Byd Tang 4S shop spontaneous combustion! @ Wang Chuanfu, what about the agreed "Never catch fire"?

On April 2, a video of a netizen broke the news that a BYD Tang (parameter picture) under maintenance spontaneously ignited in a BYD 4S shop in Shaoguan, Guangdong. The video shows that the accident occurred on April 1. In the video, the scene was full of black smoke and fire, and many firefighters were rescued.

The on-site staff of the store said, "It is a car problem, not a fire. It has been solved now and can be maintained normally."

As can be seen from the video screen, this is undoubtedly BYD Tang’s confusion, and from the front face, it is highly probable that Tang dmi was listed at the Shanghai Auto Show last year.

"Erase the word’ spontaneous combustion’ from the dictionary of new energy vehicles." In 2020, Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, made such rhetoric at the blade battery conference.

However, "spontaneous combustion" has not been erased, but "hitting the face" has come very quickly. After that, BYD’s various new energy vehicles have been experiencing spontaneous combustion accidents.

On March 25th this year, BYD Tang, a new car owner in Shanghai, spontaneously ignited while parked, and the vehicle was badly burned, leaving only one frame. The owner said that he had negotiated with the manufacturer and paid directly, but BYD officials did not make a public statement on the matter. We also don’t know the cause and effect of the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle.

On January 26th, a failed BYD Tang DM-i car in Shanghai was suspected to have caught fire on the way to the trailer. As can be seen from the pictures at the scene, the car has stopped burning. According to the picture observation, the car can’t have caught fire during driving, but it should have caught fire when it got on the trailer. There is no official news about the specific reason.

Also in January this year, a video of a fire accident of BYD dolphins came out on the Internet. Judging from the live video, the fire is large and accompanied by cracking sound.

Last November, a BYD Qin Pro EV caught fire in an underground garage in Beijing. At that time, the owner had not got off the bus, and suddenly felt that the voice was wrong. He immediately picked up the child and got off the bus to escape. Judging from the photos on the scene, a lot of white smoke emerged near the vehicle, and there was an obvious fire point at the bottom. After being put out, BYD Qin ProEV was seriously damaged and had no maintenance value.

In July, 2021, in a collision test conducted by the media, BYD Han EV and Beiqi Extreme Fox Alpha S conducted a frontal collision test. Unexpectedly, after the collision was completely cut off and left standing for 48 hours, this BYD Han EV equipped with a blade battery had a spontaneous combustion accident.

Say a few more words

Since last year, the sales of BYD’s new energy vehicles have shown a steady growth trend, but behind the sales of BYD’s new energy vehicles, there are frequent spontaneous combustion accidents.

Wang Chuanfu’s slogan of "never catching fire" has not been put into practice, and BYD’s battery safety is also worrying.

In fact, Wang Chuanfu’s high-profile publicity and endorsement of blade batteries at the beginning was itself suspected of exaggerating publicity. After all, the safety of battery cells is only the "nine Niu Yi hairs" of vehicle safety.

We asked seven companies to explore Apple’s new CarPlay The Secret Behind.

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A deeper understanding of the transformation of the automobile industry


Produced by: Electric Planet News

Author: Yu Fei and Pang Fei

At WWDC 2022 this morning, Apple detonated the car circle in three minutes.

With the advent of new operating systems such as iOS16,And a whole new generationCarPlay. This generation CarPlay The innovation is so great that it is even equivalent to a complete intelligent cockpit:

Open the dashboard to display speed, fuel consumption, oil quantity and rotation speed;

Occupy the central control panel, and even adjust the air conditioning temperature and seat heating/ventilation;

Linkage map, using CarPlay Realize AR navigation of dashboard;

Bind the phone, synchronize the desktop components of iOS …

Moreover, Apple also promised, "No matter how strange your car screen is, as long as it supports new. CarPlay, it will definitely be displayed perfectly. "

What is this equivalent to?It is equivalent to buying an iPhone, and you bring your own smart cockpit!

In addition, for the first time, Apple announced its own "friends circle of car companies", and more than half of the luxury car companies stood. CarPlay Around, there are even the first batch of cooperative car companies of Android Automotive OS-and …

From the early hours of the morning to the present, our circle of friends has been brand new. CarPlay The news. Friends took the initiative to attack Apple this time.Full of expectation, but with some caution..

With a similar attitude, we interviewed employees of seven different companies, from newly-built cars to OEM, and even chip companies, hoping to hear what people in the industry think of Apple’s half boots.

Today, together, we bring a new generation. CarPlay The secret of tearing apart.

First, are you afraid of building a new car?

This is the first chapter title that comes to mind when we choose the topic.

Why do you want to talk about new cars?Because there is no CarPlay in the new car, and there is no Android Automotive and carlife, only NIO OS, Xmart OS and "Tesla OS" …

Why? Because the new forces still want to build their own operating system.

This sentence in quotation marks comes from Liu Yu (a pseudonym), the product manager of the new smart cockpit. He told us that he saw the new car in the morning. CarPlay At the time,Shock, admirationIs their first reaction.

Praise refers to the fact thatCarPlay Such an "external system" can control non-safety related vehicle functions and display vehicle data."it’s already great."

Even, he thinks this is a "milestone" for Apple to build a car.

We asked him, will your new car be considered a threat? Liu Yu said yes, because "our system is still in an advanced stage."

Compared with all kinds of OS of new cars,CarPlay There is a natural barrier:IPhone’s huge user base.

In 2021, Apple’s mobile phone shipments accounted for about 22% of the global share-an achievement that no car company has achieved in the auto market. Another figure is that in 2021, Apple won a 60% share in the high-end market above $600 (4,000 yuan)-and no luxury car company has achieved similar results in the automobile market.

IPhone users’ sense of identity with Apple’s ecology is CarPlay’s greatest "confidence".

Liu Yu thinksThe habit of iPhone users, or stickiness, is actually the biggest threat to the newly-built self-developed OS.

"If you want to use beeps, use beeps, and if you want to use Netease Cloud, use Netease Cloud." Liu Yu said that iOS users can pass. CarPlayMost of the usage habits are smoothly drawn from the mobile phone to the car.

"But we don’t want users to use it in our cars. CarPlayWe just haven’t reached it yet. CarPlay Such a good experience. "

If the experience can’t catch up, Liu Yu thinks the final result may be"Users will no longer use the car machine system directly, but will use it most of the time. CarPlay」。

And then there’s the shocking part—"In the end, the data dominance of car companies will be lost.".

Throw it to who? Apple, of course. Who threw it to Apple? At least more than half of the luxury car camp and more than half of the Japanese camp.

Liu Yu gave us an example: According to the DEMO published by WWDC,CarPlay Will know that these car company usersWhere have you been, what APP you used, how far you drive every day, how much energy you consume, and your travel habits.How about. Even the braking and steering data that can’t be obtained yet,In fact, it can also be obtained indirectly through GPS.

According to Liu Yu’s description, we think it’s more like"public test" iCar.

The chain is like this: the first generation of CarPlay won the favor of iPhone users and the support of car companies → the new generation sought deep customization → obtained basic data → accumulated data of different market segments for iCar’s smart cockpit.

This is another shocking point of Liu Yu:Car companies are willing to give data, and Apple can eat the rights of different car platforms.

Take the first batch of cooperative car companies as an example. There are nearly 100 models and more than 30 platforms in 14 car companies. If each platform supports the new generation of CarPlay, Apple’s efforts for "public beta" and the significance of the negotiation itself are huge and "horrible".

"I really don’t know how to talk about it."Liu Yu concluded.

But at the same time, we also received some different voices, such as another PM Feng Li (a pseudonym) from a new car.

He admits that the influence of the new CarPlay is very wide, but it is not the time to talk about who will change his life."The new forces didn’t quickly change the life of the traditional car factory.CarPlay It will not kill the opponent in an instant, but no one should despise Apple. "

In addition, Feng Li believes that not all models support new ones. CarPlay, even new CarPlay On cars and models, it may appear as an "apple tax".

Second, do traditional car companies really care?

What’s interesting is that,Throughout WWDC, there was no person in charge of a car company, and no specific model appeared on the "platform".

If you think this is Apple’s habit-at the WWDC in 2020, the new generation 5 Series became the first model to support the iOS14 carkey function, but it earned enough traffic.

More interestingly,At WWDC this year, BMW did not become the first batch of new ones. CarPlay Partner of. Equally intriguing is the absence of the parent companies of Audi and Porsche.

"As a main engine factory, I definitely don’t want to let others master the whole ecological lifeline of the car."Wang Long (pseudonym), an intelligent cockpit engineer from an independent car company, told us this.

Jiang Quan (a pseudonym), the head of an intelligent cockpit team, holds the same view. "CarPlay won’t work in China, and the OEMs won’t agree to hand over the intelligent brain to Apple. We must firmly hold it in our own hands. 」

This sentence is not difficult to understand.

As can be seen from the demonstration of the new version of CarPlay, if you don’t tell you about the existence of the mobile phone, the new CarPlay is like a complete car system, which takes over almost all the functions of the central control, which shows that the car factory needs to open a large number of bottom interfaces to Apple.

Another car system company expressed similar views to the above to us:"Apple’s HMI has a very strong apple gene, which will make many former loading plants unbearable. 」

Zhao Guan (pseudonym), the person in charge of the company, revealed two details to us from the idea of vehicle safety:

First, at present, from the perspective of demo, all the access signals are simple instrument signals, and some tt icons (tell-tale) need functional safety. This CarPlay is definitely not feasible and needs a separate hardware circuit and system.

Second, I didn’t see the access of the intelligent driving domain. This piece should also be very complicated. Each family’s apa scheme and mr scheme are different. How to access and the delay of data transmission are all problems.

According to the explanation of relevant people,"From the perspective of automobile safety, this is not a complete set of instrument display results. 」

Jiang Quan added to us: "The whole family bucket model means that the brain and face are given to Apple. In this case, the positioning, tonality and differentiation of smart cars in various OEMs are all gone, which does not meet the demands of general OEMs. 」

Wang lung also generously admitted that the new CarPlay After coming out, they felt a sense of crisis. But he believes that in the end, we will see if we can meet the needs of users. "Domestic OEMs have strong autonomy and are more inclined to do (car OS) by themselves. "

Wang Long also complained to us that the car machines of international car companies are difficult to use. "I can’t understand a car machine system, and the air conditioning adjustment interface can be placed in a four-level menu."

For this reason, he believes that international car companies use new CarPlay On the contrary, it may be a good thing, although it is equivalent to "they just handed this piece over to others."

Which piece? As mentioned aboveuser data"We all feel that these usage habits of users are the core".

We further asked Wang lung, as an iPhone user, will it be new? CarPlay Tempted, he affirmed, because he is the owner.

"Like Toyota, if you can use this. CarPlayThank god. But I don’t think it’s meaningful to have our own cars and other new domestic forces. 」

Third, Huawei Qualcomm Apple, change the ring and fight again?

An old friend @ Battery King shared a point with us:If Apple’s chips enter smart cars, it will be a "dimensionality reduction blow".

He even thinks that Apple may have been tying the A-series chips or even the M-series chips of the car specification. "Otherwise, it (new CarPlayThe adaptability of) will not be so strong, and the possibility of (soft and hard integration) will not be ruled out. "

Wang’s point of view is very interesting, but at the same time there is some truth.

Let’s take a look at the structure of A15 chip: 6-core CPU, 15.8TOPS NPU, 5-core GPU, video decoder, image processor …

Is it familiar?In fact, today’s smart phone SOC is very similar in structure to a chip., such as FSD Chip, is not much different from A15 in structure.

Even the M series used in notebook computers is essentially the same as the SOC components of NVIDIA’s Drive series-CPU, CPU, memory controller … and so on.

Liu Yu also expressed similar views.Otherwise, it can’t directly throw the instrument and the big screen at once.

But Feng Li thinks the possibility is almost zero."Apple should not supply chips to other car companies, and it has never been supplied."

When it comes to chips, two other hot words in the automobile circle recently are HarmonyOS and Snapdragon, followed by Huawei and Qualcomm.

new CarPlay After coming out, one of the voices we heard was that"HarmonyOS’s nemesis is coming."On the one hand, Apple’s software capability is obvious to all; on the other hand, Apple’s way of making friends is also very similar to Huawei’s.

"Apple doesn’t build cars, but Apple helps its partners build good cars", which doesn’t seem to be against it?

Liu Yu said that if Huawei is compared with Apple,For traditional car companies, HarmonyOS is not very adaptable.(refers to and CarPlay Compared with the adaptation cost), relatively new. CarPlay It will be more difficult to open the market.

AITO bound M5

Jiang Quan’s opinion is that HarmonyOS is now providing basic capabilities and basic applications, and OEMs can make their own applications. "That’s another way to play.". As for Apple’s eco-gameplay, we can only judge it after CarPlay releases the technical data.

If Huawei is facing Apple at the level of software and hardware integration, then Qualcomm is facing an old rival again in the field of general-purpose chips.

The new CarPlay will debut at the end of 2023, when Qualcomm will have brand-new car regulations.Class 8295 chip will also get on the bus. The battle between iOS and Android camps has spread from the mobile terminal to the automobile field. What’s Qualcomm’s position?

We contacted Qualcomm with questions, and the response wasIt is not convenient for us to evaluate the topic related to friendship and business, and this topic is suitable for OEM to evaluate.

Fourth, iCar officially entered the countdown?

Next year’s new CarPlay may be "the first public beta of iCar".

In other words, we should not see the real iCar before 2024-but by 2024, every car will support new ones. CarPlay Our cars are all customized "iCar" by car owners.

Faced with Apple’s obvious ambition, various car companies have different attitudes, including Japanese and European manufacturers who resolutely choose to cooperate, as well as the intriguing "old friend" BMW, and China’s new car that Alexander is determined to go his own way.

As observers, we encourage all-encompassing, and we hope to see hundreds of battles. At least after today, we are extremely eager to see the 2023 of the smart cockpit.

Unless otherwise specified, all interviewees are treated as aliases.


Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Fast technology news on October 11,LI Guanwei issued a document saying: It broke 30,000 yuan for four consecutive months, and this month it will challenge a new high of 40,000 yuan in monthly sales ahead of schedule.

In the past September, 2023, the sales volume in LI reached 36,400, and the monthly sales volume once again exceeded 30,000.

Among them,Ideal L sold 11,967 vehicles in September, ideal L8 11306 vehicles and ideal L7 13088 vehicles.The sales of the three models once again broke through 10,000 at the same time.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

LI also announced the sales list of new power brands, luxury brands and new energy brands in China market in September.

By the end of September, the cumulative delivery volume of LI in 2023 had reached 244,225 vehicles.Next, it will exceed 40,000 vehicles every month, which means that the sales volume of LI will exceed 360,000 vehicles in 2023.

At the beginning of this year, Li Xiang said in the earnings conference call: "In 2022, LI’s market share of 300,000-500,000 SUVs will be 9.5%, and our forecast for the market this year will probably be between 1.4 million and 1.5 million. Our requirement for ourselves is to double the market share. "

Based on this calculation, the annual sales target of LI in 2023 is 280,000-300,000 vehicles, and the average monthly delivery volume reaches 23,000-25,000 vehicles. Now, this goal has been achieved easily.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Breaking 30,000 LI for 4 consecutive months: Challenge 40,000 monthly sales highs ahead of schedule this month.

Many provinces started the recruitment of civil servants in 2017, and some areas set up disabled posts.

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 8 (Reporter Qi Feng) Recently, many provinces started the recruitment of the "provincial examination" for civil servants in 2017. This year, the recruitment policy of civil servants in various places continued to increase the inclination to the grassroots, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces also set up special positions to recruit students for the disabled.

  Many places have started this year’s "provincial examination" recruitment of civil servants

  Today, the registration of civil servants for the 2017 exam in Fujian Province was officially launched. The registration time is from 8: 00 today to 17: 00 on the 14th.

  Since November last year, the recruitment of provincial civil servants in 2017 has started one after another. The 2017 civil servant recruitment in Beijing and Shanghai has been written at the end of last year, and the "provincial examination" written test in Jiangsu will also be held on the 11th of this month.

  In addition, according to the statistics of reporters from Zhongxin. com, since the beginning of this year, six provinces including Guangdong, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Zhejiang and Fujian have also released the 2017 civil service recruitment announcement. It is also reported that in 2017, Shandong has also made it clear that the civil service recruitment announcement will be released in the middle and late March.

  Compared with previous years, what changes have taken place in the recruitment scale of "provincial examination" for civil servants this year? Observing the recruitment plans announced by various places, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Shanghai and Jilin this year is basically the same as last year, while the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guizhou this year has declined compared with last year.

  For example, last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Guangdong was 17,412, and this year’s recruitment plan dropped to 15,018; Last year, the number of civil servants recruited in Zhejiang reached 8409, but this year it dropped to 6466. For another example, in the recruitment of civil servants in Beijing in 2016, the total number of recruits reached 6,857, the highest in history. This year, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Beijing dropped to 5,022.

  However, some provinces have greatly increased the recruitment scale of civil servants this year. For example, Heilongjiang recruited 8,831 civil servants this year, an increase of 2,687 over last year, with an increase of 43.7%. According to the statistics provided by Huatu Education, the recruitment scale of civil servants in Heilongjiang this year has set a new high in the province in the past five years.

  Observing the announced announcement of "provincial examination" for civil servants, the recruitment policies of some provinces this year deserve attention. For example, just as the national examination recruitment policy in recent years has tilted to the grassroots level, the recruitment policy of "provincial examination" issued by various places has also tilted to the grassroots level.

  For example, in 2017, the recruitment of civil servants in Guizhou Province continued to implement the "two 80%" policy, and 84% of the province’s recruitment plan was arranged in towns and villages, dispatched institutions and grassroots front lines (including Selected Graduates). Guizhou also stipulates that organs and agencies in counties and towns (except towns, offices and agencies where the county seat is located) in concentrated contiguous areas with extreme poverty can recruit graduates from high schools and secondary vocational schools (technical secondary schools).

  This year, Zhejiang’s civil servant recruitment plan includes 350 village officials from Selected Graduates. According to reports, Li Zezhou, deputy director of the Civil Service Management Office of the Organization Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee, said, "The purpose of recruiting 350 Selected Graduates village officials is to let more people go to the grassroots to exercise and serve the front-line people."

  Li Zezhou said that this year’s recruitment will pay more attention to grassroots orientation, demand orientation and problem orientation, and at the same time, try to select comrades who know the grassroots, are familiar with the grassroots, and master the mass language and mass work methods to work in institutions above the city level.

  In addition, some provinces have specially expanded the positions for the disabled in this year’s civil service recruitment. For example, this year, Zhejiang increased the recruitment of civil servants with disabilities, with 22 positions for civil servants with disabilities.

  Jiangsu recruited the disabled for the first time this year, and the competent authorities specially prepared 29 job plans, which were directed to the disabled persons with disability cards and meeting the job requirements, including the relevant departments of the Disabled Persons’ Federation, the Nanjing Economic and Information Committee, Jiangyin Municipal Market Supervision Administration and other government departments.

  Among the above-mentioned provinces that have announced the recruitment notice and have not yet taken the examination, the written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants in Jiangsu Province will be held on the 11th of this month, and on April 8th, Guangdong Province will hold this year’s written examination of the "Provincial Examination" for civil servants.

  In addition to the above two provinces, the written test time of "Provincial Examination" in six provinces including Zhejiang, Guizhou, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Fujian is scheduled to be held on April 22nd.

  In recent years, many places have arranged the written examination of "provincial examination" for civil servants on the same day, which is also called "civil servant joint examination" among candidates.

  Li Manqing, an expert in the public examination of Huatu Education, told the reporter of that the "joint examination" for the recruitment of civil servants in many provinces began in 2009, and on April 26th of that year, seven provinces held the recruitment examination for civil servants on the same day. Since then, it has become a practice among some provinces to hold civil service examinations on the same day in the middle and late April of each year. On April 23 last year, the written examination of public subjects of "Provincial Examination" in more than 20 provinces was held on the same day.

  Li Manqing introduced that all the provinces participating in the "Joint Entrance Examination" are organized separately, and the "Joint Entrance Examination" is not the same volume. In the past, some candidates took exams across many provinces, and if they were hired by many places, they could only choose one position, which had an impact on the recruitment of other positions. Many provinces choose the written test on the same day, which helps to avoid the disadvantages of candidates taking advantage of the test time difference to travel around the provinces frequently to take the test. (End)

"The Eve" Zhang Huiwen was spit out again. Although she played very seriously, she always made people play.

As a spy war drama with a great audience base, The Night Before is different from many previous spy war dramas in casting. Several main characters are basically young actors and artists, such as Oho Ou, Zhang Huiwen, Shi Shi and Zhao Zhiwei. Generally speaking, everyone’s performance is also remarkable, but like some previous TV dramas, Zhang Huiwen was spit out in this night before.

First of all, there is no denying the charm of Zhang Huiwen itself, and her appearance temperament is also the kind of fresh, beautiful, clever and feminine beauty type, especially when Su Nan has a front close-up. Under the sunshine, Su Nan’s eyes are bright and full of hope, showing a very sunny and inspiring smile, which is still very exciting and makes people feel the beauty of Zhang Huiwen.

Secondly, Zhang Huiwen worked very hard as an actor. In "The Eve", it can be said that Zhang Huiwen played very seriously and worked very hard. Before Su Nan’s life and death were uncertain, she appeared more as a passionate young student, so at this time, although she already had a belief and hope, she was more youthful and pure and sweet with a young female student. This kind of setting is still possible for Zhang Huiwen to present in many opposite plays with Oho Ou, from smile to role relationship.

Su Nan, who went online again later, was not only an underground worker of our party, but also penetrated into the enemy’s interior. At this time, when she appeared as a female officer of the Kuomintang, Su Nan was more in a state of cold and sharp momentum, not to mention Su Nan’s aura and performance at this time. Judging from the plot, Zhang Huiwen’s interpretation was undoubtedly very hard.

But on the other hand, although Zhang Huiwen has her own charm and is very serious in acting, she still gets a lot of criticism in this film "The Eve". A very important reason is that some of her performances in the play always make people can’t help acting, and this is actually a slot that has always existed since her debut, that is, her eyes and the eye play when she presents the role state.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are very beautiful, and a pair of big eyes are very prominent, which can give people a pleasing aesthetic feeling. However, under some specific angles and lenses, Zhang Huiwen’s big eyes make people feel awkward, not belittling and mocking the wind, but simply making people feel that sometimes they are cross-eyed, which will reduce their temperament and make people unable to play in the chase.

On the other hand, it is the expression and transmission of Zhang Huiwen’s eye play. Although Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are big, they often give people a feeling of being godless or even dull. When expressing some emotions such as anger or domineering, Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are wide open, but the dull and godless feeling even makes people feel very stiff, so they can’t help but play very hard in the chase.

Actually, it’s not only in this film The Eve, but also in some film and television dramas that Zhang Huiwen participated in before. You are like The Legend of Fei, Housewife and Ode to Joy in the third and fourth seasons, etc. Zhang Huiwen has such a slot in his performance, saying that Yan Yan is definitely a beauty, and his performance is really hard, but his eyes always make people can’t help acting, which also makes Zhang Huiwen suffer a lot of spit and doubts. So what do you think of Zhang Huiwen’s performance in The Eve?

Mutalifu: China Football Association is unique in wanting to return to China as soon as possible to play in the league, abandon the league and engage in zipper training.

According to Beiqing Sports, on May 16th, the AFC announced the list of 11 host countries of the 6th U23 Asian Cup qualifier in 2024 and the first stage Asian group match of the men’s soccer qualifier for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games through official channels. China Football Association. This means that the China national team of the 2001 Olympic Games will compete in this stage at home in September this year, and the Barracuda Bay Stadium, the home of Dalian people, will become the home of the China national team. Home plate. Olympic team.

In order to prepare for the above competition, under the arrangement of China Football Association, the Olympic team, led by head coach Zheng Yaodong, conducted a three-month overseas training in Belgium and Croatia. According to the plan, the Olympic Games will be held in Europe for half a year. According to the blogger Lester Fox’s previous news, the domestic Olympic Games held 17 warm-up matches in Europe, with 4 wins, 1 draw and 12 losses, most of which were amateur or professional teams.

On the afternoon of May 16th to 17th, local time, the Olympic team played against the first team of HNK League for two consecutive games. First, they lost 0-4 to the third place of the first team of HNK League, HNK Shibalia. This was their biggest defeat since training, but the next day, NK Bird, who ranked ninth with a 4-1 winning streak, and He Xiaoke, who stayed in Croatia, scored two goals in a row. Croatia’s first division is the second division of Croatia, which is higher than China’s first division.

On May 18th, Mutalihu, the main force of Xinjiang Youth National Team, who was selected for the Olympic National Team, updated his SNS, expressing his expectation for the game at Fenghuangshan Football Stadium, home of Rongcheng. As a potential frontcourt player, Mu Tareef entered the rotation team of Chengdu Rongcheng in the Super League last season. However, he moved overseas for the Olympic Games, so he will experience home games this season and has not played for the team so far. Regarding the atmosphere of the Phoenix Mountain Devil, he wrote on social media:

"Many of my fans and friends have been asking me when I can finish my training in Europe and return to my country to participate in the competition. "I’m worried. Every day in Europe, I am growing up slowly. I want to take a step forward. I’ve seen the video of Chengdu Rong’s home court this season countless times. It’s really like a dream, isn’t it? “

Chengdu Rongcheng’s performance in the Super League this season is quite eye-catching, with Lomulo and Daniel F. Akerson’s frontcourt duo firing fully. We know Muta Rif is looking forward to returning to China to work together. Judging from the current members of Mu Tareef’s Olympic squad, young players such as Tao Changrong, Abdulamu and Hu Hetao have become important forces in the club’s squad and made the team stronger in just a few league matches.

Every game, the China Football Association will do something stupid. In order to influence the 2002 and 2006 World Cups, the China Football Association announced the cancellation of the relegation system in 2002 and 2005, and in 2001, Zheng Yaodong led the national youth team to participate in the second division. As a result, the chicken wings were scattered all over the floor.

With the professional league in China in full swing, the China Football Association will send the most promising generation of Olympic players abroad for half a year’s training. When they return home, the first stage of the Super League will also be over. These players will miss training opportunities in real leagues.

Hand in hand with "salt horse" to start the district and build a brand together

On the morning of April 16th, yueda KIA SK New Energy Yancheng Marathon and Grand Canal Marathon Series (Yancheng Station) fired at Yannan Sports Center, and more than 15,000 contestants started with enthusiasm and all their efforts. Dafengcang Agricultural Group "hitchhiked" this marathon, set up a product booth, and used the marathon to carry out featured brand promotion. A wide variety of featured agricultural products, such as spicy chicken, fragrant belly, yellow snail and shrimp sauce, attracted the attention of contestants and citizens.

Through full display, the group will let more people who participate in and watch the marathon know more about Dafeng’s local agricultural special products, and let the brand products jointly built by "Dafeng Cang" area go to the dining table of more consumers. The group will stick to the original mission of developing agriculture for the people, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of agricultural industry in Dafeng District with pragmatic measures and caring services for agriculture.

How to take a shower in the bathroom in general, what is the process?

The general process of going to the bathroom to take a proper shower is as follows:

  1. Wash your face

Wash your face first, because when you enter the shower, the hot water will fill the bathroom with steam, which will force the pores of your body to expand, so if you don’t wash your face first, The dirt that accumulates on your face during the day will sneak in and sneak into your pores.

  1. Body wash

After washing your face, you can clean your body. But pay attention to control the water temperature, it is best to be close to the body temperature, that is, about 40 ℃. If the water temperature is too low, the pores of the skin will be tightly closed, and the dirt will not be removed in place. At this time, the body heat cannot be distributed, and after bathing, the limbs will feel weak.

In addition, the bathing time is preferably within 20 minutes, and good ventilation should be ensured, because if the bathing time is too long, it will cause hypoxia and ischemia of the heart and brain.

  1. Shampoo

After washing the body, the hair is fully nourished in the steam, and it is the best time to wash the hair at this time. Finally, rinse your body completely with water.