Wang Jianlin, don’t admit defeat

Article | Market Value Observation, Author | Yuntan, Editor | Xiaoshimei

Wang Jianlin, China’s former richest man, continues to fight while some property companies lie flat.

On the evening of June 28, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted its Hong Kong IPO application materials for the fourth time, more than 500 days after the first listing application.

In the past three years, Wang Jianlin’s life is not easy. The impact of the epidemic, the strictest supervision in the history of real estate, a group of once-famous real estate giants have collapsed.

Considering that the betting agreement with investors will take effect at the end of the year, if Zhuhai Wanda fails to list, then Wanda will face up to 40 billion share repurchase pressure.

For Lao Wang, going public is no longer the "icing on the cake". There are only 6 months left. Wang Jianlin, who does not admit defeat, must fight to the back.

"Wanda Commercial Management is Wanda’s core enterprise. I can lose any enterprise, but this cannot be lost."

But this "lifeblood" continued to be undervalued after it went public in 2014, so in 2016, Wang Jianlin decided to delist Wanda Commercial Management.

In the seven years since, the real estate industry has undergone a sudden change, and Wang Jianlin has always adhered to the "three major tasks" – reducing debt, light asset transformation and promoting re-listing.

During this period, Wanda Commercial Management introduced a number of investors, but also buried the risk of gambling.

In 2017, Wanda shares and debt double-kill, Wang Jianlin bite after the teeth, at the expense of borrowing to Sunac, let Sun Hongbin and R & F tension to 63.75 billion yuan to pick up 13 Wanda cultural tourism city and 77 hotels.

At the Wanda annual meeting in January the following year, Wang Jianlin was in tears:In 2017, Wanda experienced too many storms and hardships.

But the wave has not subsided, and another wave has come to attack.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The nine investors who helped Wanda privatize previously agreed with Wang Jianlin to go public at the end of 2018, otherwise Wanda would have to pay interest and buy back shares.

However, the road to listing of real estate companies is basically locked, Wang Jianlin can only ask for help from old friends, Pony Ma, Zhang Jindong, Sun Hongbin, Liu Jintao opened the purse generously, jointly funded 34 billion, to solve the urgent needs of Lao Wang.

Since then, Wang Jianlin has switched to H shares again, and the listed entity has been changed to Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

On the eve of its listing in Hong Kong, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management launched a Pre-IPO financing, transferring 21.17% of its shares to multiple investors such as Country Garden, CITIC Capital, Ant Group, Tencent, PAG Pacific Alliance Investment Group, etc. A total of about 6 billion US dollars (43.50 billion yuan).

The price Wanda needs to pay is that it must complete the listing by the end of 2023, otherwise it needs to buy back investors’ shares. That is to say, if the listing cannot be completed by the end of this year, Wanda needs to use 40 billion funds to buy back the equity.

The same script played out again, but this time, the friends were already cash-strapped, and some of them could not even protect themselves, so there was no money to help others.

For Wanda, which is currently not well-off, the expenditure of tens of billions of dollars is undoubtedly adding to the woes.

The end of the bet is approaching, and the iron man Wang Jianlin must speed up his pace.

In the history of H-share listings, it is rare for such a large number of IPOs to be repeatedly tossed.

Due to the delay in obtaining the "big road" of the China Securities Supervision Commission, some analysts said that,Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has set a "record" for the slowest overseas listing of a private company.

As early as October 11, 2021, Zhuhai Wanda obtained the acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission and submitted its first listing prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ten days later. But to this day, Wang Jianlin has not yet received the "pass" he has been longing for.

According to past experience, it only takes 3 to 6 months to get from "small road" to "big road", but Wang Jianlin waited 627 days. In addition, several Wanda IPO applications have also stepped on the implementation node of the "Pilot Measures" for overseas listing, and the road to listing can be described as a difficult buff.

Under the pilot scheme, domestic companies seeking to list overseas or in H-shares must obtain, in addition to an acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "small road", "H-share issuance approval" issued by the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "big road". Only after having the "big road" will the Hong Kong Stock Exchange conduct a listing hearing for the company and start the issuance, roadshow and listing work.

In addition to the two "tickets", it also needs to be filed with the Securities Supervision Commission and approved. In other words, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has an additional hurdle of approval.

Previously, Wanda’s listing information had expired three times, and the fundamental reason was that the "big road" had not been approved. On June 2, the China Securities Regulatory Commission raised six major questions to Zhuhai Wanda and asked for supplementary materials. Compared with the ease of listing in 2014, Wang Jianlin’s IPO can be described as even more difficult.

Therefore, in response to the supplementary material requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, whether Wanda’s reply can pass the customs will be the key to the sprint listing.

Looking at the requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, it can be seen that the problem mainly focuses on compliance, including corporate governance, capital exchanges with major shareholders, the authenticity of rental rate data, share repurchase, debt repayment arrangements, and high proportion of dividends.

According to the requirements, the issuer should supplement the materials within 30 working days. That means Wanda has about two weeks to prepare this response.

However, it is better to receive a reply than no news. Wanda also pointed out that "requesting supplementary materials is a normal process, and the listing is still in progress."

Just leave Wang Jianlin time is not much, in the face of the Securities Supervision Commission questions, Wanda iron also need their own hard.

If the "big road" is successfully obtained, coupled with the current policy atmosphere to support the real estate market, it is not impossible for Wanda to accelerate its listing.

Wang Jianlin is a man who refuses to admit defeat.

16 years of military experience have created his character of integrity, perseverance, and perseverance.

At the beginning of his business, he ran supermarkets, factories, elevator factories, substations, and eventually waded into the field of real estate development. But real estate is a capital-intensive industry. Due to his lack of experience, he has walked to the edge of the cliff many times due to capital chain problems.

At first in order to obtain a 20 million loan, he has more than 50 times hope to meet the leader of a bank, sometimes in the bank gate a stand is a whole day, but at that time Wanda is still a little-known small business, the bank is not willing to take risks, the final loan or not down.

On the one hand, he was exhausted for loans, and on the other hand, he was unable to start the project for a long time. Wang Jianlin didn’t sleep for nine days and nights at that time, and on the tenth day, he was directly unconscious in the company and was rushed to the hospital.

"You can’t be afraid of humiliation, you can’t be afraid of setbacks. The living can’t be suffocated to death by urine, and the bank can’t find it, so think of other ways." Wang Jianlin finally rescued Wanda, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, by issuing bonds.

In 2000, Wang Jianlin decided to switch to commercial real estate, but Wanda’s troubles still did not stop. In the first three years, Wanda mainly sold, and the merchants who purchased the shops directly sued Wanda in court for poor management.

In just three years, Wanda has fought 222 lawsuits. Although it has lost only two, the company is struggling to cope. Many people left Wanda at that time to find other ways.

Wang Jianlin did not flinch. In the face of difficulties, he believed in the thinking of "actual combat" and explored innovation and solved problems in practice. "When you reach the Yellow River, you will not die, and if you hit the south wall, you will not look back. When you reach the Yellow River, you will build a bridge and pass, and if you hit the south wall, you will turn over with a ladder."

He came up with an "urban complex" model. "Make a commercial center, build office buildings and apartments next to it. Sell apartments, office buildings, get cash flow, and the shops will run themselves."

This "combination of rental and sale" has allowed Wanda to rapidly expand its territory across the country and gradually grow into the country’s leading commercial real estate enterprise.

From an operational perspective,Wanda Commercial Management is China’s largest and most profitable business operations service provider.

According to the prospectus, Zhuhai Wanda achieved 17.196 billion yuan, 23.481 billion yuan and 27.12 billion yuan respectively in 2020, 2021 and 2022; its net profit during the same period reached 1.112 billion yuan, 3.512 billion yuan and 7.534 billion yuan respectively.

It can be seen that after the epidemic was released, Wanda bottomed out and rebounded, successfully achieved a V-shaped reversal, and its profitability increased significantly. Moreover, the profitability level from 2021 (adjusted by a specific algorithm) to 2022 has exceeded the gambling requirements. Considering the signs of consumption recovery, it will also be a high probability event to complete the betting profit requirement of 9.46 billion yuan in 2023.

The parent company Dalian Wanda Business Management Group is even larger, in 2022, Dalian Wanda Business Management revenue 49.314 billion yuan, net profit 12.301 billion yuan.

Taking Zhuhai Wanda as a reference, its revenue is 3 times and 6 times that of Xincheng Holdings and China Resources Vientiane Life Business Management, and 3.4 times that of the entire China Resources Vientiane Life Profit (2.206 billion yuan).

As of the end of 2022, Zhuhai Wanda had 472 projects under management, covering an area of 65.60 million square meters, making it the world’s largest business operations service provider and the only service provider in China to export large-scale management to third parties.

This asset-light model is not only what Wang Jianlin hopes to achieve, but also favored by capital markets. In Hong Kong stocks, the price-to-earnings ratio of China Resources Vientiane Life is nearly 5 times that of China Resources Land. The market value of Country Garden Services once exceeded that of Country Garden, which is mainly engaged in real estate development. Vanke also split All Things Cloud and listed it in Hong Kong.

The "limit for betting" has been reduced, and the listing battle of Zhuhai Wanda will most likely determine the fate of the real estate kingdom. But Wang Jianlin, a soldier, will not easily admit defeat. For now, this big gamble continues.

In April last year, Wang Jianlin took over the 10-year operation rights of the commercial project owned by Hu Baosen, "the first brother of Henan Real Estate"; five months later, two Wanda workshops in Zhengzhou opened at the same time.

In addition, Wang Jianlin also worked with Xinyuan Zhang Yong and Shanxi Tian Sen Du Yinwu, and took over the operation rights of Beijing Blue Harbor and Wukesong Zhuozhan Shopping Center. In 2022 alone, Wanda Commercial Management was involved in more than a dozen transactions.

Taking advantage of the recovery in consumption after the epidemic, Wanda is back on the road. The latest data shows that Wanda Commercial Management Group opened 12 Wanda Plaza in the first half of 2023, with a total of 484 openings. Total rental income in the first half reached 26.32 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year;

In addition, compared with other business management service providers, Wanda is more efficient, with a rental rate of 98.2% in the first half of the year and a 100% rent collection.

In addition to the core sector of business management, Wang Jianlin also pointed out at the annual meeting that in 2023, in addition to promoting the listing of Zhuhai Wanda Business Management, there will be cultural tourism "starting again".

After selling a number of cultural tourism assets to collect funds, Wanda Cultural Tourism "came back" in 2023. After the Lunar New Year, the once-quiet Wang Jianlin made frequent appearances, appearing in Luoyang White Horse Temple, Luoyi Ancient City, Guizhou Danzhai and other places, and immediately signed a number of cultural tourism projects.

Not only that, Wanda also issued a recruitment announcement called "Return to the Goose Plan", which is intended to bring back people who have worked at Wanda Hotels. More than 100 Wanda hotels are said to have participated in the campaign.

Residential real estate has also begun to return to the public eye. Wanda Real Estate (residential sector) focuses on Wanda’s commercial development and has been located in Wuhan, Guiyang and other places.

"In China’s real estate industry, Wang Jianlin deserves to be ranked first in terms of strategic execution and tactical discipline." Hu Baosen said of Wang Jianlin.

From surviving with a broken arm in 2017 to today’s massive counteroffensive, Wang Jianlin has taken precautions and acted countercyclically, which is the key to Wanda’s long-term survival.

Wang Jianlin once said: "Wanda’s difficulties are only temporary and phased, and Wanda will never lie flat." However, since the beginning of the year, the negative news lingering on Wanda has continued to ferment, causing Wanda, who originally "went ashore early", to once again fall into doubt.

However, these negative news are not completely real, and there are still many controversies. For example, the previously frozen equity of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management 1.90 billion, which Wanda said was worth far more than 1 billion yuan in property disputes. Wanda is using legal channels to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company.

Previously, Dalian Wanda suspended the small public debt of 6 billion yuan, taking into account the current market conditions and voluntarily giving up the issuance, and will not have a direct impact on the listing of Zhuhai Wanda.

In fact, after the crisis in 2017, after Wanda repaid more than 200 billion in debt, the "debt nuclear bomb" has been dismantled. The decisive transformation to light assets has also made Wanda lighter.

Moreover, compared with the crazy leveraging companies such as Sunac and Evergrande, Wang Jianlin has a more forward-looking strategic vision. He often takes precautions before the storm, even at the risk of breaking his wrists, ultimately escaping disaster.

At another crucial crossroads, the former richest man in China is facing a crucial battle.

As his favorite song sings: "I want to go from south to north, and I want to go from white to black." At the age of 69, he chose to stubbornly continue to fight.


Driving platform drivers only accept private orders before the festival: 10 kilometers, the asking price is 200 yuan

Private orders before the driving festival: 100 yuan for 3 kilometers!

■ The driver squatted at the door of the hotel and raised the price privately ■ Driving platform: In case of disputes or accidents, it has nothing to do with the platform

Morning News reporters, Wu Linhua, Zhang Shuo, Shen Yang

With the Spring Festival approaching and the number of parties increasing, chauffeurs have become the choice of many people. But recently, more and more citizens have found that chauffeurs are becoming more and more difficult to call. On major chauffeur service software, it is difficult to find chauffeurs to take orders even if they add money. But when these chauffeur service software shows that "there are no free drivers nearby", the chauffeurs squatting at the gates of major hotels gather to chat and wait for business.

It turned out that,Many chauffeurs have not taken orders through the platform recently, but have directly negotiated business with employers at the entrance of the hotel, and the asking price is also hot: 150 yuan for 5 kilometers and 200 yuan for 10 kilometers.

Owners are worried that, compared to the price of the lion’s mouth, these drivers bypass the platform to take orders privately, in case of a traffic accident, what should we do?

[Public feedback]

"Black driving" mode: The driver only accepts private orders.

"It’s clearly only 5 kilometers away, and the driver wants 150 yuan when he opens his mouth, which is too scary." Last Tuesday, Wang Jun (a pseudonym) had a party with friends, and it was nearly 10 pm after three rounds of drinking. Walking out of the hotel, Wang Jun called several driver companies as usual, and the reply was "Sorry, there is no free driver now". Wang Jun opened the driver software on his mobile phone again, either showing "There are no free drivers nearby", or no one took the order after waiting for nearly 10 minutes.

At this time, three or four chauffeurs who had been waiting at the door of the hotel enthusiastically walked towards Wang Jun, but the price they offered was not so enthusiastic: from Changshu Road on Yan’an Road to Caojiadu, less than 5 kilometers, they asked for 150 yuan, and it was a one-off price. In desperation, the slightly drunk Wang Jun had to pay 150 yuan to one of the chauffeurs.

With the Spring Festival approaching, many car owners have encountered the above situation. It turns out that recently, many chauffeurs have stopped turning on the machine to take orders, just waiting at the door of the hotel to take private orders. "The asking price is one or two hundred yuan for the journey closer, and three or four hundred yuan for the farther one. They don’t have to share with the company, so they can earn more." However, what worries Wang Jun is that these chauffeurs take orders privately, isn’t it a return to the mode of "black chauffeur"?

[Reporter visit]

Within 10 kilometers of Hongqiao Road, starting at 200 yuan

At 9:30 p.m. on the 22nd, the morning news reporter arrived at Jingcai Xuan on Hongqiao Road, and many chauffeurs riding electric scooters gathered together in twos and threes at the entrance of the hotel to wait for customers.

"There is no need to swipe, it is difficult to find a chauffeur on the platform now." A chauffeur on an electric scooter kept reminding a man who had just come out of the restaurant. The man swiped the chauffeur app on his mobile phone for three or four minutes, and found that no driver had taken the order. Finally, he stopped: "200 yuan is 200 yuan." Then, the chauffeur drove away with the man.

So, what is the difference between the platform price and the actual price of the driver’s private order?

Reporters use a driving platform APP to place an order. The route is from Jingcai Xuan to Xinzhuang Metro Station South Square, about 12 kilometers away. The driving platform shows 99 yuan, which is still the price after 1.3 times the price has been adjusted due to strong demand.

But the news sank into the sea, and the reporter waited for nearly 10 minutes without receiving any response. The driver software showed that there were no free drivers around, but there were four drivers who had been chatting in front of the reporter.

"Now the starting price within 10 kilometers is 200 yuan, and the price is negotiated directly. There is no need for a platform. If it exceeds 10 kilometers, you will add money." A driver wearing leather pants and a cotton hat rubbed his hands and told reporters that it costs 200 yuan to go to Xinzhuang.

The driver said that the price increase started three or four days ago. Most of the drivers have returned to their hometowns for the Chinese New Year, and some are unwilling to come out to do business because of the cold weather at night recently. There are fewer people and more business, so the fee has also gone up.

The Yellow River Road is 5 kilometers away, and the asking price is 150 yuan.

Because it is located in the city center and has many restaurants, Huanghe Road has always been the first choice for many citizens to gather for dinner. At 9 pm on the 22nd, most dinners were coming to an end, and more drivers gathered near Huanghe Road near Beijing West Road. But when the reporter opened a driving platform APP, the mobile phone screen showed "There are no free drivers nearby".

Before 22 o’clock, according to the official standard of a certain driving platform, the fee should be 39 yuan for about 5 kilometers from Huanghe Road to Sun Yueguang near Dapu Bridge. But when the reporter asked a driver who was unwilling to take orders on the APP, he opened his mouth and asked for 150 yuan. "Just from Huanghe Road to Wanrong Road, Yanchang Road, I asked someone for 200 yuan."

Coincidentally, in a parking lot near the Yellow River Road, a chauffeur was preparing to drive home for the owner. The reporter stepped forward to ask, and the chauffeur admitted that he had received a private order, and "advised" the reporter that if he wanted to find a chauffeur, no one would accept the order on the APP now, "just look for it on the side of the Yellow River Road."

When asked about the price of receiving the order, the driver did not reply, but the owner replied: "100 yuan for a 3-kilometer road, can you afford it?"

[Dialogue with the driver]

The price of private pick-up is more than twice that of the platform.

For the driver Lin Feng (pseudonym), after 8 o’clock every night, the driver’s work has just begun, and from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock in the evening is the peak period for the driver’s order. He also took orders after 3 o’clock in the morning at the latest.

Lin Feng also confessed to reporters that in addition to being a driver on a certain driving platform, he is also a driver on two other platforms, one person doing three, and there are not a few drivers like him who work part-time on different platforms.

However, as the Spring Festival approached, Lin Feng rarely used the driving software on his mobile phone to pick up jobs. "Look, on my mobile phone, there are more than 30 orders on only one price platform that have not been answered. Although many customers have added 20 or 30 yuan in tips."

Lin Feng and other chauffeurs said that the price of private orders is now more than twice that of the platform, "basically starting at 150 yuan", and will not be drawn by the platform. These days, they can receive at least three orders every night.

Another driver believes that, firstly, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and secondly, the charges are negotiated with the guests, so it is normal to earn more.

At 10:30 p.m. on the 22nd, Lin Feng walked into a restaurant to see the remaining diners, then rode to the parking garage to observe for a while, and calmly told the reporter, "There are still guests, you can wait a little longer."

[The driving platform responds]

Private orders are not guaranteed in case of disputes or accidents

Regarding the phenomenon of private orders taken by the driver, the reporter contacted a driver platform yesterday. The customer service staff said that the driver belongs to the service industry, and the driver cannot refuse the order and cancel the order without reason. The driver must go to work through the driver’s end to listen to the order, hang a tag when making an order, and be equipped with white gloves, seat covers and trunk pads; confirm with the customer before and after billing.

If the user finds that the driver does not go to the platform, increases the price privately, and collects tips indiscriminately, this is a "black order", and the customer can write down the driver’s tag job number and report it to the platform official. The customer service staff said that there are still people posing as the platform’s driving staff, and the customer can also directly take pictures for evidence collection and report it to the platform, or even directly choose to call the police.

The relevant personnel of the public relations department of a driving platform told reporters that at present, as the Spring Festival is approaching, the number of drivers who go to work normally has indeed decreased. There is no specific data on the order volume, but the supply and demand are more tight than usual.

The customer service staff of the chauffeur platform said that it is recommended that users use the platform to find chauffeurs, so that the service quality and safety will be guaranteed. The company has chauffeur liability compensation insurance, and there are clear restrictions on drivers who take detours, are unfamiliar with the road, dump passengers halfway, and have verbal and physical conflicts. Drivers on duty have 12 chauffeur points. If they violate the regulations, corresponding points will be deducted. After deduction, the account will be frozen, and if they are serious, they will be fired directly.

"If the employer and the driver place and receive orders on the official driving platform, if there is a traffic accident, or if there is a traffic violation caused by the driving, you can complain to the driving platform and the platform will deal with it accordingly." Another driving platform customer service staff told reporters yesterday, but if the employer and the driving driver reach an agreement privately, that is, a "private order", in case of a traffic accident or traffic violation, it has nothing to do with the driving platform.

[Lawyer’s statement]

Driving privately takes orders

Suspected of illegal operation

Regarding the phenomenon of driving drivers receiving private orders before the festival, Ge Zhihao, a lawyer at Beijing Guantao Zhongmao (Shanghai) Law Firm, said that drivers who bypass the platform to receive private orders are suspected of illegal operations, commonly known as "black driving". Once an accident or traffic violation occurs during the driving process, both employers and drivers will face huge risks.

Ge Zhihao, a lawyer, said that the driver bypassing the platform to take orders privately is a personal business behavior, and has not obtained market permission, and is suspected of engaging in illegal business operations. Because these "black driver" do not have commercial insurance, in the event of an accident, the responsibility must be borne by the individual: "If the’black driver ‘does not have the ability to compensate, it will be very troublesome for the employer."

Ge Zhihao said that if an employer directly hires an individual to do the driving, in the event of an accident, the employer shall bear the tort liability according to the Tort Liability Law. Of course, if the hired driver causes damage due to intentional or gross negligence, he shall bear joint and several liability with the owner according to law.

But in real life, employers do not know the personal information of the driver. If an accident occurs, the accountability process is very difficult. Once a dispute or loss occurs, the employer is likely to face a situation where there is no way to complain or the loss cannot be made up.

But the situation is different when looking for a driver through the platform. In order to avoid risks, the common practice of the driver company is to raise the entry threshold of the driver, set a unified charging standard and monitor the whole process. The most important thing is to purchase insurance for the driver, the owner and the vehicle.

In addition, if an accident or damage occurs during the driving process, according to the relevant provisions of the Contract Law and the Tort Liability Law, if the driver, as an employee of the driving company, causes damage to other people’s property while performing his duties, the driving company shall bear the corresponding compensation liability; if the driver causes damage due to gross negligence, the driving company can hold him accountable: "For employers, finding a driver through a formal platform can minimize their own risk."

Original is not doing business? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

Original title: Doing nothing? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

When it comes to live broadcast, who will you think of? Online celebrity? It seems that online celebrity, no matter which platform, has finally moved towards bringing goods.

Because of what?

Because making money!

But I don’t know when it will start, and some stars in the entertainment circle have also started live broadcast.

But now it seems that star live broadcast with goods has gradually become the mainstream.

Ada has always been a "sexy goddess" in everyone’s mind, and it should be regarded as a "bridesmaid event" when it is the hottest. When the popularity of Ada was high again, it turned out to be an event held by a live broadcast platform, and it also became an excellent anchor. In the two-hour live broadcast, it sold more than 15 million products, including 18 products such as juicer, electric toothbrush and vacuum cleaner, and at the same time, it also won hundreds of thousands of yuan in online gifts.

At that time, it caused a heated discussion. How did a good female star become a net red? However, this is not a case.

Wong Cho Lam, a variety coffee, also entered the stage of live broadcast with goods early. And his record is also worth mentioning. A commodity can sell more than 100,000 pieces in just 12 minutes, and the sales during the live broadcast period have exceeded 10 million, not including the reward income of live broadcast of more than 3 million yuan.

And do you still think it’s very expensive to bring goods live by a star?

In fact, what you think of losing your worth is to raise your worth in others’ eyes. Star live broadcast with goods not only brought rich returns to themselves, but also brought rich returns to businesses. Although everyone is ostensibly saying that all the stars have gone to be online celebrity, it’s so disgraceful. But you can’t deny that the star’s ability to carry goods is too strong.

Therefore, it’s not worthwhile for you to feel bad about the live broadcast of the stars. You still feel bad about your wallet ~ After all, double 11 is really coming!

Editor in charge:

May Day holiday "explosive" travel is coming! Ticket prices have increased significantly.

  The May Day "explosive" outing is coming! The number of single-day air tickets booked on a platform has reached a new high of nearly 16 years.

  Zhongxin Jingwei client April 21 ST (Zhang Yanzheng) "I am used to the cabbage price ticket during the epidemic. I recently searched the ticket during the May Day holiday, and I decided to lie flat." Many netizens reported on social media that the ticket price increased significantly during the May Day holiday this year, and some flights were still difficult to grab.

  How hot is the May Day Golden Week tour?Judging from the booking of air tickets on Ctrip, and Tongcheng, at present, the economy class of some flights on May 1st has been sold out. Ctrip platform predicts that the number of tourists on May 1st this year is expected to break through the May 1st level in 2019 and reach a new high of 200 million.

  G: I regret not booking the plane ticket earlier.

  "The May Day holiday lasts for five days. My friends and I plan to go to Chengdu to punch in Kuanzhai Lane. When we look at the ticket price, it seems that we are back before the epidemic." Ms. Wang from Beijing told the Zhongxin Jingwei client that the round-trip air ticket from Beijing she booked recently was 3,200 RMB, while another friend booked the air ticket one month in advance, and the same round-trip air ticket only cost more than 1,500 RMB. "I really regret that I didn’t book the plane ticket early, otherwise I could save the hotel money for one night."

  Ms. Wu from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, also said that the round-trip air ticket to visit relatives in Shenzhen during the May Day holiday last year was less than that in 800 yuan, while the round-trip air ticket during the May Day holiday this year was as high as 2,600 yuan. "In order to save some money on air tickets, I’m going to take a vacation a few days in advance and come back on May 7, so I can save more than 1,400 yuan."

  On social platforms, many netizens also said that the air tickets increased significantly during the May Day holiday this year, and even some netizens bought tickets for the National Day in advance.

  @ Grey Walnut Peach: The round-trip air ticket from Chengdu to Sanya rose to more than 4,000 yuan during the May Day holiday, which is too exaggerated. Fortunately, I bought it early.

  @ 京京京京京: Airline: How much you lost before, how much you have to earn now.

  @ Eiko Rene: After a small holiday in Qingming, people are crowded and scared!

  @ainizyy: I bought all the tickets for National Day, just for fear of price increase.

  Ctrip reports data disclosure,During May 1 this year, the volume of air ticket orders has surpassed the level of the same period in 2019, with an increase of 23%.In terms of fares, the average fare of economy class on May 1 ticket is 1,021 yuan, exceeding the average price in the same period in 2019. According to the data of, the booking volume of air tickets for the May Day holiday this year has greatly exceeded the same period in 2019, which is more than 25 times higher than the same period in 2020. The average payment price of air tickets is 924 yuan, which is more than 20% higher than that in 2019. On April 30th and May 1st, some flights from Beijing to Sanya were sold out in economy class, and only 10,000 yuan of business class was on sale.

  On April 20th, Lan Xiang, Dean of Qunar Big Data Research Institute, said that since April, the booking volume of domestic routes has soared. Last week, the number of single-day ticket bookings on the platform reached a new high in 16 years since the company was founded. The popularity of May 1 train tickets further promoted the growth of ticket sales, and the daily ticket volume increased by over 30% compared with 2019.

  Lan Xiang said that although many tourists visited relatives and traveled during the just-concluded Qingming holiday, due to the length of the holiday, most passengers still chose to travel during the May Day holiday.

  However, many passengers choose to travel at the wrong peak, which also leads to the emergence of new travel peaks. Where to go data disclosure, from April 28th, the number of passengers traveling by air increased significantly, until April 30th, when the number of passengers traveling that day reached its peak, even exceeding May 1st — — The number of passengers traveling on the first day of the holiday.

  According to the big data of air tickets for the same journey, the booking of May Day air tickets as of mid-April shows that there is a strong demand for domestic civil aviation travel from April 30 to May 5, and the average air ticket price is around 800 yuan (excluding airport construction fees and fuel costs). Among them, the average air ticket price in the last two days of the holiday will exceed that in 1000 yuan, exceeding the level of the same period in 2019 and 2020.

  Fang Zeqian, an industry analyst at Ctrip Research Institute, said that with the effective control of the domestic epidemic, the attitude of government departments to continuously liberalize travel restrictions and encourage and promote the development of tourism, the upcoming May Day holiday is expected to usher in an "explosive trip", and the long-lost "conformity" will return again! Ctrip’s current May 1 air tickets, hotels, tickets and car rental orders have increased significantly by 23%, 43%, 114% and 126% respectively compared with the same period in 2019. The number of May 1 tourists this year is expected to exceed the May 1 level in 2019 and reach a new high of 200 million.

  Shang Kejia, deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, mentioned on April 16 that from the perspective of air ticket booking, it can be said that "the volume and price have risen together", which is obviously higher than the Qingming small holiday just passed, and it is also expected to be higher than the May Day holiday in 2019. The growth rate of long-distance travelers is relatively large. From the peak travel time, except for the first and last days of the holiday, namely April 30th, May 1st and May 5th, there is also a relatively concentrated return passenger flow on May 9th.

  Spring is coming for airlines?

  It is worth mentioning that, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, domestic air tickets of airlines have repeatedly appeared "cabbage price", and the discount once reached 0.2 fold, and the fares of some domestic routes were less than 100 yuan. For example, on March 10th, 2020, the lowest fare for flights from Shenzhen to Chongqing was only 49 yuan, which was 0.4 fold of the full price.

  According to the statistics of Sino-Singapore Jingwei client, in 2020, the three major state-owned airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines, suffered a total loss of 37.082 billion yuan, with a daily loss of about 101 million yuan. Among them, China Southern achieved revenue of 92.561 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 40.02%; Air China achieved a year-on-year decrease in revenue of 48.96%; China Eastern Airlines decreased by 51.48% year on year.

  In terms of share price, the three major state-owned airlines all hit the lowest share price in the past five years last year. Air China once fell to 6.31 yuan/share in March 2020, down 34.88% from 9.69 yuan/share at the end of 2019; China Southern Airlines once fell to 4.95 yuan/share in May 2020; China Eastern Airlines fell to its lowest share price in March last year, with a price of 4.01 yuan per share.

  With the gradual control of the epidemic, the performance of the airline company began to improve. Recently, Bao Yi, deputy director of the Development Planning Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, said at a news conference that in the first quarter of this year, airlines still suffered losses, but the degree of losses narrowed compared with the same period of last year.

  Bao Yi introduced that in the first quarter, the accumulated operating income of airlines was 87.88 billion yuan, down 1.1% year-on-year, and the accumulated loss was 30.05 billion yuan, down 4.58 billion yuan year-on-year. From the monthly data, the loss was 10.48 billion yuan in January, 11.61 billion yuan in February and 7.96 billion yuan in March.

  It should be pointed out that,The share prices of major airlines secretly hit a new high in the past six months.. As of the close of April 20th, Air China quoted 9.28 yuan per share, which was 24.89% higher than the low of 6.97 yuan per share on January 25th this year. China Southern Airlines quoted 6.92 yuan per share, up 25.36% from the low point; China Eastern Airlines quoted 5.75 yuan per share, up 29.8% from the low point.

  Everbright Securities pointed out in the analysis of the research report,In March, domestic aviation demand recovered rapidly. The passenger traffic of some airlines and airports has exceeded the level of the same period in 19 years. The volume and price of May 1 ticket bookings have risen, which is significantly higher than that of the Qingming holiday, and it is expected to exceed the level of May 1 holiday in 2019. The trend of centralized release of domestic aviation demand is clear.; Overseas travel restrictions are expected to be liberalized one after another, and overseas aviation demand will enter the recovery channel. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

Officials were reported to have taken care of the female anchor and returned to work less than a week later.

  Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone.

  Screenshot of the exposed video. Network screenshot

  Department-level officials were reported to support female TV anchors, buy BMW cars for female anchors, and provide nearly 1 million yuan of funds to female anchors for their consumption every year. The video of the official and the female anchor being shot abnormally in the room was also exposed. Jin Zeyin, former deputy secretary-general of Zhangjiajie Municipal People’s Government and director of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee, was reported.

  On April 22nd, there was an exclusive media report that Jin Zeyin was reported to have adopted a female anchor. "Jin Zeyin’s dismissal was not notified. In less than a week, he went to the municipal government to go to work normally." Several veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie who did not want to be named questioned this.

  The Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee responded that the official did not report it because the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection was not over; Dismissal is because his life style has been confirmed; It is a resolution of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to work in the municipal government office after his dismissal; Jin Zeyin was a general cadre in the municipal government, but he didn’t hold a post.

  The reporter claimed to be the husband of the female anchor who was adopted.

  On April 20th, an online post titled "Jin Zeyin in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province has been corrupted and committed adultery with Lu Wei for a long time" attracted attention. The poster claimed to be the husband of Lu Mou, an employee of Zhangjiajie TV Station, and publicly reported that Jin Zeyin, an official in Zhangjiajie, had a style problem.

  According to the above net post, since 2012, "Jin Zeyin has committed adultery with my wife Lu Mou (Zhangjiajie TV Station) and bought a luxury BMW car for her, providing her with nearly 1 million yuan for her consumption every year", and so on.

  However, the poster who claimed to be Lu’s husband misspelled his wife’s surname "Lu" as "Lu".

  The report net post distributed a video of 1 minute and 21 seconds, which presented three scenes: a middle-aged man walking around the room in pajamas; The process of a woman wearing pajamas and dressing; A man went out with a woman on his back. This edited video shows that men and women are in the same room.

  On April 21, the relevant person in charge of the network information office in Zhangjiajie confirmed to The Paper that the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a meeting on this report that morning, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Public Security Bureau had intervened in the investigation on the authenticity of the report post. On the 25th of the same month, Jin Zeyin’s personal data disappeared from the official website of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee.

  The Paper survey found that Jin Zeyin and Lu had already crossed paths. Jin once served as deputy district head and propaganda minister in Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie City, while Lumou worked in Wulingyuan District TV Station. After Lumou applied to Zhangjiajie TV Station as the anchor of the news channel.

  According to Jin Zeyin’s colleague, who did not want to be named, since the day after the media report (23rd), Jin Zeyin has never appeared in public in the company, and the door of his office has been closed.

  According to the above-mentioned staff, on April 23rd, the relevant staff of Zhangjiajie City Commission for Discipline Inspection came to the Development Zone to announce that Jin Zeyin had been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Subsequently, the organization department came to the Economic Development Zone to announce the resolution of dismissing Jin Zeyin. "At that time, it was only orally announced, and no written documents were seen."

  Veteran cadres questioned that they went to work in the municipal government office after being exempted.

  Three veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie questioned The Paper, saying that Jin Zeyin had been transferred to the Zhangjiajie municipal government office to work less than a week after he was dismissed from his post.

  The veteran cadres said that they learned from relevant channels that the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau launched a "double investigation" on this matter after the incident: on the one hand, it checked the style of Jin Zeyin, on the other hand, it checked the video in the online report post to see if the shooting was legal.

  According to a person familiar with the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau, after the report occurred, the relevant departments of Zhangjiajie launched a "double investigation" on the whistleblower and the reported person. So far, the "mysterious reporter" who posted the post has not surfaced.

  The Paper learned from relevant channels that the whistleblower refused to show up for fear of retaliation. Before the online report, the whistleblower sent the detailed report materials to the relevant departments in Zhangjiajie, and only chose to report online when there was no response.

  The reporter tried to get in touch with the reporter many times and was told by him through relevant channels that "it is not convenient to show up for the time being, and all evidence and complete videos will be made public when there is danger".

  Official response Disciplinary Committee has filed a case.

  The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee that Jin Zeyin is married and his wife works in the education system. After Jin Zeyin and Lumou were exposed, Lumou didn’t go back to the TV station to work.

  On May 24, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee provided reporters with several internal documents stamped with the official seal in response to the query of veteran cadres.

  These documents confirmed that, after research by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to put Jin Zeyin’s violation of discipline on file for review, and to remove him from the posts of Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal People’s Government (concurrently) and Director of the Management Committee of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone (Zhangjiajie Science and Technology Industrial Park).

  According to the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee on April 25th, Yang Guangrong, secretary of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee to listen to the preliminary investigation and verification of Jin Zeyin’s life style by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Committee.

  The above-mentioned meeting held that the life style of leading cadres is by no means a trivial matter, nor a minor issue, but a major event related to the credibility and image of the party among the people … … Judging from the investigation and verification, there is a violation of discipline in Jin Zeyin … …

  The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection filed a case review on its disciplinary problems and agreed to adjust Jin Zeyin to the work of the municipal government.

  The minutes of the meeting also mentioned that Lu Mou, the relevant party, had reported the case to the public security department on the issue of monitoring and collecting evidence for suspected illegal intrusion into houses, and the municipal and district public security departments should file an investigation according to law and detect the case as soon as possible.

  The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee explained that the current investigation of Jin Zeyin by the Commission for Discipline Inspection is not just a matter of life style, but the economic problems mentioned in the net posts are being investigated together; However, before the results of the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection came out, Jin Zeyin was still a civil servant, and there was nothing wrong with adjusting his post.

  "On the issue of dealing with Jin Zeyin, the Zhangjiajie Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Organization Department and the public security are all investigating and handling according to law, discipline and regulations." The relevant person in charge of the above-mentioned propaganda department said.

Beautiful but dangerous! Firecrackers frequently injure people. Will it be forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year this year?

This article is transferred from: Agricultural TV Network
The sound of firecrackers said goodbye to the old year.
Celebrate the New Year in fireworks.
Set off fireworks and firecrackers in the New Year.
It is a long-standing tradition in China.
With the flavor of the year getting stronger and stronger
When people set off fireworks and firecrackers
News of being injured has happened from time to time.
How can we avoid tragedy?
In recent years
Many places, including rural areas
Have already issued a "prohibition order"
What are the local policies this year?
set off firecrackers and fireworks
Beauty and danger coexist.
Setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year symbolizes happiness and beauty. However, according to the annual hospital report, many people are injured by setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year every year, ranging from skin injuries to broken fingers, eye injuries and deafness, resulting in lifelong disability and even death.
In recent days, news about injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers has been repeatedly screened.
On January 24th, there was a loud noise in Jintaiyangguang Square, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province. Five manhole covers in the square were blown up one after another, and white smoke was everywhere. The scene was a mess. A boy of about 10 years old and his mother were injured and fell to the ground. Witnesses at the scene revealed that the accident was caused by the boy’s playful throwing firecrackers into the sewer of the square, which led to the explosion of methane in the sewer. Five nearby manhole covers and floor tiles were instantly blown up, and the child and his mother were injured because they had no time to dodge the cracked floor tiles and manhole covers.
On January 23, 74-year-old Uncle Chen in Changsha, Hunan Province dug up some firecrackers when he was cleaning at home. He wanted to try to see if it could still be used, so he ran outside and lit a fire. Unexpectedly, just as he lit the fire, the firecrackers suddenly exploded. Uncle Chen was accidentally injured in his right hand. After the incident, his family rushed him to the hospital for treatment. At present, the end of the thumb and middle finger of the old man’s right hand are all defective, and the doctor has performed a broken finger repair operation for him.
On January 22nd, an 8-year-old boy picked up an unburned fireworks tube and played. His right hand was blown to pieces and his bones were exposed. The doctor performed vascular suture and nerve repair, and the boy’s finger blood circulation has now recovered, but the nerve injury needs a long time to recover.
During the Spring Festival every year, there is a high incidence of accidental injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers. Most of the causes of injuries are the purchase of inferior fireworks and firecrackers, or the lack of safety protection measures when they are set off.
Chinese new year this year
Can we set off fireworks?
In recent years, with the increasing awareness of public safety and environmental protection, more and more places have joined the ranks of "forbidden families".
It is worth noting that this year, rural areas were specifically mentioned when the notice of prohibition was issued in many places, because there are many dry firewood and haystacks in rural areas, which are easily ignited, thus causing fires. Take Beijing as an example. It is forbidden to set off firecrackers in both rural and urban areas, otherwise there will be various penalties.
Although many places have issued "prohibition orders", we still hope that we can analyze the specific situation and not let all places ban fireworks and firecrackers. From the current point of view, although there are great restrictions on the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in some places, they can be divided into forbidden areas and areas outside the forbidden areas. If they are outside the forbidden areas, they can still be discharged.
For example, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province recently issued a notice, starting from January 1 this year, the scope of the forbidden zone is within 300 square kilometers of the main city area, and other places in Wuxi area can still set off fireworks and firecrackers according to the specific requirements of relevant departments.
Haikou City, Hainan Province has also issued relevant notices about the forbidden zone before, and fireworks and firecrackers can still be set off in areas other than the forbidden zone.
In addition to the release of the "Prohibition Order", on January 25th, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice requesting to further strengthen the delivery control of inflammable and explosive articles such as fireworks and firecrackers.
The circular pointed out that local postal administrations and delivery enterprises should guard against criminals using delivery channels to commit illegal and criminal acts, and prevent prohibited articles from flowing into delivery channels and causing major delivery security incidents.
set off firecrackers and fireworksThe origin of
"In addition to the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su." During the Chinese New Year, just hearing the crackling firecrackers will know that the New Year is coming. So, why set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival?
When the ancients struggled with various natural phenomena, they often encountered problems that could not be scientifically answered and dealt with, which were often attributed to illusions such as ghosts and demons. They rise from the sun to shine on the earth, and all things are revived and rejuvenated, which leads to the association that fire, light, red and sound are the most sacred and powerful things, which can overcome all evil spirits and avoid evil.
There is a legend that there is a monster called Nian, who often comes to ruin crops and hurt people. Later, people found that Nian was afraid of fire, lit a bonfire, and then put a lot of bamboo in the fire to roast. Bamboo made a crackling noise. Nian beast was so scared when he heard these noises that he began to run around the village. However, people had already put out their own pasted lanterns and hung them in front of the door, which made Nian beast even more flustered and quickly ran to the Woods and disappeared.
Today, we set off firecrackers, although it means to get rid of the old and welcome the new, but it has no superstitious color. Every New Year, everyone will put up red couplets, set off firecrackers, light candles, and keep vigil all night in beating gongs and drums to welcome the arrival of the New Year.
set off firecrackers and fireworks
safety first
Finally, Xiaobian should remind everyone that safety protection should be done when fireworks and firecrackers are allowed to be purchased and set off.
When buying, do "four looks":
1. Look at the operator’s license:It should be purchased in a formal place with a "Fireworks and Firecrackers Business (Retail) License", and should not be purchased at unlicensed stalls or illegal vendors peddling by bicycle.
2. Look at the product content:You should buy fireworks and firecrackers with relatively small dosage, and don’t buy large fireworks and firecrackers such as harmful fireworks bombs.
3. Look at the product appearance:Products with neat appearance, no mildew, integrity, no deformation, no drug leakage and floating should be purchased.
4. Look at the product logo:Products with complete and clear signs should be purchased, that is, formal factory name and address, warning signs, Chinese discharge instructions, etc.
When discharging, do "six noes":
1. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers within 100 meters of the production, storage and business units of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods and the surrounding areas.
2. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in stations, transportation hubs, urban main roads and railway line safety protection zones; Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in the safety protection zone of power transmission and transformation facilities.
3. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off in state organs, cultural relics protection units, medical institutions, old-age care institutions, schools, libraries, archives, museums, children’s activity places and their surrounding areas.
4. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off intensively in shopping malls, bazaars, public cultural activities and other places.
5. Do not set off fireworks in corridors, balconies, alleys and lawns.
6 rural fireworks should be far away from factories, warehouses, farmers’ markets, grain depots, firewood piles, etc.
At the same time, when setting off fireworks, fireworks should be placed on the ground smoothly. If there is any abnormality, please do not go near the product immediately, and wait for at least 15 minutes before handling it.
Fireworks are beautiful.
But when it was set off,
be sure to be safe
Remember, remember!
Sources:, Post Office website,, The Paper and Guangxi News Channel.
Edit | Kang Xuanshan
Editor | Jiang Lin
Supervision and examination | Zhong Qian

A city with a hundred flavors | See Chongqing at the New Year’s Eve party. VIPs should "sit first"

This article is transferred from: Yang Guangwang
Chongqing, January 27 th, the news of the Golden Bull puts its tail, and the tiger is blessed with wind. The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and the taste of the year is coming to the nose. As the capital of food, Chongqing is best suited to the rich group annual banquet. The dishes are fragrant, and the taste buds dance gracefully between the teeth and on the tip of the tongue. This is the first time for aesthetic food. Chongqing Channel of Yangguang. com will publish value food information from time to time in the column of "One City with Hundreds of Flavors" to explore Chongqing’s food highland and share the delicious food with the "delicious dogs". In this issue, I followed the footsteps of Chongqing Channel Food Xiaobian of Yangguang. com and entered the "First Sitting Mansion".
Creative Chinese-style door head (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Xian ting Cang mo ke teahouse Hou Jiayin
"I have no intention of staying or staying, watching the flowers bloom and fall before the court; Don’t be surprised by yourself, and follow the clouds in the sky. "Regardless of ancient and modern times, literati are always looking for a good place to put their bodies and souls. For educated and picky diners, the dining environment is the first element that bears the brunt.
The flute is melodious, the harp and the sound are harmonious (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Just "sit first"! Shouzuo Mansion is located at the foot of Zhaomushan Forest Park, a natural oxygen bar. Under the infiltration of rich negative oxygen ions, it opens a pleasant afternoon tea mode and steals a half-day leisure. First, brew a pot of green bamboo leaves before the Ming Dynasty, or a cup of precious Tieguanyin, which is warm and sweet and beautiful. Either the old monk is calm, quiet and safe, or he is full of ideas and high spirits, splashing his pen and ink on the Chinese chapter.
The cultural performance of the first sitting mansion "changed face" (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
Chinese-style courtyard, unique and exquisite, antique, exquisite kung fu tea performance is eye-catching, and the sound of folk music is fresh and pleasant, which can pick up elegance and interest everywhere.
The eaves are drooping and the tea is fragrant (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
As soft as breathing, the eaves lights turn green and moss. The moist and silent blue slate seems to be impregnated with tea fragrance. At every moment of moving forward or stopping, the fragrance spreads all over the body. The sunny patio seems to hide the mystery of time, and the calligraphy and painting furniture are brilliant and sharp-edged. Let the family "sit first" and have a drink with friends, so let the tea smell warm and moist for this long time and interpret the password of time.
Good mood begins with afternoon tea (photo courtesy of Yang Guangwang’s first sitting in the mansion)
Cups and plates are poems and paintings of paper and pen dishes.
"Good-looking bodies are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million." For food, to be the ultimate, color, flavor and shape are indispensable.
Recommended dishes: Sanchahu Qiaoke Wang (Photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
The dishes in the first residence, from the utensils to the color, flavor and shape of the dishes, are all fine and unique.
Recommended dishes: roasted sea cucumber with tofu (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Color matching, shape adjustment, the position where the main course should be placed in the plate, the lovely small ornaments in the blank space, and amazing poems, every detail is just right, just like a perfect match made in heaven.
Recommended dishes: Skillful vegetable rolls (Photo courtesy of Shouzuo Mansion issued by Yangguang. com)
These key points are controlled by beauty of chongqing, who was the youngest flight attendant of Southwest Airlines, and Huang Can, the chairman of Caixiangyuan Catering Culture Company. Shouzuo Mansion is a high-end brand of its chain business, and its fine service management, innovative Chinese design and strong cultural genes all stem from her artistic temperament of liking art and music.
Antique private rooms (Photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Shouzuo Mansion is a black pearl restaurant that has been appraised for many years, and is committed to spreading healthy food and traditional culture. In Shouzuo Mansion, there are countless signature dishes, such as "Longjing shrimp balls, braised roast chicken with turmeric, cherry foie gras, yak meat with milk wine, dried roast chicken in this period, dried roasted elegant fish, shredded roasted rabbit with agarwood, preserved okra with sesame sauce, pickled fish head with tortillas, swan crisp, and Tricholoma matsutake chicken bean curd …", which makes people unable to stop.
Recommended dishes: Tricholoma matsutake chicken tofu pudding (photo courtesy of the first residence of Yangguang. com)
Beautiful scenery, delicious food, fine wine, and a beautiful table of delicacies can’t help themselves in the taste of the year. In the interesting food, release the interesting soul, which is worth it! (Text/Wei Ge)
Recommended drink: custom-made red wine (photo courtesy of Yangguang. com)
[group annual banquet hotline]

"Heroes" competition, "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league shows the charm of science and technology workers.

Make a neat move,

Basketball draws a perfect arc in the air,

It rained for three minutes outside the three-point line.

Show the excellent shooting skills of the players;

The players in the competition walk skillfully,

Accurate shooting, vigorous posture,

Every time a basketball crosses your fingertips and flies to the basket to get into the net,

The audience also burst into applause and cheers.

On September 16th, 2023, the 12th "Zhangjiang Cup" Basketball League ushered in an exciting final moment. 92 teams participated in more than 230 competitions, which lasted for more than 2 months. Finally, 12 teams from Grade A, Grade B and competitive entertainment groups stood out and entered the finals. They are full of enthusiasm to fight for the first place in the competition field, showing the high-spirited enterprising style of "team surpassing" in Zhangjiang Science City.

This basketball league is directed by Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City Construction Management Office, Zhangjiang Town People’s Government of Pudong New Area, Shanghai Zhangjiang (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Park Development Co., Ltd., hosted by Shanghai Zhangjiang Culture Holdings Co., Ltd., undertaken by Zhangjiang Park Federation of Trade Unions and Shanghai Zhangjiang Culture Media Co., Ltd., and assisted by Zhangjiang Science City Chamber of Commerce.

After several hours of fierce fighting, Team 1 of Shanghai Dagao International Logistics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Ronghang Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Modu Bus won the third place in the first division respectively.

Dagao International won the championship of Group A, which is the best result of Dagao International since it participated in the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league in 2012. Yong-quan Chen, the founder and chairman of Dagao International, led the team in the "No.18" uniform. "The Zhangjiang Cup Basketball League has not only boosted the morale of Zhangjiang enterprises, but also built a platform for communication and exchange. We are very willing to participate in such activities. Through this platform, you have the opportunity to have technical exchanges with other enterprises, and you may even have business contacts in the future. " Yong-quan Chen said.

The "Enterprise Service Star" who won the championship in Group B of this basketball league is an old basketball team. The team said that basketball is a sport that embodies the spirit of teamwork, and the cohesion of the company is getting stronger and stronger during the activity, which encourages the employees of the company to "never give up, never give up", strive for progress, and unite and cooperate with each other.

Since its establishment in 2009, the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league has been successfully held for 12 sessions. As a brand event of "Zhangjiang Sports Season", enterprises, institutions and employees of Zhangjiang Science City have been actively participating in it.

Mr. Li is an "old Zhangjiang" who has been paying attention to it since the first competition. He believes that the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league has become more and more exciting, which has set up a stage for Zhangjiang enterprises, which is conducive to improving their visibility and strengthening teamwork within enterprises.

In recent years, in Zhangjiang, all kinds of cultural and sports activities have continued. Apart from the "Zhangjiang Cup" basketball league, there are also activities such as dragon boat races, badminton competitions and "enjoying Zhangjiang masters into Zhangjiang". In addition, NES Zhangjiang International Community, Zhangjiang Science Hall, Zhangjiang Drama Valley and other cultural IPS are also emerging one after another, which transforms the "flow" of style into the "reservation" of industry.

According to the Tenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Zhangjiang Science City in Shanghai, Zhangjiang is making every effort to build a vibrant city, strengthening the compound utilization of sports activities and ecological space, planning a number of outdoor bicycle lanes and waterfront bicycle lanes, building a number of ball venues, swimming pools and fitness centers, and supporting the holding of sports events and mass sports activities. The science city is becoming more livable, suitable for business, suitable for travel and music.

Text: Yang Zhenying

Editor: Wu Yan

Reprinted from Pudong and released the official WeChat.

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Text Editor: Dong Siyun

Author: Pudong release

How to treat manual quality inspection and intelligent quality inspection?

The purpose of intelligent quality inspection is to replace manual inspection with robots and help enterprise managers solve the problem of manual quality inspection. Compared with manual work, intelligent quality inspection can reduce the labor cost by more than 90%, improve the quality inspection efficiency, and achieve 100% full coverage, which brings a new management mode to the customer service center.

What does traditional quality inspection depend on? The naked eye, experience. Problems: different quality inspection standards, low efficiency and low coverage.

Only 1%-2%. With the increase of business volume of enterprises, quality inspectors can’t detect every recording and record, and usually adopt sampling method, which is easy to miss inspection, not only ignoring a large number of work recordings, but also leading to the lack of representativeness of quality inspection results.

Generally, the fastest time for manual quality inspection is the next day to conduct sampling inspection on the recordings or records of the previous day, so managers cannot find problems at the first time and deal with risks in time.

Changes in indicators and business are not linked to quality inspection in time, so it is impossible to find possible problems in time and intelligently.

The results of manual quality inspection are limited by the subjective thinking and professional judgment of quality inspectors, and different quality inspectors have different testing standards, which leads to the lack of objectivity of quality inspection results.

What does AI quality inspection depend on? Constantly optimized AI capabilities. From human to AI, there are many changes: reducing labor costs, improving coverage, unifying testing standards, and improving efficiency … The emergence and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made it possible to make up for the shortcomings of manual quality inspection.

  • Improve the efficiency of manual quality inspection

Solve the problems of low sampling rate and low efficiency of manual quality inspection, and the quality inspection coverage rate is 100%, which greatly improves the quality inspection efficiency.

  • Improve the skills of employees

Complete dimension evaluation, analyze and extract effective skills in high-quality voice cases, and improve business skills through employee learning and training.

  • Comprehensive business public opinion analysis

Mining users’ high-frequency problems, quickly finding and feedback, is convenient for managers to formulate effective strategies before risks are formed, thus curbing the scope of influence and optimizing service strategies.

  • Improve customer satisfaction

Solve the feedback problem, improve customer satisfaction, effectively discover the knowledge that customer service lacks, help customer service improve service quality, and improve customer service satisfaction. Excavate high-frequency problems, feed back to business optimization practice, and effectively reduce customer complaint rate.