Celebrating the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games: Andy Lau sings

  Last night, the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games was grandly held at the China Millennium Monument. The famous Hong Kong movie star and singer Andy Lau sang the song "Everyone is NO.1" composed for the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

  Wang Bingyang, deputy director of the Paralympic Department of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, introduced that "Everyoneis NO.1" was written and sung by Andy Lau. The song vividly depicts the inner life and spiritual world of the disabled with majestic music and touching lyrics. It describes not only the difficulties and sorrows they face, but also their struggles and struggles. It can be called a spiritual portrayal of the self-improvement, optimism and continuous efforts of disabled friends to win dignity. As one of the entries for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Song Collection and Selection Campaign, this song has participated in two countdown celebrations for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Beijing Paralympic Games, and has received positive responses and has been widely welcomed.

  Andy Lau made a special trip to Beijing to participate in the upload ceremony of the Olympic Music Wireless Charts. In an interview with reporters, he said that he began to contact disabled athletes in the 1990s, and in 2000, he went to Sydney, Australia to watch the Paralympic Games at his own expense. He was very moved by the spirit displayed by disabled athletes on the sports field and in life. This song for the Beijing Paralympic Games is to admire and understand their self-improvement spirit. I hope this song can make more people start to pay attention to, understand, support and help the disabled friends around them, and participate in and support the Beijing Paralympic Games with greater enthusiasm. "To be able to do my little for the Beijing Paralympic Games is not only my long-cherished wish, but also contains a huge pride and glory. I hope this song can become an emotional bridge for disabled and able-bodied people to communicate with each other, so that more people can start to pay attention to, understand, support, and help the disabled friends around them, and participate in and support the Beijing Paralympic Games with greater enthusiasm. "Remembering the process of songwriting, Liu Dehua was filled with emotion and presented the record to the disabled athletes.

Editor in charge: Liu Xinlong

Auto Market Weekly Review/Zhengzhou Becomes the First Pilot of Full Electrification of Vehicles in the Public Sector; Double Eleven automobile consumption presents new features.

□ Dahebao Yu video reporter

Zhengzhou, the pioneer area of comprehensive electrification of vehicles in the public domain, became the first batch of pilots

On November 13th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport and other eight departments issued the Notice on Launching the First Pilot Area of Fully Electrified Vehicles in the Public Sector, and identified 15 cities including Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu and Zhengzhou as the pilot cities. The notice proposes to encourage the exploration and formation of a number of experiences and models that can be replicated and promoted, and play a leading role in demonstrating the comprehensive market-oriented expansion of new energy vehicles and the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system.

Comments: Zhengzhou became the first batch of pilot cities because of the advantages of national comprehensive transportation hub and large electrification potential of logistics vehicles.

Dongfeng limited releases new business strategy.

On November 11th, Dongfeng Co., Ltd. released its new business strategy-Kai DNA+ strategic plan in Wuhan, opening a new path of joint venture, and will launch 10 new energy vehicles before the end of 2026, focusing on exploring the global market.

Comments: It marks that Dongfeng Limited’s joint venture mode has entered the 2.0 era, and it also means that its competitiveness has been comprehensively improved.

The first batch of trial cars of Haima EX00 (Zhixing Box) successfully rolled off the assembly line.

On November 15th, the first batch of prototype cars of Haima EX00 (Zhixing Box) rolled off the assembly line in Zhengzhou Haima Automobile Third Intelligent Factory. Since the first body-in-white rolled off the assembly line in September this year, it took only two months to realize the batch production of trial cars, creating the "Zhengzhou speed" for the whole vehicle manufacturing of new energy vehicles.

Comments: As a travel brand cultivated in Zhengzhou, Zhixing Box has been committed to innovating and sharing travel and travel scene services since its establishment, creating a new format of smart travel in the whole scene.

Wen Jie backed into BYD.

On November 13th, a video about a test drive car of the M5 Zhijia version crashed into a BYD dolphin parked in the rear when reversing, which was circulated on the Internet and caused a heated discussion. On the evening of the same day, Yu Chengdong, the chairman of BU, Huawei’s smart car solution, responded by saying that the accident occurred because the customer mistakenly stepped on the accelerator as a brake when reversing. The accident made AEB a hot topic again, which originated from Yu Chengdong’s response that "AEB function was not involved".

Comments: Under what conditions may AEB function fail? Where is the border? This is a problem.

BYD Equation Leopard’s first model Leopard 5 was officially launched.

On November 9, the first model of Equation Leopard, Leopard 5, was officially launched, with a price of 289,800-352,800 yuan. The top model was equipped with Yunqi -P intelligent body control system. The new car is positioned as a hard-core off-road SUV, adopting a non-load-bearing structure more suitable for pickup trucks and off-road vehicles, equipped with BYD’s new hybrid technology platform (DMO) and CTC battery chassis integration technology, with a comprehensive cruising range of over 1,200 kilometers.

Comments: Equation Leopard is expected to be produced in Zhengzhou factory.

Seal DM-i Zhengzhou test drive

On November 9th, BYD Seal DM-i comparative test drive meeting was held in Zhengzhou, shangjie district. Seal DM-i not only realizes the real same price of oil and electricity, but also saves more fuel than the same class of fuel vehicles. It can also be driven by pure electricity for short distances, and it is almost impossible to pick out short boards.

Comments: such a good new specialty of Zhengzhou, I hope everyone will support it.

The number of public charging piles in China is TOP10, ranking ninth in Henan.

On November 10th, China Charging Alliance released the operation of the national electric vehicle charging and replacing infrastructure in October 2023:

By October 2023, the cumulative number of charging infrastructure in China was 7.954 million units, up 68.9% year-on-year. In terms of the number of public charging piles, the TOP10 provinces are Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hubei, Beijing, Shandong, Anhui, Henan and Sichuan, and the proportion of public charging piles built in this TOP 10 area is 71.6%.

Comments: Henan should speed up the layout and strive to be far ahead of other northern provinces.

Volvo EM90 world premiere

On November 12th, Volvo EM90, Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, ushered in the world premiere, and simultaneously opened the reservation in Chinese mainland, with a price of 818,000 yuan. Based on the SEA platform, this model locates the medium and large MPV with pure electricity. It will be equipped with a motor with a maximum power of 200kW and a ternary lithium-ion battery pack with a top speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

Comments: Under the trend of electrification and intelligence, brands have been transformed, and Volvo is no exception.

Dongfeng new energy brand "Dongfeng e π" released

On November 10th, Dongfeng Motor officially released its brand new energy brand-"Dongfeng eπ", and its first model, Dongfeng eπ 007, made its debut. The new model will be based on Dongfeng quantum architecture, equipped with Dongfeng Mach E power system, with optional 160kW or 200kW electric drive assembly, and it is expected to provide extended range and electric four-wheel drive power system in the future. It is reported that by 2025, Dongfeng will launch 21 new energy passenger cars and 17 new energy commercial vehicle basic models.

Comments: "Dongfeng eπ" brand reflects the coverage of Dongfeng Motor in the electrification market.

The delivery seasons of A05 and A07 of Chang ‘an Qiyuan are fully opened.

On November 12th, Changan Qiyuan opened the A05 and A07 delivery seasons in six major cities across the country. Through the sense of ceremony of on-site delivery, car owners can have a deeper understanding of the charm of Changan Qiyuan, among which Zhengzhou Station was selected as the landmark of Zhengzhou, Futa, Zhongyuan.

Comments: Changan Qiyuan’s design style emphasizes youth, fashion and sports, and the target consumer groups are more inclined to young people.

Zhengzhou: Support large-scale new energy vehicle enterprises and financial institutions to jointly set up auto finance companies.

On November 9th, Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government, China People’s Bank Henan Branch, Henan Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau jointly issued the Opinions on Financial Support for the High-quality Development of the Industrial Chain of New Energy Vehicles. The "Opinions" mentioned that it is necessary to increase financial support for key links in the new energy automobile industry chain. Support large-scale new energy vehicle enterprises and financial institutions to jointly set up auto finance companies to provide specialized financial services for new energy vehicle consumption.

Comments: Auto finance is an important supporting link of the auto industry.

Zhijie S7 is first equipped with HarmonyOS 4 intelligent cockpit and parking driving system.

On November 9th, Yu Chengdong, chairman of BU, Huawei’s smart car solution, said at the pre-sale conference of Zhijie S7 that Zhijie S7 was the first vehicle equipped with Huawei’s brand-new Turing smart chassis, and was equipped with a smarter high-level intelligent driving system, which started parking on behalf of others and realized over-the-horizon autonomous parking. At the same time, Zhijie S7 was first equipped with HarmonyOS 4 smart cockpit. The new car will be officially released on November 28th.

Comments: This is also far ahead.

In October, the retail sales of the generalized passenger car market was 2.051 million units, up 9.9% year-on-year.

On November 8, the data released by the Association showed that the retail sales of the generalized passenger car market in October was 2.051 million, up 9.9% year-on-year and 0.7% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the retail sales of the generalized passenger car market was 16.956 million, up 3% year-on-year; In October, the new energy passenger car market retailed 767,000 vehicles, up 37.5% year-on-year and 2.7% quarter-on-quarter. From January to October, the total retail sales of the new energy passenger car market was 5.954 million, a year-on-year increase of 34.2%.

Comments: In October this year, the retail sales of the auto market strengthened month-on-month, forming a strong trend of "silver nine gold ten", which is also a common trend in recent years, because the growth momentum of new energy vehicles drove the chain to strengthen.

In October, the penetration rate of Class B new energy vehicles exceeded 39.5%.

On November 13, the Federation issued a document saying that in October, the highest penetration rate of new energy vehicles was small cars, and the penetration rate of mini-cars was 100%; A0-class small cars are promoted particularly fast, reaching 66%; The penetration rate of A-class vehicles exceeded 22.6%, but it was still the lowest among all levels, with a slow annual increase. B-class cars are also greatly improved, exceeding 39.5%, and the average annual improvement speed is very fast.

Comments: The contribution of new energy vehicles will still increase slightly in the coming months.

Release of Auto-driving Evaluation Rules of China Intelligent Networked Automobile Technical Regulations

On November 12th, the Automobile Evaluation Management Center of China Automobile Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. released the automatic driving evaluation rules of China Intelligent Networked Automobile Technical Regulations, which mainly included two parts: real road performance and realizable function. It is reported that "China Intelligent Networked Vehicle Technical Specification" will be implemented step by step, and a complete evaluation system is expected to be launched in 2025.

Comments: China’s autonomous driving has been far ahead for a long time, and it should be the standard setter.

FAW Toyota responded that it will continue to reduce production in the next three months.

In response to the news that "production will continue to be reduced in the next three months", FAW Toyota related people responded that "this matter is based on the current market competition environment. On the one hand, we face up to the real pressure of dealers in terms of capital, inventory and income, and strive to ensure the quality of sales at the end of the year. On the other hand, on the basis of stabilizing this year’s sales and reasonable profits, we can also adjust our posture for the sales increase next year. "

Comments: It is fundamental to alleviate the pressure on dealers’ income.

Tesla was awarded the excellent case of ESG practice of "Xinhua Credit Jinlan Cup" in Zhengzhou.

Recently, the 5th China Urban Credit Construction Summit Forum-Enterprise ESG and High-quality Development Sub-forum was held in Zhengzhou, and Tesla (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was awarded as an excellent case of ESG practice in Xinhua Credit Jinlan Cup.

Comments: I expect Tesla to invest more in Zhengzhou.

The appearance of Xiaomi car was officially exposed.

On November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued "Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" (the 377th batch), and Xiaomi brand cars, which are pure electric cars, are listed. The latest news shows that Xiaomi’s first car will be positioned as a C-class eco-technology car with a price of 300,000+and equipped with the latest 澎湃 OS system.

Comments: The power battery of the driving motor and the integrated die-casting body all have the technology developed by Xiaomi.

"Double Eleven" auto market presents new features.

In the past "Double Eleven", the online consumption of automobiles showed new features. In the case that "low price, experience and service" became the new consumption trend this year, the sales of whole automobiles ebbed compared with previous years, while the consumption of car services such as maintenance, maintenance and charging increased. In the background of low automobile consumption, a 50,000-yuan mini-car has become this year."Double Eleven"The best-selling model.

Comments: A new consumption trend is taking shape in the automobile field.

Beaten by car anxiety? Car purchase recommendation has come to help zero-experience Xiaobai buy a suitable new car.

There are many kinds of cars, and once Xiao Bai with zero experience steps in, he will easily fall into "car selection anxiety". After all, how to choose the right car according to the budget? Today, I will send you a car recommendation, and your friends who have plans to buy a car can use it as a reference.

1. SAIC Volkswagen Skoda-Supai

The guide price of express manufacturers is 174,900-194,900 yuan. The appearance of the car is dynamic and fashionable, which brings people a fresh sense of vitality. In the front face, the raised lines on the front hood are full of existence, which is hard to ignore. Every bump is the embodiment of a sense of strength, which greatly adds to the design sense of the whole front face. The design of the rear of the car is steady, and the addition of silver trim adds the finishing touch and adds the beauty of details.

Speedmaster comes standard with black interior, the overall atmosphere is well controlled, and the exquisite materials and workmanship effectively guarantee the driving experience. The whole car comes standard with a 9.2-inch touch LCD screen, which is powerful and has an excellent daily experience. The front seat of the vehicle has a heating function, which dispels the cold of winter and gives warmth and comfort to the owner.

The 2024 Speedmaster has two models, the exclusive version is equipped with a 1.4T+7DCT power system, and the luxury version is equipped with a 2.0T+7DCT power system. The maximum speed of the new car is 210km/h, and the official 0-100km/h acceleration only needs 7.9-8.7L/100km.

2. FAW Toyota-Toyota bZ3

Toyota bZ3 manufacturer’s guide price is 16.98-19.98 million yuan. The image of the whole vehicle is excellent, and it is "impeccable" whether it is seen from near or far, which brings obvious visual surprise to the public. The new car is like a soldier of the future, angular and full of sports charm. The tail of the new car adopts a penetrating taillight group, which is elegant in shape and excellent in lighting effect.

Toyota bZ3 offers three kinds of interior color matching, each with its own strong points, showing different atmosphere beauty. The central control design of the new car is simple and clear at a glance, giving people a comfortable impression. The steering wheel of the main driver’s seat has a unique design, with the beauty of Fiona Fang, and the daily use effect is excellent. The new car configuration is gratifying, giving drivers and passengers an all-round surprise experience.

Toyota bZ3 is a pure electric medium-sized car with a maximum speed of 160km/h and a CLTC pure electric cruising range of 517-616km. The new car supports four driving modes, and the owner can switch freely according to the actual needs, thus realizing more fun and experience of using the car.

3. Dongfeng Citroen-Versailles C5 X

Versailles C5 X manufacturer’s guide price is 143,701-186,701 yuan. The image of the front face of the car is excellent, and it has a unique sense of coolness and coldness. The design of the headlights is elegant and unique, which is a rare design language in the market, showing the unique temperament and gas field of the car. The split taillight group at the rear of the car is full of tension, like an elastic spring, which is very dynamic.

Versailles C5 X offers color-coded interiors with excellent atmosphere. Once seated, people’s eyes will be attracted by the unique central control panel. The central control screen design is personalized, which gives the owner a different experience. The seats in the car are comfortable, and passengers can enjoy long-distance go on road trip with peace of mind.

Versailles C5 X is equipped with a power combination of 1.6T+8AT, with surging power and rapid acceleration. The maximum speed of the new car is 221km/h, which is amazing for four seats, leading the owners to fly quickly and enjoy driving fun.

Retire after success? If Manchester City wins the Triple Crown! Guardiola may leave Manchester City.

Guardiola hinted in an interview that if Manchester City wins the treble this season, he may leave.

Guardiola may leave Manchester City.

If Guardiola’s team can win the Premier League, Champions League and FA Cup this season, it will make history.

They are currently at the top of the Premier League, and the other two games have also reached the finals. All three events have a good chance of winning.

If so, his Manchester City will become the second team in the history of English men’s football to complete the triple crown after Manchester United in 1999.

This will put the Spaniard in a position where the club has almost nothing to gain. When this was put forward, he told reporters to ask him after the team finished the treble.

In an interview with Sky Sports, Guardiola said: "First of all, we must win the game. Then you can ask me after the game and I will tell you my feelings and thoughts. "

Later, the Manchester City manager was asked if this matter had ever appeared in his mind in any way. He replied: "Of course, we still need three games, and each event needs to be completed. Will you tell me that our city rival Manchester United will be an easy game? "

Manchester City will face city rivals Manchester United in the FA Cup final on June 3rd and Serie A Bamba Inter Milan in the Champions League final on June 10th.

"They don’t think they are the most promising team against the Italian team," he continued. "I’m thinking about it. Of course, if we achieve our goal, I will tell you. "

If Manchester City can beat Chelsea on Sunday, the Premier League title may be won in advance. If Arsenal lose away at Nottingham Forest, the championship may be decided one day in advance.

This will be Manchester City’s fifth Premier League champion in the past six seasons, marking their dominant position in the Premier League football field in the past five years.

However, Guardiola failed to win the Champions League while coaching Manchester City. Some people think that if he wins the Champions League successfully, he will leave the club.

After beating Real Madrid and Bayern Munich in the last round, Manchester City is regarded as the most promising team for next month’s match with Inter Milan.

The team easily defeated Spanish team Real Madrid on Tuesday night and won the second leg of the Champions League semi-final with a score of 4-0.

Bernardo Silva scored twice, together with goals from Manuel Acangi and Julian Alvarez, and finally defeated the defending European champions 4-0.

After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".