Celebrating the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games: Andy Lau sings

  Last night, the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games was grandly held at the China Millennium Monument. The famous Hong Kong movie star and singer Andy Lau sang the song "Everyone is NO.1" composed for the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

  Wang Bingyang, deputy director of the Paralympic Department of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, introduced that "Everyoneis NO.1" was written and sung by Andy Lau. The song vividly depicts the inner life and spiritual world of the disabled with majestic music and touching lyrics. It describes not only the difficulties and sorrows they face, but also their struggles and struggles. It can be called a spiritual portrayal of the self-improvement, optimism and continuous efforts of disabled friends to win dignity. As one of the entries for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Song Collection and Selection Campaign, this song has participated in two countdown celebrations for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Beijing Paralympic Games, and has received positive responses and has been widely welcomed.

  Andy Lau made a special trip to Beijing to participate in the upload ceremony of the Olympic Music Wireless Charts. In an interview with reporters, he said that he began to contact disabled athletes in the 1990s, and in 2000, he went to Sydney, Australia to watch the Paralympic Games at his own expense. He was very moved by the spirit displayed by disabled athletes on the sports field and in life. This song for the Beijing Paralympic Games is to admire and understand their self-improvement spirit. I hope this song can make more people start to pay attention to, understand, support and help the disabled friends around them, and participate in and support the Beijing Paralympic Games with greater enthusiasm. "To be able to do my little for the Beijing Paralympic Games is not only my long-cherished wish, but also contains a huge pride and glory. I hope this song can become an emotional bridge for disabled and able-bodied people to communicate with each other, so that more people can start to pay attention to, understand, support, and help the disabled friends around them, and participate in and support the Beijing Paralympic Games with greater enthusiasm. "Remembering the process of songwriting, Liu Dehua was filled with emotion and presented the record to the disabled athletes.

Editor in charge: Liu Xinlong

Original is not doing business? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

Original title: Doing nothing? The stars all ran to do live broadcasts to sell things. Netizen: It’s really worth losing!

When it comes to live broadcast, who will you think of? Online celebrity? It seems that online celebrity, no matter which platform, has finally moved towards bringing goods.

Because of what?

Because making money!

But I don’t know when it will start, and some stars in the entertainment circle have also started live broadcast.

But now it seems that star live broadcast with goods has gradually become the mainstream.

Ada has always been a "sexy goddess" in everyone’s mind, and it should be regarded as a "bridesmaid event" when it is the hottest. When the popularity of Ada was high again, it turned out to be an event held by a live broadcast platform, and it also became an excellent anchor. In the two-hour live broadcast, it sold more than 15 million products, including 18 products such as juicer, electric toothbrush and vacuum cleaner, and at the same time, it also won hundreds of thousands of yuan in online gifts.

At that time, it caused a heated discussion. How did a good female star become a net red? However, this is not a case.

Wong Cho Lam, a variety coffee, also entered the stage of live broadcast with goods early. And his record is also worth mentioning. A commodity can sell more than 100,000 pieces in just 12 minutes, and the sales during the live broadcast period have exceeded 10 million, not including the reward income of live broadcast of more than 3 million yuan.

And do you still think it’s very expensive to bring goods live by a star?

In fact, what you think of losing your worth is to raise your worth in others’ eyes. Star live broadcast with goods not only brought rich returns to themselves, but also brought rich returns to businesses. Although everyone is ostensibly saying that all the stars have gone to be online celebrity, it’s so disgraceful. But you can’t deny that the star’s ability to carry goods is too strong.

Therefore, it’s not worthwhile for you to feel bad about the live broadcast of the stars. You still feel bad about your wallet ~ After all, double 11 is really coming!

Editor in charge:

"Beautiful Compassion Paradise" parachuted into Wuhan from March 15 to March 17, and toured for a limited time to interpret the new fashion of a better life.

From March 15th to March 17th, "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" will arrive at JD.COM MALL for a three-day limited exhibition tour. The tour takes users close to the beautiful new scientific and technological products with creative forms such as spring amusement, fun entertainment, punching in stamps and locking fresh and delicious food.

Midea adheres to the brand concept of "linking the true feelings between brands and users" and conveying "putting people’s feelings before technology", and always puts users’ needs first. The exhibition tour of "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" will create an immersive "human-feeling technology" new home for the public, and give consumers the emotional added value of a better life and new fashion, so as to strengthen the brand.

The "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" tour will embrace users with beautiful shapes, easy-to-use functions and fun interaction, so that they will glow with new vitality. This activity cooperated with Manchester City Club to create a super-large proportion of Manchester City stars, and Harland, De Braune and Forden "appeared" in the exhibition. Eight interesting themes were set up on the spot, limiting good things and delicious food, adding blue pie and limiting empathy concerts.

Feeling and green are the development direction of the smart home industry in the future. As the world’s leading household appliance brand, "Beautiful Compassion Paradise" brings a series of intelligent technology products with high temperature, and as a companion of the public emotional relationship, it satisfies people’s deeper feelings and needs, and constantly rejuvenates and grows in the expression of "Feel you in your way, we feel the same way with you".

The rain and snow in the central and eastern regions will increase, and the wet and cold in the south will continue until the beginning of March.

    Today (February 27th), there are snowfalls in the north and northeast of China, and there is still a large range of rainy weather in the south, mainly light rain. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will be more rain and snow in the central and eastern regions of China. There will be small to medium snow in the eastern part of Northwest China and Huanghuai, and there will be heavy rain and local rainstorm in some areas of Jiangnan. It is necessary to pay attention to prevent the adverse effects of rain and snow on Spring Festival travel rush travel. In terms of temperature, the low temperature in most parts of China will continue until the beginning of March, and the temperature will obviously rise from the north to most parts of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from March 2 to 3.

   Rain and snow in central and eastern China will increase tomorrow, and there will be heavy rain in Jiangnan and other places

    Yesterday, the rainy weather in the south of China continued, and the snowfall in the north also increased, but the precipitation was generally small. The monitoring showed that the snowfall in central and northeastern Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, north-central Shaanxi, northwestern and southern Shanxi, southern Anhui, northwestern Jiangxi, northern Zhejiang and other places appeared in some areas, and the snowfall in Hohhot and Xilin Gol in Inner Mongolia was 5 ~ 6 mm; Freezing rain occurred in southeastern Guizhou and southern Hunan.

    Today, the snowfall in the north has expanded, and there is still a large range of rainy weather in the south. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, rain and snow will increase again in the central and eastern regions of China. There will be small to medium snow or sleet in the central and eastern regions of the northwest, Huanghuai and other places, and there will be heavy snow in the local area; There are small to moderate rains in the eastern part of Southwest China, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan and South China, and there are heavy rains, local heavy rains and thunderstorms in parts of northern Jiangnan and eastern Guizhou.

    Specifically, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, most of Northeast China, southern Xinjiang Basin, most of Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern and northwestern Gansu, southern Ningxia, northwestern Shanxi, northern Hebei and northern Sichuan Plateau, and moderate to heavy snow in local areas. There is light rain in most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, western Sichuan Basin, eastern Guizhou, most of Guangxi, northwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island and Taiwan Province Island.

    Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northern and eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, southern Xinjiang basin, eastern Tibet, central and eastern Northwest China, central and western North China and Huanghuai, among which there will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, central and southern Gansu, central and southern Ningxia and northern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains in parts of the southeastern part of the northwest, southern Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, most of the south of the Yangtze River, the eastern part of southwest China, northern and western South China, among which there are heavy rains in parts of southeastern Hubei, north-central Hunan, northwestern Jiangxi and northeastern Guangxi.

    The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, central and eastern Heilongjiang, western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, northern and eastern Tibet, southern and eastern Qinghai, central and southern Gansu, central and southern Ningxia, central and southern Shanxi, eastern Shandong and northern Sichuan Plateau. There are small to moderate rains and heavy rains in parts of Jianghuai, Jiangnan, the eastern part of Southwest China and South China.

    The meteorological department reminded that in the next three days, there will be more rain and snow in the north, with small to medium snow (rain) in the eastern part of the northwest and Huanghuai; The rainy weather pattern in the south will last until March 1, and there will be moderate to heavy rain in Jiangnan and other places tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and there will be convective weather in some areas. The public should guard against the adverse effects of rain and snow on travel in Spring Festival travel rush. On March 2, the rain in the south temporarily stopped, and some areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are expected to clear up.

   Wet and cold weather in many places in the south continues to cause cold air to affect the central and eastern parts of China.

    In terms of temperature, the state of low temperature in most parts of China will continue until the beginning of March, and the maximum temperature of 10℃ is basically maintained in the southern and eastern parts of the Yangtze River. Among them, from tomorrow to March 1, there will be cold air affecting the central and eastern regions, and the temperature in parts of central Inner Mongolia, North China, Northeast China, eastern Huanghuai and South China will drop by 4 ~ 6 C, among which the temperature in central and eastern Inner Mongolia and eastern Northeast China will drop by about 8 C. For example, in Changchun, the highest temperature will rise to 0℃ today, and it will continue to cool down from tomorrow to March 1, when the highest temperature is only -7℃.

    At the same time, many places in the south are affected by the continuous rainy weather, and the temperature is low. The wet and cold weather in parts of the southwest, Jiangnan and Jianghan continues. For example, the highest temperature in Changsha will be around 7 C in the next four days, and the lowest temperature will be 3 C ~ 5 C. The feeling of wet and cold runs through the whole day. Please pay attention to keep warm.

    From March 2 to 3, the temperature in most areas from the north to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will obviously rise. On March 3, the temperature in many places will be flat or even higher than normal. The highest temperature in southern North China to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River can reach 15 C, and the warmth will return. 

    The area with the most obvious temperature fluctuation is South China. Today, the local temperature is obviously low, and the highest temperature in Nanning and other places is even less than 10 C; The temperature will increase obviously tomorrow, and the maximum temperature will rise to about 20℃, and in some areas it can reach above 25℃. From March 1 to 2, with the cold air going south, the temperature will drop significantly, and the maximum temperature will drop to about 15℃. The public should adjust their clothes in time according to the temperature changes to guard against colds.

Surgery under microscope: the diameter of blood vessels is less than 1 mm, and the needle is thinner than the hair.

  When treating patients, medical staff should not only speak softly, but also build up the confidence to fight the disease for patients with their own professional knowledge. Nanfang Daily reporter Dai Jiaxin photo

  "Many of the tiny blood vessels, nerves and other pipes we stitched under the microscope are less than 1 mm in diameter. The needle used is much thinner than the hair. " Gao Junqing, director of the Department of Repair and Reconstruction of Foshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said.

  Under the shadowless lamp, there are a group of doctors who complete the operation under the microscope. They have both the ingenuity of embroidered girls and the physical strength and perseverance of marathon runners; What they have practiced is superb technology and skillful hands. During the coming of the second Physician’s Day, the reporter took you near them to learn about the unknown side of surgery under the microscope.

  Doctors who "fly needles and thread" on blood vessels and nerves

  Neurosurgery is synonymous with "precision, precision and cutting-edge" in the surgical system. With the help of modern science and technology, neurosurgeons have been able to work in the most mysterious and precise organ of the human body — — Realize precise operation in the brain and complete all kinds of incredible operations.

  Cui Lianxu, director of neurosurgery at the First People’s Hospital of Foshan, said that one of the difficulties in neurosurgery is to treat the focus as accurately as possible while minimizing the damage to the surrounding brain tissue. "The size of the lesions in the brain varies, from less than one centimeter to the size of an orange. There are no important blood vessels and nerves around." Cui Lianxu said, therefore, neurosurgical operations can be said to be completed between square inches, and the "important weapon" to accompany neurosurgeons in fighting is the neuromicroscope.

  "Under the microscope, it belongs to a neurosurgeon ‘ Battlefield ’ There is no difference in surgery between millimeters. " Cui Lianxu said, "When neurosurgeons are training in microscopy, one of the examinations is to gently grind off the shell of raw eggs with a grinding drill, and at the same time, they must not hurt the membrane under the eggshell. Behind the technique like carving art is a sense of responsibility as heavy as Mount Tai. "

  In the medical field, hand surgeons can be called "masters of micro-carving" under the microscope. Under the shadowless lamp, they hold a needle and thread invisible to the naked eye, hold their breath, and concentrate on "flying needles" on blood vessels and nerves as thin as hair, with a pair of skillful hands to pick up countless broken fingers and toes. Gao Junqing has been practicing this skill since the first day he entered orthopedics more than 20 years ago. For more than 20 years, he has reborn the severed blood vessels or tissues of many patients.

  "Many of the tiny blood vessels, nerves and other pipes we stitched under the microscope are less than 1 mm in diameter." Gao Junqing said, "Compared with arteries, venous blood vessels are thinner and more difficult to connect." Doctors have to sew up such tiny blood vessels one by one. On the blood vessels of a few centimeters, it is generally necessary to sew 6 stitches, while for large blood vessels, it is necessary to sew more than a dozen stitches. This not only tests doctors’ eyesight, but also tests their endurance. In the long and arduous work, Gao Junqing not only trained the ingenuity of the embroidered girl, but also the physical strength and perseverance of the marathon runner, because many complicated operations took more than 10 hours at a time.

  "If the vascular suture technology is not enough, the blood vessels will still be blocked after the operation, which will directly lead to tissue necrosis." Gao Junqing said that although all the doctors in the department have graduated from graduate school or above and have received standardized training during their medical studies, they still need to undergo rigorous training in the clinical department for about one year. "Doctors should train hard on mouse tails and rabbit ears. Even so, they only have the ability to replant basic severed fingers. It will take several years to improve their clinical skills."

  Yan Shigang, director of the Eye Center of Foshan Second People’s Hospital, said that for ophthalmologists, surgery under the microscope is the coordination of hands, feet, brain and eyes.

  Microsurgery can treat a variety of intractable diseases.

  Cui Lianxu said that the seemingly thick blood vessels under the microscope may be only as thick as hair in reality. If the doctor can’t complete the operation accurately and controllably, it will have unimaginable consequences for the patient. Microscope is a sharp weapon in neurosurgery, and only people with sufficient strength can use it freely.

  Under the microscope, neurosurgeons can perform a variety of operations for patients to treat nervous system tumors, cerebral hemorrhage, brain trauma, intracranial vascular malformations and other intractable diseases.

  Cui Lianxu said that he also performed a difficult operation this year. Patient Ms. Liu (pseudonym) is a native of Foshan. In life, she gradually developed facial numbness, accompanied by symptoms of unstable walking. The examination in the outpatient clinic showed that Ms. Liu had a 3×4×5cm tumor on the left cerebellum. This orange-sized tumor oppressed Ms. Liu’s facial nerve and cerebellum at the same time, causing inconvenience in daily life.

  What Ms. Liu doesn’t know is that the tumor in the cerebellopontine angle has always been a complicated type in neurosurgery. Because tumors often wrap important nerves and blood vessels, a little carelessness will lead to hearing loss, serious imbalance and other complications, and even death. At the same time, the cerebellopontine angle area provides the surgeon with an operable gap, which is only about the size of a dime. Cui Lianxu personally performed microsurgery for Ms. Liu. After the operation, Ms. Liu’s facial feeling improved obviously, and she was discharged from the hospital in just one week, and her walking balance basically recovered when she was discharged. Ms. Liu’s postoperative wound was only 5 cm, which was well hidden in the hairline and could not be found after her hair grew out.

  "A neurosurgeon usually needs more than 10 years of experience before he dares to say that he has certain confidence in the structure and function of the brain, the design of surgery and the grasp of surgery." Cui Lianxu said.

  Surgery related to saving lives and improving the quality of life can be encountered by Gao Junqing almost every week. Last year, Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also joined the "China Trauma Treatment Alliance Trauma Treatment Center". After joining the national platform for trauma treatment, severe trauma treatment centers in Foshan and surrounding areas will be sent to the hospital.

  "Many patients sent to us are not simply skin injuries and fractures. They are often serious injuries to their limbs. There are serious injuries to the skin, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, tendons and deepest bones, all of which need to be repaired. " Gao Junqing said.

  Surgery for more than ten hours in a row is a common occurrence.

  Under a high-power microscope, facing the bloody stump and finger of the injured, holding a needle and thread that is almost invisible to the naked eye, he is absorbed in sewing tiny blood vessels and nerves. This is Gao Junqing’s daily work.

  Although the little finger is small in area, it has fine structure and complex functions. Once it is injured, it is difficult to treat it, and it is even more difficult to recover and rebuild its function. It requires doctors to make great efforts in surgery and postoperative rehabilitation.

  Gao Junqing said that referring to "living" is both fine and abundant. To live a finger, you may need to sew countless blood vessels and nerves. Except for some cases where stump repair is necessary, most operations take seven or eight hours, or even more than ten hours.

  Liang Lihan, a repair and reconstruction surgeon at Foshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said, August 5 — On the 7th, doctors in the department operated all night for three consecutive nights.

  He told reporters that August 6 was an ordinary day, and he participated in six operations, four of which were major operations. "I received a notice of surgery before I went to work on the morning of August 6." He said. It turned out that at 10 o’clock the night before, a patient whose lower limbs were injured by agricultural machinery was sent to the operating room for rescue. After the previous group of doctors operated on the patient all night, Liang Lihan immediately participated in another part of the operation, and the operation lasted until 10 am before the patient’s blood vessels were reopened. At 12 noon, the operation was over and the patient was sent to ICU (intensive care unit).

  It was not an easy day for Liang Lihan. Later, there were patients who were crushed by wheels, resulting in severe trauma to the left limb and lung fracture, as well as patients with limb damage and separation of muscles and bones. He went on the operating table at 7: 35 am on August 6 and didn’t get off the operating table until 9: 00 on August 7. "In the meantime, I only took a break for more than 10 minutes during the surgical handover." Liang Lihan said.

  Gao Junqing said that every minute counts in the operating room. "We must focus on saving lives. Many patients have traumatic hemorrhagic shock, multiple limb injuries, excessive blood loss, and problems with organ function." He said that after saving lives, it is the treatment for physical trauma.

  "There is a time limit for blood vessel connection, which must be between 6 and 6— Connect in eight hours. If it is not connected in time, the limb will be necrotic. " He said that the reason why the operation takes a long time is that there is still a lot of work to be done besides stitching the blood vessels a little bit. For example, debridement may cost 1-mdash; Two hours. "Many times the wound is open, and we must clean up the pollutants a little bit, otherwise it will be infected after surgery."

  After many years of clinical career, Gao Junqing has not only developed a pair of dexterous hands, enough physical strength and patience, but also developed a pair of "iron stomach and copper intestines". As long as he is on the operating table, he can stop drinking water, eating and going to the toilet for hours, and concentrate on his work.

  Although most of the patients admitted by the department are socially vulnerable groups with work-related injuries and car accidents, in Gao Junqing’s view, there is no distinction between the status of patients and the interests of patients are more important than everything else. "Many patients are seriously injured and complicated when they arrive, but as long as there is a 1% possibility, we will do our best to save the limbs, even every finger and toe, and repair and rebuild the function of their limbs."

  "move a knife" on the eye

  Ophthalmic surgery is indispensable in surgery. Yan Shigang, who has more than 30 years of clinical experience in ophthalmology, often works overtime, and there are always more than 40 surgeries a week.

  A large number of operations does not mean poor quality. In clinical work, Yan Shigang insisted on ensuring the quality of medical care, carefully examining the patient’s condition before operation, carefully designing the operation, strictly controlling disinfection and isolation during the operation, and striving for perfection. In the past ten years, he has had the least infection and surgical complications.

  August 7th was Chinese Valentine’s Day, but it was not easy for Yan Shigang. At 7: 00 in the morning, Yan Shigang, who suffered from renal colic at night and stayed up all night, came to the B-ultrasound room for examination, and soon the result came out. The result was kidney calculi. Immediately, the doctor advised him to rest and treat, but Yan Shigang said, "There are still many patients waiting for me to check in the ward. I can’t delay the treatment of patients because of me." Later, he came to the examination room of the ward.

  That day, he endured his illness and continued his work. Unable to stand the severe pain, with the help of the head nurse and other doctors, he injected an analgesic needle into the muscle. After the pain was relieved, he went on to the operating room for surgery.

  Yan Shigang’s operations are mainly cataract phacoemulsification and intraocular lens surgery, surgery for fundus diseases such as vitreous body, retina and optic nerve, medicine and laser treatment, treatment of complex eye trauma, diagnosis and treatment of various glaucoma diseases, ophthalmic plastic surgery and treatment of orbital diseases. He said that the "moving knife" incision on the eye is only between millimeters, so it requires Excellence.

  ■ portraits of doctors

  The man who guards life under the shadowless lamp

  Many people praise a good doctor for "rejuvenation with wonderful hands" and "getting rid of diseases with hands". Behind the seemingly cold hand surgery, it is the hard work of countless doctors. They have high work intensity, high work pressure, high surgical risk and physical and mental fatigue, but every time the operation is successful, they have great joy in their hearts. Now, let’s approach this group of doctors who guard their lives under the shadowless lamp, listen to their stories and listen to their voices.

  Liu Hongzhen, Director of the Day Surgery Center and Director of the Endoscopy Center of Foshan First People’s Hospital: the "patron saint" of life in the operating room.

  Liu Hongzhen has been a doctor for 34 years and keeps improving his medical skills. In 2010, he successfully completed the anesthesia of the first liver transplantation operation, and so far he has completed more than 200 cases of anesthesia of liver transplantation operation, which has revived patients. He also undertook the anesthesia of the first coronary artery bypass surgery in Foshan First People’s Hospital.

  "As an anesthesiologist, in addition to knowing anesthesia knowledge, you should also know about surgery and internal medicine. An anesthesiologist is equivalent to a physician in the operating room. " Liu Hongzhen said that the patient’s vital signs, respiratory system, circulatory system and internal environment are all maintained by anesthesiologists. At the same time, the anesthesiologist also needs to deal with various complications during the operation. Surgeons cure diseases and anesthesiologists save lives, so anesthesiologists are also the "patron saint" of life in the operating room. In addition, anesthesiologists also undertake comfortable medical care (painless gastrointestinal examination, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, etc.), painless delivery, postoperative analgesia, pain treatment and other tasks, and anesthesiologists have traveled all over the hospital.

  Xu Zhaoyan, Chief Physician and Assistant Director of Cardiovascular Department of Foshan First People’s Hospital: Never give up on patients with myocardial infarction.

  "Cardiovascular medicine is a place to test the energy and endurance of doctors. Many patients encountered here are in dangerous conditions, but if they are treated in time, they will get better very quickly and the prognosis is still very good." Xu Zhaoyan said.

  "Patients with acute myocardial infarction need timely rescue and interventional surgery, otherwise they may face death at any time. Such patients are also a great test for doctors. " Xu Zhaoyan said.

  He once treated a patient with acute myocardial infarction in his forties. "At that time, he had repeated ventricular fibrillation, but we still didn’t give up the treatment. We gave him cardiopulmonary resuscitation and gave him interventional surgery." Xu Zhaoyan said, "In the end, such patients turned the corner. Now that 10 years have passed, he is still very healthy. "

  Zhu Min, Director of Ophthalmology, Foshan First People’s Hospital: Respecting every patient’s "Light Messenger"

  "When I was a child, I watched the movie" Man to Middle Age ".The scene in which the protagonist helped others to see the light again was deeply engraved in my mind. Since then, I have been determined to become an ophthalmologist." Zhu Min said that after becoming an ophthalmologist, when the patient uncovered the gauze, the doctor’s most fulfilling and proud moment was when he saw the bright smile on his face.

  Zhu Min, who has been engaged in ophthalmology clinical work for more than 30 years, has won the praise of patients and colleagues with his rich clinical experience, skillful surgical skills and delicate way of getting along with others, and is called "the messenger of light".

  In the face of difficult and complicated cases, she will examine the patients in detail and make treatment and surgical plans. Ophthalmology often receives patients with myopia, cataracts and blindness caused by other diseases. Because they are worried about blindness or have been plagued by blindness for many years, many patients will be anxious when they come to see a doctor, and some will be grumpy. "To treat these patients, our ophthalmologists should speak softly and build up confidence in the fight against the disease with their own professional knowledge." Zhu Min said, "The pain of the patient’s blindness can’t be described in words. Therefore, we should be patient with the patient and relieve his anxiety. At the same time, we should tell the patient his illness realistically. Let him not despair and not lose heart. "

  At the peak of summer vacation, ophthalmology has to face more than 300 patients every day, and the work is very heavy. Zhu Min often reminds the medical staff in the department to be serious and responsible. "If any one of the patients is neglected, it is 100% negligence for the patient. Therefore, we must respect every patient and treat every patient sincerely. " Zhu Min said.

  In recent years, the situation of prevention and control of juvenile myopia is grim, and Zhu Min led the medical staff in the department to carry out prevention and control of juvenile myopia, and achieved remarkable results.

  Wang Junhua, Chief Physician of Biliary Surgery, First People’s Hospital of Foshan: A skilled aid doctor in Xinjiang.

  "As a doctor, is to save lives. The medical level there is relatively backward and needs us more. " Wang Junhua said. In August 2018, Wang Junhua took the initiative to sign up for Xinjiang and set foot on Jiashi County, Xinjiang, thousands of miles away to carry out a one-and-a-half-year aid work.

  Shortly after arriving in Xinjiang, I received a 28-year-old patient, Gulinur Abulimiti. Her severe abdominal pain has lasted for half a year, and her weight has dropped from 50 kg to 30 kg, as thin as a paper man. In order to cure the disease, Gulinur Abulimiti had to quit his favorite job, and seven hospitalizations cost tens of thousands of yuan before and after, and the family was in trouble. Considering that the patient may have intestinal adhesion and chronic incomplete intestinal obstruction, surgery must be performed immediately. However, there are different opinions in the consultation. Some voices believe that the risk of surgery is too great, and Wang Junhua should not take this risk. However, Wang Junhua faced the difficulties and finally, the operation was successfully completed.

  When Wang Junhua first arrived at the General Surgery Department of Jiashi County People’s Hospital, the professional strength of the department was very weak. He began with the refinement of departments, dividing the original general surgery into hepatobiliary surgery and gastrointestinal surgery, in which patients with gastrointestinal tumors specialize in gastrointestinal surgery. He founded hepatobiliary surgery, gastrointestinal surgery and ultrasonic interventional diagnosis and treatment technology in Jiashi County People’s Hospital, which filled 13 technical gaps in Jiashi County People’s Hospital. At the same time, through mentoring and other means, a medical team that can’t be taken away gradually grew up in Jiashi County People’s Hospital.

  Dong Julang, Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Foshan Second People’s Hospital: It’s like clockwork at work.

  Dong Julang said that she likes obstetrics and gynecology. "The joy of the mother after the smooth delivery, the crying of the baby, the challenges of various gynecological operations and the joy of successful surgery, as well as the same feeling from patients to friends and from friends to relatives." Dong Julang said.

  Dong Julang and his wife are both doctors, and their clinical work is very busy, so their daughter, who was only three months old at that time, can only be sent to a nursery. When both of them work shifts, her daughter will live in the neighbor’s house upstairs as a teacher … … The daughter is less than two years old, and Dong Julang’s husband has gone to other places for a master’s degree. She has to work shifts, have surgery and further study. In those three years, she often took her daughter on duty together. When there is an operation in the middle of the night, she can only knock on the door of the neighbor’s house to take care of her daughter.

  As their daughter grows up slowly, they put all their energy into their work, all day long, including patients, medical records, surgery, meetings and study. The department is growing day by day, and more and more operations are done. Because the husband is doing MR (nuclear magnetic resonance), it is his job to evaluate all patients with gynecological tumors before operation, to implant obstetric placenta and to check venous thrombosis. With the increasing diagnostic accuracy, benign/malignant tumors, borderline tumors, lymph node metastasis/how many metastases, scar pregnancy implantation, and the choice of surgical opportunity for pelvic abscess & HELIP; … Her husband’s work and hers complement each other.

  "As a doctor, I feel particularly happy every time I succeed in surgery. After being happy, I often reflect on the surgical process and what is not done well enough. " Dong Julang said, "Before each operation, we will make full preparations to predict possible complications and injuries."

  Dong Julang said that as a doctor, his daily work is full, including outpatient service and surgery. When he goes to work, the whole person is like clockwork. (Nanfang Daily reporter Xia Xiaoyu)

Ouyang Xiadan: Quality new life, visiting China International Fashion Week while drinking afternoon tea with girlfriends.


Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] The whole network is specially designed for the exclusive launch of "Baijiahao", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint it.


Female anchor Ouyang Xiadan and her best friend visit China International Fashion Week while having afternoon tea!

A few days ago, the well-known online celebrity Zhen Zhen posted on his personal short video social platform that:

Watch the show in Fashion Week with my best friend @ Ouyang Xiadan! Make an appointment for afternoon tea, a happy and beautiful day! # Fashion Wear # Advanced Sense Wear # Exquisite Woman # China International Fashion Week

At the same time, Zhen Zhen also released a short video of 01:56 seconds, which shows Zhen Zhen and his best friend Ouyang Xiadan getting together. Let’s take a look at what are the highlights that deserve attention:

While eating afternoon tea, two good girlfriends had a good talk. Zhen Zhen said that it is rare for Ouyang Xiadan to wear a flowered skirt in daily life, so this time, seeing Ouyang Xiadan wearing a burgundy dress with a small black-rimmed shirt made people feel bright. It can be said that when Ouyang Xiadan appeared on CCTV before, he always wore formal clothes. Since his comeback on New Year’s Day this year, Ouyang Xiadan has been wearing sportswear, so Ouyang Xiadan in a skirt is really rare.

Ouyang Xiadan and Zhen Zhen chatted while drinking afternoon tea. So the two good girlfriends started the mutual praise mode. Ouyang Xiadan bluntly hasn’t seen Zhen Zhen for several years. When we met this time, Zhen Zhen made herself shine at the moment. She was simply a beautiful girl, and Zhen Zhen became more confident and free and easy. Ouyang Xiadan further emphasized that through these years’ precipitation, both she and Zhenzhen have grown a lot, and both have reached the best stage in our lives. The future may be better, but it is the best so far.

Zhen Zhen also praised Ouyang Xiadan’s attitude towards sports life. She said that she would run and exercise in the sun every day, just like Ouyang Xiadan.

Zhen Zhen not only released a picture of herself having afternoon tea with Ouyang Xiadan, but also released that she and Ouyang Xiadan were attending China International Fashion Week together. It is understood that from September 7 to 16, China International Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 series was held in Beijing 751D.PARK. The theme of this season’s Fashion Week is "Yue Yue Sheng Hui". Ouyang Xiadan visited a brand-new collection of spring and summer 2024 haute couture of a well-known brand on September 13th, which took Song Jin fashion as the carrier and brought the infinite imagination of the world into reality.

While chatting with my best friend over afternoon tea, I also visited China International Fashion Week with my best friend. I have to say that the petty bourgeoisie life in Ouyang Xiadan is exquisite and moist now. One bright spot is worth mentioning, that is, such relaxed and comfortable life jokes are not from Ouyang Xiadan’s short video account, but from friends in Ouyang Xiadan. On the other hand, Ouyang Xiadan’s personal short video account mainly focuses on sports and the development of audio language.

Finally, we also wish Ouyang Xiadan this happy life for a long time.

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Arenas: The people who put Russell in the top 10 don’t understand the league, such as AAU, and he can’t get 20 points.

Live on August 2 nd Recently, former NBA player Arenas talked about the top 10 history of Dr. J in the program Gil’s Arena.

Related reading: Top 10 list of Dr. J’s history: Kobe Bryant, James Curry Durant and others all lost.

Arenas said: "Don’t talk about Bill Russell, the league he played at that time was AAU(Amateur Athletic Union, mainly for teenagers) … This shows that Dr. J hasn’t watched the ball for a long time, and anyone who put Bill Russell in the top 10 in history doesn’t understand the ball.

"He and Chamberlain are contemporaries. Chamberlain averaged 50 points and 30 rebounds per game, while he only had 16 points and 20 rebounds. He was just an aggressive player, so he scored less than 20 points. Do you want me to put him in the top 10 in history?

"At that time, everyone was 5′ 10, and there were only eight teams in the league, all of whom were white players. How hard did you say that the league was? Chamberlain scored 50 points per game, and he had to try to score 20 points, which showed that no one passed the ball to him at all. "

Russell averaged 15.1 points and 22.5 rebounds in his career, and Chamberlain averaged 30.1 points and 22.9 rebounds in his career.

Little Potter can’t keep the rocket? Us media sun 1 for 2 trading plan: join the clippers and join hands to win the championship.

With the introduction of Van fleet and the selection of Amen Thompson by the Rockets, it is widely believed that Potter’s playing time will be affected and it is difficult to stay in the city for a long time. On August 4th, Beijing time, the US media came up with a 1-for-2 trading plan, suggesting that the Rockets and Clippers trade in exchange for Norman Powell and the first round signing in 2029.

For the Clippers, it makes sense to try 23-year-old Potter. If they don’t get Harden in the end, Porter Jr. is an alternative choice. At the same time, he has a certain scoring ability and can become the third scoring point of the Clippers.

Last season, Potter averaged 19.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game, scoring and rebounding to a career high, and his three-point shooting percentage was 36.6%. Of course, the Clippers don’t want to lose a substitute scorer like Powell, but the addition of Porter Jr. can raise their offensive limit. He can become the starting backcourt with Wei Shao and pose a threat to his opponent.

Besides, little Potter is young enough to be a member of the Clippers in the future. If the clippers can get him at the right price, it is quite worthwhile.

As for the Rockets, they can add a reliable veteran and get a first-round signing. The 30-year-old Powell can be the sixth man in the Rockets. Last season, he averaged 17 points, 2.9 rebounds and 1.8 assists. He is willing to play as a substitute and is good at playing as a substitute. The Clippers’ first round in 2029 is also very valuable, when the Clippers may not be champions.

The US media also said that the Rockets will not have the motivation to lose in the new season, because their 2024 draft was signed in the hands of Thunder in exchange for Powell, which is very meaningful for the Rockets.

Potter has four years left on his contract, but only this season is it fully guaranteed. In the 2023-24 season, his salary was $18.23 million, Powell had three years left in his contract, and his salary in the 2023-24 season was $18 million.

Trey Yang’s younger brother, 13 years old, is over 1.80 meters tall! Fast and accurate shooting, can he enter the NBA?

Trey-Yang is the most popular fried chicken in the league, and Dancsics is also known as the peerless double arrogance of the same generation.

Since joining the Eagles, he has been selected to the All-Star team twice in five years, and also led the team to the Eastern Conference finals.

In the first round of the 2021 playoffs against the Knicks, Trey Young, who was only in the third grade at that time, led the team to the next level.

In that series, he disturbed the defense of the Knicks by himself, and then he was nicknamed "Mayor of new york".

As a professional athlete, Trey Young’s personal ability is beyond doubt.

But do you know that he also has a younger brother who plays basketball very well?

Trey-Yang’s younger brother, Timothy young, was born in 2010. Butre-Yang is 12 years younger, but in terms of figure, he tends to catch up with his older brother.

Recently, when I participated in the school competition, some media captured a photo of two brothers, Trey Yang, whose younger brother was obviously over 1.80 meters.

If this trend continues to develop, it will not be a problem to exceed 1.9 meters or even reach 2 meters in the future.

According to the data, Timothy young was assigned to the 2029 players and has not yet been rated.

But on the Internet, many actual combat videos about him have been circulated.

Like his brother Trey Young, Timothy young is also a defender, and he is also good at stopping three points after dribbling.

His body doesn’t look very strong, but at the moment of shooting, the movements are very smooth.

If you can practice three-pointers, it should not be difficult for Timothy young to enter the NBA.

Nowadays, society is paying more and more attention to the world. Brother Alphabet and brother of knight Mobry all got the contract through relationships.

Suppose Timothy young signed up for the election at the age of 19, that is, six years later, when Trey Yang Gang turned 30 and was at his peak.

Those teams with draft picks may sign Trey Young’s younger brother in order to please him.

What’s more, judging from the released game video, Timothy young’s ability is not bad, at least the basic skills are qualified.

At the same age, domestic players don’t have to stop jumping shots, and many of them can’t even move the ball smoothly. …

1-0! Premier League finale: Arsenal lost two games in a row, Manchester City defended its title and Nottingham relegated successfully.

The 37th round of Premier League ushered in the focus game, Nottingham Forest vs Arsenal! In the first half, Odegard’s midfield pass was intercepted, Gabriel and Ramsdale made a mistake, and Avonii scored a goal. In the second half, neither team made any achievements. At the end of the game, Nottingham Forest beat Arsenal 1-0, the Forest team relegated, Arsenal suffered a two-game losing streak and withdrew from the championship. Manchester City locked the championship ahead of schedule and completed the Premier League’s three consecutive championships.

Nottingham drew 2-2 with Chelsea in the last round, unbeaten in the second round of the league, ranking 16th with 34 points, and the pressure of relegation is enormous! In this game, kouyate, Andre Ayou and Johnson were substitutes, and the team formation was 3-4-2-1. The starting players were as follows: 12- navas, 4- voller, 19- Nyahart, 38- Felipe, 5- Mangala, 22- Yates, 24- hollier, 32- Lodi and 9- Awoniyi.

Arsenal lost to Brighton 0-3 in the last round, and ranked second in the league with 81 points before this round, 4 points behind Manchester City. If you can’t win this game, you will directly send Manchester City to the championship! In this game, Arsenal formed a 4-3-3 formation, with Holding, Nkitiya, Thirny and Vieira as substitutes. The starting players are as follows: 1- Ramsdale, 4- Benwhite, 6- Gabriel, 15- Ki viol, 34- Zaka, 5- Thomas, 8- Odegard, 20- jorginho, 7- Saka, 9.

In the first half, 11 minutes, Trossat sent a straight plug, Jesus shot from a small angle, and the ball was confiscated by the goalkeeper! In 17 minutes, Arsenal crossed the right corner, and Jesus grabbed the header and shot higher than the crossbar; In the 19th minute, Ed made a mistake over the ball, the forest team broke the ball and launched a fast break, White broke the ball, Gabriel cleared the ball and made an assist, which also interfered with the goalkeeper Ramsdale and Awoniyi, and Nottingham Forest led Arsenal 1-0!

In 27 minutes, Arsenal’s corner kick hit the restricted area, and Trossat followed up and missed the bottom line! In injury time, Kate delayed to get a yellow card, and then Arsenal took a corner kick and Trossat kicked it from a long distance. At the end of half-time, on the data level, Arsenal scored 6 shots and 2 shots, with 81% possession rate and 375 passes, while Forest scored 2 shots and 1 shot, with only 87 passes.

In the second half, in 47 minutes, Felipe grabbed a push in the restricted area and was hit by Ramsdale with his fingertips. In the 54th minute, Jesus was booked for diving. In 60 minutes, Saka shot from a small angle was saved by the goalkeeper! In 67 minutes, Ben White made a mistake in stopping the ball, and Gibbs-White broke the ball into the restricted area, and his single-handedly shot was resolved by Ramsdale!

In 69 minutes, jorginho shot high above the crossbar; In 78 minutes, the players on both sides clashed and were persuaded by their teammates. In 89 minutes, Gibbs White shot from a small angle on the left side of the restricted area, and the ball was confiscated by Ramsdale.

At the end of the game, Nottingham Forest beat Arsenal 1-0, and Nottingham successfully relegated. After Arsenal lost, it continued to lag behind Manchester City by 4 points, and the championship was dashed. Manchester City locked in the league championship ahead of schedule.