Lift the table! As long as Tucki P7 starts at 140,000, what millet SU7 should we buy?

Xpeng Motors is having a hard time now.

Xpeng Motors sold 9,026 vehicles in March, an increase of 98.6% compared with February. However, there are hidden dangers behind the increased sales data.

In March this year, Xpeng Motors’s sales volume lagged behind the new car-making forces such as the world, Ideal, Weilai, Zero Run and Extreme Krypton. In March this year, the sales volume of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, Wenjie AITO, LI, Zero Run, Krypton and Weilai were 32,530, 31,727, 28,984, 14,567, 13,012 and 11,866 respectively. Previously, Xpeng Motors, known as one of the "Wei Xiaoli", often ranked in the top three in the sales list, but now, Xpeng Motors has become the "old seven" in the sales list of the new car-making forces.

In the first quarter of this year, Xpeng Motors has not exceeded 10,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. In three months, Xpeng Motors only sold 21,800 vehicles. Compared with last year, Xpeng Motors’s sales have improved to some extent, but compared with the progress of its competitors, Xpeng Motors’s sales increase is very limited.

In order to save itself, Xpeng Motors has started to reduce the price. As the main sales model in Xpeng Motors, Tucki P7 sold 1,605 cars in March, and the sales volume dropped significantly compared with last year. In order to save the sales volume, this car was given a terminal discount of 84,000 yuan in Shenzhen, plus regional subsidies and replacement subsidies in Shenzhen, and the comprehensive preferential price was only 140,900 yuan.

Take the newly released Xiaomi SU7 as an example. The starting price of this Tucki P7 is about 80,000 yuan lower than it. So for consumers, it seems that Tucki P7 is much more cost-effective, not to mention that Xiaomi SU7 has stronger performance, longer battery life, more handsome appearance and better handling. After all, the price difference is 80,000 yuan.

Of course, we need to explain that the preferential Tucki P7 is a stock car, which has been in stock for more than one year, but for electric vehicles, the stock of more than one year actually does not affect the product quality. As long as the power battery is ok, there is nothing to worry about other parts.

Tucki P7 may be the most affected model by Xiaomi SU7, while Tucki P7 and Xiaomi SU7 are actually very close in positioning, both of which are pure electric coupes, and their prices are in the price range of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

The body length of Xiaomi SU7 is 4997mm, the width is 1963mm, the height is 1455mm, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is three meters. The Tucki P7 has a body length of 4888mm, a width of 1896mm, a height of 1450mm and a wheelbase of 2998mm, which are close, while the size of Xiaomi SU7 is a circle larger.

The price range of Tucki P7 is 209,900-339,900 yuan, and the price of Xiaomi SU7 is 215,900-299,900 yuan. It seems that Tucki P7 is 6,000 yuan cheaper. However, 209,900 yuan is still the guide price of the 2022 model 480 that is discontinued for sale, and the battery life under NEDC standard is only 480 kilometers. The starting price of Xiaomi SU7 is 215,900 yuan, and the pure battery life of the entry model is 700 kilometers under CLTC standard. The Tucki P7i Pengyi version with a guide price of 289,900 yuan has a pure battery life of 702 kilometers under CLTC standards, while the Xiaomi SU7 Pro version with a guide price of 245,900 yuan has a pure battery life of 830 kilometers under CLTC standards.

The battery life is not as good as that of the power performance. The strongest version of Tucki P7 has an acceleration of 3.9 seconds, while Xiaomi SU7 has an acceleration of 2.78 seconds. In addition, in terms of design and product configuration, both of them are not rivals of the same level. It’s time for Tucki P7 to make a change, so reducing the price has become the best choice for Tucki P7.

Tucki P7 with more than 200,000 yuan may not be very competitive in front of Xiaomi SU7, but Tucki P7 with more than 140,000 yuan is still very attractive, which may help Xpeng Motors regain some market share.

Diet, games and sleep can improve memory.

With the growth of age, the body’s memory will become worse and worse. At the level of neurons, what happened in our brains to make us forget the past? In modern life, the pace of people’s life is getting faster and faster, and many people try to enhance their memory in various ways. So in what way can we enhance our memory? Here’s how to enhance your memory.

Diet helps improve memory.

Some foods have the title of "brain food". Take astaxanthin, a substance existing in food, as an example. They are abundant in fish and shrimps and crabs. Astaxanthin, as a carotenoid, has antioxidant effect, and it is considered to have the strongest antioxidant activity among carotenoids. It can enter the human brain and directly act on nerve cells. At the same time, astaxanthin can also protect nerves. Therefore, eating this kind of food regularly will greatly improve memory.

Besides, Nanfang Daily also lists some foods that people can easily get to improve their memory, including fish, milk, millet, eggs, peanuts, corn and day lily, all of which contain elements to improve their memory.

(Source: Nanfang Daily)

Games enhance memory

According to Life Times, playing some smart phone games that use physical knowledge, such as "cutting rope magic" and "angry birds", can improve attention and avoid being distracted when remembering things. And in the course of the task, it can also exercise the adaptability of players. During the whole game, there are also some games involving planning and adjusting strategies, such as "Plants vs Zombies", which can also improve memory.

(Source: Xinhuanet)

Xinhuanet once reported that British researchers can train players with "brain tonic training" through an experiment, which can effectively help improve unhealthy eating habits. The game developed by Cambridge University helps to improve the memory of schizophrenic patients. It can be said that games have great potential in improving human brain memory.

If you want to remember well, sleep is indispensable.

Xinhuanet Zeng Dengwen said that sleep helps to improve memory. Nicholas Dimay, a British psychologist, said in the magazine "Cerebral Cortex" that memorizing things before going to bed is more profound. In a set of comparative experiments, some volunteers recited words before going to bed, while others recited them 12 hours after staying awake. Volunteers who recite words before going to bed remember them better. This is mainly because of the role of hippocampus in human brain. The hippocampus is mainly responsible for memory. During sleep, new memories are "unsealed" and constantly "played back" in the hippocampus, so people will remember this part very clearly after waking up.

Therefore, there must be scientific methods to improve memory, instead of blindly believing in advertisements. Some of the above methods, I hope to bring help to your study and life. (Zhang Anjian)

This paper is scientifically checked by Zhou Hongzhi, a professor at the School of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Beijing University of Technology.

Fancy welcoming the Lantern Festival! How much do you know about the unique folk customs of Lantern Festival?

On the evening of February 28th, 2010, solve riddles on the lanterns, a citizen of Jiujiang, Jiangxi, was at the scene of the Lantern Festival. Zhang Haiyan/vision china
Lantern Festival, also known as Shangyuan Festival, is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. After eating Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, the New Year is over. The Lantern Festival is approaching, and several important folk customs such as eating Lantern Festival, enjoying lanterns, dancing dragons and lions have all appeared.
1. solve riddles on the lanterns
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, traditional folks hang lanterns and set off fireworks. Later, some busybodies wrote riddles on paper and posted them on colorful lanterns for people to guess, adding to the festive atmosphere. "solve riddles on the lanterns", also known as "playing riddles", is very popular among all walks of life because riddles can enlighten wisdom and interest.
2. burning dragon
The "burning dragon" in Puzhai has a history of nearly 300 years. Every Lantern Festival, dragon performances are held to pray for good weather and peace throughout the year. There were three loud guns, followed by gongs and drums and fireworks. Then the fire cable team, the hi-gun team and the drum band led to the "fire dragon". After being lit by the respected elders, dozens of shirtless strong men danced around the field with the help of hydrangeas. The longan shone brightly and the dragon body was colorful, tumbling and dancing in the sea of fire, accompanied by the sound of salute and dancing. The warriors who held the "fire dragon" were bare-shouldered, letting sparks splash on their bodies.
Step 3 visit the temple fair
Visiting temple fairs is an important custom followed by ordinary people for many years. During the temple fair, all kinds of folk artists came to perform, and the programs were varied.
Step 4 play dragon lantern
Dragon lantern, also known as dragon lantern or dragon dance, can be traced back to ancient times. The Chinese nation advocates dragons and regards them as auspicious symbols. On the fifteenth day of the first month, the festive atmosphere of playing dragon lanterns, singing and dancing spread in many places.
5. Lantern
The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival, which is also called Lantern Festival because there are folk customs of hanging lanterns, lighting lanterns and watching lanterns. Lantern Festival is a traditional festival custom, which started in the Western Han Dynasty and flourished in Sui and Tang Dynasties. After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the wind of lights prevailed in past dynasties and was passed down to later generations. The fifteenth day of the first month is the climax of the annual lantern fireworks.
Step 6 walk on stilts
Walking on stilts is a popular folk mass performance, which is performed by dancers with long wooden stilts tied to their feet in the square in some folk festivals. Walking on stilts is very skillful, lively and diverse in form, and convenient in movement, which is tantamount to an activity stage, so it is deeply loved by the masses.
7. lion dance
"Lion Dance", also known as "Lion Dance", is generally completed by three people: one acts as the lion head, the other acts as the lion body and hind feet, and the other acts as the lion leader. Lion dance is an excellent folk art in China. Every Lantern Festival or assembly celebration, people always come to entertain with lion dance. This custom originated in the Three Kingdoms period and became popular in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It has a history of more than 1000 years.
8. put on the sky lantern
On the fifteenth day of the first month of every year, adults and children gather in the square one after another. At this time, the square is full of people. People take their families as units and occupy a place in the square to set off Kongming lanterns. The whole family is surrounded by the Kongming Lantern. When it is set off, children, big or small, have to pray silently while lighting candles, in order to protect and bless the gods.
9. Row a dry boat
Rowing a dry boat, folklore is to commemorate Dayu who has made great contributions to water control. Rowing a dry boat, also known as running a dry boat, is to imitate the boat on land, and most of the performers are girls. A dry boat is not a real boat. It is made of two thin sheets, sawed into a boat shape, tied with bamboo and wood, covered with colored cloth, tied around the girl’s waist, just like sitting in a boat, rowing with paddles in hand, singing and dancing while running. This is a dry boat. Sometimes, another man dressed as a boatman and performing with a partner, mostly dressed as a clown, amused the audience with all kinds of funny actions. Dry boating is popular in many areas of China.
10. Eat Yuanxiao
Eating Yuanxiao on the fifteenth day of the first month is a long-standing custom in our country. Although there are some local differences, the meaning of both Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is the same, which means that the whole family is round and beautiful, so on the Lantern Festival, the family will definitely eat several Yuanxiao together.
11. set off fireworks
The fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar is the first full moon night in a year, and people are full of joy and expectation for it, so the celebration is also the last carnival of the Spring Festival. On this day, the moon is high and clean, and people light lanterns and set off fireworks to celebrate.
February 13th, 2013, during the Spring Festival to Lantern Festival. Tongliang District, Chongqing. People are performing traditional bronze beam fire dragons to celebrate the Spring Festival. Wu Xianghong/vision china
In February, 2016, in yongding county, Longyan City, Fujian Province, on the 15th day of the first month of each year, Hakka people in Gaobei Town, yongding county held a traditional folk activity of "Lantern Festival" in Tianhou Palace. At this time, fireworks were blooming, firecrackers roared and drums were blaring, and villagers danced Youlong in the night, like giant dragons flying in the air, in order to pray for peace, prosperity and prosperity. Zhang Wei/Vision/vision china
On February 11, 2017, people in Puzhai Town, Fengshun County, Guangdong Province burned fire dragons and had a Lantern Festival. Deng Fei/vision china
On February 17, 2019, in Kuche County, Xinjiang, actors performed folk cultural activities such as canoeing and sedan chairs. Yuan Huanhuan/vision china

The most comprehensive knowledge of China tea, tea learning must be suggested to collect, and an article will take you to know about tea.

Teacher Bai Yansong of CCTV mentioned in a program of talking to young people:

"You like to drink coke today, and it is not excluded. When you reach my age, you will definitely love tea."

This is an old man’s life sentiment about young people.

From coke to tea, it is the same drink. What kind of transformation process is involved?

I believe that only people with stories can understand it.

If you also want to experience life from tea.

Then learn to drink tea from today.

A most comprehensive, basic knowledge of tea takes you into the door of the tea world.

Basic knowledge of tea

Classification of tea trees

According to the tree type: shrub type, small tree type and arbor type.

According to leaf type, it is divided into extra-large leaf species, large leaf species, middle leaf species and small leaf species.

Classification of tea: basic tea and processed tea.

Basic tea:

green tea

Green tea features: clear green leaves, good tenderness, bright soup color and exposed bud peak.

Green tea can be divided into stir-fried green tea, sun-dried green tea and steamed green tea according to the deactivation process.

Baked green tea.

On behalf of tea:

Fried green tea: West Lake Longjing, Biluochun, mengding ganlu, Duyun Maojian, Xinyang Maojian, Lushan Yunwu, Anji White Tea, etc.

Sun-dried green tea: Pu ‘er raw tea, Dianqing, Yueqing, Xiangqing, Chuanqing, etc.

Steamed green tea: Enshi Yulu.

Baked green tea: Huangshan Mao Feng, Taiping Monkey Kui, Luan Guapian, Xiazhou Bifeng, Tianshan Green Tea, Huading Yunwu, Gao Qiao Yinfeng, etc.

white tea

Characteristics of white tea: the fragrance is fragrant, the tender leaves are covered with white hairs, and the color is Bai Yin green, which belongs to partially fermented tea.

White tea can be divided according to tree species and freshness of bud leaves.

On behalf of tea:

Tea tree varieties: Dabai, Narcissus White and Xiaobai.

Bud leaf tenderness: Baihao Yinzhen, Bai Mudan, Gongmei, etc.

Yellow tea

Characteristics of yellow tea: some fermented tea, similar in technology to green tea, should be stuffy yellow when making. Tea drinking has the characteristics of yellow soup and yellow leaves, with mellow aroma and mellow taste.

Yellow tea can be divided into yellow bud tea, yellow tea and yellow small tea according to the different fresh leaves.

On behalf of tea:

Yellow bud tea: Junshan silver needle, Mengding yellow bud and Mogan yellow bud.

Huangda Tea: Huoshan Yellow Bud, Guangdong Folium Isatidis.

Huangxiaocha: Weishan Maojian Tea, Beigang Maojian Tea, Pingyang Huangtang Tea, Wanxi Huangxiaocha Tea, Hubei Yuanan Luyuan Tea, etc.

Green tea (oolong tea)

Characteristics of green tea: semi-fermented tea, a kind of tea between black tea and green tea. There are both fresh green tea and sweet black tea. The fragrance is rich and lasting, with floral, fruity, vanilla and so on. It is rich in flavor, fragrant in mouth and teeth, mellow and sweet, and has unique variety characteristics.

Green tea is divided into southern Fujian oolong tea, northern Fujian oolong tea, Guangdong oolong tea and Taiwan Province oolong tea.

On behalf of tea:

Minnan Oolong Tea: Anxi Tieguanyin, Hairy Crab, Benshan, Huang Jingui, etc.

Oolong tea in northern Fujian: Wuyi rock tea, cinnamon, water turtle, iron arhat, narcissus and so on.

Guangdong Oolong Tea: Phoenix Dan Cong, White Leaf Single Cong, etc.

Taiwan Province Oolong Tea: Frozen Top Oolong, Four Seasons Spring, Oriental Beauty, Jin Xuan, Jade, Baozhong Tea, etc.

black tea

Characteristics of black tea: fully fermented tea, warm stomach, red soup and red leaves, with unique maltose fragrance and caramel fragrance.

Black tea is divided into red stripe tea and red broken tea according to the process.

Red tea is divided into: small black tea and Kung Fu black tea.

On behalf of tea:

Race black tea: Zhengshan race

Kung Fu Black Tea: Qimen Black Tea, Dianhong, Yihong, Ninghong and Chuanhong.

Red broken tea: Yingde red broken tea, Dadugang red broken tea, Sichuan red broken tea, Hunan red broken tea, etc.

Four major black teas in the world: Qimen Black Tea, Darjeeling Black Tea in India, Sri Lankan Black Tea (Ceylon Black Tea) and Assam Black Tea.

Dark tea

Characteristics of black tea: the leaves are dark and dignified, the fragrance is mellow, and the variety is rich. After being made into pressed tea, it is mainly used by ethnic minorities in border areas.

Black tea can be divided into pressed tea, bulk tea and flower rolls according to the process.

Compressed tea is divided into: Fuzhuan tea, Huazhuan tea, blue brick tea and black brick tea.

Bulk tea is divided into: Tianjian, Gongjian and Shengjian.

Flower rolls are divided into: 12, 100 and 1000.

On behalf of tea:

Pu ‘er cooked tea, Anhua black tea, Shaanxi Fuzhuan, Guangxi Liubao tea, etc.

Processed tea:

Scented tea, extracted tea, fruity tea, tea beverage.

Six basic teas: according to the degree of fermentation.

Green tea (not fermented)

White tea (micro-fermentation)

Yellow tea (light fermentation)

Green tea (oolong tea, semi-fermented)

Black tea (fully fermented)

Black tea (complete fermentation, post-fermentation)

The higher the degree of fermentation, the milder the tea. For example, black tea and black tea are suitable for people with a bad stomach.

Non-fermented or lightly fermented tea is slightly cold. For example, green tea and yellow tea are suitable for reducing fire and drying, and people with weak spleen and stomach should be moderate.

Four major tea areas in China

Jiangnan tea area: located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi, southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu and southern Hubei. It is the main tea producing area in China. The annual output accounts for 2/3 of the country.

South China Tea Area: Located in the south of China, including Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan Province and Hainan.

Southwest tea area: located in the southwest of China, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and other provinces and cities as well as southeast Tibet. It is the oldest tea area in China.

Jiangbei tea area: located in the north bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Shandong, as well as northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu and northern Hubei.

Appliances needed for brewing all kinds of tea

According to different kinds of tea, it is necessary to choose suitable instruments for brewing in order to give full play to the taste, aroma and soup color of tea.

green tea

Applicable to tea ware: glass, bowl cover.

Attention: it is not suitable for stuffy bubble, which will affect the fragrance of tea.

Yellow tea

Applicable to tea ware: glass, bowl cover.

Attention: it is not suitable for stuffy bubble, which will affect the fragrance of tea.

white tea

Applicable to tea ware: teacups and bowls.

Green tea (oolong tea)

Applicable to tea ware: teacups, covered bowls, teapots and teapot.

Attention: Try to use fair mug as much as possible, and the time and quantity of tea brewing determine the taste of tea soup. It is not easy to soak tea for a long time, and the bitterness will be aggravated when the quality of tea is poor.

black tea

Applicable to tea ware: teacups, covered bowls, teapots and teapot.

Attention should be paid to: fair mug will be made when the soup is served quickly after making tea, and the taste will be better and it will not be frowsty for a long time.

Dark tea

Applicable to tea ware: tea cups, covered bowls, teapots, teapot, tea maker.

It should be noted that black tea is the tea with the highest degree of fermentation, which is very resistant to foam and has a thick taste. The first few bubbles can quickly serve soup to fair mug, and you can cook and drink it later.

Storage of various teas

Three principles of tea storage: drying, avoiding light and sealing.

Green tea and yellow tea: sealed and refrigerated in refrigerator.

White tea and green tea (oolong tea): sealed at room temperature, stored in the refrigerator without drinking for a long time.

Black tea: stored at room temperature, pay attention to moisture.

Black tea: stored at room temperature, cool and ventilated, avoiding sun exposure.

The concept of tea culture:

Broadly speaking, it refers to the sum total of tea material and spiritual wealth in the whole development process of tea.

Narrow sense: refers specifically to the "spiritual wealth" part, which is to study the cultural and social phenomena produced in the process of tea being applied by human beings.

Tea culture has: natural attributes and social attributes.

Natural attributes: the tea product itself, the function of tea.

Social attribute: people’s use of tea and their spiritual sustenance. Material, spiritual, plastic, psychological and behavioral phenomena. )

Defining tea from botanical characteristics;

Tea leaves have obvious main veins, the edges of the leaves are serrated, the veins are reticulate and not top, and the back is hairy.

The difference between tea and common leaves;

The fundamental difference between whether it is a tea tree or not lies in whether the plant contains tea polyphenols.

For example, Huaguo Tea, Rose Tea and yerba mate are similar to tea. The fundamental reason is that there are no tea polyphenols in it.

Main components contained in tea:

Tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharides, theanine, alkaloids, etc.

A leaf fell into the water and changed the taste of the water. Since then, there has been tea.

Tea is the dual enjoyment of material and spirit discovered by human beings. The development history of small leaves also records the development history of the whole mankind.

Let’s carry forward the tea culture in China together. This is an important symbol in the history of Chinese civilization.

I learned a lot about the basics of tea today, leaving a small question.

Pu ‘er tea which we often drink is one of the six major teas? Welcome to see your message in the comments section.

I’m Jiazi, and I love tea. Volunteer at the China Tea Museum on weekends to promote tea culture in China. If you also love tea, welcome to exchange and learn together.

Source | Jia Zi seeks tea.

Original title: "The most complete knowledge of tea in China, the necessary suggestions for learning tea, an article to take you to know about tea. 》

"China Table Tennis" revealed that Liu Guoliang took the active national table tennis players to Call.

1905 movie network news On February 20th, the film starring Deng Chao,,,,,, etc. released the "call of the National Team" version, and Liu Guoliang and the active players of Guoping collectively appeared to cheer for the film. It is predicted that the China table tennis men’s team suffered a series of heavy losses, and the ending of "the most classic battle of turning defeat into victory" has been decided, but the process is still in suspense.

The Jedi counterattack of China Table Tennis tells the story that Dai Minjia, a coach studying abroad, volunteered to return to China in the early 1990s when the men’s table tennis was crushed by the "European powers" and led the veteran recruits to launch a counterattack against the "powers" in Tianjin to save the men’s table tennis. Since its release, the film has received unanimous praise from the audience, with high scores of Cat’s Eye 9.4 and Taobao Film 9.3. It has become the new film with the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation since February, and the film is being shown nationwide.

Liu Guoliang’s "Youth Memories", the most exciting home game and the most thrilling cup-winning battle, turned defeat into victory.

The latest announcement of "call by the National Team" in "China Table Tennis Fight Back" was kicked off by Liu Guoliang, a famous table tennis player in China, a world champion and an Olympic champion, who was the head coach of the China table tennis team, the current executive vice-president of the International Table Tennis Federation and the chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association: "China table tennis’s enduring glory for decades is the result of several generations’ efforts. The 1995 World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin was a classic counterattack of table tennis in the low valley. As a witness, I am also full of youthful memories. "

The preview reveals the heavy pressure experienced by China’s men’s table tennis national team in the 1990s. The absolute main force of the team is seriously injured. If you don’t play, you may lose a valuable point in the men’s team final of the World Table Tennis Championships. However, your hard support may ruin your whole sports career, and the collective and individual interests will collide fiercely at this moment. At that time, the Swedish team has won swaythling cup, who represents the highest honor of the men’s table tennis team, for three consecutive years, and at the same time, it is far ahead of China in terms of technical play and training methods. At that time, China’s economy was in the stage of comprehensive recovery, and the team was short of funds, so it was unable to catch up with Europe and even other countries in East Asia in terms of equipment and equipment, which also made our training level have a huge gap with the top teams in the world. While other countries, especially European teams, spend a lot of money to "dig" Chinese players to Europe to play in the league in order to study and learn the characteristics of China’s team, which leads to the great dilemma of the loss of excellent players in China. Even on the eve of the game, the players we regard as "secret weapons" are known in advance and thoroughly studied by other teams … … The 1995 World Table Tennis Championships in Tianjin is just around the corner. Can we win at home and win the coveted swaythling cup?

In this big environment, the notice also shows more unknown details and insider: "Foreigners have learned our horse racing in Tian Ji more and more slippery" in the on-the-spot arrangement. All this has brought great pressure to head coach Dai Minjia and the whole team. "Can your generation turn over?" It has become the soul inquiry that pierces China men’s table tennis and even all China people’s hearts. This tournament has become the most exciting home in the history of the World Table Tennis Championships, the most thrilling battle to win the cup, and the most classic battle to turn defeat into victory in the history of table tennis. Since then, China has officially stood at the top of table tennis in the world, and this "never give up" spirit has been passed on to generations of table tennis players, leading the China table tennis team to achieve better results.

The active players of Guoping assembled for "China Ping-Pong" to play call to stimulate blood and Hollywood’s "positive rigidity""

On February 18th, the trial (the first stop) of the Durban World Table Tennis Championships started. Since 2006, the national team’s "civil war through competition" presented in the form of live broadcast has become the "strongest competition on the surface" in the hearts of table tennis fans. Just like the captain of China table tennis men’s team — — "Dragon Team" Malone said after the first singles match: "Intra-team competition has always been a very good tradition of the China team, which can make everyone actively mobilize, not relying on qualifications and previous competition results to select, giving many young athletes a direct and upward opportunity." There is a similar plot in the movie "China Table Tennis Fight Back". For example, all the players in the country gathered to launch a "Thousand Talents Battle" and selected two super newcomers, Hou Zhuoxiang and Dong Shuai, who were only 16 years old. As the absolute core of the team, Bai Minhui was "invited back" to the local team because of his lack of concentration in training. The scene of Bai Minhe apologizing to the coach and all his teammates in the rain has also become one of the most talked-about names of the audience. The wonderful story with fire, laughter and tears won the audience’s love and made many athletes and even world champions feel the same.

Surprisingly — — The table tennis players who are actively preparing for the war have appeared in advance and call for the movie. Fan Zhendong, Malone, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Manyu Wang and other national team players also expressed their support for the film: "Let China table tennis inspire people!" "Let’s cheer together!" Take the lead in showing the audience the inheritance and strength of the national ball spirit.

The first weekend of the film’s release was unanimously recognized by the media, film critics and the general audience. In addition to the wonderful ups and downs, the film’s restoration and tribute to the details also became the focus of the audience’s discussion. Whether it’s the almost "copy-and-paste" modeling and movements of the actors and prototype characters, or the confusion of whether it’s a movie or an old photo, the audience feels the harshness and sincerity of this film. This also made many viewers feel: "The casting and details are carefully chosen, and many characters can match the number, which perfectly reproduces the details of the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships!" Many viewers said, "The film shows the high-burning blood of table tennis and the spirit of China people. I hope that the film can be as fearless as the world’s strong players like China table tennis, and it will be a slap in the face with Hollywood movies! " China Ping-Pong Fight Back has become the new film with the highest comprehensive word-of-mouth evaluation since February. This word-of-mouth work of "both laughter and tears are good enough to burn and cool enough" will surely leave a deep impression on the audience.

The movie "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" is directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun, Aruna, etc. The film is being shown in the whole country.

Can’t understand the baseball game? Two minutes to help you understand how to appreciate a baseball game.

People’s Network-Sports Channel Original Draft

Quick interpretation

Baseball is a team sport with at least 9 players. Baseball players are divided into offensive and defensive sides and play in a diamond-shaped baseball field. In the game, the two teams attack alternately, and when the attacking player successfully runs back to home plate, he can get 1 point. The winning team is the cumulative leader of scores in 9 games. If there is a tie, continue the game until the outcome is decided.

Understand the baseball game in two minutes

(a) the venue

The whole playing field is divided into infield and outfield. There are four bases in the infield, which are arranged counterclockwise from the lowest home plate as first base, second base and third base respectively.

In one and a half innings, nine defenders played, namely, ① pitcher, ② catcher, ③ first baseman, ④ second baseman, ⑤ third baseman, ⑤ shortstop, ⑦ left fielder, ⑧ center fielder and ⑨ right fielder.

(2) Technical terms

Touching: The batter puts the bat horizontally, not asking to hit the ball far, but asking for a ground ball, which is generally used as a tactic to push base runner on base.

Stealing bases: base runner doesn’t have to wait for the batter to hit the ball before running. As long as the pitcher throws the ball, base runner can run to the next base bag, which is called stealing bases.

Hit: The batter hit the ball where the defender couldn’t catch it normally and ran to first base successfully.

Home Run: Simply put, the batter hit the baseball off the court and no one could get it back, so he had to let the attacking opponent run the base at will. According to different scores, it can be divided into Yangchun home run, two/three home run and slam home run.

Home Run: A hit in baseball in which the batter can step on all the bases in the order of first base, second base, third base and home plate around the infield.

Batting rate: an important index to evaluate the batter’s performance. It is calculated by dividing the number of hits by the number of hits. Generally speaking, a professional baseball player is considered a competent hitter if his batting average is above 0.280, an excellent hitter if his batting average is above 0.300, and a great hitter if his batting average is above 0.400.

Finished pitching: The pitcher didn’t pitch for another pitcher in the game from the first inning to the end of the game. No matter whether the final result of the game is victory or defeat, or whether there are scores, it is called finished pitching.

Touch ball: in baseball, the batter’s body or clothing is hit by the ball thrown by the pitcher. According to the baseball rules, the batter who gets the touch ball should be walked to first base, and the moment the ball touches the batter, it becomes a stop ball, and the runner on the base can’t steal the base at will.

Strike zone: the three-dimensional space between the upper edge of the knee and the armpit of the batter’s natural standing position above the home plate. This area is called "strike zone".

Score: The offensive behavior that the attacking team members run to the base after hitting the ball and touch the first, second and third bases in turn, and finally touch the home plate safely is called "score".

Out: An attacking team member who is deprived of the right to hit the ball, run the base or score is called out.

(3) Core rules

During the game, the two teams take turns to attack and defend: when the attacking player successfully runs back to home plate, he can score 1 point. In the 9 th game, the team with the highest score wins. At the end of the 9 th game, the two sides will enter the extended game until the winner is separated. As for the order of attack and defense, it is generally decided by drawing lots or according to the home and away games.

(4) Arrangement of players

The two teams each have nine players. But at the beginning of each half game, only the batter plays alone. The other eight teammates are waiting outside.

The batter flew the ball, started from home plate, captured first base, and became base runner. Next, the second batter goes up, and if he also makes it to base, then the third batter goes up. ……

Because there are only four bases in total, there are only four players on the court at most. The nine players on the defensive side all played together from the beginning.

(5) Basic technology

The basic skills of baseball consist of catching, passing, hitting and running.

Catch the ball: catch the ball with both hands in place and keep your eyes on the incoming ball. When catching the ball, both hands should have backward buffering action to avoid collision and rebound.

Pass: Hold the ball with your index finger, middle finger and thumb. Passing the ball is the same as pitching, the front foot should point to the target, pay attention to the wrist swing when passing, and finish the forward and follow-up actions after throwing the ball. There are three passing postures, namely, shoulder pass, shoulder pass, under-shoulder pass or low hand pass.

Hit the ball: there are two methods: swing with a stick and touch with a stick. The batter holds the stick in both hands, and adopts the corresponding hitting method according to the pitching action and the route of the ball coming from the pitcher, and strives to hit the ball to the distance or gap that the defender can’t reach.

Base running: After the batter hits the ball, he immediately gets on the base and grabs the base position at the moment when the defender doesn’t receive the ball.

Some people don’t have a correct understanding of baseball games, and some people think that the rules of baseball are complicated and not easy to understand. In fact, the rules of baseball are indeed complicated compared with the popular football, basketball, table tennis and other projects, but they are by no means difficult to understand. As long as you understand the basic rules, you will find baseball very interesting, nervous and interesting. In fact, it is precisely because of its complicated rules that the competition presents a tense and interesting situation. In this sense, baseball has its unique advantages.

The second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started.

Recently, the second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started in EAC Europe and America Center. The theme of this competition is "Dedicated to the Asian Games", which aims to enrich the amateur cultural and sports life of building workers in Xihu District, show the healthy style of residents in Xihu District, and welcome the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Vertical racing takes the stairs of high-rise buildings as the runway, which is a new urban fitness sport. The race runs from the starting point on the first floor to the end point on the top floor of the building, and an effective timing technology system is adopted. In the competition, participants can not only experience the pleasure of climbing mountains, but also reduce the influence of the weather.

It is understood that about 100 people participated in this competition, and the players on the scene were divided into groups of men and women, and finally the third runner-up was decided. Wang Yong, a contestant, said: "Vertical racing is a very interesting sport, which not only tests your physical fitness, but also requires good coordination and psychological quality." "I experienced the fun of competition and realized that I still have a lot to improve in training and preparation." Contestant Zhang Jianhua said. (Yang Ling/graphic)

Tuesday’s transfer gossip: Ronaldo, Badiashile, Nunes, Bellingham, Felix, Mudryk

Cristiano Ronaldo has a clause in his Al Nassr contract allowing the Portugal forward, 37, to join Newcastle United on loan if they qualify for the Champions League this season. (Marca)

France centre-back Benoit Badiashile, 21, is in London to undergo a medical after Chelsea agreed a deal worth 38m euros (£33.6m) with Monaco. (Football London)

Liverpool are exploring a deal to buy Portugal midfielder Matheus Nunes, 24, from Wolves in the summer. (Telegraph)

England midfielder Jude Bellingham, 19, is set to meet with Borussia Dortmund officials before 6 January, when he will inform them of his desire to leave this summer. The German club will seek 100m euros (£88.5m), plus add-ons that could take his total fee to about 140m euros (£124m). (AS)

Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea have been approached about signing Portugal forward Joao Felix, 23, on loan but Atletico Madrid are seeking a 15m euro loan fee (£13.3m), plus 6m euros (£5.3m) to cover his wages. (Athletic – subscription required)

Chelsea, meanwhile, are in negotiations over the structure of a club record deal to sign 21-year-old Argentina midfielder Enzo Fernandez from Benfica. (Evening Standard)

Arsenal have submitted a second offer for Ukraine winger Mykhailo Mudryk, thought to be significantly below Shakhtar Donetsk’s asking price of 100m euros (£88.5m). (ESPN)

Manchester United and Bayern Munich are interested in Randal Kolo Muani but Eintracht Frankfurt want 60-70m euros (£53-62m) for the France forward, 24. (Nicolo Schira)