[Video ]2010 auto china

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    CCTV (China News): Come and pay attention to auto china. As the largest auto show in China, the unique scenery of luxury cars is indispensable. Luxury brands such as Porsche, Bentley and Bugatti have appeared one after another. Let’s follow the camera to feast our eyes.

    This car is the most expensive luxury car in this auto show, the 2010 Bugatti Veveyor 16.4 Sport Edition. It is the first time to appear in the Asia-Pacific region, and the price abroad has reached 2 million US dollars. In terms of power, it is equipped with a strong 987 horsepower output, a four-turbocharged 8.0-liter W16 engine, a dual-clutch gearbox and an all-wheel drive system, and the top speed can reach 407 kilometers per hour.

    Next, we see Lamborghini’s latest model LP670-4, which is limited to 10 units worldwide. It is equipped with a 6.5L-V12 engine with an output power of 670 HP and a top speed of 342 kilometers per hour. The other LP570 is specially sold in China market, and uses a four-wheel drive 5.2LV10 engine.

    Bentley brought a brand-new flagship model that made its debut in Asia at the Beijing Auto Show. It was equipped with an 8-speed automatic transmission, which was nearly handmade and weighed nearly 2.6 tons. It takes only 5.1 seconds to accelerate from standstill to 100 kilometers, and the top speed can reach 296 kilometers per hour.

    Porsche has brought a hybrid car. This 918 is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system and a two-seat high-performance sports car with an engine in the middle. It has a 500-horsepower V8 gasoline engine and three electric motors. However, the fuel consumption is only 3.0L per 100 kilometers.

    BMW, a new hybrid concept car, uses a 1.5L turbocharged diesel engine and is equipped with a hybrid system at the front and rear, with a maximum power of 356 HP, a cruising range of 640 kilometers and a fuel consumption of only 3.76 liters per 100 kilometers.

    Other luxury car brands, such as Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and British finidi, have also introduced new models at this auto show. (Editor: Jassamyn Liu)

Editor: Liu Yi

Teach you to beware of these three common infectious diseases in spring.

  The grass grows and the warbler flies, and the spring blooms. Spring is not only the most beautiful season, but also the golden period for traveling and vacationing, but we must pay attention to health and safety when going out, especially to guard against these three common infectious diseases.


  Measles is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by measles virus, and the seasonal incidence peak of measles is from March to May every year. Because of the rapid spread of the virus, it is one of the most contagious infectious diseases, and it belongs to Class B infectious diseases legally reported in China.

  Measles patients are the only source of infection, and the virus can spread through droplets or direct contact with nasopharyngeal secretions of infected people, so people are generally susceptible. The main symptoms are fever, red maculopapular rash, accompanied by cough, runny nose, tears, photophobia, sore throat, general fatigue and other symptoms, and some cases are accompanied by serious complications such as pneumonia.

  At present, the most effective preventive measure is measles vaccination. Similarly, taking Beijing as an example, school-age children can get three doses of measles vaccine free of charge. At the same time, in order to protect the health of migrant workers from other provinces and their children, Beijing also provides free measles vaccination for migrant workers from March to May every year, and provides free measles vaccination for their children under 6 years old.

  In the high incidence season of measles, remind everyone to pay attention to 4 points.

  First, strengthen self-protection, pay attention to wearing masks, and try to reduce to crowded public places with poor air circulation.

  Second, if you have fever, rash, cough and other symptoms, go to the hospital as soon as possible and wear a mask when you see a doctor. If you are diagnosed with measles by the hospital, you should be treated and isolated according to the doctor’s advice. Don’t go to work or school with illness to prevent the virus from being transmitted to your family, classmates or colleagues.

  The third is timely vaccination to protect children’s health. Parents must take their children to get measles vaccine according to the appointment time of vaccination clinic. If you find that your child has missed the vaccine, you should go to the vaccination clinic as soon as possible to replenish the vaccine.

  Fourth, enterprises, businesses, service places and other units with more migrant workers should take the initiative to contact the vaccination clinics of community health service centers and actively organize employees to vaccinate against measles. When people go to shopping malls, cinemas, hospitals and other places with high mobility, they should also wear masks to do proper protection, especially when accompanying patients for medical treatment and infusion, and do a good job of protection to minimize the detention time in the hospital.


  Rubella is a respiratory infectious disease caused by rubella virus, which occurs frequently in spring and is generally susceptible to people. After being infected with the virus, symptoms such as fever and cough appear in the early stage, and then light red spots and papules appear on the face first, which quickly spread all over the body.

  Children’s illness is usually mild, and pregnant women suffering from rubella may lead to fetal death or congenital defects such as congenital heart disease, cataract and deafness, which is called congenital rubella syndrome.

  It is understood that the vaccine containing rubella has been included in the immunization program in Beijing, that is, one dose of measles-mumps-rubella combined attenuated live vaccine is given to children aged 8 months, 18 months and 6 years respectively. With the increase of vaccination rate of children, adults, especially women of childbearing age, have gradually become the main body of rubella cases.

  At present, Beijing has entered a period of high incidence of rubella. In order to avoid virus infection, we should remind everyone that school-age children who have not been vaccinated according to the procedures should go to the local vaccination clinic as soon as possible. Adults with unknown vaccination history are also advised to vaccinate with a dose of rubella. For children and adults who have not been vaccinated, they should go to public places where people gather as little as possible, and pregnant women should avoid contact with rubella patients.

  In addition, it is also necessary to open the window indoors often for ventilation. If there are symptoms of fever and rash, you should go to the hospital in time. After being diagnosed with rubella, you should avoid contact with people around you.


  Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus, which is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and direct contact with varicella-zoster liquid, and can also be transmitted by virus-contaminated appliances, such as toys, stationery, door handles, etc. Like other infectious diseases, chickenpox has an epidemic season. May to July and October to January are the peak periods of the disease.

  The disease is highly contagious, and people are generally susceptible, but it is more common in children. In the epidemic season, after being infected with varicella virus, precursor symptoms such as fever, general malaise, fatigue and sore throat may appear in the early stage.

  At the onset of chickenpox, the rash first appeared on the head and trunk, and gradually spread to the limbs. At first, it was a red macula, then it became a papule and developed into herpes. One or two days after herpes, herpes begins to dry and scab from the center, and the surrounding skin blush disappears, and then the scab skin falls off after a few days. Spotted papules, blisters and scabs often exist at the same place. If there are no complications, it can heal itself in about two weeks.

  It is worth noting that patients with chickenpox are the main source of infection, and patients with mild symptoms are easily overlooked or misdiagnosed. For newborns or immunocompromised people, chickenpox may be a fatal disease. Because most herpes zoster occurs in people over 50 years old or with low immune function. Generally speaking, the symptoms of adults infected with the virus are generally heavier. Moreover, don’t think that once you have chickenpox, you will be safe for life. When your immunity declines, you can’t rule out the possibility of secondary infection, and the virus in your body may relapse and infect herpes zoster.

  At present, vaccination with varicella vaccine is the most effective preventive measure. Taking Beijing as an example, it is recommended that school-age children be vaccinated with two doses of varicella vaccine according to procedures: the first dose at the age of 18 months and the second dose at the age of 4 years. Children over 4 years old who have only received one dose of vaccine in the past are advised to replant the second dose of vaccine.

  In the season of high incidence of chickenpox, everyone should pay attention to the following four points:

  First, when you find yourself or your child with fever, rash and other unwell symptoms, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for a definite diagnosis. Please wear a mask when you see a doctor. If you are diagnosed with chickenpox, you should be treated in isolation at home, and you should not go to work or school with illness to prevent others from being infected.

  Second, the isolation period until all the chicken pox and herpes scabs or rashes subside, students need to go to the health care department of the hospital to issue a certificate of resumption of classes, and the school can only return to school after inspection.

  Third, schools and kindergartens should pay close attention to the incidence of chickenpox in children, and report cases of chickenpox to the health department of the community health service center to which the unit belongs in time.

  Four, the occurrence of varicella epidemic units, should actively cooperate with the disease control departments to implement comprehensive prevention and control measures to avoid the spread of the epidemic. (Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou Daily, qianjiang evening news)

Beautiful but dangerous! Firecrackers frequently injure people. Will it be forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year this year?

This article is transferred from: Agricultural TV Network
The sound of firecrackers said goodbye to the old year.
Celebrate the New Year in fireworks.
Set off fireworks and firecrackers in the New Year.
It is a long-standing tradition in China.
With the flavor of the year getting stronger and stronger
When people set off fireworks and firecrackers
News of being injured has happened from time to time.
How can we avoid tragedy?
In recent years
Many places, including rural areas
Have already issued a "prohibition order"
What are the local policies this year?
set off firecrackers and fireworks
Beauty and danger coexist.
Setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year symbolizes happiness and beauty. However, according to the annual hospital report, many people are injured by setting off fireworks and firecrackers during the Chinese New Year every year, ranging from skin injuries to broken fingers, eye injuries and deafness, resulting in lifelong disability and even death.
In recent days, news about injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers has been repeatedly screened.
On January 24th, there was a loud noise in Jintaiyangguang Square, Pingchang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province. Five manhole covers in the square were blown up one after another, and white smoke was everywhere. The scene was a mess. A boy of about 10 years old and his mother were injured and fell to the ground. Witnesses at the scene revealed that the accident was caused by the boy’s playful throwing firecrackers into the sewer of the square, which led to the explosion of methane in the sewer. Five nearby manhole covers and floor tiles were instantly blown up, and the child and his mother were injured because they had no time to dodge the cracked floor tiles and manhole covers.
On January 23, 74-year-old Uncle Chen in Changsha, Hunan Province dug up some firecrackers when he was cleaning at home. He wanted to try to see if it could still be used, so he ran outside and lit a fire. Unexpectedly, just as he lit the fire, the firecrackers suddenly exploded. Uncle Chen was accidentally injured in his right hand. After the incident, his family rushed him to the hospital for treatment. At present, the end of the thumb and middle finger of the old man’s right hand are all defective, and the doctor has performed a broken finger repair operation for him.
On January 22nd, an 8-year-old boy picked up an unburned fireworks tube and played. His right hand was blown to pieces and his bones were exposed. The doctor performed vascular suture and nerve repair, and the boy’s finger blood circulation has now recovered, but the nerve injury needs a long time to recover.
During the Spring Festival every year, there is a high incidence of accidental injuries caused by fireworks and firecrackers. Most of the causes of injuries are the purchase of inferior fireworks and firecrackers, or the lack of safety protection measures when they are set off.
Chinese new year this year
Can we set off fireworks?
In recent years, with the increasing awareness of public safety and environmental protection, more and more places have joined the ranks of "forbidden families".
It is worth noting that this year, rural areas were specifically mentioned when the notice of prohibition was issued in many places, because there are many dry firewood and haystacks in rural areas, which are easily ignited, thus causing fires. Take Beijing as an example. It is forbidden to set off firecrackers in both rural and urban areas, otherwise there will be various penalties.
Although many places have issued "prohibition orders", we still hope that we can analyze the specific situation and not let all places ban fireworks and firecrackers. From the current point of view, although there are great restrictions on the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in some places, they can be divided into forbidden areas and areas outside the forbidden areas. If they are outside the forbidden areas, they can still be discharged.
For example, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province recently issued a notice, starting from January 1 this year, the scope of the forbidden zone is within 300 square kilometers of the main city area, and other places in Wuxi area can still set off fireworks and firecrackers according to the specific requirements of relevant departments.
Haikou City, Hainan Province has also issued relevant notices about the forbidden zone before, and fireworks and firecrackers can still be set off in areas other than the forbidden zone.
In addition to the release of the "Prohibition Order", on January 25th, the State Post Bureau also issued a notice requesting to further strengthen the delivery control of inflammable and explosive articles such as fireworks and firecrackers.
The circular pointed out that local postal administrations and delivery enterprises should guard against criminals using delivery channels to commit illegal and criminal acts, and prevent prohibited articles from flowing into delivery channels and causing major delivery security incidents.
set off firecrackers and fireworksThe origin of
"In addition to the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su." During the Chinese New Year, just hearing the crackling firecrackers will know that the New Year is coming. So, why set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival?
When the ancients struggled with various natural phenomena, they often encountered problems that could not be scientifically answered and dealt with, which were often attributed to illusions such as ghosts and demons. They rise from the sun to shine on the earth, and all things are revived and rejuvenated, which leads to the association that fire, light, red and sound are the most sacred and powerful things, which can overcome all evil spirits and avoid evil.
There is a legend that there is a monster called Nian, who often comes to ruin crops and hurt people. Later, people found that Nian was afraid of fire, lit a bonfire, and then put a lot of bamboo in the fire to roast. Bamboo made a crackling noise. Nian beast was so scared when he heard these noises that he began to run around the village. However, people had already put out their own pasted lanterns and hung them in front of the door, which made Nian beast even more flustered and quickly ran to the Woods and disappeared.
Today, we set off firecrackers, although it means to get rid of the old and welcome the new, but it has no superstitious color. Every New Year, everyone will put up red couplets, set off firecrackers, light candles, and keep vigil all night in beating gongs and drums to welcome the arrival of the New Year.
set off firecrackers and fireworks
safety first
Finally, Xiaobian should remind everyone that safety protection should be done when fireworks and firecrackers are allowed to be purchased and set off.
When buying, do "four looks":
1. Look at the operator’s license:It should be purchased in a formal place with a "Fireworks and Firecrackers Business (Retail) License", and should not be purchased at unlicensed stalls or illegal vendors peddling by bicycle.
2. Look at the product content:You should buy fireworks and firecrackers with relatively small dosage, and don’t buy large fireworks and firecrackers such as harmful fireworks bombs.
3. Look at the product appearance:Products with neat appearance, no mildew, integrity, no deformation, no drug leakage and floating should be purchased.
4. Look at the product logo:Products with complete and clear signs should be purchased, that is, formal factory name and address, warning signs, Chinese discharge instructions, etc.
When discharging, do "six noes":
1. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers within 100 meters of the production, storage and business units of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods and the surrounding areas.
2. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in stations, transportation hubs, urban main roads and railway line safety protection zones; Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers in the safety protection zone of power transmission and transformation facilities.
3. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off in state organs, cultural relics protection units, medical institutions, old-age care institutions, schools, libraries, archives, museums, children’s activity places and their surrounding areas.
4. Fireworks and firecrackers are not set off intensively in shopping malls, bazaars, public cultural activities and other places.
5. Do not set off fireworks in corridors, balconies, alleys and lawns.
6 rural fireworks should be far away from factories, warehouses, farmers’ markets, grain depots, firewood piles, etc.
At the same time, when setting off fireworks, fireworks should be placed on the ground smoothly. If there is any abnormality, please do not go near the product immediately, and wait for at least 15 minutes before handling it.
Fireworks are beautiful.
But when it was set off,
be sure to be safe
Remember, remember!
Sources: People.com, Post Office website, Beiqing.com, The Paper and Guangxi News Channel.
Edit | Kang Xuanshan
Editor | Jiang Lin
Supervision and examination | Zhong Qian

The retired village party secretary took in a "dumb brother", and his children and grandchildren regarded him as their family. A special reunion dinner witnessed the love between the host and the gues

Extremely popular journalist liu junhua.

Video clip liu junhua

Correspondent Hu Mengxiao Tan Xuejiao


At noon on the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month, a special reunion dinner in Gaojiadian Village, Huya Street, Xiaoting District, Yichang City added a lot of warmth and celebration to the village covered by Ruixue.

Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao, two old people sitting in the main seat, are a pair of brothers who have forged a special relationship. Twenty-one years ago, Sun Changqing invited Liu Guobao, a disabled person in the same village, to live in his home. For many years, his children and grandchildren regarded Liu Guobao as their elders, and the family respected the young and respected them happily, which became a beautiful talk in the local ten miles and eight townships.

Three generations send blessings to invite the protagonist of the reunion dinner.

In the early morning of the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, it was snowing in Gaojiadian village, and the rural fields were full of ink and wash styles. There are red lanterns hanging on the trees on the roadside in the village, and the strong flavor of the year is coming.

Sun Changqing’s three sons are posting Spring Festival couplets at their doorsteps. Sun Xiying, the eldest, is 53 years old and works in Zhijiang. The second child, Sun Yibo, is 50 years old and works in Xiaoting City. The third son, Sun Yihua, is 47 years old and works in Shenzhen. They all came back specially to celebrate the New Year with Liu Guobao, the "fourth dad", because the "fourth dad" who has lived in their home for 21 years has just got a new residence this year and no longer spends New Year’s Eve with his family as in previous years.

The wives of the three brothers are planning a reunion dinner in the kitchen. Sun Changqing greets his son, Yihua and his granddaughter to write the word "Fu" for Liu Guobao and send it to his new room for posting.

At 10: 30 in the morning, Sun Changqing walked to Liu Guobao’s new residence more than 300 meters away from their home with rice and oil. Xi Ying and Yi Bo solemnly posted the word "Fu" on Liu Guobao’s door, and Liu Guobao, who was nearby, quickly greeted him, saying "Wow, Wow" happily with his relatives. Although everyone can’t hear what Liu Guobao is saying, they all know that "Fourth Dad" misses them very much.

The family surrounded Liu Guobao and returned to the Sun family’s old house. The steaming dishes were full of tables. Sun Changqing took Liu Guobao to the main seat, and his wife, Wang Bangying, sat around with his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. The whole family poured drinks and raised their glasses to wish each other a happy reunion.

Liu Guobao was not formal. He looked at these younger generations with a small glass of wine and a smile on his face. As an outsider for more than 20 years, he watched his family grow up day by day …

Retired old township party secretary takes back a dumb brother

Sun Changqing is 76 years old. He joined the army at the age of 17. He worked as a signal soldier in a certain unit of the People’s Liberation Army in Lanzhou for six years. He retired in 1968 and returned to his hometown. He worked as a group secretary, a battalion chief and a village party secretary in Gaojiadian Village. He retired in 1997 and transferred to Huya Street Office to engage in logistics work.

Liu Guobao is 11 years younger than Sun Changqing. He is a farmer in Gaojiadian Village. Since he was a child, he could not speak because of language barriers. His family was very poor and he never got married. He followed his old father to farm. After his father’s death, his old residence was dilapidated and gradually became uninhabitable, and life was very difficult.

In 2000, when Sun Changqing came home, he learned about Liu Guobao’s situation. He discussed with his wife and wanted to take Liu Guobao to live at home. Wang Bangying, also an old party member, used to be the village women’s director and was very supportive of her husband’s idea.

In this way, 44-year-old Liu Guobao was invited to Sun Changqing’s home and became a long-term guest in a room on the second floor. Sun Changqing has only one stove at home. Every meal is cooked by Liu Guobao on the stove first, and then Wang Bangying cooks for the whole family.

On weekdays, Liu Guobao works in his own several acres of responsibility fields and does odd jobs during the slack season. Sun Changqing found that although Liu Guobao didn’t communicate well with others, he was ingenious, able to weave baskets and baskets, and also able to repair bicycles. He was particularly diligent and economical. A plastic basin was broken and mended, and it was used for more than 10 years.

Sun Changqing gave Liu Guobao a key to the gate, and every room in the house was open to him. In addition to living in a room, Liu Guobao insisted on not taking advantage of anything else, and even Sun Changqing’s hot water would not be borrowed casually.

After getting along for a long time, Sun Changqing respected Liu Guobao more and more. Every time he went home, he would sit and chat with Liu Guobao. Although I can’t hear what he said clearly, I can understand his meaning roughly. When there is something to discuss, two people will communicate with each other with pen and paper.

Liu Guobao also trusted Sun Changqing very much, and the two men gradually became brothers.

Because Liu Guobao is the fourth in his family, Sun Changqing asked his three sons to call him "the fourth father". Although the three sons are not often at home, as long as they come back, they will bring some alcohol and tobacco to honor the "fourth father" and invite him to eat at the same table.

At that time, Sun Changqing’s three grandchildren were still young. Liu Guobao loved children very much, helped them bathe and took them to play.

Wenfeng, a 23-year-old grandson, worked as an intern in Nanjing after leaving the army. He was closest to Grandpa Four since he was a child: "When I was a child, I didn’t like to eat grandma’s cooking, but I liked to squeeze into Grandpa Four’s arms to cook a small stove."

At the reunion dinner, he and his sister raised a glass to wish grandpa four good health, and the old man held the cup happily from ear to ear.

Twenty years of friendship between gentlemen set an example of harmony and family style.

Zhao Xirong, secretary of the general branch of Gaojiadian Village, told Jimu journalists that it is not possible for everyone to invite an outsider to stay at home unconditionally. What is more difficult is to live kindly and affectionately. Therefore, the special brotherhood between Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao made the whole village pay tribute. Liu Guobao has gout, and sometimes the pain is unbearable in the middle of the night. Sun Changqing will ride a motorcycle and take him to the clinic for an injection.

At first, some people suspected that Sun Changqing took Liu Guobao in order to help him work and earn money for his work. In fact, over the years, Sun Changqing has never received Liu Guobao’s rent, utilities, and often sent him some vegetables, meat, clothes and shoes.

Sun Changqing never asked about the money saved by Liu Guobao for farming and odd jobs.

What moved Sun Changqing was that Liu Guobao himself was poor and thrifty, and when his little grandson Wenfeng joined the army, he gave 50 yuan a red envelope; On Sun Changqing’s 70th birthday, Liu Guobao gave 100 yuan a red envelope. Sun Changqing didn’t refuse too much. He cherished his brother’s friendship.

Zhao Xirong said that Xiaoting is a land of the cultures of the Three Kingdoms and has always advocated friendship. A friend of a gentleman like Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao is really admirable.

Recalling the initial intention of accepting Liu Guobao 21 years ago, Sun Changqing said: "I am a retired soldier, a Communist party member, and a village party secretary. How can I turn a blind eye to the difficulties of the villagers?"

In fact, the brotherly love between Sun Changqing and Liu Guobao is also a good example of their harmonious family style. The three generations of the Sun family are affectionate brothers, friendly sisters-in-law, and orderly, which makes the neighbors very envious.

In October last year, Liu Guobao’s younger brother rebuilt his new house and took his brother back to live with him. Considering that he is old, Sun Changqing has limited care for Liu Guobao. After consulting him, he agreed to move back to live with his younger brother.

It is precisely because of the first separation of the Chinese New Year in 21 years that this early reunion dinner was held. On the table, Sun Changqing specifically told the younger generation: "If I am a hundred years old, you should continue to take good care of my fourth father."

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# Music Sharing

The second Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards Concert was held in Hung Hom Gymnasium, Hong Kong on January 28th, 1984, sponsored by Radio Television Hong Kong.

1. "Walking the Life Road"-Teresa Teng: This is a classic Chinese pop song, written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by Miyuki Nakajima and sung by Teresa Teng.

2. "Red Doubt"-Anita Mui: This song is the theme song of the Japanese TV series "Red Doubt", written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by SHUNICHI TOKURA and sung by Anita Mui.

3. "I just like you"-Danny Chan: This is one of Danny Chan’s representative works, written by Zheng Guojiang and composed and sung by Danny Chan.

4. Love in Late Autumn-Alan Tam: This song was written by Lin Mincong, composed by Li Haojun and sung by Alan Tam.

5. Time flies-Anita Mui: This is a classic Cantonese song, written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by Kitaro and sung by Anita Mui.

Adam Cheng: This song was written by James J.S.Wong, composed by Gu Jiahui and sung by Adam Cheng.

7. "Xiao Li Fei Dao"-Bowen: This is a classic martial arts song, written by Lu Guozhan and composed by Gu Jiahui.

8. The Root of Love-Alan Tam: This song was written by Lin Mincong, composed by Chen Feili and sung by Alan Tam.

9. Teana-Guan Zhengjie: This is a classic Cantonese song, written by Lu Guozhan, composed by Lu Guanting and sung by Guan Zhengjie.

10. "Fishing boats sing late"-Guan Zhengjie: This song was written by Lu Guozhan, composed by Li Xiaotian and sung by Guan Zhengjie.

The selection of the top ten Chinese golden songs shows the prosperity and development of the Hong Kong music scene in 1983. These award-winning songs have also become classic Chinese pop songs, which are still deeply loved and sung by the audience.

Cultural return: the deep logic of the butterfly change and leap of traditional cultural programs

Author: Li Zhi

In recent years, a number of traditional cultural programs have been popular on the screen, which has aroused enthusiastic response from the audience, media and society, and has become a highly regarded cultural trend phenomenon. From Chinese Character Dictation Conference, Chinese Poetry Conference and Reader, to National Treasures, Classical Poems, China in Stories, China in Classics and China Festival Series, it can be said that traditional cultural programs mark the development trend of industry culture turn for us, and they are "speaking well" in the new era.

Henan Satellite TV’s "Wonderful Tour of Tanabata in 2023" dreams of returning to the Red Chamber, showing romance.

The scene telling the story of Sanxingdui in the third season of National Treasure.

New national style: a distinctive feature as a trend phenomenon

Despite the different themes and forms, the new national style is the most distinctive style label of these excellent traditional cultural programs. The new national style, that is, the emerging China style, is manifested in the popular fashion that generally uses traditional cultural elements in popular culture. On the basis of spreading Chinese excellent traditional culture, traditional cultural programs explore the greatest common denominator with youth culture, network culture and other cultures of the times, and become a popular program type with the new national characteristics of integrating the old and the new and aesthetic mutual learning.

In fact, looking back at the development history of TV programs in China, as early as the 1960s, Beijing TV Station had launched cultural programs such as Cultural Life and Life Knowledge. In the 1980s and 1990s, traditional cultural programs with distinctive features emerged, such as "Bookstore Painting Garden" and "Kyushu Theater". However, although traditional cultural programs have always been an important part of the TV program sequence in China, they have long been caught in an embarrassing situation of applauding and not being a hit. Especially in the wave of TV industrialization, faced with the arduous journey of viewing, traditional cultural programs have always been difficult to become realistic choices and symbolic programs that TV stations are keen on.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, traditional cultural programs have gradually explored a new national style innovation road of "entertaining" and become popular in the whole network with a gesture of "cultural return".

Looking at the present through the long lens of history, the valuable question is how traditional cultural programs change and jump. What is more worth asking is, why is it that traditional cultural programs continue to "break the circle" to form a trend phenomenon of the times?

The method of "double creation": the leap of butterfly as an artistic creation

Since the policy of "promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture" was put forward, the artistic creation of traditional cultural programs has a fundamental methodology, that is, adhering to the integration orientation of "thought+art+technology", refining Chinese excellent traditional culture in a flexible and diverse way, and achieving a deep image description of "cultural China".

5,000 years of Chinese traditional culture is extensive and profound. Traditional cultural programs regard it as a treasure house of creative inspiration, and select representative cultural symbols to describe it. This kind of "metonymy" strategy can be seen only from the program name: China in Classics, which tells the story of selecting classics, Chinese Poetry Conference, which relives the beauty of Chinese poetry, and China, which shows the extraordinary skills of intangible heritage. With the continuous excavation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the theme of this kind of programs has been subdivided from the popularization of general knowledge such as poetry quiz, idiom quiz and Chinese character contest to the interpretation of professional contents such as cultural relics and archaeology, intangible techniques, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which highlights the vertical thinking of program creation.

With the help of this kind of program, the audience stepped into the historical Milky Way, which is separated but in the same strain, and picked up brilliant cultural treasures. Traditional cultural programs deeply rooted in different fields appeared one after another, and a polyphonic "cultural suite" was compiled.

When the Internet platform becomes the infrastructure of the digital age, "brush" has become a common way of life, and attention has become the object of competition for programs. Based on the audio-visual communication ecology with diverse supply channels and overloaded information content, traditional cultural programs do not stick to the existing model, but follow the platform thinking and innovate the program model with light program duration, modular program units and strong narrative program content. Take a series of out-of-the-circle parties of Henan Satellite TV as an example: "Wonderful Tour of the Dragon Boat Festival" takes the astrological meaning of "Long Xing Zhongzheng" in the Dragon Boat Festival as the theme, and invites the "Mahua FunAge" team to join in the dragon boat race, and the dramatic chapter story of fighting for tokens is connected in series with modules such as Feng Wang Caige, Flying Dragons in the Sky and wormwood Qingqing, so as to show the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the duration is controlled within one hour. The relatively independent and distinctive special programs are very suitable for the communication logic of the Internet platform. The classic is The Banquet at the Tang Palace, which can trigger a hot discussion on the whole network. It is precisely because of its short, pithy and eye-catching features that it grabs the audience’s attention with colorful clips on the Internet platform, and then it plays a role of diverting from short to long, improving the popularity of the whole series of programs.

In addition, the new model increasingly pursues that a single work can produce the climax effect of visual wonders and soul shock, and puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the program. Based on digital technology, traditional cultural programs form an ultra-real virtual-real space and construct a dynamic perception field of "audience-work-artistic conception", which not only makes traditional cultural elements come to the fore, but also moistens the Chinese aesthetic spirit. For example, "Poetry and Painting China" refines the scenery into a single element and draws it in layers in the presentation of "Journey to the West Mountain", and strives to retain the natural Chinese painting texture in the special effect reorganization of later modeling. During the lens push and pull, the mountains with high peaks and steep peaks echo each other with the waterfalls flowing with silver lines, outlining the magnificent mountains and rivers with long mountains and thousands of images, so that viewers can truly feel the character of the ancients "the mountains stand on their backs and the scenery stops" Another example is the interpretation of "Imitating Yang Dazhang’s Painting of Jinling in Song Courtyard", in which the program gives the picture a 3D animation effect of ink and wash. In the painting, when people wander from the countryside to the city, the audience seems to have crossed back to the prosperous Jinling, where "the king is full of gold and beautiful", and feel the beautiful painting meaning of "people are happy in the rich years, and they walk on the streets in Gansu".

The visual presentation from the real to the virtual makes poetry and painting break through the limitations of physical laws and live in the way of reappearance of image wonders. The surreal artistic spirit not only extends the imagination boundary of the audience through the visual impact, but also brings the immersive experience by capturing the details that must be present, thus realizing the virtual reality of traditional classical aesthetics in the audience’s psychological level in the spiritual immersion that is also true and illusory.

Subjectivity and Identity: Deep Logic as Cultural Practice

An era has an era of literature and art. The reason why traditional cultural programs can stand out from numerous literary and artistic creations and form a phenomenon of "cultural program fever" that lasts for several years is not only because of the renewal of creative ideas and the improvement of production ability within such programs, but also because program production is a typical cultural practice with reflective experience that germinates in social culture and will respond to it interactively.

In other words, artistic production is deeply connected and mapped with the collective mentality and common emotion of the times, and the common emotion of each era will also give birth to the cultural trend belonging to that era.

Then, in order to further clarify the deep logic of the popularity of traditional cultural programs, it is necessary to base on the vivid experience of the times and explore the active and tense potential text structure of programs that are outside the text structure and coupled with the current collective emotional psychology.

Facing the globalization context of comparison and communication between Chinese and Western civilizations, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cannot be separated from the realization of Chinese modernization. However, in the world discourse system about modernization, "western modernity" once monopolized the definition of modernization, and western modernization was even directly equated with the only model. Therefore, only by reflecting on the western paradigm, establishing China’s legal expression and establishing his subjective position in the global pattern can we endow "China modernity" with Chinese modernization and realize the reinterpretation and rewriting of the discourse system of "modernity". In this process, both the country and the people are experiencing the thinking of "what is China", and the questioning of "who am I" reflects the collective mentality and common emotional demands of contemporary China society eager to consolidate cultural subjectivity and condense identity. Excellent traditional culture is the "root" and "soul" of the Chinese nation, and it is an important way to distinguish "the other" from "self" and gain subjectivity and identity.

Indeed, the top-down policies at the national level, such as "inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese aesthetic spirit" and "telling the story of China well", and the bottom-up cultural consumption at the public level, such as the craze for Chinese studies and Hanfu, all indicate the effectiveness of answering "China" with Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Returning to traditional cultural programs, whether the theme is to pay attention to festival culture, to focus on the art of poetry and painting, or to focus on historical archaeology, is a useful exploration of the policy of "double innovation", and the underlying logic it follows cannot be separated from "two combinations". The media performance of "Cultural China" gives the audience great imagination. In the auspicious film feather with traces of civilization, the cultural relics restorer makes the old things new and shows the distant and gorgeous history to future generations. In the endless stretch of Tang poetry and Song poetry, countless stars shine in it, writing the most vivid footnote for "Why China"; In the intangible skills that bear the context of a thousand years, the inheritors have persisted for decades to realize the identity of the nation as a nation … On the one hand, these traditional cultural programs have stirred up the national cultural genes in the same strain by excavating and presenting the cultural memories behind cultural symbols, greatly satisfying the imagination needs of the audience to gain a sense of historical relevance from the long-standing Chinese civilization, and effectively enhancing the national self-esteem and cultural self-confidence of the audience. On the other hand, following the principle of "keeping the right and not being old-fashioned, respecting the past and not restoring the past", we should reconstruct Chinese excellent traditional culture in the times, and integrate the spiritual concepts attached to traditional excellent culture, such as the unity of family and country, the common good of the world and the coexistence of all things, with the core values of contemporary socialism, so as to consolidate the cultural subjectivity in the deep echo of China in the past, China in the present and China in the future.

It is true that traditional cultural programs are highly in line with the common feelings of the times, and with the unparalleled communication power of audio-visual media, they produce and spread the cultural power that condenses collective sensibility, which is the deep motivation to harvest the emotional resonance of the audience and generate a huge emotional community. However, it still needs to be emphasized that the audience’s aesthetic needs and appreciation ability continue to grow and improve. In specific creation, traditional cultural programs still need to stimulate imagination and creativity, be innovative in content, form and other aspects, and fully demonstrate the essence and charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture to meet the audience’s aesthetic expectations, so as to avoid homogenization and stand on the forefront of the highly competitive mass cultural products track.

(The author is a doctoral student at Shanghai Film Academy of Shanghai University)

Source: Wen Wei Po

Set catering, entertainment, culture, business in one! New progress in the project of capping the main structure of this commercial complex

As a comprehensive tourism and leisure resort integrating tourism, culture, business and performance, Sanzao Port’s "Huan Yun Oriental" business and cultural tourism project is a major project jointly planned by Lingang Investment Control Group and wanxiang town to support the promotion of regional development level. It will combine the essence of the traditional culture of "24 solar terms" to create a unique rural leisure tourism and business culture and technology entrepreneurial town.

The capped plot C06-04 covers an area of 9400.1m2, with a total construction area of 40636.1m2. It is a commercial complex building integrating catering, entertainment, culture and commerce.

Wanxiang Town said that the "Huan Yun Oriental" project will effectively promote the development of wanxiang town business district, improve the economic level and hard power, and further accelerate the urban transformation and future development of wanxiang town.

Old player Yi Jianlian: Sweat and witness the glory! The story behind renewing the contract and reducing the salary by 2.5 million.

Old player Yi Jianlian: Sweat and witness the glory! The story behind renewing the contract and reducing the salary by 2.5 million.

For decades, Yi Jianlian sweated on the court and witnessed the glorious course of the Guangdong men’s basketball team. He used to be a representative star of the men’s basketball team, and now he still insists on fighting hard on the field. It is understood that in order to renew the contract, Yi Jianlian offered to reduce his salary and was willing to continue to cooperate with the team with an annual salary of 2.5 million. This decision reflects his loyalty and affection for the Guangdong men’s basketball team, and also reflects his understanding and support for the team’s economic pressure. Yi Jianlian is not only an old player of Guangdong men’s basketball team, but also one of the legends of China basketball. Looking back on his career, those flash moments when he was young are still vivid in people’s memories. He entered the Guangdong Youth Team at the age of 15, and then became the top pick in the NBA draft, which became the pride of China basketball.

As he grew into a top star, the Guangdong men’s basketball team also made its mark on the national basketball stage. The glorious course of Guangdong men’s basketball team is closely related to Yi Jianlian’s name. His joining brought infinite hope to the team and became a key link for the team to win the championship. Numerous difficult attacks and exquisite defense have become the beautiful scenery on the road to winning the championship. Looking back, Yi Jianlian, as the soul of the team, witnessed the moment when the Guangdong men’s basketball team won the championship many times, and every success was condensed with his sweat and efforts. The word "struggle" is probably the best annotation of Yi Jianlian’s career. No matter how difficult the opponent is, no matter how much pressure he is under, Yi Jianlian never flinched.

Those determined eyes and the belief of never giving up deeply infected every Guangdong men’s basketball fan. No matter what the result of the game is, he always insists on going all out to show his best side to the fans and opponents. It is this fighting spirit that makes Yi Jianlian an an irreplaceable part in the history of Guangdong men’s basketball team. The glory of Guangdong men’s basketball team did not stop, but continued to move forward under the guidance of Yi Jianlian. The team won the championship again, which added to his career. For the fans of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, these victories are not only the honor on the court, but also the joy and pride shared with idols. Yi Jianlian’s success belongs not only to himself, but also to the whole team and every fan who cheers for the Guangdong men’s basketball team. Behind the success, there is also a selfless dedication.

In order to renew the contract of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, Yi Jianlian offered to reduce his salary by 2.5 million yuan. This decision is not rash, but his deep affection for the team. Perhaps because he knows the team’s situation too well, he understands that the Guangdong men’s basketball team needs to make economic compromises. As a member of the team, he chose to share weal and woe with the team and help the team through difficult times. Yi Jianlian’s decision to renew his contract and reduce his salary has aroused admiration and emotion from fans and teammates. His loyalty and dedication have become an example for Guangdong men’s basketball team and a shining example for the whole sports world. He not only proved himself with strength on the field, but also showed the responsibility and responsibility that a professional player should have in his life. Today, Yi Jianlian’s basketball road continues.

Although the years have engraved their marks on his face, his faith and love remain the same. He told the fans that he would persist and continue to work hard for the Guangdong men’s basketball team, bringing them more glory and joy. The fans of the Guangdong men’s basketball team will, as always, support him and accompany him through every moment of basketball. In just a few decades, Yi Jianlian witnessed the glorious course of the Guangdong men’s basketball team, and he himself has become an indelible legend in the team’s history. His story tells us that hard work and dedication are not only on the basketball court, but also an attitude towards life. That persistence and love will always be engraved in the hearts of Guangdong men’s basketball team and basketball fans. Let’s cheer for the glorious course of this old player and continue to look forward to the continuation of his basketball legend.

Inter Milan will meet the opportunity of reconstruction after 13 years: promote the younger lineup and reconstruct the salary system!

The news about Inter Milan these days is basically that the Nerazzurri have reached the Champions League final again after 13 years. "This is really exciting news for all Inter fans. Since Inter Milan won the Champions League in 2010, in these 13 years, Inter Milan went from top to bottom, and the next year. In addition to the Champions League, we missed the Champions League. " League match. "Won the league championship for the sixth year in a row. Therefore, the promotion of this Champions League final will be the highest stage of the European War after many years of trough for Inter Milan!

But we are not only happy, but also see the hidden dangers in Inter’s active lineup: the aging lineup and excessive salary, which are all hidden dangers that limit the healthy development of the team and are necessary. Thirteen years ago, Mourinho led a group of veterans to help Inter Milan win the first and only Serie A triple crown in 100 years. However, Mr. Moratti, the father who devoted himself to the team and the players, failed to promote the reconstruction work in time due to the old lineup and the heavy salary burden of the team, which led to the deterioration of the team’s financial situation. And the grades dropped sharply. Bottom. Then he was forced to sell it to Indonesian Tohir. As a pure businessman, he never thought about running Inter Milan so well that it sank in the following years.

History is always repeating itself! Thirteen years later, Inter Milan once again reached the stage of the Champions League final, and ushered in another opportunity for reconstruction. In view of the two major problems of batting line, we will introduce young players to replace veterans, promote the rejuvenation of batting line, reduce the salary burden and rebuild the salary system!

Promote the younger batting order. Last season, Inter Milan was the oldest team in the top five of the league, but this season they have improved and become the only oldest team in Serie A.. But no matter what level, it is not an honor for Inter Milan.

Among Inter’s three strikers, 37-year-old striker Zhe Ke relies on skill and talent, but he has played a significant role by scoring goals for Inter and creating opportunities for his teammates in the frontcourt. Zhe Ke’s goals (goals+assists) decreased by nearly 40% compared with last season, and he can only maintain a "waiting time" of about 60 minutes, so the required concentrated schedule is a bit difficult. Intense.

On the defensive line, the aging of the defensive line is more serious because of Sikh’s departure and acerbi’s joining in the future. Acerbi, 35, Damian, 33, substitute A Dai, 34, and Devry, 32, whose contract is about to expire, are among the outstanding main defenders this season. The older defence is more experienced, but I am worried about his physical condition and possible injuries!

In addition to the 34-year-old mkhitaryan who joined in the midfield position this season, the main and substitute age ranges are reasonable, and rich experience and sufficient physical strength are also important reasons for supporting Inter Milan. Mid-stage. Therefore, gradually introducing young players to replace old players and reducing the average age of the team is an important way to improve the vitality and physical fitness of the batting lineup.

The reorganization of salary structure and reaching the final of the Champions League not only brought brilliant performance in sports, but also brought huge capital gains of more than 100 million euros, which helped alleviate the team’s financial crisis. Yes, it just "alleviates" rather than "solves" the crisis. In other words, it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. Based on various benefits, Inter Milan will lose about 100 million euros this season if they don’t sell their players! Of course, this figure could have been lower, but Seck’s change fled to Paris, and the advertising debt of 23 million euros hanging on his chest could not be recovered, leaving about 75 million euros in Intel. I slipped out of Milan.

However, in these financial difficulties, after last summer’s cost-cutting campaign, Inter Milan’s player salary this season is still 132 million euros (AC Milan is 86 million euros), ranking second in Serie A. Yes! Lu Kaku’s 8.5 million euros, Zhe Ke’s 5 million euros, Debrie’s 3.8 million euros, Correa’s 3.5 million euros and Handa’s 2.5 million euros, but the performance of these players does not match the salary.

Special Olympics and Origgi are currently the highest paid players in AC Milan, about 3.5 million euros. However, Romano said that Rio’s salary after contract renewal is 5 million euros plus bonus, which may make the salary system of AC Milan more healthy. There are no fewer than six people with an annual salary of more than 5 million euros in Inter Milan, which shows that the overall and structural salary cost of the team is higher than that of individual individuals! It is precisely because he refers to Cristiano Ronaldo and lautaro that Bastoni dares to offer a renewal price of 5 million euros!

From the current point of view, Lu Kaku, Zhe Ke, Devlai, Handa, Danbu, etc. all want to stay in the team and have to accept different degrees of salary reduction. Cristiano Ronaldo and Bastoni can try to sell, while Correa can sell or rent them to ease the salary pressure of the team. In the next 2-3 seasons, through a series of combination boxing, the annual salary cost of the team will be reduced to less than 100 million euros, and efforts will be made to solve the problem of players overpaying.

Conclusion Under the current financial crisis, Inter Milan must reorganize the salary structure of the team, reduce the number of veterans, advocate a younger lineup, and promote the reduction of the overall salary level. The financial pressure will only increase, and the team will be dragged deeper and deeper. Deep into the abyss! Of course, reform is always accompanied by pain! To achieve this goal, as long as Inter Milan ensure the lowest score of the top four in each season, they can accept the result of losing the championship for several consecutive seasons.

As a club with a history of 100 years, Inter Milan should pursue a long-term bright future, not a short-term glory.