Why can Xiaomi SU7 be loved by female users? Lei Jun responded

Phoenix Network Technology News (Author/Li Jun) On April 18th, Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi, started broadcasting at Xiaomi Auto Delivery Center, and "talked with netizens about the sale of Xiaomi SU7 these days". In the live broadcast, for the question "Why do female users like Xiaomi SU7", Lei Jun said: "I spent a lot of time thinking about the needs of female users when designing. When I made Xiaomi mobile phone 14 years ago, I made Xiaomi mobile phone for science and technology men. When I made Xiaomi car 3 years ago, my team and I stressed that we must consider female users."

Lei Jun said that the popularity of Xiaomi SU7 by female users is king, and the sunscreen of Xiaomi SU7 also pokes the pain points of women.Lei Jun revealed that after internal research, Tesla owners said that the interior of Tesla car was like an oven.

In addition, Xiaomi SU7 is also provided with a sunshade and a storage location for umbrellas.

"There are many excellent product designers, product managers and engineers in the product design team.We worked together to make the SU7 a car that women love.In the process of buying a car, the male host is mainly responsible for the selection and the female host is responsible for the decision. As long as women like it, the decision to buy a car will be quick. "

Xcar English improvement class 6 is not as careful as pickup truck

  [Original by Aika Car Vision Channel]

  Today, with the vigorous development of the automobile industry, the annual sales volume of one model is extremely amazing: according to the average annual sales volume of 2 million vehicles, one vehicle can be sold every 15 seconds on average; If it is lined up end to end, it can circle the earth 300 times, and this is only the number it sells in a year! This is "Pick-up/Truck".

  Today, there are several famous brands that constitute the "main force" of pickup truck models: F- series, Sliverado/Colorado (Sored/(|)), Ram series, Tacoma/Tundra (smooth road) and so on. What makes "Pick-up" popular all over the world and occupy a huge market share? Let’s walk into this issue of Xcar English Improvement Class.

Topic map

  Whether the product is good or not depends on the sales volume.

  According to the practice of previous upgrading classes, we will first introduce the development and history of the models. But in this issue, I will start with sales volume, explore the origin and development of pickup truck culture, and boldly predict that pickup truck models will eventually become "popular" in the new socialist modern countryside.

American car sales

American car sales

  Why do Americans love pickups so much? This will start from the 1920s. In the initial period of automobile manufacturing, vehicles were sold in the form of Separate chassis and body (chassis and body of non-loaded body structure are two parts). From the production of cars to the hands of consumers, a third party is responsible for the assembly of vehicle shells.

Pickup truck

  "Pick up" means "pick up" in English, which means it is convenient to load or unload goods. Therefore, the "bucket" vehicle is gradually called "Pick-up" (pickup truck is its transliteration). And "Truck" generally refers to large transport vehicles (but the basic name is personal habits).

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Since the 1950s, pickup trucks have gradually become an important production tool for American post-war economic recovery. Chevrolet El, Chevrolet Camino and Dodge Sweptine gradually entered people’s homes in the form of tool carts.

Pickup truck

  In 1963, the Protectionist Chicken Tax (referred to as "chicken tax") enacted by the United States to protect local automobile enterprises limited the dumping momentum of imported freight vehicles. Therefore, there has been a phenomenon that "every household buys a domestic pickup truck" in the United States, and the first car of many Americans is a pickup truck.

Pickup truck

Pickup truck

  Even so, pickup trucks have been criticized for a series of shortcomings, such as large displacement, "gas tiger", poor riding experience and no shape design. However, American pickup trucks played a role in the recovery of the national economy in World War II, and it was the "hero" for the United States to quickly become the world’s largest economy after the war.

Raptor 2017

2017 Raptor


Taiwan Media Watching the Mainland: Remembering the Heroes and Heroes in Luzhou War Museum, Sichuan Province

  BEIJING, Beijing, December 19 (Xinhua) Recently, Taiwan Province’s "United Daily News" published a report about Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, introducing the National Defense War Museum established to commemorate the Mianpo Campaign of the National Defense War.

National defense war museum. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News

  The report pointed out that the Cultural Park for Protecting the Country is located in Naxi District of Luzhou City, including the National Park, the National War Museum, the centennial trench site and the National Rock.

  The movement to protect the country, also known as the war to protect the country, was launched after the Revolution of 1911 to oppose Yuan Shikai’s restoration of monarchy. In December 1915, Yuan Shikai announced the restoration of the imperial system in Beijing. Southern generals Tang Jiyao, Cai E and Li Liejun electrified the whole country to declare Yunnan independence, and organized a national defense army to crusade against Yuan Shikai, mobilizing the people of the whole country to oppose the imperial system and support the Republic. Subsequently, southern provinces declared independence one after another. The national protection movement finally overthrew Yuan Shikai and his restored monarchy.

  The National Defence War Museum, also known as the National Defence War Memorial Hall, is a museum with the theme of commemorating the National Defence War, which reproduces the bloody history of the soldiers of the National Defence Army and the eventful years of protecting the country. Its original site is Taojia Courtyard, which was built in the second year of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty. From February to March, 1916, the battlefield headquarters of the National Defence Army was located in the Taojia Courtyard, directing the Mianhuapo Campaign. Here is a record of the brilliant achievements of revolutionary pioneers in protecting the country and seeking Yuan in Luzhou.

  The museum has the main exhibition hall of the National Defence War, the exhibition hall of Mianhuapo Campaign, the exhibition hall of Cai E, etc., and displays the sand table of the National Defence War and Mianhuapo Campaign, Cai E’s life information, and the fighting and living articles of the soldiers of the National Defence Army, etc.

  The national protection rock inscription is located on the Yongning River, which was left by General Cai E to commemorate the victory of the national protection movement. On the cliff nearly 20 meters high, Cai E wrote the stone "Protecting the Country Rock" in calligraphy. In the lower left corner of the stone cliff, it is "Protecting the Country", which is written in regular script with a font size of about three inches square, with a total of 20 lines and 80 words.

  The centennial trench site covers an area of 100 mu, mainly distributed in Zhuping Mountain, Wuding Mountain and surrounding dangerous highlands. The trench is in the shape of an inverted ladder, with a total length of more than 2,600 meters, 3 machine gun shelters and more than 100 infantry bunkers. (End)

  Source: China News Network

The second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started.

Recently, the second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started in EAC Europe and America Center. The theme of this competition is "Dedicated to the Asian Games", which aims to enrich the amateur cultural and sports life of building workers in Xihu District, show the healthy style of residents in Xihu District, and welcome the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Vertical racing takes the stairs of high-rise buildings as the runway, which is a new urban fitness sport. The race runs from the starting point on the first floor to the end point on the top floor of the building, and an effective timing technology system is adopted. In the competition, participants can not only experience the pleasure of climbing mountains, but also reduce the influence of the weather.

It is understood that about 100 people participated in this competition, and the players on the scene were divided into groups of men and women, and finally the third runner-up was decided. Wang Yong, a contestant, said: "Vertical racing is a very interesting sport, which not only tests your physical fitness, but also requires good coordination and psychological quality." "I experienced the fun of competition and realized that I still have a lot to improve in training and preparation." Contestant Zhang Jianhua said. (Yang Ling/graphic)