Wanda Film reorganization, Wang Jianlin Wang Sicong father and son cash 2.70 billion, is to collect money or cut meat?

Original title: Wanda Film reorganization, Wang Jianlin Wang Sicong father and son cash 2.70 billion, is to collect money or cut meat?

Author/Jia Yang, Chihiro

When the class A share film and television company was lamenting in the capital battle, Wanda Film, which had been suspended for nearly a year, threw out a restructuring plan – priced at 11.619 billion yuan and purchased 96.83% of Wanda Film and Television.

It seems that it is the sale of Wanda’s assets "left hand to right hand", but a discerning person can see the key to the problem at a glance: Wang Jianlin and his son have cashed out?

Entertainment CapitalAfter carefully analyzing the transaction structure, we found that the truth is not so simple.

It is not so much "cashing out" as "making a profit", and this is bound to go through a complex game of interests and multiple compromises.

In theory, Wang Jianlin and his son can indeed cash out nearly 2.70 billion yuan in the reorganization. But this is not their initiative, but triggered the relevant regulations of the Securities Supervision Commission on the short-term operation of major shareholders in the secondary market, and had to take cash. In addition, the money is not only paid in 3 years, but also stipulates strict gambling terms. Assuming that Wanda Film and Television does not complete the bet, 100 million less than the target, Wang Jianlin and his son will pay the listed company 1.30 billion…

Not only that, the price of Wanda Film and Television’s injection (about 13 times PE) is far lower than the current market price of film and television companies (24 times PE), and even lower than the valuation of the previous round of pre-IPO financing.

You know, the pre-IPO of Wanda Film and Television was still in early 2016, coinciding with the valuation peak of the film and television capital markets. Wanda’s bosses only sent a Moments, which easily raised billions of funds.

Now, film and television stocks are facing a cold winter, and Wang Jianlin’s demands are also very clear, and contradictions are divided into priority and priority. Advancing the listing of Wanda Film and Television as soon as possible is the first priority. It is necessary to reduce the valuation and obtain rapid regulatory approval, and use high cost performance to win the active endorsement of secondary market capital, so as to ensure the safety of the entire group’s funds.

After all, this is the rational and cold Wang Jianlin, not Jia Yueting who "runs blindfolded".

Wanda Film’s predecessor was the listed company Wanda Cinema (which had acquired Time Network), while Wanda Film and Television is mainly Wanda’s film and television production business, which has not been integrated into the listed company.

As early as 2016, Wanda Film and Television had a plan to inject assets into a listed company. At that time, the asset package also covered the legendary film industry that Wanda had just acquired. It was necessary to sell it to a listed company at a 37.20 billion price. But under the harsh environment of capital markets, in the end, Wanda voluntarily gave up.

This wait is two years.

This time, the injected asset package excludes the "big loss-making" Legendary Film Industry, and adds the new media Eslite (Wanda’s TV drama production asset, the production of "Breaking the Sky" is about to be broadcast).

Due to the change in assets, the transaction size has dropped significantly from the previous 37.20 billion to 11.60 billion.

In this merger, the listed company Wanda Film will purchase the equity of Wanda Film and Television shareholders through cash and issuance of new shares. After injecting Wanda Film, Wanda Film and Television made a performance commitment of 3.228 billion yuan in cumulative net profit for three years.

When the announcement came out and saw the following agreement, many people in the market tut-tut: The Wang father and son have cashed out!

Wanda Film said in the announcement that the underlying asset consideration held by Wanda Investment is 2.693 billion yuan, which is paid by Wanda Film in cash; the underlying asset consideration held by other parties is paid by non-public issuance of shares.

This Wanda investment is carried out by Wang Jianlin and Wang Sicong father and son through the shareholding, the two people together hold 100%. In theory, Wang Jianlin father and son can cash out nearly 2.70 billion yuan in the restructuring.

But in fact, taking cash may be a no-brainer.

According to Article 47 of the Securities Law, directors, supervisors, senior managers, and shareholders who hold more than 5% of the shares of a listed company shall sell their shares in the company within six months after purchase, or buy them again within six months after sale, and the proceeds therefrom shall belong to the company, and the company’s board of directors shall recover the proceeds.

What does this mean? That is to say, in secondary market stock trading, the Securities Supervision Commission does not allow major shareholders to buy and then sell, or sell and then buy within six months. This triggers the Securities Supervision Commission’s short-term trading rules.

According to the conditions in the announcement, in order to get the 2.70 billion yuan, the Wang father and son need to meet the following conditions:

First, 2.70 billion paid over three years.After the delivery, the listed company paid 1 billion yuan to Wanda Investment; after the first annual report, paid 900 million yuan; after the second annual report, paid the remaining 792,885,650 yuan transaction consideration.

Second, the cash payment transactions of Wanda Investment are tied to the gambling agreement.According to the announcement, before the payment of the second and third installments, if the performance commitment party Wanda Investment fails to complete the performance commitment and needs to compensate, Wanda Film will directly deduct the corresponding amount from the price.

Wanda Film board secretary Wang Huiwu further explained to Entertainment Capital that this compensation is not equal, but has an amplification effect. According to the amplification formula announced in the announcement, assuming that Wanda Film and Television has a difference of 100 million in 2018 to complete the bet, then Wanda Investment needs to compensate the listed company for 1 divided by 3.20 billion, and then multiplied by 12 billion.

In this process, Wanda Investment not only cannot easily cash out, but also has to bear some risks for other shareholders.

Since Wanda Film and Television has 21 shareholders in this transaction, under normal circumstances, if Wanda Film and Television does not complete the bet, each shareholder should compensate the listed company according to the proportion of equity held. However, according to the announcement, this is equivalent to Wanda Investment holding only 22% of Wanda Film and Television’s shares, but it bears 100% of the compensation liability. As long as the bet is not completed, it will be compensated by the major shareholders.

Referring to the announcement of Oceanwide Holdings in early 2016 (purchasing 6.61% of Wanda Film and Television for 1.058 billion yuan), it can be estimated that the valuation of Wanda Film and Television at that time was 16 billion. And the asset package of this acquisition added New Media Eslite (valuation 1 billion) and Mutual Love Interactive (valuation 259 million),The overall valuation has instead fallen to 12 billion.

There are old investors in the stock bar who commented that sending it to the listed company at this price is completely a loss-making deal. No wonder this time it is only buying 96.83% of the shares instead of 100%. The remaining 3.17% of shareholders may be "nail households" who feel that the price is too low and will not sell.

Wanda Film and Television’s valuation value in this transaction is 12.002 billion, the initial carrying value is 5.08 billion, and the value-added rate is 136.25%. This value-added rate is not high in the film and television industry. In terms of the review required for the acquisition of listed companies, it is about 13-15 times the level, while Wanda Film and Television is installed into Wanda Film at 13 times the valuation. After the class A share media sector fell sharply, PE still has 24 times.

It is worth noting that, in addition to Wanda Investment, the other 20 investors, the private equity investors gave up the opportunity to cash out, the most obvious reason is that the valuation is too low, and it is more cost-effective to hold the shares of listed companies to share the later rising dividends.

Huace insisted on part of Wanda Film and Television’s equity in the first quarter of 2017, and received a return of 18 million yuan according to media reports

Entertainment CapitalIt has been discussed in depth before,The capital of the film and television industry is experiencing a ebb period in the past two yearsIt is not surprising that the valuation at that time has shrunk today. The initiative to lower the valuation is also to reduce the resistance in terms of supervision and promote the injection of assets into listed companies as soon as possible.

This is not a good time to list or set an increase. The entire class A share has been in a state of trade war + tight capital panic recently, and film and television stocks are one of the most obvious sectors for capital flight.

Shenwan cultural media sector has declined by more than 20% since the beginning of the year.

Zeng Maojun, president of Wanda Film, told Entertainment Das Kapital that no one can predict the trend of the capital markets. You think it is a bad time, and some people think it may be a good time. For leading enterprises, it is always good. Because the industry is not good, it means that the industry may be reshuffled. Who is likely to concentrate better resources? It must be the leader of the industry. Just like the Baijiu industry crisis brought about by the prohibition of alcohol gave birth to the trillion-dollar market value of the leader Moutai.

Concentrating resources at industry lows is an enterprising enterprise, and injecting assets during capital lows, as mentioned above, is the financial pressure behind the enterprise. Wanda Group’s real estate business is not very smooth when it returns to class A shares and film resources are injected into listed companies. The pressure on related repurchase agreements is great.

Wanda Commercial promised in September 2016 that if it failed to list on class A shares within two years, it would buy back a total of 14.41% of its shares and pay 10% to 12% annual interest. When Wanda Group purchased Legendary Pictures in January 2016, it promised that if it failed to inject Legendary Pictures into Wanda Film’s listing within 12 months, investors would receive a 15% annual interest return. Despite changes to the follow-up agreement, pressure from investors has been ongoing.

Winning the support of investors with a restructuring plan that cuts its own meat and gives profits, and relieving the repurchase pressure, for Wanda, it is to solve the main contradiction first and then consider the secondary contradiction.

In order to ensure the fairness of the transaction, the two sides made a bet. Wanda Film and Television promised that the net profit in 2018-2020 shall not be less than 888 million, 1.069 billion and 1.271 billion. If the profit does not meet the standard, Wanda Investment will compensate the listed company according to the method agreed in the agreement.

With the profitability of Wanda Film and Television, is this bet high or low?

In 2016, Wanda Film and Television’s net profit was 364 million; in 2017, the net profit was 597 million. According to the 64% net profit growth rate in 2017, Wanda Film and Television’s net profit in 2018 can reach 979 million. What’s more, it has been disclosed in the announcement that Wanda Film and Television achieved 407 million net profit in the first quarter of 2018, and completed 45.83% of this year’s gambling commitment in just one quarter.

But it is worth noting that in the first quarter of this year’s report, Wanda Film and Television completed a total of 4.38 billion box office, and only one "Detective Chinatown 2" contributed 3.38 billion box office. In the second half of this year, or even next year and the next two years, whether it can continue to produce such a explosion is uncertain.

Wanda film and television how to complete the 3-year 3.128 billion performance bet? Zeng Maojun gave two major plans.

The first is to increase the number of movies, and to increase the non-box office revenue part of the movie revenue. In his opinion, no one can guarantee the box office of every movie, but 10 movies can have the probability of profitability, as long as the number is enough, it can spread the risk.

Secondly, it relies on TV series and games to make up for the income instability brought by film projects. This is also the reason why it is committed to loading the previously acquired company New Media Eslite into the listed company.

"The Wanda Film and Television team doesn’t do TV dramas, we do functional segmentation, and in the future TV dramas will be done by the platform of New Media Eslite. But all IP can form a linkage between movies, TV and games," Zeng Maojun said.

For example, the TV series "Breaking the Sky" produced by Wanda Film and Television has now been completed and is being posted productin. It will be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV and Tencent platforms this year, and some profits have been locked in. At the same time, the TV series has planned a second and third season in addition to the first season, as well as movies and games with the same IP.

That is to say, in addition to getting the purchase price of the drama on the broadcast platform in advance, Wanda Film and Television will also enjoy the game sharing rights, movie box office sharing rights, derivatives sharing and many other benefits of "Fighting Sky". Even Wanda Film and Television has started planning the theme park of "Fighting Sky".

In addition to "Fighting the Sky", Zeng Maojun also revealed a series of web dramas, movies, games, and theme parks. For example, "Tang Tan" also started the development of web dramas and anime this year; "Dragon Hunting" series of games and theme parks, there will be a different form of IP project every year or two in the future.

Since Disney recently announced the acquisition of Fox, one of the reasons is to control the streaming video platform Hulu and compete with Netflix, which has surpassed Disney in market value. The threat of streaming media to traditional entertainment giants is imminent. Wanda Film and Television has also begun to explore streaming media in addition to its original business.

Zeng Maojun said that it will launch an online cinema chain and cooperate with film and television copyright holders in the mode of sharing accounts, which will be launched within this year.

Wanda’s acquisition of Legendary Pictures was seen as a landmark deal for Chinese capital to attack Hollywood.

If you count the valuation of Legendary Pictures alone, in early 2016, Wanda Group spent 3.50 billion dollars when it acquired, which was about 23 billion yuan at that time.

When Wanda Film and Television first announced the loading of a listed company in 2016, in addition to the production business of Wanda Film and Television itself, it also included the legendary film industry acquired by its Qingdao Film Investment Company and the film and television base Qingdao Movie Metropolis. The valuation at that time was 37.20 billion.

But soon after, Wang Jianlin said in an interview with the Financial Times that Wanda planned to separate Legend from its listing plans because Legend’s performance in 2016 was not satisfactory.In fact, Legendary Pictures has been acquired before two consecutive years of losses totaling 5.87 billion yuan, debt of more than 9 billion yuan.

The Sino-US co-production blockbuster "The Great Wall" released at the end of 2016 is a film jointly produced by LeTV Pictures, Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures. It cost 150 million US dollars, and finally the world is about 1.20 billion. But neither the content nor the box office has met market expectations. Wanda’s expectations are that the global box office is 3-400 million US dollars.

The Great Wall.

After being acquired by Wanda, Legendary Pictures performed mediocre, with two consecutive CEOs leaving.

Even if it is at risk, Wanda will consider divesting Legendary. The main reason is that after the acquisition of Legendary Pictures by Wanda, the number of movies per year is relatively small, about 2-3, which is relatively risky.

For example, this year, Legendary Pictures participated in the production of "Jurassic World", and the investment accounted for 25%. Now the box office of this film has 620 million US dollars. When encountering such a hit, the performance may be very good, but when encountering a poorly performing film, the fluctuation is very large.

Zeng Maojun said that in the future, Legendary Pictures will develop independently and increase the number of movies. In addition, Legendary Pictures will also increase some TV drama business and strengthen cooperation with Time Warner and Universal Pictures.

Today’s Wanda Film is strengthening its entire layout from Wanda theaters to film and television production.Before the transaction, Wanda Film was mainly engaged in cinema investment and construction, cinema film distribution, cinema film screening and related derivative businesses, and its main business was concentrated in the downstream of the film and television industry chain.

Through this transaction, the company’s main business will expand to the investment, production and distribution of movies and TV series, as well as the distribution and operation of online games, and build "five business platforms integrating cinema end point platform, media marketing platform, film and television IP platform, online business platform, and film game interactive platform". Wanda Film can accelerate the pace of transformation into a pan-entertainment platform company.

So it seems that Wanda Film and Television’s ambitions are indeed not small.

Under the influence of the PPT project in the past two years, many companies have been afraid to release film orders during the Shanghai Film Festival. However, at Wanda Night, Wanda Film and Television announced 30 work plans in one go, including 9 domestic films, 6 co-productions, 4 animation works, and 11 TV series. For example, online dramas such as "Tang Detective" and "The Story of Kings in the Western Regions".

This year, Wanda Film and Television also launched an elite + talent training program. The first phase of screenwriter training is called the Future Master Workshop. So far, the screening training has been completed, and the contract has been signed, and the first phase of incubation has been completed. "We cooperate with industry celebrities, including well-known domestic screenwriters and Hollywood teams. We hope to train about 40 screenwriters every year in the next five years or so," Zeng Maojun said.

In addition to offline development, Wanda is also exploring online cinema business. But for the value of streaming media, Wanda Film’s perspective is still: content is king. Zeng Maojun is more optimistic about the Mango TV model. He believes that as long as there is good content, the video platform can be established in the short term. One or two variety shows will raise the market value of Mango TV to 10 billion.

This seems a bit conservative compared to Disney, which Wanda regards as a role model and rival.

A few days ago, Disney announced the acquisition of Fox. According to US media analysis, in addition to content assets, Disney has a 30% stake in Hulu in Fox’s hands, plus its own 30% stake, and can control Hulu after the merger is completed. In the major reform of the department in March this year, Disney has specially opened a department responsible for streaming media business.

But in Mr. Zeng’s view, Disney is more interested in Fox’s offline theme parks and vast IP library than Hulu. Wanda Pictures also does not want to buy BAT-owned streaming sites such as "Aiyouteng", but does its own streaming media. Zeng Maojun said that different forms of online platforms have survival space. Wanda will be different from other platforms. The main purpose is to divert traffic and divide accounts, and it will be combined with film marketing. That’s all.

Throughout last year, Wang Jianlin broke down, selling assets and reducing liabilities.

In July 2017, Wanda sold tourism and hotels to Sunac and R & F, and this agreement alone reduced debt by 44 billion yuan and recovered funds by 67 billion yuan. In Wanda Group’s 2017 work summary, Wang Jianlin revealed that assets at cost were 700 billion yuan, a decrease of 11.5% year-on-year. For this year’s plan, Wang Jianlin said that Wanda Group will use all capital means to reduce corporate liabilities, including the sale of non-core assets, equity transactions under the premise of maintaining control, and cooperative management of other people’s assets. "Wanda Group will never have any credit default in the world!"

So after entering 2018, Wanda Group continued to "sell, sell, sell". In addition to selling London and Australian hotel assets, it also transferred the equity of Wanda Commercial and Wanda Film, and introduced strategic investors respectively. While withdrawing funds, it delayed the pressure for Wanda Commercial to return to A and Wanda Film for restructuring.

With the help of this series of arm-breaking and slimming actions, Wanda has safely landed from the danger of the capital chain being questioned in the second half of last year and the dual killing of stocks and bonds. In June this year, Standard & Poor’s adjusted Wanda’s rating to stable, and Moody’s also adjusted Wanda Commercial’s rating outlook from negative to stable. Fitch confirmed Dalian Wanda Commercial Management’s BB + rating, with a stable rating outlook, and removed the negative watch list.

The cut to promote the reorganization of Wanda Film is part of Wanda Group’s overall strategy of exchanging small for big. Wang Jianlin said in Wanda Group’s 2017 work summary that this year’s goal is to promote transformation, accelerate the pace of light assets, and form a new pillar industry. The first is the film and television industry.

Wanda Film board secretary Wang Huiwu also told Entertainment Das Kapital: Wanda Group did not want to put a high valuation of things into the listed company, the bigger the industrial chain is the consideration. Wanda Group makes a lot of profits, is to make this thing, not to say how big the valuation.

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Jolin Tsai hollowed out to play the queen, the album went out and threatened to send safety pants

Jolin Tsai shows off her long legs

Wrap skirt for a good figure

Cosplay group photo

    Jolin Tsai, the little diva, recently attended an online game endorsement event on July 31 in addition to promoting albums and shooting advertisements. Jolin Tsai, who has not endorsed online games for a long time, even played cosplay for TV commercials, playing the role of the "Queen of the Night" in the game, which made fans feast their eyes. And "The Later Man" Jinrong has also followed the tide due to the endorsement of online games. This time, the little diva has grabbed game endorsements one after another, eager to break out a wave of peaks for the summer vacation game market.

    Jolin Tsai, wearing a pink-orange dress, made a gorgeous appearance from the 3D three-dimensional projection screen, which was very stunning. Although the dress was a little conservative, the ultra-short miniskirt still showed off her slender legs generously, which was quite the aura of a queen. And she, who usually doesn’t seem to play games, talked about the characters in the game that day, directly saying that she hoped to fly freely in the game like her characters. The live premiere of the advertisement shot by Jolin Tsai for this endorsement, you can see her dressed up as a "queen" for the game and made a sexy appearance, which is very cool.

    And she and Jinrong both have endorsement games, and when asked which one do you prefer to play? Jolin Tsai smiled and said without thinking, "Of course it’s her own." But Jolin Tsai also admitted that the two like different types of games and will not play together in private. She was said to be wearing too much, so she clarified that she would still show up when she should, and predicted that the album look will be "very revealing", so everyone should look forward to it. However, as soon as the new album look photo was exposed, it was immediately grabbed by sharp-eyed netizens and "disappeared", pointing to the unrepaired safety pants under the high-slit swimsuit, which made Jolin Tsai feel embarrassed and said with a smile, "Just give the safety pants for the album pre-order."

Next page More wonderful pictures

Intelligent Transportation "2.0": Putting "Brains" on the Road

  Autonavi Maps has launched a "smart cone bucket" that applies the Internet of Things transformation. After connecting to its map app data platform, it can realize real-time collection and release of information such as road construction, accidents and closure controls, and improve user travel efficiency and safety. The picture shows that in January this year, a road construction information released by a "smart cone bucket" set in the Dinghu rest area of Guangfo Zhao Expressway has been uploaded to the map app. Photo by Liu Dawei, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

  Have you seen the "brain" of road traffic? What kind of scenario does the future of smart travel look like? In fact, before we know it, the "brain" of traffic has already been "bravely leading the beam" between the endless roads, empowering a more technological way of travel.

  In recent years, new technologies such as "Internet +", intelligent networking, big data, and artificial intelligence have been continuously applied in the field of road transportation, integrating more and more deeply into people’s lives, and constantly meeting people’s new expectations for safe, convenient, and high-quality travel. At the same time, "black technology" has gradually been applied, innovating and enriching the new connotation of "smart transportation", which also echoes the deep-seated needs of cities to improve their comprehensive transportation management capabilities.

  Recently, under the guidance of the Traffic Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, the "2019 Internet + Urban Traffic Management Innovation Forum" jointly sponsored by the China Road Traffic Safety Association and Autonavi Map was held in Hefei. Experts in the field, public security traffic management departments, universities and scientific research institutions, and representatives of related industries and enterprises from all over the country gathered together to share innovative services and technological achievements in the transportation industry, and make suggestions for the comprehensive realization of intelligent transportation. It also showed a vivid and colorful future travel picture.

  "Black technology" escorts road safety

  The data shows that with the in-depth implementation of China’s transportation power strategy, the transportation industry has developed rapidly, and the road for people and vehicles has continued to grow at a high speed. As of the end of June this year, the number of motor vehicles in the country has reached 340 million, of which 250 million cars, 66 cities in the country have more than 1 million cars, 29 cities have more than 2 million cars, and 11 cities such as Beijing and Chengdu have more than 3 million cars. Under the rapid growth, it also puts forward higher requirements on how to apply big data and serve traffic control.

  car recognition

  According to Sun Zhengliang, party secretary of the Traffic Management Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, in recent years, the construction of the highway traffic safety prevention and control system has continued to advance, and the network of bayonets, video and law enforcement forensics equipment has been connected to the public security traffic integrated command platform. It is expected that traffic surveillance video will be "networked nationwide" by the end of this year.

  At the same time, 25 kinds of illegal analysis models and vehicle characteristics database were established to screen all kinds of illegal acts from the traffic trajectory data. The successful application of the integrated command platform has also made the deck car invisible. By labeling the vehicle "portrait", the integrated command platform can analyze 470 billion track data, screen out more than 120,000 suspected fake deck cars, and re-screen those with higher frequency. After the data is synchronized with provinces and cities, the fake deck is locked through cross-regional spatiotemporal analysis.

  Face recognition

  Not only is it "recognizing the car", but through facial recognition technology, the platform can also accurately detect relevant license-related violations in real time, and accurately "recognize the face". License-related violations are mostly divided into three categories: driving without a license, losing driving (Note: traffic violations in which drivers still drive motor vehicles on the road after losing their driving qualifications, such as "drunk driving" revoking their driver’s license, "drug driving" canceling their driver’s license, "super score" not learning, overdue inspection, etc.) and permitted driving do not match. In fact, it is far from enough for such personnel to enforce the law through the traffic police. It is very difficult. The application of facial recognition technology can use data comparison, analysis and judgment to systematically warn and deal with the behavior of lost drivers on the road.

  Mobile navigation becomes a traveler’s "all-round guide"

  The development of "smart +" travel and the improvement of travel efficiency with "seamless" travel services will reduce the average travel time and layered travel mode, and use the traffic design foundation and transportation tools to drive the travel industry into the stage of intelligent transportation development. Liu Zhenfei, partner of Alibaba and president of Autonavi Maps, said that the management and service travel mode with mobile navigation applications as the breakthrough point will open up all levels, allowing travelers to receive comprehensive and efficient services "before the trip", "during the trip" and "after the trip".

  The era of smart travel is coming, and mobile navigation can play a role far more than just "guiding the way". It is transforming into an inseparable "all-round guide" for travelers.

  Protect safety

  "There are tens of thousands of roads, and safety comes first." Dynamic traffic incident voice prompts are the link between managers and travelers. Mobile navigation receives dynamic traffic cloud information in real time and prompts travelers at any time. Through the application of the "smart cone bucket" after the transformation of the Internet of Things, road construction information can be uploaded to the map app, connected to the data platform to realize real-time collection and release of road construction, accidents and closed control information, and set up safety barriers. With the appearance of the "smart cone bucket", the secondary accident rate of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway alone has been reduced by 34%.

  improve efficiency

  Taking Autonavi maps as an example, according to the analysis results of KPMG and the National Research Institute of Economics, mobile navigation applications save users at least 1.90 billion hours of congestion time, greatly improving traffic efficiency and fuel efficiency. And like the "multi-directional real-time road conditions" first launched in the industry last November, it realizes lane-level navigation at intersections and guides vehicles at intersections more accurately.

  guard the environment

  "By gradually launching’real-time public transportation ‘and other green travel navigation, we are transforming into a mobile navigation application for multi-mode green travel." According to Liu Zhenfei, in the past year, more than 37% of users have adopted green travel mode, and the proportion of green travel sharing has even exceeded that of cities with perfect public transportation services, such as Toronto, Canada, and Brisbane, Australia. "In the past few years, by improving our technical capabilities, we have not only made map navigation tools, but also hoped to provide a large number of new products and services for green travel in the whole city. We have launched’smart bus stations’, covering more than 10 cities. Travelers can effectively plan travel time through vehicle information inquiry, and public travel will become more and more convenient." Liu Zhenfei said.

  Drawing alluring future travel scenarios

  In July this year, the Ministry of Transport officially issued the "Digital Transportation Development Plan Outline", proposing to build a digital collection system, a networked transmission system and an intelligent application system with the "data link" as the main line, and accelerate the development of transportation informatization to digitalization, networking and intelligence, providing support for the construction of a transportation power.

  City CT

  Congestion, excessive resource consumption, traffic accidents… How to solve the urban traffic problem? At the forum site, the Autonavi map mirror system was officially launched. In the opinion of Dong Zhenning, vice president of Autonavi maps, the "mirror" that realizes intelligent analysis, evaluation and diagnosis of urban traffic based on AI and big data is like the "CT" of the city. It scans the factors affecting urban traffic in multiple dimensions, provides the "medical report" of urban traffic operation, and analyzes the reasons, so as to provide the basis for accurate and comprehensive policies.

  After obtaining the "diagnosis result", the next step is to focus on realizing the information coordination of people, cars and roads and establishing a service model that quickly reaches users. In Wuhan, Autonavi maps have been coordinated with the information of signal lights. In addition, when congestion, accidents and other situations occur, video AI recognition technology can judge the perceived road conditions in the first time, and realize zero-hour diversion guidance through intermediaries such as apps, in-car navigation, and smart guidance screens.

  One-stop, full chain

  "One-stop" and "full chain" are undoubtedly the direction of change in future travel services. Qiu Hongtong, a researcher at the Institute of Traffic Management Science of the Ministry of Public Security, believes that the new demand for travel can be explained from three aspects: managers, service providers, and travelers. Managers can use big data tools to correctly guide travel services and better supervise new business models; service providers have the ability to provide reservation-based and customized services; travelers can better adapt to and enjoy the continuous changes in travel methods.

  Open data, policy guidance, technical support and effective supervision. In the process of achieving the goal of future smart travel, there are still several key issues to be solved. Liu Zhenfei said that in the future, "smart +" travel will be further promoted in four aspects: automation, electrification, networking and sharing, deepen cooperation among enterprises, and deepen innovation in basic applications.

  "Start with travel, integrate with life", the process of intelligent upgrade of the platform is also a process of open resource sharing and data integration. Only by working hard to get out of the "data island" can the digital dividend better benefit everyone.

  (Reporter, Sun Yahui)

Andy Lau sings affectionately, the king is still so young


    April 30 is the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Song Collection Awards Gala was held at the Taimiao Temple of the Working People’s Cultural Palace in Beijing. The picture shows Andy Lau singing affectionately.

    April 30 is the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Song Collection Awards Gala was held at the Taimiao Temple of the Working People’s Cultural Palace in Beijing. The picture shows Andy Lau singing affectionately.

    April 30 is the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Song Collection Awards Gala was held at the Taimiao Temple of the Working People’s Cultural Palace in Beijing. The picture shows Andy Lau singing affectionately.

    April 30 is the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Song Collection Awards Gala was held at the Taimiao Temple of the Working People’s Cultural Palace in Beijing. The picture shows Andy Lau singing affectionately.

    April 30 is the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Song Collection Awards Gala was held at the Taimiao Temple of the Working People’s Cultural Palace in Beijing. The picture shows Andy Lau singing affectionately.

    April 30 is the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Song Collection Awards Gala was held at the Taimiao Temple of the Working People’s Cultural Palace in Beijing. The picture shows Andy Lau singing affectionately.


Editor in charge: Xiu Rongteng

Wu Mengda: After 100 years of performance, I hope the audience can still remember me

1905 movie network feature At the premiere press conference, Wu Mengda picked up his guitar and sang "Kiss Goodbye" on the stage, recreating the classic scenes of the old version of "Oolong Courtyard".

He was still in his exuberant, funny and nonsensical appearance. What had changed was that he was now a white-haired old man who was nearly 70 years old. It was even more hard to imagine that a few years ago, he had been repeatedly reported to have died due to rapid heart failure.


At the end of the press conference, Wu Mengda’s 45-year role collection appeared on the big screen, which was really a wave of memories full of feelings. He said on the stage that he was grateful to the audience for their willingness to give him a meal. Acting is the greatest meaning of his survival. He will not retire and will play for another 50 years!

After the press conference, Uncle Da accepted our exclusive interview, and he once again talked about how much he loves performing.


"I can’t live without my acting, and I love acting very much. Many people ask me, I’m almost 70, why do you love acting? Although I was sick a few years ago and my heart was not good, I have been following movies and the development of Chinese movies. I really like being an actor. In fact, I can be a director or a backstage very early, but I just don’t want to go."

Yes, 65-year-old Uncle Da will continue to play.


"The mainland has a lot of room, and Hong Kong people can’t make deep comedies"

In the early 1990s, Wu Mengda and Chow Xingchi were so popular in Taiwan that they attracted the attention of the director Zhu Yanping. He traveled from Taiwan to Hong Kong to find Wu Mengda, which led to their first collaboration -.

Stills from "Truant"

Zhu Yanping is Taiwan’s version of "Wang Jing", and the production speed is fast enough to release up to five films a year. Wu Mengda never even saw Lin Zhiying from the beginning to the end of the filming of "truancy". It took only four and a half days to film all his scenes.


"I was startled, and the effect was pretty good."After that, Wu Mengda collaborated with Zhu Yanping again. This was their second collaboration, and it also launched the "Oolong Academy" series of films that became popular in the video hall era.

"Laughing Forest Kid 2: New Oolong Courtyard" stills

"Oolong Court" was launched that year, in Taiwan whirlwind won 100 million Taiwan dollars box office, breaking records."There were a lot of Hong Kong dramas in Taiwan back then, and I was almost the one who broke the record.", Wu Mengda recalled,"But the’Oolong Courtyard ‘I played with Hao Xiwen and Shi Xiaolong ranked first, higher than my cooperation with Zhou Xingchi!"


The next year, they struck while the iron was hot and then pushed the sequel, which was a big hit. Not only in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but also in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other South East Asia regions, as long as the TV station aired, the audience ratings were very high.

"Invincible R-Star" stills

More than 20 years later, the Chinese film landscape has changed dramatically, and going north to co-produce is the general trend. At this time, the "Oolongyuan" series has ushered in the third installment. In the face of the current market context, we must first face such questions: Is it selling feelings, is it frying cold rice?


Uncle Da explained it like this."Although it is old wine in a new bottle, every movie must have its new creation and new classic every time."In his eyes, "a movie is a huge dream factory, and it is fun to have constant creativity with the changes of the times."

So, in "New Oolong Courtyard", where is Uncle Da’s "fun"?

This time, he is no longer playing the old version of the big brother who is infatuated and honest, but the abbot of the Oolong Hospital, Master Changmei. This character is an Internet celebrity live streaming host in the play, who picks up his mobile phone from time to time to engage in live broadcasts. Uncle Da is very interested in these new and popular things. Douyin, Kuaishou, he said he understands it now.

The other was a re-creation of a series of characters. "In the past, when he was in his prime, he played the role of the eldest senior brother who was confused and pretended to be smart. He didn’t know anything, so he pretended to be great.


Therefore, we can see such a Wu Mengda in the movie, which is also the Wu Mengda we are most familiar with: from beginning to end, he looks smiling, and when he is angry, he should also smile.

Zhu Yanping, Wu Mengda, and Hao Xiwen were the old version of the team, and the new version added mainland comedians such as Wang Ning, Kong Lianshun, and Song Xiaobao. Happy Twist + Wanhe Tianyi + Benshan Media, the IP of "New Oolong Courtyard" almost brought together the most popular and down-to-earth comedy team in the Chinese film industry.


Uncle Da said that he had been following Northeast comedians for a long time and was deeply impressed by "Country Love". He was very familiar with Zhao Si and Xie Dazu.

He believes that there is no difference between Hong Kong comedy, Taiwanese comedy and mainland comedy, and the language of comedy is common all over the world. "The best thing about comedy is that it doesn’t even need dialogue, it may be just a look. Like Charlie Chaplin, in an era without dialogue, it is performed by body language. This is the most lovely and precious aspect of comedy."


As an important member of the once glorious era of Hong Kong comedy, he also lamented in the face of the decline of Hong Kong films:


"Our Chinese mainland now has a lot of space, everything is more advanced than Hong Kong, and the production cost is higher than Hong Kong. The whole market is thousands of times larger than Hong Kong, tens of thousands of times. Hong Kong is too small, and what we know is limited to Hong Kong culture, real history, classical culture. In fact, we Hong Kong people are not very deep in it. So we have always emphasized making commercial films,Those more in-depth comedies and dramas cannot be filmed by Hong Kong people."


"At the craziest time, I read a script 200 times"

In 1973, Wu Mengda applied for the Hong Kong TVB artist training class. The reason for applying for the exam was that he felt very handsome. Of course, his mother’s strong encouragement was also the main reason. After that, he entered the training class with Zhou Yun-fat, Lin Lingdong and others.


After graduation, Wu Mengda and Zhou Yun-fa worked together as extras. It was not until the TV series "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" that he first tasted the popularity of "Hu Tiehua". On the contrary, Zhou Yun-fa, because of his height, could only continue to play tricks on the set.

Wu Mengda played "Hu Tiehua" in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang"

Soon after his debut, Wu Mengda became a big hit, and during that period, he was completely bloated. He spent every day with his boss, and he described his life at that time as "gambling, smoking, alcohol, and women." The result of erosion was that he owed a lot of debt and was frozen by TVB for four years.


There was no drama to shoot, and when he was at his worst, he only had money left to buy a pack of cigarettes. He once thought of suicide. Even his junior brother Du Qifeng criticized him at that time as "a piece of mud that can’t support the wall".


After experiencing ups and downs, we must also usher in a change of heart.

Wu Mengda used this time to immerse himself in acting. He watched movies, read books, and studied scripts. After that, he finally turned around with "Sequel to Senior Brother Xinja".


He starred in the drama as an instructor opposite Tony Leung. According to him, there was a two-page play that he watched 200 times just to play when he reprimanded Tony Leung in the play"The mouth is scolding him, but the eyes are hurting him"The feeling.

"The Sequel to the New Zha Senior Brother" plays with Tony Leung

"200 times", Wu Mengda mentioned "200 times" again in this interview.

"Every play, every line of dialogue, I may have watched more than 50 times. In the craziest time before, I watched it 200 times.Why did I watch it for so long? Do I have a bad memory? No. Basically watching it five or six times, I can remember most of it, but I have to keep interpreting it from other angles, so I have to keep reading the script and keep giving it more vitality. "

Now, he has developed a habit of reading the script carefully the night before filming, and not bringing the script to the scene on the day of filming. He said that when he was filming "New Oolong Academy", when he worked with Zhou Xingchi in the past, he was even more, "It’s not for the camera, it’s not for the plot, and it’s not for the dialogue. I just eat it all, and then see what can spark each other on the scene, play some fun with the opponent, play tricks on the object, and suddenly come, and the opponent can’t react."


The collaboration with Stephen Chow began with "He Came From the Jianghu" and "Hero of the World". At that time, they were father, son and mentor in the play, and they were neighbors who lived across the street outside the play. They were brothers who always discussed performances together in the car before going to the set.

"He Came From The World" Stills

"Gambling Saint" was their true starting point, and likewise, they also achieved "Gambling Saint".


In the movie, Wu Mengda was mistakenly beaten by Zhou Xingchi. He was wearing women’s clothes while foaming at the mouth and saying, "It’s alright", "Then let’s go". This funny scene is his temporary design. There is also the classic image of "Third Uncle". When Zhou Xingchi shouted "Third Uncle", he had a seizure like a convulsion, and his whole body trembled. This is not groundless, but his own performance style, and he also named it "Congenital Uncontrolled Disorder".

"Gambling Saint" stills

With improvisation and tacit cooperation, they have crossed the world in one song and one relaxation, becoming the most classic screen partner in Hong Kong film history.


In the eyes of the public, Wu Mengda may be the "little follower" next to Zhou Xingchi in the movie. Since the movie, he has hardly played a male lead. He doesn’t mind the light and heavy scenes at all."I treat the protagonist and the supporting actor the same, and I pay the same. I won’t say that the protagonist is more nervous or that I will play the supporting role casually. No, absolutely not."


Some time ago, he made another cameo appearance in a big movie "Sir Wei", where he played Hai Gong again. In the TV series "Xiaobao and Kangxi" and the movie "Lu Ding Ji Ji", Wu Mengda has played Hai Dafu twice, both of which are funny and crazy. This time, he seems to be reinterpreting in the opposite direction of insidious and fierce.

"Hai Dafu" in "Lu Ding Ji"

"Comedy, farce, tragedy, drama, I have filmed all kinds of dramas, what else can I do?"He said that he didn’t want to do repetitions, but he had no choice but to play too many roles. Even if it was a new production, a reenactment, or a cameo, he believed that there was still a lot of scope and space to complete better performances.

"Sorry for not acting 

And influence me the most "

Uncle Da was very honest, saying that he really couldn’t do without acting, and even when he was hospitalized and sick before, he was concerned about the movie and the set.


"I keep wanting to act, and I keep hoping to create, which will make me younger. Living in the film and television industry, there is a group of people who accompany you to play and chat every day, and respect you very much. This is the greatest pleasure in life, and it is also the job I like."


When it comes to the most satisfying roles, he listed four:The third uncle in "Gambling Saint", Li Sucan’s father, Hai Dafu in "Lu Ding Ji", and Taibao in "Heaven Ruoyou Love".


He has created a lot of classic comedy roles, but so far, it is this tragic little character in "Heaven Ruoyou" that has won him the only Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor.

"If there is love in the sky" stills

Similarly, in this interview, we also found a Wu Mengda who is completely different from the stereotype of "comedian".


He said that the biggest regret in his life was not being in "The Wrong Ride," and that he wanted to play the sad, mute father so much. In his opinion, the performances of the movie version of Sun Yue and the TV version of Li Xuejian are great, but from the body language to the eye details, he believes that there is a different way of acting from them.


In 2006, in the variety show "Operation Style", he passed the addiction of "Riding the Wrong Car". But it was just a small segment of the show’s acting, and he had to get into the play and get lost in it. Although his easy-to-put acting skills were not realized in the "Riding the Wrong Car", they were in "Heaven If You Love", and later football coaches, more visible.

Wu Mengda performed "The Wrong Ride" in a variety show.

The movies that influenced him the most were not comedies, but Chen Kaige’s "Yellow Earth" and Hou Xiaoxian’s "Love and Dust"."I’ve watched these two more than 50 times, and they both have videotapes. I watch them almost every day when I have time, and learn something from them."


Two literary films, two literary films with the same sense of loneliness.


"If you don’t like it or worry, what are you singing?"In the dialogue in "The Yellow Earth", he said he would always remember it."That tone is really lonely and wandering, but it will hit your heart. The whole atmosphere is too painful."


And "Love the Wind and Dust", born in Xiamen, he may have aroused his memories and nostalgia for southern Fujian in the local atmosphere of this Taiwanese film.


I watched Uncle Da’s "congenital disorder" in comedy movies, but I forgot that he was so calm and peaceful in the audience, and even willing to embrace loneliness and loneliness.

"Stephen Chow’s golden partner" and "the all-purpose supporting actor of Hong Kong movies," Wang Jing also described him as "a good actor who can act in big comedies and big tragedies, and a really good actor with acting skills." Some people even said that he is "China’s Morgan Freeman."


"In 50 years, in 100 years, how do you want the audience to evaluate you?"


At the end of the interview, we threw this life summary question to him, and he quickly put away his smiling face, thought for a few seconds and said,"I hope the audience can still remember me, I hope the audience still has the impression of’Wu Mengda ‘"


As soon as he finished speaking, he asked again without reason."Huh? 50 years from now, 100 years from now, I’ll still be here, ask again then!"


After calming down, he laughed and teased again. Well, this is Wu Mengda.


Photo/Yang Nan

Video/Teacher Meow

Why the dispute between BYD and DMI/DMP is so big, the in-depth analysis is mainly as follows.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to today’s talk about cars by Da Li. I’m your old driver Da Li, and it’s time for Da Li to talk about cars with everyone. I believe everyone has seen the news about BYD DMI/DMP recently. I find that there is a lot of controversy. Some people are optimistic, while others are pessimistic. So what about BYD’s new car? Today, let’s have a brief talk. By the way, let’s talk about my personal views. First of all, I’m not a navy. I express my views objectively.Fasten your seat belt, let’s start ~

Before we talk about our opinions, let’s take a brief look at some basic data of BYD DMI/DMP. We won’t say much about the appearance. We can’t grasp everyone’s preferences. Let’s talk about the internal aspects. In terms of configuration, the whole system comes standard with the main and co-pilot airbags, front and rear side airbags, front and rear head air curtains, knee airbags, active braking, pedestrian protection, fatigue driving tips and HUD display, which can be said to be very safe. Of course, the high-profile models also have Dana stereo, 12 speakers, seat ventilation and heating, eight-way adjustment of the main driver’s seat, six-way adjustment of the co-pilot seat, atmosphere lights, etc. Of course, there is a 15.6-inch eight nuclear adaptive. Of course, although the DMP of 320,000 yuan is more expensive, the luxurious performance configurations such as 3.7 seconds and zero acceleration, top-class braking system, brand-new aluminum alloy sports chassis, 80kw fast charging, electronically controlled active suspension, and wide temperature range heat pump air conditioner are still very valuable.

After introducing the configuration, let me talk about why everyone’s controversy is so great, because it is so excellent that it brings together three groups of users who should not intersect. These three groups are like Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, that is, they speak their own words and have certain origins.
The first category is to pay attention to saving fuel and money.
The second category values high configuration.
The third category focuses on the acceleration performance.

The concerns and budget expectations of the three groups of people are different, and it is inevitable that they will say their own words. I think some people predict that this car will definitely be finished, because the pricing failure will lead to the inability to sell. But let’s put it this way, the 15 models of Tang Dynasty were priced at 279,800 yuan six years ago. At that time, there were subsidies in all regions. If they were won, it would be about 210,000 yuan, with a monthly sales volume of 3,000 yuan. I can say for sure that many of them are now priced at the same high price as those of Tang Dynasty. Why do you have a domestic SUV that exceeds 200,000 yuan? However, the configuration and performance of Tang Dynasty at that time can directly compete with a million-class SUV. Moreover, BYD has also launched a limited edition of 500,000 4.3 or 4.1-second sports versions, all of which are bought for senior Difen to play.

Therefore, the value of this car is different in your eyes with different concerns. I value acceleration performance, and 3.7 seconds is worth 500,000 yuan. You value fuel economy, but of course you ignore the value of 500,000 yuan. So although there are many arguments, don’t you see the sales of Han? Because some people in these three groups will choose this car after rational analysis, even if half of them give up, the three halves are also 1.5 times.

Finally, Da Li talks about the epoch-making significance of this car: that is, raising the pure electric mileage to 202/242 has made the vehicle qualitatively changed. Under the condition that it can go home to charge every day, it will be a pure tram. When you need go on road trip or go back to your hometown for long-distance use, he won’t have any anxiety. Even when you are in the high-speed service area, you can recharge it during your break. I believe many consumers have thought about these usage scenarios, which can really greatly reduce the cost of car use. At present, there are thousands of pieces of DC fast charge provided by the third party in the market, but the power is also very low. The key is that the battery itself is not big enough, and it can’t run far after charging with pure electricity. But now I have given it all to you. The use cost will be greatly reduced with a bigger battery and faster DC charging power. I think many tram owners should cast envious eyes on these consumers who choose BYD Han DM (parameter picture) I/DMP.

What do you think of BYD Han DMI/DMP?Welcome to share different opinions.Well, that’s all for Da Li today. Thank you for your patience. Friends who like it can pay attention and praise. Your support is my greatest motivation. Let’s continue to talk about cars later.

Celestial’s leading safety technology helps AITO reach the top of sales of new M7 models.

In the third week of 2024, AITO asked the world that the new M7 topped the sales list of China brand SUV with an excellent result of 7,000 units per week, surpassing a number of old-fashioned hot-selling models. Recently, AITO M9, which was listed on the market, has also achieved brilliant results, and has accumulated more than 30,000 awards since its listing. Behind the continuous sales of AITO series, it is inseparable from the service of Kailisi Automobile to users wholeheartedly, and it also works hard where users can’t see it.

As a whole, cars are becoming more and more intelligent. While users enjoy the convenience brought by human-computer interaction and intelligent technology, the privacy and data security in cars are becoming more and more important. Celestial Auto has developed the "Full Scene Smart Security System", which has comprehensively touched nine major vehicle security fields, providing users with all-round protection. Network and data security, which are often overlooked by users, are also key areas to be covered.

Privacy protection is upgraded again

Users’ privacy is often leaked inadvertently. For this car, all the permissions are known and controllable to minimize the risk. When the car application requests permissions such as microphone, camera and geographical location, the system will prompt immediately. Users can independently authorize or close each right at any time to ensure that personal privacy is accurately protected, meet users’ intelligent needs, and prevent users’ personal information from leaking.

Not only do you always remind me, but Celestial Motors also equipped a more reliable privacy shield for AITO’s M9, allowing users to refuse outside snooping with one button, and turn on the flight mode to completely turn off the camera, WiFi, Bluetooth and sentry mode, so as to completely isolate outside data snooping or intelligent system intrusion and provide unbreakable privacy protection.

Many people in the same car have no worries

For the scene of multi-user using vehicles, Sailis Automobile has realized "user data isolation", and used financial 3D face authentication technology to realize personalized adjustment according to the settings of corresponding accounts, so as to ensure that personal data can be effectively protected when multi-users use vehicles. Furthermore, the data in the car can be desensitized with one button, and the system intelligently identifies the scene of multiple people in the same car and automatically triggers the privacy mode. In the privacy mode, the incoming call notification is blocked, and only incoming call information is presented on the instrument screen. At the same time, the main driver’s call and navigation history are intelligently desensitized, and the system automatically exits the privacy mode only when the driver is driving alone.

Celestial Auto has also innovatively designed a "one-click clearing" function, which makes vehicle transactions more convenient and secure. Users can also delete personal data in the cloud through AITO APP to ensure that personal privacy is managed flexibly and efficiently. The overall design of the system completely eliminates the worries of personal privacy data disclosure, and also makes it more convenient, safe and reliable for multiple users to share vehicles.

Authoritative professional certification

At present, AITO M9 has successfully obtained CAERI’s information security and data security certification. The acquisition of this certification is not only the authoritative recognition of the safety of AITO M9, but also the embodiment of Celestial’s unremitting pursuit of Excellence, ensuring the highest level of user data protection.

Whether it’s daily driving or privacy protection, for every safety link, Sailis will make the most careful consideration for users. As Zhang Xinghai, the chairman (founder) of Sailis Automobile, said: "Sailis Automobile will be determined to innovate in technology, innovate products and services with leading technology, define cars with software, and serve customers wholeheartedly."

Great Wall Motor released the "331 Strategy" of coffee smart driving, and joined hands with Qualcomm and Huawei to comprehensively upgrade the smart driving strategy.

  On December 30th, Great Wall Motor (601633) held an intelligent driving strategy upgrade conference, which unveiled the mystery of coffee intelligent driving and announced that it would realize the first full-vehicle redundant L3 automatic driving in China in 2021. At the event site, Great Wall Motor also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei, and plans to carry out in-depth cooperation on in-vehicle smart chips and high-computing intelligent driving computing platforms to expand the ecological circle of intelligent driving industry.

  It is reported that Coffee Smart Drive will be given priority on WEY brand products, and other brands of Great Wall Motor will be carried in the second half of 2021.

  On the day of the conference, the share price of Great Wall Motor (601633) closed at 37.18 yuan/share, an increase of 9.39%, and the company’s market value exceeded 341.2 billion yuan.

  Zhang Kai, the person in charge of intelligent driving of Great Wall Motor, said that the intelligent driving of coffee will be a strong support for the development of Great Wall Motor into a global technology travel company, and will also be a powerful booster for the development of Great Wall Motor.

  What is the origin of coffee smart driving?

  One day in the future, when more advanced autonomous driving scale is applied, can people let go of the steering wheel and enjoy a cup of coffee leisurely in the car during travel? Obviously, this is the most coveted scene of countless companies that are deeply involved in autonomous driving technology, and it is also in line with consumers’ imagination and expectation for autonomous driving technology. Great Wall Motor named its intelligent brand after coffee, hoping to meet consumers’ demand for autonomous driving more humanely.

  In July 2020, Great Wall Motor released its vehicle intelligent brand "Coffee Smart", and put forward the research and development concept of "double intelligence integration" for the first time, combining intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit from the perspective of user experience. As soon as the news was released, the whole industry paid close attention to Great Wall Motor’s future-oriented intelligent driving strategy.

  On December 30, Great Wall Motor officially unveiled the mystery of coffee smart driving, and announced the "331 Strategy", that is, it took three years to achieve the first user scale in the industry, the best user experience evaluation, and the most three leading scenes, and to build a leader in automatic driving in the intelligent era. The reporter of Securities Times and Car Capital learned that in 2021, Great Wall Motor will realize the first L3-level automatic driving with full vehicle redundancy in China.

  It is understood that Coffee Smart Drive has six redundant systems including perception redundancy, controller redundancy, braking redundancy, architecture redundancy, power redundancy and steering redundancy. At the same time, Coffee Smart Drive is also equipped with the world’s first car-class high-performance, all-solid-state laser radar that can be truly mass-produced. It adopts the most advanced FLASH technology scheme in the industry, which can achieve an angular resolution of 0.05 degrees and identify potential safety hazards within 130 meters.

  In terms of application scenarios, Great Wall Motor’s intelligent driving technology can achieve full scene coverage of high-speed and urban expressways, and can complete obstacle avoidance and lane change, multi-vehicle lane change and urban autonomous lane change. At the same time, Great Wall Motor has also made breakthroughs in difficult scenes such as car walking and cone avoidance.

  Not only that, Great Wall Motor also pioneered the only quantitative user experience evaluation method-"user use cost", which realized detailed evaluation and extensive investigation of users through five sub-dimensions of operation cost, awareness cost, safety cost, time cost and money cost. At the same time, the AIFEED function of Coffee Smart Drive can also actively learn and adapt to the user’s driving habits and car scenes through artificial intelligence algorithms, and perceive the user’s car pain points, thus reducing the use cost and maximizing the real needs of users.

  It is reported that in the future, coffee smart driving will be given priority in the WEY brand products, and other brands of Great Wall Motor will also be equipped with coffee smart driving one after another.

  Join hands with Qualcomm and Huawei to expand the ecosystem of intelligent driving industry.

  At the press conference, Great Wall Motor also formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Qualcomm and Huawei.

  It is reported that in the future, Great Wall Motor will cooperate with Qualcomm on in-vehicle smart chips in the field of autonomous driving. Great Wall Motor will take the lead in adopting Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Ride platform with powerful performance on its high-end models launched in 2022, and apply it to its intelligent driving system.

  Ai Hezhi, senior director of product marketing of Qualcomm and head of automobile business in China, said that Qualcomm will work with Great Wall Motor to build high-quality models that can reassure consumers.

  The cooperation between the Great Wall and Huawei is more focused on the innovative technology level of intelligent network connection and intelligent driving. It is reported that Huawei will provide Great Wall Motor with a high computing power intelligent driving computing platform based on MDC, and actively cooperate with Great Wall Motor to complete various evaluations and tests of sensing components (such as lidar, camera, etc.) required for intelligent driving.

  The Securities Times and Car Capital reporter learned that this cooperation with Great Wall Motor is Huawei MDC 610, a new generation of intelligent driving computing platform for L3-L4 automatic driving, to build an industry-leading car brain for Great Wall Motor.

  Wang Juan, vice president of Huawei’s smart car solution BU Marketing and Sales Service Department, said that Great Wall Motor will become a high-quality leader and lead more car companies into the field of smart driving.

  In fact, after big data, artificial intelligence, Internet and other technologies gradually penetrate into the automobile industry, no enterprise can go it alone. Industry insiders have judged that the strong alliance between Great Wall Motor and Qualcomm and Huawei will not only achieve win-win cooperation in different fields, but also further expand its intelligent driving industry ecosystem, laying a solid foundation for Great Wall Motor’s globalization strategy.


Foundation has its own skin care effect, and "combination of makeup and care" has become a new trend of beauty makeup.

  Even after the impact of the epidemic, the domestic cosmetics market still maintained a growing trend. The business data center of the financial media CBN recently released a survey on cosmetics consumption. The report showed that the field of cosmetics showed a trend of personalization and skin care with data: the consumption scale of skin care cosmetics increased more than six times in three years, while the proportion of skin care makeup was over 90%, among which BB cream /CC cream had the highest growth rate. Among consumers’ demands for the efficacy of skin care cosmetics, moisturizing is the core demand, and herbs, ancient prescriptions and essence are the main publicity points of skin care cosmetics. "Combination of makeup and nourishing" has become a new trend of makeup consumption. On the one hand, consumers’ promotion of skin care requires that products can achieve skin care effect while maintaining beauty; On the other hand, make-up brands try to combine their functions through continuous product innovation and research and development.


  Taking the legendary light and soft focus liquid foundation as an example, the functions of liquid foundation and skin cream are combined through product development and ingredient collocation. According to the feedback from users, this product has a good hiding power. After application, it can hide the true color of skin and give users an ideal complexion. It can also hide tiny flaws, and the whole makeup feels natural and shiny. Consumers are very satisfied with this effect. After a day’s experience, you will also find that the whole makeup is very durable, and it will be very docile after being applied to the skin, and there will be no makeup removal; In addition, the legendary light-transparent soft focus liquid foundation in this life has strong ductility and fine powder quality, and the embarrassing phenomenon of "powder sticking" has almost never appeared.


  Many consumers think that this liquid foundation has no heavy and greasy feeling after use, especially after cleansing, and there is no obvious tension on the facial skin. This is because Legend has been light in this life and has its own maintenance function. Its herbal makeup, which is more suitable for orientals, makes the skin’s day’s work stress-free. For example, its rich ganoderma lucidum stem extract can enhance the metabolism of skin cells and improve the skin protection function; The extract of Grifola frondosa fruiting body can enhance the moisturizing ability of cells; Mushroom mycelium extract is rich in biological enzymes, which can enhance the skin barrier and help nutrient transformation and absorption. Based on the above herbal ingredients, it is said that this life is light and transparent, which protects the skin, conceals the blemishes and beautifies the skin, and achieves the effect of being light and transparent.


  With its excellent product strength, the legendary light-transparent soft focus liquid foundation has become a highly recommended item for many platform beauty experts once it is listed, and its excellent use experience has made fans "plant grass". Looking at the development of the whole makeup industry, we can see that consumers’ concept of skin care is changing, their knowledge of ingredients and efficacy is deepened, their trust in professional doctors is improved, and their awareness of scientific skin care is enhanced. They need personalized makeup to express themselves, and at the same time pay attention to the integration of makeup and nourishing to reduce the burden on the skin. In this process, beauty brands such as Legend Life continue to exert their efforts in quality upgrading, technological innovation and channel assistance, and constantly push the industry forward.

Ministry of Finance: In 2020, a total of 333.951 billion yuan of lottery tickets will be sold nationwide.

  Cctv newsAccording to the data of the Ministry of Finance, in 2020, the national lottery sales totaled 333.951 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 88.103 billion yuan or 20.9%. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 144.488 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 46.750 billion yuan; The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 189.463 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 41.352 billion yuan.