Ouyang Xiadan: Quality new life, visiting China International Fashion Week while drinking afternoon tea with girlfriends.


Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] The whole network is specially designed for the exclusive launch of "Baijiahao", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint it.


Female anchor Ouyang Xiadan and her best friend visit China International Fashion Week while having afternoon tea!

A few days ago, the well-known online celebrity Zhen Zhen posted on his personal short video social platform that:

Watch the show in Fashion Week with my best friend @ Ouyang Xiadan! Make an appointment for afternoon tea, a happy and beautiful day! # Fashion Wear # Advanced Sense Wear # Exquisite Woman # China International Fashion Week

At the same time, Zhen Zhen also released a short video of 01:56 seconds, which shows Zhen Zhen and his best friend Ouyang Xiadan getting together. Let’s take a look at what are the highlights that deserve attention:

While eating afternoon tea, two good girlfriends had a good talk. Zhen Zhen said that it is rare for Ouyang Xiadan to wear a flowered skirt in daily life, so this time, seeing Ouyang Xiadan wearing a burgundy dress with a small black-rimmed shirt made people feel bright. It can be said that when Ouyang Xiadan appeared on CCTV before, he always wore formal clothes. Since his comeback on New Year’s Day this year, Ouyang Xiadan has been wearing sportswear, so Ouyang Xiadan in a skirt is really rare.

Ouyang Xiadan and Zhen Zhen chatted while drinking afternoon tea. So the two good girlfriends started the mutual praise mode. Ouyang Xiadan bluntly hasn’t seen Zhen Zhen for several years. When we met this time, Zhen Zhen made herself shine at the moment. She was simply a beautiful girl, and Zhen Zhen became more confident and free and easy. Ouyang Xiadan further emphasized that through these years’ precipitation, both she and Zhenzhen have grown a lot, and both have reached the best stage in our lives. The future may be better, but it is the best so far.

Zhen Zhen also praised Ouyang Xiadan’s attitude towards sports life. She said that she would run and exercise in the sun every day, just like Ouyang Xiadan.

Zhen Zhen not only released a picture of herself having afternoon tea with Ouyang Xiadan, but also released that she and Ouyang Xiadan were attending China International Fashion Week together. It is understood that from September 7 to 16, China International Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 series was held in Beijing 751D.PARK. The theme of this season’s Fashion Week is "Yue Yue Sheng Hui". Ouyang Xiadan visited a brand-new collection of spring and summer 2024 haute couture of a well-known brand on September 13th, which took Song Jin fashion as the carrier and brought the infinite imagination of the world into reality.

While chatting with my best friend over afternoon tea, I also visited China International Fashion Week with my best friend. I have to say that the petty bourgeoisie life in Ouyang Xiadan is exquisite and moist now. One bright spot is worth mentioning, that is, such relaxed and comfortable life jokes are not from Ouyang Xiadan’s short video account, but from friends in Ouyang Xiadan. On the other hand, Ouyang Xiadan’s personal short video account mainly focuses on sports and the development of audio language.

Finally, we also wish Ouyang Xiadan this happy life for a long time.

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Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] The whole network is specially designed for the exclusive launch of "Baijiahao", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint it.


Jeff hurt Sun Minghui on purpose? The injury occurred, and Jeff’s expression was understandable. Zhao Rui’s evaluation was correct

On April 23rd, the highly anticipated playoff battle between Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team and Zhejiang Guangsha kicked off. Since the two sides had already drawn 1-1, the two teams could not retreat in this game. The winning team and Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team joined forces, and the loser could only accept the fate of the end of the season.

Perhaps because of this, after the start of the game, the two sides also pointed the needle at Maimang. Du Runwang from Guangdong men’s basketball team stepped forward first, and his accurate three-pointers helped Guangdong men’s basketball team to take the lead. Then Zhu Junlong from Guangsha, Zhejiang province stepped forward, blocked Ma Shang and Zhang Hao, and hit two three-pointers. Zhu Junlong’s appearance directly changed the situation on the field. Zhejiang Guangsha not only overtook the score, but also took the lead.

The staggered scores also caused a controversial scene on the field. When Guangdong foreign aid Hamilton passed the ball back to Jeff, Sun Minghui made a steal, and the basketball was destroyed by Sun Minghui and left Jeff’s control. In the confrontation, Jeff got the ball, and then Sun Minghui fell to the ground in pain for a long time and failed to get up. Even after the Guangdong men’s basketball team attack ended, Sun Minghui still didn’t get up, and then the referee stopped the game.

Through slow motion, Jeff pushed Sun Minghui away again when he confronted Sun Minghui, and Jeff’s push also made Sun Minghui fall to the ground, and his right elbow severely hit the floor, which is why Sun Minghui failed to get up for a long time. After the slow motion, many fans also angrily criticized Jeff’s little moves, and even some fans questioned Jeff’s intentional injury to Sun Minghui.

Did Jeff really hurt Sun Minghui? First of all, from the slow motion, Jeff only had a physical confrontation with Sun Minghui, and Sun Minghui’s elbow landing after falling was unpredictable, so it was impossible for Jeff to intentionally hurt Sun Minghui.

Secondly, when Sun Minghui fell to the ground, when Du Feng instructed the emergency players to come and explain the tactics, Jeff was still very worried about Sun Minghui’s direction. If Jeff was intentional, Jeff would never have such an expression.

Finally, it is also the evaluation of Zhao Rui. Zhao Rui once said that Jeff is a very calm and clean player. Jeff’s past history also proves that he is not a dirty player, so it is even more impossible for Jeff to intentionally hurt his teammates in the national team. Sun Minghui’s injuries are more accidents, that’s all.

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