Chinese billiards world championship: defending champions Zheng Yubo and Chen Siming advance to the second stage.

Nanchang, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet)-The 6th Chinese Billiards World Championship of China Billiards Association recently concluded the first stage of the competition in Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. Defending champions Zheng Yubo and Chen Siming advanced to the second stage.
This tournament attracted 496 players from 41 countries and regions to participate in Yushan, and the number of participants reached a new high. It is the largest Chinese billiards competition in the world. The race is divided into two stages. The first stage is divided into domestic men’s team, international men’s team, domestic women’s team and international women’s team, and the top 32 men’s team and the top 16 women’s team are produced by the double-loss elimination system.
The competition in the domestic men’s team is fierce. Zheng Yubo, who aims to win three consecutive championships, and john young, the champion in 2017, and other famous players have lost in succession, but they still narrowly missed the top 32. Shi Hanqing, winner of the 2016 tournament, and Zheng Xiaohuai, winner of this year’s International Open, were eliminated early. Wattana, the champion of the first year of the tournament, led the international men’s team to advance to the lineup, and the Thai ball king regretted saying goodbye.
All the four champions in the first five competitions appeared in the domestic women’s team, Chen Siming advanced in two consecutive games, Fu Xiaofang broke through successfully, and Dove and Han Yu were both defeated. Natasha Chetan, a 15-year-old Indian teenager, advanced to the second stage with outstanding performance in the international women’s team and became a dark horse in this competition.
The second stage of the race began on the 12th, and the single defeat elimination system was adopted. According to the schedule, the women’s team will decide on the 15th and the men’s team will win on the 16th.

2024 Silk Road International Fashion Week: Leading a New Chapter of Macau Fashion Industry

On the morning of January 27th, the 2024 Silk Road International Fashion Week tour in Macau was officially launched, which included MAXCHILL performance, the release of Miracle Angel and FENGSANSAN brand, the joint exhibition of Macao design brands, and the display of non-legacy projects.

With the support of Macao Cultural Development Fund, the event was hosted by Film and Art Creation Agency, jointly sponsored by Macao Fashion Industry Association, Asian Model Association and Silk Road International Fashion Week, and undertaken by Mojie Fashion Group and Star Bio-Creation Co., Ltd. At the same time, the event was also strongly supported by the Tourism Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the Macao Productivity and Technology Transfer Center.

On the same day, the activity kicked off with a wonderful song and dance performance by MAXCHILL, a Macao children’s performance group. The members showed the vitality and innovative spirit of the younger generation in Macao with their unique dances and music. Their performance won warm applause from the audience and added a youthful atmosphere to the whole activity.

The special performance of ——Miracle Angel, a high-end custom-made fairy luxury brand for children’s dresses, is also a highlight of this event. Miracle Angel adheres to the fresh, elegant and noble design concept, takes "originality, uniqueness and distinctiveness" as the brand essence, and aims to give children the "right to speak in fashion", and customize a unique children’s fashion life experience for them, regardless of the cost and time-consuming, and construct the beauty without copying by hand, creating an impeccable sense of quality and value. At the event site, gorgeous and beautiful costumes with the wonderful display of small models attracted everyone’s attention.

In addition, the joint exhibition of Macao design brands organized by Macao Fashion Design Industry Association, including C/W Collective, Demi*D, Goddess Armour, Nega C. and NO.42, has also received extensive attention. Local designers from Macao have shown the unique charm of Macao to the world through their creativity.

As a series of activities of 2024 Silk Road International Fashion Week, this tour not only injected new vitality into Macao’s fashion industry, but also provided a new opportunity for the integration and development of Macao’s cultural tourism industry. At the same time, Macao’s international popularity and influence have also been effectively enhanced. Through exchanges and cooperation with the international fashion industry, it will further promote Macao’s image as a "performing arts capital" and attract more tourists to experience Macao’s unique charm.

Welcome the New Year and celebrate New Year’s Day! There was a lot of laughter at this party in Jindun Primary School.

Beautiful and moving songs, enthusiastic dances, gripping recitations, handsome and tough martial arts and wonderful instrumental performances … On the afternoon of December 29th, Class 15, Grade 1 of Jindun Primary School held the theme activity of "Welcome the New Year and Celebrate New Year’s Day". The whole activity climaxed, and the audience applauded constantly. The students greeted the arrival of the new year with laughter.
In order to set off the festive atmosphere, teachers, students and parents arranged the indoor and outdoor environment of the class together, including red lanterns, colorful balloons and exquisite flowers.
At the get-together, children’s performances were brilliant, including passionate music, dynamic dances and humorous sketches. The classroom was full of happy smiling faces and lively figures of children.
In the game session, the children are more enthusiastic and proactive, and they have cultivated the spirit of unity and cooperation in cooperation. The activity ended with a cheerful group dance by the children.
"This activity fully demonstrated the children’s talents and abilities, passed on the beauty of the festival to every child’s heart, and built a good platform for the healthy growth of children and the construction of class culture." Zheng Guangtian, the class teacher, expressed the hope that the children would experience more happiness, make continuous progress and grow up happily during the activities.
Correspondent Guo Xiwen

What is more terrible than illiteracy is that children don’t understand history.

In recent years, I have often seen such news.

The child was asked about the title of Li Bai in the exam.It is not the "Poet Fairy" who fills in the examination paper, but the assassin.(a game character).
As a book practitioner, I feel very sad every time I see such news.

Just likeCh ‘ien MuSaid,History is the national heritage of a country.

Babies who love to read history have far more thinking, vision and pattern than their peers.
But many parents don’t know how to choose history books for their children and how to enlighten them.

In fact,For children, the difficulty in learning history is not memory, but framework.Once the time and timeline are clearly sorted out, no matter how many people, events and stories can be mastered.
Children aged 7-18 learn history and recommend this set.15 history professors including Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University.Editorial-
History of young chinese
A book in hand, easy to understand China for 5000 years.
Let’s take a look at this set of books first"brilliant record"

Since its publication, it has accumulated millions of best-selling copies and has been widely used.Primary and secondary school teachers as historical development readers.
Many readers say,I haven’t been so excited about a set of books for a long time..
A first-class historical expert in China, which took decades to write,

Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of Beijing Normal University, professor of China Renmin University, editor of People’s Education Publishing House …

They are not only scholars, but also parents. beReally understand and enlighten history from the perspective of children..

The content is rigorous, close to the textbook, but also interesting and easy to read, which is not only liked by readers, but alsoIt has been unanimously recommended by famous artists in the historical circle.

There are 14 volumes in the book.Divide according to the timesFrom ancient myths to modern China, the 5,000-year history of China is unobstructed.

So is every book.According to the time line, according to the historical process.

The most important thing is that every dynasty is an invitation.Written by a professor who specializes in that dynasty.

I have come into contact with a lot of history books, and it is very rare to be so proficient like this.

10+ column, interspersed in every page of the book.

While talking about official history, relevantHistorical allusions, folk customs, literature, calligraphy and painting, cultural relicsWait, it involves all aspects.

Also compareChina vs the history of the world in the same period.Get through the context of children looking at the world horizontally.

pandect3000+ color map, truly reappear the emperor’s true face, the court collection, the literati Mo Bao, and the unearthed cultural relics.

The man of the hour took turns to take the stage, and the historical scenes were seamlessly switched, so that children couldLike watching a series, I am addicted to the vast and wonderful history of China..

It’s like a movie.Panoramic General History of ChinaNot only the children, but also my knowledge is increasing!
The most important thing is that this set of books compiled by history professors from top universities,Completely fit the textbook.

The book also has audio.Usually, children can go to school, family members can go to work and so on.

Young children, use it to do itHistorical enlightenmentDo it in senior gradesExtracurricular development, adults doIntroduction to the General History of China.

Everyone can read it, and the content will not be out of date, and it will always be new.

If you’ve been looking for a set that can take China up and down for 5,000 years.Speak completely, thoroughly, popularly and beautifully.History book, just choose it.

There are still today.Ultra-low welfare price.

Place an order now, which comes with the book.Comparative chronology of Chinese and foreign historical events+historical examination table.

Keywords full-color printing, imported paper,Gift box hardcover set of 14 volumes,original price468 yuan,Limited time special offer 169 yuan

Equivalent to 3.6 fold,A copy is only over 12 yuan.Really, really great value, you won’t regret it when you get it!

The history of China’s youth is collected in 14 hardcover volumes.

Read the 5,000-year history of China at one time.

Close to the textbook, the major is rigorous, interesting and easy to read.

The special price is 169 yuan

Send the audio card of the book and the chronology of Chinese and foreign history as soon as you place an order.


Close to the textbook, 10+ column
A set of general history of China to get through children.

The first feeling of getting this set of books is thatThe content is really too comprehensive!

For children, the first step in learning history must beClarify the temporal context of the dynasty.

With a clear framework, it is easier to know how history has developed.
The whole set of books, sorted according to the time sequence.The 5,000-year history from the Bronze Age to modern China.

The notebook is divided by dynasty.And invited experts specializing in the history of the dynasty to write.

Every dynasty is clearly explained.The whole process of ups and downs and changes of the situation..
Take the Song Dynasty as an example-

Open the first page of the book, fromDai of China Academy of Social SciencesProfessor renFirst, use a preface to show you the historical panorama of this era.

And thenAccording to the timeline, useMajor historical events and people at each node., strung together a historical picture.

Chen Qiao mutiny, relieving the soldiers with a glass of wine, Wang Anshi’s political reform, the shame of Jingkang, and Qin Gui’s worship. ……

Storytelling arrangementIt is easy and interesting to read, and it is easy to interest children.

You can also learn a lot of knowledge outside the textbook-

A generation of famous officialsfan zhongyan, is not only a famous calligrapher and lyricist, but also can write the famous work Yueyang Tower.

In the history of the Northern Song Dynasty, he was also very good at leading troops to fight, defeating the Xixia army and saving the Northern Song Dynasty in from the mire.

Su Xun, Su Shi, Su ZheFather and son, who took the three seats of "Eight Masters in Tang and Song Dynasties", were also influenced by officialdom and involved in Wutai Poetry Case.

The whole set of books and10+ columns, 3000+ pictures,Expand historical knowledge in all directions.

For example, talk aboutOne door, three masters, Su Xun Su Shi Su ZheWhen, also interspersed with theirCalligraphy works, related ancient famous paintings, historical allusions, and even modern former residences and cultural relics.Wait a minute.
Learning history in this way has really learned a lot of knowledge invisibly.

Each book will also use 3-5 chapters for you.Summarize the cultural illustrations of that dynasty..

At the end of each book, there is alsoComparison of chronology of major events between China and foreign countries,

Let you know horizontally what great changes have taken place in the world during that period.

There are both historical context and historical details, and historical allusions and humanistic knowledge are interspersed among them.

It’s really a comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of a dynasty, and the content is rich enough to explode.

Not only is it suitable for children to read, but adults can also read it together.

To tell the truth, if you want to fit the textbook and read the general history of China completely, this set of books is really enough.

not a fewCollege teachers and middle school teachers are recommending this set of books..

Not only can you understand the history of China, but you can also cultivate children’s Chinese literacy in an all-round way.

The history of China’s youth is collected in 14 hardcover volumes.

Read the 5,000-year history of China at one time.

Close to the textbook, the major is rigorous, interesting and easy to read.

The special price is 169 yuan

Send the audio card of the book and the chronology of Chinese and foreign history as soon as you place an order.


China history experts Tiantuan
It took three years to read, and the professional level was five stars.

Read books to children, especially history and knowledge.Be sure to pay attention to its rigor..
And this set of booksProfessional and rigorousCan make every parent feel at ease.

A complete set of books toThe finale of China’s historiography, a famous historianA General History of China by Professor Bai ShouyiIt is the foundation, close to the official history, and the system is complete.

The editorial team is also very authoritative.

All fromHistory professors from China Academy of Social Sciences, China Renmin University and Beijing Normal University, and editors from People’s Education Publishing House., bringing together senior people in the historical field.

And every dynasty, it isInvite famous historians who specialize in that dynasty to edit..

From ancient paintings with pictures to the history of China and the history of the world.

The contents of the book are strictly reviewed one by one.Every detail has a historical source and basis.

When I read it, I was also corrected for a lot of wrong history recorded by watching TV dramas before.

for exampleYangmen female generals and Mu Guiying are in command.Legends such as these make us full of respect and curiosity about Yang Jiajiang.

But in real history,Mu Guiying, Yang Paifeng and other figures don’t exist at all.It was invented by later generations when they were writing novels.

And one of Yang Jiajiang’sYang YeAfter being captured, he did not commit suicide by hitting a monument, but died of hunger strike for three days.

And famous books that we are familiar with.Romance of the Three Kingdoms,

Stories such as an empty plan, borrowing the east wind, borrowing an arrow from a straw boat, and beheading Ma Su are all fictional.

Even the three good brothers, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, actually never became sworn friends at all.

These are histories that we all misunderstand, not to mention children.

If you want children to gain something from reading, you really have to give it to professors who hold a strict view of history.

The history of China’s youth is collected in 14 hardcover volumes.

Read the 5,000-year history of China at one time.

Close to the textbook, the major is rigorous, interesting and easy to read.

The special price is 169 yuan

Send the audio card of the book and the chronology of Chinese and foreign history as soon as you place an order.


The whole set of books is equipped with audio.
The collection is hardcover, and it is suitable for collection and giving away.

If you’ve always wanted to have a set of books, you can let your childrenRead history heartily, cultivate a higher vision and a broader pattern.Then you must be right to choose it.

Draw another point, this general history of China,The book is accompanied by audio..

The publishing house specially invited professionals to record,You can listen by scanning the code..

Children on their way to school, on their own way to work, the elderly at home walking around and so on, and so on, to gain knowledge anytime and anywhere.

Younger age segmentOur children can use this set of books as historical enlightenment and build their first impression of history in the process of listening to stories.

senior classChildren, and special gifts.Historical examination table+comparison of Chinese and foreign events chronology.

Whether as in-class reading or expansion, this set can be fully satisfied.

History loverAlso completely appropriate, the knowledge in the book is rigorous and accurate, and the way of telling it is Xian Yi, old and young.

Many readers buy it back not only for children, but also for themselves, and grandparents are completely barrier-free to read.
Finally, let’s mention the binding of this set of books.Collection gift box hardcover.
The whole book is adoptedFull color printingMore than a dozen versions were selected for proofing alone.
Heavy quality,Turning over a book is like turning over a picture.

The whole article is a real shot! ! The quality is really high!

Most importantly,The price/performance ratio is really invincible!

Book reservation gift boxwhole set14 volumes,The original price is 468 yuan,Today’s welfare price169 yuan

Equivalent to a book as long as more than 12 yuan, you can harvest a set of general history of China that the whole family can read.

Whether it’s your own collection or sending it to your friends, it’s perfect!

The history of China’s youth is collected in 14 hardcover volumes.

Read the 5,000-year history of China at one time.

Close to the textbook, the major is rigorous, interesting and easy to read.

The special price is 169 yuan

Send the audio card of the book and the chronology of Chinese and foreign history as soon as you place an order.

More recommendations
(This article is promotional information)

Looking back on what they wore in the last century, we know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are all too foreign and beautiful.

Most people know that fashion is a circle, but it only ends on the surface. For the public, we can only deeply understand this sentence by seeing those fashionable clothes of the last century, and we can also find that many clothes of the last century are really fashionable and are not out of date now.

In this issue, we will review the clothes worn in the last century. After reading it, we will know that fashion is a reincarnation, and their clothes are too foreign and fashionable. Let’s take a look!

Compared with the present, many items in the last century are too unique. Whether it is a suit with irregular design, a silhouette coat, a shoulder pad suit, a leather coat, or bell bottoms, all of them reflect the unique aesthetics and taste of fashion icon in the last century.

Small suits with irregular waist design are the first choice for hipsters’ concave modeling, which not only closely follows the waist line and wears a small waistline, but also further weakens the width by using the height difference to hold the temperament model in minutes.

Going out of the street is like a catwalk. In 2023, it is also a very exotic fairy single product. Who would have thought that it would have appeared in the closets of beautiful women in the last century?

Fashion is developing, but classics are hard to go out of date. No matter how many times you watch it, it will still be beautiful by big-profile suits and coats.

This kind of silhouette suits and coats are designed with shoulder pads, and the shoulders are wide, so they are casual and chic, and they are not petty at all. Presumably, this is why silhouette suits and coats are still very popular today.

Fashion items are updated quickly, and people can’t go out when they buy a dress for two winters. Who would have thought that the long coats and leather coats with waists in the wardrobes of those beautiful women in the last century would be elegant and elegant to wear out now?

Look at the beautiful women above. The long coat with narrow top and wide bottom not only shows a small waist, but also adjusts the proportion of the body. It is also a fairy single product that releases the temperament.

Retro style is popular in fashion circles, which also proves that classics are difficult to be eliminated. In fact, if you look closely, you can find that wearing in the last century is yyds.

Not only do these fashionistas choose some unique tailoring and designs to show their fashion temperament, but also because they rarely follow the trend, dressing and dressing are not blindly imitated, and everyone adds their own thinking to their clothes. This is the real fashion.

Moreover, many retro clothes seem to be old and too far away from us, but in fact, many retro clothes are really bold, distinctive and sexy. All kinds of low-cut clothes can’t be worn out at the moment. Back in those days, it was very common.

The use of color in retro style is also bold and clear, far from the idea of color matching with clear soup and little water, and many shapes are added by color matching.

Retro red with distinctive foreign flavor and low profile, or warm and fashionable yellow and orange, or retro green and purple, these colors have a high appearance rate in the last century.

Retro wear that is also very foreign in the moment is of great reference value to the public. Let’s take a look!

1. Blue jeans

Jeans are not only popular in the last century, but also the strength of contracting the winter fashion in 2023. Who hasn’t had a few pairs of jeans in the closet?

Look at those hipsters in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, I knew that jeans or straight style were the most attractive and neat. With short suits, they were charming without losing style.

2, plaid items

Fashion is a circle, and plaid, the representative element of retro wear, is equally classic, but plaid coats and wide-leg pants are surely not lacking in many Jimei wardrobes.

From the 1980s and 1990s to 2023, plaid coats and trousers are well-deserved temperament items, which are retro and fashionable without losing the British flavor.

3, overlapping modeling

I don’t think that overlapping wear is a dressing skill that is only popular now. Look at wearing in the last century. Overlapping wear has long been the specialty of these fashion icon.

Choose straight-line suits and coats to wear knitted cardigans, the materials are in contrast, and with neutral wind color matching or retro wine red color system, it is difficult to think of temperament.

4, below the knee skirt+leggings

Knee-length long skirts are particularly popular with fashionistas in the 1980s and 1990s. With leggings and grandma’s shoes, they are not only elegant and decent, but also particularly feminine. In 20 years, you will not be as good as them in dressing up.

Conclusion: Fashion is a reincarnation. We can understand this more clearly when we see the clothes worn in the last century. In 2023, we can still learn from these retro clothes and win elegance and high quality!

This article was originally created by Tiger Brother, and the pictures are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. If you need to reprint it, please indicate the source, and plagiarism will be investigated! # Winter Life Punch Season #

The beauty industry broke out in double 11, and the key is to do these four things well | Course dry goods

Every year in double 11, it is an excellent opportunity for brands to seek a breakthrough and make a comeback. However, how to grasp the opportunity of Big Promotion and successfully deal with the fierce competition and many challenges of Big Promotion is also a difficult proposition for many brands.

At present, the overall competition in the beauty industry is accelerating, the transformation penetration rate of e-commerce platforms is high, and the market forecast continues to be optimistic. At the same time, the industry is facing the pain points of strong stock competition, fast iteration of new products and difficulty in building explosive products, and needs to find ways to break the game.

On September 26th, Yicai Business School, together with CBN, Rookie, Golden Mai Award and DT Business Watch, jointly launched a double 11 Global Salon for Beauty Industry. Big coffee and brand traders in the beauty industry dismantled the double 11 business methodology of businesses on all platforms around the "global" keywords of the beauty industry, from planting grass, promoting and fulfilling contracts.

existContent grass planting linkA financial business school combs the rule changes and methodologies of different platforms to help businesses find targeted content strategies and improve the certainty of planting grass;

existLaunch promotion linkAll platforms are constantly upgrading and improving the promotion tools to help merchants achieve accurate delivery and fast card position in the fierce competition;

existLogistics performance linkWith the help of intelligent tools, merchants can overcome the common pain points in industries with high delivery pressure and high return rate, so as to achieve "cost reduction" by "improving efficiency", optimize service experience and lay a good foundation for long-term business growth.

Content Planting Grass: From Metaphysics to Determinism

At present, the value of content planting grass is self-evident. Yicai Business School’s "Full Platform Content Power Evaluation Report" proposes that content planting has three core values:

  • In a world where products are in surplus and demand is insufficient, brands provide consumers with use value, emotional value and social value through goods and content.

  • The strong linkage between platforms is subject to many restrictions. Data fragmentation cannot precipitate consumer assets, and brands can cross platform barriers by forming cognitive anchors through content.

  • The content runs through the whole life cycle of brand products, from R&D naming to trial sale, notes, short videos, live broadcasts, questions and answers, which are interlocking and fully infiltrated.

However, the common pain point of merchants in planting grass is the contradiction between the uncertainty of consumer demand and the certainty of business.

In order to optimize the operation, reproduce the effect and summarize the methods of planting grass, and build a bridge between the "metaphysics" of content and the controllability of business, Yicai Business School puts forward the following five suggestions:

1) Amoy e-commerce: It is certainty to follow the trend of platform traffic configuration.

In addition to "browsing" and "Taobao live broadcast", the content position of Taobao e-commerce permeates the whole App in the form of fragments, covering the consumer’s decision-making link based on the consumer’s mobile line.

This year, in the three major content positions of short video, live broadcast and content-based stores, the new changes in Taobao are:

  • short video: guess what you like on the homepage, and the proportion of short videos is increasing. From the beginning of 2021 to the middle of 2022, the proportion of short videos in the first page increased from 7% to 15%, and reached more than 30% by the end of 2022, and the current proportion has reached 50%. In the search results, short video forms are becoming increasingly diverse.
  • live-streaming: The main indicators range from "transaction" to "transaction+content" to increase the attractiveness of traffic. Moreover, during the period of June 18, 2023, the online "reward purchase" and reward function were launched, adding new profit methods for non-professional content anchors with goods.
  • Content shopThe store was revised to form the homepage of the complete content, which was automatically divided into three columns: Notes, Explanations and Live Broadcasting. "Store number integration" was fully launched, and the new store model "video content store" was fully upgraded.

Therefore, merchants need to closely follow the traffic allocation principle of the platform, plant grass and harvest traffic efficiently in various content positions.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: The whole platform operation is not a cross-platform operation, but a bypass between platforms.

Content platform psychology: start with content gathering users, and then sell users as "commodities" to brands to obtain advertising revenue. When the pressure of commercialization increases, it is necessary to increase the gold content of users’ goods, and collect commissions (that is, "matching" service fees) through matching transactions. Therefore, "popularity flow" must rely on "content beyond expectations" to achieve a balance in the process of "e-commerce consumption".

This year, Tik Tok e-commerce has done two things to improve business certainty:

  • From "looking for goods" in the content yard to "looking for goods" in the shelf yard, the two-wheel drive has led to the growth of e-commerce in Tik Tok.
  • From the content yard GPM (turnover achieved by thousands of exhibitions) to the shelf yard OPM (order volume achieved by thousands of exhibitions), Tik Tok Mall is recreating Tmall’s classic e-commerce system.

3) Little Red Book: The relationship between content certainty and business certainty is reverse thinking.

Xiaohongshu first started as a self-operated e-commerce. Recently, after determining its own business development path, it announced in September this year that it would close its self-operated e-commerce business "Little Oasis" and "Welfare Society". At the same time, the quality live broadcast of Xiaohongshu began to show its edge, and a number of commercial tools and models were launched to accelerate the realization of e-commerce closed loop:

The action of building a closed loop of e-commerce:

  • Measurable marketing effect index: planting grass value

  • Traceable consumer transformation path: AIPS

  • Operational delivery guidelines: KFS (high-quality content detonation → accurate reach and efficiency improvement → enhanced search and acceptance)

Perfecting commercial application tools:

Put forward the crowd inverse funnel model:

The AIPL model of Amoy Department and the A1-A5 model of Shaking Department are all transformed from the pan-crowd to the core crowd, but Xiaohongshu, based on the platform characteristics, first penetrated the core crowd, then continued to break the circle and generalize, and quickly released the brand potential energy with the help of natural word-of-mouth diffusion and commercial traffic.

4) Video number: Uncertainty is the biggest deterministic dividend of content e-commerce

From the perspective of business links, the links of WeChat Ecology are the most complete among content platforms and commercial platforms, with both public and private domains and both content and commercial attributes. Enterprise WeChat, applet, WeChat official account and video number have been interconnected.

Although the official video number has not yet proposed methodology, the user portrait is not accurate enough, and the penetration rate of industry categories is low, on the other hand, it also means that the video number is the blue ocean of the last content business, and it is the biggest dividend period for businesses to explore the layout in advance and find a small closed loop of business.

5) Global: Content certainty has different certainty for different businesses.

Merchants can be divided into four types according to their advantages:

  • Content-based merchants: have strong content production capabilities.
  • Price-oriented merchants: price advantage brought by the ultimate supply chain;

  • Channel merchants: have a large number of offline stores and can form a linkage matrix with the headquarters;

  • Characteristic merchants: products have new and peculiar properties in design and function;

Merchants can judge their own advantage types and find the right content platform to sit in the right place:

All-platform Traffic Layout Strategy of Beauty Industry in double 11

For businesses preparing for double 11, multi-platform traffic layout is not only more opportunities, but also greater challenges. Merchants need to formulate differentiation strategies on different platforms and achieve linkage in the whole region to improve overall traffic efficiency.

At present, the overlap of users of beauty products in Tik Tok and Tmall is low, and the consumption mentality and behavior of users on the two platforms are quite different. And the scale of users in Tik Tok is growing rapidly. Therefore, during this year’s visit to double 11, the two platforms, Tik Tok and Tmall, are equally important for beauty businesses.

In addition to Tmall, Tik Tok and Xiaohongshu, merchants should pay attention to the following three points when making layouts on other platforms:

  • If the search volume of product words and brand words on related tracks increases to a certain extent on other platforms, businesses need to intercept off-site traffic in time.

  • For the traffic that flows back to the platform through search from outside the station, merchants need to trace back the transaction link to find out the composition and distribution of global traffic.

  • In the beauty industry, domestic brands often cut into the whole market from the subdivided blue ocean track. Merchants need to pay attention to consumers’ search behavior on different platforms and find the search words that fit their own brands.

1) Amoy e-commerce: Understand that everything is unbounded and business is bounded.

Business certainty and cost reduction and efficiency improvement are the key words of this year’s Amoy e-commerce. Taobao’s operating tools, through train, gravity Rubik’s Cube and Wanxiangtai, were merged and upgraded to Infinite World this year. By covering seven major Taobao business scenarios and upgrading technology in three aspects, the efficiency of merchants’ delivery was improved.

With the help of all things unbounded, merchants can formulate a full-cycle promotion strategy for explosions during the promotion period.

New product period: take "tag" as the core. With the help of traffic gold card, the keyword search occupation is improved, and at the same time, through the marking and mapping of new products, the precision long tail words are pulled up and the potential of new products is tested. Through the return of IPL crowd, the promotion and transformation of delivery are realized; In addition, the introduction of new products will accelerate the incubation of new products.

growth stage: take "heavy volume" as the core. The keyword plan focuses on the accurate traffic competition of keywords, and carries out accurate crowd impulse for industry category words. At the same time, we will enlarge the accurate crowd, accumulate OAI crowd, continue to expand new passenger flow and accelerate the growth of goods.

outbreak period: take "stability" as the core. Put new and old guests around keywords, undertake the traffic inside and outside the station, and continue to pull new ones; Enhance the growth of the first purchase of new customers through the crowd ark, and the intelligent mode is drained at a low price; Accelerate the activation of joining Laxin and old customers, and maintain the ROI of Laxin and sales.

Secondly, the unbounded world can be used to formulate the strategy of promoting the outbreak of stability.

Water storage period: Take "flow" as the core. Including sorting out the accurate word list of shop categories and continuous updating of SA disk; Accurate tag crowd classification and multi-target combination delivery; Quickly recruit new members.

Preheating period: Take "additional purchase" as the core. Card key words, focusing on words, people, competing products and long tail plan to buy; Crowd ark to enhance interest in new customers’ collection and purchase, crowd supermarket to tap the penetration of people with the same label; Continue to pull new and old members to activate.

outbreak period: take "transaction" as the core. Maximize the transaction with the help of mode intelligence; Promote the global transaction growth of PL people; Continue to achieve new, active and accelerated goods.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: from the content yard to the shelf yard.

Core methodology: star map+promotion+search+live broadcast

First, throughstar chart, build a content matrix; existPromotion link1. The key index is upgraded from quantitative explosion to qualitative explosion; 2. Star map+hot push concentrated precipitation of A3 population (people of interest); 3. Star map+planting grass to realize quantity guarantee or bidding; 4. After hot push, the crowd portrait is calibrated;

Secondly, with the help of searching after reading, small blue words must appear, tool, so that consumers can jump from the content field to the shelf field and undertake it well through the product design; Finally, throughlive-streamingThe field completed accurate recall and live harvest.

Double 11’s main points of concern:

RhythmicallyDouble 11’s involution has intensified this year. Compared with other platforms, the pre-sale period started from October 24th, and Tik Tok advanced the pre-sale period to 20th, while the beauty industry started to "scramble" from 15th. Due to the high cost of the third wave of promotion, merchants should seize the first and second bands and do a good job in planting grass.On the goodsThis year, new products and price-competitive goods will get more traffic support.Content fieldThe new form of new content short play deserves the attention of merchants.

3) Little Red Book: From Planting Grass to Searching

There is no doubt about the grass planting and traffic spillover effect of Xiaohongshu, but the confusion of merchants lies in how to accurately measure the delivery efficiency of Xiaohongshu. At present, there is an obvious positive correlation between the people who are deeply interested in Xiaohongshu and the number of people who plant grass effectively outside the station.

Core methodology: point, line and surface

"Wandering" and "searching" are the two main behaviors of users of Little Red Books. Therefore, the merchants planted grass in Xiaohongshu,A key goal is to make the content appear in the search results of the core keyword (track) and get a certain amount of reading. "Search ranking * content penetration rate" has become the key indicator..

Therefore, the planting of grass by merchants in Xiaohongshu can no longer be limited to point-like delivery (B+KF), but should be connected into a line, and the content should be precipitated in a long stream in daily life, so as to obtain a higher ranking in keyword search (S) and finally realize comprehensive long-term crowd asset accumulation (AIPS).

Double 11’s main points of concern:

Keyword search (SOV&SOC)This year, Xiaohongshu extracted crowd packages and related keywords from the beauty industry dimension. Merchants need to optimize brand and product search keywords around the search function.

One-side data rollover: Xiaohongshu encourages brands to upload private crowd data, which makes the positioning of people on the platform more accurate. By dividing the crowd into three categories: potential customers, purchased customers and lost customers, we will expand the brand operation field. Xiaohongshu will encrypt the data uploaded by the brand to protect the data security.

Solve the pain points of logistics performance, and ensure the service experience.

Summing up the experience of several major promotions this year, during the period of double 11 this year, the brand will inevitably face more challenges in terms of traffic, goods and customer service, so as to further realize "reducing costs and increasing efficiency".

1.variation in dischargeUnder the trend of platform competition and consumption degradation, traffic becomes less, more expensive and more difficult. The high cost is partly due to the low flow efficiency.

solutionImproving efficiency is a more effective solution to reduce costs.

2.Goods change: consumers’ first wave of transaction mentality is more mature; Price force orientation and diversification of consumer demand have brought about an increase in order volume.


  • Set the goal of refinement and promotion.With the help of the rookie’s joint forecasting ability, merchants can access historical data and combine various influencing factors to make a more refined forecast of the big promotion goal and stocking, so as to increase sales and reduce the return rate, inventory turnover days and warehousing costs.
  • Multi-dimensional thinking about stocking quantity.For the pre-sale business, the merchant can prepackage the order with the help of the rookie, and the user can leave the warehouse in time after paying the final payment. For uncertain orders, merchants can also adopt a semi-package scheme, and after the gifts generated by the order are confirmed, they will be packaged and delivered out of the warehouse, thus ensuring the performance experience.

At present, based on the efficient collaborative network and intelligent routing, rookie can provide the ultimate logistics experience such as pre-sale and speed-up during double 11, thus reducing the return rate generated by logistics links, reducing the cost of main warehouse and bringing positive reputation to users.

3.Consumer change: The decision-making cycle becomes longer and the return rate remains high.Solution:

  • Full link performance monitoring.For packages with overtime risk, the rookie will promptly remind merchants to communicate with consumers, deal with stagnant or lost packages, and warn the aging card.
  • Consumers are unusually active in service.Take the initiative to provide multi-scenario service and DSR evaluation management before the consumer opens his mouth, so as to save the refund for logistics reasons.
  • Merchants have no worries.Through full-link, multi-scene abnormal automatic tracking processing, collaborative compensation complaints service, reduce the pain points of merchants in the whole process of performance.

After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".

5-3! 3-1! Football is exciting for one night, Bayern dedicates to the goal war, and Chelsea welcomes the three-game winning streak!

On March 12th, 2023, Beijing time, European football events continued to compete. Bayern Munich beat augsburg 5-3 in the 24th round of Bundesliga and Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 in the 27th round of Premier League. Next, let’s take a look at the simple battle reports of the two games.

Bayern 5-3 augsburg

Less than 2 minutes after the start of the game, Berisha caught the ball, turned around and stopped, and shot the goal directly. augsburg scored a dream start. In the 15th minute, Cancelo took the ball to the penalty area and made a feint to the defender. He flew into the far corner and scored the first goal of Bayern’s career. Just four minutes later, Bayern’s free kick went to the penalty area and there was chaos. The barb in the horse kicked the ball to the door and assisted pawar to break the goal and succeeded in overtaking.

In the 35th minute, Bayern’s corner kick flew to the goal and was saved. pawar seized the opportunity to shoot the ball from the volley and scored twice. Near the half-time, Ma put in a catch shot and was blocked by the goalkeeper. Sane followed up and made up the shot. Bayern led 4-1 and completely turned the situation around. In the second half, Yi Bian pushed the goal in the war horse and it was blown offside. Then Driget fouled the penalty area and Berisha took a penalty to help augsburg pull back a goal.

In the 74th minute, Cancelo took the ball from the side to observe the defensive cross. Alfonso followed up with the outflanking and shot to break the goal. In stoppage time, augsburg launched a counterattack. Vargas took the ball from the side and quickly broke through the bottom and swept the middle to assist Cardona to tackle the goal. In the end, Bayern 5-3 reversed the opponent and dedicated a goal war.

Chelsea 3-1 leicester city

In the 11th minute, coulibaly turned around with the ball and passed it to the middle. Chilwell volleyed the ball and the Blues took the lead with a quick goal. Then Felix hit the column with a single-handed shot, and then he pushed the shot in front of the door. Unfortunately, it was judged that offside was invalid after VAR marking, which was not very good luck. Unexpectedly, in the 39th minute, Dhaka scored a world wave directly from the periphery, and leicester city successfully equalized the score.

Near the end of half-time, Madison’s free kick directly hit Fofana’s arm. The referee said through VAR video that there was no problem. In the first half stoppage time, Enzo subtly picked up the pass and assisted Havertz, then inserted a clever shot to break the goal, and the Blues took the lead again. In the 78th minute of the second half, Havertz passed the header to Moudrek and ferried it to the middle. kovacic volleyed a shot to seal the victory. Faith was shown a yellow card for a tackle, and two yellows turned into one red and was sent off. In the end, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 and won three consecutive games.