Beijing man registers more than ten accounts for driving an online car, and is sentenced to imprisonment for cheating and making up 10,000 yuan

  Justice Network News (reporter Yang Yonghao, correspondent Zhou Yu, Liang Shuang) A few days ago, a man in Beijing opened an online car-hailing car to cheat subsidies by the Beijing Daxing District Procuratorate filed a public prosecution, the court sentenced Yang Zhijian to five months in prison for fraud, suspended for ten months, and fined 1,000 yuan.

  Yang Zhijian to earn a network about car platform high subsidies, has registered 6 driver number, 12 passenger number, with the passenger number to place an order, and then with the driver number to receive orders, driving an empty car after the trip, with the passenger number to the driver number payment, defrauding the platform subsidy 10,000 yuan. On October 18, 2015, Yang Zhijian was arrested by the public security organs.

  The prosecutor handling the case believes that the occurrence of the case reflects the problems of lax registration review of online ride-hailing drivers, improper setting of reward rules, and poor supervision of the operation process in the operation and management of the company involved. In this regard, the prosecutor issued a procuratorial proposal to the company. The procuratorial proposal attracted great attention from the company, which actively took measures to fill the loopholes in the operation and management, and wrote to the prosecutor about the implementation as soon as possible. Combining the procuratorial proposal with the company’s actual situation, the company has raised the entry threshold for online ride-hailing drivers, strengthened the registration and review mechanism for online ride-hailing drivers, left marks through the computer system, allowed online ride-hailing drivers to get rid of flukes, and strengthened safety education and legal education. At the same time, it has standardized the regulations and order on rewards and subsidies, improved supervision, filled in the loopholes that can be exploited in the rules, and prevented the recurrence of similar crimes.

If Europe wants to realize its ambition of power battery, why can’t it bypass China?

  China-Europe battery industry is forming a new bond, with capital, technology and market intertwined and deeply integrated. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises will help both sides give full play to their respective advantages and take the initiative in the global new energy vehicle market.

  Until 2021, the batteries of electric vehicles produced in Europe were basically from abroad. Europe has to face the fact that Asian companies occupy a major share of the global battery market. With the leading image of China battery enterprises appearing in front of global users, Europe has stepped up efforts to support local battery manufacturers, and the cooperation and competition between the two sides in the battery market are deeply intertwined. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation may be the right way for China and Europe to jointly deal with climate change and energy crisis.

  Why did Europe give up the road of local battery production before? Why should we rearrange the relevant industrial chains? What are the difficulties in realizing this vision? Can the research and development of new batteries "overtake in corners" … … The reporter of Science and Technology Daily in Germany interviewed Zhang Lin, a professor at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Hanover, Germany, and Dr Kai-Christian Moeller, a spokesman for the Hof Battery Alliance in Flawn, and other battery experts.

  Opportunities are rare, and China batteries are integrated into the European market.

  China’s batteries and new energy vehicles are constantly entering the European market. At the Hanover International Commercial Auto Show, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, a battery manufacturer from China, signed cooperation agreements with a number of leading global vehicle companies and won the Daimler Truck Supplier Award. Later, the German car rental company SIXT signed an order for 100,000 new energy vehicles with BYD, an electric vehicle company in China, and the overall development momentum of China’s new energy industry was good.

  According to the report of market research organization SNE Research, in the first half of 2022, the installed capacity of global power batteries was 202GWh, a significant increase of 75.65% compared with 115GWh in the same period last year. Among the TOP20 enterprises, there are 15 enterprises in China, with a total market share of 61.88%. Of the 12 power battery manufacturers with a year-on-year growth rate of over 100%, 11 are China enterprises.

  Since 2017, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited has been the global power battery sales champion for five consecutive years. In the first half of 2022, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s power batteries accounted for 34.16% in the world. "We are proud to be an important force in promoting the electrification of the industry together with other leading global companies." Li Xiaoning, CEO of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Overseas Business Department, said this at Hanover International Commercial Auto Show.

  Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited CTP and MTV innovative batteries, or BYD brand-new blade batteries, China’s power battery products have comprehensive advantages in safety performance, strength, endurance, service life, charging and discharging power, low temperature performance and so on.

  At the same time, the sales of electric vehicles in Europe are growing rapidly. According to the data of European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), about one tenth of the new cars sold in the EU in the first half of 2022 are pure electric vehicles. Europe plans to phase out gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035. Europe, which still lacks local battery companies, has become the largest overseas market for power batteries in China.

  The cost is too high, and European companies once gave up battery production.

  Europe has always been an important base for battery research, but for cost reasons, Europe has gradually given up producing batteries in recent years.

  According to experts from Daimler, Daimler was a pioneer in electric vehicle research and produced lithium batteries in Saxony, Germany as early as 2012. However, compared with other manufacturers’ batteries, its products do not have much advantage, coupled with limited production capacity and high cost. After persisting in losses for three years, Daimler closed the lithium battery production plant in December 2015.

  At that time, Daimler CEO dieter zetsche said: "Daimler used to be the only German company that produced its own batteries, but today we realize that we can purchase it all over the world!"

  Bosch, an automotive electronics supplier, is also one of the early companies engaged in the battery business of electric vehicles, and has many related patents. As of August, 2021, Bosch ranked third in the patent application of lithium battery industry in the world, with 2571 patent applications.

  Considering the first-Mover advantage of Asian suppliers, Bosch Company assessed in 2018 that it needs to invest 20 billion euros to gain 20% market share in 2030, and whether and when the investment can be rewarded is still unknown. Therefore, after careful evaluation of market, technology, cost and investment, Bosch made a strategic decision to abandon battery production.

  In an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily, a senior German battery expert said frankly: "It is really a pity now that Bosch made a strategic decision to abandon battery production in 2018."

  After American and European companies gave up battery production, the battery production industry gradually concentrated in Asia. This is an industry with full market competition. At present, products from many enterprises in China, Japan and South Korea are available for purchase.

  Start again, Europe vigorously supports the development of local battery industry.

  With the rise of new energy vehicles around the world, more and more car companies realize that the battery in electric vehicles is not just a replaceable common component. It is the core and the most expensive component of electric vehicles, and it is becoming a key factor affecting sales like the previous engines.

  The European Union began to realize that establishing a complete local battery value chain in Europe is an urgent task for clean energy transformation and industrial competition. It is estimated that by 2025, the market opportunity of European battery industry will reach about 250 billion euros every year.

  With the strong support of the European Union, in 2017, the European Union Battery Union (EBA) was established to promote and develop the production of local battery cells, with the participation of 14 EU member States, European investment banks and hundreds of companies and scientific research institutions. In April 2022, EBA put forward a new action plan, hoping that by 2030, the domestic battery products in the EU can meet 90% of its market demand.

  The European Union has successively invested tens of billions of euros to support the research and development and production of local batteries through two "Important Projects of Common Interest in Europe (IPCEI)". Domestic battery companies have mushroomed in Europe.

  Among these enterprises, the development of Swedish battery company Northvolt, German Volkswagen and French automobile battery company ACC is the most eye-catching. Northvolt’s first lithium battery factory was mass-produced in the first quarter of 2022, and the annual production capacity is expected to be 16GWh after improvement. Northvolt plans to achieve a production capacity of 150GWh by 2030.

  Volkswagen started construction of the first 40GWh battery factory in Salzgit in July 2022, and plans to put it into mass production in 2025. By 2030, Volkswagen will build six large battery factories in Europe, with a total annual production capacity of 240GWh.

  ACC is building the first 13GWh battery factory in France, which will be expanded to 40GWh in the future. In addition, ACC also plans to build two factories in Germany and Italy with a capacity of 40GWh. By 2030, the total battery capacity of ACC will increase to 120GWh.

  At the same time, more than 40 battery manufacturers around the world announced that they would set up battery factories in Europe. Flawn’s Hof Institute for Systems and Innovation (ISI) released a report saying that according to the announcement of battery manufacturers active in Europe, the battery production capacity in Europe may reach 124GWh in 2022, 500GWh in 2025 and even 1.5TWh in 2030.

  There are many challenges, and European battery companies need to overcome four major difficulties.

  European companies face many challenges in producing power batteries.

  The first is to overcome the difficulties of mass production.

  Asian battery enterprises have generally developed from lithium battery enterprises for consumer electronics, and through years of accumulation, they have gradually solved various problems encountered in mass production. However, the self-built industrial chain in Europe is still in its infancy, and many newly established battery manufacturers lack similar experience and need to overcome more difficulties in the mass production process.

  "Production experience is very important for lithium battery manufacturing. The production and debugging of lithium battery involves at least 4000 parameters, and it is not easy to achieve balanced quality control of batteries even for the same batch of products. And the same standard chemical plant, built in another place, also takes a long time to debug. The real challenge is to mass-produce millions of batteries with the least quality fluctuation. Europe still has a long way to go in this regard. " A battery expert from a German company said in an interview.

  The second is to ensure the supply of raw materials.

  At present, China has a high market share in the key links of battery production. This means that many materials needed by European battery manufacturers have to be purchased from China. Take Northvolt, the only local power battery manufacturer in Europe that has started mass production at present, for example, many core materials of its batteries come from China suppliers.

  Europe is increasing cooperation with countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia in raw materials. But the problem is that the new supply chain must pay huge time and capital costs. For example, it will take at least 10 years to build a new raw material base from the beginning of mining, and it will take several years to reach the design capacity.

  Kay Christian Muller told reporters: "When establishing battery production on the scale of GWh, it is always a challenge to ensure the safety and stability of the supply chain, which is true everywhere and under any circumstances, not just for European companies." He has been engaged in the research and development of lithium batteries for nearly 30 years, and his work in Flawn Hof Battery Alliance includes 24 research institutions, covering battery materials, module design and production technology.

  Thirdly, the supporting capacity of lithium battery equipment.

  The production process of lithium batteries is relatively complicated, which can be roughly divided into stages such as pole piece manufacturing, battery cell assembly, battery cell formation, testing, etc. Orders for related manufacturing equipment are gathering from head enterprises in various sub-sectors. Asian enterprises have obvious advantages in this respect and are expected to become the core equipment suppliers of new battery factories in Europe.

  Take Volkswagen’s new battery factory as an example. In January 2022, Volkswagen and Bosch issued a joint statement, planning to set up a joint venture company to supply equipment for the battery factory. But in June, 2022, Volkswagen still gave the order for 40Gwh production equipment of Salzgit battery factory to the lithium battery equipment supplier in China.

  Finally, participate in global market competition.

  Asian battery companies are taking advantage of the time window when European battery companies have not yet formed scale production capacity to seize market share. It is estimated that by 2025, the battery production capacity in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited will reach 670GWh, BYD may reach 600GWh, and LG New Energy plans to reach 540GWh. From the upstream lithium ore and lithium salt, to the anode and cathode materials, separators and manufacturing equipment of batteries, the leading enterprises have a relatively complete layout, and are constantly carrying out technological innovation and product iteration around the new battery structure and material system.

  The production of batteries is an industry that pursues scale effect extremely. Whether European local battery enterprises can expand production capacity and reduce costs in a short time is the key to their participation in market competition. Faced with a series of challenges, such as the rising price of raw materials in the upstream, the tight pressure of competitors and the strict control of purchasing prices by automakers, how to survive and develop in the brutal market competition may be the biggest problem faced by emerging battery enterprises in Europe.

  Green barrier, carbon footprint threshold or a double-edged sword

  In March 2022, the European Parliament passed the EU New Battery Regulation, which drives the green and low-carbon transformation of the battery industry with stricter requirements. From July 1, 2024, only batteries with carbon footprints can be put on the European market. In 2027, Europe will ban the sale of batteries that exceed the maximum carbon footprint limit. The European Union has also made it mandatory to recycle batteries and reuse metals such as nickel, cobalt and lithium to reduce the pressure on environmental protection and raw materials.

  In addition, the EU will also force due diligence on the entire supply chain of batteries, including the social and environmental risks involved in the process of raw material refining, battery cell production and battery use. This series of new regulatory policies will undoubtedly benefit the layout of local battery enterprises in Europe and make up for their disadvantages in product cost.

  Correspondingly, the newly-built battery enterprises in Europe attach great importance to the carbon emission of batteries in the whole life cycle from raw materials to products. According to the data of the European Transport and Environment Federation, the carbon emission of battery production of electric vehicles ranges from 61kg to 106kg CO_2e/kWh, which can account for more than 60% of the total life cycle emission of electric vehicles.

  Northvolt Company emphasizes that its battery carbon footprint (about 33kg CO_2e/kWh) is only one-third of that of reference batteries in the same industry due to the use of 100% renewable energy, and Northvolt hopes to reach the goal of 10kg CO_2e/kWh by 2030.

  However, there is an important premise to build a green barrier for the European battery industry, that is, the battery capacity in Europe can meet its own needs. Otherwise, these measures will increase the production costs, including those of European battery manufacturers, and the products of leading Asian enterprises will still be competitive.

  Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, said that based on the composition of the carbon footprint of power batteries, most of the carbon footprint can be reduced through green power, large-scale recycling and technological upgrading, and combined with carbon sinks, a zero-carbon battery can be realized. In the first quarter of 2022, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited recycled 21,000 tons of waste batteries and used them to produce 18,000 tons of precursors. In March, 2022, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Yibin Factory obtained international certification and became the first zero-carbon battery factory in the world.

  Can Europe win the first opportunity through solid-state batteries by changing the track?

  Solid-state battery is an important research direction of the next generation power battery, which is expected to replace the traditional lithium-ion battery (LIB). Zhang Lin focused on the design, optimization and recycling technology of new energy materials, and was nominated for the Leibniz Prize in 2019. In an interview with the Science and Technology Daily reporter, she stressed: "For the industrialization of all-solid-state batteries, both China and Europe are currently in the primary stage."

  Zhang Lin introduced the long-term accumulation of solid-state battery research in Europe. For example, BMW cooperates with SolidPower Company of the United States to develop sulfide solid electrolyte technology, and plans to launch a prototype of solid battery by 2025 and use it in production cars by 2030. Volkswagen cooperates with QuantumScape Company of the United States, focusing on the research of oxide solid electrolyte, and plans to mass-produce solid-state batteries in 2025.

  "The development of all-solid-state lithium batteries in Europe mainly depends on the development of solid electrolytes. At present, the most potential electrolytes are oxides, sulfides and polymers, while borohydride and halide have also made breakthroughs in the last five years, but the advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned electrolytes are obvious. At present, only the ionic conductivity of some sulfide electrolytes approaches or exceeds the level of organic liquid electrolytes. Due to problems such as interface, its electrochemical stability is not satisfactory. " Zhang Lin said.

  She emphasized that there is no perfect electrolyte to meet the application requirements at present, so it is necessary to improve all kinds of electrolytes to obtain good comprehensive performance. Basic research and applied research will develop iteratively. Some material systems have begun to enter the application field slowly. The experience gained in the application process will promote the development of basic research. In addition, efforts should continue to be made to explore and discover ionic conductors with new structures. Qualcomm screening calculation combined with experiments will help to discover new compounds.

  In addition, she also said that as far as the oxide solid-state battery is concerned, its electrolyte has relatively high ionic conductivity and stable chemical characteristics, which is not harsh on the preparation environment and easy to be produced and applied on a large scale. However, compared with traditional lithium-ion batteries, the cost of oxide solid-state batteries is still high, and the performance needs some time to improve. Oxide solid-state batteries are most likely to be applied to high-end electric vehicles first, because customers may be willing to pay the premium for solid-state batteries in order to obtain longer cruising range and higher safety.

  When it comes to semi-solid batteries, Zhang Lin said: "At present, solid-state battery enterprises in China mainly choose the research and development route of semi-solid batteries based on solid-liquid mixed electrolytes. Although adding liquid electrolyte may reduce the thermal stability to some extent, the process of mass production of semi-solid batteries with solid-liquid mixed electrolyte is more compatible with the current manufacturing technology and equipment of liquid lithium ion batteries. Considering factors such as materials and equipment, semi-solid batteries are more feasible in the short term and are already on the eve of mass production. "

  Can Europe overtake in corners by developing other new batteries, such as lithium-air batteries or lithium-sulfur batteries? Kay Christian Muller is not optimistic about this. He told the Science and Technology Daily reporter: "These new battery systems are still under development, and there are still many problems when they are introduced to the market. Europe cannot rely on these battery systems to catch up with Asian battery manufacturers. "

  With complementary advantages, China-EU battery industry looks forward to mutually beneficial cooperation.

  The domestic battery industry in Europe is in the process of rapid development. Through policy guidance and cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises, the battery production capacity in Europe will gradually expand around 2025 and occupy a certain global market share. At the same time, European companies are also seeking the far-reaching layout of the battery industry at different levels. For example, cooperate with battery enterprises through equity investment or joint venture, infiltrate into the upstream mineral resources of power batteries to ensure stable production capacity supply and strengthen the control of industrial chain.

  Take BASF as an example. In August 2021, BASF acquired a 51% stake in Shanshan Energy, a leading lithium battery material company in China, and actively promoted cooperation with battery companies such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Honeycomb Energy in the field of battery materials and recycling; In Japan and the United States, BASF has established joint ventures with old cathode material supplier Toda Industries. In Europe, BASF has built production bases for cathode active materials and precursors in Germany and Finland. BASF has quietly become one of the world’s leading suppliers of cathode active materials for lithium batteries, not only seizing a strong market advantage, but also becoming the first company with cathode material production capacity in all major markets around the world.

  Let’s look at the German Volkswagen whose strategic goal is to become one of the world’s three largest battery manufacturers. In May 2020, Volkswagen invested about 1.1 billion euros to acquire a 26% stake in China battery factory Shangguoxuan Hi-Tech, becoming the largest shareholder of Guoxuan Hi-Tech. In the first half of 2022, the installed capacity of Guoxuan Hi-Tech power battery was 5.8GWh, ranking eighth in the world. Guoxuan Hi-Tech is developing the first generation of standard batteries for the public. In the battery factory built by Volkswagen, Guoxuan Hi-Tech will cooperate with Volkswagen as a technical partner in the production layout, equipment deployment and production process of the battery factory to help it realize the industrial production of batteries.

  From this perspective, China-EU battery industry is forming a new bond, with capital, technology and market intertwined and deeply integrated. On the one hand, China enterprises have their own advantages in terms of capacity scale, technology maturity and supply chain control ability; On the other hand, Europe is also constantly strengthening the supply capacity of its key products. Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises will help both sides give full play to their respective advantages and take the initiative in the global new energy vehicle market. Looking forward to the future, China and Europe may be the right way to jointly deal with climate change and energy crisis. (Written by Li Shan, reporter of Science and Technology Daily in Germany; Planned by He Yi, Fang Linlin)

Ministry of Finance: In 2020, a total of 333.951 billion yuan of lottery tickets will be sold nationwide.

  Cctv newsAccording to the data of the Ministry of Finance, in 2020, the national lottery sales totaled 333.951 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 88.103 billion yuan or 20.9%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 144.488 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 46.750 billion yuan; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 189.463 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 41.352 billion yuan.

Exclusive romance in winter

Send away the autumn when the grain is abundant.
The frosty winter comes quietly.
The tall branches are not as lush as before.
The slow stream lost its previous fluctuation.
Occasionally, a few birds fly in the blue sky.
Winter in the south is romantic even slowly.
Happiness on the tip of her tongue
Winter is a season of white fog. In the sub-zero days, wrapped in a furry down jacket, wearing a super warm wool hat and gloves, I asked my little sister to buy a big hot baked sweet potato before I found the car for baking sweet potatoes. You are half and I am half, and the happiness in winter is hidden in the sweet potato.
"Cold winter matches hot pot better." It is said that hot pot is essential in the happiness of winter. "People who can eat hot pot together must be people from all over the world." "Hot pot glugs, my heart plops." I went to a hot pot restaurant with three or two friends, chose some favorite dishes, talked and laughed, and had a good time.
"Nothing can’t be solved by a good meal. If it can’t be solved, just a few meals will be fine." The so-called people take food as their priority, are not active in eating, and have ideological problems, just like the "dry rice man" who is often said now. A bad mood can be cured by food, and happiness will be over.
Snowflakes hide surprises.
"is like a spring gale, come up in the night, blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees"
Winter is really a romantic season, especially when it is snowing heavily. The snow fairy waved her sleeves heartily, and in the fluttering playing, the world was pure and clean, without quagmire. When the cold wind passed, falling snowflakes, the silver light flashed, and everything around it was immersed in a silver-white world.
Especially the first snow in winter, the first snow. First snow always has many beautiful definitions. "The first snow must be enjoyed with the person you like", "If he is showered with snow together, this life will be a white head" and "Sending you a photo of the first snow means I miss you". There are thousands of beautiful definitions, and the first snow is also an essential definition.
How can the fun of snowy days be short of snowball fights and snowmen? Find a place with a thick snowdrift, hold a snowball in your hand, have a snowball fight with your friends, or prepare some gadgets to make a beautiful snowman. Even if my hands are red with cold, my face is still a cheerful smile.
Future expectations
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Winter can also be a season of expectation. Every time I am in beginning of winter, I know that the New Year is not far away. Not only that, but also the New Year’s Eve, the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, which followed closely, are also lining up to send holiday surprises. "In 2021, walk with love" and "In the new year, everyone will be fat in vain and run towards a well-off society in an all-round way"
Life is long, and it is inevitable to be sad and unhappy. In 2020, a special year, there will be gathering and separation. Even so, the pace of life will not slow down, and the efforts should still go all out, and the expectations and beauty should be hidden in the heart. Every day is a day full of hope. So, let’s stop being unhappy now, and the new year is still radiant.
Three secrets of keeping happy: it doesn’t matter, it’s unnecessary and it’s not possible. Yes, life is too short, so why should you be sad? At this time, when you are young, you should struggle, struggle and come on. Everyone should have a dream and a goal, in case it comes true. Time pays off, so run. "In 2021, I will bump into happiness."
May you be the wind, with white sails.
May you be a ship, sailing the blue waves.
Everything is renewed, old diseases should be healed, and Chang’ an is always safe.
Source: Anhui School Media

In 1917, Professor Peking University invented the Chinese character "She", which was scolded by China women for three years and was afraid to go to the streets.

The rise of the New Culture Movement in 1915 gave birth to many well-known literary revolutionaries, such as Lu Xun, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Qian Xuantong, Liu Bannong and Hu Shi. They were born in the historical period of alternating times and made many achievements for the establishment of our country’s ideological culture.

But one of them, also a professor at Peking University, was scolded for inventing a Chinese character for three years, during which he didn’t even dare to go out on the street openly.This professor is called Liu Bannong.

Liu Bannong was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, in 1891, into a farming family for generations. Since childhood, he has learned and been exposed to the "primary school" knowledge learned by traditional China literati. This "primary school"refers toThe phonology, writing and exegesis of ancient Chinese philology today..

Statue of Liu Bannong

Although Liu Bannong is naughty, he often has some fantastic ideas and delves into crooked ways, but he is an out-and-out "scholar". At the age of six, he was able to combine poems with others. At the age of 20, he was hired by his alma mater to teach and compiled Jiangyin Magazine.

After the Revolution of 1911, western thoughts and cultures poured into the conservative land of China, and Liu Bannong was deeply impressed by the surging tide.After two years of self-study in foreign languages, I got the position of compiling foreign works in Zhonghua Book Company. More than 40 foreign novels translated by him were published in the famous publications of the time, Fiction Circle and Current Affairs News.

Liu Bannong’s translation works are not limited to English, but also the works of Tolstoy and Turgenev in Russia, so he became a famous translator.In 1917, Liu Bannong, who followed the trend of the New Culture Movement, published an article "My View of Literature Improvement" in New Youth, and was hired as a Chinese professor in the preparatory course by Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University..

At that time, all of them were professors of literature, history and philosophy at Peking University, such as Xu Beihong, Liang Shuming, Hu Shi and Liu Wendian. Although they are all in their early twenties, they all graduated from famous universities at home and abroad, and only Liu Bannong is a young man who has only attended high school.

Liu Bannong

Liu Bannong’s academic attainments are not limited by academic qualifications. His literary and linguistic innovations under the banner of the New Culture Movement not only shocked the cultural circles at that time, but we are still enjoying his cultural achievements a hundred years later.

In the TV series The Awakeing Age, students from Peking University directed and performed a drama.Wang Jingxuan, an old pedant and an old fogey played by Liu Mei, is the protagonist, and other students are hiding behind the curtain and dubbing with ventriloquism, criticizing Wang Jingxuan’s feudal and traditional thoughts.

The name of this play is called.Letter of reply to Wang Jingxuan, it is for Liu Bannong and Qian Xuantong and others in the "new youth" in the form of articles, you come and go to the stage performance of the public opinion war.

Qian Xuantong fictionalized the identity of "Wang Jingxuan", criticized the various crimes of the "New Culture Movement" in "New Youth", and branded the people who promoted new culture and new ideas with a hat of forgetting their ancestors, just like the stubborn position of a group of old scholars.

Fu Wang Jing Xuan Shu

butLiu Bannong, on the other hand, made an ancient "hype" with Qian Xuantong based on New Youth, and wrote a book "Reply to Wang Jingxuan" to refute all the critical contents of "Wang Jingxuan" one by one, attracting the attention and discussion of readers and public opinion.

Because of the ample arguments and sharp writing, the effect of the play is surprisingly good, and it also attracts more scholars and students to participate in the new culture movement, transform old ideas and give up old dross.

During the ten years of subversion in the Qing Dynasty, especially since the founding of New Youth in 1915, the degree of openness and enterprising spirit of Chinese people have never been higher. Improvement and innovation were the themes of the times, and those who supported the New Culture Movement were all concentrating on exploring how to draw a clear line between social reality and the decadent face of the past.

With the rise of vernacular Chinese and the introduction of foreign literary works, there are a large number of third persons in popular language expressions, and it is difficult to clearly distinguish the differences and specific directions in the text by using only one word "he".

Liu Bannong, as an accomplished person in language and literature, deeply felt the differences and abuses in the translation of different personal pronouns in Chinese and foreign literary works.The third person pronouns in English can be divided into "he", "she" and "it", which refer to male, female and gender-neutral objects in person respectively.

However, in the consistent usage of Chinese, only one word "he" refers to all the third persons, and there is no pronoun difference between men and women and things.If you want to distinguish it, you should add a note after the word "he". For example, when referring to a woman in the third person, that is, "he (female)" is used, and when referring to asexual objects or animals, "he (object)" is used as a distinction.

Translation of foreign literary works is long and complicated, and it is necessary to distinguish the gender and attributes referred to by "he", which undoubtedly increases the difficulty and workload, and does not conform to the theme of "vernacular, simplicity" advocated by them.

thereforeIn his early literary works, Lu Xun borrowed the word "Yi" from "Yi people" to refer to women, but it was not widely used and was not accepted by the whole people.

Lu Xun

In 1917, Liu Bannong first put forward the structure of the word "she", which was an accurate translation of "she" in English and distinguished it from "he". Lu Xun’s younger brother, Zhou Zuoren, agreed with this very much. He mentioned in the New Youth published on August 5, 1918: "China’s third person pronoun has no sexual distinction, which is very inconvenient. Semi-peasants created the word’ she’ and’ he’ for both purposes.. "

According to Liu Bannong’s understanding,Women’s third-person pronouns should have their own names as in foreign languages, which is not only convenient to use, but also more aesthetic. And with the opening of thought and the promotion of women’s status, the translation of "he (female)" is still used, as if women were still regarded as accessories of men, full of the flavor of the old society..

The word "she" was first popularized in the classrooms of Peking University and newspaper articles published by Liu Bannong, and many people accepted it, which also made a group of conservative people see Liu Bannong’s innovation, thinking that it was a rebellion against traditional customs and culture and should be refuted and suppressed.

Liu Bannong

Shanghai’s "Newcomer" magazine also published an ice-cold article.This is Liu Bannong’s fault.The article holds that there is no gender difference between "I" and "Ru" in ancient Chinese, and "He" and "She" are not as different in pronunciation in Chinese as in English, which is an act of gilding the lily.

All kinds of remarks emerged in an endless stream. The old and new forces United to express their opposition to Liu Bannong’s word-making, and scholars used the biggest public opinion at that time-newspapers and editorials to attack Liu Bannong. Especially some people who have no insight but are easily provoked, so that except for a few women with independent thoughts, all the women in China who are bound by conservative thoughts are scolding Liu Bannong. However, it is not clear how many of them sincerely oppose it and how many fish in troubled waters stir up trouble.


In short, within three years after her invention, Liu Bannong suffered a comprehensive blow from public opinion, which triggered another round of war of words between old and new literature.As far as Liu Bannong himself is concerned, as soon as he goes out, it is easy to encounter newspaper interviews and students’ attacks, which makes him afraid to go out on the street openly for three years for fear of being caught and scolded.

Therefore, Liu Bannong specially wrote an article "The Question of" She "during her study abroad and sent it back to China for publication, explaining her original intention of creating the word" She ".In order to express the meaning more clearly, it is also to distinguish the personal names of women and men.. After the article, Liu Bannong also proposed to recreate a representative of the word "it".

In 1925, Liu Bannong completed the French version of "Experimental Record of Chinese Phonetic Characters" and won the "Constanyine Linguistics Award", which was the first linguist in China to win this international award. At the same time, Liu Bannong successfully graduated from experimental phonetics in France, and obtained a doctorate in French national literature. He is still the first person from China to be awarded the highest academic title by the state.

Liu Bannong phonetic experiment photo

On the way home, Liu Bannong thought of his wife sacrificing herself to take care of the family on the ship, and always supported her studies and career without regrets, and wrote a vernacular new poem with the word "she" emotionally.Teach me how not to think about her

There are some clouds floating in the sky and some breezes blowing on the ground.

Ah! The breeze blew my hair and taught me how to miss her.
Moonlight is in love with the ocean, and the ocean is in love with moonlight.

Ah! How can I miss her on such a honey-like silver night?
Flowers fall on the surface of the water and flow slowly, while fish swim slowly at the bottom.

Ah! Swallow, what did you say? Teach me how to miss her.
Dead trees are shaking in the cold wind. Wildfire burned in the twilight.

Ah! There are still some afterglow in the Western Heaven. Teach me how to miss her.

A month later, he returned to teach at Peking University and became the founder of experimental phonetics in China.Liu Bannong’s achievements soon made him famous in China, and this poem used to praise his wife was also arranged into a song, which spread all over the country with the word "she". Some die-hard conservatives insist on resisting the word "she", which has been unable to stop her from moving forward.

At this time, people generally accepted the existence of the word "she", and history also accepted Liu Bannong’s choice. In 1932, the Ministry of Education included the word "she" in the common words, which set the tone for this debate from the official level, and also had the distinction of "he", "she" and "it" that we have become accustomed to.

Lu Xun also expressed negative views on Liu Bannong’s pioneering work of creating characters.However, in the later "Recalling Liu Bannong", he obviously had a deep understanding of Liu Bannong’s original "rebellious" behavior: "Just advocating new punctuation, there will be a large group of people who are "bereaved" and eager to "eat meat and sleep", so it is indeed a "big battle"."

Later, someone created the word "you" to distinguish it from "you" on the basis of Liu Bannong, which was all the rage for a while, but it was not accepted by the public in the end and became a short-lived second person pronoun in that era.

Liu Bannong

In fact, the word "she" was not created by Liu Bannong, which is ancient Chinese.Ji Yun Shang Sheng Ma YunIn the middle ""She" and "Sister Min" are tied., allPronounced as "jiě", refers to the meaning of "elder sister". Liu Bannong didn’t notice this uncommon word or intentionally used it as another meaning of modern Chinese. People have long been accustomed to the word "she".

When people are in different historical stages and development stages, they will make different behaviors or actions because of the ideological environment at that time, but put it in the long river of the whole history or the development of human culture, the temporary resistance of human beings is just dust, which is invisible in front of the grand narrative.

The same is true of the reform of Chinese characters. The curse that once kept Liu Bannong from going to the streets for three years has long since disappeared, but the wealth of Chinese characters, language, punctuation, phonetic symbols and so on that he left to the people of China in just 44 years’ life will last forever.

Ten-year-old end-game ushered in an explosive rebound in popularity? Those PC-side tours that have soared online in the summer file.

With the advent of the summer file, major games have launched their own new activities, which has also ushered in a hot game market. Many PC-side games, new or old, attracted a large number of players by virtue of summer activities, and even broke their own highest online record. Today, let’s take a look at the PC games that have skyrocketed in popularity in the summer file.

Crossing the line of fire

Domestic players are absolutely familiar with Crossing the Line of Fire. This summer’s file coincides with the 15th anniversary of Crossing the Line of Fire. On this day worthy of celebration, the official of Crossing the Line of Fire has also given the majority of players a hard work, that is, giving away the first heroic weapon "Fire Kirin" of Crossing the Line of Fire for free.

Players can keep this "AK47- Fire Kirin" forever by completing at least one game every month for 6 months.

At the end of 2012, the first heroic weapon "Fire Kirin" of Crossing the Line of Fire was born. This weapon was full of controversy from the beginning of its birth. Some people think that this weapon destroyed the balance of the game, while others think that it made Crossing the Line of Fire clear the payment mode and reached its peak. In any case, in the whole history of domestic games, "Fire Kirin" will undoubtedly occupy its own position.

The launch of the activity "AK47- Fire Kirin" in Bai Piao undoubtedly ignited the enthusiasm of the players. On the day of the activity, the room lines in the game were all red and full.

According to the real-time monitoring data of third-party websites, the number of online users reached 4.179 million in the early morning of the activity, once again breaking their own record. It is reported that the last time the number of simultaneous online users of Crossfire reached 4 million was on August 26th, 2012, eleven years ago.

Forever robbery

If you want to select the more successful domestic games in recent years, then "Never Robbed" is definitely on the list. As a domestic martial arts chicken-eating game, with a beautiful picture and a refreshing fighting feel, Never Robbed, after the launch of Steam, has been welcomed by many players.

On-line last week, the basic version of "Never Robbed" and the deluxe version entered the top five of the Steam weekly sales list, and the basic version won the first place in the Steam weekly sales list.

However, it is estimated that many people did not expect that this domestic buyout game was announced to be a free game on July 14 at the press conference of the 2nd anniversary of Never Robbed. According to the Basic Law, a buyout game will be vomited or even resisted by players after it is declared free. Surprisingly, however, the official released another surprising data the next day, and the single-day sales of the game reached 1 million.

The reason why it can continue to sell after it is declared free is the official conscience of "Never Robbed" about the feedback to the old players after the transfer, which makes people feel really fragrant and can’t be refused. For the old players who buy the game, the official will give feedback on Ninghong Night’s best fashion (as shown in the poster), out-of-print commemorative avatar and 10 treasure chest optional gifts.

In addition to props feedback, the player will also give back the equivalent gold nuggets according to the version purchased by the player, that is to say, the money for buying the game is equivalent to directly recharging into the game, and you can also get props worth more than 300 pieces, so the old players can directly make money.

In addition to selling explosions, the number of players online at the same time soared after the game was free. According to the statistics of the SteamDB website, the number of simultaneous online users of the game’s Steam platform exceeded 260,000, breaking the record of 186,000 set in 2021. Not only that, considering that there are other versions, the actual number of players will only increase even more.

Black desert

Players who pay attention to online games and like action games will certainly be familiar with the action online game Black Desert made by Korean developer PearlAbyss.

The game is based on the medieval wars in Europe, and mainly describes the entanglements caused by the ancient product "Blackstone". Players become independent fighters and use the power of Blackstone to fight against the Republic of Kalpayne and the Kingdom of Valenciva, which hold corrupt power. The game is characterized by emphasizing the refreshing and heavy sense of fighting and the free and rich open world gameplay.

The game is developed by an independent engine, but it will never lose to any first-class engine game in terms of picture quality, light shadow, surface vegetation, physical characteristics and other details. The game uses seamless map technology, and the scene is visible. The game has a real weather system, morning glow, sunset glow, rainbow and other natural landscapes.

In the summer file, Black Desert also launched its own new information "The Country of Dawn". According to the analysis of foreign media, the number of new players in Black Desert increased by 267% and the number of returning players increased by 335% last month. Developer Pearl Abyss took this opportunity to boast about the visual effects of the game.

It is reported that the inspiration of "The Country of Dawn" comes from the scenery and culture of South Korea, so it is not surprising that Pearl Abyss’s excellent employees go all out to describe the beauty of their motherland.

Legion fortress 2

Old players are no strangers to Legion Fortress 2. After all, it is definitely an old game of grandparents’ generation, which has been in operation for 16 years this year. So a look at the old game, in this summer, not to be outdone, ushered in a new wave of outbreaks. A new simultaneous online player record was set on the Steam platform, reaching 258,997.

According to the statistics of SteamDB website, on July 13th, the number of online players reached 2,589.97 million, which set a new record in December last year. At that time, the number of online players reached 167,591. As for the reason for the soaring popularity, it is probably related to the brand-new "Legion Fortress 2" summer activity launched by Valve Company, which added many new maps, new actions, new special effects and new ornaments to the game.

Interestingly, however, this update is not officially produced by Valve, and most of the content is made by players. As a game with a "long history", "Legion Fortress 2" has basically been shelved by V Society in the first two years and is in a stocking state.

However, the game has a huge group of players, and in the face of players’ petitions, it finally attracted the attention of V Club. Since last year, officials have been more concerned about the operation of the game. At the beginning of this year, V Society officially announced that it would make a big update in May this year, but the content of the announcement was quite special. V Society hoped: "The author of the creative workshop will output the content quickly and submit the content to the Steam creative workshop before May 1."

Because the project "Legion Fortress 2" is too long, V Club can’t allocate manpower to make a long-term update. So we can only pin our hopes on the players themselves. Fortunately, the two sides cooperated well in this wave of update work, and finally all players can enjoy the new game content.

Ark of destiny

As we all know, for some reasons, basically no Korean games have been able to enter China in recent years. When several Korean games appeared in the edition number in December last year, it was really eye-catching, and the most eye-catching one was Ark of Destiny. Now, after months of waiting, this game, which many players have been looking forward to for several years, was finally officially opened on July 20.

The Ark of Destiny is a MMORPG set in medieval Europe, which describes a peaceful fantasy world suddenly invaded by demons, and players embark on an adventure journey in order to find the Ark scattered around the world.

In the game, players can freely cultivate a variety of professions, and each profession has different combat systems and skills, so that players can experience different fun. Players can not only be exposed to the growth of characters, diverse costumes, props enhancement and other content, but also experience the magnificent world outlook, moving stories and skills with a sense of shock.

The game was originally opened on July 13th to make an appointment for players to enter in advance, and the sudden influx of a large number of players overwhelmed the server for maintenance. After that, many servers entered the queue state, and the queue time was as long as one hour when the players were the most.

At present, the game has been fully opened, and many new servers have been added. Interested players can try it.

Fearless contract

After several years of waiting, the shooting game "Fearless Contract", which has been popular abroad, was finally officially launched on July 12.

"Fearless Contract" is a 5v5 tactical FPS game that emphasizes the character’s personality. The game is set on the future earth, and all characters will be collectively called "agents". Each "agent" has its special abilities and will play its greatest role in corresponding special situations.

The Fearless Contract has a variety of roles, exciting competitive modes and various tactical strategies, and has built a shocking competitive world. "The Fearless Contract" is not as different from the heroic design in "Watching the Pioneer". On the contrary, everyone has the same blood volume and shares the same set of weapons that can be purchased. They are exactly the same except for their skills.

The special skills of different characters not only skillfully enhance the tactics of the battle, but also improve the strategy of the team game, which makes people feel like playing a game that combines MOBA and FPS and pays attention to teamwork and strategic layout.

As a brand-new masterpiece of fist, the game has already achieved good results overseas. After the first anniversary of the game operation, the monthly active users broke through the 14 million mark, and the peak number of viewers of related e-sports events on Twitch reached 1 million.

The fearless contract, which has accumulated a huge popularity, has also exploded directly after the opening of the national service. The huge number of players even caused the game to crash twice in a row after opening the service, and had to be shut down for maintenance.

Arsenal 0-1 Nottingham Forest sent Manchester City to be crowned champions three times ahead of schedule.

At 0:30 Beijing time on May 21st, in the 37th round of Premier League, Arsenal played Nottingham Forest away. Avonii scored the only goal in the game. In the end, Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest and suffered two consecutive league defeats.

After the battle, Arsenal was 4 points behind Manchester City, the leader. As the gunners had only the last round left, Manchester City had won the Premier League title ahead of schedule, while Arsenal locked in the second place.

In the 20th minute, Odegard made a return error, and the Nottingham Forest midfielder took the ball to fight back. Avonii answered the teammate’s direct plug and broke into the right side of the penalty area. The goalkeeper Ramsdale quickly attacked, Gabriel chased back and grabbed the ball first, but kicked it at the opponent’s feet. Awoniyi took advantage of the situation and scored low. Nottingham Forest led 1-0!

In the second half, Arsenal, whose possession rate exceeded 80%, still couldn’t open the situation. On the contrary, the home team’s attack was more threatening. Arteta, the head coach of Arsenal, dispatched troops to try to make a comeback, but to no avail, he finally lost away.

After the game, Arsenal manager arteta congratulated Manchester City on winning the fifth league title in nearly six seasons, and admitted that he was very sad now. "We need to heal, and now it is too painful and sad. I have to find a way to cheer up the players. "

Editor: Zhou Yang

Editor: Zhou Shangdou

Audit: Feng Fei

Infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems

In order to train artificial intelligence models that can solve common problems, infrastructure is needed to provide support. These infrastructures are usually composed of hardware, software and tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training. This article will introduce the infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems.

I. Hardware infrastructure

When training artificial intelligence models, it is usually necessary to use high-performance computing hardware to provide support. The following are several common hardware infrastructures:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit (CPU) is a general-purpose computing hardware, which can be used to run various types of software, including artificial intelligence models. Although the performance of CPU is relatively low, it is still useful in training small models or debugging.

  2. GPU: A graphics processor is a special computing hardware, which is usually used to process images and videos. Because of its highly parallel structure, GPU can provide higher computing performance than CPU when training artificial intelligence models, so it is widely used.

  3. TPU: Tensor processor is a kind of hardware specially used for artificial intelligence computing, developed by Google. The performance of TPU is higher than that of GPU, and it is suitable for large-scale artificial intelligence model training and reasoning.

Second, the software infrastructure

In addition to hardware infrastructure, some software tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence model. The following are some common software infrastructures:

  1. Operating system: Artificial intelligence models usually need to run on an operating system, such as Linux, Windows or macOS.

  2. Development environment: Development environment usually includes programming language, editor and integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and testing artificial intelligence models. Common development environments include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch and Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Frames and libraries: Frames and libraries provide some common artificial intelligence model algorithms and data processing tools, making model development and training more convenient. Common frameworks and libraries include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and Scikit-Learn.

Third, the tool infrastructure

In addition to the hardware and software infrastructure, some tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence models. The following are several common tool infrastructures:

Dataset tool: Dataset tool is used to process and prepare training datasets, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, format conversion, etc. Common data set tools include Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

2 Visualization tools: Visualization tools are used to visualize the training process and results to help users better understand the performance and behavior of the model. Common visualization tools include Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

Automatic parameter tuning tool: The automatic parameter tuning tool is used to optimize the parameters of the model to improve the performance and accuracy of the model. Common automatic parameter tuning tools include Optuna, Hyperopt and GridSearchCV.

In short, training artificial intelligence models to solve common problems requires the use of a variety of infrastructures, including hardware, software and tools. These infrastructures are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training, so that the model can better solve various practical problems. In practical application, users need to choose the appropriate infrastructure according to specific requirements and data characteristics, and design and implement it accordingly.