Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Fast technology news on October 11,LI Guanwei issued a document saying: It broke 30,000 yuan for four consecutive months, and this month it will challenge a new high of 40,000 yuan in monthly sales ahead of schedule.

In the past September, 2023, the sales volume in LI reached 36,400, and the monthly sales volume once again exceeded 30,000.

Among them,Ideal L sold 11,967 vehicles in September, ideal L8 11306 vehicles and ideal L7 13088 vehicles.The sales of the three models once again broke through 10,000 at the same time.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

LI also announced the sales list of new power brands, luxury brands and new energy brands in China market in September.

By the end of September, the cumulative delivery volume of LI in 2023 had reached 244,225 vehicles.Next, it will exceed 40,000 vehicles every month, which means that the sales volume of LI will exceed 360,000 vehicles in 2023.

At the beginning of this year, Li Xiang said in the earnings conference call: "In 2022, LI’s market share of 300,000-500,000 SUVs will be 9.5%, and our forecast for the market this year will probably be between 1.4 million and 1.5 million. Our requirement for ourselves is to double the market share. "

Based on this calculation, the annual sales target of LI in 2023 is 280,000-300,000 vehicles, and the average monthly delivery volume reaches 23,000-25,000 vehicles. Now, this goal has been achieved easily.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Diet, games and sleep can improve memory.

With the growth of age, the body’s memory will become worse and worse. At the level of neurons, what happened in our brains to make us forget the past? In modern life, the pace of people’s life is getting faster and faster, and many people try to enhance their memory in various ways. So in what way can we enhance our memory? Here’s how to enhance your memory.

Diet helps improve memory.

Some foods have the title of "brain food". Take astaxanthin, a substance existing in food, as an example. They are abundant in fish and shrimps and crabs. Astaxanthin, as a carotenoid, has antioxidant effect, and it is considered to have the strongest antioxidant activity among carotenoids. It can enter the human brain and directly act on nerve cells. At the same time, astaxanthin can also protect nerves. Therefore, eating this kind of food regularly will greatly improve memory.

Besides, Nanfang Daily also lists some foods that people can easily get to improve their memory, including fish, milk, millet, eggs, peanuts, corn and day lily, all of which contain elements to improve their memory.

(Source: Nanfang Daily)

Games enhance memory

According to Life Times, playing some smart phone games that use physical knowledge, such as "cutting rope magic" and "angry birds", can improve attention and avoid being distracted when remembering things. And in the course of the task, it can also exercise the adaptability of players. During the whole game, there are also some games involving planning and adjusting strategies, such as "Plants vs Zombies", which can also improve memory.

(Source: Xinhuanet)

Xinhuanet once reported that British researchers can train players with "brain tonic training" through an experiment, which can effectively help improve unhealthy eating habits. The game developed by Cambridge University helps to improve the memory of schizophrenic patients. It can be said that games have great potential in improving human brain memory.

If you want to remember well, sleep is indispensable.

Xinhuanet Zeng Dengwen said that sleep helps to improve memory. Nicholas Dimay, a British psychologist, said in the magazine "Cerebral Cortex" that memorizing things before going to bed is more profound. In a set of comparative experiments, some volunteers recited words before going to bed, while others recited them 12 hours after staying awake. Volunteers who recite words before going to bed remember them better. This is mainly because of the role of hippocampus in human brain. The hippocampus is mainly responsible for memory. During sleep, new memories are "unsealed" and constantly "played back" in the hippocampus, so people will remember this part very clearly after waking up.

Therefore, there must be scientific methods to improve memory, instead of blindly believing in advertisements. Some of the above methods, I hope to bring help to your study and life. (Zhang Anjian)

This paper is scientifically checked by Zhou Hongzhi, a professor at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Beijing University of Technology.

"Clear powder" trap! The software related to the viral spread of this service has great risks.

       CCTV News:Wechat has become the main contact method for many people. On many occasions, people have changed from leaving a phone number to adding friends. The WeChat address book is getting longer and longer, but some people in it rarely contact each other, so a service called "WeChat cleaning powder" came into being. I believe many people have received and seen this information, and even used this service. What you don’t know, however, is that this method may threaten your information security.

       Nianheng is a medical worker. One day in September this year, he suddenly received a WeChat message that surprised him.

       Nianheng: "After I opened it, I found that it was a teacher who had not contacted for a while. She sent a WeChat circle of friends, saying that she had recently used a WeChat powder cleaning service, which was very useful. There was a link at the bottom. I was also very surprised when I saw this news at that time, because I was under the impression that teachers generally did not send such news. "


       Nianheng sent a WeChat to the teacher to ask what happened. The other party replied that she saw a QR code of powder cleaning in a WeChat group. Considering the large number of friends in her WeChat, she really wanted to clean up her friends, so she tried.


       Nianheng: "At that time, after (the teacher) recognized the QR code, she sent some messages to the circle of friends without her knowing it, and also spread these messages to the group, which brought her a lot of trouble. I didn’t do anything else that afternoon, and I have been explaining that I was cheated. It was automatically sent after scanning the QR code. "


       During the interview, many WeChat users reported that they had received the WeChat clear powder link or QR code sent by their friends. These WeChat "clear powder" links will not only automatically send advertisements in the circle of friends, but also steal the user’s personal account information to sell for profit. Netizen Ms. Huang reflected on the consumer complaint platform "Gathering Complaints" that after using the "Clear Powder" service in May this year, she quickly discovered that there was a transaction on WeChat that she did not know, and the other party was an online game. Then she found that in this online game that she had never been exposed to, she actually had her own real-name registered account.

       Wechat "cleaning powder" is actually a big risk in controlling account security.

       So how does this so-called "cleaning powder" service operate, and what information security risks will it bring to users?

       Experts said that the principle of "cleaning powder" is to control the WeChat account to be cleaned by applying cluster control software, so that the account can automatically send messages to all its friends, and then the group control software can identify which ones are "zombie fans" and delete them according to "whether the information can be successfully sent and received". Whether it is mass messaging or group soliciting, users need to scan the QR code to authorize the provider of cleaning service to log in to the web version of WeChat. And behind this, there are huge risks.


       Hu Qimu, a senior researcher at the Digital Economy Think Tank: "The first one is that you authorized him, which is equivalent to him taking over your account, so that he can retrieve your personal information, including WeChat address book, chat record, and your mobile phone’s address book, chat materials, address book and some of your information, which may be leaked; Second, by taking possession of one of your accounts, he will register some other accounts to do something. If these things are illegal, it will have an impact on your personal credit information; Third, he may send some information such as fraud through your account. "

       The first case of "cleaning powder" in China was solved. Experts reminded that scanning code must be cautious.

       Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province disclosed that they successfully detected a case of illegally obtaining computer information system data by using WeChat "cleaning powder" software in the "Clean Net 2020" special action, and all five suspects involved in the case were arrested, which is also the first case in China that illegally obtained information by using "cleaning powder" software.

       In the detection of the case, the police of the Netan detachment of Nantong Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province found that the illegally obtained user information around the "powder cleaning" software has formed a black industrial chain of illegal reselling.

       Cao Canhua, a policeman of Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province: "After obtaining the control authority of WeChat account, the criminal suspect took the opportunity to illegally obtain the QR code information of users’ WeChat group chat, and saved these QR codes in the form of pictures on the server."

       Subsequently, the criminal suspect resold the user’s WeChat group chat QR code and other information to downstream criminal gangs such as fraud and gambling. In just three months, the criminal gang illegally obtained more than 20 million QR codes of users’ WeChat group chats, all of which were sold to fraud and gambling criminal gangs in Longyan, Fujian and other places. At the same time, it also paid attention to WeChat WeChat official account in batches, brushed reading and praised others, and made profits of more than 2 million yuan.


       Xu Hui, deputy head of the Netan Brigade of Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province: "From illegally obtaining the relevant personal information of WeChat users to downstream advertising, marketing and other cyber crimes, the related network black ash production has formed an independent and closely coordinated industrial chain."

       At present, five suspects involved in the case have been arrested on suspicion of illegally obtaining computer information system data, and the case is being further processed. Lawyers said that "concealment, cross-regionality, and difficulty in fixing evidence materials" are the difficulties in rectifying such chaos, and these characteristics also increase the difficulty of users’ rights protection.

       Bo Meng, a lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said that based on the huge potential risks of "cleaning powder" software, it is not recommended to use such "services" to raise awareness of prevention and protect personal information; Don’t easily click on links and QR codes from unknown sources; When transferring money abroad, check it in advance.

       We also call on software developers to take more active supervision responsibilities and find ways to block such behaviors from the source to avoid users suffering losses.

After the "star officials" of Yunnan’s husband and wife files were both dismissed, a relative who had amassed 3 million yuan was sentenced.

Dongfang Net Longitudinal Journalist Chen Haozhou
Cai Sihong’s brother-in-law Dong Guanghui was sentenced to five years and six months’ imprisonment for using his influence to take bribes to collect 3 million yuan after the "star official" in Yunnan, Cai Sihong, the former deputy mayor of Yuxi, and Geng Mei, the former deputy mayor of Baoshan. On December 29th, China Judgment Document Network published "criminal judgment, the First Trial of Dong Guanghui’s Taking Bribery and Taking Bribery by Influence", which revealed the details of Dong Guanghui’s wealth collection.
According to the verdict, Dong Guanghui was born in December 1971, with a junior high school education and a native of mangshi. On January 8 this year, he was detained by the Wuding County Supervisory Committee. On July 6, the Wuding County People’s Procuratorate decided to be criminally detained by the Wuding County Public Security Bureau, and he was arrested on July 11.
The Wuding County People’s Court found through trial that Dong Guanghui accepted Dong’s request, and after consulting with Cai Sihong, then secretary of the mangshi Municipal Party Committee and the mayor’s relative, Cai Sihong came forward to say hello to help Dong’s Kaiyuan Hongfa Construction Group Co., Ltd. undertake the construction project of the fifth primary school in mangshi and the construction project of the coffee avenue in the Pappian District of mangshi Industrial Park. From March 2010 to November 2018, Dong Guanghui received 2 million yuan from Dong four times.
(Caption: Cai Sihong, former deputy mayor of Yuxi City Source: Dongfang. com)
During 2015, Dong Guanghui accepted the request of Liu, a construction contractor, to help introduce the construction project of Nanyang overseas Chinese machinists returning to China for the Anti-Japanese Memorial Hall. After receiving the promise of 1.5 million yuan afterwards, he took advantage of the influence formed by Cai Sihong’s position and status as the secretary of Ruili Municipal Party Committee, and with the help of Cai Sihong and others, he contracted the construction project for Liu. At the beginning of 2016, Dong Guanghui received 1 million yuan from Liu twice.
According to Dong Guanghui’s confession, "Cai Sihong and we are a family. He didn’t want his sister and I to live a hard life. He came forward to help Dong to undertake the project, just to let me collect the benefits to increase my family’s income and improve my family’s quality of life."
Cai Sihong’s testimony also confirmed that Dong Guanghui is his brother-in-law. "He has no job, no right, no money, no technology, no resources, no fixed occupation and no fixed income. I also want to help my brother-in-law’s family increase their income in this way, so I acquiesced in his accepting the’ benefit fee’."
The explanation presented by the Wuding County Supervision Committee confirmed that Dong Guanghui voluntarily explained the criminal facts of this case to the investigation organ when he was told to cooperate with the investigation of other cases. The verdict shows that on April 10 this year, Dong Guanghui voluntarily returned 3 million yuan of funds involved in the case to the investigation organ.
On December 21 this year, Dong Guanghui was sentenced to five years and six months’ imprisonment and fined 700,000 yuan. The illegal income of 3 million yuan was confiscated and turned over to the state treasury by the Wuding County Supervision Committee.
The reporter noted that Cai Sihong, born in August 1967, and Geng Mei, born in September 1968, were once remarkable couples "star officials" in Yunnan politics. Both of them are from Yunnan. Cai Sihong graduated from Yunnan University for Nationalities, majoring in Dai language, and Geng Mei graduated from Yunnan University, majoring in journalism. Both of them graduated from university in the same year and joined the work.
(Caption: Geng Mei, former deputy mayor of Baoshan City Source: official website, Longyang District People’s Government of Baoshan City)
In official career, the couple can be described as "going hand in hand". In 1993, Cai Sihong was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of Dehong Federation of Industry and Commerce. Two years later, Geng Mei was promoted from an ordinary news editor of Baoshan Daily to the deputy director of the Propaganda Department Office of Baoshan District Committee; In July 2009, Cai Sihong was appointed secretary of Luxi (renamed mangshi in November 2010), and Geng Mei was promoted from the county magistrate of Changning County to the secretary of Changning County Committee in December of the following year.
In 2013, Cai Sihong and Geng Mei both became deputy department heads: Geng Mei was promoted to vice mayor of Baoshan City and concurrently served as secretary of Longyang District Committee, Cai Sihong became deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Ruili National Key Development and Opening Experimental Zone (deputy department head), and was later appointed secretary of Ruili Municipal Committee. In October 2015, Cai Sihong was transferred to the vice mayor of Yuxi City. At this point, both husband and wife became deputy mayors of prefecture-level cities.
Before Dong Guanghui was sentenced, Cai Sihong and his wife Geng Mei, both CPC cadres, were both dismissed.
According to the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, on October 15, 2019, Geng Mei, deputy mayor of Baoshan City and secretary of Longyang District Party Committee, was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law, and accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation. On February 25, 2020, Cai Sihong, a member of the party group and deputy mayor of Yuxi Municipal People’s Government, was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation.
In March this year, the Supervision Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Dehong Prefecture published a commentary entitled "Don’t let" go hand in hand "become" both fallen horses ",saying that Cai Sihong and Geng Mei were once a remarkable couple’s" star officials "in Yunnan politics. From "going hand in hand" to "both falling off the horse", it is distressing and thought-provoking.
According to the article, the "corrupt couple file" between Cai Sihong and Geng Mei once again sounded the alarm of "family integrity" for leading cadres in the province. A good family style benefits the family and the country; On the contrary, a morbid family style will destroy the family and harm others, oneself and society.
Now, Dong Guanghui was jailed after Cai Sihong and Geng Mei both fell, which once again proved the harmfulness of the morbid family style of leading cadres.

"China Table Tennis" revealed that Liu Guoliang took the active national table tennis players to Call.

1905 movie network news On February 20th, the film starring Deng Chao,,,,,, etc. released the "call of the National Team" version, and Liu Guoliang and the active players of Guoping collectively appeared to cheer for the film. It is predicted that the China table tennis men’s team suffered a series of heavy losses, and the ending of "the most classic battle of turning defeat into victory" has been decided, but the process is still in suspense.

The Jedi counterattack of China Table Tennis tells the story that Dai Minjia, a coach studying abroad, volunteered to return to China in the early 1990s when the men’s table tennis was crushed by the "European powers" and led the veteran recruits to launch a counterattack against the "powers" in Tianjin to save the men’s table tennis. Since its release, the film has received unanimous praise from the audience, with high scores of Cat’s Eye 9.4 and Taobao Film 9.3. It has become the new film with the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation since February, and the film is being shown nationwide.

Liu Guoliang’s "Youth Memories", the most exciting home game and the most thrilling cup-winning battle, turned defeat into victory.

The latest announcement of "call by the National Team" in "China Table Tennis Fight Back" was kicked off by Liu Guoliang, a famous table tennis player in China, a world champion and an Olympic champion, who was the head coach of the China table tennis team, the current executive vice-president of the International Table Tennis Federation and the chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association: "China table tennis’s enduring glory for decades is the result of several generations’ efforts. The 1995 World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin was a classic counterattack of table tennis in the low valley. As a witness, I am also full of youthful memories. "

The preview reveals the heavy pressure experienced by China’s men’s table tennis national team in the 1990s. The absolute main force of the team is seriously injured. If you don’t play, you may lose a valuable point in the men’s team final of the World Table Tennis Championships. However, your hard support may ruin your whole sports career, and the collective and individual interests will collide fiercely at this moment. At that time, the Swedish team has won swaythling cup, who represents the highest honor of the men’s table tennis team, for three consecutive years, and at the same time, it is far ahead of China in terms of technical play and training methods. At that time, China’s economy was in the stage of comprehensive recovery, and the team was short of funds, so it was unable to catch up with Europe and even other countries in East Asia in terms of equipment and equipment, which also made our training level have a huge gap with the top teams in the world. While other countries, especially European teams, spend a lot of money to "dig" Chinese players to Europe to play in the league in order to study and learn the characteristics of China’s team, which leads to the great dilemma of the loss of excellent players in China. Even on the eve of the game, the players we regard as "secret weapons" are known in advance and thoroughly studied by other teams … … The 1995 World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin is just around the corner. Can we win at home and win the coveted swaythling cup?

In this big environment, the notice also shows more unknown details and insider: "Foreigners have learned our horse racing in Tian Ji more and more slippery" in the on-the-spot arrangement. All this has brought great pressure to head coach Dai Minjia and the whole team. "Can your generation turn over?" It has become the soul inquiry that pierces China men’s table tennis and even all China people’s hearts. This tournament has become the most exciting home in the history of the World Table Tennis Championships, the most thrilling battle to win the cup, and the most classic battle to turn defeat into victory in the history of table tennis. Since then, China has officially stood at the top of table tennis in the world, and this "never give up" spirit has been passed on to generations of table tennis players, leading the China table tennis team to achieve better results.

The active players of Guoping assembled for "China Ping-Pong" to play call to stimulate blood and Hollywood’s "positive rigidity""

On February 18th, the trial (the first stop) of the Durban World Table Tennis Championships started. Since 2006, the national team’s "civil war through competition" presented in the form of live broadcast has become the "strongest competition on the surface" in the hearts of table tennis fans. Just like the captain of China table tennis men’s team — — "Dragon Team" Malone said after the first singles match: "Intra-team competition has always been a very good tradition of the China team, which can make everyone actively mobilize, not relying on qualifications and previous competition results to select, giving many young athletes a direct and upward opportunity." There is a similar plot in the movie "China Table Tennis Fight Back". For example, all the players in the country gathered to launch a "Thousand Talents Battle" and selected two super newcomers, Hou Zhuoxiang and Dong Shuai, who were only 16 years old. As the absolute core of the team, Bai Minhui was "invited back" to the local team because of his lack of concentration in training. The scene of Bai Minhe apologizing to the coach and all his teammates in the rain has also become one of the most talked-about names of the audience. The wonderful story with fire, laughter and tears won the audience’s love and made many athletes and even world champions feel the same.

Surprisingly — — The table tennis players who are actively preparing for the war have appeared in advance and call for the movie. Fan Zhendong, Malone, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Manyu Wang and other national team players also expressed their support for the film: "Let China table tennis inspire people!" "Let’s cheer together!" Take the lead in showing the audience the inheritance and strength of the national ball spirit.

The first weekend of the film’s release was unanimously recognized by the media, film critics and the general audience. In addition to the wonderful ups and downs, the film’s restoration and tribute to the details also became the focus of the audience’s discussion. Whether it’s the almost "copy-and-paste" modeling and movements of the actors and prototype characters, or the confusion of whether it’s a movie or an old photo, the audience feels the harshness and sincerity of this film. This also made many viewers feel: "The casting and details are carefully chosen, and many characters can match the number, which perfectly reproduces the details of the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships!" Many viewers said, "The film shows the high-burning blood of table tennis and the spirit of China people. I hope that the film can be as fearless as the world’s strong players like China table tennis, and it will be a slap in the face with Hollywood movies! " China Ping-Pong Fight Back has become the new film with the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation since February. This word-of-mouth work of "both laughter and tears are good enough to burn and cool enough" will surely leave a deep impression on the audience.

The movie "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" is directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun, Aruna, etc. The film is being shown in the whole country.

Can’t understand the baseball game? Two minutes to help you understand how to appreciate a baseball game.

People’s Network-Sports Channel Original Draft

Quick interpretation

Baseball is a team sport with at least 9 players. Baseball players are divided into offensive and defensive sides and play in a diamond-shaped baseball field. In the game, the two teams attack alternately, and when the attacking player successfully runs back to home plate, he can get 1 point. The winning team is the cumulative leader of scores in 9 games. If there is a tie, continue the game until the outcome is decided.

Understand the baseball game in two minutes

(a) the venue

The whole playing field is divided into infield and outfield. There are four bases in the infield, which are arranged counterclockwise from the lowest home plate as first base, second base and third base respectively.

In one and a half innings, nine defenders played, namely, ① pitcher, ② catcher, ③ first baseman, ④ second baseman, ⑤ third baseman, ⑤ shortstop, ⑦ left fielder, ⑧ center fielder and ⑨ right fielder.

(2) Technical terms

Touching: The batter puts the bat horizontally, not asking to hit the ball far, but asking for a ground ball, which is generally used as a tactic to push base runner on base.

Stealing bases: base runner doesn’t have to wait for the batter to hit the ball before running. As long as the pitcher throws the ball, base runner can run to the next base bag, which is called stealing bases.

Hit: The batter hit the ball where the defender couldn’t catch it normally and ran to first base successfully.

Home Run: Simply put, the batter hit the baseball off the court and no one could get it back, so he had to let the attacking opponent run the base at will. According to different scores, it can be divided into Yangchun home run, two/three home run and slam home run.

Home Run: A hit in baseball in which the batter can step on all the bases in the order of first base, second base, third base and home plate around the infield.

Batting rate: an important index to evaluate the batter’s performance. It is calculated by dividing the number of hits by the number of hits. Generally speaking, a professional baseball player is considered a competent hitter if his batting average is above 0.280, an excellent hitter if his batting average is above 0.300, and a great hitter if his batting average is above 0.400.

Finished pitching: The pitcher didn’t pitch for another pitcher in the game from the first inning to the end of the game. No matter whether the final result of the game is victory or defeat, or whether there are scores, it is called finished pitching.

Touch ball: in baseball, the batter’s body or clothing is hit by the ball thrown by the pitcher. According to the baseball rules, the batter who gets the touch ball should be walked to first base, and the moment the ball touches the batter, it becomes a stop ball, and the runner on the base can’t steal the base at will.

Strike zone: the three-dimensional space between the upper edge of the knee and the armpit of the batter’s natural standing position above the home plate. This area is called "strike zone".

Score: The offensive behavior that the attacking team members run to the base after hitting the ball and touch the first, second and third bases in turn, and finally touch the home plate safely is called "score".

Out: An attacking team member who is deprived of the right to hit the ball, run the base or score is called out.

(3) Core rules

During the game, the two teams take turns to attack and defend: when the attacking player successfully runs back to home plate, he can score 1 point. In the 9 th game, the team with the highest score wins. At the end of the 9 th game, the two sides will enter the extended game until the winner is separated. As for the order of attack and defense, it is generally decided by drawing lots or according to the home and away games.

(4) Arrangement of players

The two teams each have nine players. But at the beginning of each half game, only the batter plays alone. The other eight teammates are waiting outside.

The batter flew the ball, started from home plate, captured first base, and became base runner. Next, the second batter goes up, and if he also makes it to base, then the third batter goes up. ……

Because there are only four bases in total, there are only four players on the court at most. The nine players on the defensive side all played together from the beginning.

(5) Basic technology

The basic skills of baseball consist of catching, passing, hitting and running.

Catch the ball: catch the ball with both hands in place and keep your eyes on the incoming ball. When catching the ball, both hands should have backward buffering action to avoid collision and rebound.

Pass: Hold the ball with your index finger, middle finger and thumb. Passing the ball is the same as pitching, the front foot should point to the target, pay attention to the wrist swing when passing, and finish the forward and follow-up actions after throwing the ball. There are three passing postures, namely, shoulder pass, shoulder pass, under-shoulder pass or low hand pass.

Hit the ball: there are two methods: swing with a stick and touch with a stick. The batter holds the stick in both hands, and adopts the corresponding hitting method according to the pitching action and the route of the ball coming from the pitcher, and strives to hit the ball to the distance or gap that the defender can’t reach.

Base running: After the batter hits the ball, he immediately gets on the base and grabs the base position at the moment when the defender doesn’t receive the ball.

Some people don’t have a correct understanding of baseball games, and some people think that the rules of baseball are complicated and not easy to understand. In fact, the rules of baseball are indeed complicated compared with the popular football, basketball, table tennis and other projects, but they are by no means difficult to understand. As long as you understand the basic rules, you will find baseball very interesting, nervous and interesting. In fact, it is precisely because of its complicated rules that the competition presents a tense and interesting situation. In this sense, baseball has its unique advantages.

Aofei Entertainment: The animated film project Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9 is progressing as scheduled and is scheduled to be officially released next year.

Every time after the AI news, some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platform: Is there a plan for the release of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9? About winter vacation or summer vacation

Aofei Entertainment (002292. SZ) said on the investor interaction platform on November 27th that the animated film project Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9 is progressing as scheduled, and it is planned to be officially released next year. At present, the specific schedule has not been determined. I suggest you pay attention to the relevant information pushed by Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf or the official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account of Aofei Entertainment at that time.

(Reporter Wang Keran)

Disclaimer: The contents and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Operate accordingly at your own risk.

national business daily


This summer, wanda plaza created a "basketball dream" for basketball teenagers.

Recently, wanda plaza has attracted people’s attention. Just because of the arrival of the summer basketball match, people’s enthusiasm for basketball has been immediately pushed to the commanding heights. In fact, as early as the Basketball World Cup held in China in 2019, Wanda began to promote the "Little Champion" caddy project, which enabled more children who love basketball to enter the world stage. At the same time, it also helped 12 caddies from Danzhai, Guizhou, to have face-to-face contact with the World Cup.

Basketball teenagers help out

From the city trials to the national finals, and from China to the Philippines, a dream trip began, and more and more people participated in this exploration journey. Wanda is willing to help more teenagers who love basketball and create basketball dreams for more basketball teenagers.

Mobile game national league

At the same time, from September to October, in the iconic wanda plaza of Xiamen, Lanzhou, Jinan, Harbin and Chongqing, local cultural and tourism bureaus and sports bureaus will be linked to create an e-sports carnival! At that time, you can go to the offline race track in wanda plaza, feel the wonderful charm of League of Legends National League, and meet more like-minded partners to discuss game events together.

12th Anniversary Player Celebration

With the end of the regular season of 2023LPL Summer Tournament, the 12th Anniversary Player Celebration of League of Legends will be held from August 5th to August 8th. The 2023LPL Summer Tournament Finals and the 2023LPL Global Finals Qualifiers will also be held during this period, and more exciting events are worth looking forward to.

This time, wanda plaza joined the same trip, and set up 10 offline match watching activities nationwide during the anniversary. There are also many awards and interactive games waiting for you. Do you want to cheer for LPL? Then hurry up and move!

Sports collision technology, Yangpu Football Super League started the "science and technology card"

Yangpu District, as the first batch of national innovative pilot urban areas and national dual-innovation demonstration bases, has a profound scientific and technological foundation, and is also a "national sports fitness model city (district)" with a broad group sports foundation. What kind of sparks will sports collide with when it meets science and technology?

On May 20th, the "Dachuanggu" Cup Yangpu Football Super League E-sports Football Final and Innovation Yangpu Sports Technology Carnival were held in Chuanggu, Changyang, and a football feast of "sports+technology" was staged.

The "Dachuanggu" Cup Yangpu Football Super League is hosted by Yangpu District Sports General Association and Yangpu District Federation of Trade Unions, and hosted by Yangpu District Sports Activity Center and Yangpu District Football Association. The competition is divided into offline football match and online e-sports football match, attracting 600 contestants.

In the previous offline football competition for the elderly, the leading senior club won the championship, Lane 3061 of the East Bund won the second place, and the New Jiangwan senior team won the third place. At the event, an award was presented to the senior group of the "Dachuanggu" Cup Yangpu Football Super League.

On the same day, the finals and semi-finals of the "Dachuanggu" Cup Yangpu Football Super League were held. On the big screen, the "French team" and the "Portuguese team" controlled by two players sounded gongs. The confrontation between the two teams can be described as a mess. Less than 15 minutes after the start, the "Portuguese team" showed a wave of skills with Cristiano Ronaldo, and volleyed very decisively and directly won the first goal in the final. Subsequently, the "French team" has been pressing the "Portuguese team", but they were all disturbed by the tough defense of the "Portuguese national team" and frequently lost the ball. In the end, the score was fixed at 3: 1, and Portugal won. Chen Chao and Tian Ye won the championship and runner-up respectively.

The superb game technology of the "Great God" on the field makes the players’ movements in the game very close to reality, and with the fancy passing movements, it seems that the audience is not watching an e-sports football match, but a real real football match.

The players on the stage competed fiercely, and the elderly football players under the stage also watched with relish and cheered for the players. "I have been playing football for decades, but it is the first time to watch an e-sports competition. It is very fresh." Wu Yiming, captain of the leading senior club, said, "Perhaps the charm of e-sports football lies in the fact that many players are limited by physical fitness and skills, which can be displayed in the game."

It is understood that "sports+technology" is a highlight of this year’s Yangpu Football Super League. Sponsored by Shanghai Yangpu Science and Technology Innovation (Group) Co., Ltd., this event provides a platform for scientific and technological innovation enterprises in the region to make friends with the ball, promotes the interconnection between enterprises, further strengthens the radiation effect of the linkage of Dachuanggu, uses the event to incite industrial resources among enterprises, forms a healthy, positive and upward park culture through activities, and explores new paths of park activities under the digital background.

On the day of the event, Changyang Chuanggu simultaneously launched the innovative Yangpu Sports Science and Technology Carnival. With the theme of "Playing Sports+Black Technology", this carnival introduces the latest somatosensory technology experience developed by Tsinghua University’s team. Participants can receive data directly through their mobile phones without wearing any equipment and enjoy the fun of somatosensory games. Nowadays, the most fashionable drone football, more and more realistic e-sports football, physical fitness test and other sports activities with scientific and technological elements have attracted the participation of many teenagers and parents.

It is worth mentioning that all six interactive experience zones have social sports instructors in Yangpu District to help participants better experience the project.

Yangpu District, as a model area for national sports and fitness, has been exploring new paths for the development of social sports instructors in recent years, actively carrying out the pilot work of rejuvenation of social sports instructors, attracting more young people to join by integrating resources such as schools, hospitals, enterprises and institutions, and commercial buildings within its jurisdiction, and optimizing the team structure. At the same time, Yangpu District has continued to provide opportunities for social sports instructors to take up their posts. This year, it has taken the lead in promoting social sports instructors into the campus in the city. This time, it has expanded the service posts of instructors to the park, providing thoughtful and caring guidance services for science and technology elites.

Text/picture: Mao Xinhui

Video: Guo Xinhua

Editor: Wen Qianting

* Please indicate the official WeChat from Yangpu, Shanghai.

Beijing bid for the 2027 World Championships in Athletics.

Beijing, April 23 (Reporter Wang Jinwen) On April 22, the official website of China Athletics Association released the "Publicity of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of the 2027 World Athletics Championships". The publicity shows that the Chinese Athletics Association has completed the collection of bidding cities for the 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing has applied and met the collection conditions.

In August 2015, Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships at the National Stadium. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the 2027 World Championships in Athletics.

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