Wang Jianlin, don’t admit defeat

Article | Market Value Observation, Author | Yuntan, Editor | Xiaoshimei

Wang Jianlin, China’s former richest man, continues to fight while some property companies lie flat.

On the evening of June 28, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management submitted its Hong Kong IPO application materials for the fourth time, more than 500 days after the first listing application.

In the past three years, Wang Jianlin’s life is not easy. The impact of the epidemic, the strictest supervision in the history of real estate, a group of once-famous real estate giants have collapsed.

Considering that the betting agreement with investors will take effect at the end of the year, if Zhuhai Wanda fails to list, then Wanda will face up to 40 billion share repurchase pressure.

For Lao Wang, going public is no longer the "icing on the cake". There are only 6 months left. Wang Jianlin, who does not admit defeat, must fight to the back.

"Wanda Commercial Management is Wanda’s core enterprise. I can lose any enterprise, but this cannot be lost."

But this "lifeblood" continued to be undervalued after it went public in 2014, so in 2016, Wang Jianlin decided to delist Wanda Commercial Management.

In the seven years since, the real estate industry has undergone a sudden change, and Wang Jianlin has always adhered to the "three major tasks" – reducing debt, light asset transformation and promoting re-listing.

During this period, Wanda Commercial Management introduced a number of investors, but also buried the risk of gambling.

In 2017, Wanda shares and debt double-kill, Wang Jianlin bite after the teeth, at the expense of borrowing to Sunac, let Sun Hongbin and R & F tension to 63.75 billion yuan to pick up 13 Wanda cultural tourism city and 77 hotels.

At the Wanda annual meeting in January the following year, Wang Jianlin was in tears:In 2017, Wanda experienced too many storms and hardships.

But the wave has not subsided, and another wave has come to attack.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The nine investors who helped Wanda privatize previously agreed with Wang Jianlin to go public at the end of 2018, otherwise Wanda would have to pay interest and buy back shares.

However, the road to listing of real estate companies is basically locked, Wang Jianlin can only ask for help from old friends, Pony Ma, Zhang Jindong, Sun Hongbin, Liu Jintao opened the purse generously, jointly funded 34 billion, to solve the urgent needs of Lao Wang.

Since then, Wang Jianlin has switched to H shares again, and the listed entity has been changed to Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

On the eve of its listing in Hong Kong, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management launched a Pre-IPO financing, transferring 21.17% of its shares to multiple investors such as Country Garden, CITIC Capital, Ant Group, Tencent, PAG Pacific Alliance Investment Group, etc. A total of about 6 billion US dollars (43.50 billion yuan).

The price Wanda needs to pay is that it must complete the listing by the end of 2023, otherwise it needs to buy back investors’ shares. That is to say, if the listing cannot be completed by the end of this year, Wanda needs to use 40 billion funds to buy back the equity.

The same script played out again, but this time, the friends were already cash-strapped, and some of them could not even protect themselves, so there was no money to help others.

For Wanda, which is currently not well-off, the expenditure of tens of billions of dollars is undoubtedly adding to the woes.

The end of the bet is approaching, and the iron man Wang Jianlin must speed up his pace.

In the history of H-share listings, it is rare for such a large number of IPOs to be repeatedly tossed.

Due to the delay in obtaining the "big road" of the China Securities Supervision Commission, some analysts said that,Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has set a "record" for the slowest overseas listing of a private company.

As early as October 11, 2021, Zhuhai Wanda obtained the acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission and submitted its first listing prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ten days later. But to this day, Wang Jianlin has not yet received the "pass" he has been longing for.

According to past experience, it only takes 3 to 6 months to get from "small road" to "big road", but Wang Jianlin waited 627 days. In addition, several Wanda IPO applications have also stepped on the implementation node of the "Pilot Measures" for overseas listing, and the road to listing can be described as a difficult buff.

Under the pilot scheme, domestic companies seeking to list overseas or in H-shares must obtain, in addition to an acceptance letter from the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "small road", "H-share issuance approval" issued by the Securities Supervision Commission, known as a "big road". Only after having the "big road" will the Hong Kong Stock Exchange conduct a listing hearing for the company and start the issuance, roadshow and listing work.

In addition to the two "tickets", it also needs to be filed with the Securities Supervision Commission and approved. In other words, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management has an additional hurdle of approval.

Previously, Wanda’s listing information had expired three times, and the fundamental reason was that the "big road" had not been approved. On June 2, the China Securities Regulatory Commission raised six major questions to Zhuhai Wanda and asked for supplementary materials. Compared with the ease of listing in 2014, Wang Jianlin’s IPO can be described as even more difficult.

Therefore, in response to the supplementary material requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, whether Wanda’s reply can pass the customs will be the key to the sprint listing.

Looking at the requirements of the Securities Supervision Commission, it can be seen that the problem mainly focuses on compliance, including corporate governance, capital exchanges with major shareholders, the authenticity of rental rate data, share repurchase, debt repayment arrangements, and high proportion of dividends.

According to the requirements, the issuer should supplement the materials within 30 working days. That means Wanda has about two weeks to prepare this response.

However, it is better to receive a reply than no news. Wanda also pointed out that "requesting supplementary materials is a normal process, and the listing is still in progress."

Just leave Wang Jianlin time is not much, in the face of the Securities Supervision Commission questions, Wanda iron also need their own hard.

If the "big road" is successfully obtained, coupled with the current policy atmosphere to support the real estate market, it is not impossible for Wanda to accelerate its listing.

Wang Jianlin is a man who refuses to admit defeat.

16 years of military experience have created his character of integrity, perseverance, and perseverance.

At the beginning of his business, he ran supermarkets, factories, elevator factories, substations, and eventually waded into the field of real estate development. But real estate is a capital-intensive industry. Due to his lack of experience, he has walked to the edge of the cliff many times due to capital chain problems.

At first in order to obtain a 20 million loan, he has more than 50 times hope to meet the leader of a bank, sometimes in the bank gate a stand is a whole day, but at that time Wanda is still a little-known small business, the bank is not willing to take risks, the final loan or not down.

On the one hand, he was exhausted for loans, and on the other hand, he was unable to start the project for a long time. Wang Jianlin didn’t sleep for nine days and nights at that time, and on the tenth day, he was directly unconscious in the company and was rushed to the hospital.

"You can’t be afraid of humiliation, you can’t be afraid of setbacks. The living can’t be suffocated to death by urine, and the bank can’t find it, so think of other ways." Wang Jianlin finally rescued Wanda, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, by issuing bonds.

In 2000, Wang Jianlin decided to switch to commercial real estate, but Wanda’s troubles still did not stop. In the first three years, Wanda mainly sold, and the merchants who purchased the shops directly sued Wanda in court for poor management.

In just three years, Wanda has fought 222 lawsuits. Although it has lost only two, the company is struggling to cope. Many people left Wanda at that time to find other ways.

Wang Jianlin did not flinch. In the face of difficulties, he believed in the thinking of "actual combat" and explored innovation and solved problems in practice. "When you reach the Yellow River, you will not die, and if you hit the south wall, you will not look back. When you reach the Yellow River, you will build a bridge and pass, and if you hit the south wall, you will turn over with a ladder."

He came up with an "urban complex" model. "Make a commercial center, build office buildings and apartments next to it. Sell apartments, office buildings, get cash flow, and the shops will run themselves."

This "combination of rental and sale" has allowed Wanda to rapidly expand its territory across the country and gradually grow into the country’s leading commercial real estate enterprise.

From an operational perspective,Wanda Commercial Management is China’s largest and most profitable business operations service provider.

According to the prospectus, Zhuhai Wanda achieved 17.196 billion yuan, 23.481 billion yuan and 27.12 billion yuan respectively in 2020, 2021 and 2022; its net profit during the same period reached 1.112 billion yuan, 3.512 billion yuan and 7.534 billion yuan respectively.

It can be seen that after the epidemic was released, Wanda bottomed out and rebounded, successfully achieved a V-shaped reversal, and its profitability increased significantly. Moreover, the profitability level from 2021 (adjusted by a specific algorithm) to 2022 has exceeded the gambling requirements. Considering the signs of consumption recovery, it will also be a high probability event to complete the betting profit requirement of 9.46 billion yuan in 2023.

The parent company Dalian Wanda Business Management Group is even larger, in 2022, Dalian Wanda Business Management revenue 49.314 billion yuan, net profit 12.301 billion yuan.

Taking Zhuhai Wanda as a reference, its revenue is 3 times and 6 times that of Xincheng Holdings and China Resources Vientiane Life Business Management, and 3.4 times that of the entire China Resources Vientiane Life Profit (2.206 billion yuan).

As of the end of 2022, Zhuhai Wanda had 472 projects under management, covering an area of 65.60 million square meters, making it the world’s largest business operations service provider and the only service provider in China to export large-scale management to third parties.

This asset-light model is not only what Wang Jianlin hopes to achieve, but also favored by capital markets. In Hong Kong stocks, the price-to-earnings ratio of China Resources Vientiane Life is nearly 5 times that of China Resources Land. The market value of Country Garden Services once exceeded that of Country Garden, which is mainly engaged in real estate development. Vanke also split All Things Cloud and listed it in Hong Kong.

The "limit for betting" has been reduced, and the listing battle of Zhuhai Wanda will most likely determine the fate of the real estate kingdom. But Wang Jianlin, a soldier, will not easily admit defeat. For now, this big gamble continues.

In April last year, Wang Jianlin took over the 10-year operation rights of the commercial project owned by Hu Baosen, "the first brother of Henan Real Estate"; five months later, two Wanda workshops in Zhengzhou opened at the same time.

In addition, Wang Jianlin also worked with Xinyuan Zhang Yong and Shanxi Tian Sen Du Yinwu, and took over the operation rights of Beijing Blue Harbor and Wukesong Zhuozhan Shopping Center. In 2022 alone, Wanda Commercial Management was involved in more than a dozen transactions.

Taking advantage of the recovery in consumption after the epidemic, Wanda is back on the road. The latest data shows that Wanda Commercial Management Group opened 12 Wanda Plaza in the first half of 2023, with a total of 484 openings. Total rental income in the first half reached 26.32 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year;

In addition, compared with other business management service providers, Wanda is more efficient, with a rental rate of 98.2% in the first half of the year and a 100% rent collection.

In addition to the core sector of business management, Wang Jianlin also pointed out at the annual meeting that in 2023, in addition to promoting the listing of Zhuhai Wanda Business Management, there will be cultural tourism "starting again".

After selling a number of cultural tourism assets to collect funds, Wanda Cultural Tourism "came back" in 2023. After the Lunar New Year, the once-quiet Wang Jianlin made frequent appearances, appearing in Luoyang White Horse Temple, Luoyi Ancient City, Guizhou Danzhai and other places, and immediately signed a number of cultural tourism projects.

Not only that, Wanda also issued a recruitment announcement called "Return to the Goose Plan", which is intended to bring back people who have worked at Wanda Hotels. More than 100 Wanda hotels are said to have participated in the campaign.

Residential real estate has also begun to return to the public eye. Wanda Real Estate (residential sector) focuses on Wanda’s commercial development and has been located in Wuhan, Guiyang and other places.

"In China’s real estate industry, Wang Jianlin deserves to be ranked first in terms of strategic execution and tactical discipline." Hu Baosen said of Wang Jianlin.

From surviving with a broken arm in 2017 to today’s massive counteroffensive, Wang Jianlin has taken precautions and acted countercyclically, which is the key to Wanda’s long-term survival.

Wang Jianlin once said: "Wanda’s difficulties are only temporary and phased, and Wanda will never lie flat." However, since the beginning of the year, the negative news lingering on Wanda has continued to ferment, causing Wanda, who originally "went ashore early", to once again fall into doubt.

However, these negative news are not completely real, and there are still many controversies. For example, the previously frozen equity of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management 1.90 billion, which Wanda said was worth far more than 1 billion yuan in property disputes. Wanda is using legal channels to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company.

Previously, Dalian Wanda suspended the small public debt of 6 billion yuan, taking into account the current market conditions and voluntarily giving up the issuance, and will not have a direct impact on the listing of Zhuhai Wanda.

In fact, after the crisis in 2017, after Wanda repaid more than 200 billion in debt, the "debt nuclear bomb" has been dismantled. The decisive transformation to light assets has also made Wanda lighter.

Moreover, compared with the crazy leveraging companies such as Sunac and Evergrande, Wang Jianlin has a more forward-looking strategic vision. He often takes precautions before the storm, even at the risk of breaking his wrists, ultimately escaping disaster.

At another crucial crossroads, the former richest man in China is facing a crucial battle.

As his favorite song sings: "I want to go from south to north, and I want to go from white to black." At the age of 69, he chose to stubbornly continue to fight.


"Clear powder" trap! The software related to the viral spread of this service has great risks.

       CCTV News:Wechat has become the main contact method for many people. On many occasions, people have changed from leaving a phone number to adding friends. The WeChat address book is getting longer and longer, but some people in it rarely contact each other, so a service called "WeChat cleaning powder" came into being. I believe many people have received and seen this information, and even used this service. What you don’t know, however, is that this method may threaten your information security.

       Nianheng is a medical worker. One day in September this year, he suddenly received a WeChat message that surprised him.

       Nianheng: "After I opened it, I found that it was a teacher who had not contacted for a while. She sent a WeChat circle of friends, saying that she had recently used a WeChat powder cleaning service, which was very useful. There was a link at the bottom. I was also very surprised when I saw this news at that time, because I was under the impression that teachers generally did not send such news. "


       Nianheng sent a WeChat to the teacher to ask what happened. The other party replied that she saw a QR code of powder cleaning in a WeChat group. Considering the large number of friends in her WeChat, she really wanted to clean up her friends, so she tried.


       Nianheng: "At that time, after (the teacher) recognized the QR code, she sent some messages to the circle of friends without her knowing it, and also spread these messages to the group, which brought her a lot of trouble. I didn’t do anything else that afternoon, and I have been explaining that I was cheated. It was automatically sent after scanning the QR code. "


       During the interview, many WeChat users reported that they had received the WeChat clear powder link or QR code sent by their friends. These WeChat "clear powder" links will not only automatically send advertisements in the circle of friends, but also steal the user’s personal account information to sell for profit. Netizen Ms. Huang reflected on the consumer complaint platform "Gathering Complaints" that after using the "Clear Powder" service in May this year, she quickly discovered that there was a transaction on WeChat that she did not know, and the other party was an online game. Then she found that in this online game that she had never been exposed to, she actually had her own real-name registered account.

       Wechat "cleaning powder" is actually a big risk in controlling account security.

       So how does this so-called "cleaning powder" service operate, and what information security risks will it bring to users?

       Experts said that the principle of "cleaning powder" is to control the WeChat account to be cleaned by applying cluster control software, so that the account can automatically send messages to all its friends, and then the group control software can identify which ones are "zombie fans" and delete them according to "whether the information can be successfully sent and received". Whether it is mass messaging or group soliciting, users need to scan the QR code to authorize the provider of cleaning service to log in to the web version of WeChat. And behind this, there are huge risks.


       Hu Qimu, a senior researcher at the Digital Economy Think Tank: "The first one is that you authorized him, which is equivalent to him taking over your account, so that he can retrieve your personal information, including WeChat address book, chat record, and your mobile phone’s address book, chat materials, address book and some of your information, which may be leaked; Second, by taking possession of one of your accounts, he will register some other accounts to do something. If these things are illegal, it will have an impact on your personal credit information; Third, he may send some information such as fraud through your account. "

       The first case of "cleaning powder" in China was solved. Experts reminded that scanning code must be cautious.

       Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Nantong City, Jiangsu Province disclosed that they successfully detected a case of illegally obtaining computer information system data by using WeChat "cleaning powder" software in the "Clean Net 2020" special action, and all five suspects involved in the case were arrested, which is also the first case in China that illegally obtained information by using "cleaning powder" software.

       In the detection of the case, the police of the Netan detachment of Nantong Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province found that the illegally obtained user information around the "powder cleaning" software has formed a black industrial chain of illegal reselling.

       Cao Canhua, a policeman of Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province: "After obtaining the control authority of WeChat account, the criminal suspect took the opportunity to illegally obtain the QR code information of users’ WeChat group chat, and saved these QR codes in the form of pictures on the server."

       Subsequently, the criminal suspect resold the user’s WeChat group chat QR code and other information to downstream criminal gangs such as fraud and gambling. In just three months, the criminal gang illegally obtained more than 20 million QR codes of users’ WeChat group chats, all of which were sold to fraud and gambling criminal gangs in Longyan, Fujian and other places. At the same time, it also paid attention to WeChat WeChat official account in batches, brushed reading and praised others, and made profits of more than 2 million yuan.


       Xu Hui, deputy head of the Netan Brigade of Tongzhou District Public Security Bureau, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province: "From illegally obtaining the relevant personal information of WeChat users to downstream advertising, marketing and other cyber crimes, the related network black ash production has formed an independent and closely coordinated industrial chain."

       At present, five suspects involved in the case have been arrested on suspicion of illegally obtaining computer information system data, and the case is being further processed. Lawyers said that "concealment, cross-regionality, and difficulty in fixing evidence materials" are the difficulties in rectifying such chaos, and these characteristics also increase the difficulty of users’ rights protection.

       Bo Meng, a lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, said that based on the huge potential risks of "cleaning powder" software, it is not recommended to use such "services" to raise awareness of prevention and protect personal information; Don’t easily click on links and QR codes from unknown sources; When transferring money abroad, check it in advance.

       We also call on software developers to take more active supervision responsibilities and find ways to block such behaviors from the source to avoid users suffering losses.

Take stock of the top ten popular ski resorts in China

  Recently, the temperature has dropped all over the country, and the snow and ice movement in various places has reached the hottest moment. In the hottest skiing season, Xinjiang has become a "new favorite": Chengdu, Xi ‘an and Beijing are the primary tourist destinations, and the snow field is expected to have more than one million passengers. Counting the top ten popular ski resorts in China, which one do you like best?

Yabuli ski resort

  Yabuli Ski Resort in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province is located in Yabuli Ski Resort on the "Golden Latitude Belt" of skiing at 45 degrees north latitude, and is known as "the birthplace of mass skiing". There are 56 ski trails with a maximum drop of 912 meters, a total length of more than 100 kilometers and a snow-making area of 225 hectares, which can accommodate 15,000 skiers and meet the skiing needs of beginners and advanced players at the same time.

Wanlong Ski Area

  The Chongli Wanlong Ski Resort in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province enjoys a unique natural snowfall, with more than 32 high-quality snow trails and the highest vertical drop of 1740 feet. With the all-weather snow-making technology, it has created a veritable "powder snow paradise".

songhua lake ski resort

  Jilin Songhua Lake Ski Resort has a total length of 41 kilometers of high-quality ski trails, which is the largest ski resort in China, with a ski area of 175 hectares, which can satisfy 10,000 skiers at the same time.

Southshan Skiing Park

  Beijing Miyun Nanshan Ski Resort has 26 kinds of ski trails, including junior high-level ski trails suitable for beginners to improve their skills, and professional ski trails that allow skiers to show their skills. The reception capacity of day and night skiing reaches more than 10,000 people.

Hongsongwang ski resort

  Hongsongwang Ski Resort in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province. Changbai Mountain Range is the first ski resort in China. Together with European Alps and North American Rockies, it is the world’s three major ski resorts and ice and snow tourist destinations featuring powdery snow.

Zhegushan ski resort

  Partridge Mountain Ski Resort in Lixian County, Sichuan Province is the highest ski resort in Sichuan, and it is also the "closest ski resort to the sky".

Taiziling ski resort

  Taiziling Ski Resort in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province has 3 primary skiing, 3 intermediate slides, 2 advanced slides and 3 snow slides, with a total length of 4.2 kilometers. At present, it is the longest middle and senior standard ski run in the west and the most professional ski resort in the southwest.

Jiangjunshan ski resort

  Jiangjunshan Ski Resort in Altay, Xinjiang is an alpine skiing training base in China and the autonomous region, the best skiing tourist destination in the autonomous region, and the only ski resort in Xinjiang with two ski trails certified by the International Snow Federation.

Shennongjia ski resort

  Hubei Shennongjia International Ski Resort has 13 slides with a maximum drop of 210 meters. The ski resort is divided into practice area, primary road, intermediate road and advanced road, as well as single board park and snowmobile park.

Qixingling ski resort

  Qixingling Ski Resort in Yichun, Jiangxi Province, as the first wild alpine ski resort in Jiangxi Province, has an altitude of about 1,500 meters and a core ski area of 20,000 square meters, which can accommodate about 4,000 people skiing at the same time.

  (Pictures and videos are according to Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, Beijing Daily, China Jilin Net, Dahe Net, Northeast Net, Hubei Provincial Sports Bureau, Jiangxi Provincial Cultural Tourism Department, etc.)

Strengthening cultural self-confidence and building a national cultural soft power communication platform

  During the two sessions of the National People’s Congress this year, cultural self-confidence once again became the focus of hot discussion. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. Without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and cultural prosperity, there would be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the new era, China’s cultural construction has ushered in new opportunities for development, which should lead to the prosperity of socialist literature and art and the development of cultural undertakings and industries. We should tell the story of China well, improve the national cultural soft power and enhance the world influence of Chinese culture.

  Carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture and strengthen cultural self-confidence

  The 2018 government work report suggests that the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security should be continuously improved. The report puts forward that it is necessary to carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture, inherit revolutionary culture, develop advanced socialist culture and cultivate and practice socialist core values. Strengthen ideological and moral construction and create mass spiritual civilization. Accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with China characteristics, prosper literary and artistic creation, and develop news publishing, radio, film and television, archives and other undertakings. Strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. Build a new type of think tank. Strengthen the construction of Internet content. In-depth implementation of the project of benefiting the people through culture and cultivation of new cultural formats. Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  China’s cultural self-confidence stems from the excellent traditional Chinese culture nurtured by the Chinese nation’s 5,000-year history of civilization. During the National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress, many deputies suggested that we must vigorously carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture, speed up the construction of a modern public cultural service system, and strive to provide rich spiritual food for the people to live a better life.

  "The values of Chinese culture have become the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation. We talk about cultural self-confidence, mainly the confidence of values. " Chen Lai, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and professor of philosophy department of Tsinghua University Humanities College, believes that one of our important tasks today is to vigorously inherit and develop Chinese excellent culture, strengthen cultural self-confidence and undertake the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  In the view of Jia Pingwa, a representative of the National People’s Congress and a writer, the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, such as literary classics and historical sites all over the country, all reflect our cultural confidence. He said that to strengthen cultural self-confidence, we must learn and inherit excellent traditional culture and literary classics. He admits that in recent years, advocacy and initiatives such as reading by the whole people and restoring traditional culture are conducive to understanding, understanding and strengthening cultural self-confidence.

  Liao Huage, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Nanyang Federation of Literary and Art Circles in Henan Province, believes that strengthening cultural self-confidence must start with teenagers. Young people are the pillars of the country’s future development. It is suggested that we should increase the intensity and scope of excellent traditional culture education from kindergarten to primary schools, middle schools and universities, so that young people can "remember to dig wells while enjoying the cool, and not forget to plant trees", so that they can learn nutrition from excellent traditional culture, find motivation, discover the beauty of Chinese culture, root their cultural confidence in their hearts, and be subtly affected, thus rallying a powerful force for building a great Chinese dream.

  Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and tell the story of China well.

  Practicing cultural self-confidence requires us to tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China well, let Chinese culture go global, and promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries. According to the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the new era, China will actively promote international cooperation in the belt and road initiative, strengthen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, promote the construction of international communication capacity, tell the story of China well, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and improve the country’s cultural soft power.

  The Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Humanities Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries issued by the General Offices of the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council proposes to strengthen the comprehensive communication capacity building of humanities exchanges between China and foreign countries, promote the joint production, joint interview and cooperative publication of Chinese and foreign radio, film and television, publishing institutions and news media, promote the mutual broadcast and exchange of Chinese and foreign film and television programs, implement special exchange projects and plans in the fields of books, films and television, and cultural performances, and enrich the literary and artistic contents and carriers of humanities exchanges; Make "People-to-People Exchange in internet plus" bigger and stronger, and realize the mutual complement and benign interaction between the entity and the virtual exchange platform. By enriching the forms of media communication and building all-media and cultural communication institutions with international influence, we can tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China, explain the road of China, and enhance the closeness of China’s cultural image.

  Wang Shucheng, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and editor-in-chief of the overseas edition of People’s Daily, believes that telling the world the story of China in the new era is to promote the excellent Chinese culture silently and make cultural integration become a bridge between Community of Shared Future for Mankind. China’s culture is extensive and profound, and many ideas reflect the common value pursuit of human civilization. It is necessary to further enhance cultural self-confidence, and tell the story of China carefully by broadening horizons, expanding channels and integrating resources, so that Chinese and foreign cultures can realize benign interaction in exchanges and mutual learning; By further improving the level of creativity, China cultural symbols can be transformed into world-famous cultural products and ideas, and the world can perceive China and understand China through culture, thus effectively improving China’s cultural soft power.

  "To spread the voice of China to the world and tell the story of China well, we need to study and choose the most effective communication strategy. It is necessary to understand each other’s historical traditions, cultural psychology and information acceptance habits. " An Laishun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the International Association of Museums, believes that today, China culture has taken a decisive step to go abroad. What needs to be further strengthened is to let China culture really go in, enter each other’s hearts, resonate emotionally, and let people of all countries truly and naturally realize that Chinese culture is an excellent culture with eternal charm across time and space.

  Wu Hongliang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Beijing Painting Academy, said that telling the story of China well requires innovation in ways and means. He suggested that in the process of foreign cultural exchange, we can fully tap the international art collections and talent resources, and make use of the existing conditions in other countries to complete the exhibition, research and dissemination of China art locally. The result is low cost, quick effect, great influence and deep integration, which can improve China’s cultural soft power with half the effort and provide new ideas for promoting the international communication ability of China traditional culture.

  China Cultural Exchange Network: Actively Building a National Cultural Soft Power Communication Platform

  China Cultural Exchange Network, a comprehensive, public-welfare and cultural information website under the academic guidance of China Institute of Economic Reform and Development of Renmin University of China and Guosheng Think Tank, takes "promoting traditional culture and serving China in the future" as its purpose, actively implements "Several Opinions on Strengthening and Improving People-to-People Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries", earnestly strengthens the construction of communication capacity, and is committed to building an Internet cultural exchange platform and a national cultural soft power communication platform.

  China Cultural Exchange Network integrates the Internet, mobile terminals, WeChat, Weibo, video, newspapers and other media platforms, and is forming a multi-level communication mode such as graphics, text, audio and video. The website has carried out strategic cooperation with domestic authoritative academic institutions, book publishing, film and television production, intangible cultural heritage protection, tourism, big data, industrial parks and other industrial entities, forming a systematic independent intellectual property right of "culture+",which has demonstrated China’s cultural soft power and cultural self-confidence in external communication. In September 2017, China Cultural Exchange Network was awarded the "Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate" by the National Copyright Administration of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (registration number: 2017SR541515). It has successively obtained the trademark right granted by the State Trademark Office (registration number: 13524174), the copyright registration certificate issued by the State Copyright Administration (Guo Zuo Deng Zi -2014-F-00156441), and won the "China Government Website Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015", and the innovative service platform of "internet plus Culture" in 2016, which was approved by Beijing Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau.

  The large-scale network digital platform of "Window of China Digital Expo Hall" established by the website’s independent innovation spreads Chinese excellent traditional culture through the whole media with the digital technology of "Silk Road Cloud" from five aspects: network art museum, network literature museum, network intangible cultural heritage museum, network photography museum and network academic center. Among them, the network academic center is a new network think tank platform launched by China Cultural Exchange Network to promote the integration and innovation of "media think tanks". At present, many famous experts and scholars such as Wang Yiwei, Zhao Lei, Chen Ping, Zhang Xuedong, Ke Yinbin, Yuan Li, Zhao Jianjun, Zhang Baotong and Lu Yintao have been launched, and their important viewpoints, academic achievements and social influence have been presented and displayed intensively.

  China Cultural Exchange Network has long been concerned about the cultural communication and economic development of "the belt and road initiative", and cooperated with the launch of large-scale special topics and special actions involving "the belt and road initiative" cultural exchange, tourism, ecology, pension, health, intangible cultural heritage protection, Chinese medicine, film and television, logistics and other fields. The website launched a series of new media projects such as "Silk Road Meeting Room" and "Think Tank Meeting Room", and through the platform information channel of "internet plus", The belt and road initiative Cultural Communication and Economic Development Forum, the belt and road initiative Intangible Heritage Protection Special Action, the belt and road initiative Hundred People Forum, Silk Road Business Leaders Summit (Xi ‘an), montana International Forum, Silk Road International Film Festival New Silk Road Youth Video Contest, the belt and road initiative (Weinan) Sister City Dialogue, the belt and road initiative (Weinan) Sister City Development Conference, and The Most Beautiful Sunset Red. Henan Zhongyuan Aquatic Logistics Port and other large-scale topics, deeply interpret and promote the demonstration projects and sample projects in the field of "the belt and road initiative" cultural communication and economic development, and explore the new mode of "the belt and road initiative" cultural exchange.China Cultural Exchange Network has held the "Light of Civilization, Person of the Year in China Cultural Exchange" for five consecutive years, focusing on individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of "the belt and road initiative" cultural communication and economic development, and the mutual learning of Chinese culture and Chinese and foreign civilizations, and encouraging all sectors of society to participate in cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  CHINA Cultural Exchange Network participated in the co-sponsored "CHINA in My Eyes" city brand publicity project, covering the "China in My Eyes" photo essay contest and many sub-activities such as China Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Guiyang, Dali, Quanzhou, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The theme of "CHINA in My Eyes" is "Tell the story of China well and spread the voice of China well". Through images and words, it truly records and reflects the new normal in China’s cultural, economic and social fields, promotes people-to-people exchanges and shows the achievements and great progress of urban development. After several years of operation, it has become a large-scale publicity project to display the image of China and shape the city brand, and has made positive contributions to enhancing the country’s cultural soft power.

Another eight.

In the Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup, table tennis in the prime time in the evening ushered in the third contest in the rematch stage. In the first match of the semi-final, Guoping defeated Slovakia, a dark horse team, with a total score of 8-1. In the second round, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng and Malone also beat the China Taipei team by the same score. So this round, in the face of the competition, the strength is the strongest, and at the same time, it has brought great difficulties and pressure to Guoping in other events, and even the French team, where players have defeated the main players of Guoping many times, how will Guoping perform? Will the players give each other a chance to score points on us? Let’s get to know and pay attention to it together.

The first to appear is still the mixed doubles. Guoping sent the strongest mixed doubles, that is, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha’s partner. Their active attack, quick convergence and mutual compensation on the court can be said to be vividly reflected on the court, and their tacit understanding and personal ability are also reflected in the score. In the first game, they didn’t give any chance to the French group A- lebrun and Yuan Jianan, and soon took the lead with the score of 11-1. In the second game of the competition, the state of the French group was improved, and the offensive ability of the French group was also reflected to some extent. Although they were able to bite the score and not be pulled open, the Shatou group went to the next city in 11-8 by virtue of its running position more suitable for mixed doubles and its ability to handle personal key points. In the third game, the French team, like the first game, was completely suppressed by Sha Tou’s team, and there were not many ways to score on the field. Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha scored a drum, and the disparity score of 11-3 went to the next city, thus helping Guoping occupy a clear lead in the big score with a total score of 3-0.

In the second set of the two sides, the French women’s table tennis team sent Pavard, who helped the team score points in the mixed doubles in the previous match. But this time, facing Manyu Wang, it is obvious that her ability and state are not enough to shake Manyu Wang. After the last round of state adjustment, Manyu Wang quickly entered the state in this competition, and came up with two 11-5s, thus gaining a 2-0 lead in the big score. In the third game of the two sides, Pawad played imposing manner, which also resulted in a stalemate in the attack. Moreover, after high quality, she kept biting on the score. But in the end, Manyu Wang made a key point, relying on a backhand diagonal attack to cause the opponent to make a mistake in returning the ball. While winning the third game 13-11, it also helped Guoping to lock in a 3-0 victory again and rewrite the total score of both sides to 6-0.

The third set of the competition is a contest of men’s singles between the two sides. Because the first eight players win, Guoping can lock in the final victory of the competition as long as it can win two more games. Then, can Fan Zhendong directly lock the victory in front of F- lebrun, who has a distinctive style of play and a very fast shot? Look, let’s keep watching the game. In the first game of both sides, Fan Zhendong, although not in excellent condition, was still slow and steady. On the one hand, he was prepared for the opponent’s speed and rhythm, on the other hand, his own attack and quality of shots were also maintained, and he quickly won the first game with a score of 11-7. In the second game, he also led 3-2 at the beginning, forcing his opponent to call a timeout. F In the overall passive situation, lebrun also made use of the time-out opportunity to score continuously, not only tying the score, but also taking advantage of Fan Zhendong’s continuous mistakes. After tying the score 5-5, he achieved an 8-5 lead. His serve and attack were also effective for Fan Zhendong. After the two sides formed a strong stalemate, it was still F lebrun who turned the attack into a score and took a 9-5 lead. Because Fan Zhendong was a little caught up in the rhythm of George W. lebrun, he also made some changes in hair and hair at the end of the game. However, although Xiao Pang tied the score at 9-9, F lebrun scored an edge ball, which helped him pull back a city at 11-9. This is also the first point scored by the French team.

In the third game of the two sides, Fan Zhendong called a time-out for himself on the score of 3-2, and came back after a time-out. F lebrun’s serve and grab tactics were very effective, and his attack on the third board was really fierce, which helped him not only tie the score, but also lead the score of 5-4 and 6-5. After the 6-draw, Fan Zhendong scored another point in the multi-shot stalemate between the two sides, which also inspired the enthusiasm of the audience on the sidelines, and the applause continued. However, Fan Zhendong’s swing back made the two sides draw 7-7. After the 9-draw, 10-draw and 11-draw, Fan Zhendong Coast let the opportunity slip away again, relying on the diagonal attack to make a return mistake in F lebrun, and 13-11 won the third game of both sides, thus helping Guoping 8-1 win the whole game. Congratulations to Guo Ping, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Manyu Wang and Fan Zhendong. Let’s look forward to the more wonderful performance of Guoping in the back.

Kessler: I’m gaining weight in the offseason & strength training is fun&I want to learn more.

Live broadcast on August 5 th Recently, Jazz center Kessler accepted an interview with Tony Jones of TA Jazz.

When talking about last season, Kessler said: "I want to put myself in a position where I can learn as much as possible. I want to play hard, provide confrontation on the court and fall in love with the learning process." I want to learn as much as possible. "

Kessler also mentioned his efforts in the offseason: "(I am) gaining weight and strengthening strength for most of the offseason. It takes hard work, but I’m excited to try to make a difference on the court, so training is interesting. I like the gym. I like to exercise my body. "

When talking about the prospect of being selected for the US team for the rest of the season, Kessler said: "I am very excited and grateful to be a member of the US team. Our team has excellent talent and knowledge. I’m trying my best to study and use this experience to improve myself as much as I can. I am very excited about the next year. We have a lot of talented players, so I’m excited to see how we will play together. Therefore, I am very excited about the World Cup and very excited about the training camp. "

Kessler was the 22nd show in 2022. In 2022-23, he played 74 games for Jazz, averaging 23 minutes, getting 9.2 points, 8.4 rebounds and 2.3 blocks, shooting 72%, and was selected as the best rookie for a while.

Premier League -18-year-old Ferguson double-sounded and three-smoked assists+Zhongzhu Brighton 3-1 saints locked in European qualification

Live on May 21st, in the 37th round of Premier League, Brighton played against Southampton at home. In the first half of this game, Ferguson, an 18-year-old teenager from Brighton, double-rang, sent three assists and a center post, and Brighton led 2-0 at half-time. In the second half, each team scored a goal, and Brighton finally beat Southampton 3-1 at home, which sealed the qualification for next season’s European War.

[Key Events of Competition]

In the 29th minute, Ivan Ferguson, an 18-year-old teenager from Brighton, broke into the restricted area and scored a low goal. Brighton 1-0 Southampton.

Goal playback

In the 40th minute of the game, Sanxun crossed the restricted area after breaking through the sidewalk, and young Ferguson scored twice again. Brighton 2-0 Southampton.

Goal playback

In the 58th minute of the game, Southampton pulled back a goal and El Yunusi headed the goal. Brighton 2-1 Southampton.

Goal playback

In the 69th minute of the game, Gross faced the defenders in the restricted area and volleyed once again to expand the score for Brighton. Brighton leads 3-1.

Goal playback

[Moment of Competition Focus]

In the 8 th minute of the game, Sanxun hit the door in the restricted area and missed slightly.

In the 21st minute of the game, Sanxun steals from the frontcourt and shoots the center post.

In the 62nd minute, Walcott scored, but the offside was cancelled.

In the end, Brighton beat Southampton 3-1. Lock in next season’s European qualification.

The timetable of Vanke Le Run series activities was released, and the 2024 Vanke Dapeng New Year Marathon will return.

recent days

Vanke New Year Marathon released

Schedule of Vanke Le Run Series Activities in 2023

Among them, there are clear

2024 Vanke New Year Marathon

From December to January next year, start the 2024 New Year Marathon.

This may mean the return of Dapeng New Year Marathon, which has been suspended for several years.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Shenzhen Dapeng New Year Mara was founded on New Year’s Day in 2014. On the first day of the new year, Shenzhen Dapeng New District Management Committee and Vanke jointly hold the Vanke New Year Marathon.

From 2021 to 2023, due to epidemic factors, Shenzhen Vanke New Year Marathon was changed to online race. With the release of Vanke Le Run Plan and Dapeng Marathon Plan, on New Year’s Day in 2024, runners have a great chance to run in Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Committed to improving the runner’s race experience, we always uphold the original intention of building the top high-level boutique events in China.

This event has become one of the "Five-Star Runner Experience" events, focusing on runners, emphasizing the concept of experience, service and happy running, and being praised by the majority of runners as the most anticipated hot event in China.

The Top Three Men in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Li Dongxing 2:25:13 (breaking the record)

2 Li Guoquan 2:32:54

3 Deng Guomin 2:34:53

The top three women in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Fu Jing 3:09:46

2 Li Sulan 3:18:49.

3 yihong 3:24:35

Basic information of the event:

(1) Date and time: 7:30-13:30 am on January 1, 2024.

(2) Events: Full marathon for men and women (42.195km)

(3) The size of the counselor: it is estimated that there will be 5,000 counselors.

(4) Venue: Dapeng New District, Shenzhen

(V) Registration channel: log in to the official website (

(6) Registration fee: 300 yuan, the number of places will be on a first-come-first-served basis, and the quota will be closed.

According to previous information:

Qualification requirements for elite runners: from 2014 to 2020 (in any year), runners who finish the Vanke New Year Marathon within 3:30 in men’s group and within 4:00 in women’s group can obtain the qualification for elite runners in this event;

Super fan qualification requirements: from 2014 to 2020, runners who have participated in the Vanke New Year Marathon for three or more times and finished the race can obtain the super fan registration qualification for this event.

The specific information shall be subject to the final announcement by the organizer of the event!

In 2024, Shenzhen Dapeng Vanke New Year Marathon will return!

Are you looking forward to it?

Welcome to leave a message to share your expectations and your memories of Dapeng Horse.