ranking areas in Tenghage’s signing plan. The two positions he must buy in the summer transfer window are midfield and center.

The rumored candidates are already fixed, including Frankie De Jong of Barcelona, Jude Bellingham of Dortmund, harry kane of Tottenham and Osman of Naples. Among them, Deong and Kane are the first choice of Tenghage.

Manchester United’s main lineup after the update: Raya/Frimpong, Vallanet (Min Kim), Lima, Luke Shaw/bruno fernandez, casemiro, De Jong (Eriksson)/Anthony, Kane and Rachford.

Manchester United signing candidate list:

Goalkeeper: Raya (40 million pounds) or Costa (70 million pounds);

Central defender: Min Kim (40 million pounds) or Timber (50 million pounds);

Right back: Frimpong (44 million pounds);

Midfielder: De Jong (80 million), Bellingham (130 million), mcallister (70 million) or caycedo (100 million);

Forward: Kane (100 million pounds) or Osman (130 million pounds);

Total cost: 300 million to 400 million pounds.

These five positions in one step, at the same time, is undoubtedly the best choice. However, due to UEFA’s new financial fair competition rules, it is difficult for Manchester United to spend more than 300 million pounds in a transfer window. Therefore, Tenghage had to make a trade-off. In the eyes of British media, his ranking may be: center, midfielder, right back, central defender and goalkeeper.

What are the usages of ChatGPT in cross-border e-commerce?

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT has become one of the hottest topics. More and more people believe that ChatGPT will have a revolutionary impact in various fields and promote the development of human society in a more intelligent, efficient and convenient direction. From medical health, education and training to financial services and smart cities, the application prospect of ChatGPT is gradually emerging, bringing more and more convenience and innovation to people’s lives and work. The same is true in the field of cross-border e-commerce. So, what aspects can ChatGPT be used in cross-border e-commerce?

language translation

ChatGPT can help cross-border e-commerce enterprises to translate their product descriptions, customer evaluations, service policies and other contents from one language into multiple languages, so as to better meet the needs of consumers in different countries and regions. As a natural language processing model, ChatGPT has powerful text understanding and generation capabilities. Therefore, compared with traditional translation tools, it can understand the text input by users more accurately and output more accurate translation results. In addition, ChatGPT is also a deep learning model, and its performance can be improved by adding training data and model parameters. Therefore, it can gradually optimize the translation quality to meet the increasing translation demand. Automated translation processing can reduce manual intervention and improve translation speed and efficiency.

ChatGPT can be used for intelligent customer service robots, providing consumers with natural language communication and solutions, helping enterprises to better manage customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction. On the one hand, ChatGPT can realize all-weather online customer service, and consumers can get timely response to their inquiries, complaints or after-sales service. On the other hand, ChatGPT reduces customer service demand and workload, and saves labor costs.

ChatGPT can better understand users’ needs and preferences through real-time dialogue and interaction with users, or by analyzing consumers’ shopping history, search records, browsing behavior and other data, recommend products that better meet their interests and needs for consumers, and generate fluent and natural language texts, making product recommendations more humanized and readable, and improving user experience. So as to improve the conversion rate and sales.

Marketing activities

ChatGPT can help enterprises to generate advertising copy and social media content in line with market hotspots, attract consumers’ attention and participate in marketing activities, and enhance brand effect.

When artificial intelligence robots and virtual people are fully stationed in e-commerce, it will set off a new climax of e-commerce delivery.

Why do humans study hard? Maybe some parents will say, find a good job in the future. Then why did you find a job? I think the first thing to find a good job is to earn more money, and then to realize other dreams and ideals. But when the era of artificial intelligence comes, does all the efforts still make sense? Maybe you think so, but when you see more robots working in factories, don’t those workers work hard? Why only see robots? I can’t see the human figure,

Therefore, it may be meaningless to work hard in the future. Offline work has been done by robots. Let’s look online again. Now more and more virtual people are beginning to appear on large and small platforms, and it is said that robot chat system is also integrated. With the algorithm and analysis of artificial intelligence, these virtual people and robots may try to figure out your mind. To put it bluntly, robots have learned psychology. If a large number of such robots come to live online to bring goods, and they never need to rest, do you think they will sell better than these real people now?

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Actually, I’m not absolutely difficult. The people selling goods are not real people. How can it be difficult? It’s just that users feel unaccustomed and unfamiliar. But after a long time when users get used to it, this kind of virtual people will be accepted, and if there are few virtual beauties, they will also attract handsome guys ~ They have joined the intelligent technology, and they will become smarter and even smarter than human beings. A small amount may not shake the stage of the current e-commerce world. If a large number of intelligent virtual robots come online to carry goods around the clock, and all platforms have them, let this large number of virtual people spend a lot of time occupying a large number of e-commerce platforms. If there is only one person behind them, will this person become the next richest man in China?

I think robots can replace human work offline, and they can certainly do it online. Because we have long acknowledged that artificial intelligence has surpassed human intelligence. Offline replaces human physical work, and online may replace human mental work. Robots are further evolving, from super physical strength to intelligence quotient. Besides playing chess, I think many places can beat us. Although robots are imitating human wisdom, robot calculation is more accurate than human beings, and robots are also making progress in learning human emotions, language and communication. If there are a large number of robots with goods, maybe the people behind them are really the next richest man in China.