Revealing the emotional anchor’s skill of collecting money: acting hype, selling miserable goods

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, June 2 nd Title: Revealing Emotional Anchor’s Art of Collecting Money: Acting and Speculating, Selling Miserable Goods.

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter

  In Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and other short video platforms, there are a group of anchors who solve emotional problems for netizens. They can solve complicated contradictions and disputes in daily life in minutes, attracting a large number of middle-aged and elderly viewers.

  A survey by Xinhua Viewpoint reporter found that these emotional anchors often write, direct and play false stories under the guise of "mediation", with the actual purpose of bringing goods. Most of the goods sold are fake and shoddy, which is suspected of fraud.

  Making up stories "selling miserably" has tens of thousands of fans.

  The reporter searched several short video and live broadcast platforms with the keyword "emotional anchor" and found that under the label of "positive energy", the screen was full of incredible ethical stories, such as "my ex-boyfriend took out his kidney for his girlfriend but chose to disappear" and "my husband died for 6 years and met again on the way to work".

  Once you pay attention to an emotional anchor, the platform will continue to push similar emotional anchors. In the live broadcast room, the anchor usually conducts so-called contradiction mediation and dispute settlement in the name of accepting the request of the "client". After the broadcast, the anchor took "everyone likes it to 100,000, so I will contact the client for mediation" as a gimmick, accumulating the audience and popularity in the live broadcast room, and distributing more traffic in the background accordingly.

  From fighting between husband and wife to quarreling between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, from maintenance disputes to child abuse, the drama of "mediating contradictions" by anchors is constantly staged in videos or live broadcasts. Some of the protagonists in the story are terminally ill boys, and some are mothers abused by their children. They have left messages to the emotional anchor for "help" because of their "miserable experiences".

  The anchors sometimes look dignified and sometimes impassioned. After the connection, it only takes a few hours, and seemingly extremely sharp contradictions will always be solved.

  According to the reporter’s investigation, the number of fans of emotional anchors in Tik Tok is more than 10 million, and there are also tens of thousands of fans. Some millions of fans often watch live broadcasts of anchors with more than 100,000 people.

  Not only live broadcast, but also some anchor numbers broadcast "series" in the form of short videos. A Tik Tok named "Dai Sige" has broadcast more than 200 short videos so far, with more than 5.4 million fans and more than 46 million likes, and the highest rating of a single video exceeds 2.8 million.

  The content of "selling badly" has won the trust of a large number of middle-aged and elderly audiences. The helplessness, fear and deception of the parties in the video not only satisfied their curiosity, but also won their sympathy. For example, in the live broadcast room where the plot is "treating the mother", there are barrage screens such as "This girl is so kind", "Too filial", "Help her" and "Help me place an order when my son comes back".

  Wang Xiaoyan, a senior anchor, said that these emotional anchors won by team ability and script plot, and the people and stories were carefully compiled and interpreted.

  The parents of Ms. Yin, a citizen of Nanning, Guangxi, are over 60 years old. Both of them pay attention to a large number of emotional anchors and spend several hours watching these short videos or live broadcasts every day. "They are actually attracted by the dramatic conflicts in these videos. Some anchors have intense emotions, strong inflammatory language and like moral criticism, which is particularly easy for middle-aged and elderly people to become addicted. " Ms. Yin said.

  Some live broadcasts earn tens of thousands of yuan, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes.

  In fact, the emotional anchor interprets the story of "ups and downs" according to the script, creates "conflicts and disputes" and acts as a "mediator", with the ultimate goal of "sucking powder to raise the number", so that fans can bring goods after reaching a certain number.

  An emotional anchor told reporters that the daily income of an ordinary live broadcast room with tens of thousands of fans ranges from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan, such as rewards, parking fees with goods and profits with goods. In a live broadcast room with over one million fans, the income can easily reach more than 50 thousand yuan.

  An emotional anchor selling e-books introduced that the total number of fans of his team in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker is about 3 million, and the team’s income mainly consists of two parts: first, fans reward, which mainly attracts fans to "encourage and support" the plot parties and mediators in the process of resolving emotional disputes; The second is the income from goods, because the cost of selling emotional counseling e-books is almost zero, and the profit is extremely high. The monthly income of its team can reach 1.2 million yuan.

  In order to close the distance, the audience in front of the screen is called "family" by the anchor. "Family, come and want to hear what happened to their mother-in-law relationship. Please pay attention or join a fan group."

  When the reporter entered the Tik Tok named "Colette March for Love", the anchor was broadcasting a "party". With tears in her eyes, the client told the story of being driven out of the house by her mother-in-law, which attracted more than 600 fans to watch in just a few minutes.

  The reporter learned that in the live broadcast room of the anchor, you don’t need to pay any fees to pay attention to the anchor, but to become a "fan" of the anchor, you need to pay a shaking coin worth 0.1 yuan RMB. "After becoming a fan, speak in the live broadcast room, and the user name will be marked with ‘ Family label ’ , become the anchor ‘ Family ’ 。” Tang, an elderly enthusiastic audience of an emotional anchor, said. Being "fans" and "family members" means building trust and close emotional ties with the anchor and being willing to spend money for the anchor.

  After the emotional story is over, there are often many people performing "fake bargaining" in the live broadcast room, and the sales are often defective products and no fakes. Many anchor performances turned against "manufacturers", letting them make profits or even take money, forcing price reduction or reproduction. For example, when they sell cosmetics, daily necessities and jewelry, they "fudge": "They buy things to help more clients solve problems in the live broadcast room", "Factory direct sales, absolute lowest price, genuine products" and "The manufacturer has put a quality guarantee of 200,000 yuan in my place, so the family can rest assured".

  According to some users in Tik Tok, the goods they bought in the live broadcast room of emotional anchor were of poor quality, the goods were not on the right board and the after-sales service was poor. Ms. Liu, a 64-year-old citizen of Jinan, told the reporter that after the goods such as silver ornaments purchased in the live broadcast room were identified as fakes, she repeatedly contacted the customer service and never got a reply. After complaining about the incident in the live broadcast room, she was called "black powder" by the anchor, personally attacked and kicked out of the live broadcast room.

  Recently, a survey conducted by an institution on the experience of the elderly being cheated on the Internet shows that "false advertising" is the most common risk of the elderly when surfing the Internet, accounting for more than 30%. Followed by online fraud, accounting for about 22%. Among different groups of elderly people, the proportion of elderly people living alone in rural areas who are deceived is as high as 90%. In the most common deception scene, "live broadcast, short video" is indispensable.

  Emotional live broadcast forms a complete industrial chain, and the platform should strengthen supervision.

  In March, Tik Tok Security Center issued the "Public Notice on Punishment for Violation of" Selling Miserable Goods and Performing Speculation ",saying that the platform has imposed penalties for violation of regulations on selling miserable goods, fabricating bizarre stories and performing hype, and some anchors mediate emotional disputes, fabricate bizarre stories and use sympathy, with the ultimate goal of bringing goods.

  The reporter’s investigation found that the emotional live broadcast market has formed a relatively complete industrial chain from actors to scripts, from "sucking powder" to bringing goods. Some WeChat WeChat official account even have an article titled "Mai Shou Lian Manual". Mai Shou can communicate with the anchor alone or with many wheat, or find his own partner to temporarily play. The most popular plots include cheating, liking my cousin, rural plots, domestic violence and so on.

  "widely used among anchors ‘ Family ’ Address is emotionally attractive to the audience. Most emotional anchors are biased towards ethics, family disputes, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is extremely attractive and deceptive to middle-aged and elderly people who lack social interaction. " Zhu Guowei, a professor at the School of Business Administration of Hunan University, said.

  "Emotional anchors sell bad hype by fabricating stories, which has a certain deceptive nature and is suspected of breaking the law." Wang Sixin, deputy dean of the Institute of Community of Human Destiny, Communication University of China, said that relevant parties should intensify efforts to rectify and purify cyberspace.

  Chen Guanwen, a lawyer of Shandong Rizhong Law Firm, said that it is a typical price fraud to induce consumption by performing routines such as "bargaining", falsely raising the price first and then reducing the price at a loss.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, believes that the platform should strengthen the supervision of commodity quality and price and improve the consumer evaluation mechanism.

  Experts suggest that the relevant regulatory authorities should improve the platform management measures and increase penalties. If the platform fails to fulfill its obligation to review the qualifications of operators, or fails to fulfill its obligation to ensure the safety of consumers, causing damage to consumers, it shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

  Wang Sixin believes that the pace of social life is accelerating, and many middle-aged and elderly people lack children to accompany them, so their emotional needs cannot be met. At the same time, they lack full understanding of new technologies and means, have poor discrimination and are easily confused. The whole society should strengthen the reminder and care for this group. In addition, consumers should actively report the fraud they find, and relevant departments should also increase the punishment for illegal acts. (Reporter Wang Yang, Pan Qiang, Xie Ying, Li Ziwei)

The turnover is nearly 650 million! The game ETF(159869) continued to strengthen in the afternoon and rose by nearly 4.5%.

On the afternoon of March 13th, A-share online game stocks continued to rise, and the game ETF(159869) rose strongly by nearly 4.5%, and intraday trading continued to be active, with a turnover of nearly 650 million! Holding stocks rose across the board, with Palm Technology leading the gains by more than 12%, while century huatong and Giant Network all rose by more than 4%.

According to the Game Industry Report of China in 2023, the actual sales revenue of domestic game market exceeded 300 billion yuan for the first time in 2023, and the number of users reached 668 million, a new high, of which the actual sales revenue of mobile games was 226.86 billion yuan, up 17.51% year-on-year.

The Report on the Development Prospect of AIGC in China Game Industry shows that over 60% of the TOP50 game companies in China have clearly laid out the field of AIGC and made substantial moves. Many enterprises have put AIGC into the whole process application level of game industry, such as game research and development, marketing and operation. Listed tour companies such as Palm Technology, Giant Network and Perfect World have also expressed their views on AI and their layout in AIGC.

Guosen Securities said that in the short term, driven by new products and categories (small program games, etc.), the overall demand of the game industry is expected to continue to rise; In the long run, the introduction of new technologies such as AIGC, VR/AR/XR is expected to bring about the possibility of content and business model reconstruction while reducing costs and increasing efficiency and innovating interaction methods.

May Day holiday "explosive" travel is coming! Ticket prices have increased significantly.

  The May Day "explosive" outing is coming! The number of single-day air tickets booked on a platform has reached a new high of nearly 16 years.

  Zhongxin Jingwei client April 21 ST (Zhang Yanzheng) "I am used to the cabbage price ticket during the epidemic. I recently searched the ticket during the May Day holiday, and I decided to lie flat." Many netizens reported on social media that the ticket price increased significantly during the May Day holiday this year, and some flights were still difficult to grab.

  How hot is the May Day Golden Week tour?Judging from the booking of air tickets on Ctrip, and Tongcheng, at present, the economy class of some flights on May 1st has been sold out. Ctrip platform predicts that the number of tourists on May 1st this year is expected to break through the May 1st level in 2019 and reach a new high of 200 million.

  G: I regret not booking the plane ticket earlier.

  "The May Day holiday lasts for five days. My friends and I plan to go to Chengdu to punch in Kuanzhai Lane. When we look at the ticket price, it seems that we are back before the epidemic." Ms. Wang from Beijing told the Zhongxin Jingwei client that the round-trip air ticket from Beijing she booked recently was 3,200 RMB, while another friend booked the air ticket one month in advance, and the same round-trip air ticket only cost more than 1,500 RMB. "I really regret that I didn’t book the plane ticket early, otherwise I could save the hotel money for one night."

  Ms. Wu from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, also said that the round-trip air ticket to visit relatives in Shenzhen during the May Day holiday last year was less than that in 800 yuan, while the round-trip air ticket during the May Day holiday this year was as high as 2,600 yuan. "In order to save some money on air tickets, I’m going to take a vacation a few days in advance and come back on May 7, so I can save more than 1,400 yuan."

  On social platforms, many netizens also said that the air tickets increased significantly during the May Day holiday this year, and even some netizens bought tickets for the National Day in advance.

  @ Grey Walnut Peach: The round-trip air ticket from Chengdu to Sanya rose to more than 4,000 yuan during the May Day holiday, which is too exaggerated. Fortunately, I bought it early.

  @ 京京京京京: Airline: How much you lost before, how much you have to earn now.

  @ Eiko Rene: After a small holiday in Qingming, people are crowded and scared!

  @ainizyy: I bought all the tickets for National Day, just for fear of price increase.

  Ctrip reports data disclosure,During May 1 this year, the volume of air ticket orders has surpassed the level of the same period in 2019, with an increase of 23%.In terms of fares, the average fare of economy class on May 1 ticket is 1,021 yuan, exceeding the average price in the same period in 2019. According to the data of, the booking volume of air tickets for the May Day holiday this year has greatly exceeded the same period in 2019, which is more than 25 times higher than the same period in 2020. The average payment price of air tickets is 924 yuan, which is more than 20% higher than that in 2019. On April 30th and May 1st, some flights from Beijing to Sanya were sold out in economy class, and only 10,000 yuan of business class was on sale.

  On April 20th, Lan Xiang, Dean of Qunar Big Data Research Institute, said that since April, the booking volume of domestic routes has soared. Last week, the number of single-day ticket bookings on the platform reached a new high in 16 years since the company was founded. The popularity of May 1 train tickets further promoted the growth of ticket sales, and the daily ticket volume increased by over 30% compared with 2019.

  Lan Xiang said that although many tourists visited relatives and traveled during the just-concluded Qingming holiday, due to the length of the holiday, most passengers still chose to travel during the May Day holiday.

  However, many passengers choose to travel at the wrong peak, which also leads to the emergence of new travel peaks. Where to go data disclosure, from April 28th, the number of passengers traveling by air increased significantly, until April 30th, when the number of passengers traveling that day reached its peak, even exceeding May 1st — — The number of passengers traveling on the first day of the holiday.

  According to the big data of air tickets for the same journey, the booking of May Day air tickets as of mid-April shows that there is a strong demand for domestic civil aviation travel from April 30 to May 5, and the average air ticket price is around 800 yuan (excluding airport construction fees and fuel costs). Among them, the average air ticket price in the last two days of the holiday will exceed that in 1000 yuan, exceeding the level of the same period in 2019 and 2020.

  Fang Zeqian, an industry analyst at Ctrip Research Institute, said that with the effective control of the domestic epidemic, the attitude of government departments to continuously liberalize travel restrictions and encourage and promote the development of tourism, the upcoming May Day holiday is expected to usher in an "explosive trip", and the long-lost "conformity" will return again! Ctrip’s current May 1 air tickets, hotels, tickets and car rental orders have increased significantly by 23%, 43%, 114% and 126% respectively compared with the same period in 2019. The number of May 1 tourists this year is expected to exceed the May 1 level in 2019 and reach a new high of 200 million.

  Shang Kejia, deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, mentioned on April 16 that from the perspective of air ticket booking, it can be said that "the volume and price have risen together", which is obviously higher than the Qingming small holiday just passed, and it is also expected to be higher than the May Day holiday in 2019. The growth rate of long-distance travelers is relatively large. From the peak travel time, except for the first and last days of the holiday, namely April 30th, May 1st and May 5th, there is also a relatively concentrated return passenger flow on May 9th.

  Spring is coming for airlines?

  It is worth mentioning that, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, domestic air tickets of airlines have repeatedly appeared "cabbage price", and the discount once reached 0.2 fold, and the fares of some domestic routes were less than 100 yuan. For example, on March 10th, 2020, the lowest fare for flights from Shenzhen to Chongqing was only 49 yuan, which was 0.4 fold of the full price.

  According to the statistics of Sino-Singapore Jingwei client, in 2020, the three major state-owned airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines, suffered a total loss of 37.082 billion yuan, with a daily loss of about 101 million yuan. Among them, China Southern achieved revenue of 92.561 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 40.02%; Air China achieved a year-on-year decrease in revenue of 48.96%; China Eastern Airlines decreased by 51.48% year on year.

  In terms of share price, the three major state-owned airlines all hit the lowest share price in the past five years last year. Air China once fell to 6.31 yuan/share in March 2020, down 34.88% from 9.69 yuan/share at the end of 2019; China Southern Airlines once fell to 4.95 yuan/share in May 2020; China Eastern Airlines fell to its lowest share price in March last year, with a price of 4.01 yuan per share.

  With the gradual control of the epidemic, the performance of the airline company began to improve. Recently, Bao Yi, deputy director of the Development Planning Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, said at a news conference that in the first quarter of this year, airlines still suffered losses, but the degree of losses narrowed compared with the same period of last year.

  Bao Yi introduced that in the first quarter, the accumulated operating income of airlines was 87.88 billion yuan, down 1.1% year-on-year, and the accumulated loss was 30.05 billion yuan, down 4.58 billion yuan year-on-year. From the monthly data, the loss was 10.48 billion yuan in January, 11.61 billion yuan in February and 7.96 billion yuan in March.

  It should be pointed out that,The share prices of major airlines secretly hit a new high in the past six months.. As of the close of April 20th, Air China quoted 9.28 yuan per share, which was 24.89% higher than the low of 6.97 yuan per share on January 25th this year. China Southern Airlines quoted 6.92 yuan per share, up 25.36% from the low point; China Eastern Airlines quoted 5.75 yuan per share, up 29.8% from the low point.

  Everbright Securities pointed out in the analysis of the research report,In March, domestic aviation demand recovered rapidly. The passenger traffic of some airlines and airports has exceeded the level of the same period in 19 years. The volume and price of May 1 ticket bookings have risen, which is significantly higher than that of the Qingming holiday, and it is expected to exceed the level of May 1 holiday in 2019. The trend of centralized release of domestic aviation demand is clear.; Overseas travel restrictions are expected to be liberalized one after another, and overseas aviation demand will enter the recovery channel. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

Linqu: Optimizing the High-quality Planting Mode of Cherry and Building a Billion-level Industry of Fruit Industry

Qilu. com Lightning News May 16 th In recent years, Linqu County, based on the ecological advantages of mountains and rivers, takes big cherry as the "breakthrough" to increase income, and according to the "five ones" thinking and measures of defining a plan, formulating a standard, building a platform, casting a brand and forming a model, accelerates the development of fruit industry and makes every effort to build a fruit industry cluster with big cherry as the main part.
Zong Chuanbao is busy picking big cherries at Jinguo Family Farm in Yeyuan Street, Linqu County. He told reporters that cherries have been planted for 8 years. In recent years, through online and offline sales models, the annual income is very impressive.
With the rapid development of big cherry industry, there are many problems, such as the aging of fruit varieties, the small scale of business entities, and the extensive and backward planting habits. In view of this situation, Linqu County actively changed its thinking, "leading the industrial revitalization with excellent technology", started with promoting the upgrading of old orchards, popularizing new varieties of big cherries and standardized planting techniques, implemented the "park+standardization" promotion action, established a "base-market-terminal" big cherry circulation system, comprehensively optimized the planting and sales process, standardized production according to market demand, and ensured high-quality, safe and stable fruit supply.
In Henglilu Village, Chengguan Street, Linqu County, the village cooperative built a multi-arch cherry demonstration park, planted high-quality cherry varieties such as Meizao, Oba and Ramesses, and planted new varieties such as Luying series and Ruide in the open air to create a modern agricultural planting park with low energy consumption, low cost and high output.
Zeng Qingquan, secretary of the Party branch of Hengli Furnace Village, said that a demonstration shed of cherry in a 12-acre greenhouse was built in the village, which led the people to change the old traditional planting mode and introduce new varieties. Now the planting mode has been changed from tall and high-diameter to low crown and KGB, which is convenient for management and saves labor. The greenhouse uses a series of advanced means such as water and fertilizer integration, automatic unsealing and automatic heating to reduce labor intensity and improve economic benefits.
In recent years, Linqu County has planned to build eight rural revitalization and development areas, including facilities such as Big Cherry, Mountain Persimmon Farm Travel and Hongguo Town, build 30 agricultural characteristic industrial parks and 20 modern agricultural science and technology demonstration parks, cultivate 300 strong villages with "one village, one product" characteristic industries, lead industrial upgrading, promote agricultural efficiency and increase farmers’ income.
Wei Shujuan, director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Linqu County, said that in order to continuously consolidate its advantages, the next step will be to build a 10 billion-level industrial cluster of fruit industry with big cherries as the main target, continue to do a good job in variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand cultivation and standardized production, improve seedling breeding, scientific and technological demonstration, large-scale planting, cold chain market, e-commerce and other elements of the whole industrial chain, strengthen brand cultivation, and enlarge and strengthen the leading regional public brand of big cherry. At the same time, relying on festivals, e-commerce and other platforms, we will open up the upward channel of agricultural products, fully promote the popularity of big cherry in the chest, and promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the industry.
Lightning journalist Yu Gang Linyi Rong Media Su Kai Weifang Report

Why are these female talk show actresses charming?

  Yang Li

  Laughter is not the antidote, but the story is.

  — — — — — — — — — —

  In the fifth season of the recently broadcast Tucao Conference, the performance of female talk show actresses is still wonderful.

  Facing Yuqi Zhang and Yi Lijing, Yang Li said, "We girls should not find fault with each other. They have proved to me that women can be many kinds. You can be as beautiful and innocent as Sister Yu, as brave and sharp as Teacher Yi, and as both as me!"

  The real "drama" of Yang Li’s words is not boasting, but lies in that sentence, "Women can be many kinds".

  Li Xueqin, who graduated from Peking University and became popular because of his short video, stood on the stage and said, "In fact, the highly educated people are not so good. There are always people who scold you. You graduated from Peking University and always rely on the screen to grandstanding and earn that traffic. Don’t you feel ashamed?" Just when the audience thought that Li Xueqin was blacking out, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the teacher elder brother of Peking University under the stage: "Ah? Xu Zhiyuan! "

  Li Xueqin’s speech was like a roller coaster, and it landed in Xu Zhiyuan alone, which cleverly responded to some questions from the outside world.

  In the past 2020, these two girls have their own worlds in the topic areas and expression styles that they are good at. In addition, many women have gained popularity by virtue of the talk show stage. Why are these female talk show actresses so charming?

  From the common characteristics, the popular female talk show actresses have smart minds, confident manners and clever tongues, and their humor configuration is no less than that of male talk show actresses. Interesting regardless of gender, what do you think of men and women?

  In 1950s, as a mother of five children, 37-year-old American woman Phyllis Diller made a living by performing stand-up comedy with a wig and thick eyelashes. A housewife’s complaints about life bear the main content of her performance. Phyllis Diller, with her self-mockery of the bad housewife image, entered the male-dominated comedy battlefield and became the "grandparent" of the female talk show actress circle.

  Phyllis Diller said, "I was born funny, with funny ideas and funny attitude towards life." Girls with funny genes, why can’t they tell a joke on stage and show their sense of humor at will?

  The domestic talk show industry has not developed for a long time, but it has laid a good audience base. In 2017, the first talk show conference, a girl with neat short hair, Siwen, teased the husband and wife on the stage for a long time, and the relationship between her husband and you was equivalent to "the brother sleeping in your upper bunk". This paragraph quickly became popular on the Internet. Siwen is good at deconstructing daily life and gender relations, challenging the traditional label of "women", shouting for women, and "spicy" quotations are repeated.

  However, Siwen also said in an interview that when she stood in the spotlight in the early days, the external attack was very fierce, because the audience would rudely criticize her jokes and her face value.

  Talk show is naturally an "offensive expression", and the pressure you need to bear can be imagined. Perform a talk show for 5-10 minutes, and you may get half enthusiastic laughter, half aggressive diss, or even a humorous remark at the same time, which will be interpreted as "intentional offense" and set off a great discussion.

  Listening to these female talk show actresses talk about their personal experiences or social observations will undoubtedly provide us with a mirror to re-examine the unhappiness and troubles we may face in our daily life.

  Li Xueqin once said in the Talk Show Conference that she hoped female actors would stop laughing at their looks. "Since we all talk about talk shows, we have to let everyone know through our humor and wisdom that if we grow up like this, we will be called beautiful women."

  Audiences who like Li Xueqin will say that they like to listen to Li Xueqin talk shows because they feel that "there is a keen observation of life under that seemingly casual expression".

  "A gentle knife" Yang Li can clearly analyze the "thread group" that girls are easily bypassed in the relationship between the two sexes. For example, Yang Li once said that she confided in a boy friend and said that her boyfriend had run away with someone else. The boy friend comforted Yang Li: "There is nothing I can do. He is excellent, and you are a little unworthy of him. I only say this as a friend." Yang Li’s response was pleasant: "Don’t treat me as a friend, treat me as a person, a person with feelings."

  Listening to these excellent, sober and frank girls, telling common troubles, don’t we get an emotional release and comfort? At ordinary times, we are quite tired of persuasion — — "This is a thing? Why do you care? " These talk show actors will tell you that this is of course a thing, and you are not wrong! But please remember, you have your beauty and brain, don’t punish yourself with other people’s mistakes.

  In addition to poking or comforting the audience through "stalks", the current female talk show actresses also have a value that cannot be underestimated: although most actors start from analyzing their daily lives, the depth of their thinking is not superficial, and the social fields they point to are not narrow.

  It is always said that female talk show actresses seem to only express their lives and troubles. However, it is precisely because of their stories that when we dig out many issues such as the concept of marriage and love, the concept of parents and children, the concept of workplace, self-worth and so on, we will suddenly realize that some things turned out to be a problem. And why some things can still be a problem.

  Hannah Gatsby, an Australian female talk show actress, said: "Laughter is not the antidote, but the story is. Laughter is just honey to spice up bitterness. I just hope that people will hear my story and understand it with their own thinking. "

  No talk show joke is meaningless, and every seemingly ordinary little trouble actually hides social universality. The popularity of female talk show actresses, especially for female audiences, provides a new channel of inspiration: how should women be alert to or face their own offenses and injuries? How can women correctly and effectively safeguard their rights and interests?

  Only by understanding this point can we understand the charming brilliance of female talk show actresses. (Anna)

Time magazine’s top ten best games in 2022 are announced! The first place is it.

[CNMO News] Near the end of the year, various "annual lists" have been screened. Recently, CNMO found that, looking back at the development of the game industry in 2022, the foreign media Time Magazine selected the top ten best games in 2022, half of which were exclusive games on PS consoles. Let’s take a look at which games are selected!

Judging from the list, Ares: Twilight of the Gods and Horizon: Desperate West won the top two respectively, among which Ares: Twilight of the Gods is an action adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and released by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was officially released on November 9, 2022, and its first week sales reached 5.1 million copies, making it the fastest-selling first-party game in Sony PlayStation history.

In addition, the interactive game "Cry in the Quarry" won the third place, and the open world role-playing action game "Elden Ring" ranked fourth.

The complete list is as follows:

1. God of War: Twilight of the Gods

2. Horizon: Desperate West

3. Cry in the Quarry

4. The Eldon Method Ring

5. Wandering

6. The Last Survivor: Part One

7. Master

8. "Resident Evil 8" Rose Phantom DLC

9. Lego Star Wars: The Legend of Skywalker

10. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Revenge of Schleede

Generally speaking, several popular games that players are familiar with are on the list, and some slightly unpopular games appear. Do you like any of these games?

Venice fright night: Which novel of Agatha will be adapted for the next film?

The third film of the hercule poirot series directed by kenneth branagh, Venetian fright night, marks a turning point in the series. The first movie was Blana’s remake of Murder on the Orient Express in 2017, which was a great success at the box office, while the last movie, The Massacre on the Nile, was one of the worst movies at the box office in 2022.

Unlike Blana’s remakes of The Massacre on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express, The Venetian fright night is adapted from agatha christie’s novel The Murder on Halloween, which was never filmed in 1969. The supernatural theme of Venetian fright night clearly shows that after the tragedy on the Nile failed, the master tried to attract a wider and younger audience, especially horror fans.

Indeed, Blana made The Venetian fright night into a Gothic horror film, and the legendary Belgian detective Poirot played by Blana visited a mansion that is said to be haunted, where he witnessed a seance on Halloween night and saw the ghostly vision of the dead child. A series of seemingly supernatural events challenged Poirot’s once indestructible belief in logic and science. Of course, he finally solved the murder case related to the seance.

In addition, if the success of Venetian fright night is enough to inspire the fourth film adapted from Poirot, Blana has enough material to choose from. After all, Poirot has been featured in Christie’s 33 novels and 51 short stories.

Kenneth branagh’s 2017 remake of Murder on the Orient Express, a film of the same name from 1974, is the first film adapted from hercule poirot’s detective story since it was adapted from agatha christie’s 1938 film appointment with death. The last film before appointment with death was Evil Under the Sun, which was adapted from Christie’s 1941 novel of the same name in 1982.

Since after Murder on the Orient Express, Blana and michael green, the creative partner and screenwriter of this series of films, made a remake of the movie of the same name on the Nile in 2022, it is logically inferred that if Blana and Green want to make another remake after The Ghost of Venice, they should continue to remake appointment with death or Evil Under the Sun in chronological order.

In 1982′ s Evil Under the Sun, Poirot, played by Peter Ustinov, investigates the murder of a notorious stage actress who was strangled on a seemingly idyllic holiday island in the Adriatic Sea. In appointment with death in 1988, Poirot, also played by Ustinov, investigated the murder of an evil stepmother who was found dead in an archaeological excavation near the Dead Sea.

The first Poirot film is the now-lost 1931 detective suspense film "alibi", which was adapted from Christie’s famous novel "Roger Mystery" in 1926. In this film, Poirot, played by Austin Trevor, investigates a suspicious suicide in a country manor.

In view of the fact that fright night in Venice is adapted from agatha christie’s only supernatural theme novel, The Murder on Halloween, it is difficult for kenneth branagh to find another Poirot novel to copy this pattern. Assuming that Blana’s supernatural style in fright night in Venice is very popular with the audience, he may be forced to repeat this technique in the fourth Poirot film.

However, if Blana wants to adapt another Poirot novel that has not been filmed before, there are several interesting options to choose from. For example, in 1920, Poirot’s novel "mysterious affair at styles" was Christie’s first novel. At the beginning of the novel, Christie introduced Poirot as a Belgian refugee in World War I, and he tried to settle in Britain with the help of an elderly rich woman who was later murdered.

In 1936, Christie’s Poirot novel "Card" began with Poirot attending an art exhibition, where he met Mr. Chattana, a gorgeous and mysterious collector and crime lover. He invited Poirot to a dinner party, where Poirot met the crime writer Ariadne Oliver-this was the first time they met. Also present were Colonel Reece, a British secret service agent, Inspector Bart of Scotland Yard and four other guests, each of whom Shattana believed was guilty of murder.

Poirot’s 1942 novel Five Little Pigs is considered by many fans of Christie as one of her best novels. In the novel, Poirot investigated five people for a poisoning case 16 years ago. The wife of the deceased was wrongly murdered and later died in prison. In her last letter, she declared her innocence to her daughter, so her daughter asked Poirot to re-investigate the case.

In The Venetian fright night, hercule poirot, played by kenneth branagh, meets Ariadne Oliver, a close friend and unofficial partner of Poirot, a suspense novelist. Oliver is famous for his series of mystery novel and many murders solved by Poirot.

In this film, Oliver, played by tina fey, tries to get rid of Poirot’s isolation and invites Poirot to accompany her to a Halloween party and a seance in a mansion. Oliver hopes Poirot can help her expose a famous psychic who she thinks is a liar.

In addition, The Venetian fright night clearly laid the foundation for a lasting partnership between Oliver and Poirot. Besides the murder on Halloween, Oliver also appeared in five other Poirot novels. It seems that the next Poirot film is likely to be adapted from one of the remaining Oliver Poirot novels.

All sides support Shuila, and I’m afraid it will depreciate again in the future. This is the Lakers.

Suddenly, there were more topics about Russell of the Lakers. ESPN reporter A- Smith bluntly said that Russell’s annual salary should be at least 25 million dollars, and Beverly even said that Russell would lose money if he didn’t sign a contract of 100 million dollars. However, Russell only reached a contract of 37 million dollars for two years this summer.

Russell’s contract renewal with the Lakers caused a sensation as soon as it was exposed. Before that, Russell insisted on paying hundreds of millions of dollars, which was unimaginable. But the question is, so many people support Russell, but the fact is that Russell is only willing to sign this two-year and 37 million contract? The reality is very cruel. After a baptism in the playoffs, Russell’s performance made his worth plummet, and no team in the market was willing to offer him a contract, let alone hundreds of millions of contracts.

Russell’s presence on the Lakers’ guard line has complicated the work of others, so it is necessary for the backcourt players who partner with him to share the defense for him, and even the whole team should make up for his loophole. Russell’s attack is also unstable, and wave shots often appear, which is one of the reasons why he was abandoned by the Lakers in the playoffs last season. The Lakers left him mainly in the hope that he could share the organizational pressure for James, with multiple holding points but without much hope.

This summer, the Lakers have done a good job in signing, bringing in many important role players, especially Vincent in the backcourt, which is definitely a threat to Russell. Vincent is a defender who has been certified in the playoffs and played in the finals. After the smooth running-in with the Lakers in the new season, it is highly probable that Russell’s position will be disintegrated, so I am afraid that Shuila will be a substitute in the new season, so it will be a new round of depreciation to meet Shuila.

In this era of defender blowout, it is not difficult to find a point guard of this level, and the defender is not the winner of the championship. A strong front line-up is the basis for winning the championship. Besides, Shui La, a point guard, doesn’t belong to him at all in the playoffs, so so much solidarity is more like an insult to Shui La. After all, he is really worthless.

The last Lakers point guard named Russell dropped directly from the top salary of more than 40 million yuan to the basic salary. Although there are reasons for your love and desire, you can’t deny the influence of the Lakers. Now it’s not easy for Russell to renew his contract with the Lakers, and it’s reasonable for his value to fall again. At present, the most ideal solution for Russell to keep his value is trading, but his future is also confused.