Beijing man registers more than ten accounts for driving an online car, and is sentenced to imprisonment for cheating and making up 10,000 yuan

  Justice Network News (reporter Yang Yonghao, correspondent Zhou Yu, Liang Shuang) A few days ago, a man in Beijing opened an online car-hailing car to cheat subsidies by the Beijing Daxing District Procuratorate filed a public prosecution, the court sentenced Yang Zhijian to five months in prison for fraud, suspended for ten months, and fined 1,000 yuan.

  Yang Zhijian to earn a network about car platform high subsidies, has registered 6 driver number, 12 passenger number, with the passenger number to place an order, and then with the driver number to receive orders, driving an empty car after the trip, with the passenger number to the driver number payment, defrauding the platform subsidy 10,000 yuan. On October 18, 2015, Yang Zhijian was arrested by the public security organs.

  The prosecutor handling the case believes that the occurrence of the case reflects the problems of lax registration review of online ride-hailing drivers, improper setting of reward rules, and poor supervision of the operation process in the operation and management of the company involved. In this regard, the prosecutor issued a procuratorial proposal to the company. The procuratorial proposal attracted great attention from the company, which actively took measures to fill the loopholes in the operation and management, and wrote to the prosecutor about the implementation as soon as possible. Combining the procuratorial proposal with the company’s actual situation, the company has raised the entry threshold for online ride-hailing drivers, strengthened the registration and review mechanism for online ride-hailing drivers, left marks through the computer system, allowed online ride-hailing drivers to get rid of flukes, and strengthened safety education and legal education. At the same time, it has standardized the regulations and order on rewards and subsidies, improved supervision, filled in the loopholes that can be exploited in the rules, and prevented the recurrence of similar crimes.

Officials were reported to have taken care of the female anchor and returned to work less than a week later.

  Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone.

  Screenshot of the exposed video. Network screenshot

  Department-level officials were reported to support female TV anchors, buy BMW cars for female anchors, and provide nearly 1 million yuan of funds to female anchors for their consumption every year. The video of the official and the female anchor being shot abnormally in the room was also exposed. Jin Zeyin, former deputy secretary-general of Zhangjiajie Municipal People’s Government and director of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee, was reported.

  On April 22nd, there was an exclusive media report that Jin Zeyin was reported to have adopted a female anchor. "Jin Zeyin’s dismissal was not notified. In less than a week, he went to the municipal government to go to work normally." Several veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie who did not want to be named questioned this.

  The Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee responded that the official did not report it because the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection was not over; Dismissal is because his life style has been confirmed; It is a resolution of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to work in the municipal government office after his dismissal; Jin Zeyin was a general cadre in the municipal government, but he didn’t hold a post.

  The reporter claimed to be the husband of the female anchor who was adopted.

  On April 20th, an online post titled "Jin Zeyin in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province has been corrupted and committed adultery with Lu Wei for a long time" attracted attention. The poster claimed to be the husband of Lu Mou, an employee of Zhangjiajie TV Station, and publicly reported that Jin Zeyin, an official in Zhangjiajie, had a style problem.

  According to the above net post, since 2012, "Jin Zeyin has committed adultery with my wife Lu Mou (Zhangjiajie TV Station) and bought a luxury BMW car for her, providing her with nearly 1 million yuan for her consumption every year", and so on.

  However, the poster who claimed to be Lu’s husband misspelled his wife’s surname "Lu" as "Lu".

  The report net post distributed a video of 1 minute and 21 seconds, which presented three scenes: a middle-aged man walking around the room in pajamas; The process of a woman wearing pajamas and dressing; A man went out with a woman on his back. This edited video shows that men and women are in the same room.

  On April 21, the relevant person in charge of the network information office in Zhangjiajie confirmed to The Paper that the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a meeting on this report that morning, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Public Security Bureau had intervened in the investigation on the authenticity of the report post. On the 25th of the same month, Jin Zeyin’s personal data disappeared from the official website of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone Management Committee.

  The Paper survey found that Jin Zeyin and Lu had already crossed paths. Jin once served as deputy district head and propaganda minister in Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie City, while Lumou worked in Wulingyuan District TV Station. After Lumou applied to Zhangjiajie TV Station as the anchor of the news channel.

  According to Jin Zeyin’s colleague, who did not want to be named, since the day after the media report (23rd), Jin Zeyin has never appeared in public in the company, and the door of his office has been closed.

  According to the above-mentioned staff, on April 23rd, the relevant staff of Zhangjiajie City Commission for Discipline Inspection came to the Development Zone to announce that Jin Zeyin had been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Subsequently, the organization department came to the Economic Development Zone to announce the resolution of dismissing Jin Zeyin. "At that time, it was only orally announced, and no written documents were seen."

  Veteran cadres questioned that they went to work in the municipal government office after being exempted.

  Three veteran cadres in Zhangjiajie questioned The Paper, saying that Jin Zeyin had been transferred to the Zhangjiajie municipal government office to work less than a week after he was dismissed from his post.

  The veteran cadres said that they learned from relevant channels that the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau launched a "double investigation" on this matter after the incident: on the one hand, it checked the style of Jin Zeyin, on the other hand, it checked the video in the online report post to see if the shooting was legal.

  According to a person familiar with the Zhangjiajie Public Security Bureau, after the report occurred, the relevant departments of Zhangjiajie launched a "double investigation" on the whistleblower and the reported person. So far, the "mysterious reporter" who posted the post has not surfaced.

  The Paper learned from relevant channels that the whistleblower refused to show up for fear of retaliation. Before the online report, the whistleblower sent the detailed report materials to the relevant departments in Zhangjiajie, and only chose to report online when there was no response.

  The reporter tried to get in touch with the reporter many times and was told by him through relevant channels that "it is not convenient to show up for the time being, and all evidence and complete videos will be made public when there is danger".

  Official response Disciplinary Committee has filed a case.

  The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee that Jin Zeyin is married and his wife works in the education system. After Jin Zeyin and Lumou were exposed, Lumou didn’t go back to the TV station to work.

  On May 24, the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee provided reporters with several internal documents stamped with the official seal in response to the query of veteran cadres.

  These documents confirmed that, after research by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to put Jin Zeyin’s violation of discipline on file for review, and to remove him from the posts of Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal People’s Government (concurrently) and Director of the Management Committee of Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone (Zhangjiajie Science and Technology Industrial Park).

  According to the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee on April 25th, Yang Guangrong, secretary of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee to listen to the preliminary investigation and verification of Jin Zeyin’s life style by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Committee.

  The above-mentioned meeting held that the life style of leading cadres is by no means a trivial matter, nor a minor issue, but a major event related to the credibility and image of the party among the people … … Judging from the investigation and verification, there is a violation of discipline in Jin Zeyin … …

  The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection filed a case review on its disciplinary problems and agreed to adjust Jin Zeyin to the work of the municipal government.

  The minutes of the meeting also mentioned that Lu Mou, the relevant party, had reported the case to the public security department on the issue of monitoring and collecting evidence for suspected illegal intrusion into houses, and the municipal and district public security departments should file an investigation according to law and detect the case as soon as possible.

  The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee explained that the current investigation of Jin Zeyin by the Commission for Discipline Inspection is not just a matter of life style, but the economic problems mentioned in the net posts are being investigated together; However, before the results of the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection came out, Jin Zeyin was still a civil servant, and there was nothing wrong with adjusting his post.

  "On the issue of dealing with Jin Zeyin, the Zhangjiajie Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Organization Department and the public security are all investigating and handling according to law, discipline and regulations." The relevant person in charge of the above-mentioned propaganda department said.

Marketing or real use? Robots make table tennis more possible.

  Core reading

  The table tennis robot demonstrates the powerful "behavior" ability of artificial intelligence. In the future, with the upgrading and maturity of table tennis robots, it will help athletes to train better and promote the popularization of table tennis.

  Some time ago, a video of "the longest ping-pong round in history" released by the ITTF aroused widespread concern among fans on the Internet. In the video, professional players and table tennis enthusiasts use different tools such as rackets, spatulas and books to relay the ball back in different environments, and staged an interesting table tennis party.

  Nowadays, the application of artificial intelligence technology has inserted the wings of imagination into table tennis. A table tennis robot with a smart "brain" is constantly challenging. Will it defeat the table tennis world champion?

  Help popularize sports.

  In 2014, German table tennis star Bohr faced a table tennis robot named KUKA. In the face of robots, the former world No.1 player took high gear and low gear, but he could only rely on tennis balls and edge balls to keep up with the score and finally win narrowly. Although this duel is only an advertising marketing, the level of robots was not very strong at that time, but the seeds of imagination have been planted in the hearts of researchers.

  China Table Tennis Institute of Shanghai Sport University cooperated with Xinsong Robot Automation Co., Ltd. to develop two generations of Pongbot table tennis duet robots. Although the fighting robot has only one mechanical arm, it can already achieve man-machine combat. At the same time, through the deep learning and reinforcement learning model in the artificial intelligence algorithm, the robot can "study" the opponent’s movements and hitting methods while playing, and formulate the return strategy by predicting the table tennis trajectory.

  Deng Yaping, the Olympic champion of table tennis, once competed with the second-generation duet robot in a TV program, testing the performance of the robot from three dimensions: speed, strength and rotation. From the beginning of the "helpless" when facing the fast break, to the end, the robot can successfully catch the difficult backspin ball. After one or two hundred rounds of fighting, the robot has shown strong adaptability and learning ability. "Table tennis robots have great potential and cannot be underestimated." Deng Yaping said.

  In fact, robots have been widely used in medical care, automobile, chemical industry, education and other fields. In the field of sports, there are also companies that have produced robots that can complete gymnastics movements. Ren Jie, vice president of China Table Tennis Institute of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, who participated in the research and development of table tennis robots, said that the original intention of designing table tennis robots was to use scientific and technological means to help athletes train better and promote the popularization of table tennis.

  Strong learning ability

  In March of this year, Pombert played against the robot’s "brother" product — — Serve robot comes out. The service robot has two mechanical arms, which can throw the ball with one hand and hit the ball with the racket in the other. Compared with the traditional service machine, the service robot highly restores the service action of real people, provides athletes with time to observe their opponents, and exercises their reaction ability and ball handling ability.

  However, in order to achieve a high degree of personification, in addition to the appearance and action, we must also realize the variety of service. Ren Jie introduced that the service robot can set different rotation types and landing points of the ball, and can simulate different playing styles through the quick change of the racket. "After practicing such a combination, I feel as if I am playing against a real person, or a master!" An experiencer lamented.

  The "trump card" of the serve robot is the function of trajectory analysis and action analysis. Two distributed binocular vision systems are like a pair of "smart eyes", which can capture the trajectory of the ball and the athletes in time. Coupled with the "brain" of artificial intelligence algorithm for deep learning and timely adjustment of technical and tactical strategies, a set of "combination boxing" makes the service robot "smart".

  "If you beat the human Go master ‘ Alpha dog ’ Show us the powerful artificial intelligence ‘ Thinking ’ Ability, the table tennis robot shows the powerful artificial intelligence ‘ Behavior ’ The ability reflects the manufacturing strength in the field of industrial automation in terms of accurate identification, rapid response and flexible control. " Ren Jie said.

  With a deep understanding of table tennis, China Table Tennis Institute has avoided many detours in the process of cooperative research and development of table tennis robots. At the beginning of the design, the serve robot was set at a very fast speed. Later, it was found that this exceeded the acceptance ability of most athletes, which not only failed to achieve the exercise effect, but also increased the configuration of motors and motors, which was completely unnecessary. "Technology research and development should conform to the laws of reality." Ren Jie said, "So we suggest debugging the robot with reference to the speed, frequency and rotation of the ball when the coach conducts multi-ball training."

  Wide application prospect

  In the past table tennis class, 20 students shared 10 tables. If the teacher practiced multi-ball training one by one, it was often difficult to take care of all the students in one class. Gu Nan, director of the training department of China Table Tennis Academy, said that after the school starts, the college will put 10 service robots into classroom teaching. Through personalized settings, each student can carry out targeted training in a mode suitable for his current level. In this way, teachers have more time to guide students.

  Robots can assist teaching, can the training object be robots? China Table Tennis Academy makes serve robots and duet robots become "apprentices". The former uses professional training mode and flexibly adjusts course training according to the progress level of apprentices. The latter quickly learns different return strategies.

  If the goal of the duet robot is to beat the world champion of table tennis, then the service robot takes the route of "being close to the people", which is more suitable for ordinary table tennis lovers to practice basic skills. In the future, in addition to daily teaching, service robots can also enter community fitness centers, table tennis clubs and so on. With such a machine, one person can also play ball. If you set the relevant data, you can have a hearty duel.

  Ren Jie imagined that in the future, with the help of technologies such as 5G and AR (augmented reality), robots may also be able to synchronize the movements of the participants at the other end of the line in real time, realizing the "cloud battle" of table tennis matches, making table tennis break through the limitations of time and space and become more interesting. Shi Zhihao, dean of China Table Tennis Institute of Shanghai Sport University, hopes to lead the development trend of table tennis in the world through the combination of artificial intelligence technology and table tennis. At the same time, in the process of upgrading the related products of table tennis robots, more technological innovations will be applied to the cultivation of high-level table tennis talents.

Arenas: The people who put Russell in the top 10 don’t understand the league, such as AAU, and he can’t get 20 points.

Live on August 2 nd Recently, former NBA player Arenas talked about the top 10 history of Dr. J in the program Gil’s Arena.

Related reading: Top 10 list of Dr. J’s history: Kobe Bryant, James Curry Durant and others all lost.

Arenas said: "Don’t talk about Bill Russell, the league he played at that time was AAU(Amateur Athletic Union, mainly for teenagers) … This shows that Dr. J hasn’t watched the ball for a long time, and anyone who put Bill Russell in the top 10 in history doesn’t understand the ball.

"He and Chamberlain are contemporaries. Chamberlain averaged 50 points and 30 rebounds per game, while he only had 16 points and 20 rebounds. He was just an aggressive player, so he scored less than 20 points. Do you want me to put him in the top 10 in history?

"At that time, everyone was 5′ 10, and there were only eight teams in the league, all of whom were white players. How hard did you say that the league was? Chamberlain scored 50 points per game, and he had to try to score 20 points, which showed that no one passed the ball to him at all. "

Russell averaged 15.1 points and 22.5 rebounds in his career, and Chamberlain averaged 30.1 points and 22.9 rebounds in his career.

The stars are dim! The American men’s basketball team lost to the sparring team in succession, but coach Cole said it was "tradition"

The high-profile American men’s basketball team has concentrated in Las Vegas to prepare for the Men’s Basketball World Cup. These days, the American men’s basketball team is playing a warm-up match with the sparring team for 10 minutes in two consecutive games, but the American men’s basketball team has lost to the sparring team, which makes the outside world have more worries and even doubts about this team that lacks star flavor. However, coach Cole has different views on this. He thinks that the American men’s basketball team has always been like this before, and losing during the preparation period has become a "tradition".
In the face of this year’s World Cup, NBA bigwigs are still uninterested. At present, the established American men’s basketball team lacks absolute superstars and is even regarded as the worst team in history by the outside world. It is true from the talent of players. The core lineup of this American men’s basketball team includes Ingram, Halliburton, bridges and Jackson. Although they are all-star players, they are still far from superstars. Comparatively speaking, the coach lineup of the American men’s basketball team is luxurious, with Warriors coach Cole in command, Clippers owner Bruu and Heat coach Spostra, who are NBA champion coaches.
All the players of this mediocre talent American men’s basketball team are playing the World Cup for the first time. People are not optimistic about what they can do. The fact that this team lost to the sparring team in a row during the concentration period aggravated the worries of the outside world.
However, Cole did not agree. He said, "This is a tradition of the American men’s basketball team, and everyone knows about it. In 2019, that is, in the last World Cup, the sparring team kicked the ass of the team. This is the point. You want the best players to join the sparring team to challenge you. This is what the sparring team is doing now. "
The 2019 Men’s Basketball World Cup was a disgraceful record of the American men’s basketball team. At that time, there was also a lack of heavy players to help them, and they finally got the seventh bad result. However, when the American men’s basketball team went to the Tokyo Olympics and many superstars returned, they won the Olympic champion as they wished. At that time, Cole was an assistant to the American men’s basketball team, assisting the then coach Popovich. Now Cole, who is the coach, is likely to go back to the past.
Text/Beiqing Sports Song Xiang

"The competition for the championship is always the most difficult!"

Guashuai pre-match press conference

If Manchester City can beat Chelsea at home this Sunday, the team will lock in the Premier League title ahead of schedule and complete the feat of winning the Premier League three times in a row.

If Nottingham Forest beat Arsenal in the game later today, Manchester City will confirm defending its title before the game against Chelsea.

Last season, Manchester City’s Premier League suspense was left to the last game. In the end, the team fought back after falling behind 0-2, miraculously reversing the game 3-2 and successfully defending the Premier League title.

When talking about the current season situation, Gua Shuai said:

"We are very happy to qualify for the Champions League final. Now it is impossible for us to stop for a moment, and the more difficult it is at the end of the season. Just like all tennis players know that Wimbledon is the hardest.

On Sunday, we will have the chance to win the most important championship-the Premier League championship. This is the most important thing because we have been fighting for it every week for the past 11 months. "

Then I was asked how the team planned to celebrate if they won the championship this weekend. Gua Shuai said that the team will not hold a grand celebration, because there are still the rest of the season waiting for us:

"I don’t think so. Maybe we will have breakfast together. We have another game the day after. "

"Chelsea deserve it, and the title race is always the hardest. I also want to win the cup as long as I win, but we can’t control Nottingham Forest. We must win the game on Sunday.

We will have time to celebrate at the end of the season. If we win the championship on Sunday, we will celebrate with the people in the team! "

One-click participation

Victory in the city

Super luxury is coming! B seats sign jerseys, League of Legends sculptures, hand-made, tide-playing blind boxes and so on, waiting for you to win!

Third-line sprint, Blue Moon Corps strives to climb the peak again! In order to help our city to achieve better results in the third-line campaign, Manchester City Football Club and LPL have sent many gifts to the citizens!

Click on the applet above to participate in the event with one click, and you will have a chance to win a beautiful gift! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and act!

Blue moon

Premier League conjecture

Against Chelsea this weekend, can we beat our opponents at Etihad Stadium and win the cup in advance?

A new round of Blue Moon Premier League Guess is now open. Click on the applet above to participate in the quiz. The activity runs through the whole season. You can accumulate points to exchange for exquisite gifts provided by many partners by guessing scores, answering questions and sharing. Come and make your prediction!

Player of the year

appraise/discuss and elect

After a fierce primary election, three city dwellers were finally shortlisted for the final stage of Etihad Airways Manchester City Player of the Season! Who will be your best player of the season?

Will you choose the defender who broke out in the season to be called Father Ake? Or Harland, who first entered the Premier League, killed the quartet and made countless records go to the past? Or stick to Manchester City for several years, and the citizens can always trust De Braune?

[Official announcement] Manchester City’s new season home jersey is officially released!

Victory over Real Madrid, Manchester City advanced to the Champions League final!

Before the Europa League final, Mourinho hoped that 16 players, including Dibala and smolin, would stay healthy.

Roma are qualifying for next season’s Champions League through the Europa League circuit.

Before the final of the Europa League on June 1st, Rome still needs to overcome two Serie A matches, namely Salenitana and Florence.

Roma will use this time to restore the health and competitive state of many important players.

In this case, Dibala, smolin and other players may not take risks in Serie A matches.

Just like in the 35th round of Serie A, although AC Milan lost to Spezia 0-2 away, Mu Shuai decided not to be tempted. In the same round against Bologna, he chose a large number of young players to play, thus giving up the opportunity to chase points and leaving force for the Europa League.

Mourinho will continue this strategy, and will use two Serie A games to prepare for the restoration of Dibala, smolin, chaaraoui and other players in the best possible way.

Smolin once won the Europa League with Jose Mourinho at Manchester United, but Dibala has not won the honor in Europe. The Argentine player hopes to make a breakthrough.

Looking at Roma’s injuries this season, Mourinho hopes that at least 16 first-team players will be ready for the Europa League final in the next two games. This means that the young players of Roma will get more playing time.

Aunt Guangdong plays mahjong ten times and nine times to win! Won more than 70 thousand in six months. How did she do it?

Recently, a woman in Guangdong was playing.mahjongI won nine out of ten and won more than 70,000 yuan in six months. This news has aroused the attention and discussion of many people, and everyone is concerned about this kind of "mahjongHow did "Talent" do it is full of curiosity and speculation. In fact, I want to be inmahjongWinning is not just about luck andnatural endowmentsInstead, it is necessary to accumulate and improve the comprehensive quality in many aspects.

First of all, if you want to be inmahjongTo win, one must have certain technical ability.

He needs to have a certainmahjongBasic knowledge, such as card type, rules, licensing principles, and the practical application of different ways of playing, needs in-depth study, such as understanding skills such as drifting and breaking.

Not only that,mahjongYou need to rely on your insight, analysis, memory and calm response ability in tense moments, which are all necessary.

Secondly, a person also needs iron willpower and patience. He must be able to keep a clear head at any time and give full play to his best level. Can’t be influenced by others, becausemahjongThe turning point of every card, even every time you play a card, will affect 3.gameThe trend.

Keep calm and learn to understand and control.gameCommunication, especially in the face of a pit that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Some successful experiences mainly focus on how to deal with the accumulated cards and the cards you get, and how to make good decisions by using your own experience and knowledge. If there is no good judgment and decision-making, inmahjongOften fail in haste.

Third, the quality of the winner also includes the ability of communication and coordination.mahjongNeed to communicate and cooperate closely with other players, team spirit wins.keyOne.

Some more advanced skills also require teamwork, such as associative memory and truth (a strategy to increase speculation).

participate inmahjongIt is necessary to have good interaction and response, and to be good at dealing with communication and exchanges with people, not the epitome of going it alone.

Even inmahjongDuring the rest period, we should also maintain a high reputation and the way of getting along with the team, especially the winner is not arrogant, and his words and deeds consciously safeguard his own virtue and value system.

Finally, it is the mentality of winning. A glance shows that a positive mentality is to win.mahjongWinning the gamekey.

Winning or losing is a matter for military strategists. The so-called Chuangguan Avenue must face the strange spicy taste and rhythm, not try to keep calm and calm.

After experiencing victory and failure, we should not only see the victory side, but also regard failure as an integral part of success, and sum up experiences and lessons from it, so as to keep unchanged and cope with all changes.

People are not immortals. It is a natural phenomenon to lose and win, so don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will have some self-esteem for temporary failure.

Based on the above contents, we can draw the conclusion thatmahjongWinning requires the improvement and tempering of comprehensive quality, not only the mastery of technical ability, but also the ability of communication and coordination, patience, willpower, emotional restraint and so on.

"Guangdong a woman to play.mahjongAlthough the news "Ten Beats and Nine Wins" has attracted a lot of attention, I believe that the efforts and efforts behind it have not been accumulated in the past few months.

Behind the glamorous appearance of any successful person, there is pay, tears and sweat. We don’t know whether this woman will continue to win next, but the saying that’ the winner is king’ can be described asmahjongIt has been fully interpreted in.

After seeing these cards, are you ready to move? But watching others play cards and playing cards by yourself are definitely two completely different things. If you want to get started as soon as possible, I recommend a mahjong textbook "Illustrated Mahjong+Super Memory" for you.

This book is divided into two volumes. The first volume, Illustrated Mahjong, mainly explains in detail the design rules of mahjong tiles and several common ways of playing them. After you get to know them from the shallow to the deep, I will teach you some common routines of playing cards and some tips of card line analysis.

If you want to master a skill, then it is essential to have a theoretical foundation. Why do some people play mahjong all their lives, or are they said to play cards at random? It is because in the early theoretical study, I didn’t lay the foundation, set up the correct thinking of playing cards, and didn’t have a correct understanding of mahjong tiles.

If you want to play mahjong well, instead of simply joining in the fun, then I strongly recommend this book, which not only explains how to play mahjong for you. At the same time, it also straightened out your thinking of playing cards in the future, that is, helped you lay a solid foundation in the early stage.

Compared with many online gossips, this book is more authoritative, systematic and comprehensive. And summed up the playing methods of most kinds of mahjong cards in China, whether you want to learn southern mahjong or northern mahjong? The tutorials in it are all available.

WL picture shows mahjong winning skills, super mnemonics, practical practical skills guide for playing mahjong.