BYD’s new generation of cars have drawn their swords, and the sword will set off a new energy storm.

In the second half of 2020, BYD’s new generation of products was born, and it became an explosion when it went on the market. After completing the climbing of production capacity, it firmly occupied the first place in the sales of high-end new energy cars and fired the first shot of a new generation of models.

After the Han model, from March to April, 2021, BYD’s new generation products were unveiled. The high-end SUV Tang (EV, DM-I), the mid-range SUV Song PLUS (parameter picture) (EV, DM-I) and the mid-range car Qin PLUS(EV, DM-I) drew their swords and drew their swords to the sky, which is about to set off the mid-to high-end new energy vehicle market.

Byd Han new energy

BYD Han has been on the market for 9 months, and its cumulative sales volume is as high as 68,010 vehicles, with an average monthly sales volume of 7,556 vehicles, which is far ahead among the C-class high-end new energy cars in China. Competitors at the same level include Tesla MODEL S, Weilai ET7, Weilai EC6, BMW 535Le, Mercedes-Benz E300eL, Audi A6L Quattro, Volvo SC90 New Energy, etc., but the monthly sales of all competing models are far less than Adihan New Energy.

Byd Tang new energy

BYD Tang New Energy originally had two models, DM and EV. However, Tang EV has been discontinued for nearly a year because of the change. Only one Tang DM is on sale. At the end of last year, 2021 Tang EV was listed, but the blade batteries were given to Han EV to ensure its delivery. Recently, the new Tang EV has finally been officially listed in China, and a new Tang DM-I will be added this month, forming three product lines of Tang DM, EV and DM-I. It is expected that the sales of Tang New Energy will explode in the second half of the year.

At present, the high-end new energy SUVs mainly include Tang New Energy, MODEL X (imported), Weilai ES6, Li ONE, Audi Q7 New Energy, BMW X5 New Energy, etc. For the time being, Li ONE’s sales volume is leading. However, with the launch of new Tang EV and Tang DM-I by Tang New Energy this month, there is little suspense that the sales volume will surpass that of Li ONE.

Byd Qin PLUS new energy

During the month, BYD continuously launched Qin PLUS DM-I and Qin PLUS EV, and made great efforts in the field of mid-range cars through upgrading models. In just one month, the market order of Qin PLUS DM-I has broken 50,000 vehicles, and Qin PLUS EV will further push up the order volume of Qin PLUS new energy vehicles.

At present, the mid-range new energy cars mainly include Qin PLUS New Energy, Tesla MODEL 3, Tucki P7, GAC Aeon S, etc. The sales of Tesla MODEL 3 are far ahead, and other models are basically incomparable.

However, due to the limited production capacity, the monthly production capacity of Tesla MODEL 3 can only reach about 30,000 vehicles at most. With the continuous increase of new energy in Qin PLUS, the production and sales in the fourth quarter exceeded 30,000 vehicles, surpassing Tesla MODEL 3 and becoming a mid-range new energy car. The crown selling is basically a high probability event.

Byd songplus new energy

During the month, BYD continuously launched Song PLUS DM-I and Song PLUS EV, and made great efforts in the field of mid-range SUVs through upgrading models. At present, the order has broken 20,000 vehicles, and Song PLUS EV will further push up the order volume of Song PLUS new energy vehicles.

At present, the mid-range new energy SUVs mainly include Song PLUS New Energy, Tesla MODEL Y, BMW ix3, Roewe RX5 New Energy, GAC Aian LX, etc. Tesla MODEL Y is far ahead in sales, and other models are incomparable for the time being.

However, Tesla MODEL Y is also limited by production capacity, which is collinear with MODEL 3. The total monthly production capacity can only reach about 40,000 vehicles at most, Model sells 30,000 vehicles in March, and MODEL Y can only sell 10,000 vehicles per month. With the continuous increase of new energy in Song PLUS, it is basically a high probability event that production and sales in the fourth quarter will surpass Tesla MODEL 3 and become the sales champion of mid-range new energy cars.

Write at the end:

In recent years, with the catfish Tesla being put into the China market, the sales volume has been rising all the way, which has also stimulated China car companies. First, BYD pressed hard, then Wuling came from behind, and then Weilai, Ideality and Tucki tried their best to catch up.

Judging from the current market situation, in terms of mid-to-high-end models, Tesla has already left Weilai, Ideality and Tucki farther and farther in sales volume, and there are even signs that it will counter BYD for the first time this year. However, BYD has taken advantage of Hanxin Energy to triumph all the way. Recently, it has drawn its sword continuously and launched a large number of mid-to-high-end new energy vehicles, which will start a hand-to-hand battle with Tesla.

In terms of production capacity, Tesla’s production capacity this year is about 400,000 vehicles, and BYD’s sales target for new energy vehicles this year is also 400,000 vehicles. If the target can be achieved, it is basically equal to Tesla’s production capacity. Is BYD continuing to suppress Tesla, or is Tesla turning over for the first time? In the end, it is only possible to know who will die at the end of the year.

Tesla’s weakness is limited by production capacity, but the new model came on the market earlier and seized a certain opportunity. Although the release of BYD’s new models is a few months late, its capacity expansion speed is higher than Tesla’s. With the centralized listing of many new models in Qin, Tang and Song Dynasties, a strong war of resistance will be launched with the leading edge of technical route and the cost and cost performance advantages brought by the vertical integration of core technologies.

Hot weather, so that fitness is healthier.

Recently, Beijing citizens participated in water sports on the Liangma River. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photo

  Since July, the "barbecue mode" has been opened in many places across the country, especially in North China, where the temperature has been high for many days. In this case, if there is no scientific and reasonable method to participate in sports, it is often easy to cause physical damage or even serious consequences.

  To this end, the reporter of Workers’ Daily recently learned about all kinds of accidental injuries and diseases easily caused by sports in high temperature weather by visiting sports medical experts and related industry insiders. Experts in the industry said that taking protective measures, controlling the amount of exercise and replenishing water in time can effectively avoid sports injuries.

  Be careful when exercising at high temperature.

  Recently, the hot weather in Beijing has continued, but many citizens still insist on physical exercise. Ms. Shao, who lives in Chaoyang District, told reporters that she has been insisting on running recently with the idea of "sweating a lot in summer, and fitness can reduce fat faster". However, in the course of running last evening, I experienced symptoms such as vomiting and dizziness, and I once fainted. Finally, with the help of my colleagues, I gradually relieved myself through cold compress.

  In this regard, Wang Dahui, chief physician of the Pediatric Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, told the reporter that the most common disease caused by exercise under high temperature is heatstroke. "In a high temperature environment, the body can’t effectively dissipate heat, which leads to a rapid increase in body temperature and symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting and temporary loss of consciousness."

  Wang Da Hui said that what is more serious than general heatstroke is heat spasm and heatstroke. Heat spasm refers to muscle painful spasm caused by high-intensity exercise or exhaustion of physical strength. "There are many factors that cause muscle cramps in athletes, including dehydration, loss of trace elements (such as sodium and potassium), extreme environmental conditions and nervous fatigue." Heat stroke is a serious emergency, characterized by high fever and disturbance of consciousness, which may even lead to death in severe cases.

  In addition, according to Wu Hongliang, a doctor in Shanghai Punan Hospital, exercise at high temperature has certain influence on circulatory system, digestive system and urinary system. "A lot of sweating and the loss of chloride reduce the acidity of gastric juice and easily cause indigestion. Exercise at high temperature can slow down the movement of the small intestine and form other gastrointestinal diseases. "

  In order to avoid the above pathological changes, relevant experts reminded that when exercising at high temperature in summer, we should pay attention to mastering scientific protection and sports rehabilitation methods. If you feel unwell, you should immediately stop exercising and cool down and get rid of heat. If it is serious, you should seek medical advice in time.

  Indoor and outdoor should be distinguished.

  The reporter learned through interviews that with the recent high temperature weather, many fitness enthusiasts prefer to use all kinds of fitness equipment indoors when participating in physical exercise, but some people are still keen on running, cycling and ball games outdoors.

  In this regard, Han Zhen, deputy director of the emergency department of Beijing Friendship Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, believes that strenuous exercise should be avoided as much as possible at noon when outdoors at high temperature, and certain sun protection measures are needed during exercise. "When the outdoor temperature exceeds 35℃, especially when the humidity is high, it is necessary to avoid long-term strenuous exercise, such as long-distance running and football. When the sun is particularly strong, you should also reduce outdoor exercise and try to avoid direct sunlight on your head. It is best to exercise outdoors in the early morning or evening when the weather is cool. "

  Wang Dahui told reporters that the outdoor exercise temperature is higher, and people are more alert to the changes in their bodies, but it is often easy to ignore when exercising indoors. Indoor fitness should pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the air conditioner, which is generally recommended to be between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius, and maintain appropriate humidity to provide a comfortable exercise environment. "If the temperature is too low, once you enter the outdoor high-temperature environment after exercise, it is easy to produce diseases such as colds and dysentery. In an air-conditioned room, it is necessary to ensure good indoor air circulation. You can increase air flow by opening windows or using fans. "

  Guo Yong, the physical fitness coach of the national winter sports team, suggested that in hot weather, you can choose some low-intensity exercise methods, such as walking, aerobics, yoga, etc., to reduce physical consumption. "Under high temperature, indoor projects can be considered more, but we must avoid too low room temperature and too high exercise intensity."

  Scientific fitness has a coup

  Facing the contradiction between hot weather and physical exercise, is there any more scientific and reasonable fitness method and guidance that can not only achieve fitness effect, but also effectively avoid the sports risks brought by high temperature? The answer is yes.

  Wu Peng, deputy director of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Center of Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, believes that in order to achieve scientific fitness at high temperature, special attention should be paid to the following aspects: properly adjusting exercise intensity to avoid overwork; Sports clothes and shoes and socks with good air permeability, sweat absorption and quick drying should be selected so that the body can better dissipate heat and sweat; Exercise in high temperature weather should be fully hydrated, especially salt and electrolyte; Take regular rest during exercise to avoid overwork; Don’t eat cold drinks, drink iced drinks or take a cold bath immediately after exercise.

  Wu Peng also reminded bodybuilders that antipyretics such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are ineffective for patients with heatstroke, and they may aggravate liver damage or cause kidney damage and gastrointestinal bleeding, so these drugs are not recommended.

  Li Liang, an associate researcher at the National Physical Fitness and Scientific Fitness Research Center of the Institute of Physical Education of the State General Administration of Sport, said in an interview that the most important thing in high-temperature weather is to reasonably choose sports events, time and equipment, and make corresponding adjustments according to personal physical fitness and environmental conditions. "Especially for people with heart disease and hypertension, fitness activities should be carried out reasonably and moderately under the guidance of experts."

How to cough in autumn?

  Wu yanbing

  In autumn, the climate is dry and the temperature is low, so all kinds of discomfort symptoms of respiratory tract always love to make trouble in this season. Many people have this feeling. In autumn, their throats are like they can’t be pulled open. They are hot, dry and itchy, and have a lot of phlegm. If they are not careful, they will be harassed by coughing, which will be annoying. Today, let’s talk about why the respiratory tract is fragile in autumn and who is prone to cough.

Cough is not necessarily a bad thing.

  The respiratory tract is divided into upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes mouth, nose, pharyngeal cavity and throat, and the lower respiratory tract consists of trachea, bronchus and lung. Respiratory tract is the internal organ that people have the most contact with the outside world every day, and it is vulnerable to various external stimuli, such as cold, heat, dryness and infection. However, the lung is a relatively "cute" organ. It does not feel hot or cold, pain or touch. Frankly speaking, it has no feeling, and the biggest response to injury is coughing.

  When the airway is stimulated, the nerve reflex will make the human body produce a series of actions: the glottis are closed, and the breathing muscles contract rapidly to produce exhalation; Because the glottis is closed, the breath can’t go out, and the pressure in the chest cavity rises sharply, which in turn pushes the glottis open; Then, the gas is ejected at high speed, taking out the "bad" things in the trachea — — This is the protective defense mechanism of the lung.

  Therefore, coughing is not necessarily "sick", and coughing when sick is not necessarily a bad thing. Cough can help people expel germs from the body, which is conducive to the improvement of their condition.

  Of course, coughing is very annoying. Cough during the day; Cough at night; Talk too much and cough; Cough when inhaling cold air; Especially when coughing violently in public, not only the patient feels uncomfortable, but also others feel nervous. When some people cough violently, they will retch, affect their sleep, and even have pneumothorax. If the pleura on the lung surface ruptures, they will also have chest pain and hold their breath, which will be life-threatening in severe cases. Some patients with severe cough can lead to loss of consciousness, which is called "cough syncope" in medicine. This situation is very dangerous when driving or working at high altitude. Therefore, patients with relevant medical history should go to the hospital as soon as possible for symptomatic treatment.

  According to the duration, there are three situations.

  When it comes to coughing, we must first distinguish whether it is a real cough. Some people call the action similar to "clearing throat" cough, usually one or two times, because they feel uncomfortable in the throat or something sticks; Some coughs are habitual actions, which are common in smokers and are mostly caused by pharyngitis. What is really a cough is mostly manifested as a series of coughs one after another.

  In medicine, cough is divided into acute cough, subacute cough and chronic cough according to the length of cough time.

  1. Acute cough refers to cough within 3 weeks, mostly cough after infection, which is caused by diseases such as colds and tracheitis;

  2. Subacute cough refers to cough from 3 weeks to 8 weeks. In addition, this situation occurs in older patients, mainly due to post-infection cough;

  3. Chronic cough refers to cough with a course of more than 8 weeks. The main causes are cough variant asthma, postnasal drip syndrome (upper airway cough syndrome), eosinophilic bronchitis, gastroesophageal reflux cough and allergic cough.

  Seasonal cough is mostly caused by these conditions.

  Cough can appear all the year round, but it happens frequently when the season changes. Because the alternation of cold and hot is obvious when changing seasons, especially in autumn, many people do not pay attention to adding clothes and keeping warm in time, and their immunity is reduced, which will create opportunities for all kinds of bacteria and viruses to invade the human body, and then respiratory tract bacterial or viral infection will occur, and the incidence of cough after infection is higher, and respiratory tract infection is easy to induce cough variant asthma. This is also the main reason why everyone feels that it is easy to cough in autumn.

  Why do you cough after respiratory tract infection? In fact, post-infection cough is a respiratory symptom caused by airway inflammation repair. After the infection improves, it will be cured by simply using antitussive drugs, and the course of disease is relatively short.

  The essence of cough variant asthma is the increase of airway sensitivity caused by chronic airway inflammation, which is non-infectious and can be induced by respiratory infection without taking anti-inflammatory drugs. It may or may not be allergic. Although it is called "asthma", the patient has no breathing and his lung function is normal. However, some patients can turn into typical asthma. Therefore, correct treatment can reduce the incidence of typical asthma.

  The dry and cold climate is very unfriendly to the airway, and the cold itself is a kind of stimulation, while the low temperature reduces the water content in the air, which makes the airway more sensitive when it is short of water, thus leading to cough and wheezing. Nasal cavity can warm and humidify inhaled air, but too dry, breathing with open mouth and strenuous exercise may reduce airway humidity and increase airway sensitivity.

  In addition, there are allergic factors. In addition to spring, pollen allergy in autumn is also very serious, and both spring and autumn are the seasons prone to allergic cough, allergic rhinitis and asthma.

  It should be reminded that cough variant asthma, postnasal drip syndrome, eosinophilic bronchitis and allergic cough are all related to allergies to some extent. If there are symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and nose, and watery eyes while coughing, it will be very effective to receive antiallergic treatment if you go to the hospital to find out that eosinophils are high and total IgE (immunoglobulin E) is high.

  Why do diagnostic tests often choose CT?

  Theoretically, lung CT is not a necessary examination to see cough. In most cases, the lung CT findings of patients with simple cough are normal. Most chronic coughs, such as cough variant asthma, eosinophilic tracheitis, allergic cough, etc., have no obvious lesions in the lungs. Then why do doctors often recommend lung CT examination when they go to the hospital to see a cough?

  Because doctors must first rule out some serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchiectasis and so on. The treatment of these diseases is mainly to treat the primary disease, not to treat cough alone. Doctors should first see if there is any disease in the lungs, and the best way to "see" the lungs is lung CT and X-ray chest film.

  Which is clearer, lung CT or X-ray chest film? Lung CT is relatively clear, X-ray chest film will produce many artifacts, and heart blood vessels and bones may also block the focus, so bronchiectasis and lung cancer are mostly diagnosed by lung CT, while infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia can be diagnosed according to X-ray chest film.

  The attending doctor usually asks the patient’s medical history in detail, initially judges the nature of cough and considers what examination to do. For the elderly, patients with chronic cough and hemoptysis, lung CT examination is the first choice. Because the X-ray absorbed dose of lung CT examination is higher than that of chest X-ray film, it is suggested that patients should take the recent imaging results with them when they go to different hospitals one after another to avoid repeated examination.

  Do I have to take medicine for coughing?

  Many old people give medicine to their children when they cough, saying, "I want to suppress the disease"; Some patients are afraid of tracheitis, and then turn into chronic cough, and take medicine as soon as cough appears. But as long as it is medicine, there are side effects, especially for children. Therefore, if you don’t have a severe cough, don’t take cough medicine in a hurry, but see a doctor in time to take medicine for the cause.

  For patients with cough, the doctor’s primary concern is whether there is respiratory infection. If there is a severe cough, the stimulation of the airway may aggravate the inflammatory reaction and delay the improvement of the condition. This situation requires symptomatic medication. Let’s talk about what drugs may be used for cough.

  ● antitussive drugs

  Antitussive drugs work quickly, but they don’t target the cause. Commonly used antitussive drugs mainly include compound methoxyphenamine, licorice tablets, dextromethorphan, compound codeine syrup, traditional Chinese medicine pulmonary cough, loquat syrup, etc., which can achieve antitussive purpose by inhibiting central and peripheral cough reflex, antiallergic, bronchiectasis and other mechanisms. Among them, compound methoxyphenamine is mostly used to treat acute and chronic cough, and compound dextromethorphan solution is often used to treat cough after a cold.

  Most western medicine antitussive drugs are compound preparations, which may include antitussive, chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine, etc., with relatively more side effects, but little impact, so you can take them with confidence. Taking chlorpheniramine will cause drowsiness, which is not suitable for professionals who need to concentrate on their work, such as drivers. You can change other antitussive drugs according to your doctor’s advice.

  It should be noted that most western medicine compound antitussive drugs have the same ingredients or substitute ingredients, so do not take them at the same time.

  ● Antiallergic drugs

  Commonly used antiallergic drugs include loratadine and cetirizine, which are suitable for cough caused by allergic factors, especially for patients with allergic rhinitis.

  Among them, montelukast is a relatively safe drug for treating asthma and allergic rhinitis, and can be used simultaneously with other antiallergic drugs.

  In addition, among inhaled hormones and bronchodilators, salmeterol and fluticasone, budesonide and formoterol are commonly used to treat cough variant asthma, eosinophilic tracheitis, allergic cough, etc., which can reduce the probability of patients developing typical asthma while relieving cough.

  Many patients are worried about the side effects when they hear hormones. In fact, these drugs have been on the market for a long time, and the incidence of serious side effects observed is very low, which is relatively safe. It is important to gargle in time after inhalation to remove the excess drugs in the mouth.

  Low acid inhibitor

  Include omeprazole and lansoprazole, which can inhibit gastric acid secretion, and is mainly used for gastroesophageal reflux cough.

  ● Antibiotics

  Including cephalosporins, azithromycin, etc., mainly used for cough caused by infection.

  Low expectorant drugs

  Including eucalyptus, acetylcysteine capsules, ambroxol hydrochloride, fresh bamboo juice, etc., which can dilute sputum, and sputum is not easy to cough up and is suitable for postnasal drip syndrome. However, routine use is not recommended for dry cough.

  Health tips

  How to distinguish "COVID-19" cough from common cough?

  Now China is making every effort to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic. When it comes to "cough", it will inevitably make people nervous. So, what’s the difference between a cough caused by Covid-19 and a cough caused by a common respiratory infection?

  In view of the complexity of symptoms caused by Covid-19, it is impossible for patients to screen for infection by themselves. Clinically, in addition to fever, Covid-19 infection can sometimes be characterized by simple cough (mostly without sputum), which can also be the only first symptom of COVID-19 patients.

  Therefore, if you have a cough, you should pay attention to the symptoms of cough and go to a regular hospital in time if you have a history of epidemiological contact. At this time, don’t buy or take medicine by yourself, so as not to delay the diagnosis of the disease and cause the spread of the virus.

  (Author: Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Diseases)


Text/I am not afraid of hammer anti-fraud network
Xiaobian is a full-time stock trader, and many old fans know it. In the past, whether it was to reveal the original stock scam or the fund-raising scam, some people would leave a message saying: "The stock is the same, it is a scam." It’s also a scam for us to invest, and it’s also a scam for us to invest. It’s the same as losing money and being cheated when investing in stocks.
The picture above shows some people’s understanding of stocks. I don’t know if he really bought stocks.
Due to the reputation of China stock market, it is a harvester for retail investors. Attract people when they rise, and harvest a large piece when they fall. So is the stock a scam?
Stock is a part of the ownership of a joint-stock company and also a certificate of ownership issued by the joint-stock company. It is a kind of valuable securities issued by the joint-stock company to various shareholders as a shareholding certificate to obtain dividends and bonuses. Each share represents the shareholder’s ownership of a basic unit of the enterprise. Every listed company will issue shares.
Given that there are many aunts and grandfathers, it is difficult to understand the above words. To put it simply, someone has opened a shop or is going to open a shop, and then you think this shop has a future, so you give him money to open it. If the store runs well, the money earned every year will be distributed according to your capital contribution. If you drive badly and lose money, you can also bear the loss. If you are particularly unlucky, you may lose everything.
Therefore, buying stocks is an investment company. Invest in good industries, good management, good brands and so on.
In addition to investing to make money or lose money. In order to activate funds, the stock market adds another attribute to stocks. Free trading is generally understood by retail investors in China as speculation.
Therefore, the stock has three obvious attributes:
1 investment attributes. The stock corresponds to a legitimate company with industry that can be seen and touched! This company has business and has a good level in the industry. Through the efforts of all the company personnel, from a small company to a large company, and then the corresponding share price is also rising. The bigger the company, the more valuable the stock is.
2 Dividend attributes. Some companies, especially in the industry, make money every year and make money crazily. After making so much money, and then the company’s books can’t be used up, the shareholders’ meeting will be red. Then share the money with the shareholders. Many listed banks in China have good dividends. Dividend every year.
3 hype attributes.
Some people think that this company is not worth so much money, so they sell the shares of this company, causing the stock to fall. Some people think that a company is particularly good in the industry, and it wants to make a lot of money, have great development, and even a new Tencent. Everyone bought the stock of this company crazily, and then the stock rose sharply every day. Such a fall and a rise will lead to fluctuations in the stock price, in which there is arbitrage! Also known as stock trading. There are even some stocks that have been hyped because of a news. Some illegal listed companies and bookmakers have teamed up to speculate, and some hot money has pushed up prices to harvest retail investors and other incidents of cutting leeks.
Therefore, in stock investment,
Buying is the most important thing for the company. Buy industries that you know and are optimistic about.
Buy companies that will make money, companies that will keep making money.
Buy companies with good technology and buy companies with leading technology in the world.
Here are a few examples. When it comes to companies that are particularly profitable, you have to mention Kweichow Moutai:
Kweichow Moutai rose from around 40 yuan in 2014 to more than 1,700 yuan this year, an increase of more than 40 times. What is the reason for the rise? It is not difficult for everyone to understand! Brand scarcity, and then the most important thing is that it is too profitable.
In the picture above,It earned 16.7 billion in 2016 and 41.2 billion last year.You may earn more this year. When people live well and have money, they will consume Maotai. After all, it is the boss of liquor. (Stocks are not recommended here, just examples!)
Maotai stock keeps rising, and then it pays dividends every year.
In China A-share stock market, there are many similar stocks!
Good company, good brand, and very profitable.
Good industry, good technology, and very promising.
And so on many valuation systems.
For example, Ping An in China, the leading insurance company in China, rose from 10 yuan to 90 yuan. The stock keeps rising and pays dividends every year.PS: China Ping An earned 149.407 billion yuan last year, nearly 150 billion yuan.
For example, Mu Yuan shares, the leading pig producer in China, rose from 17 yuan to more than 90 yuan. The stock keeps rising and pays dividends every year. Mu Yuan shares earned 6.114 billion last year. In the first quarter of this year, it earned more than 4 billion.
And all walks of life are in the corresponding leading companies, which requires time to learn, dig and understand.
The above companies make a lot of money.Do you have any real business in the fund-raising scam and the original stock scam you invested in? What is it for? How much money can you earn a year?
The above is just an example, which does not mean that there will be such a big increase or earning power in the future. This is also a professional difficulty in the stock market.
After raising the good stocks with rising and dividends, we should also raise some bad stocks. The origin of bad stocks lies in the company’s operation itself.
Letv, the company of Letv mobile phone, dropped from the highest 44.72 yuan to the present 0.18 yuan. The reason is that there is something wrong with the operation, which leads to the break of the capital chain, the rapid expansion and the sudden death.
Immortal creatures, from 29 to less than 1. The reason is that there is something wrong with the vaccine.
The emergence of similar junk stock hedgers above has problems with supervision and the professional level of investors. Many times, problems can be seen from the company’s financial statements.
There are ups and downs, this is the stock market!
The statement that the stock market is risky and investment needs to be cautious is really not casual.
Real cases happen all the time.
How to make money in the stock market requires you to know the industry thoroughly and know the company thoroughly. That is to say, you should be very professional and know some techniques.
And the present situation of Chinese investors is:
Ordinary stocks buy stocks as soon as they open an account. Sometimes they don’t even know what the company does, and they don’t know what the development prospects of the industry in which the company is located. They buy them when they look pleasing to the eye. It is entirely by luck. Once you lose money, call it a stock scam, banker cheat people.
Some people only speculate in stocks, chasing up and down every day, and have no idea why the stocks have gone up and what their valuation is, and then blame the China stock market for losing money?
You have to learn how to cook for several months before you can make money!
You have to learn programming for several years before you can make money!
You have to get a certificate to study accounting, or you can earn money only after you have done it!
Why do you dare to invest money to buy stocks without studying for a day? How can you make such good money?
Therefore, the stock market is not a scam, and the China stock market is not a scam, but it is still young. Many systems are gradually being reformed.
To sum up,
Stocks are issued by listed companies, and those that can pass IPO are well-known large enterprises in the industry. And the financial report is transparent, which is in line with relevant national laws.
The fund-raising scam is made by private individuals, and there is no corresponding business entity, even people can set it up. Violating the laws of the state.
The original stock scam is privately issued by the company, which has no legal effect, and the company’s finances are opaque and unknown in the industry. The company’s reputation depends on blowing!
In the past week, A shares have skyrocketed.
It stems from China people’s confidence in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, from China’s anti-epidemic ability and from the leadership of the country, so A shares seem to be starting a bull market.
Whether it is a big bull market or not, a strong country and finance must be strong. Finance is the foundation of all social activities. Therefore, I suggest that young people who have read this article, whether you have money or not, even if you play analog disks, I suggest paying attention to the stock market.
The fund-raising scam, the original stock scam, what the hell are they?
In China stock market, awesome people, awesome things and awesome companies are really awesome!
Everyone is searching.
Is the stock a scam? Is the stock a scam? Is the stock market a scam? What are the stock market scams?


Ghosts and evil spirits

You buy it when people tell you to? I can’t judge whether it’s a trap or not. Isn’t that how stocks are made? If you want to make money and don’t want to take risks, you can dream. Moreover, this article is about long-term, and investing in companies with development potential is not the same as those short-term ones that chase up and kill down. The example you gave shows that you didn’t understand what the article was saying at all. To sum up, the article should be that the stock market is used for investment, not for speculation! There are scams in the stock market, but we can’t say that the stock market is a scam. Those who are caught in speculation will blame the stock market. Have you taken the time to study it and just talk nonsense? What qualifications do you have to express your opinions without studying it?


@ Jining Xiaofang

It’s not a scam. What you said is very good. Individual investors are all value investments, but what do institutional stocks look at? See the number of retail investors! Choose a stock with a small number of retail investors to lurk in, get enough chips, and then pull it up to attract people to take over! This is not a scam?




Youcaijun 0C7

Come on, China’s stock market is rising by capital, and what value investment is all bullshit. The main force can pull it whenever it wants and smash it whenever it wants! I have also learned the knowledge of ancient tickets, and I also know the value investment. I bought a consumer sector with a low price-earnings ratio of only 9.6, and my financial performance was very good. I still hit bottom three times. After I bought it, he just kept falling, or he continued to fall under the 732 line. To put it bluntly, the main force was to see that there were fewer retail investors, but more retail investors were suppressed. This is the status quo of A shares, but there were only a few good stocks, and the rest were circles.




Da ju zi fa LAN Lin ka

The problem is that dividends are rare. You have to understand who has the money and who doesn’t want to go out.




All three replies

Jining xiaofang

It’s not a scam. What you said is very good. Individual investors are all value investments, but what do institutional stocks look at? See the number of retail investors! Choose a stock with a small number of retail investors to lurk in, get enough chips, and then pull it up to attract people to take over! This is not a scam?




Jining xiaofang

Have you studied it? With so many people studying, can you tell me which trend represents a 100% rise? It’s not regular, people play games with people!




Jining xiaofang

Not participating is earning.




All 4 replies

Light inlaid orchid 4T

It is certain that stocks are not a scam, but most people have to pay for their stupidity and arrogance.




Light inlaid orchid 4T

When you see that it is a scam, don’t play with it.





Duoduo 39151698

The stock market cheats each other for profit.





China’s stock pit is gone, and China’s stock is completely desperate. Please empty it as soon as possible, and never play China’s stock.




Xiao yue catching butterflies in Yunfeng Gorge.

Everything that people experience when they come into this world is a scam.




Zymwcnmb god

Exactly, which one belongs to you. Money will also cheat you to play.




Shanderun Y3

Just like us, we can take it whenever we want.




The celestial immortal refers to the future.

The ups and downs of the stock market are artificially controlled.
The country needs hundreds of millions of investors to invest heavily.
You must stay away from the stock market when you go crazy.
After plunging twice, I intervened in batches to make bands.




Yong Yu Ning 02V

Did A shares skyrocket? indicating that sth is obvious




Wei gaomin cC

I’ve been ruined by stocks this year.





That’s right, isn’t it? Looking at it deeply, it’s all a scam. Although it’s good for this and that, it’s bad for maybe only seven losses and two draws.




Sleepwalking in nothingness 123

The stock market is a combination of cheating and gambling.




















































Old player Yi Jianlian: Sweat and witness the glory! The story behind renewing the contract and reducing the salary by 2.5 million.

Old player Yi Jianlian: Sweat and witness the glory! The story behind renewing the contract and reducing the salary by 2.5 million.

For decades, Yi Jianlian sweated on the court and witnessed the glorious course of the Guangdong men’s basketball team. He used to be a representative star of the men’s basketball team, and now he still insists on fighting hard on the field. It is understood that in order to renew the contract, Yi Jianlian offered to reduce his salary and was willing to continue to cooperate with the team with an annual salary of 2.5 million. This decision reflects his loyalty and affection for the Guangdong men’s basketball team, and also reflects his understanding and support for the team’s economic pressure. Yi Jianlian is not only an old player of Guangdong men’s basketball team, but also one of the legends of China basketball. Looking back on his career, those flash moments when he was young are still vivid in people’s memories. He entered the Guangdong Youth Team at the age of 15, and then became the top pick in the NBA draft, which became the pride of China basketball.

As he grew into a top star, the Guangdong men’s basketball team also made its mark on the national basketball stage. The glorious course of Guangdong men’s basketball team is closely related to Yi Jianlian’s name. His joining brought infinite hope to the team and became a key link for the team to win the championship. Numerous difficult attacks and exquisite defense have become the beautiful scenery on the road to winning the championship. Looking back, Yi Jianlian, as the soul of the team, witnessed the moment when the Guangdong men’s basketball team won the championship many times, and every success was condensed with his sweat and efforts. The word "struggle" is probably the best annotation of Yi Jianlian’s career. No matter how difficult the opponent is, no matter how much pressure he is under, Yi Jianlian never flinched.

Those determined eyes and the belief of never giving up deeply infected every Guangdong men’s basketball fan. No matter what the result of the game is, he always insists on going all out to show his best side to the fans and opponents. It is this fighting spirit that makes Yi Jianlian an an irreplaceable part in the history of Guangdong men’s basketball team. The glory of Guangdong men’s basketball team did not stop, but continued to move forward under the guidance of Yi Jianlian. The team won the championship again, which added to his career. For the fans of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, these victories are not only the honor on the court, but also the joy and pride shared with idols. Yi Jianlian’s success belongs not only to himself, but also to the whole team and every fan who cheers for the Guangdong men’s basketball team. Behind the success, there is also a selfless dedication.

In order to renew the contract of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, Yi Jianlian offered to reduce his salary by 2.5 million yuan. This decision is not rash, but his deep affection for the team. Perhaps because he knows the team’s situation too well, he understands that the Guangdong men’s basketball team needs to make economic compromises. As a member of the team, he chose to share weal and woe with the team and help the team through difficult times. Yi Jianlian’s decision to renew his contract and reduce his salary has aroused admiration and emotion from fans and teammates. His loyalty and dedication have become an example for Guangdong men’s basketball team and a shining example for the whole sports world. He not only proved himself with strength on the field, but also showed the responsibility and responsibility that a professional player should have in his life. Today, Yi Jianlian’s basketball road continues.

Although the years have engraved their marks on his face, his faith and love remain the same. He told the fans that he would persist and continue to work hard for the Guangdong men’s basketball team, bringing them more glory and joy. The fans of the Guangdong men’s basketball team will, as always, support him and accompany him through every moment of basketball. In just a few decades, Yi Jianlian witnessed the glorious course of the Guangdong men’s basketball team, and he himself has become an indelible legend in the team’s history. His story tells us that hard work and dedication are not only on the basketball court, but also an attitude towards life. That persistence and love will always be engraved in the hearts of Guangdong men’s basketball team and basketball fans. Let’s cheer for the glorious course of this old player and continue to look forward to the continuation of his basketball legend.

Mutalifu: China Football Association is unique in wanting to return to China as soon as possible to play in the league, abandon the league and engage in zipper training.

According to Beiqing Sports, on May 16th, the AFC announced the list of 11 host countries of the 6th U23 Asian Cup qualifier in 2024 and the first stage Asian group match of the men’s soccer qualifier for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games through official channels. China Football Association. This means that the China national team of the 2001 Olympic Games will compete in this stage at home in September this year, and the Barracuda Bay Stadium, the home of Dalian people, will become the home of the China national team. Home plate. Olympic team.

In order to prepare for the above competition, under the arrangement of China Football Association, the Olympic team, led by head coach Zheng Yaodong, conducted a three-month overseas training in Belgium and Croatia. According to the plan, the Olympic Games will be held in Europe for half a year. According to the blogger Lester Fox’s previous news, the domestic Olympic Games held 17 warm-up matches in Europe, with 4 wins, 1 draw and 12 losses, most of which were amateur or professional teams.

On the afternoon of May 16th to 17th, local time, the Olympic team played against the first team of HNK League for two consecutive games. First, they lost 0-4 to the third place of the first team of HNK League, HNK Shibalia. This was their biggest defeat since training, but the next day, NK Bird, who ranked ninth with a 4-1 winning streak, and He Xiaoke, who stayed in Croatia, scored two goals in a row. Croatia’s first division is the second division of Croatia, which is higher than China’s first division.

On May 18th, Mutalihu, the main force of Xinjiang Youth National Team, who was selected for the Olympic National Team, updated his SNS, expressing his expectation for the game at Fenghuangshan Football Stadium, home of Rongcheng. As a potential frontcourt player, Mu Tareef entered the rotation team of Chengdu Rongcheng in the Super League last season. However, he moved overseas for the Olympic Games, so he will experience home games this season and has not played for the team so far. Regarding the atmosphere of the Phoenix Mountain Devil, he wrote on social media:

"Many of my fans and friends have been asking me when I can finish my training in Europe and return to my country to participate in the competition. "I’m worried. Every day in Europe, I am growing up slowly. I want to take a step forward. I’ve seen the video of Chengdu Rong’s home court this season countless times. It’s really like a dream, isn’t it? “

Chengdu Rongcheng’s performance in the Super League this season is quite eye-catching, with Lomulo and Daniel F. Akerson’s frontcourt duo firing fully. We know Muta Rif is looking forward to returning to China to work together. Judging from the current members of Mu Tareef’s Olympic squad, young players such as Tao Changrong, Abdulamu and Hu Hetao have become important forces in the club’s squad and made the team stronger in just a few league matches.

Every game, the China Football Association will do something stupid. In order to influence the 2002 and 2006 World Cups, the China Football Association announced the cancellation of the relegation system in 2002 and 2005, and in 2001, Zheng Yaodong led the national youth team to participate in the second division. As a result, the chicken wings were scattered all over the floor.

With the professional league in China in full swing, the China Football Association will send the most promising generation of Olympic players abroad for half a year’s training. When they return home, the first stage of the Super League will also be over. These players will miss training opportunities in real leagues.

The timetable of Vanke Le Run series activities was released, and the 2024 Vanke Dapeng New Year Marathon will return.

recent days

Vanke New Year Marathon released

Schedule of Vanke Le Run Series Activities in 2023

Among them, there are clear

2024 Vanke New Year Marathon

From December to January next year, start the 2024 New Year Marathon.

This may mean the return of Dapeng New Year Marathon, which has been suspended for several years.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Shenzhen Dapeng New Year Mara was founded on New Year’s Day in 2014. On the first day of the new year, Shenzhen Dapeng New District Management Committee and Vanke jointly hold the Vanke New Year Marathon.

From 2021 to 2023, due to epidemic factors, Shenzhen Vanke New Year Marathon was changed to online race. With the release of Vanke Le Run Plan and Dapeng Marathon Plan, on New Year’s Day in 2024, runners have a great chance to run in Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Committed to improving the runner’s race experience, we always uphold the original intention of building the top high-level boutique events in China.

This event has become one of the "Five-Star Runner Experience" events, focusing on runners, emphasizing the concept of experience, service and happy running, and being praised by the majority of runners as the most anticipated hot event in China.

The Top Three Men in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Li Dongxing 2:25:13 (breaking the record)

2 Li Guoquan 2:32:54

3 Deng Guomin 2:34:53

The top three women in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Fu Jing 3:09:46

2 Li Sulan 3:18:49.

3 yihong 3:24:35

Basic information of the event:

(1) Date and time: 7:30-13:30 am on January 1, 2024.

(2) Events: Full marathon for men and women (42.195km)

(3) The size of the counselor: it is estimated that there will be 5,000 counselors.

(4) Venue: Dapeng New District, Shenzhen

(V) Registration channel: log in to the official website (

(6) Registration fee: 300 yuan, the number of places will be on a first-come-first-served basis, and the quota will be closed.

According to previous information:

Qualification requirements for elite runners: from 2014 to 2020 (in any year), runners who finish the Vanke New Year Marathon within 3:30 in men’s group and within 4:00 in women’s group can obtain the qualification for elite runners in this event;

Super fan qualification requirements: from 2014 to 2020, runners who have participated in the Vanke New Year Marathon for three or more times and finished the race can obtain the super fan registration qualification for this event.

The specific information shall be subject to the final announcement by the organizer of the event!

In 2024, Shenzhen Dapeng Vanke New Year Marathon will return!

Are you looking forward to it?

Welcome to leave a message to share your expectations and your memories of Dapeng Horse.

The article takes you to know what virtual human customer service is.

With the continuous development of science and technology, artificial intelligence technology is constantly changing our lives. In the business field, virtual human customer service has become an increasingly common concept. Virtual human customer service is a customer service model based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology, which provides customers with faster, more accurate and more efficient services by simulating human dialogue. Next, we will introduce virtual human customer service from several aspects.

Advantages of virtual human customer service

The biggest advantage of virtual human customer service is in customer service efficiency. Virtual human customer service can provide services 24 hours a day without fatigue like human customer service. At the same time, virtual human customer service can deal with the problems of multiple users at the same time, and it will not wait for one user’s problem to receive the next user like human customer service. This enables virtual human customer service to better respond to customer needs during peak hours.

In addition, virtual human customer service can also learn and optimize its own services through machine learning technology and data mining technology to improve its accuracy and service quality. This enables the service level of virtual human customer service to be continuously improved to provide customers with better service.

Application Scenarios of Virtual Human Customer Service

Virtual human customer service has been widely used in various industries, such as e-commerce, banking, medical care, insurance and so on. In the e-commerce industry, virtual human customer service can help consumers query product information, place orders, return goods and other issues; In the banking industry, virtual human customer service can help customers query account information, handle transfer, finance and other services; In the medical industry, virtual human customer service can provide online consultation, appointment registration, prescription and other services; In the insurance industry, virtual human customer service can assist customers to inquire about insurance products, claims and other issues.

No matter what industry, virtual human customer service can help enterprises improve customer service quality, reduce customer service costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Technical principle of virtual human customer service

Virtual human customer service provides users with efficient, intelligent and convenient services through NLP natural language processing, artificial intelligence, multi-round dialogue system, voice recognition technology and data analysis. One of the core technologies of virtual human customer service is NLP natural language processing technology. NLP natural language processing technology is an interdisciplinary subject in the field of computer science, which focuses on the interaction between computer and human language. NLP natural language processing technology can transform human language into a form that computers can process, thus realizing the interaction between computers and humans. When a user asks a question to the virtual human customer service, the virtual human customer service will turn the question into a form that the computer can understand, then find the best answer through machine learning and data mining technology, and finally turn the answer into natural language and reply to the user.

The Development Trend of Virtual Human Customer Service

The development trend of virtual human customer service is more and more intelligent and humanized. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human customer service will become more and more intelligent, better understand the needs of users and provide more personalized services. At the same time, virtual human customer service will become more and more humanized. Humanized virtual human customer service can better simulate human dialogue and make users feel more real interactive experience, thus improving users’ satisfaction.

Virtual human customer service has become a customer service model that cannot be ignored. Virtual human customer service can improve customer service efficiency, reduce enterprise costs and improve customer satisfaction. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human customer service will become more and more intelligent and humanized, providing customers with a better service experience.