A large number of tickets for the concert cannot be purchased? Wang Junkai’s fan group issued a document asking the organizer to provide an explanation

On July 25th, TFBOYS sixth anniversary concert tickets went on sale. Many fans who bought tickets said that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at the opening time, there were a large number of tickets that could not be purchased, including senior members of the TFBOYS combination official website (fans who recharged 298 yuan membership fee) who had previously claimed to have the right of first refusal. And then scalpers openly sold high-priced tickets on other platforms, so some fans suspected that the platform had locked up a large number of tickets in advance, which caused heated discussions. On the afternoon of the 25th, Wang Junkai’s fan club "Wang Junkai Weibo" issued a statement, hoping that the concert organizer would provide an explanation.

The full text is as followsWhat is it?

Hello, relevant departments and leaders.

On August 10, 2019, the TFBOYS group will hold its sixth anniversary concert in Shenzhen. At 10:00 on July 25, the concert tickets will be sold exclusively on the Barley Network, claiming that 25,000 tickets will be open for senior members of the TFBOYS group official website (fans who recharge the membership fee of 298 yuan) to buy first.

However, ticket-buying fans found that after entering the Damai APP ticket purchase page on time at 10 o’clock, a large number of tickets could not be purchased, and there was a large number of tickets locked in advance! As a result, a large number of fans who have recharged premium members and obtained ticket-buying privilege accounts did not buy tickets.

At the same time, the major scalper organizations on the Internet began to sell tickets at an amount [several times higher than the original ticket price], and the maximum ticket price has exceeded 10,000 yuan! There are even scalpers claiming that the organizers directly provide consecutive tickets!

The exclusive channel of Damai.com has no tickets, but all kinds of scalpers are openly selling high-priced tickets, which makes fans puzzled and unacceptable, and the rights and interests of senior members to buy tickets are seriously damaged! Why is there a large number of scalper tickets when Damai.com is the exclusive agent of tickets, and all the ticket prices are much higher than the original ticket prices, openly sold at high prices on [Taotao Ticket and other apps]!?

We hereby request: All parties concerned to investigate the situation related to the ticketing of this concert and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers! Barley is required to provide proof of the number of tickets successfully purchased from 10:00 to the time when the tickets are sold out.

At the same time, as a senior member of the official website of TFBOYS combination, we strongly request @TFBOYS_FanClub @TFBOYS combination @Fengjun culture as the organizer to make a reasonable explanation for why there are a large number of high-priced scalper tickets under the exclusive authorization of Damai.com ticket sales!

It is reported that on July 8, the sixth anniversary concert of the TFBOYS group was officially announced, and it will be held in Shenzhen on August 10, 2019. The concert is called "THE FEVER". According to netizens, the Mayday group will serve as the surprise guest of the TFBOYS concert.

Byd Tang 4S shop spontaneous combustion! @ Wang Chuanfu, what about the agreed "Never catch fire"?

On April 2, a video of a netizen broke the news that a BYD Tang (parameter picture) under maintenance spontaneously ignited in a BYD 4S shop in Shaoguan, Guangdong. The video shows that the accident occurred on April 1. In the video, the scene was full of black smoke and fire, and many firefighters were rescued.

The on-site staff of the store said, "It is a car problem, not a fire. It has been solved now and can be maintained normally."

As can be seen from the video screen, this is undoubtedly BYD Tang’s confusion, and from the front face, it is highly probable that Tang dmi was listed at the Shanghai Auto Show last year.

"Erase the word’ spontaneous combustion’ from the dictionary of new energy vehicles." In 2020, Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, made such rhetoric at the blade battery conference.

However, "spontaneous combustion" has not been erased, but "hitting the face" has come very quickly. After that, BYD’s various new energy vehicles have been experiencing spontaneous combustion accidents.

On March 25th this year, BYD Tang, a new car owner in Shanghai, spontaneously ignited while parked, and the vehicle was badly burned, leaving only one frame. The owner said that he had negotiated with the manufacturer and paid directly, but BYD officials did not make a public statement on the matter. We also don’t know the cause and effect of the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle.

On January 26th, a failed BYD Tang DM-i car in Shanghai was suspected to have caught fire on the way to the trailer. As can be seen from the pictures at the scene, the car has stopped burning. According to the picture observation, the car can’t have caught fire during driving, but it should have caught fire when it got on the trailer. There is no official news about the specific reason.

Also in January this year, a video of a fire accident of BYD dolphins came out on the Internet. Judging from the live video, the fire is large and accompanied by cracking sound.

Last November, a BYD Qin Pro EV caught fire in an underground garage in Beijing. At that time, the owner had not got off the bus, and suddenly felt that the voice was wrong. He immediately picked up the child and got off the bus to escape. Judging from the photos on the scene, a lot of white smoke emerged near the vehicle, and there was an obvious fire point at the bottom. After being put out, BYD Qin ProEV was seriously damaged and had no maintenance value.

In July, 2021, in a collision test conducted by the media, BYD Han EV and Beiqi Extreme Fox Alpha S conducted a frontal collision test. Unexpectedly, after the collision was completely cut off and left standing for 48 hours, this BYD Han EV equipped with a blade battery had a spontaneous combustion accident.

Say a few more words

Since last year, the sales of BYD’s new energy vehicles have shown a steady growth trend, but behind the sales of BYD’s new energy vehicles, there are frequent spontaneous combustion accidents.

Wang Chuanfu’s slogan of "never catching fire" has not been put into practice, and BYD’s battery safety is also worrying.

In fact, Wang Chuanfu’s high-profile publicity and endorsement of blade batteries at the beginning was itself suspected of exaggerating publicity. After all, the safety of battery cells is only the "nine Niu Yi hairs" of vehicle safety.

We asked seven companies to explore Apple’s new CarPlay The Secret Behind.

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A deeper understanding of the transformation of the automobile industry


Produced by: Electric Planet News

Author: Yu Fei and Pang Fei

At WWDC 2022 this morning, Apple detonated the car circle in three minutes.

With the advent of new operating systems such as iOS16,And a whole new generationCarPlay. This generation CarPlay The innovation is so great that it is even equivalent to a complete intelligent cockpit:

Open the dashboard to display speed, fuel consumption, oil quantity and rotation speed;

Occupy the central control panel, and even adjust the air conditioning temperature and seat heating/ventilation;

Linkage map, using CarPlay Realize AR navigation of dashboard;

Bind the phone, synchronize the desktop components of iOS …

Moreover, Apple also promised, "No matter how strange your car screen is, as long as it supports new. CarPlay, it will definitely be displayed perfectly. "

What is this equivalent to?It is equivalent to buying an iPhone, and you bring your own smart cockpit!

In addition, for the first time, Apple announced its own "friends circle of car companies", and more than half of the luxury car companies stood. CarPlay Around, there are even the first batch of cooperative car companies of Android Automotive OS-and …

From the early hours of the morning to the present, our circle of friends has been brand new. CarPlay The news. Friends took the initiative to attack Apple this time.Full of expectation, but with some caution..

With a similar attitude, we interviewed employees of seven different companies, from newly-built cars to OEM, and even chip companies, hoping to hear what people in the industry think of Apple’s half boots.

Today, together, we bring a new generation. CarPlay The secret of tearing apart.

First, are you afraid of building a new car?

This is the first chapter title that comes to mind when we choose the topic.

Why do you want to talk about new cars?Because there is no CarPlay in the new car, and there is no Android Automotive and carlife, only NIO OS, Xmart OS and "Tesla OS" …

Why? Because the new forces still want to build their own operating system.

This sentence in quotation marks comes from Liu Yu (a pseudonym), the product manager of the new smart cockpit. He told us that he saw the new car in the morning. CarPlay At the time,Shock, admirationIs their first reaction.

Praise refers to the fact thatCarPlay Such an "external system" can control non-safety related vehicle functions and display vehicle data."it’s already great."

Even, he thinks this is a "milestone" for Apple to build a car.

We asked him, will your new car be considered a threat? Liu Yu said yes, because "our system is still in an advanced stage."

Compared with all kinds of OS of new cars,CarPlay There is a natural barrier:IPhone’s huge user base.

In 2021, Apple’s mobile phone shipments accounted for about 22% of the global share-an achievement that no car company has achieved in the auto market. Another figure is that in 2021, Apple won a 60% share in the high-end market above $600 (4,000 yuan)-and no luxury car company has achieved similar results in the automobile market.

IPhone users’ sense of identity with Apple’s ecology is CarPlay’s greatest "confidence".

Liu Yu thinksThe habit of iPhone users, or stickiness, is actually the biggest threat to the newly-built self-developed OS.

"If you want to use beeps, use beeps, and if you want to use Netease Cloud, use Netease Cloud." Liu Yu said that iOS users can pass. CarPlayMost of the usage habits are smoothly drawn from the mobile phone to the car.

"But we don’t want users to use it in our cars. CarPlayWe just haven’t reached it yet. CarPlay Such a good experience. "

If the experience can’t catch up, Liu Yu thinks the final result may be"Users will no longer use the car machine system directly, but will use it most of the time. CarPlay」。

And then there’s the shocking part—"In the end, the data dominance of car companies will be lost.".

Throw it to who? Apple, of course. Who threw it to Apple? At least more than half of the luxury car camp and more than half of the Japanese camp.

Liu Yu gave us an example: According to the DEMO published by WWDC,CarPlay Will know that these car company usersWhere have you been, what APP you used, how far you drive every day, how much energy you consume, and your travel habits.How about. Even the braking and steering data that can’t be obtained yet,In fact, it can also be obtained indirectly through GPS.

According to Liu Yu’s description, we think it’s more like"public test" iCar.

The chain is like this: the first generation of CarPlay won the favor of iPhone users and the support of car companies → the new generation sought deep customization → obtained basic data → accumulated data of different market segments for iCar’s smart cockpit.

This is another shocking point of Liu Yu:Car companies are willing to give data, and Apple can eat the rights of different car platforms.

Take the first batch of cooperative car companies as an example. There are nearly 100 models and more than 30 platforms in 14 car companies. If each platform supports the new generation of CarPlay, Apple’s efforts for "public beta" and the significance of the negotiation itself are huge and "horrible".

"I really don’t know how to talk about it."Liu Yu concluded.

But at the same time, we also received some different voices, such as another PM Feng Li (a pseudonym) from a new car.

He admits that the influence of the new CarPlay is very wide, but it is not the time to talk about who will change his life."The new forces didn’t quickly change the life of the traditional car factory.CarPlay It will not kill the opponent in an instant, but no one should despise Apple. "

In addition, Feng Li believes that not all models support new ones. CarPlay, even new CarPlay On cars and models, it may appear as an "apple tax".

Second, do traditional car companies really care?

What’s interesting is that,Throughout WWDC, there was no person in charge of a car company, and no specific model appeared on the "platform".

If you think this is Apple’s habit-at the WWDC in 2020, the new generation 5 Series became the first model to support the iOS14 carkey function, but it earned enough traffic.

More interestingly,At WWDC this year, BMW did not become the first batch of new ones. CarPlay Partner of. Equally intriguing is the absence of the parent companies of Audi and Porsche.

"As a main engine factory, I definitely don’t want to let others master the whole ecological lifeline of the car."Wang Long (pseudonym), an intelligent cockpit engineer from an independent car company, told us this.

Jiang Quan (a pseudonym), the head of an intelligent cockpit team, holds the same view. "CarPlay won’t work in China, and the OEMs won’t agree to hand over the intelligent brain to Apple. We must firmly hold it in our own hands. 」

This sentence is not difficult to understand.

As can be seen from the demonstration of the new version of CarPlay, if you don’t tell you about the existence of the mobile phone, the new CarPlay is like a complete car system, which takes over almost all the functions of the central control, which shows that the car factory needs to open a large number of bottom interfaces to Apple.

Another car system company expressed similar views to the above to us:"Apple’s HMI has a very strong apple gene, which will make many former loading plants unbearable. 」

Zhao Guan (pseudonym), the person in charge of the company, revealed two details to us from the idea of vehicle safety:

First, at present, from the perspective of demo, all the access signals are simple instrument signals, and some tt icons (tell-tale) need functional safety. This CarPlay is definitely not feasible and needs a separate hardware circuit and system.

Second, I didn’t see the access of the intelligent driving domain. This piece should also be very complicated. Each family’s apa scheme and mr scheme are different. How to access and the delay of data transmission are all problems.

According to the explanation of relevant people,"From the perspective of automobile safety, this is not a complete set of instrument display results. 」

Jiang Quan added to us: "The whole family bucket model means that the brain and face are given to Apple. In this case, the positioning, tonality and differentiation of smart cars in various OEMs are all gone, which does not meet the demands of general OEMs. 」

Wang lung also generously admitted that the new CarPlay After coming out, they felt a sense of crisis. But he believes that in the end, we will see if we can meet the needs of users. "Domestic OEMs have strong autonomy and are more inclined to do (car OS) by themselves. "

Wang Long also complained to us that the car machines of international car companies are difficult to use. "I can’t understand a car machine system, and the air conditioning adjustment interface can be placed in a four-level menu."

For this reason, he believes that international car companies use new CarPlay On the contrary, it may be a good thing, although it is equivalent to "they just handed this piece over to others."

Which piece? As mentioned aboveuser data"We all feel that these usage habits of users are the core".

We further asked Wang lung, as an iPhone user, will it be new? CarPlay Tempted, he affirmed, because he is the owner.

"Like Toyota, if you can use this. CarPlayThank god. But I don’t think it’s meaningful to have our own cars and other new domestic forces. 」

Third, Huawei Qualcomm Apple, change the ring and fight again?

An old friend @ Battery King shared a point with us:If Apple’s chips enter smart cars, it will be a "dimensionality reduction blow".

He even thinks that Apple may have been tying the A-series chips or even the M-series chips of the car specification. "Otherwise, it (new CarPlayThe adaptability of) will not be so strong, and the possibility of (soft and hard integration) will not be ruled out. "

Wang’s point of view is very interesting, but at the same time there is some truth.

Let’s take a look at the structure of A15 chip: 6-core CPU, 15.8TOPS NPU, 5-core GPU, video decoder, image processor …

Is it familiar?In fact, today’s smart phone SOC is very similar in structure to a chip., such as FSD Chip, is not much different from A15 in structure.

Even the M series used in notebook computers is essentially the same as the SOC components of NVIDIA’s Drive series-CPU, CPU, memory controller … and so on.

Liu Yu also expressed similar views.Otherwise, it can’t directly throw the instrument and the big screen at once.

But Feng Li thinks the possibility is almost zero."Apple should not supply chips to other car companies, and it has never been supplied."

When it comes to chips, two other hot words in the automobile circle recently are HarmonyOS and Snapdragon, followed by Huawei and Qualcomm.

new CarPlay After coming out, one of the voices we heard was that"HarmonyOS’s nemesis is coming."On the one hand, Apple’s software capability is obvious to all; on the other hand, Apple’s way of making friends is also very similar to Huawei’s.

"Apple doesn’t build cars, but Apple helps its partners build good cars", which doesn’t seem to be against it?

Liu Yu said that if Huawei is compared with Apple,For traditional car companies, HarmonyOS is not very adaptable.(refers to and CarPlay Compared with the adaptation cost), relatively new. CarPlay It will be more difficult to open the market.

AITO bound M5

Jiang Quan’s opinion is that HarmonyOS is now providing basic capabilities and basic applications, and OEMs can make their own applications. "That’s another way to play.". As for Apple’s eco-gameplay, we can only judge it after CarPlay releases the technical data.

If Huawei is facing Apple at the level of software and hardware integration, then Qualcomm is facing an old rival again in the field of general-purpose chips.

The new CarPlay will debut at the end of 2023, when Qualcomm will have brand-new car regulations.Class 8295 chip will also get on the bus. The battle between iOS and Android camps has spread from the mobile terminal to the automobile field. What’s Qualcomm’s position?

We contacted Qualcomm with questions, and the response wasIt is not convenient for us to evaluate the topic related to friendship and business, and this topic is suitable for OEM to evaluate.

Fourth, iCar officially entered the countdown?

Next year’s new CarPlay may be "the first public beta of iCar".

In other words, we should not see the real iCar before 2024-but by 2024, every car will support new ones. CarPlay Our cars are all customized "iCar" by car owners.

Faced with Apple’s obvious ambition, various car companies have different attitudes, including Japanese and European manufacturers who resolutely choose to cooperate, as well as the intriguing "old friend" BMW, and China’s new car that Alexander is determined to go his own way.

As observers, we encourage all-encompassing, and we hope to see hundreds of battles. At least after today, we are extremely eager to see the 2023 of the smart cockpit.

Unless otherwise specified, all interviewees are treated as aliases.


A brief history of the development of glutinous rice balls: the stuffing was once called "round and not falling"

  Data Map: Wuhan time-honored traditional handmade dumplings are selling well. China News Agency issued ZhangChang photo

  Chinanews. com client March 2 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today is the Lantern Festival, people have started to buy according to their tastes, and merchants have launched various promotional activities according to the situation. Then, do you know why we eat glutinous rice balls on the Lantern Festival? What are the beautiful meanings in it?

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival" or "Lantern Festival", appeared in the Han Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lantern Festival, together with Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, was called the three traditional folk festivals in China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. The symbolic eating is "Tangyuan".

  According to public information, in the Tang and Five Dynasties, you had to eat "cocoon flour" and "round without falling into the corner" at the Lantern Festival, and in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a "lactose dumpling". In the poem "Boiling a floating dumpling at the Lantern Festival", there was a sentence like "the stars are in the dark clouds, and the beads are floating in turbid water". These foods can be regarded as the predecessors of glutinous rice balls. By the Ming Dynasty, there were more names for "Yuanxiao".

  Data map: Beijing time-honored brands are now shaking Yuanxiao, which is in short supply.

  Dumplings are made in different ways from Yuanxiao, which is "shaken" and wrapped. The fillings can be vegetarian, sweet and salty, and there are many patterns. The sweet fillings generally include bean paste, jujube paste, nuts, etc., and the salty fillings generally include diced fresh meat and shrimp.

  In addition, there are dumplings filled with vegetables, which are composed of mustard, onion, garlic, leek and ginger. They are called "Five-flavor Yuanxiao", which means hard work, long-term progress. In recent years, there have been various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls, such as strawberries, mangoes, durians, flowers, chocolates, etc., and some merchants have even introduced frozen fruit Yuanxiao that does not need to be cooked in the pot.

  Recalling the Lantern Festival when I was a child, Zhong Qin, who lives in Nanjing, said that there are different names for Lantern Festival and glutinous rice balls in Nanjing, and the boundaries are not so obvious. When I was a child, I always ate glutinous rice balls.

  Data map: there are also skills in rubbing dumplings, otherwise they will bloom as soon as they are cooked. Photo by ZhangChang

  "Whenever we approach the Lantern Festival, we begin to prepare noodles and fillings. Take boiled water and noodles first, and add water a little. " Zhong Qin said that every time the family made dumplings, they were very happy. "There are many kinds of fillings. The traditional flavors are sesame, bean paste, pure meat and vegetable meat. Later, white sugar with suet and peanuts with brown sugar were used, which was delicious."

  How to eat dumplings? Many people may say "cooking", but in fact, there are many methods such as steaming, frying and frying, which are equally delicious. Zhong Qin said that when frying, the oil should drown the dumplings. Put the wrapped raw dumplings directly into the boiling oil pan, turn them gently, and then fish them out when they turn golden yellow. "Sometimes the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crispy and delicious.".

  "The shape of glutinous rice balls is similar to that of a full moon, symbolizing reunion and good luck. Therefore, eating glutinous rice balls represents the wish of family reunion and harmony." Gao Wei, a folk expert, explained that no matter whether it’s called Tangyuan or Yuanxiao, no matter what kind of production method, people’s good wishes for their future life are pinned. (Zhong Qin is a pseudonym) (End)

How to cough in autumn?

  Wu yanbing

  In autumn, the climate is dry and the temperature is low, so all kinds of discomfort symptoms of respiratory tract always love to make trouble in this season. Many people have this feeling. In autumn, their throats are like they can’t be pulled open. They are hot, dry and itchy, and have a lot of phlegm. If they are not careful, they will be harassed by coughing, which will be annoying. Today, let’s talk about why the respiratory tract is fragile in autumn and who is prone to cough.

Cough is not necessarily a bad thing.

  The respiratory tract is divided into upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes mouth, nose, pharyngeal cavity and throat, and the lower respiratory tract consists of trachea, bronchus and lung. Respiratory tract is the internal organ that people have the most contact with the outside world every day, and it is vulnerable to various external stimuli, such as cold, heat, dryness and infection. However, the lung is a relatively "cute" organ. It does not feel hot or cold, pain or touch. Frankly speaking, it has no feeling, and the biggest response to injury is coughing.

  When the airway is stimulated, the nerve reflex will make the human body produce a series of actions: the glottis are closed, and the breathing muscles contract rapidly to produce exhalation; Because the glottis is closed, the breath can’t go out, and the pressure in the chest cavity rises sharply, which in turn pushes the glottis open; Then, the gas is ejected at high speed, taking out the "bad" things in the trachea — — This is the protective defense mechanism of the lung.

  Therefore, coughing is not necessarily "sick", and coughing when sick is not necessarily a bad thing. Cough can help people expel germs from the body, which is conducive to the improvement of their condition.

  Of course, coughing is very annoying. Cough during the day; Cough at night; Talk too much and cough; Cough when inhaling cold air; Especially when coughing violently in public, not only the patient feels uncomfortable, but also others feel nervous. When some people cough violently, they will retch, affect their sleep, and even have pneumothorax. If the pleura on the lung surface ruptures, they will also have chest pain and hold their breath, which will be life-threatening in severe cases. Some patients with severe cough can lead to loss of consciousness, which is called "cough syncope" in medicine. This situation is very dangerous when driving or working at high altitude. Therefore, patients with relevant medical history should go to the hospital as soon as possible for symptomatic treatment.

  According to the duration, there are three situations.

  When it comes to coughing, we must first distinguish whether it is a real cough. Some people call the action similar to "clearing throat" cough, usually one or two times, because they feel uncomfortable in the throat or something sticks; Some coughs are habitual actions, which are common in smokers and are mostly caused by pharyngitis. What is really a cough is mostly manifested as a series of coughs one after another.

  In medicine, cough is divided into acute cough, subacute cough and chronic cough according to the length of cough time.

  1. Acute cough refers to cough within 3 weeks, mostly cough after infection, which is caused by diseases such as colds and tracheitis;

  2. Subacute cough refers to cough from 3 weeks to 8 weeks. In addition, this situation occurs in older patients, mainly due to post-infection cough;

  3. Chronic cough refers to cough with a course of more than 8 weeks. The main causes are cough variant asthma, postnasal drip syndrome (upper airway cough syndrome), eosinophilic bronchitis, gastroesophageal reflux cough and allergic cough.

  Seasonal cough is mostly caused by these conditions.

  Cough can appear all the year round, but it happens frequently when the season changes. Because the alternation of cold and hot is obvious when changing seasons, especially in autumn, many people do not pay attention to adding clothes and keeping warm in time, and their immunity is reduced, which will create opportunities for all kinds of bacteria and viruses to invade the human body, and then respiratory tract bacterial or viral infection will occur, and the incidence of cough after infection is higher, and respiratory tract infection is easy to induce cough variant asthma. This is also the main reason why everyone feels that it is easy to cough in autumn.

  Why do you cough after respiratory tract infection? In fact, post-infection cough is a respiratory symptom caused by airway inflammation repair. After the infection improves, it will be cured by simply using antitussive drugs, and the course of disease is relatively short.

  The essence of cough variant asthma is the increase of airway sensitivity caused by chronic airway inflammation, which is non-infectious and can be induced by respiratory infection without taking anti-inflammatory drugs. It may or may not be allergic. Although it is called "asthma", the patient has no breathing and his lung function is normal. However, some patients can turn into typical asthma. Therefore, correct treatment can reduce the incidence of typical asthma.

  The dry and cold climate is very unfriendly to the airway, and the cold itself is a kind of stimulation, while the low temperature reduces the water content in the air, which makes the airway more sensitive when it is short of water, thus leading to cough and wheezing. Nasal cavity can warm and humidify inhaled air, but too dry, breathing with open mouth and strenuous exercise may reduce airway humidity and increase airway sensitivity.

  In addition, there are allergic factors. In addition to spring, pollen allergy in autumn is also very serious, and both spring and autumn are the seasons prone to allergic cough, allergic rhinitis and asthma.

  It should be reminded that cough variant asthma, postnasal drip syndrome, eosinophilic bronchitis and allergic cough are all related to allergies to some extent. If there are symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and nose, and watery eyes while coughing, it will be very effective to receive antiallergic treatment if you go to the hospital to find out that eosinophils are high and total IgE (immunoglobulin E) is high.

  Why do diagnostic tests often choose CT?

  Theoretically, lung CT is not a necessary examination to see cough. In most cases, the lung CT findings of patients with simple cough are normal. Most chronic coughs, such as cough variant asthma, eosinophilic tracheitis, allergic cough, etc., have no obvious lesions in the lungs. Then why do doctors often recommend lung CT examination when they go to the hospital to see a cough?

  Because doctors must first rule out some serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchiectasis and so on. The treatment of these diseases is mainly to treat the primary disease, not to treat cough alone. Doctors should first see if there is any disease in the lungs, and the best way to "see" the lungs is lung CT and X-ray chest film.

  Which is clearer, lung CT or X-ray chest film? Lung CT is relatively clear, X-ray chest film will produce many artifacts, and heart blood vessels and bones may also block the focus, so bronchiectasis and lung cancer are mostly diagnosed by lung CT, while infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia can be diagnosed according to X-ray chest film.

  The attending doctor usually asks the patient’s medical history in detail, initially judges the nature of cough and considers what examination to do. For the elderly, patients with chronic cough and hemoptysis, lung CT examination is the first choice. Because the X-ray absorbed dose of lung CT examination is higher than that of chest X-ray film, it is suggested that patients should take the recent imaging results with them when they go to different hospitals one after another to avoid repeated examination.

  Do I have to take medicine for coughing?

  Many old people give medicine to their children when they cough, saying, "I want to suppress the disease"; Some patients are afraid of tracheitis, and then turn into chronic cough, and take medicine as soon as cough appears. But as long as it is medicine, there are side effects, especially for children. Therefore, if you don’t have a severe cough, don’t take cough medicine in a hurry, but see a doctor in time to take medicine for the cause.

  For patients with cough, the doctor’s primary concern is whether there is respiratory infection. If there is a severe cough, the stimulation of the airway may aggravate the inflammatory reaction and delay the improvement of the condition. This situation requires symptomatic medication. Let’s talk about what drugs may be used for cough.

  ● antitussive drugs

  Antitussive drugs work quickly, but they don’t target the cause. Commonly used antitussive drugs mainly include compound methoxyphenamine, licorice tablets, dextromethorphan, compound codeine syrup, traditional Chinese medicine pulmonary cough, loquat syrup, etc., which can achieve antitussive purpose by inhibiting central and peripheral cough reflex, antiallergic, bronchiectasis and other mechanisms. Among them, compound methoxyphenamine is mostly used to treat acute and chronic cough, and compound dextromethorphan solution is often used to treat cough after a cold.

  Most western medicine antitussive drugs are compound preparations, which may include antitussive, chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine, etc., with relatively more side effects, but little impact, so you can take them with confidence. Taking chlorpheniramine will cause drowsiness, which is not suitable for professionals who need to concentrate on their work, such as drivers. You can change other antitussive drugs according to your doctor’s advice.

  It should be noted that most western medicine compound antitussive drugs have the same ingredients or substitute ingredients, so do not take them at the same time.

  ● Antiallergic drugs

  Commonly used antiallergic drugs include loratadine and cetirizine, which are suitable for cough caused by allergic factors, especially for patients with allergic rhinitis.

  Among them, montelukast is a relatively safe drug for treating asthma and allergic rhinitis, and can be used simultaneously with other antiallergic drugs.

  In addition, among inhaled hormones and bronchodilators, salmeterol and fluticasone, budesonide and formoterol are commonly used to treat cough variant asthma, eosinophilic tracheitis, allergic cough, etc., which can reduce the probability of patients developing typical asthma while relieving cough.

  Many patients are worried about the side effects when they hear hormones. In fact, these drugs have been on the market for a long time, and the incidence of serious side effects observed is very low, which is relatively safe. It is important to gargle in time after inhalation to remove the excess drugs in the mouth.

  Low acid inhibitor

  Include omeprazole and lansoprazole, which can inhibit gastric acid secretion, and is mainly used for gastroesophageal reflux cough.

  ● Antibiotics

  Including cephalosporins, azithromycin, etc., mainly used for cough caused by infection.

  Low expectorant drugs

  Including eucalyptus, acetylcysteine capsules, ambroxol hydrochloride, fresh bamboo juice, etc., which can dilute sputum, and sputum is not easy to cough up and is suitable for postnasal drip syndrome. However, routine use is not recommended for dry cough.

  Health tips

  How to distinguish "COVID-19" cough from common cough?

  Now China is making every effort to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic. When it comes to "cough", it will inevitably make people nervous. So, what’s the difference between a cough caused by Covid-19 and a cough caused by a common respiratory infection?

  In view of the complexity of symptoms caused by Covid-19, it is impossible for patients to screen for infection by themselves. Clinically, in addition to fever, Covid-19 infection can sometimes be characterized by simple cough (mostly without sputum), which can also be the only first symptom of COVID-19 patients.

  Therefore, if you have a cough, you should pay attention to the symptoms of cough and go to a regular hospital in time if you have a history of epidemiological contact. At this time, don’t buy or take medicine by yourself, so as not to delay the diagnosis of the disease and cause the spread of the virus.

  (Author: Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Diseases)

Central bank’s RRR cut: the decline in the income of bank wealth management products is good news for the stock market.

  On January 1, 2020, the RRR cut came as scheduled, and the central bank decided to comprehensively reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points from January 6. The central bank said that the RRR cut will release about 800 billion yuan of long-term funds and reduce the cost of bank funds by about 15 billion yuan.

  What impact will the RRR cut have on various wealth management products? Liu Yinping, a researcher at Rong 360 Jianpu Technology Big Data Research Institute, believes that after the RRR cut, the market liquidity will be further relaxed and the price of funds will drop, resulting in a decline in the yield of fixed-income products; However, the RRR cut will be beneficial to some equity assets, and the income of fixed-income products will decline, and some funds will flow to equity assets, thus prompting asset prices to rise.


  Impact 1

  Bank deposit interest rates will fall, and small banks may last for a long time.

  Since 2019, the central bank has been guiding the interest rate in the loan market to fall, thus solving the problem of financing difficulties for small and micro enterprises. At present, the interest rates of various types of deposits in banks are at a high level. In order to avoid narrowing the deposit-loan spreads, banks will lower the interest rates of various deposit products, including time deposits, large deposit certificates and structured deposits.

  Liu Yinping pointed out that different types of banks have different capital pressures, and the progress and extent of interest rate reduction will be different. Large and medium-sized banks may take the lead in lowering the deposit interest rate, while small banks have great difficulty in raising deposits, and the reduction of deposit interest rate may be one step behind.

  Impact 2

  The average yield of bank wealth management will fall below 4% again.

  Since last year, the bank’s wealth management yield has continued to fall, and at the end of December, the yield has rebounded. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Data Research Institute, the average yield of bank wealth management products rose to 4.11% last week.

  Liu Yinping said that the RRR cut will lead to loose liquidity, and most of the underlying assets of bank wealth management are fixed-income assets, and the yield of such assets will drop, so will the yield of wealth management products, which is expected to fall below 4% again in the short term. However, the impact of RRR cuts on the income of wealth management products such as equity, commodities and financial derivatives is uncertain, which may push some equity assets higher.

  Impact 3

  The average yield of the money fund will fall to the range of 2.4%~2.5%.

  The monetary fund yield behind all kinds of baby financing has always been sensitive to changes in market interest rates. Since the end of November last year, the yield of money funds has continued to rise. According to the data monitored by Rong 360 Big Data Research Institute, the average yield of goods-based babies last week was 2.69%, a 39-month high.

  Even if the RRR is not lowered, the funds will gradually loosen after New Year’s Day, and the yield of the money fund will also fall. Lowering the benchmark will further loosen the liquidity and accelerate the decline of the yield of the money fund. It is expected that the average yield will fall to 2.4%~2.5% in the short term.

  Impact 4

  Theoretically speaking, RRR cuts are good for the stock market.

  After the RRR cut, there will be more funds in the market, and some of them will flow to the stock market. Moreover, the increase in corporate credit will help improve the operating conditions of enterprises. Theoretically, the RRR cut is good news for the stock market.

  However, judging from the performance of the stock market after previous RRR cuts, the stock index has been mixed. Liu Yinping pointed out that there are many factors affecting the stock market, including policies, economic environment, the development of all walks of life, market confidence and so on. Today is the first working day after the RRR cut, and all major stock indexes rose in the morning, so it seems that the market confidence is sufficient.

  Text/reporter Cheng Wei

  related news

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  Specifically, the Shanghai Composite Index closed up 1.15% to close at 3085.20 points; The Shenzhen Component Index rose 1.99% to close at 10,638.82 points; The growth enterprise market index rose 1.93% to close at 1832.74 points. The net inflow of northbound funds was 11.395 billion yuan yesterday, which has been a net inflow for 32 consecutive trading days.

  Citic Securities pointed out that the main macro factors that suppressed A-share earnings in 2019 will be significantly alleviated in 2020, and the fundamentals will stabilize and rebound under the counter-cyclical policy, credit expansion and replenishment. Under the macro-economic decisive victory, capital market reform and the recovery of corporate profits, A shares are expected to usher in a "well-off cow" for two to three years.

  Xun Yugen, chief strategist of Haitong Securities, stressed that technology and brokers will become the leading industries in this bull market. The superposition of scientific and technological progress and policy dividends will promote the performance of the science and technology sector to rebound. With the arrival of the era of equity financing, with the diversification of business in the future, the performance of securities firms is expected to revive.

There is a Taiwanese businessman "Youlin" in Yunnan. 6: The tea maker tells you how to choose a cup of stomach-nourishing tea.

  Chen Youlin, from Nantou, Taiwan Province, was struck by the "September 21" earthquake in Taiwan Province in 1999 and came to Yunnan for development. From then on, he brought the concept of health and environmental protection to Yunnan and integrated it into the planting management and processing of local Pu ‘er tea.

  "There is a term in tea called post-fermented tea. Only truly healthy tea can be fermented twice and become post-fermented tea." He believes that many nutrients in tea exist in tea stems. Tea drinkers love fragrant tea and can choose young leaf tea, but if they need to nourish their stomachs, they should choose tea with stems. (Video provided by Taiwan Affairs Office of Yunnan Province)

Strengthening cultural self-confidence and building a national cultural soft power communication platform

  During the two sessions of the National People’s Congress this year, cultural self-confidence once again became the focus of hot discussion. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. Without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and cultural prosperity, there would be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the new era, China’s cultural construction has ushered in new opportunities for development, which should lead to the prosperity of socialist literature and art and the development of cultural undertakings and industries. We should tell the story of China well, improve the national cultural soft power and enhance the world influence of Chinese culture.

  Carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture and strengthen cultural self-confidence

  The 2018 government work report suggests that the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security should be continuously improved. The report puts forward that it is necessary to carry forward Chinese excellent traditional culture, inherit revolutionary culture, develop advanced socialist culture and cultivate and practice socialist core values. Strengthen ideological and moral construction and create mass spiritual civilization. Accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with China characteristics, prosper literary and artistic creation, and develop news publishing, radio, film and television, archives and other undertakings. Strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. Build a new type of think tank. Strengthen the construction of Internet content. In-depth implementation of the project of benefiting the people through culture and cultivation of new cultural formats. Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  China’s cultural self-confidence stems from the excellent traditional Chinese culture nurtured by the Chinese nation’s 5,000-year history of civilization. During the National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress, many deputies suggested that we must vigorously carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture, speed up the construction of a modern public cultural service system, and strive to provide rich spiritual food for the people to live a better life.

  "The values of Chinese culture have become the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation. We talk about cultural self-confidence, mainly the confidence of values. " Chen Lai, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and professor of philosophy department of Tsinghua University Humanities College, believes that one of our important tasks today is to vigorously inherit and develop Chinese excellent culture, strengthen cultural self-confidence and undertake the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  In the view of Jia Pingwa, a representative of the National People’s Congress and a writer, the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, such as literary classics and historical sites all over the country, all reflect our cultural confidence. He said that to strengthen cultural self-confidence, we must learn and inherit excellent traditional culture and literary classics. He admits that in recent years, advocacy and initiatives such as reading by the whole people and restoring traditional culture are conducive to understanding, understanding and strengthening cultural self-confidence.

  Liao Huage, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Nanyang Federation of Literary and Art Circles in Henan Province, believes that strengthening cultural self-confidence must start with teenagers. Young people are the pillars of the country’s future development. It is suggested that we should increase the intensity and scope of excellent traditional culture education from kindergarten to primary schools, middle schools and universities, so that young people can "remember to dig wells while enjoying the cool, and not forget to plant trees", so that they can learn nutrition from excellent traditional culture, find motivation, discover the beauty of Chinese culture, root their cultural confidence in their hearts, and be subtly affected, thus rallying a powerful force for building a great Chinese dream.

  Deepen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and tell the story of China well.

  Practicing cultural self-confidence requires us to tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China well, let Chinese culture go global, and promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries. According to the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the new era, China will actively promote international cooperation in the belt and road initiative, strengthen cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, promote the construction of international communication capacity, tell the story of China well, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and improve the country’s cultural soft power.

  The Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Humanities Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries issued by the General Offices of the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council proposes to strengthen the comprehensive communication capacity building of humanities exchanges between China and foreign countries, promote the joint production, joint interview and cooperative publication of Chinese and foreign radio, film and television, publishing institutions and news media, promote the mutual broadcast and exchange of Chinese and foreign film and television programs, implement special exchange projects and plans in the fields of books, films and television, and cultural performances, and enrich the literary and artistic contents and carriers of humanities exchanges; Make "People-to-People Exchange in internet plus" bigger and stronger, and realize the mutual complement and benign interaction between the entity and the virtual exchange platform. By enriching the forms of media communication and building all-media and cultural communication institutions with international influence, we can tell the story of China well, spread the voice of China, explain the road of China, and enhance the closeness of China’s cultural image.

  Wang Shucheng, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and editor-in-chief of the overseas edition of People’s Daily, believes that telling the world the story of China in the new era is to promote the excellent Chinese culture silently and make cultural integration become a bridge between Community of Shared Future for Mankind. China’s culture is extensive and profound, and many ideas reflect the common value pursuit of human civilization. It is necessary to further enhance cultural self-confidence, and tell the story of China carefully by broadening horizons, expanding channels and integrating resources, so that Chinese and foreign cultures can realize benign interaction in exchanges and mutual learning; By further improving the level of creativity, China cultural symbols can be transformed into world-famous cultural products and ideas, and the world can perceive China and understand China through culture, thus effectively improving China’s cultural soft power.

  "To spread the voice of China to the world and tell the story of China well, we need to study and choose the most effective communication strategy. It is necessary to understand each other’s historical traditions, cultural psychology and information acceptance habits. " An Laishun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the International Association of Museums, believes that today, China culture has taken a decisive step to go abroad. What needs to be further strengthened is to let China culture really go in, enter each other’s hearts, resonate emotionally, and let people of all countries truly and naturally realize that Chinese culture is an excellent culture with eternal charm across time and space.

  Wu Hongliang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Beijing Painting Academy, said that telling the story of China well requires innovation in ways and means. He suggested that in the process of foreign cultural exchange, we can fully tap the international art collections and talent resources, and make use of the existing conditions in other countries to complete the exhibition, research and dissemination of China art locally. The result is low cost, quick effect, great influence and deep integration, which can improve China’s cultural soft power with half the effort and provide new ideas for promoting the international communication ability of China traditional culture.

  China Cultural Exchange Network: Actively Building a National Cultural Soft Power Communication Platform

  China Cultural Exchange Network, a comprehensive, public-welfare and cultural information website under the academic guidance of China Institute of Economic Reform and Development of Renmin University of China and Guosheng Think Tank, takes "promoting traditional culture and serving China in the future" as its purpose, actively implements "Several Opinions on Strengthening and Improving People-to-People Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries", earnestly strengthens the construction of communication capacity, and is committed to building an Internet cultural exchange platform and a national cultural soft power communication platform.

  China Cultural Exchange Network integrates the Internet, mobile terminals, WeChat, Weibo, video, newspapers and other media platforms, and is forming a multi-level communication mode such as graphics, text, audio and video. The website has carried out strategic cooperation with domestic authoritative academic institutions, book publishing, film and television production, intangible cultural heritage protection, tourism, big data, industrial parks and other industrial entities, forming a systematic independent intellectual property right of "culture+",which has demonstrated China’s cultural soft power and cultural self-confidence in external communication. In September 2017, China Cultural Exchange Network was awarded the "Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate" by the National Copyright Administration of People’s Republic of China (PRC) (registration number: 2017SR541515). It has successively obtained the trademark right granted by the State Trademark Office (registration number: 13524174), the copyright registration certificate issued by the State Copyright Administration (Guo Zuo Deng Zi -2014-F-00156441), and won the "China Government Website Excellence Award in 2014 and 2015", and the innovative service platform of "internet plus Culture" in 2016, which was approved by Beijing Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau.

  The large-scale network digital platform of "Window of China Digital Expo Hall" established by the website’s independent innovation spreads Chinese excellent traditional culture through the whole media with the digital technology of "Silk Road Cloud" from five aspects: network art museum, network literature museum, network intangible cultural heritage museum, network photography museum and network academic center. Among them, the network academic center is a new network think tank platform launched by China Cultural Exchange Network to promote the integration and innovation of "media think tanks". At present, many famous experts and scholars such as Wang Yiwei, Zhao Lei, Chen Ping, Zhang Xuedong, Ke Yinbin, Yuan Li, Zhao Jianjun, Zhang Baotong and Lu Yintao have been launched, and their important viewpoints, academic achievements and social influence have been presented and displayed intensively.

  China Cultural Exchange Network has long been concerned about the cultural communication and economic development of "the belt and road initiative", and cooperated with the launch of large-scale special topics and special actions involving "the belt and road initiative" cultural exchange, tourism, ecology, pension, health, intangible cultural heritage protection, Chinese medicine, film and television, logistics and other fields. The website launched a series of new media projects such as "Silk Road Meeting Room" and "Think Tank Meeting Room", and through the platform information channel of "internet plus", The belt and road initiative Cultural Communication and Economic Development Forum, the belt and road initiative Intangible Heritage Protection Special Action, the belt and road initiative Hundred People Forum, Silk Road Business Leaders Summit (Xi ‘an), montana International Forum, Silk Road International Film Festival New Silk Road Youth Video Contest, the belt and road initiative (Weinan) Sister City Dialogue, the belt and road initiative (Weinan) Sister City Development Conference, and The Most Beautiful Sunset Red. Henan Zhongyuan Aquatic Logistics Port and other large-scale topics, deeply interpret and promote the demonstration projects and sample projects in the field of "the belt and road initiative" cultural communication and economic development, and explore the new mode of "the belt and road initiative" cultural exchange.China Cultural Exchange Network has held the "Light of Civilization, Person of the Year in China Cultural Exchange" for five consecutive years, focusing on individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of "the belt and road initiative" cultural communication and economic development, and the mutual learning of Chinese culture and Chinese and foreign civilizations, and encouraging all sectors of society to participate in cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  CHINA Cultural Exchange Network participated in the co-sponsored "CHINA in My Eyes" city brand publicity project, covering the "China in My Eyes" photo essay contest and many sub-activities such as China Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Guiyang, Dali, Quanzhou, Dalian, Zhengzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The theme of "CHINA in My Eyes" is "Tell the story of China well and spread the voice of China well". Through images and words, it truly records and reflects the new normal in China’s cultural, economic and social fields, promotes people-to-people exchanges and shows the achievements and great progress of urban development. After several years of operation, it has become a large-scale publicity project to display the image of China and shape the city brand, and has made positive contributions to enhancing the country’s cultural soft power.

Gather in the spring city and cut the waves! Big coffee gathered, and the 2023 National Swimming Championships kicked off on the 10th.

Reporter Huai Xiao Intern Liu Xiaolu

What kind of surprise will "Butterfly Queen" Zhang Yufei bring in the final battle of the year? hair

From December 10th to 15th, the 2023 National Swimming Championships will be staged in the swimming pool of Jinan Olympic Sports Center. As the trials of the 2024 Doha Swimming World Championships and the Paris Olympic Games, this event is the most important local single event in China swimming this year, and it is also the final work of the China Swimming Army in 2023.

At that time, China’s top swimmers will gather in Quancheng, and Qin Haiyang, Wang Shun, Zhang Yufei, Yang Junxuan, Xu Jiayu, Pan Zhanle and Li Bingjie will show their elegance in Quancheng Jinan. This weekend, come to the Olympic Sports Center to see the flying people in the swimming pool!

The "frog king" returned with honor.

Male model debuts

The rise of China Swimming Army in 2023 has a great relationship with Qin Haiyang. In October this year, he just won the title of Best Male Swimmer of the Year of the World Swimming Federation, which is the first time that China athletes have won this honor.

Being recognized by FINA shows that Qin Haiyang’s performance is brilliant enough. This year, he won 23 gold medals in Fukuoka World Championships, Chengdu Universiade, Hangzhou Asian Games and FINA World Cup, creating a myth in breaststroke.

In this national swimming championship, Qin Haiyang signed up for three individual events: 50-meter breaststroke, 100-meter breaststroke and 200-meter breaststroke, and will appear at Jinan Olympic Sports Center on the 10th, 12th and 14th.

For Qin Haiyang, the stage of the National Swimming Championships is no stranger. As early as 2018, he won the 200-meter breaststroke championship. This time again, Qin Haiyang is expected to achieve all the gold medals.

Wang Shun, the big brother in the swimming corps, has maintained a high competitive level for many years. In this national swimming championship, Wang Shun signed up for the individual events of 100m backstroke, 200m backstroke, 100m breaststroke, 100m butterfly and 200m individual medley. There are so many events that he can be called a "model worker."

Wang Shun and Jinan Swimming Pool are old acquaintances. In 2019, Wang stood on the FINA World Cup Jinan Station, but missed the championship medal. After four years, Wang Shun will never allow himself to be disappointed when he returns to Jinan again.

Xu Jiayu, who set a new record of 52.23 seconds in the men’s 100m backstroke at the Hangzhou Asian Games, will also compete in the 100m backstroke and 400m freestyle at the Jinan Olympic Sports Center.

Of course, the new generation also has strong players. For example, at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, Pan Zhanle, who opened the 100-meter 47-second mark in men’s freestyle, will make an all-round attack in five events: 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 200m freestyle and 200m backstroke.

For Pan Zhanle, swimming is a simple matter of "jumping into the water and winning". This makes people wonder, how fast can he swim this time?

"Butterfly Queen" outshines others.

Can the veteran still eat?

This year, the only female swimmer in China can compete with Qin Haiyang, only "Butterfly Queen" Zhang Yufei, both of whom won 23 gold medals in this year’s international competition.

In this national swimming championship, Zhang Yufei will participate in five individual events, including women’s 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, 50m butterfly, 100m butterfly and 200m butterfly. With a total of six days’ schedule, Zhang Yufei will play in the preliminary and final matches on five competition days (December 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th and 15th).

Zhang Yufei, 25, has entered the second half of her career, but at present, no matter which event she plays, she has the ability to win all the gold medals, and her competitive state is excellent.

Besides Zhang Yufei, the most surprising thing this year is the strong return of veteran Ye Shiwen.

At the London Olympic Games in 2012, Ye Shiwen was crowned as the "double champion" of women’s 200m individual medley and 400m individual medley, reaching a peak in her sports career. However, after that, she was affected by injury and illness, and fell into a trough, far from the public eye.

After that, Ye Shiwen retired, came back, retired again and came back again, and never stayed away from swimming. At this year’s Asian Games in Hangzhou, Ye Shiwen won one gold and one silver, announcing his return. In this competition, Ye Shiwen will appear in the 100m breaststroke, 200m freestyle and 400m individual medley. Today, Ye Shiwen is still competitive in medley and breaststroke.

In addition, Li Bingjie, Yu Yiting and other new generations will also appear in Quancheng. Among them, Li Bingjie signed up for five events: 200m freestyle, 400m freestyle, 800m freestyle, 1500m freestyle and 200m butterfly. At present, she has strong dominance in Asian women’s middle and long distance events.

Yu Yiting, who is only 18 years old, will compete in 11 events, such as the 200m individual medley, 100m butterfly and 50m breaststroke. This little girl with multi-line attack will also win more attention in Jinan Olympic Sports Center.

Fight at home

Qilu athletes strive for good results

For Shandong swimmers, what they are most looking forward to is undoubtedly Yang Junxuan, who plays at home.

This year, Yang Junxuan has not fought much, but his strength is still online. At the Asian Games in Hangzhou, Yang Junxuan won 2 gold medals and 1 silver medal, and achieved the best personal record in the 100-meter freestyle upstream, showing an excellent competitive state.

As a grand slam winner of Olympic Games, World Championships, Short-course World Championships, World Cup, Youth Olympic Games, Asian Games, National Games and Military Games, Yang Junxuan is not only the pride of Shandong, but also an indispensable member of China Swimming Army.

In Taiyuan Station, Shanxi Province, the National Swimming Championships in 2018, the fledgling Yang Junxuan won the women’s 100-meter freestyle championship. Now she is fighting at home, and her goal is more honor.

In this competition, Yang Junxuan will compete in 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle and 200m freestyle. As a short-distance swimmer, it goes without saying that 100m freestyle is her dominant event. In the 200-meter freestyle, Yang Junxuan’s performance has also made steady progress in recent years. At present, if she can maintain a good competitive state, it is not impossible to win gold at home.

In addition, Ji Xinjie will also participate in this national swimming championship. In recent years, Ji Xinjie’s performance is not excellent, but there is always a feeling of untimely birth.

Previously, in the field of men’s long-distance freestyle, Ji Xinjie, who is the best player in Asia at least, has been shrouded in the aura of Sun Yang and cannot shine his own light because of Sun Yang. In the 2017 National Games in Tianjin, Ji Xinjie won five silver medals in a row, which is an absolute "sad hero".

Now, Ji Xinjie, who is 26 years old, is a veteran of the China Swimming Army. This year, he won only the sixth place in the men’s 200m freestyle in the National Swimming Championships. This time at home, can Ji Xinjie hand over a satisfactory "answer sheet"? It is worth looking forward to.

Sprint to Paris

Can it bring surprises?

Due to FINA’s special schedule for the new World Championships (to be held in February next year) and to avoid being too close to the Asian Games, this year’s national championships will be held in mid-December. The specifications of this tournament are higher than in previous years, which is equivalent to the national championship. As a trial for the World Championships, no domestic active master was absent from this tournament.

This year’s competition is not only in line with the international competitions such as the World Championships and the Olympic Games, but also adopts the latest standards of FINA. Its purpose is to let the contestants test the training effect in the actual combat environment, and also to train for the World Championships in Doha and the Paris Olympic Games.

At present, the China Swimming Team still has great hope to surprise the Chinese people again in the World Championships and Olympic Games next year.

Among them, Qin Haiyang and Zhang Yufei are both in their prime and have the strength to compete for the gold medal; If Wang Shun and Xu Jiayu can adjust to the best condition, there is also hope to compete for medals.

After 00, represented by Yang Junxuan, Pan Zhanle, Li Bingjie and Yu Yiting, they also have the strength to compete for gold and silver in their respective advantageous projects through many competitions. Next year in Paris, they are expected to gain a more stable position in the national team.

Considering that Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang are among the best in the world, people will naturally look forward to next year’s World Championships in Doha and China Swimming in the Paris Olympic Games.

Ji Mengnian: Cape Verde, like the men’s basketball team, has a tower-no basket-and mistakes are mostly preparations for South Sudan.

Live on August 4th, at 0:00 tomorrow morning, the Italian Trentino Cup, the China men’s basketball team played against the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team.

Ji Mengnian, a reporter from titan sports, wrote his own opinion on this competition in his personal Weibo: "This time, the China men’s basketball team played this competition in Italy, which was actually a warm-up of four countries. The participating teams were Italy, China, Cape Verde and Turkey. There are four matches in this competition, Cape Verde plays China, Italy plays Turkey, and then there are the first and second place finals and the third and fourth place finals. The game is also very fast, and it will be finished in two days.

"For China fans, the biggest attraction of this game is Li Kaier’s debut. It may be one of two games, and I guess it should be the one tomorrow.Today’s battle with Cape Verde may not see Likel.

"However, although there may be no Likel in this game tonight, there is no lack of points to watch. Cape Verde and China have many similarities, such as towers inside, for example, neither team made baskets, for example, there were many mistakes. Playing with Cape Verde is also a preparation for the confrontation with South Sudan. Although the styles of the two teams are different and the average age of Cape Verde players is older, this game should also be the last chance for China men’s basketball team to warm up with African teams before the World Cup.

"The weekend starts at midnight, and the time is ok. I look forward to it."