A large number of tickets for the concert cannot be purchased? Wang Junkai’s fan group issued a document asking the organizer to provide an explanation

On July 25th, TFBOYS sixth anniversary concert tickets went on sale. Many fans who bought tickets said that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at the opening time, there were a large number of tickets that could not be purchased, including senior members of the TFBOYS combination official website (fans who recharged 298 yuan membership fee) who had previously claimed to have the right of first refusal. And then scalpers openly sold high-priced tickets on other platforms, so some fans suspected that the platform had locked up a large number of tickets in advance, which caused heated discussions. On the afternoon of the 25th, Wang Junkai’s fan club "Wang Junkai Weibo" issued a statement, hoping that the concert organizer would provide an explanation.

The full text is as followsWhat is it?

Hello, relevant departments and leaders.

On August 10, 2019, the TFBOYS group will hold its sixth anniversary concert in Shenzhen. At 10:00 on July 25, the concert tickets will be sold exclusively on the Barley Network, claiming that 25,000 tickets will be open for senior members of the TFBOYS group official website (fans who recharge the membership fee of 298 yuan) to buy first.

However, ticket-buying fans found that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at 10 o’clock, a large number of tickets could not be purchased, and there was a large number of tickets locked in advance! As a result, a large number of fans who have recharged premium members and obtained ticket-buying privilege accounts did not buy tickets.

At the same time, the major scalper organizations on the Internet began to sell tickets at an amount [several times higher than the original ticket price], and the maximum ticket price has exceeded 10,000 yuan! There are even scalpers claiming that the organizers directly provide consecutive tickets!

The exclusive channel of Damai.com has no tickets, but all kinds of scalpers are openly selling high-priced tickets, which makes fans puzzled and unacceptable, and the rights and interests of senior members to buy tickets are seriously damaged! Why is there a large number of scalper tickets when Damai.com is the exclusive agent of tickets, and all the ticket prices are much higher than the original ticket prices, openly sold at high prices on [Taotao Ticket and other apps]!?

We hereby request: All parties concerned to investigate the situation related to the ticketing of this concert and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers! Barley is required to provide proof of the number of tickets successfully purchased from 10:00 to the time when the tickets are sold out.

At the same time, as a senior member of the official website of TFBOYS combination, we strongly request @TFBOYS_FanClub @TFBOYS combination @Fengjun culture as the organizer to make a reasonable explanation for why there are a large number of high-priced scalper tickets under the exclusive authorization of Damai.com ticket sales!

It is reported that on July 8, the sixth anniversary concert of the TFBOYS group was officially announced, and it will be held in Shenzhen on August 10, 2019. The concert is called "THE FEVER". According to netizens, the Mayday group will serve as the surprise guest of the TFBOYS concert.

Why can Xiaomi SU7 be loved by female users? Lei Jun responded

Phoenix Network Technology News (Author/Li Jun) On April 18th, Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi, started broadcasting at Xiaomi Auto Delivery Center, and "talked with netizens about the sale of Xiaomi SU7 these days". In the live broadcast, for the question "Why do female users like Xiaomi SU7", Lei Jun said: "I spent a lot of time thinking about the needs of female users when designing. When I made Xiaomi mobile phone 14 years ago, I made Xiaomi mobile phone for science and technology men. When I made Xiaomi car 3 years ago, my team and I stressed that we must consider female users."

Lei Jun said that the popularity of Xiaomi SU7 by female users is king, and the sunscreen of Xiaomi SU7 also pokes the pain points of women.Lei Jun revealed that after internal research, Tesla owners said that the interior of Tesla car was like an oven.

In addition, Xiaomi SU7 is also provided with a sunshade and a storage location for umbrellas.

"There are many excellent product designers, product managers and engineers in the product design team.We worked together to make the SU7 a car that women love.In the process of buying a car, the male host is mainly responsible for the selection and the female host is responsible for the decision. As long as women like it, the decision to buy a car will be quick. "

The price of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris in Nanning has been greatly reduced! The discount is 15,000, so act quickly.

In the preferential promotion channel of Nanning, car home, limited-time preferential activities are being carried out. As a model that has attracted much attention, the price of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris in Nanning has dropped to 137,800 yuan. The maximum discount amount of this promotion reached 15,000 yuan, which brought consumers more affordable car purchase options. If you want to know more details of the discount, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form and strive for a higher discount.


Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is an SUV full of modernity and futuristic feeling. Its front face design adopts bold lines and smooth curves, showing a strong sense of movement and strength. The air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which highlights the sense of luxury and quality of the whole vehicle. In terms of overall style, Eta Ursae Majoris’s exterior design combines modern technology and traditional aesthetics, and its unique shape and lines outline its unique personality, which makes it unique in the same class. No matter from which angle, Eta Ursae Majoris shows its unique charm and high-quality manufacturing technology.


The side design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris car series is elegant and atmospheric, with a body size of 4781mm*1920mm*1671mm and a wheelbase of 2815mm, with spacious and comfortable interior space. The front tread is 1641mm, and the rear tread is 1642 mm. It is equipped with 235/55 R19 tires to provide a stable driving experience. The body lines are smooth, and with the fashionable rim design, it shows the sense of movement and luxury of the vehicle, allowing you to enjoy comfort and visual enjoyment while driving.


Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s interior design is fashionable and luxurious, made of high-quality materials. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches, which supports speech recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight and window functions. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for users to charge. In addition, the front row also has a mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main driver’s seat can be adjusted back and forth, height and backrest, and the co-pilot’s seat can also be adjusted back and forth. The backrest of the second row of seats can also be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining. The overall interior design pays attention to comfort and convenience, bringing users a better driving experience.


Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. The car uses a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, which can provide a smooth shifting experience. This engine has excellent power performance and can bring exciting driving experience to drivers. Whether it’s a daily commute or a long trip, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris can meet your driving needs.

On the car system page of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, we saw a car owner named spoke highly of this model. He said that the appearance design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is very in line with the trend, with rich lights, perfect waistline design and wide rear shape. These details show the care and exquisite craftsmanship of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris in appearance design. It can be seen that Starway Eta Ursae Majoris does have a good performance in appearance design, which brings excellent car experience to car owners. We believe that these advantages will attract more consumers’ attention and become a bright spot of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris in the market.

Revealing the emotional anchor’s skill of collecting money: acting hype, selling miserable goods

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, June 2 nd Title: Revealing Emotional Anchor’s Art of Collecting Money: Acting and Speculating, Selling Miserable Goods.

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  In Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other short video platforms, there are a group of anchors who solve emotional problems for netizens. They can solve complicated contradictions and disputes in daily life in minutes, attracting a large number of middle-aged and elderly viewers.

  A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that these emotional anchors often write, direct and play false stories under the guise of "mediation", with the actual purpose of bringing goods. Most of the goods sold are fake and shoddy, which is suspected of fraud.

  Making up stories "selling miserably" has tens of thousands of fans.

  The reporter searched several short video and live broadcast platforms with the keyword "emotional anchor" and found that under the label of "positive energy", the screen was full of incredible ethical stories, such as "my ex-boyfriend took out his kidney for his girlfriend but chose to disappear" and "my husband died for 6 years and met again on the way to work".

  Once you pay attention to an emotional anchor, the platform will continue to push similar emotional anchors. In the live broadcast room, the anchor usually conducts so-called contradiction mediation and dispute settlement in the name of accepting the request of the "client". After the broadcast, the anchor took "everyone likes it to 100,000, so I will contact the client for mediation" as a gimmick, accumulating the audience and popularity in the live broadcast room, and distributing more traffic in the background accordingly.

  From fighting between husband and wife to quarreling between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, from maintenance disputes to child abuse, the drama of "mediating contradictions" by anchors is constantly staged in videos or live broadcasts. Some of the protagonists in the story are terminally ill boys, and some are mothers abused by their children. They have left messages to the emotional anchor for "help" because of their "miserable experiences".

  The anchors sometimes look dignified and sometimes impassioned. After the connection, it only takes a few hours, and seemingly extremely sharp contradictions will always be solved.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, the number of fans of emotional anchors in Tik Tok is more than 10 million, and there are also tens of thousands of fans. Some millions of fans often watch live broadcasts of anchors with more than 100,000 people.

  Not only live broadcast, but also some anchor numbers broadcast "series" in the form of short videos. A Tik Tok named "Dai Sige" has broadcast more than 200 short videos so far, with more than 5.4 million fans and more than 46 million likes, and the highest rating of a single video exceeds 2.8 million.

  The content of "selling badly" has won the trust of a large number of middle-aged and elderly audiences. The helplessness, fear and deception of the parties in the video not only satisfied their curiosity, but also won their sympathy. For example, in the live broadcast room where the plot is "treating the mother", there are barrage screens such as "This girl is so kind", "Too filial", "Help her" and "Help me place an order when my son comes back".

  Wang Xiaoyan, a senior anchor, said that these emotional anchors won by team ability and script plot, and the people and stories were carefully compiled and interpreted.

  The parents of Ms. Yin, a citizen of Nanning, Guangxi, are over 60 years old. Both of them pay attention to a large number of emotional anchors and spend several hours watching these short videos or live broadcasts every day. "They are actually attracted by the dramatic conflicts in these videos. Some anchors have intense emotions, strong inflammatory language and like moral criticism, which is particularly easy for middle-aged and elderly people to become addicted. " Ms. Yin said.

  Some live broadcasts earn tens of thousands of yuan, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes.

  In fact, the emotional anchor interprets the story of "ups and downs" according to the script, creates "conflicts and disputes" and acts as a "mediator", with the ultimate goal of "sucking powder to raise the number", so that fans can bring goods after reaching a certain number.

  An emotional anchor told reporters that the daily income of an ordinary live broadcast room with tens of thousands of fans ranges from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan, such as rewards, parking fees with goods and profits with goods. In a live broadcast room with over one million fans, the income can easily reach more than 50 thousand yuan.

  An emotional anchor selling e-books introduced that the total number of fans of his team in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker is about 3 million, and the team’s income mainly consists of two parts: first, fans reward, which mainly attracts fans to "encourage and support" the plot parties and mediators in the process of resolving emotional disputes; The second is the income from goods, because the cost of selling emotional counseling e-books is almost zero, and the profit is extremely high. The monthly income of its team can reach 1.2 million yuan.

  In order to close the distance, the audience in front of the screen is called "family" by the anchor. "Family, come and want to hear what happened to their mother-in-law relationship. Please pay attention or join a fan group."

  When the reporter entered the Tik Tok named "Colette March for Love", the anchor was broadcasting a "party". With tears in her eyes, the client told the story of being driven out of the house by her mother-in-law, which attracted more than 600 fans to watch in just a few minutes.

  The reporter learned that in the live broadcast room of the anchor, you don’t need to pay any fees to pay attention to the anchor, but to become a "fan" of the anchor, you need to pay a shaking coin worth 0.1 yuan RMB. "After becoming a fan, speak in the live broadcast room, and the user name will be marked with ‘ Family label ’ , become the anchor ‘ Family ’ 。” Tang, an elderly enthusiastic audience of an emotional anchor, said. Being "fans" and "family members" means building trust and close emotional ties with the anchor and being willing to spend money for the anchor.

  After the emotional story is over, there are often many people performing "fake bargaining" in the live broadcast room, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes. Many anchor performances turned against "manufacturers", letting them make profits or even take money, forcing price reduction or reproduction. For example, when they sell cosmetics, daily necessities and jewelry, they "fudge": "They buy things to help more clients solve problems in the live broadcast room", "Factory direct sales, absolute lowest price, genuine products" and "The manufacturer has put a quality guarantee of 200,000 yuan in my place, so the family can rest assured".

  According to some users in Tik Tok, the goods they bought in the live broadcast room of emotional anchor were of poor quality, the goods were not on the right board and the after-sales service was poor. Ms. Liu, a 64-year-old citizen of Jinan, told the reporter that after the goods such as silver ornaments purchased in the live broadcast room were identified as fakes, she repeatedly contacted the customer service and never got a reply. After complaining about the incident in the live broadcast room, she was called "black powder" by the anchor, personally attacked and kicked out of the live broadcast room.

  Recently, a survey conducted by an institution on the experience of the elderly being cheated on the Internet shows that "false advertising" is the most common risk of the elderly when surfing the Internet, accounting for more than 30%. Followed by online fraud, accounting for about 22%. Among different groups of elderly people, the proportion of elderly people living alone in rural areas who are deceived is as high as 90%. In the most common deception scene, "live broadcast, short video" is indispensable.

  Emotional live broadcast forms a complete industrial chain, and the platform should strengthen supervision.

  In March, Tik Tok Security Center issued the "Public Notice on Punishment for Violation of" Selling Miserable Goods and Performing Speculation ",saying that the platform has imposed penalties for violation of regulations on selling miserable goods, fabricating bizarre stories and performing hype, and some anchors mediate emotional disputes, fabricate bizarre stories and use sympathy, with the ultimate goal of bringing goods.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the emotional live broadcast market has formed a relatively complete industrial chain from actors to scripts, from "sucking powder" to bringing goods. Some WeChat WeChat official account even have an article titled "Mai Shou Lian Manual". Mai Shou can communicate with the anchor alone or with many wheat, or find his own partner to temporarily play. The most popular plots include cheating, liking my cousin, rural plots, domestic violence and so on.

  "widely used among anchors ‘ Family ’ Address is emotionally attractive to the audience. Most emotional anchors are biased towards ethics, family disputes, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is extremely attractive and deceptive to middle-aged and elderly people who lack social interaction. " Zhu Guowei, a professor at the School of Business Administration of Hunan University, said.

  "Emotional anchors sell bad hype by fabricating stories, which has a certain deceptive nature and is suspected of breaking the law." Wang Sixin, deputy dean of the Institute of Community of Human Destiny, Communication University of China, said that relevant parties should intensify efforts to rectify and purify cyberspace.

  Chen Guanwen, a lawyer of Shandong Rizhong Law Firm, said that it is a typical price fraud to induce consumption by performing routines such as "bargaining", falsely raising the price first and then reducing the price at a loss.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, believes that the platform should strengthen the supervision of commodity quality and price and improve the consumer evaluation mechanism.

  Experts suggest that the relevant regulatory authorities should improve the platform management measures and increase penalties. If the platform fails to fulfill its obligation to review the qualifications of operators, or fails to fulfill its obligation to ensure the safety of consumers, causing damage to consumers, it shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

  Wang Sixin believes that the pace of social life is accelerating, and many middle-aged and elderly people lack children to accompany them, so their emotional needs cannot be met. At the same time, they lack full understanding of new technologies and means, have poor discrimination and are easily confused. The whole society should strengthen the reminder and care for this group. In addition, consumers should actively report the fraud they find, and relevant departments should also increase the punishment for illegal acts. (Reporter Wang Yang, Pan Qiang, Xie Ying, Li Ziwei)

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Fast technology news on October 11,LI Guanwei issued a document saying: It broke 30,000 yuan for four consecutive months, and this month it will challenge a new high of 40,000 yuan in monthly sales ahead of schedule.

In the past September, 2023, the sales volume in LI reached 36,400, and the monthly sales volume once again exceeded 30,000.

Among them,Ideal L sold 11,967 vehicles in September, ideal L8 11306 vehicles and ideal L7 13088 vehicles.The sales of the three models once again broke through 10,000 at the same time.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

LI also announced the sales list of new power brands, luxury brands and new energy brands in China market in September.

By the end of September, the cumulative delivery volume of LI in 2023 had reached 244,225 vehicles.Next, it will exceed 40,000 vehicles every month, which means that the sales volume of LI will exceed 360,000 vehicles in 2023.

At the beginning of this year, Li Xiang said in the earnings conference call: "In 2022, LI’s market share of 300,000-500,000 SUVs will be 9.5%, and our forecast for the market this year will probably be between 1.4 million and 1.5 million. Our requirement for ourselves is to double the market share. "

Based on this calculation, the annual sales target of LI in 2023 is 280,000-300,000 vehicles, and the average monthly delivery volume reaches 23,000-25,000 vehicles. Now, this goal has been achieved easily.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

"Hot Search" filed on November 30, Zhou Dongyu Song Yang Justin public opinion field confrontation

1905 movie network news Directed by, starring, and released a group of role posters, and announced that it would be released on November 30, taking the lead in preheating the market at the end of the year and firing the first shot of the New Year. In the poster, there is a full screen of online public opinion, which is full of all kinds of people who don’t know the truth and endless condemnation and abuse. Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Yuan Hong are in the complicated public opinion field and have their own thoughts. I look forward to the film’s release on November 30th.

In the previous premiere activities, this film "pointing to reality" won many praises, such as "cyber violence", "public opinion reversal" and "choosing a concubine on campus", and all kinds of sharp realistic topics made the audience bluntly say that "the film shines into reality". Some viewers said, "The perpetrators do whatever they want, the victims are arguing, and the truth of online public opinion is inseparable, which not only makes people feel numb, but also deserves our good taste and thinking." The director also said at the scene, "Some time ago, the fire rescued many fraud victims, and I hope that" Hot Search "can also be a fire, so that the era of irresponsible voice on the Internet will pass."

A public opinion game of "smoke everywhere"

Audience: Did we influence public opinion or did public opinion influence us?

Is the school sponsored by the big group actually a "paradise for choosing a concubine" for the rich? In the movie, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), He Yan (Song Yang), Peng Yue (Justin) and others launched a battle of online public opinion around the "industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus" caused by a girl jumping off a building. Although there is no sword and shadow, the tit-for-tat between the forces of good and evil and the constant reversal of public opinion have made many viewers bluntly say "innovative", "substituted" and "thoughtful". "Deducting all sentient beings under the flow, whether we have influenced public opinion or public opinion has influenced us?"

Director Xin Yukun has always been good at digging deep into realistic themes, while Hot Search shows the story behind public opinion from a novel perspective. Some viewers expressed their surprise after watching the movie. "When you are purely a bystander, you see that there are so many unknown secrets behind the ever-changing public opinion events." Some viewers said, "The protagonist seems to be a character, but in fact, the sharp and ruthless comments behind it are the real protagonist of this film."

A bloody story of "Mayflies shake trees"

Audience: You may not be Chen Miao, but you can be her fellow traveler.

The film "Hot Search" tells a story of speaking out for the weak and confronting the powerful, and also depicts the people behind the "hot search". In the film, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, took the lead in tearing off the false mask of the wealthy businessman and declaring war on the unjust power. However, it was backstab, a teammate of He Yan (Song Yang), and Yue Peng, an investor (Justin) who suppressed her. Digging black materials, hanging hot searches, splashing dirty water ….. Faced with all kinds of threats, Chen Miao is still indomitable, and wants to reshape the unfair "rules". The audience also said that they were "moved by Chen Miao’s courage".

After watching the movie, many viewers described it as a story of "flying flies shaking trees". "You can’t help being angry, you will feel empathetic powerlessness, and you will have desperate feelings and blood." The self-media team led by Chen Miao tried their best to speak out for the truth, and was also rated as a just alliance on the Internet by the audience. Their courage and fearlessness inspired many viewers, saying that "it may not be Chen Miao, but it can be Chen Miao’s fellow traveler".

The film Hot Search will be released nationwide on November 30th.

Hot weather, so that fitness is healthier.

Recently, Beijing citizens participated in water sports on the Liangma River. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xin Li photo

  Since July, the "barbecue mode" has been opened in many places across the country, especially in North China, where the temperature has been high for many days. In this case, if there is no scientific and reasonable method to participate in sports, it is often easy to cause physical damage or even serious consequences.

  To this end, the reporter of Workers’ Daily recently learned about all kinds of accidental injuries and diseases easily caused by sports in high temperature weather by visiting sports medical experts and related industry insiders. Experts in the industry said that taking protective measures, controlling the amount of exercise and replenishing water in time can effectively avoid sports injuries.

  Be careful when exercising at high temperature.

  Recently, the hot weather in Beijing has continued, but many citizens still insist on physical exercise. Ms. Shao, who lives in Chaoyang District, told reporters that she has been insisting on running recently with the idea of "sweating a lot in summer, and fitness can reduce fat faster". However, in the course of running last evening, I experienced symptoms such as vomiting and dizziness, and I once fainted. Finally, with the help of my colleagues, I gradually relieved myself through cold compress.

  In this regard, Wang Dahui, chief physician of the Pediatric Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, told the reporter that the most common disease caused by exercise under high temperature is heatstroke. "In a high temperature environment, the body can’t effectively dissipate heat, which leads to a rapid increase in body temperature and symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting and temporary loss of consciousness."

  Wang Da Hui said that what is more serious than general heatstroke is heat spasm and heatstroke. Heat spasm refers to muscle painful spasm caused by high-intensity exercise or exhaustion of physical strength. "There are many factors that cause muscle cramps in athletes, including dehydration, loss of trace elements (such as sodium and potassium), extreme environmental conditions and nervous fatigue." Heat stroke is a serious emergency, characterized by high fever and disturbance of consciousness, which may even lead to death in severe cases.

  In addition, according to Wu Hongliang, a doctor in Shanghai Punan Hospital, exercise at high temperature has certain influence on circulatory system, digestive system and urinary system. "A lot of sweating and the loss of chloride reduce the acidity of gastric juice and easily cause indigestion. Exercise at high temperature can slow down the movement of the small intestine and form other gastrointestinal diseases. "

  In order to avoid the above pathological changes, relevant experts reminded that when exercising at high temperature in summer, we should pay attention to mastering scientific protection and sports rehabilitation methods. If you feel unwell, you should immediately stop exercising and cool down and get rid of heat. If it is serious, you should seek medical advice in time.

  Indoor and outdoor should be distinguished.

  The reporter learned through interviews that with the recent high temperature weather, many fitness enthusiasts prefer to use all kinds of fitness equipment indoors when participating in physical exercise, but some people are still keen on running, cycling and ball games outdoors.

  In this regard, Han Zhen, deputy director of the emergency department of Beijing Friendship Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, believes that strenuous exercise should be avoided as much as possible at noon when outdoors at high temperature, and certain sun protection measures are needed during exercise. "When the outdoor temperature exceeds 35℃, especially when the humidity is high, it is necessary to avoid long-term strenuous exercise, such as long-distance running and football. When the sun is particularly strong, you should also reduce outdoor exercise and try to avoid direct sunlight on your head. It is best to exercise outdoors in the early morning or evening when the weather is cool. "

  Wang Dahui told reporters that the outdoor exercise temperature is higher, and people are more alert to the changes in their bodies, but it is often easy to ignore when exercising indoors. Indoor fitness should pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the air conditioner, which is generally recommended to be between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius, and maintain appropriate humidity to provide a comfortable exercise environment. "If the temperature is too low, once you enter the outdoor high-temperature environment after exercise, it is easy to produce diseases such as colds and dysentery. In an air-conditioned room, it is necessary to ensure good indoor air circulation. You can increase air flow by opening windows or using fans. "

  Guo Yong, the physical fitness coach of the national winter sports team, suggested that in hot weather, you can choose some low-intensity exercise methods, such as walking, aerobics, yoga, etc., to reduce physical consumption. "Under high temperature, indoor projects can be considered more, but we must avoid too low room temperature and too high exercise intensity."

  Scientific fitness has a coup

  Facing the contradiction between hot weather and physical exercise, is there any more scientific and reasonable fitness method and guidance that can not only achieve fitness effect, but also effectively avoid the sports risks brought by high temperature? The answer is yes.

  Wu Peng, deputy director of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Center of Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, believes that in order to achieve scientific fitness at high temperature, special attention should be paid to the following aspects: properly adjusting exercise intensity to avoid overwork; Sports clothes and shoes and socks with good air permeability, sweat absorption and quick drying should be selected so that the body can better dissipate heat and sweat; Exercise in high temperature weather should be fully hydrated, especially salt and electrolyte; Take regular rest during exercise to avoid overwork; Don’t eat cold drinks, drink iced drinks or take a cold bath immediately after exercise.

  Wu Peng also reminded bodybuilders that antipyretics such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are ineffective for patients with heatstroke, and they may aggravate liver damage or cause kidney damage and gastrointestinal bleeding, so these drugs are not recommended.

  Li Liang, an associate researcher at the National Physical Fitness and Scientific Fitness Research Center of the Institute of Physical Education of the State General Administration of Sport, said in an interview that the most important thing in high-temperature weather is to reasonably choose sports events, time and equipment, and make corresponding adjustments according to personal physical fitness and environmental conditions. "Especially for people with heart disease and hypertension, fitness activities should be carried out reasonably and moderately under the guidance of experts."

The documentary "Looking for Guiyang" explores the water rhyme and exotic food, dumping everyone.

1905 movie network news Since its broadcast on March 25th, Quest for Guiyang has made the audience see a different Guiyang: it is a summer capital that enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, and the comfortable and slow pace of life makes people yearn for it. Guiyang is not only a model of China’s eco-city and big data smart city, but also a flavor museum with numerous special cuisines.

There are 98 rivers criss-crossing, and karst landforms make Guiyang like a city floating on water. The second episode of "Shui Yun Yuan Rong’s Dietary Wisdom" takes "water" as the starting point to show the treasures of Southwest China, explore the delicacies of water born of different forms, and lead the audience to deeply understand the ingenious mystery of Guiyang flavor from a new perspective.

Time precipitation Guiyang shuiyun

Water not only breeds life, but also is a skillful craftsman in shaping flavor. It exists in different forms in different spaces, and it is related to rivers, rainfall and various microorganisms, so it also produces different forms of food and flavor.

Local people can not only flexibly use water resources to create delicious food, but also discover more flavor secrets in the process of fighting against humidity, all of which have a subtle influence on Guiyang people’s taste preferences and lifestyle. With the help of the unique local microbial flora, fresh soybeans were fermented into local lobster sauce, which was similar to the Japanese national food natto. However, Guiyang people gave it more room for deduction, and lobster sauce continued to ferment for six months, forming a bean paste-like lobster sauce cake. The complex flavor precipitated over time, bringing more outstanding magical taste. These foods made by different processes such as fermentation are even more stunned by the audience and exclaim that the food after Nirvana’s rebirth is still amazing.

Traditional techniques contain folk wisdom.

There are many rivers in Guiyang, and the annual precipitation exceeds 1000 mm. Such a region and climate have created extremely rich aquatic resources in Guiyang. Rivers pass through mountains, and after hundreds of millions of years, mysterious sinkholes and caves have been created. Cave fishing reflects the local aquatic characteristics. The water temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius all the year round, and the fish grows slowly, making the meat more tender and firm. Luo Bangyun, who runs a beancurd shop, uses anti-slip sandals and fishing techniques handed down from generation to generation to collect these delicious fish and shrimp as delicious dishes. Whether it is fried or steamed, or dried fish, the locals who live near the water use their ingenuity to give birth to a new flavor.

Some flavors are fresh and palatable, while others need time to brew slowly. For Wei Xing Wu, an old chef, despite the increasingly developed preservation technology, traditional techniques are more worthy of spreading. Fresh pork is sterilized by hot oil at high temperature, quickly fried into thin crispy skin, and then immersed in lard for preservation.

Relying on oil to isolate water and air, the texture and taste similar to fresh meat can be preserved for more than one year, which is the traditional oil-bottomed meat in Guiyang. Guiyang people have a unique way to preserve food, and these traditional techniques, which have been precipitated over time, are the persistence of craftsmen from generation to generation and the great wisdom of folk food.

Fire and water quenching change surprise: strange food combination collapses everyone

Water is unpredictable and breeds countless delicious foods. In the local area, people come and go in different periods, and a variety of soy products have evolved, which is dazzling. If the quality of tofu is good, the local well water is indispensable. The unique bean curd soaked in green rock, and the bean curd made of chicken minced with soybean milk, all kinds of strange combinations have undergone repeated quenching of water and fire, changing into surprising bean food, which makes people salivate.

Guiyang, located at low latitude and high altitude, has a mild and humid climate, with lush trees all year round, but there are also delicious foods that only appear briefly in autumn — — Purple fungus. Whether cooked alone or with other ingredients, its fragrant and sweet taste has attracted many people. Some viewers lamented: "This short but wonderful existence, just like our life, we should learn to enjoy the happiness of the moment even though we keep walking."

Fire and water blend to light the southwest: Guiyang people understand the hot pot.

As the city with the highest frequency of enjoying hot pot per capita in China, hot pot accounts for half of Guiyang’s diet. In the food logic of Guiyang people, you can’t cook hot pot without ingredients, and there is no single hot pot item that can dominate here. With the broadcast of "Looking for Guiyang", netizens and viewers have also exposed the hot pot food here, laughing that "Guiyang people really understand the hot pot!"

According to statistics, there are new hot pot categories in Guiyang every year. For Guiyang people, whether it’s a pot with rich taste of bittern soup or a pot with sweet and smooth beans and rice, it’s an all-inclusive flavor and a bond to maintain the world. The unique taste of Guiyang is also passed down from generation to generation through this water bond in this ancient food custom.

The program group also said: "In addition to hot pot, there are too many delicious foods here, all with local characteristics. Like delicious and heavy beef soup, elastic and tough cowhide and smooth sour powder, it is a perfect combination. These delicious foods with the smell of Guiyang fireworks carry the memories and thoughts of Guiyang people, as well as the soul comfort of thinking about the source of food. I hope that the audience can experience those’ subtleties’ that cannot be copied in "Looking for Guiyang" and find their own good memories. "

Premier League-Kane double ring Sun Xingyu scored Tottenham 3-1 Nottingham Forest.

On March 11th, in the 27th round of Premier League A, Tottenham beat Nottingham Forest 3-1.

In the 20 th minute, yx Kane scored a goal with a hammer to help Tottenham, who played at home, take the lead.

In the 36th minute, Richarlyson made a point, and Kane scored twice.

In the 63rd minute, Richarlyson sent a wonderful pass and Sun Xingyi sealed the victory.

In the 82nd minute, voller helped Nottingham Forest to pull back a goal.

Tottenham Hotspur starting:20- Fraser-Foster, 17- Christian-Romero, 15- Dell, 34- Langlais, 23- Poirot, 4- Skip (90+7’29- Papp-Sal), 5- Heibel, 33- Ben-Davies, 9- Risalesson (84

Nottingham forest starting:12- navas, 32- Renan-Lodi, 4- Joe-voller, 38- Felipe, 24- arie, 6- shelvey, 5- ohrel-Mangala (46’34- Andre-Ayou), 23- Freuler (67’22- Yates), 11-.

At 23: 00 on March 11th, in the 27th round of Premier League, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1.

In the 11th minute, coulibaly passed to the back from the left and Chilwell volley scored! Chelsea 1-0 leicester city!

In the 39th minute, Felix’s backcourt dribble was broken by Pereira, and then Dhaka shot straight into the corner! Leicester city 1-1 Chelsea!

In the 45th+6th minute, Enzo picked the ball and Havertz scored the goal! Chelsea 2-1 leicester city!

In the 78th minute, Havertz passed to the back from the right, Moudrek headed the ball to the middle, and kovacic volleyed the ball to break the door! Chelsea 3-1 leicester city!

Leicester city starts:1- Danny Ward, 21- Ricardo Pereira, 15- Suta, 3- Faith, 27- Castagne, 22- Dewsbury-Hall, 24- Naparis-Mendi (66′ 42-Soumare), 14- Ishi Na Qiao (76’9- Valdi), etc.

Chelsea starting:1- Kepa, 32- Marc-Cucurella, 26- coulibaly, 33- Wesley-Fofana (86′ 4-badia Hiller), 21- Chilwell (73’10- Plishic), 8- kovacic, 5- Enzo-Fernandez, 12- Loftus-Chick (73′ 10).