Wang Jianlin, don’t admit defeat

Article | Market Value Observation, Author | Yuntan, Editor | Xiaoshimei

Wang Jianlin, China’s former richest man, continues to fight while some property companies lie flat.

On the evening of June 28, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted its Hong Kong IPO application materials for the fourth time, more than 500 days after the first listing application.

In the past three years, Wang Jianlin’s life is not easy. The impact of the epidemic, the strictest supervision in the history of real estate, a group of once-famous real estate giants have collapsed.

Considering that the betting agreement with investors will take effect at the end of the year, if Zhuhai Wanda fails to list, then Wanda will face up to 40 billion share repurchase pressure.

For Lao Wang, going public is no longer the "icing on the cake". There are only 6 months left. Wang Jianlin, who does not admit defeat, must fight to the back.

"Wanda Commercial Management is Wanda’s core enterprise. I can lose any enterprise, but this cannot be lost."

But this "lifeblood" continued to be undervalued after it went public in 2014, so in 2016, Wang Jianlin decided to delist Wanda Commercial Management.

In the seven years since, the real estate industry has undergone a sudden change, and Wang Jianlin has always adhered to the "three major tasks" – reducing debt, light asset transformation and promoting re-listing.

During this period, Wanda Commercial Management introduced a number of investors, but also buried the risk of gambling.

In 2017, Wanda shares and debt double-kill, Wang Jianlin bite after the teeth, at the expense of borrowing to Sunac, let Sun Hongbin and R & F tension to 63.75 billion yuan to pick up 13 Wanda cultural tourism city and 77 hotels.

At the Wanda annual meeting in January the following year, Wang Jianlin was in tears:In 2017, Wanda experienced too many storms and hardships.

But the wave has not subsided, and another wave has come to attack.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The nine investors who helped Wanda privatize previously agreed with Wang Jianlin to go public at the end of 2018, otherwise Wanda would have to pay interest and buy back shares.

However, the road to listing of real estate companies is basically locked, Wang Jianlin can only ask for help from old friends, Pony Ma, Zhang Jindong, Sun Hongbin, Liu Jintao opened the purse generously, jointly funded 34 billion, to solve the urgent needs of Lao Wang.

Since then, Wang Jianlin has switched to H shares again, and the listed entity has been changed to Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

On the eve of its listing in Hong Kong, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management launched a Pre-IPO financing, transferring 21.17% of its shares to multiple investors such as Country Garden, CITIC Capital, Ant Group, Tencent, PAG Pacific Alliance Investment Group, etc. A total of about 6 billion US dollars (43.50 billion yuan).

The price Wanda needs to pay is that it must complete the listing by the end of 2023, otherwise it needs to buy back investors’ shares. That is to say, if the listing cannot be completed by the end of this year, Wanda needs to use 40 billion funds to buy back the equity.

The same script played out again, but this time, the friends were already cash-strapped, and some of them could not even protect themselves, so there was no money to help others.

For Wanda, which is currently not well-off, the expenditure of tens of billions of dollars is undoubtedly adding to the woes.

The end of the bet is approaching, and the iron man Wang Jianlin must speed up his pace.

In the history of H-share listings, it is rare for such a large number of IPOs to be repeatedly tossed.

Due to the delay in obtaining the "big road" of the China Securities Supervision Commission, some analysts said that,Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has set a "record" for the slowest overseas listing of a private company.

As early as October 11, 2021, Zhuhai Wanda obtained the acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission and submitted its first listing prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ten days later. But to this day, Wang Jianlin has not yet received the "pass" he has been longing for.

According to past experience, it only takes 3 to 6 months to get from "small road" to "big road", but Wang Jianlin waited 627 days. In addition, several Wanda IPO applications have also stepped on the implementation node of the "Pilot Measures" for overseas listing, and the road to listing can be described as a difficult buff.

Under the pilot scheme, domestic companies seeking to list overseas or in H-shares must obtain, in addition to an acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "small road", "H-share issuance approval" issued by the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "big road". Only after having the "big road" will the Hong Kong Stock Exchange conduct a listing hearing for the company and start the issuance, roadshow and listing work.

In addition to the two "tickets", it also needs to be filed with the Securities Supervision Commission and approved. In other words, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has an additional hurdle of approval.

Previously, Wanda’s listing information had expired three times, and the fundamental reason was that the "big road" had not been approved. On June 2, the China Securities Regulatory Commission raised six major questions to Zhuhai Wanda and asked for supplementary materials. Compared with the ease of listing in 2014, Wang Jianlin’s IPO can be described as even more difficult.

Therefore, in response to the supplementary material requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, whether Wanda’s reply can pass the customs will be the key to the sprint listing.

Looking at the requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, it can be seen that the problem mainly focuses on compliance, including corporate governance, capital exchanges with major shareholders, the authenticity of rental rate data, share repurchase, debt repayment arrangements, and high proportion of dividends.

According to the requirements, the issuer should supplement the materials within 30 working days. That means Wanda has about two weeks to prepare this response.

However, it is better to receive a reply than no news. Wanda also pointed out that "requesting supplementary materials is a normal process, and the listing is still in progress."

Just leave Wang Jianlin time is not much, in the face of the Securities Supervision Commission questions, Wanda iron also need their own hard.

If the "big road" is successfully obtained, coupled with the current policy atmosphere to support the real estate market, it is not impossible for Wanda to accelerate its listing.

Wang Jianlin is a man who refuses to admit defeat.

16 years of military experience have created his character of integrity, perseverance, and perseverance.

At the beginning of his business, he ran supermarkets, factories, elevator factories, substations, and eventually waded into the field of real estate development. But real estate is a capital-intensive industry. Due to his lack of experience, he has walked to the edge of the cliff many times due to capital chain problems.

At first in order to obtain a 20 million loan, he has more than 50 times hope to meet the leader of a bank, sometimes in the bank gate a stand is a whole day, but at that time Wanda is still a little-known small business, the bank is not willing to take risks, the final loan or not down.

On the one hand, he was exhausted for loans, and on the other hand, he was unable to start the project for a long time. Wang Jianlin didn’t sleep for nine days and nights at that time, and on the tenth day, he was directly unconscious in the company and was rushed to the hospital.

"You can’t be afraid of humiliation, you can’t be afraid of setbacks. The living can’t be suffocated to death by urine, and the bank can’t find it, so think of other ways." Wang Jianlin finally rescued Wanda, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, by issuing bonds.

In 2000, Wang Jianlin decided to switch to commercial real estate, but Wanda’s troubles still did not stop. In the first three years, Wanda mainly sold, and the merchants who purchased the shops directly sued Wanda in court for poor management.

In just three years, Wanda has fought 222 lawsuits. Although it has lost only two, the company is struggling to cope. Many people left Wanda at that time to find other ways.

Wang Jianlin did not flinch. In the face of difficulties, he believed in the thinking of "actual combat" and explored innovation and solved problems in practice. "When you reach the Yellow River, you will not die, and if you hit the south wall, you will not look back. When you reach the Yellow River, you will build a bridge and pass, and if you hit the south wall, you will turn over with a ladder."

He came up with an "urban complex" model. "Make a commercial center, build office buildings and apartments next to it. Sell apartments, office buildings, get cash flow, and the shops will run themselves."

This "combination of rental and sale" has allowed Wanda to rapidly expand its territory across the country and gradually grow into the country’s leading commercial real estate enterprise.

From an operational perspective,Wanda Commercial Management is China’s largest and most profitable business operations service provider.

According to the prospectus, Zhuhai Wanda achieved 17.196 billion yuan, 23.481 billion yuan and 27.12 billion yuan respectively in 2020, 2021 and 2022; its net profit during the same period reached 1.112 billion yuan, 3.512 billion yuan and 7.534 billion yuan respectively.

It can be seen that after the epidemic was released, Wanda bottomed out and rebounded, successfully achieved a V-shaped reversal, and its profitability increased significantly. Moreover, the profitability level from 2021 (adjusted by a specific algorithm) to 2022 has exceeded the gambling requirements. Considering the signs of consumption recovery, it will also be a high probability event to complete the betting profit requirement of 9.46 billion yuan in 2023.

The parent company Dalian Wanda Business Management Group is even larger, in 2022, Dalian Wanda Business Management revenue 49.314 billion yuan, net profit 12.301 billion yuan.

Taking Zhuhai Wanda as a reference, its revenue is 3 times and 6 times that of Xincheng Holdings and China Resources Vientiane Life Business Management, and 3.4 times that of the entire China Resources Vientiane Life Profit (2.206 billion yuan).

As of the end of 2022, Zhuhai Wanda had 472 projects under management, covering an area of 65.60 million square meters, making it the world’s largest business operations service provider and the only service provider in China to export large-scale management to third parties.

This asset-light model is not only what Wang Jianlin hopes to achieve, but also favored by capital markets. In Hong Kong stocks, the price-to-earnings ratio of China Resources Vientiane Life is nearly 5 times that of China Resources Land. The market value of Country Garden Services once exceeded that of Country Garden, which is mainly engaged in real estate development. Vanke also split All Things Cloud and listed it in Hong Kong.

The "limit for betting" has been reduced, and the listing battle of Zhuhai Wanda will most likely determine the fate of the real estate kingdom. But Wang Jianlin, a soldier, will not easily admit defeat. For now, this big gamble continues.

In April last year, Wang Jianlin took over the 10-year operation rights of the commercial project owned by Hu Baosen, "the first brother of Henan Real Estate"; five months later, two Wanda workshops in Zhengzhou opened at the same time.

In addition, Wang Jianlin also worked with Xinyuan Zhang Yong and Shanxi Tian Sen Du Yinwu, and took over the operation rights of Beijing Blue Harbor and Wukesong Zhuozhan Shopping Center. In 2022 alone, Wanda Commercial Management was involved in more than a dozen transactions.

Taking advantage of the recovery in consumption after the epidemic, Wanda is back on the road. The latest data shows that Wanda Commercial Management Group opened 12 Wanda Plaza in the first half of 2023, with a total of 484 openings. Total rental income in the first half reached 26.32 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year;

In addition, compared with other business management service providers, Wanda is more efficient, with a rental rate of 98.2% in the first half of the year and a 100% rent collection.

In addition to the core sector of business management, Wang Jianlin also pointed out at the annual meeting that in 2023, in addition to promoting the listing of Zhuhai Wanda Business Management, there will be cultural tourism "starting again".

After selling a number of cultural tourism assets to collect funds, Wanda Cultural Tourism "came back" in 2023. After the Lunar New Year, the once-quiet Wang Jianlin made frequent appearances, appearing in Luoyang White Horse Temple, Luoyi Ancient City, Guizhou Danzhai and other places, and immediately signed a number of cultural tourism projects.

Not only that, Wanda also issued a recruitment announcement called "Return to the Goose Plan", which is intended to bring back people who have worked at Wanda Hotels. More than 100 Wanda hotels are said to have participated in the campaign.

Residential real estate has also begun to return to the public eye. Wanda Real Estate (residential sector) focuses on Wanda’s commercial development and has been located in Wuhan, Guiyang and other places.

"In China’s real estate industry, Wang Jianlin deserves to be ranked first in terms of strategic execution and tactical discipline." Hu Baosen said of Wang Jianlin.

From surviving with a broken arm in 2017 to today’s massive counteroffensive, Wang Jianlin has taken precautions and acted countercyclically, which is the key to Wanda’s long-term survival.

Wang Jianlin once said: "Wanda’s difficulties are only temporary and phased, and Wanda will never lie flat." However, since the beginning of the year, the negative news lingering on Wanda has continued to ferment, causing Wanda, who originally "went ashore early", to once again fall into doubt.

However, these negative news are not completely real, and there are still many controversies. For example, the previously frozen equity of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management 1.90 billion, which Wanda said was worth far more than 1 billion yuan in property disputes. Wanda is using legal channels to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company.

Previously, Dalian Wanda suspended the small public debt of 6 billion yuan, taking into account the current market conditions and voluntarily giving up the issuance, and will not have a direct impact on the listing of Zhuhai Wanda.

In fact, after the crisis in 2017, after Wanda repaid more than 200 billion in debt, the "debt nuclear bomb" has been dismantled. The decisive transformation to light assets has also made Wanda lighter.

Moreover, compared with the crazy leveraging companies such as Sunac and Evergrande, Wang Jianlin has a more forward-looking strategic vision. He often takes precautions before the storm, even at the risk of breaking his wrists, ultimately escaping disaster.

At another crucial crossroads, the former richest man in China is facing a crucial battle.

As his favorite song sings: "I want to go from south to north, and I want to go from white to black." At the age of 69, he chose to stubbornly continue to fight.


Ministry of Civil Affairs: This year, the welfare lottery sales amounted to 184.6 billion yuan, down about 30 billion yuan from last year.

  From December 28th to 29th, the National Civil Affairs Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting summed up the civil affairs work in 2019, analyzed the situation, studied and deployed the work in 2020, and mobilized the national civil affairs system to fight for winning the battle against poverty and building a well-off society in an all-round way.

  On December 29th, the government wechat "China Civil Affairs" of the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the data map of "Civil Affairs Work in 2019" produced by the new government media of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Among them, the data map revealed that in 2019, the welfare lottery sales were 184.632 billion yuan, and the public welfare fund was raised about 53.7 billion yuan.

  The Paper noted that compared with the official welfare lottery sales data in 2018, it dropped by about 30 billion yuan in 2019.

  On August 15th, 2019, the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Civil Affairs in 2018 issued by official website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed that the welfare lottery sales in China in 2018 was 224.56 billion yuan, an increase of 7.58 billion yuan or 3.5% over the previous year. The lottery public welfare fund was raised to 64.36 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6% over the previous year. In the whole year, the civil affairs system spent a total of 25.17 billion yuan on lottery public welfare funds, an increase of 3.0% over the previous year, including 17.15 billion yuan for social welfare and 910 million yuan for social assistance.

  In fact, some media have noticed a sharp decline in welfare lottery sales in 2019.

  According to the report of national business daily on August 4, 2019, "In June, the national lottery sales totaled 34.767 billion yuan, a decrease of 23.862 billion yuan or 40.7% compared with the same period of the previous year. Not only did the monthly data decline, but the reporter combed the lottery sales data in the first half of the past decade and found that the lottery sales showed negative growth year-on-year for the first time in the first half of this year. "

  With regard to the decline in sales data, the national business daily report quoted experts in the lottery industry as saying that in early 2019, in order to regulate the lottery market, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments strengthened the supervision of high-frequency quick-opening games and quiz games, extended the sales time of high-frequency quick-opening games and reduced the number of lottery games. In addition, the ban on internet lottery sales also has an impact on lottery sales.

  It is worth mentioning that the corruption case of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center exposed in 2017 and 2018 has aroused widespread public concern.

  According to an article published on November 9, 2018 on the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, "Reducing repression, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and reconstructing the credibility of Welfare Lottery", the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs started with typical cases to promote the formation of a good political ecology. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have seriously investigated and dealt with a series of corruption problems in the Welfare Lottery field, and seriously held accountable three members of the former party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed there. The Central Leading Group for Inspection Work and the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have successively handed over dozens of clues concerning bureau-level cadres of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

  The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Party Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs unified their thinking and understanding, took practical measures to reduce the stock and curb the increase, and seriously investigated and dealt with the violations of laws and regulations of 14 bureau-level leading cadres, including Bao Xuequan and Wang Suying, former directors of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, and Wang Yunge and Feng Lizhi, former deputy directors, in an effort to reshape the new image of the welfare lottery industry and revive its credibility.

  In January, 2019, according to the report of WeChat official account’s "China Lottery News of Public Welfare Times" on the WeChat of Public Welfare Times, after the implementation of the new Regulations on Function Allocation, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the internal organizations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in charge of welfare lottery management have changed. Before the reform, the welfare lottery management was in charge of the Department of Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion. After the reform, the welfare lottery management has been refined, and the planning and finance department and the newly established charity promotion and social work department are in charge. (The Paper reporter Jiang Ziwen)

Zhao Junzhe: The Shenzhen team is tenacious and must pay attention to giving victory to the people of Hebei who are fighting floods.

# Cangzhou Lions vs Shenzhen Team # Pre-competition Conference

Zhao Junzhe: We have been completing the tournament according to the plan, and our performance against Nantong team is good. The next two home games are crucial. Although Shenzhen is influenced by many off-site factors, it is still tenacious. We also attach great importance to our opponents. This is a difficult game. We should go all out and pay attention to details, and dedicate the victory to the people of Hebei in the joint stage of fighting floods.

Oscar: We are fully prepared for this competition as before. It is a very important competition, and we want to get the most points. In addition, I also want to express my concern to the people affected by the recent floods. My heart is with you.

17 AI tool websites that can work efficiently and make money online.

Since 2020, the field of content development has felt the existence of artificial intelligence tools.

1.Jasper AI


Among the available AI copywriting tools, Jasper is one of the economical and efficient choices for those who seek to make money through content generation.

This tool is proficient in both short format and long format content.

Jasper has a series of functions, including commands to generate content quickly without switching to templates, an efficient long-form editor for creating articles, and a content workflow that contains wizards to help create various types of content, such as blog articles, sales copywriting and rewriting.

Jasper Chat is a special function of the platform, which provides an alternative to Google search and enables AI to generate content using the latest information available.

In addition, Jasper Art (more details below) is an impressive function for generating AI images.

One limitation of Jasper is that it needs manual editing to optimize the content to attract readers and surpass AI detection tools.

Overall, Jasper and Content at Scale are still one of the most useful AI copywriting tools.

2. Jasper AI Art Generator


Use Jasper Art Generator to unleash your inner artist and create amazing visual art works.

But this tool costs $20 a month, so you can use this artificial intelligence software to generate unlimited high-quality images, including abstract art, landscapes and portraits.

This tool is based on the Dall-E-2 model of OpenAI. It uses any input data to create a unique and eye-catching visual effect, which you can use for decoration, marketing and even sales.

Jasper Art has an intuitive user interface and is easy to use even for non-artists.

Through a series of customization options, you can choose your favorite artistic style, media, lighting, etc.

In addition, you can adjust the modifiers to achieve the desired effect. The key to unleashing Jasper Art’s full potential is to write effective AI tips.

3. Frase AI


Frase AI is a revolutionary tool, which may be the missing link in making money in the content world. It is an ideal choice for bloggers and content marketers, and its functions can promote your page optimization to a new level.

Its most impressive function is to optimize the content you generate and draw inspiration from popular search results.

With the introduction and outline generator inspired by SERP, SEO and content planning tools and content optimization tools, Frase AI is the perfect ally for your online success.

And it doesn’t stop there! You will also be equipped with other writing tools that you expect from any AI content generator.

It has a function of free use for 7 days, and after that, you need to pay for it.

4. Writesonic


Writesonic is an important competitor of Jasper AI in generating content. This tool provides a series of functions, which can generate short format and long format content.

Chatsonic is a prominent function of the platform, similar to Jasper Chat, which is connected to the Internet but has more powerful AI functions.

Writesonic’s Premium Writer 4.0 can generate more than 1,500 complete articles with one click, and has more customization options, such as tone, opinions, keywords and an outline of up to 20 items.

If you are looking for a useful and reliable content generation tool, Writesonic may be your best choice.

5. AISEO writer


AISEO is a cost-effective option and can be used as a substitute for Frase.

However, it needs to be charged. AISEO starts at $15 per month and is charged annually.

However, its functions are also very good, including:

Blog generation tool

Readability AI improver

Search engine optimization file

SERP analysis

You can interpret up to 50K characters with one click.

Powerful AI rewriting tool

Chrome plug-ins that generate content

At present, AISEO offers lifetime discounts, starting at $67 for 7 SEO documents, $147 for 15 SEO documents and $397 for unlimited documents per month.

Personally, I think the charge is a bit expensive.

6. ChatGPT


ChatGPT can be regarded as the hottest AI tool at present.

It is supported by the GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 models of OpenAI, and can generate content in any format, including executable code.

What makes ChatGPT stand out is its unique chat query ability, which can remember the previous conversations in the thread, create code lines using the integrated Codex model, and generate high-quality texts that are almost the same as those written by humans.

ChatGPT’s advanced context and dialogue processing function make it a very valuable tool for chat bots and other dialogue systems.

But it is not limited to this, it can also perform a series of natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, text summarization and question and answer.

With ChatGPT, you can easily generate high-quality text for any purpose.

Say goodbye to tedious content creation and let ChatGPT do the heavy work for you.

At present, ChatGPT has also launched a paid version, which costs 20 dollars a month. But I haven’t used it. I don’t know how it is. I feel that the charge is a bit high. If I change it into RMB, it will be more than 100 yuan a month.

Of course, it can’t be used in China at present.

7. Pictory AI


If you are looking for a reliable tool to make brand short films or viral videos to help develop your brand and increase your influence? Please come and see Pictory AI.

This tool has a powerful editor that allows you to modify the video by editing the script.

For example, you can delete unnecessary words or phrases to improve video quality.

Pictory AI is a web application that automatically extracts key points from the recordings of platforms such as Zoom, Webinars and Microsoft Teams without downloading.

This tool can also turn scripts into highly converted sales videos, blog posts into YouTube videos, add subtitles to your videos to improve accessibility, and create subtitled videos for social media.

In addition, Pictory AI provides the following functions:

Script to video generator

Blog to video generator

Ability to edit videos with text.

Create video highlights

Automatically summarize long videos

Video transcription

Insert volume b

You can try Pictory AI for free and experience the advantages of this powerful video generation tool for yourself.

8. Synthesia


Synthesia is a well-known pioneer in AI video generation. The platform provides an intuitive interface, which can simplify anyone’s video creation.

Synthesia’s AI avatar explains your video with almost human voice, and with more than 65 AI actors and more than 60 supported languages to choose from, you can undoubtedly find a voice that matches your brand.

The AI avatar is very realistic, and Anna is the most commonly used avatar by companies such as Copymatic AI and Writecream to make commentary videos.

Synthesia has a series of functions, including multi-language support, video copying and the ability to merge videos created by Synthesia without a separate video editor.

In addition, you can customize the sound, and even replace the synthesized sound with a real voice.

The platform also allows you to use your own voice and customize your avatar, and extend the functions of Synthesia beyond the platform through API access.

However, for a fee of $30 per month, you can use this tool for personal planning, and you can create up to 10 videos.

9. Rephrase AI


If you are looking for a tool to help you turn a script into a complete commentary video, you may want to see this powerful video creation tool.

Similar to Synthesia, it allows you to upload scripts, select your AI narrator and corresponding voice, and then generate commentary videos with just a few clicks.

With a series of customizable functions, this tool can help you create fascinating and personalized videos that really attract the attention of the audience.

With its custom actors, CTA tags, ultra-realistic presenters and personalized functions, you can use merge tags to let AI spell the names of your contacts to increase your influence.

In addition, the tool also provides a video editing studio, which enables you to truly transform your content and take your video to a new level.

10. Photosonic


Photosonic is an excellent AI art tool, similar to Jasper Art Generator.

Developed by Writesonic, it uses the language model of OpenAI to easily generate unique digital art and amazing visual effects.

You can easily create beautiful and high-quality images with Photosonic.

All you have to do is provide basic information about the type of image you want to create, and then let Photosonic do the rest.

From abstract design to intricate landscapes, Photosonic can generate a wide range of digital works of art..

Its features include a built-in photo intensifier that allows you to download a high-definition version of the generated image.


Midjourney is a recently launched AI art generator, which has quickly become popular among art lovers.

Using natural language processing, Midjourney can transform text-based tips into amazing surreal and realistic images. With its intuitive user interface and flexible image change options, the tool is very suitable for those who like to try creativity.

To use Midjourney, you need to have a Discord account and request access to the beta version of the tool.

After gaining access, navigate to the Midjourney channel and enter one of the newcomers’ rooms to start generating images.

Just use the /imagine command to enter the prompt you want, and then let Midjourney create a unique personalized image for you.

To enhance your experience, please use the /help command to get tips on how to better use the platform, and various available commands that can give you better control over the generated images.

With its powerful image enlargement function, Midjourney’s images are ready for commercial applications, such as printing products on demand.

12. WordAi

If you need to rewrite your content, then you may need to consider WordAI, a powerful artificial intelligence tool that supports rewriting.

It can help you enrich your content by handling the same message from different angles, splitting sentences and paragraphs, and improving the quality and clarity of your writing.

WordAI differs from other rewriting tools in that it does not just replace words with synonyms.

It understands the meaning of the sentence, and then rewrites the concept from the beginning to ensure the readability remains unchanged.

This tool can generate up to 1,000 unique variants for a piece of content, and save you time by allowing you to upload all the content at once through its batch rewriting function.

In addition, it integrates with Article Forge and provides API access, allowing you to integrate it seamlessly with your workflow.

13. QuillBot


QuillBot is a very popular rewriting tool.

It has five different modes: Standard, Fluency, Formal, Simple and Creative, and each mode can generate up to five rewriting content variants.

In addition to rewriting, QuillBot also provides an AI content digester, a co-author tool, grammar and plagiarism detection tools, and you can also generate quotations directly.

The best part is that you can access all these functions by subscribing to QuillBot Pro, which costs $10 per month, and the cost is lower if you choose the annual subscription.

14.Copymatic Rewriter


With Copymatic, you can access a complex AI content generator and a powerful rewriting wizard with advanced AI technology.

This AI rewriter allows you to customize your creative level or tone to generate content that accurately reflects your brand image.

Not only that, the re-produced content has been carefully optimized to achieve maximum participation and ensure that your information resonates with the target audience.

With our innovative tools, you can even rewrite the content in the URL, thus simplifying the process of creating fascinating and fresh content for your website or blog.

In addition, our AI rewriter can easily handle long content and ensure that your work is rewritten in a way that improves clarity and influence.

15. Semrush


Want to improve your online image? Just look at Semrush, which is a powerful keyword research tool with value for money.

With a powerful suite of more than 55 tools, Semrush has everything you need to do content marketing, stand out from the competition and conquer the SEO, PPC and social media worlds.

Among its many functions, Semrush can help you mine low-competitive keywords to locate and track your daily SERP location, and conduct technical SEO audit, which makes your competitors far behind.

In addition, with real-time indicators at your fingertips, you can improve existing content and find hidden keyword and topic gaps, thus making your strategy by going up one flight of stairs.

16. SERanking (more affordable keyword research software)


If you don’t want to pay $119.95 a month for SEO services, then I think you will want to try SERanking.

The platform provides all the basic functions needed for successful search engine optimization, including efficient keyword research.

It is similar to Semrush, but it has a simpler interface and is user-friendly even for leisure bloggers like us.

However, it currently starts at $23 a month.

Here are some outstanding features that you can enjoy with SERanking:

Highly accurate search indicators for all target keywords

Comprehensive website audit, providing useful and operable suggestions.

In-depth reverse link inspection and monitoring

Be able to monitor changes on any website you are interested in.

Comprehensive page optimization tools to help improve your SEO work.

Intelligent analysis and automatic publishing tools to optimize your social media channels.

Advanced keyword grouping tool

A variety of SEO reporting tools

Of course, it has a free trial, so you can try it yourself.

17. Stock Photos Upscaler


After using AI art tools to generate images, it should be noted that the quality and resolution of the images are not high.

In order to make them suitable for commercial use, for example, in on-demand printing products, you need to enhance them by upgrading.

Upscaler is a powerful tool to enlarge images and ensure that they meet the required standards. Using Upscaler to improve the quality of AI-generated images.