Can I, Xu Jiayin, save the day again this time?

Author | Zhou Chaochen

Last Friday (December 2) at noon, the rumor of Xu Jiayin jumping off the building went viral for a while, and it was searched several times. According to self-media statistics, this rumor has been reversed at least 5 times.

Although I don’t know if this rumor is someone deliberately pranking Xu Jiayin, or Xu Jiayin’s self-directed and self-played bitter trick, it’s always a false alarm.

Xu Jiayin’s rumor-refuting style made an appearance. First, a 50-second voice screenshot of Xu Jiayin in the senior management group of Evergrande Group was deliberately released after 1 pm that day. Xu Jiayin said in the senior management group: "The chairpeople of the companies in various regions should ask the brand sales departments to increase the publicity work of the vigorous scene of engineering construction, publicity and promotion, and to increase the publicity and promotion of the construction of the building. The construction of the building and the construction of the project are the key to our sales. Therefore, increasing the publicity and promotion of the sales and delivery of the building is an important foundation for the sales work. Please pay great attention to the publicity and promotion of this project construction and the construction of the building."

Immediately after 7:00 pm, Xu Jiayin appeared in Hengda Group’s special meeting on the construction of the building and the video leaked out. Xu Jiayin once again emphasized that the construction of the building is the top priority of Hengda. In the video with obvious signs of posing and lasting 1 minute, Xu Jiayin said: "From January to November this year, Hengda Group has achieved 256,000 sets of buildings. In 2022, it will strive to complete 300,000 sets of buildings. In December, it is necessary to ensure the quality assurance to complete the 44,000 sets of buildings. There are still 29 days left in this month. There is a tight time and a heavy task. All Hengda employees must unswervingly fulfill our main responsibility and never give up their efforts to ensure the completion of the annual delivery task."

Xu Jiayin knows that Baojiaolou is his only "life-saving straw" for political correctness at present.

Another rumor that appeared along with Xu Jiayin’s related rumors was that in order to reduce costs, the headquarters of Evergrande Automobile Group will be disbanded, and the staff structure of the headquarters will be adjusted. Most people face layoffs, and a small number of people will sink to the factory. According to the China Securities News, people close to Evergrande Automobile learned that the news was not true.

Between life and death, the relevant rumors about Xu Jiayin and Evergrande come at a very delicate moment. Since November, several ministries and commissions have launched three arrows in a row, 16 real estate finance policies and other favorable real estate policies, from saving projects to starting to rescue real estate enterprises, especially some high-quality real estate enterprises have recently been softened by credit. But these policies seem to have nothing to do with Evergrande. As the most indebted real estate enterprise, Evergrande, which has been lying in the ICU for more than a year, seems to be locked in a vacuum and has become an outsider of China’s real estate market rescue policy. Its only way out is to sell assets as cheaply as possible, while shouting that everyone is united to protect the property.

After the Securities Supervision Commission issued the third arrow at the end of November, Bai Wenxi, chief economist of IPG China, commented: "To say that the most aggrieved person today should be Xu Jiayin. The Securities Supervision Commission has finally released the equity financing of class A share real estate enterprises that has been suspended for ten years, but Evergrande has already missed it. Otherwise, Evergrande backdoor deep and deep housing will be implemented immediately, Xu Jiayin can sincerely say that’everything about Evergrande and me, Xu Jiayin, is given by the party ‘, and then continue to increase leverage to dry Evergrande’s real estate debt to 4 trillion, and then the land finance in various places can continue to increase income, and the property market will continue to be hot."

The policies of bailouts and blood transfusions here are one after another, and the news of Evergrande is a different story.

On the afternoon of November 30, Hengda Wealth announced that it would adjust the payment plan issued on December 31, 2021, adjusting the current monthly payment of 8,000 yuan per person to 2,000 yuan per person per month. Obviously, under the pressure of debt, the isolated Hengda capital chain is increasingly tight.

On November 26, Double 11 was put on the shelves of Hengda Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters land successfully transferred by Shenzhen Anhe No. 1 Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. at a reserve price of about 7.54 billion yuan. According to the media, there is a shadow of Vanke behind the receiver, so some industry insiders believe that Yu Liang helped Xu Jiayin. In fact, as early as last autumn, there were rumors that Vanke was in contact with Hengda, but in the media communication meeting in October last year, when asked if Vanke would rescue Evergrande, Vanke chairperson Yu Liang was vague: "When winter comes, everyone is cold. In the case of cold, we must first solve the problem of how to survive the winter, and first ensure our own safety, in order to save people. How can I save someone if I’m not safe? If I can’t get through the winter, helping others may be purely troublesome. "

After the acquisition of Evergrande’s Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters site, which is adjacent to Vanke’s new headquarters, the buyer was left wondering how to use the land that Xu Jiayin was supposed to use to reshape Shenzhen’s skyline.

Many people are speculating about the final outcome of Xu Jiayin and Hengda. Huxiu has written many times that Chen Feng and HNA may be the reference frame for Xu Jiayin and Hengda.

The older generation of entrepreneurs, such as Xu Jiayin and Chen Feng, all have one thing in common: a tougher gamble. But Xu Jiayin is different. The entrepreneur who walked barefoot from one of the poorest villages in eastern Henan Province, grew from a manure digger to China’s richest man, and became the "first loser" overnight. He has an extreme desire for survival, and has strong perseverance and mental strength, and will not easily do things that cannot be imagined.

In Evergrande’s growth history, it has encountered several major crises, which have eventually been saved from danger. For example, Evergrande was shorted by US short-seller Citron in June 2012, which said in a report that Evergrande Real Estate was insolvent. While Xu Jiayin asked Evergrande to respond to the short with financial data, he rushed to Hong Kong with executives to seek allies. Eight investment banks, including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the sponsor of Evergrande’s Hong Kong listing, subsequently issued announcements bullish on Evergrande. The next day, Evergrande’s comprehensive clarification report was released. In the end, Evergrande eliminated the crisis within a thrilling 48 hours.

The most serious failure was Hengda’s first IPO in 2008. In 2008, Hengda frantically acquired land all over the country in order to go public, with a land reserve of up to 45.78 million square meters, becoming the real estate developer with the largest land reserves that year. However, the unfortunate fate was to catch up with the US subprime mortgage crisis, and Xu Jiayin was caught off guard.

In April 2008, Hengda’s listing was blocked, and Hengda had to pay 4.10 billion yuan in July, and had to face major bank loans that matured one after another. At that time, only 4 of Xu Jiayin’s 37 projects in the country met the opening conditions, and Hengda’s funding gap was as high as 12 billion. Xu Jiayin went to Hong Kong to seek help for this. Under the recommendation of Yang Shoucheng, Xu Jiayin met Zheng Yutong, the former chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Co., Ltd., in order to get life-saving money, Xu Jiayin accompanied Zheng Yutong for 3 months to play hoe big D, and finally received 500 million US dollars of assistance, which solved the urgent need and became one of the members of the big D club.

At the same time, in October 2008, Xu Jiayin decided to let Evergrande Real Estate use the tried-and-true "magic" of price reduction promotion again, and the real estate in 18 cities across the country was sold at a 25% discount across the board. Evergrande took out nearly 20,000 housing units at that time, using ultra-low-price sales strategies, and there were more than 2 million square meters of construction area to benefit consumers, returning 5 billion yuan of funds. This trick was also sacrificed by Xu Jiayin at the beginning of last year. At that time, the splash ads of various apps were basically Hengda’s house sales promotions.

In October 2009, Hui Ka Yin announced that Evergrande Real Estate had once again launched its initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the roadshow luncheon on the first day of Evergrande Real Estate, Cheng Yu-tung, the 84-year-old chairperson of the board of directors of Hong Kong New World Development Group, supported Evergrande Real Estate. Zheng Yu-tung’s public statement, which has huge influence in Hong Kong, allowed Evergrande Real Estate to successfully complete the roadshow of the Hong Kong IPO, and received 11 times the international placement super subscription, and the offer for sale part exceeded 46 times.

On November 5, 2009, Hengda Real Estate finally achieved its listing on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At the listing ceremony and listing celebration ceremony of Hengda Real Estate, Zheng Yutong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong New World Group, Zheng Kachun, General Manager of New World Development Group, Lau Luanxiong, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Real Estate Group, and Zhang Songqiao, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of China Chongqing Land, were present to congratulate and give Xu Jiayin face. On the day of Hengda’s listing, Xu Jiayin won the title of the richest man in the Chinese mainland for the first time with a net worth of 42.20 billion yuan, surpassing Wang Chuanfu, the richest man on the Forbes Rich List announced on the same day. Since then, Xu Jiayin has opened the road of crazy expansion and leverage.

It’s just that when Hengda thundered last year, Xu Jiayin’s wealthy friends passed away, and it was difficult to reproduce the brotherhood of that year by selling off (Hengda stocks).

Can the 64-year-old Xu Jiayin save the day again?

LI: It’s a bit difficult to realize the ideal.

This time, LI had a topic because of the new car problem and the withdrawal of shareholders.


On December 13th, Sky Eye Information showed that after seven capital increases, Beijing Chehejia Information Technology Co., Ltd., the operating entity of LI, was lowered for the first time, and its registered capital was changed from 915 million yuan to 682 million yuan, a decrease of about 25%, and some investors withdrew.


Coincidentally, just after LI’s first new car, Li ONE, was delivered in December, users reported that there were many problems with the new car, including the failure alarm of the instrument panel emission system and the inability to speed up when stepping on the accelerator pedal.


For all kinds of problems after the delivery of new cars, LI CEO Li Xiang bluntly said in his personal official Weibo, "It is the greatest help for us to point out problems at the first time. In LI, finding and solving problems is the process of creating value, and concealing problems is suicide."


In an interview with the Beijing News reporter, some insiders admitted that they faced various problems at the stage of delivery. Although it had nothing to do with quality, it did leave a bad impression on users.


At the same time, the "small episode" of equity change has also made the outside world catch the wind. Some people think that capital changes and shareholders withdraw or prepare for IPO, but LI officials have not responded to this. If it is true, can LI still achieve Li Xiang’s goal of building a car under the circumstances of just delivering and facing problems and pursuing capital realization so quickly?

Rapid response to new car failure


On December 3rd, LI officials said that the first batch of new cars had been delivered, and at the same time, Li ONE with Baby Blue body color matching will begin to roll off the assembly line on December 13th.


The owners who got the first batch of new cars were not happy for too long, and the new cars had various failures. But the ideal response to the new car problem is also very fast.


On December 11th, after a user reported the alarm message of "emission system failure" on the instrument panel of the vehicle, on December 12th, LI immediately responded in its official Weibo that the cause of the instrument panel emission failure alarm was confirmed as "false alarm caused by the self-diagnosis mechanism of the three-way valve of the air conditioning system", and said that it would be solved in the subsequent software upgrade, and such problems would not affect the driving and safety of the vehicle. In addition, LI said that it also found that some vehicles will have false alarms such as parking system and body stability system, and will upgrade the software through OTA next week to solve the problem of false alarms.


On the morning of December 16th, a user drove into the expressway after picking up the car from the Hangzhou delivery center. After the adaptive cruise function was released during driving, the vehicle pedaling the accelerator pedal could not speed up. LI once again responded that the reason why the vehicle can’t speed up has been determined that the logistics mode of the vehicle was not completely released before it was delivered to the user, which is a missed inspection error.


In this regard, some netizens commented that it is normal for new cars to have bugs, but LI dares to face and solve problems, which is worthy of users’ expectation. However, many users said that this kind of problem appeared just after the new car was delivered, and it was difficult for people to treat it lightly. "This shows that it is still not solid. Security has always been the key to ideal advocacy, but it turned out to be a problem in the battlefield." Some users said.


There are many complaints about the delay in delivery.


According to the Beijing News reporter, it has been four years and five months since the establishment and delivery of LI, which is definitely one of the enterprises fighting on the long front among the new forces making cars.


Shortly before the delivery, LI also received complaints from users because of the delayed delivery. At the end of October, Ideal announced that it would postpone the delivery opening time of Li ONE, the first mass production model, from November this year to December, and directly deliver Li ONE 2020 models to the first batch of users.


In view of the reasons for the delayed delivery, LI said that the 2020 product has more upgraded parts. LI promised that the specific delivery time for each user would not exceed one month through the adjustment of the factory’s production capacity.


On October 21st, LI will update the estimated delivery time of the specific month according to the locking situation of the reserved users. If the license index expires, it will extend the license index for free.


Some car booking users said that many customers who have made small orders and locked orders have fully recognized the previous version of LI after several rounds of iteration, but this upgrade has also caused some customers’ uncertainty and wait-and-see mood. "The newly upgraded part may not necessarily add new users, but the cut place will definitely lose some existing customers." The user said.


It is difficult to rely on the new forces of building cars.


After several twists and turns in LI, the evaluation of the outside world has become mixed.


When the delivery was postponed before, Li Xiang had responded to LI’s "slow efficiency". "It is good for us, and we can see some mistakes made by many previous enterprises. We hope to effectively avoid these pits." Obviously, Li wants to have a clear understanding of what he and LI need and what to do.


Some insiders also said that for this industry, it is not a bad thing to spend more time to precipitate cars except that the tuyere is almost gone.


But after the delivery, LI will face more problems. The capital problem is the first thing to support the development of enterprises. The data shows that the operating income of LI in 2018 is about 170 million yuan, the net profit is about-719 million yuan, the total assets are about 4.732 billion yuan and the total liabilities are 830 million yuan. As of the first half of this year, LI’s operating income was about 5,277,600 yuan, net profit was about-629 million yuan, total assets were about 5,842 million yuan, and total liabilities were 931 million yuan.


However, the registered capital of Beijing Chehejia dropped sharply, and the shareholders of the company withdrew frequently. This makes people doubt the viability of LI’s capital. Some people think that LI’s capital change may pave the way for its overseas IPO. Earlier, it was reported that LI has started the listing of US stocks in 2020, and the IPO scale may be around 500 million US dollars.


A financial analyst said in an interview with the Beijing News that if the IPO in LI comes true, it will indeed bring more capital support to enterprises, but it will also bear the risks of company development and stock price fluctuation. Weilai is an example.


As its name suggests, LI is an ideal enterprise among the new forces of car making. However, it is not a good sign that users are questioning the products just after delivery. There have been rumors in the industry that there are not many new car-making forces that can survive in the cold winter of the auto market. Whoever can take the lead in IPO will survive. However, for companies that have just taken the first step of delivery, the ideal IPO pace may be a bit big.


Beijing News reporter Mo Wei Image source enterprise official website

Editor Zhang Bing proofreads Liu Jun.

Frequent accidents, can new energy vehicles be safely driven?

  Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, April 27th Question: Frequent accidents, can new energy vehicles be safely driven?

  Xinhua news agency reporter

  From the "roof protection" in Shanghai to the post-accident burning in Guangzhou and other places, recent cases of brake failure and spontaneous combustion have pushed new energy vehicles to the forefront. On the one hand, various capitals have rushed into the new energy automobile industry, and on the other hand, frequent accidents have caused public concern. How to treat safety accidents in the process of rapid development? Where is the key to battery safety? Can new energy vehicles be driven with peace of mind? Xinhua News Agency conducted an investigation.

  Frequent accidents "step on the brakes" for the development of new energy vehicles

  Recently, the rapid development of new energy vehicles has caused frequent accidents, including fire and combustion after the accident, spontaneous combustion caused by batteries, and brake failure.

  On April 17, a Tesla in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, caught fire and burned, and one passenger died. The cause of the accident is still under investigation. On the same day, a Tesla car in Houston, USA, had an accident and caught fire and was burned.

  On April 14th, a Xpeng Motors in Tianhe District of Guangzhou City spontaneously ignited while charging. The company said that the cause of the accident was under investigation.

  The reason for the "brake failure" that caused the focus of public opinion is still unclear. After the "roof rights protection" incident at the Shanghai Auto Show, Tesla was exposed to many cases of brake failure in Hainan and other places. As an iconic enterprise of new energy vehicles, Tesla is facing a crisis of trust.

  As a new thing, it is a fact that technology is immature. In fact, in order to gain the trust of consumers, new energy automobile enterprises need to pay more responsibility, and even need to be tested under a magnifying glass. However, some enterprises’ lack of honest behavior and inadequate services have aggravated public doubts.

  At the end of last year, LI, who was deeply trapped in the "broken axle door", had to publish a letter of apology and announce the recall of the faulty car after trying to cover up the quality defect of the ball pin of the lower arm of the front suspension of his car with "hardware optimization and upgrade".

  Tesla once aroused public anger because of his arrogant attitude. After the "roof rights protection" incident, Tesla accused the car owners involved of "contributing too much negative" and claimed that the company had tried its best to solve the problem, and the car owners’ demands were unreasonable and the company would never compromise. However, it was immediately revealed that it refused to provide complete driving data half an hour before the vehicle accident. The China Consumers Association said that the primary premise of business operation is to respect consumers, and enterprises with data should use professional knowledge to conduct strict self-examination, instead of turning technological advantages into obstacles to solving problems. After that, the companies involved provided data.

  Many insiders said that according to the existing statistics, the fire accident rate of new energy vehicles is lower than that of traditional fuel vehicles. However, as a national strategic emerging industry and the direction of future transportation transformation and development, the public is highly concerned and sensitive about this, which psychologically magnifies the sense of insecurity. These accidents can, to a certain extent, cool down the "high fever" new energy automobile industry and make the industry develop more healthily.

  Growing pains: high nickel risk under long battery life

  Why is the battery "easy to destroy"? Wang Wei, chairman of Xinwangda Electronics Co., Ltd. believes that it is difficult to put out a large-capacity power battery after it catches fire and the risk of re-ignition is high, which is the pain point of the development of new energy vehicles.

  Under the background of "mileage anxiety" and "endurance anxiety" in the industry, long endurance has become the number one task in the industry. At present, there are two main technical routes to solve this problem, namely ternary li-polymer and lithium iron phosphate battery.

  As a widely used product, the main function of nickel in ternary li-polymer is to improve the energy density, that is, the unit storage capacity. In order to improve the cruising range, the proportion of nickel in the battery cathode material is getting higher and higher, and the ratio with cobalt and manganese is increased from 1:1:1 to 5:2:3, then to 6:2:2, and finally to 8:1:1.

  Zhang Ming, general manager of Zhuhai Zhongli New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. said: "The thermal stability of high nickel ternary materials is poor. The higher the nickel content, the higher the energy density of the battery, but at the same time the higher the risk of thermal runaway of the battery. "

  Respondents said that multi-path research and development of battery technology can be encouraged. After all, new energy vehicles are still a new track, whether it is ternary lithium batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries or other batteries, as long as they meet the conditions of China’s resource endowment and safety standards, they can all be active.

  "However, it is necessary to be alert to the unilateral pursuit of high energy density by power batteries, and to eliminate mileage anxiety on the surface. In fact, many technologies have not been fully verified and commercialized." Liang Rui, vice president of Xinwangda Electronics Co., Ltd. said.

  Standards such as "Safety Requirements for Power Batteries for Electric Vehicles" issued in May last year require that the battery system will not catch fire or explode within 5 minutes after the thermal runaway of the battery monomer occurs, leaving escape time. Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD’s brand and public relations division, believes that five minutes is still insufficient in the face of the situation that the car door may be damaged and difficult to open after the accident. If it can reach half an hour, it will be more secure.

  Fill the "blind spot" of system detection and eliminate potential risks

  At present, there are about 5 million new energy vehicles in China, which will increase rapidly in the future. Power battery and system risks should not be underestimated.

  The safety accident that happened in Zengcheng, Guangzhou on April 17th even led to the debate about Tesla AP function (automatic assisted driving) "grabbing the steering wheel". Some car owners broke the news one after another, saying that the automatic driving of existing new energy vehicles sometimes happens when they suddenly quit at the corner, which directly refers to the safety of the electronic control system.

  Zhang Ming said that the fundamental difference from traditional fuel vehicles is that the electronic control system of new energy vehicles is a key link in operation. If there is no professional system testing organization and no automobile enterprise to provide corresponding driving data as support, only the hardware of new energy vehicles will be tested, and the result may be "no abnormality", which may actually hide risks.

  People in the industry suggest that policy adaptability should be improved, and a standard system for testing and evaluation of new energy vehicles should be established. "Annual review" and daily maintenance should be included in the performance testing of power batteries. "The" Regulations on the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China "requires that cars must be inspected annually, but the current testing indicators are all aimed at traditional fuel vehicles." Zhang Ming said that there is no specific "annual inspection" standard for new energy vehicles such as pure electric vehicles, and it is necessary to formulate standards for passing the annual inspection and the entry threshold for the annual inspection units.

  "Pure electric new energy vehicles can only detect systems such as appearance, chassis, lighting and braking at the inspection station. However, key power battery packs and other components cannot be disassembled, which involves issues such as responsibility attribution and technical confidentiality of enterprises. " Zhang Ming said.

  At present, intelligent networked cars are changing from vehicles to mobile intelligent terminals, energy storage units and digital spaces. There are hundreds of sensors on a car, which produces a huge amount of car data, user data, road network data and so on. How to store data, transmit data and use data has become a major issue that regulators, vehicle manufacturers and data companies must face.

  "Data is becoming the core secret of intelligent networked vehicles, and it is impossible for enterprises to provide all data to the regulatory authorities. But if the data of the regulatory authorities are not mastered, how can we supervise them? How to support the testing ability of public testing institutions? " Hu Yixiang, vice president of Guangdong Guanghua Technology Co., Ltd. said. (Reporter Zhou Qiang, Wu Tao, Sun Fei, Yin Peng, Li Jiale)

The world is so big and I have a Shanghai.

Teacher Li often praises the barbecue shop on the roadside.

I admit that I was attracted by the forwarding words in my colleague Teacher Y’s circle of friends, so I clicked on the link "Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic".

Now living in Pudong New Area, Li Liqun, an old drama teacher, is a frequent visitor to Tik Tok. He often shows his life scenes as a novice "Uncle Shanghai". For example, my colleague was recommended by Li Liqun to plant grass in the barbecue shop. Li Liqun in the video, I hope everyone will cooperate with the government’s epidemic prevention work and not be a "black sheep". It’s very honest and brief, but it doesn’t seem to play the role of "Wang Wei". It’s more like the performance of countless Shanghai uncles. Although it’s hard to avoid being unwilling in my heart, I still obey the overall situation rationally.

Actor Li Liqun sent a video in Pudong, calling on everyone to unite against the epidemic.

After that, I clicked on a video forwarded by a friend who lives in Minhang District, "Actor wuyue cheers for his hometown Minhang and the frontline staff against the epidemic". Wuyue, a Shanghai-born actor, said, "The sudden epidemic has messed up our lives and made a person who is away from home particularly concerned. I hope that my favorite Shanghai, Minhang and my parents can survive the epidemic safely. "

In the video, wuyue’s plain face is facing the sky, the indoor light is a little dim, and the picture quality is a little slag, which completely loses the exquisiteness of the big star in the previous movie "Love Myth". However, it is this prickly picture texture that touches a certain place in my heart: wuyue is no longer a star. She is just an ordinary citizen living in Minhang District. She really has parents in Shanghai, and her parents are really undergoing the current test like us. The "caring" she said in the video is not a line, just like when I connected with my parents who were locked up in another community, although she didn’t say the word "caring".

Screenshot of wuyue cheering for his hometown Minhang.

Wuyue is cheering for Shanghai because she is from Shanghai; She is cheering for Minhang, because her home is in Minhang. Just like my friend forwarded this video because she really lives in Minhang.

Ma Yili, another Shanghai-born star, also cheered for Shanghai on the video. "I have relatives who are medical workers. I have been on the front line day and night these two days." She also said that her children have been taking classes online. A few words fill the Shanghai people’s sense of bringing in.

Li Liqun in Pudong, wuyue in Minhang, and Ma Yili in Xuhui are call calling for Shanghai. They are not far away from Shanghai. They are originally part of Shanghai, but the rough self-portrait quality constitutes the real presence.

Shanghai is not an abstract big Shanghai, but a concrete street, community and life circle belonging to concrete people. In the eyes of Shanghai residents, Shanghai is no longer the magic capital full of envy or curiosity in other people’s eyes. It is your favorite barbecue shop on the street, the fireworks of fried dough sticks and soy milk in the morning, the shade of phoenix trees that you will encounter when you go out in summer, or the hearty sound brought to you by the dozens of kilometers of plastic runway in Binjiang.

We often say "Shanghai is my home" and "Pudong is my home". If we break it down, we can also say "XX Street is my home" and "XX Community is my home", which are all my homes.

At this special moment, you can feel the sense of belonging in the community and streets more and more, which is the granularity of Shanghai identity.

Neighbors who are usually "unfamiliar" and have been nodding acquaintances for several years have become "close contacts" in life because of the closure of the community. The community has become an imaginary community of so many people: doing nucleic acids together, volunteering together, buying food together, looking forward to clearing it together, and waiting for the unblocking together.

I grabbed the vegetable bag under the order and gave a handful of green onions and a box of tomatoes to Zhang Apo, who lives alone. Please come home for dinner when you see that the children downstairs are unattended in online classes. Don’t forget to knock on the opposite door when you receive the news of going downstairs to do nucleic acid; Express delivery on the iron shelf at the entrance of the community, take the initiative to sign up as a volunteer; The group in the community shouted "XX medicine, who has inventory?" , you get a series of responses one after another … Help each other, unite as one, is a familiar word, but it shows the wonderful place of these words at this time.

Shanghai is experiencing an unprecedented test, and everyone in Shanghai hopes that this haze will disappear soon. Therefore, we must "work together to protect our homeland and our city".

There are so many people in this world, so lucky, I have a us. The world is so big, and I have a Shanghai. Because of love, I will cherish it, and because of love, I am willing to fight for it. Defending Pudong, Minhang and Xuhui … Defending Shanghai is nothing more than guarding your own home.

Poster design whitewater

The root of Xiong Haizi’s disobedience lies in the family education experts’ guidance and education prescription.

  The long summer vacation is coming to an end, and many parents are relieved. "It’s finally liberated!" For them, the experience of fighting with "Xiong Haizi" during the holiday is no easier than going to work.

  According to psychologists, every holiday is a period of high incidence of parent-child conflicts. In fact, this is an important part of education. As parents, we should know how to seize the opportunity and guide the situation.

  Children are not sensible.

  Parents lack the awareness of cultivating social people.

  Wen Fang, director of the Beijing Psychological Counseling Center for Primary and Secondary Schools, said that during the non-holiday period, parents are busy at work and children are busy at school, and there is not much time for contact and communication with each other. During the holidays, many parents will take a special leave of absence in order to spend time with their children and enjoy a harmonious parent-child time. However, this intimate contact has made parents discover many unsatisfactory places in their children. Many parents who come to the counseling center for help have a headache for their children’s hospitality.

  Some parents confide that they don’t know why their children are so ignorant. When guests come, things at home don’t make people move at all. Even because I moved my own things, I directly beat out the children brought by the other party. Other parents ask for help. When a guest comes to the house, the child hides in the room and is unwilling to communicate with others. Both parents doubt whether the child has depression.

  Wen Fang said that parents who have this kind of trouble should first cultivate their children’s sense of ownership, so that they can feel that they are the masters of the family and have a certain sense of responsibility. "With the sense of ownership, he can give some attention to people who come home. Otherwise, the child will think that the person who came is looking for my father to find my mother, which has nothing to do with me. " In addition, with the sense of ownership, there will be a certain sense of "sharing" and "sacrifice". "I am the master of the family and have to take care of the guests."

  On this basis, parents should also pay attention to instilling in their children the awareness and habits of being civilized and polite in peacetime. "Adults should be taught manners such as how to address when they come and how to say goodbye when they leave." In Wen Fang’s view, this is actually an important educational link for children to develop from natural persons to social persons.

  At the same time, after receiving the guests, parents should give timely summary guidance: how did they just perform and what can be improved … … "Point out the problem must be timely, because children are emotional. Why did you do this at that time? Children remember it best. In a few days, it is no longer educational to turn over the old accounts when the children forget. "

  It’s not just parents who are upset. Many children also feel very headache about getting along with their parents day and night. "What I want to buy and what I want to do is not free at all, and my parents have to intervene in everything." Wen Fang said that this actually reflects a common problem. Parents take more care of their children and have less development training. In the process of consultation, it is found that many parents often regard their children as a caring object, rather than a member of the family. "To put it more seriously, it is to regard the child as a very fragile treasure and put it at home to look after it. However, the child is ungrateful. Because looking after it, there is bound to be no freedom, and the child is of course unhappy. "

  Wen Fang introduced that in this case, many parents are prone to autocracy. "Everything is arranged by me, and everything is my final say." In this way, the child’s emotional changes will not be taken into account. "Now children have a strong sense of independence. When parents are authoritarian, they will resist and contradictions will come out."

  In Wen Fang’s view, during the holidays, parents should not only take care of their children’s food and drink needs as natural persons, but also have certain training and guidance to help them integrate into society and family, play their role at home, enhance their family awareness and promote their further transformation into social people.

  Children don’t want to go to school.

  Parents help their children find their sense of being students.

  With the approach of school, the problem of "school phobia" began to emerge. "It’s time to start school. Many children are afraid to go to school because they haven’t finished their homework or because they have a bad relationship with teachers and classmates." Wen also came into contact with some exaggerated cases. A second-grade child couldn’t hear the word "start school" at home, and he trembled when he heard it.

  In contrast, there are children who are extremely looking forward to the start of school. Before the start of school, they are eager to contact their classmates. Parents who came to ask for help reported that they often couldn’t find their mobile phones at night, only to find that they were secretly taken to bed by their children and chatted with their classmates on WeChat overnight.

  In this regard, Wen Fang suggested that the most important thing for parents at this time is to help their children find the feeling of being a student. In terms of work and rest, try to be close to the school, for example, arrange a certain time every day, let the children concentrate on reading and writing homework, and collect their hearts properly. In addition, we should also pay attention to regulating children’s emotions, especially for freshmen, junior high school students and senior high school students who want to enter the new collective. Parents should pay special attention to children’s emotional counseling and guide them to prepare and connect in advance.

  During this time, parents can also let their children’s emotions have an appropriate catharsis. For example, let their children find good friends to meet and chat before the start of school. "This way, it will not be too exciting for old friends to meet each other. At that time, the enthusiasm is too much, and you may not be interested in listening in class. " With catharsis in advance, when the school starts, you can smoothly transition to the normal class.

  Wen Fang believes that in the remaining half a month or so, parents should also guide their children to make up for the lesson of family, so that children can feel their sense of responsibility at home.

  Children’s psychological rebellion

  Parents learn to use "other children" skillfully.

  Many parents report that their children seem to be particularly rebellious during the holidays. Liu Weibing, an associate professor in the Department of Youth Work of China Youth University for Politics, pointed out that treason is actually a kind of resistance and doubt when he was a guest in Beijing City Radio "Face to Face Education". Generally speaking, children begin to enter puberty at the age of twelve or thirteen, but in fact, at the age of seven to nine, children’s sense of independence begins to sprout, and they begin to disagree with the rules formulated by adults. "What do parents sometimes think of underage children? In fact, I think that sometimes parents and teachers must listen to children’s reasonable ideas and grow up with them to avoid adult preconceptions. "

  Song Shaowei, an expert in adolescent psychology and deputy director of Tsinghua University Happiness Science and Technology Laboratory, said that the main reason for children’s rebellion was that they suddenly discovered that one day their parents were not as authoritative and tall as they thought when they were young, so they began to complain about their parents. At this time, it is particularly important for parents not to turn themselves into invincible parents who are always right, but to admit and accept what they have done wrong. As children grow older, we should give them the right to speak, solicit their opinions when making decisions, and pay attention to their inner demands.

  In Song Shaowei’s view, two kinds of family environment tend to make children’s rebellion stronger: one is a family that is too indulgent and dotes on children in the process of raising. The children in this family are overindulged since childhood, all kinds of needs are fully met, there are basically no rules at home, and there are many problems in school. Children are completely deformed at home and difficult to control at school. The second category is over-educated families, especially those whose parents are engaged in certain occupations, which are the hardest hit areas. For example, parents who work in the fields of justice, accounting and education are prone to problems. Influenced by their careers, these parents often can’t rub sand in their eyes when disciplining their children. "Let’s talk about teachers, because I have seen too many good children, and it is easy to find problems when I see my own children, which leads to strict discipline." Song Shaowei said that it is impossible to discipline children too loosely or too strictly, and moderation is the key.

  Then, compared with other stages, what are the priorities of education for rebellious and adolescent children? Liu Weibing said that in the face of children at this stage, parents should be positively motivated. What is positive motivation? He cited the movie Looking Up as an example. In the movie, Ma Fei’s test scores were from the bottom to the bottom, and his father said, "It’s very good, it’s improved, and it ranks two places ahead." "This is positive motivation. People are moving forward step by step, and it is impossible to fly in one step, so parents should gradually open their children’s potential. " Liu Weibing told reporters.

  Song Shaowei suggested using "other people’s children" skillfully. "Now, many parents often use ‘ Other people’s children ’ Suppressing one’s own children not only fails to achieve the purpose of education, but also causes children’s rebellion. Actually, ‘ Other people’s children ’ It can be an external force to promote children’s progress. The key is what parents say. " He introduced that if "other people’s children" are better than their own children, they can say, "Yes, you are doing better and better now, and you will soon surpass someone." If "other people’s children" are not as good as their own children, you can say, "You are much better than others now, but keep it up." This way to communicate with children, on the one hand, children will see their own advantages and have more confidence in themselves; On the other hand, we will also see the gap between ourselves and excellent "others", so that we can not only agree with ourselves now, but also have the courage to work hard for ourselves better.

  Song Shaowei believes that children’s "rebellion" does not disappear naturally with age. Only when children realize that their parents’ love for them is sincere and everything they do is for their own good, will this emotion gradually weaken. At the same time, when children see that their parents are no longer the strong ones who control everything from high above, but the "weak ones" who need to be loved, the "rebellion" of their parents in their hearts will really disappear. (Reporter Niu Weikun Photo courtesy of Xinhua News Agency)

State Administration of Financial Supervision: Accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing has achieved results.

The Beijing News According to the State Administration of Financial Supervision, on January 26, the General Administration of Financial Supervision held a meeting to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, attended the meeting and stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Xiao Yuanqi, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, presided over the meeting. Responsible comrades from relevant departments of the Central Finance Office, the Central Finance Office and the General Office of the State Council attended the meeting. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.
The meeting pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. At the beginning of January this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing, requiring cities at or above the prefecture level to establish a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing. The coordination mechanism is an important measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the central financial work conference, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promote the virtuous circle of finance and real estate.
The meeting held that the coordination mechanism should give full play to the leading role of local governments, strengthen overall planning of work, refine policies and measures, and promote the accurate docking of real estate development enterprises and financial institutions. According to the principle of fairness and justice, the list of real estate projects that can be given financing support should be screened and pushed to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. It is necessary to strengthen information sharing and provide relevant financial institutions with information such as project construction and operation, pre-sale fund supervision and so on in a timely manner. It is necessary to guide financial institutions to negotiate with real estate development enterprises on an equal footing, make independent decisions and implement them according to the principles of marketization and rule of law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial institutions.
The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.
The meeting requested that all supervision bureaus should actively participate in the coordination mechanism, actively cooperate with local governments and housing construction departments, carry out related work in a steady and orderly manner, jointly promote the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Editor Liu Jiani

# Emotion

In this world, love flows in people’s hearts like a winding river. Sometimes it is as calm as a mirror, and sometimes it is rough.

The abuse of heart in love may be due to mutual misunderstanding and suspicion. When two people drift away because of lack of communication, the feeling of heartache is unbearable. When one party in love is forced to leave for some reason, the heartbreaking pain is even more unacceptable.

However, in these cruel plots, the reversal of love comes quietly. At a casual moment, people who seemed indifferent suddenly showed their warmth and care, and those who had been hurt were healed by mutual understanding and embrace.

In this world full of variables, the reversal of love also makes us understand that we should cherish every time we get along with the people we love, and don’t leave regrets because of impulse or negligence. When we learn to listen attentively and feel with love, we can find our own happiness in this cruel love.

In this love story full of reversals, we not only see the joys and sorrows of love, but also see that love has become more firm and precious after the storm. It is these stories of heart abuse and reversal that let us know how to cherish and learn to be strong, and also let us find our own home in the world of love.

Some things you must know about shooting.

Hello, everyone, today we share some things you must know about shooting, I hope you like it!

front cover

There are no rules for shooting. The purpose of shooting is not to be beautiful, but to score. If you hear shooting, you think that shooting is limited to your feet. That’s because we have a preconceived concept of shooting. In the past, some strikers that everyone liked, Mueller, Inzaghi and Raul, didn’t shoot well, but they just scored.

Figure 1- Prejudice

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to pursue technical perfection, we must do it well, because if we really want to shoot, we must score, exert ourselves, turn the corner and shoot the ball where we want to shoot.

Figure 2- Shooting Score

However, we have said the perfect technique countless times. Put our supporting feet next to the ball, head down, tighten the core, pay attention to follow the ball, lock our ankles, and then kick the ball and land, like this.

Figure 3- Perfect Technology

But if we look up like this, or lean back, we will send the ball directly to the moon, which is definitely not what we want.

Figure 4- Don’t lean back

So what’s so special about these strikers mentioned above? They know where the ball is going, which is another form and part of shooting, because in essence, it is why we shoot, and we shoot to score.

Figure 5- What’s so special?

Think about it, if we know where the ball is going, we can shoot it in. Sun Tzu, a great thinker and author of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, said, "If you defeat the enemy without fighting, the good will be good."

Figure 6- Know where the ball is going

This means that we must find a way to achieve our goal instead of struggling like ants on hot bricks.

So whether you like him or not, Ronaldo can always score goals. He doesn’t care about those comments. If we want to win and score goals, look at what these players are doing.

Figure 7- Always scoring goals

Harland has many chances to shoot. He knows how to score goals. What else can we do?

Next, the most important thing is that we should take risks. In some leagues, the goal rate of shooting rebound is as high as 20-25%.

Figure 8- Dare to take risks

This means that if we shoot, although it doesn’t look the best, as long as the ball can pass the first defender, who knows what will happen?

Figure 9- Passing the defender

Rebound ball is difficult for the goalkeeper to predict and react in time. Maybe the ball will bounce in from the knee, back and face. Anyway, we will never know until we try.

Figure 10- Dare to shoot.

Remember, as a striker, we should dare to take risks, and as a defender, we should also dare to take risks, but we should take risks wisely, especially when we are in and around the restricted area, and don’t hesitate to shoot decisively.

Figure 11- Decisive shooting

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!

"The Eve" Zhang Huiwen was spit out again. Although she played very seriously, she always made people play.

As a spy war drama with a great audience base, The Night Before is different from many previous spy war dramas in casting. Several main characters are basically young actors and artists, such as Oho Ou, Zhang Huiwen, Shi Shi and Zhao Zhiwei. Generally speaking, everyone’s performance is also remarkable, but like some previous TV dramas, Zhang Huiwen was spit out in this night before.

First of all, there is no denying the charm of Zhang Huiwen itself, and her appearance temperament is also the kind of fresh, beautiful, clever and feminine beauty type, especially when Su Nan has a front close-up. Under the sunshine, Su Nan’s eyes are bright and full of hope, showing a very sunny and inspiring smile, which is still very exciting and makes people feel the beauty of Zhang Huiwen.

Secondly, Zhang Huiwen worked very hard as an actor. In "The Eve", it can be said that Zhang Huiwen played very seriously and worked very hard. Before Su Nan’s life and death were uncertain, she appeared more as a passionate young student, so at this time, although she already had a belief and hope, she was more youthful and pure and sweet with a young female student. This kind of setting is still possible for Zhang Huiwen to present in many opposite plays with Oho Ou, from smile to role relationship.

Su Nan, who went online again later, was not only an underground worker of our party, but also penetrated into the enemy’s interior. At this time, when she appeared as a female officer of the Kuomintang, Su Nan was more in a state of cold and sharp momentum, not to mention Su Nan’s aura and performance at this time. Judging from the plot, Zhang Huiwen’s interpretation was undoubtedly very hard.

But on the other hand, although Zhang Huiwen has her own charm and is very serious in acting, she still gets a lot of criticism in this film "The Eve". A very important reason is that some of her performances in the play always make people can’t help acting, and this is actually a slot that has always existed since her debut, that is, her eyes and the eye play when she presents the role state.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are very beautiful, and a pair of big eyes are very prominent, which can give people a pleasing aesthetic feeling. However, under some specific angles and lenses, Zhang Huiwen’s big eyes make people feel awkward, not belittling and mocking the wind, but simply making people feel that sometimes they are cross-eyed, which will reduce their temperament and make people unable to play in the chase.

On the other hand, it is the expression and transmission of Zhang Huiwen’s eye play. Although Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are big, they often give people a feeling of being godless or even dull. When expressing some emotions such as anger or domineering, Zhang Huiwen’s eyes are wide open, but the dull and godless feeling even makes people feel very stiff, so they can’t help but play very hard in the chase.

Actually, it’s not only in this film The Eve, but also in some film and television dramas that Zhang Huiwen participated in before. You are like The Legend of Fei, Housewife and Ode to Joy in the third and fourth seasons, etc. Zhang Huiwen has such a slot in his performance, saying that Yan Yan is definitely a beauty, and his performance is really hard, but his eyes always make people can’t help acting, which also makes Zhang Huiwen suffer a lot of spit and doubts. So what do you think of Zhang Huiwen’s performance in The Eve?

Iverson: Harden needs to prove himself. Only Curry James can be called super giant in active service.

Iverson: Harden needs to prove himself. Only Curry James can be called super giant in active service.

Recently, there was a shocking remark in the basketball world. Iverson, a former NBA player, said that he thought james harden needed to prove himself before he could be called a superstar, while only Stephen Curry and lebron james can be called real superstars in active service.

Iverson’s evaluation of Harden has caused extensive discussion and controversy. As the star of Houston Rockets, Harden’s scoring ability and organization ability are unparalleled in the league. He has been the king of scoring and assists in the past few seasons. With his outstanding personal performance, he led the team into the playoffs many times. However, Iverson believes that Harden still needs to prove his leadership ability and the strength to win the championship at a critical moment before he can really be called a superstar.

For Harden, this is undoubtedly a challenge and pressure. As a top player, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of leading the team to achieve better results. In the past few seasons, the rockets have encountered some difficulties in the playoffs and failed to make further breakthroughs. This has also become a question of whether Harden can play well at a critical moment. Harden needs to show stronger leadership and winning ability in the game and lead the team to higher honors.

However, Iverson’s remarks also caused some different voices. Some people think that Harden has proved his strength, and his outstanding performance and personal honor are enough to prove that he is a superstar. In fact, Harden has been selected into the All-Star Team for several consecutive seasons and is considered as one of the top scorers in the league today. His skill, basketball IQ and court dominance are indisputable.

In any case, the title of superstar is not easy to get. Only a few players can reach this height. They not only need excellent personal ability, but also need to play well at critical moments and lead the team to victory. Stephen Curry and lebron james, as superstars among active players, have made outstanding achievements in both personal honor and team achievement.

For Harden, he needs to accept this challenge and continue to work hard to improve his ability and leadership. Only when you prove your worth at a critical moment can you really get the title of superstar. No matter how the outside world evaluates it, Harden needs to focus on his basketball career and prove his value with practical actions.

As the top star among the active NBA players, Harden is undoubtedly under great pressure and expectation. His outstanding performance and achievements have made him a hot topic for fans. However, the answer to whether he can be called a superstar is not simple, because the definition of superstar may be different in different people’s eyes.

Superstars not only refer to players’ personal abilities on the field, but also include their influence on the team and the overall performance of the team. At this point, Curry and James do have the qualities of superstars. Curry led the Warriors to win the championship in a row, and his shooting skills and leadership are indisputable. James, on the other hand, is a player who has won the championship for many times. He led the team to succeed in the playoffs with his comprehensive skills and high basketball IQ.

However, Harden still has some room for improvement in this respect. Although he has excellent scoring and organizational skills in personal ability, his leadership and performance at critical moments still need to be strengthened. In the past few playoff games, the Rockets failed to make a breakthrough in the confrontation with strong enemies, which also affected Harden’s recognition as a superstar to some extent.

Harden needs to be more calm and decisive at the critical moment, not only to be excellent in personal performance, but also to become the leader of the team. He needs to take more responsibility in the game and lead the team to achieve better results. Only by showing his value in the success of the team and the competition for the championship can Harden really get the title of superstar.

However, whether Harden is called a superstar or not, his achievements and contributions can not be ignored. As a top player, he has proved his position in the league. His outstanding performance has brought countless wonderful moments to the fans, and his personal honor is beyond doubt. No matter how the outside world evaluates, Harden should continue to strive to improve his ability and strive for more victories for the team.

Generally speaking, the title of superstar needs to be proved by practical actions on the field. Harden needs to make a breakthrough in personal ability and leadership before he can really get this title. In any case, he has become one of the most influential and powerful players in the current NBA, and his basketball talent and efforts deserve our appreciation and attention.