"Hot Search" filed on November 30, Zhou Dongyu Song Yang Justin public opinion field confrontation

1905 movie network news Directed by, starring, and released a group of role posters, and announced that it would be released on November 30, taking the lead in preheating the market at the end of the year and firing the first shot of the New Year. In the poster, there is a full screen of online public opinion, which is full of all kinds of people who don’t know the truth and endless condemnation and abuse. Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Yuan Hong are in the complicated public opinion field and have their own thoughts. I look forward to the film’s release on November 30th.

In the previous premiere activities, this film "pointing to reality" won many praises, such as "cyber violence", "public opinion reversal" and "choosing a concubine on campus", and all kinds of sharp realistic topics made the audience bluntly say that "the film shines into reality". Some viewers said, "The perpetrators do whatever they want, the victims are arguing, and the truth of online public opinion is inseparable, which not only makes people feel numb, but also deserves our good taste and thinking." The director also said at the scene, "Some time ago, the fire rescued many fraud victims, and I hope that" Hot Search "can also be a fire, so that the era of irresponsible voice on the Internet will pass."

A public opinion game of "smoke everywhere"

Audience: Did we influence public opinion or did public opinion influence us?

Is the school sponsored by the big group actually a "paradise for choosing a concubine" for the rich? In the movie, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), He Yan (Song Yang), Peng Yue (Justin) and others launched a battle of online public opinion around the "industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus" caused by a girl jumping off a building. Although there is no sword and shadow, the tit-for-tat between the forces of good and evil and the constant reversal of public opinion have made many viewers bluntly say "innovative", "substituted" and "thoughtful". "Deducting all sentient beings under the flow, whether we have influenced public opinion or public opinion has influenced us?"

Director Xin Yukun has always been good at digging deep into realistic themes, while Hot Search shows the story behind public opinion from a novel perspective. Some viewers expressed their surprise after watching the movie. "When you are purely a bystander, you see that there are so many unknown secrets behind the ever-changing public opinion events." Some viewers said, "The protagonist seems to be a character, but in fact, the sharp and ruthless comments behind it are the real protagonist of this film."

A bloody story of "Mayflies shake trees"

Audience: You may not be Chen Miao, but you can be her fellow traveler.

The film "Hot Search" tells a story of speaking out for the weak and confronting the powerful, and also depicts the people behind the "hot search". In the film, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, took the lead in tearing off the false mask of the wealthy businessman and declaring war on the unjust power. However, it was backstab, a teammate of He Yan (Song Yang), and Yue Peng, an investor (Justin) who suppressed her. Digging black materials, hanging hot searches, splashing dirty water ….. Faced with all kinds of threats, Chen Miao is still indomitable, and wants to reshape the unfair "rules". The audience also said that they were "moved by Chen Miao’s courage".

After watching the movie, many viewers described it as a story of "flying flies shaking trees". "You can’t help being angry, you will feel empathetic powerlessness, and you will have desperate feelings and blood." The self-media team led by Chen Miao tried their best to speak out for the truth, and was also rated as a just alliance on the Internet by the audience. Their courage and fearlessness inspired many viewers, saying that "it may not be Chen Miao, but it can be Chen Miao’s fellow traveler".

The film Hot Search will be released nationwide on November 30th.

What’s the difference between football in China? It is not a cold day to fall from the country of Cuju to the "national football"!

China football, every China fan feels mixed feelings when he mentions it.

Whenever the World Cup season comes, the China men’s soccer team is always in a way"spectator" and "joke"As a participant, but not as a participant.

Then, why in today’s international arena, China, as old as football civilization,But always lost to Europe, America and even Japan, which is also East Asia?

What’s wrong with this?Do we really have no DNA to play football?
The Development Course of Football in China

In 1992, this year was of special significance to China football.Marketization reformIn this year, the curtain was opened, which marked an important step towards the professionalization of football in China.

This made the whole football system become different, and the professional league was established, which provided new career opportunities for players and coaches.This also directly prompted them to start.Get economic returns from clubs and markets.Football has thus gained unprecedented attention.

However, the development of everything has two sides; Although the market-oriented reform has brought new vitality to China football, it is also accompanied by problems.

Among them,The most obvious problem is that many young players choose to leave because they are dissatisfied with the conditions of provincial and municipal teams, which leads to a large number of brain drain.; More importantly, the original reform paid too much attention to the construction of professional leagues, butForget the importance of basic training.This makes the development of football in China appear obvious "fault".

This fault problem has been exposed in the early stage, but it has not been paid enough attention.

If the infrastructure of a league is not stable, then no matter how dazzling it is, it is difficult to go far;This may explain why in the late 1990s and early 2000s,Although China football had a brief glory, it quickly fell into a downturn.

But,In addition to the above-mentioned professionalization and marketization issues, is there anyOther factorsIs it affecting the development of football in China?

These factors can be discussed from three aspects: physical fitness, technology and genes:

First of all, there are indeed differences between Asians and Africans or Europeans in physical strength and flexibility; But this difference is not purely determined by genes, and eating habits and training methods also play an indispensable role.

howeverBased on this factor alone, we can’t come to the conclusion that "China people are not suitable for playing football";

Looking back at last year’s World Cup, Japan successfully defeated the powerful German team, which clearly proved that East Asian teams can also compete with the world’s top teams.

Furthermore, football is not just a "European and American" sport; It is global, and its technology, tactics and ideas are constantly evolving on a global scale.

Simply copying the football model in Europe and America cannot guarantee success, and each region has its own unique football culture and development route;Too much pursuit of integration with Europe and the United States, but ignoring local characteristics, often brings bad consequences.

reviewAlthough China tried to imitate European football in the early stage of its professionalization, its basic work was ignored.

A solid foundation is the key to the top league. In this respect, countries like Japan and South Korea have done quite well.

They started from the foundation and gradually built a perfect football development system, with clear planning and continuous investment from youth training to top leagues.

The rise of Japanese football is largely due to their solid youth training system;Large-scale competitions such as the All-Japan High School Football Championship involve about 100,000 student players. Every year, about 4,000 teams participate in the preliminaries, and 48 teams are finally selected to enter the finals.

This is not only a competition, but also a platform to show yourself and exercise your skills. The Gaoyuan Palace Cup Japan Football Association U18 League has created a more professional stage for the youth teams of various professional clubs.

South Korea, another strong team in East Asia, is famous for its excellent physical confrontation and physical fitness;In the international arena, they can often show excellent competitive state in the confrontation with strong European teams.

South Korean star Sun Xingyu’s Premier League performance is undoubtedly the best proof.He is not only a player, but also a representative of Korean football innovation youth training;

The sports park invested and built by Sun Xingyuan in South Korea represents the new direction of Korean football-"Sun Xiongzheng mode" (Sun Xiongzheng is Sun Xingyuan’s father and a former football player in South Korea), which pays more attention to technology and basic skills.

Compared with Japan and South Korea, although their football road is different from ours, their success provides us with valuable enlightenment; Both Japan’s youth training system and South Korea’s innovative ideas on player training are worthy of our in-depth study and thinking.

At the same time,Our national team, especially the women’s football team., also has a remarkable performance on the international stage.

Compared with the men’s soccer team, why can they show better elegance in the international arena?

From the perspective of professionalism,China women’s football team is on a global scale.Degree of professionalismMore prominent;

In many countries, many women football players are stillAmateur state,But in our country, most women football players areprofessionalismofThis provides them with rich training time and helps them to form an advantage in technology and tactics.

Furthermore,Women’s football has relatively little commercial value.Make the players focus more on the performance on the court, rather than being influenced by commercial factors.This pure attitude towards the gameUndoubtedly, it has created a more pure competition environment for women football players.

On the other hand, although the men’s football team has gone through the road of professionalization, there are many problems in the promotion of marketization;

The most critical problem is the neglect of basic work.This has led to a great loss of football talents. Compared with women’s football team’s obvious attitude of paying attention to technology and basic skills, men’s football team seems to be subject to more external interference in the process of marketization.

When we look back on every glory of China women’s football team, we can deeply feel the efforts behind them; And every ups and downs of the men’s soccer team is a wake-up call, suggesting that we need to reflect deeply.

In the future, we hope that both men’s football team and women’s football team should cherish every opportunity to play, go all out, create more bright spots, win glory for our country, and bring joy and pride to every fan.


  1. Why is the "national football" so smelly?
  2. In-depth analysis, why is China football getting worse and worse, and where is the future development direction?
  3. Japanese and Korean football tells us that confrontation is not a European patent, and yellow people can also have technology.
  4. Ball Comment: Why is China Women’s Football Team so Strong? What is the real reason why men’s football is not as good as them?

Title 1: From the country of Cuju to the spectators today: Exploring the deep reasons why China football lags behind Europe, America and Japan.

Title 2: From ancient stadium heroes to today’s audience, the vicissitudes of football in China: where is the gap between us and Europe, America and Japan?

Title 3: The Battle of the Top Three in East Asia: Why did China lose to Japan because of the cultural background of football and the technical conflict between Europe and America?

Title 4: The glory and trough of football in China, exploring the real gap between us and Europe, America and Japan and the way of the future.

Title 5: The problem of China’s men’s football team and the glory of women’s football team: Exploring our football road, why is there such a gap with Europe and America?

The beauty industry broke out in double 11, and the key is to do these four things well | Course dry goods

Every year in double 11, it is an excellent opportunity for brands to seek a breakthrough and make a comeback. However, how to grasp the opportunity of Big Promotion and successfully deal with the fierce competition and many challenges of Big Promotion is also a difficult proposition for many brands.

At present, the overall competition in the beauty industry is accelerating, the transformation penetration rate of e-commerce platforms is high, and the market forecast continues to be optimistic. At the same time, the industry is facing the pain points of strong stock competition, fast iteration of new products and difficulty in building explosive products, and needs to find ways to break the game.

On September 26th, Yicai Business School, together with CBN, Rookie, Golden Mai Award and DT Business Watch, jointly launched a double 11 Global Salon for Beauty Industry. Big coffee and brand traders in the beauty industry dismantled the double 11 business methodology of businesses on all platforms around the "global" keywords of the beauty industry, from planting grass, promoting and fulfilling contracts.

existContent grass planting linkA financial business school combs the rule changes and methodologies of different platforms to help businesses find targeted content strategies and improve the certainty of planting grass;

existLaunch promotion linkAll platforms are constantly upgrading and improving the promotion tools to help merchants achieve accurate delivery and fast card position in the fierce competition;

existLogistics performance linkWith the help of intelligent tools, merchants can overcome the common pain points in industries with high delivery pressure and high return rate, so as to achieve "cost reduction" by "improving efficiency", optimize service experience and lay a good foundation for long-term business growth.

Content Planting Grass: From Metaphysics to Determinism

At present, the value of content planting grass is self-evident. Yicai Business School’s "Full Platform Content Power Evaluation Report" proposes that content planting has three core values:

  • In a world where products are in surplus and demand is insufficient, brands provide consumers with use value, emotional value and social value through goods and content.

  • The strong linkage between platforms is subject to many restrictions. Data fragmentation cannot precipitate consumer assets, and brands can cross platform barriers by forming cognitive anchors through content.

  • The content runs through the whole life cycle of brand products, from R&D naming to trial sale, notes, short videos, live broadcasts, questions and answers, which are interlocking and fully infiltrated.

However, the common pain point of merchants in planting grass is the contradiction between the uncertainty of consumer demand and the certainty of business.

In order to optimize the operation, reproduce the effect and summarize the methods of planting grass, and build a bridge between the "metaphysics" of content and the controllability of business, Yicai Business School puts forward the following five suggestions:

1) Amoy e-commerce: It is certainty to follow the trend of platform traffic configuration.

In addition to "browsing" and "Taobao live broadcast", the content position of Taobao e-commerce permeates the whole App in the form of fragments, covering the consumer’s decision-making link based on the consumer’s mobile line.

This year, in the three major content positions of short video, live broadcast and content-based stores, the new changes in Taobao are:

  • short video: guess what you like on the homepage, and the proportion of short videos is increasing. From the beginning of 2021 to the middle of 2022, the proportion of short videos in the first page increased from 7% to 15%, and reached more than 30% by the end of 2022, and the current proportion has reached 50%. In the search results, short video forms are becoming increasingly diverse.
  • live-streaming: The main indicators range from "transaction" to "transaction+content" to increase the attractiveness of traffic. Moreover, during the period of June 18, 2023, the online "reward purchase" and reward function were launched, adding new profit methods for non-professional content anchors with goods.
  • Content shopThe store was revised to form the homepage of the complete content, which was automatically divided into three columns: Notes, Explanations and Live Broadcasting. "Store number integration" was fully launched, and the new store model "video content store" was fully upgraded.

Therefore, merchants need to closely follow the traffic allocation principle of the platform, plant grass and harvest traffic efficiently in various content positions.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: The whole platform operation is not a cross-platform operation, but a bypass between platforms.

Content platform psychology: start with content gathering users, and then sell users as "commodities" to brands to obtain advertising revenue. When the pressure of commercialization increases, it is necessary to increase the gold content of users’ goods, and collect commissions (that is, "matching" service fees) through matching transactions. Therefore, "popularity flow" must rely on "content beyond expectations" to achieve a balance in the process of "e-commerce consumption".

This year, Tik Tok e-commerce has done two things to improve business certainty:

  • From "looking for goods" in the content yard to "looking for goods" in the shelf yard, the two-wheel drive has led to the growth of e-commerce in Tik Tok.
  • From the content yard GPM (turnover achieved by thousands of exhibitions) to the shelf yard OPM (order volume achieved by thousands of exhibitions), Tik Tok Mall is recreating Tmall’s classic e-commerce system.

3) Little Red Book: The relationship between content certainty and business certainty is reverse thinking.

Xiaohongshu first started as a self-operated e-commerce. Recently, after determining its own business development path, it announced in September this year that it would close its self-operated e-commerce business "Little Oasis" and "Welfare Society". At the same time, the quality live broadcast of Xiaohongshu began to show its edge, and a number of commercial tools and models were launched to accelerate the realization of e-commerce closed loop:

The action of building a closed loop of e-commerce:

  • Measurable marketing effect index: planting grass value

  • Traceable consumer transformation path: AIPS

  • Operational delivery guidelines: KFS (high-quality content detonation → accurate reach and efficiency improvement → enhanced search and acceptance)

Perfecting commercial application tools:

Put forward the crowd inverse funnel model:

The AIPL model of Amoy Department and the A1-A5 model of Shaking Department are all transformed from the pan-crowd to the core crowd, but Xiaohongshu, based on the platform characteristics, first penetrated the core crowd, then continued to break the circle and generalize, and quickly released the brand potential energy with the help of natural word-of-mouth diffusion and commercial traffic.

4) Video number: Uncertainty is the biggest deterministic dividend of content e-commerce

From the perspective of business links, the links of WeChat Ecology are the most complete among content platforms and commercial platforms, with both public and private domains and both content and commercial attributes. Enterprise WeChat, applet, WeChat official account and video number have been interconnected.

Although the official video number has not yet proposed methodology, the user portrait is not accurate enough, and the penetration rate of industry categories is low, on the other hand, it also means that the video number is the blue ocean of the last content business, and it is the biggest dividend period for businesses to explore the layout in advance and find a small closed loop of business.

5) Global: Content certainty has different certainty for different businesses.

Merchants can be divided into four types according to their advantages:

  • Content-based merchants: have strong content production capabilities.
  • Price-oriented merchants: price advantage brought by the ultimate supply chain;

  • Channel merchants: have a large number of offline stores and can form a linkage matrix with the headquarters;

  • Characteristic merchants: products have new and peculiar properties in design and function;

Merchants can judge their own advantage types and find the right content platform to sit in the right place:

All-platform Traffic Layout Strategy of Beauty Industry in double 11

For businesses preparing for double 11, multi-platform traffic layout is not only more opportunities, but also greater challenges. Merchants need to formulate differentiation strategies on different platforms and achieve linkage in the whole region to improve overall traffic efficiency.

At present, the overlap of users of beauty products in Tik Tok and Tmall is low, and the consumption mentality and behavior of users on the two platforms are quite different. And the scale of users in Tik Tok is growing rapidly. Therefore, during this year’s visit to double 11, the two platforms, Tik Tok and Tmall, are equally important for beauty businesses.

In addition to Tmall, Tik Tok and Xiaohongshu, merchants should pay attention to the following three points when making layouts on other platforms:

  • If the search volume of product words and brand words on related tracks increases to a certain extent on other platforms, businesses need to intercept off-site traffic in time.

  • For the traffic that flows back to the platform through search from outside the station, merchants need to trace back the transaction link to find out the composition and distribution of global traffic.

  • In the beauty industry, domestic brands often cut into the whole market from the subdivided blue ocean track. Merchants need to pay attention to consumers’ search behavior on different platforms and find the search words that fit their own brands.

1) Amoy e-commerce: Understand that everything is unbounded and business is bounded.

Business certainty and cost reduction and efficiency improvement are the key words of this year’s Amoy e-commerce. Taobao’s operating tools, through train, gravity Rubik’s Cube and Wanxiangtai, were merged and upgraded to Infinite World this year. By covering seven major Taobao business scenarios and upgrading technology in three aspects, the efficiency of merchants’ delivery was improved.

With the help of all things unbounded, merchants can formulate a full-cycle promotion strategy for explosions during the promotion period.

New product period: take "tag" as the core. With the help of traffic gold card, the keyword search occupation is improved, and at the same time, through the marking and mapping of new products, the precision long tail words are pulled up and the potential of new products is tested. Through the return of IPL crowd, the promotion and transformation of delivery are realized; In addition, the introduction of new products will accelerate the incubation of new products.

growth stage: take "heavy volume" as the core. The keyword plan focuses on the accurate traffic competition of keywords, and carries out accurate crowd impulse for industry category words. At the same time, we will enlarge the accurate crowd, accumulate OAI crowd, continue to expand new passenger flow and accelerate the growth of goods.

outbreak period: take "stability" as the core. Put new and old guests around keywords, undertake the traffic inside and outside the station, and continue to pull new ones; Enhance the growth of the first purchase of new customers through the crowd ark, and the intelligent mode is drained at a low price; Accelerate the activation of joining Laxin and old customers, and maintain the ROI of Laxin and sales.

Secondly, the unbounded world can be used to formulate the strategy of promoting the outbreak of stability.

Water storage period: Take "flow" as the core. Including sorting out the accurate word list of shop categories and continuous updating of SA disk; Accurate tag crowd classification and multi-target combination delivery; Quickly recruit new members.

Preheating period: Take "additional purchase" as the core. Card key words, focusing on words, people, competing products and long tail plan to buy; Crowd ark to enhance interest in new customers’ collection and purchase, crowd supermarket to tap the penetration of people with the same label; Continue to pull new and old members to activate.

outbreak period: take "transaction" as the core. Maximize the transaction with the help of mode intelligence; Promote the global transaction growth of PL people; Continue to achieve new, active and accelerated goods.

2) Tik Tok e-commerce: from the content yard to the shelf yard.

Core methodology: star map+promotion+search+live broadcast

First, throughstar chart, build a content matrix; existPromotion link1. The key index is upgraded from quantitative explosion to qualitative explosion; 2. Star map+hot push concentrated precipitation of A3 population (people of interest); 3. Star map+planting grass to realize quantity guarantee or bidding; 4. After hot push, the crowd portrait is calibrated;

Secondly, with the help of searching after reading, small blue words must appear, etc.search tool, so that consumers can jump from the content field to the shelf field and undertake it well through the product design; Finally, throughlive-streamingThe field completed accurate recall and live harvest.

Double 11’s main points of concern:

RhythmicallyDouble 11’s involution has intensified this year. Compared with other platforms, the pre-sale period started from October 24th, and Tik Tok advanced the pre-sale period to 20th, while the beauty industry started to "scramble" from 15th. Due to the high cost of the third wave of promotion, merchants should seize the first and second bands and do a good job in planting grass.On the goodsThis year, new products and price-competitive goods will get more traffic support.Content fieldThe new form of new content short play deserves the attention of merchants.

3) Little Red Book: From Planting Grass to Searching

There is no doubt about the grass planting and traffic spillover effect of Xiaohongshu, but the confusion of merchants lies in how to accurately measure the delivery efficiency of Xiaohongshu. At present, there is an obvious positive correlation between the people who are deeply interested in Xiaohongshu and the number of people who plant grass effectively outside the station.

Core methodology: point, line and surface

"Wandering" and "searching" are the two main behaviors of users of Little Red Books. Therefore, the merchants planted grass in Xiaohongshu,A key goal is to make the content appear in the search results of the core keyword (track) and get a certain amount of reading. "Search ranking * content penetration rate" has become the key indicator..

Therefore, the planting of grass by merchants in Xiaohongshu can no longer be limited to point-like delivery (B+KF), but should be connected into a line, and the content should be precipitated in a long stream in daily life, so as to obtain a higher ranking in keyword search (S) and finally realize comprehensive long-term crowd asset accumulation (AIPS).

Double 11’s main points of concern:

Keyword search (SOV&SOC)This year, Xiaohongshu extracted crowd packages and related keywords from the beauty industry dimension. Merchants need to optimize brand and product search keywords around the search function.

One-side data rollover: Xiaohongshu encourages brands to upload private crowd data, which makes the positioning of people on the platform more accurate. By dividing the crowd into three categories: potential customers, purchased customers and lost customers, we will expand the brand operation field. Xiaohongshu will encrypt the data uploaded by the brand to protect the data security.

Solve the pain points of logistics performance, and ensure the service experience.

Summing up the experience of several major promotions this year, during the period of double 11 this year, the brand will inevitably face more challenges in terms of traffic, goods and customer service, so as to further realize "reducing costs and increasing efficiency".

1.variation in dischargeUnder the trend of platform competition and consumption degradation, traffic becomes less, more expensive and more difficult. The high cost is partly due to the low flow efficiency.

solutionImproving efficiency is a more effective solution to reduce costs.

2.Goods change: consumers’ first wave of transaction mentality is more mature; Price force orientation and diversification of consumer demand have brought about an increase in order volume.


  • Set the goal of refinement and promotion.With the help of the rookie’s joint forecasting ability, merchants can access historical data and combine various influencing factors to make a more refined forecast of the big promotion goal and stocking, so as to increase sales and reduce the return rate, inventory turnover days and warehousing costs.
  • Multi-dimensional thinking about stocking quantity.For the pre-sale business, the merchant can prepackage the order with the help of the rookie, and the user can leave the warehouse in time after paying the final payment. For uncertain orders, merchants can also adopt a semi-package scheme, and after the gifts generated by the order are confirmed, they will be packaged and delivered out of the warehouse, thus ensuring the performance experience.

At present, based on the efficient collaborative network and intelligent routing, rookie can provide the ultimate logistics experience such as pre-sale and speed-up during double 11, thus reducing the return rate generated by logistics links, reducing the cost of main warehouse and bringing positive reputation to users.

3.Consumer change: The decision-making cycle becomes longer and the return rate remains high.Solution:

  • Full link performance monitoring.For packages with overtime risk, the rookie will promptly remind merchants to communicate with consumers, deal with stagnant or lost packages, and warn the aging card.
  • Consumers are unusually active in service.Take the initiative to provide multi-scenario service and DSR evaluation management before the consumer opens his mouth, so as to save the refund for logistics reasons.
  • Merchants have no worries.Through full-link, multi-scene abnormal automatic tracking processing, collaborative compensation complaints service, reduce the pain points of merchants in the whole process of performance.

Aunt Guangdong plays mahjong ten times and nine times to win! Won more than 70 thousand in six months. How did she do it?

Recently, a woman in Guangdong was playing.mahjongI won nine out of ten and won more than 70,000 yuan in six months. This news has aroused the attention and discussion of many people, and everyone is concerned about this kind of "mahjongHow did "Talent" do it is full of curiosity and speculation. In fact, I want to be inmahjongWinning is not just about luck andnatural endowmentsInstead, it is necessary to accumulate and improve the comprehensive quality in many aspects.

First of all, if you want to be inmahjongTo win, one must have certain technical ability.

He needs to have a certainmahjongBasic knowledge, such as card type, rules, licensing principles, and the practical application of different ways of playing, needs in-depth study, such as understanding skills such as drifting and breaking.

Not only that,mahjongYou need to rely on your insight, analysis, memory and calm response ability in tense moments, which are all necessary.

Secondly, a person also needs iron willpower and patience. He must be able to keep a clear head at any time and give full play to his best level. Can’t be influenced by others, becausemahjongThe turning point of every card, even every time you play a card, will affect 3.gameThe trend.

Keep calm and learn to understand and control.gameCommunication, especially in the face of a pit that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Some successful experiences mainly focus on how to deal with the accumulated cards and the cards you get, and how to make good decisions by using your own experience and knowledge. If there is no good judgment and decision-making, inmahjongOften fail in haste.

Third, the quality of the winner also includes the ability of communication and coordination.mahjongNeed to communicate and cooperate closely with other players, team spirit wins.keyOne.

Some more advanced skills also require teamwork, such as associative memory and truth (a strategy to increase speculation).

participate inmahjongIt is necessary to have good interaction and response, and to be good at dealing with communication and exchanges with people, not the epitome of going it alone.

Even inmahjongDuring the rest period, we should also maintain a high reputation and the way of getting along with the team, especially the winner is not arrogant, and his words and deeds consciously safeguard his own virtue and value system.

Finally, it is the mentality of winning. A glance shows that a positive mentality is to win.mahjongWinning the gamekey.

Winning or losing is a matter for military strategists. The so-called Chuangguan Avenue must face the strange spicy taste and rhythm, not try to keep calm and calm.

After experiencing victory and failure, we should not only see the victory side, but also regard failure as an integral part of success, and sum up experiences and lessons from it, so as to keep unchanged and cope with all changes.

People are not immortals. It is a natural phenomenon to lose and win, so don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will have some self-esteem for temporary failure.

Based on the above contents, we can draw the conclusion thatmahjongWinning requires the improvement and tempering of comprehensive quality, not only the mastery of technical ability, but also the ability of communication and coordination, patience, willpower, emotional restraint and so on.

"Guangdong a woman to play.mahjongAlthough the news "Ten Beats and Nine Wins" has attracted a lot of attention, I believe that the efforts and efforts behind it have not been accumulated in the past few months.

Behind the glamorous appearance of any successful person, there is pay, tears and sweat. We don’t know whether this woman will continue to win next, but the saying that’ the winner is king’ can be described asmahjongIt has been fully interpreted in.

After seeing these cards, are you ready to move? But watching others play cards and playing cards by yourself are definitely two completely different things. If you want to get started as soon as possible, I recommend a mahjong textbook "Illustrated Mahjong+Super Memory" for you.

This book is divided into two volumes. The first volume, Illustrated Mahjong, mainly explains in detail the design rules of mahjong tiles and several common ways of playing them. After you get to know them from the shallow to the deep, I will teach you some common routines of playing cards and some tips of card line analysis.

If you want to master a skill, then it is essential to have a theoretical foundation. Why do some people play mahjong all their lives, or are they said to play cards at random? It is because in the early theoretical study, I didn’t lay the foundation, set up the correct thinking of playing cards, and didn’t have a correct understanding of mahjong tiles.

If you want to play mahjong well, instead of simply joining in the fun, then I strongly recommend this book, which not only explains how to play mahjong for you. At the same time, it also straightened out your thinking of playing cards in the future, that is, helped you lay a solid foundation in the early stage.

Compared with many online gossips, this book is more authoritative, systematic and comprehensive. And summed up the playing methods of most kinds of mahjong cards in China, whether you want to learn southern mahjong or northern mahjong? The tutorials in it are all available.

WL picture shows mahjong winning skills, super mnemonics, practical practical skills guide for playing mahjong.

Olympic knowledge: Are there any football events in the Olympic Games?

There are football events in the Olympic Games.

Olympic Games refers to the Olympic Games, which is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee, the largest comprehensive sports meeting in the world and the most influential sports event in the world.

The history of the Olympic Games can be traced back to ancient Greece more than two thousand years ago, but the modern Olympic Games began in 1896. At the end of 19th century, Frenchman Coubertin put forward the initiative of hosting the modern Olympic Games, which was also held under his efforts, so Coubertin was also called "the father of modern Olympics".

On June 23, 1894, when Coubertin and 79 representatives from 12 countries decided to establish the International Olympic Committee and create the Olympic Movement, this feat was once the object of irony, but now the Olympic Games has become a festival celebrated by all, and the Olympic Movement has attracted the enthusiasm of 202 countries and regions.

The Olympic Committee decided to hold the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, and the venue was Athens, Greece.

Subsequently, the Olympic Games kept its frequency every four years, but there were four special events:

1. The Olympic Games in 1916, 1940 and 1944 were suspended due to world wars;

2. The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games was postponed to 2021 due to the epidemic.

In the continuous development, the number of Olympic events is also increasing. In 2021, the Tokyo Olympic Games set up 33 major events and 339 minor events, and finally produced 339 gold medals.

Football competition is one of the earliest events in the Olympic Games. By the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, women’s events were added to the football competition. So far, the Olympic football competition was divided into men’s football competition and women’s football competition.

However, the Olympic football events are limited by the entry conditions. In 1992, the International Olympic Committee compromised with FIFA, and the Olympic football game became a game for players under 23. In 1993, the International Olympic Committee and FIFA reached an agreement: FIFA respected the age limit of 23, and FIFA allowed each team to have three over-age players.

It is worth mentioning that in the women’s football competition of the 1996 Olympic Games, the China women’s football team lost to the American women’s football team in the final and won the silver medal. The China women’s football team who participated in the Olympic Games for the first time set a good record. In contrast, from the first Olympic Games to the 32nd Tokyo Olympic Games, China men’s soccer team participated in the Olympic Games twice, once in 1988, and was shortlisted by virtue of its strength; Once in 2008, I was shortlisted as the host.

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, Brazil won the gold medal, while Spain, Mexico and Japan won 2-4 respectively. The Canadian women’s football team won the gold medal, while Sweden, the United States and Australia won 2-4 respectively.

The above is an introduction about Olympic football.