It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk in Canada and was suspected of being stimulated by the scandal between Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang (Photo)

  According to Hong Kong media reports, yesterday (July 7), news came out that Wang Zuxian, who has been away for a long time, is a monk in Canada. Friends said that she may be stimulated by the scandal between Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang earlier. And she has not been in touch with Qi Qin for a while.

Wang Zuxian, profile picture

  Yesterday (July 7), there was news that Wang Zuxian, who had been out of the movie for a long time, was ordained in Canada. The reporter called Wang Zuxian’s friend Du Huidong to verify the matter. He said: "In recent years, Wang Zuxian has indeed been submerged in Buddhism. There is also a nunnery near where she lives, but I haven’t contacted her for a long time, so I don’t know the authenticity of the news. However, it is likely that she was stimulated by the news that her ex-boyfriend Qi Qin and Xiao Qiang may get married this year. In addition, when she was filming" Dream in the Garden ", she originally had expectations, but in the end her reaction was just ordinary. When her love and career were not very good, she cut her hair to become a nun."

  In addition, Wang Zuxian’s friends, Miss Wang, Shi Nansheng, and Yang Fan, the director of "Dream in the Garden", told the media yesterday (July 7) that they had not heard of the news and had not contacted Wang Zuxian for some time. As for Qi Qin, there are reports that he thinks Wang Zuxian has always been submerged in Buddhism. If this continues, it is possible to become a monk. He also called Wang Zuxian when he went to Canada last month, but unfortunately he could not find her, so he has not contacted Wang Zuxian for some time.

  Wang Zuxian’s relationship was quite rough. In the early years, she first dated Qi Qin, and then fell in love with a married wealthy businessman. Because her love with the wealthy businessman was not approved by the other party’s mother, she was also publicly abused, so she finally decided to cut off the love, return to Taiwan and get back together with Qi Qin, and prepared to get married in 1999. However, when even the banquet was booked, it suddenly broke out that Qi Qin had lived with a woman for many years and had flesh and blood, which caused the marriage to fail. Wang Zuxian was also heartbroken and went to Vancouver, Canada to live in seclusion. (fish/text)

  Related links:

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian became a monk, and there are many stars who have escaped into the air (picture) 2009-07-08

  • It is said that Wang Zuxian’s Canadian shaving degree is unknown to many friends in the circle (picture) 2009-07-08

  • Sigh Wang Zuxian as a monk, recall Wang Zuxian screen classic inventory (photos) 2009-07-08

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

How many dangers are hidden in the popular "partner culture" among young people?

Original grapes

Photo: Huang Zi | Written by: Grape | Editor: Ruoying

Original article, please do not reprint without permission.

Hello, I’m Grape ~

In recent years, a "partner culture" has become popular. When searching on the Internet and social platforms, all kinds of partner-seeking stickers will appear: travel partner, game partner, weight-loss partner, fishing partner, fitness partner, music festival partner … anything you can.

▲ Image source: Xiaohongshu

Besides finding partners, the Internet is a good place for young people to make friends and fall in love, but it is precisely because of the convenience of the Internet that this young culture and way of making friends are popular, and its potential risks also follow.

Because most online friends and love will move to the offline base and rush. And leaving the false online world, the perfect ta in your impression may reveal its true face, or even have ulterior motives …

Today’s safety guide for girls, let’s talk about the risks and precautions of offline foundation!

▲ Image source: Giphy

Possible risks of sub-line base

* No one was killed with a stick, just talk about the possible risks and remind everyone!

Under the line, the base can’t match the number, but it threatens personal safety. Not only offline, but also online communication stage, the risk already exists.

information security

Presumably, everyone knows that the identity information provided by these partners and netizens is probably false, right?

In the public identity information, ta’s information may be false from beginning to end, and the age, occupation, gender, hobbies and even photos are all processed. The person you are facing is an artificial setup made up by ta by all means, which is not the real situation. And naive you, all the real information revealed out …

A friend will say, "Who is so stupid that he will reveal his true information? 」

You know, even if you are vigilant, the other party may lock you in through the dynamics published by your circle of friends and social platforms. There are some bad situations, such as home address being leaked, information being hijacked, photos being abused, etc …

And looking for a travel partner offline, it is inevitable to buy tickets to travel together, and then your identity information may be stolen.

personal security

There is no need to explain too much about personal safety. If you encounter a pervert or a trafficker, you will face sexual assault, trafficking, and even deception to North Myanmar …

You may feel a little alarmist, but similar incidents did happen. When searching for relevant information, a post caught the attention of grapes:

A netizen posted an article titled "Attention, 2003 girls who want to meet netizens in Huizhou!"! The content of the post is a screenshot of netizens chatting in a group. From it, we can see that the netizen S in the group chat is promoting his little sister who is about to meet him, claiming that "the chat has been paved and the hotel has been opened in 2003 …"

In other words, the so-called noodle base is just a trap carefully designed by this person, just waiting for the other party to take the bait. Once the swindler’s plot succeeds, the girl will face great harm, and this is just one of them. We dare not imagine how many such scams and injuries there are in the world.

In addition, there is a noteworthy place in this post. Netizen S also posted the video of Xiaomei to the group, and then it was discovered by the majority of netizens that this video was not Xiaomei herself, and the real protagonist of the video was a girl who had nothing to do with this matter. The girl said: The video she sent to her circle of friends was stolen. This also confirms the information security problem we mentioned earlier.

In addition to being sexually assaulted, you may also be trafficked and deceived to northern Myanmar.

Recently, the events in northern Myanmar have been frequently searched, including journalists who went to expose the truth regardless of the danger, and witnesses who survived. Their reports and memories showed the terrible and unscrupulous fraud gangs in northern Myanmar to the public, and also let us know that many people have not escaped. When they first went to North Myanmar, except for expecting high-paying jobs to take the initiative, the rest were basically cheated by relatives and friends.

Once cheated, violent beatings, personal control, rape and sexual assault, forced drug use … these inhuman treatments are all possible. If you think it’s far away from you and you can’t be deceived to North Myanmar, then the next fact is closer.

That is: the person you are chatting with and falling in love with is probably a person who specializes in fraud. As the other person gets to know your information step by step and gains your goodwill day by day, maybe fraud is close at hand.

▲ Image source: Giphy

property safety

According to the witness who fled from northern Myanmar, the companies there are engaged in the fraud work aimed at domestic women, playing games, falling in love with women and cheating money, commonly known as "killing pigs".

The other party may induce you under the guise of investing together, or directly ask for borrowing money and helping to order a link, and finally lose both money and people.

In a word, danger is everywhere. So how should we avoid these dangers?

Matters needing attention in face base

Grapes have compiled some precautions for your reference ~


1. Avoid money transactions when communicating, and don’t click on the link sent by the other party easily;

2. Do not disclose personal home address, company and other specific information;

3. Agree on the time and place of the noodle base, choose daytime as the time, and choose a crowded and familiar big business district as the place;

4. Inform your family and friends of the purpose, time and place of this trip in advance, set up danger signals (such as sending specific numbers, stipulating the time limit for replying messages, etc.), and ensure that someone knows your whereabouts and safety;

5. Set an alarm clock in advance, and you can leave by answering the phone when you feel uncomfortable.

6. Prepare protective articles such as anti-wolf spray, just in case.

Face-based time

1. Keep close contact with family and friends;

2. Be wary of the other party’s request to get along alone in a private space (such as ktv, private cinema, car);

3. Mention the details of online communication and verify whether the other party is an online communicator;

4. Don’t eat and drink the food and drinks provided by the other party easily, especially those opened in advance and far away from your sight;

5. Carry important items such as bags with you;

6. Consumption AA generated by noodle base.


1. Be alert to the other party’s request to send you home;

2. Evaluate whether the other party meets your expectations. Even if you feel good, don’t blindly trust;

3. We should still be vigilant. It is not excluded that some swindlers "catch big fish in a long line" and pay attention to safety when they meet later.

▲ Image source: Giphy

That’s all the precautions grapes thought of. After all, a person’s strength is limited, so we also collected suggestions from readers. Let’s take a look ~

Motu soil

First, there must be a video call to avoid cheating, even in the case of developed AI technology; Second, we must know more about each other’s information, and feel each other’s views on family and friends from the process of talking with each other, so that we can know whether some of their personalities are consistent with ourselves; Third, the site must be open; Fourth, if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable before and during the dough-making, you can find an excuse to leave. You must be vigilant and don’t blindly trust each other. As long as you feel uncomfortable, there must be something wrong.

If the other person is tempted to touch the color, please call loudly to attract the attention of the people around you, and then grab the things and run away.



I have seen more than a dozen male netizens who have met in games, and I have some precautions to share with you: when meeting, I should choose someone who has known each other for a long time and is close to my age; Don’t treat netizens as real friends, unless the relationship has reached the point where there is nothing to say, after all, the network will still hide its true self more or less; When you meet for the first time, you must choose a place with high safety factor.

Ask about the motivation of making friends first, although the other person may not say what he really thinks, and at the same time clearly express his attitude. When meeting for the first time, it’s best to explain in advance the time you want to end or reveal the schedule behind you. Don’t procrastinate too much. Even if you feel good, you should have moderate contact.

bean-starch jelly

to one’s heart’s content

Meet alone only with the same sex. If there is the opposite sex, it must be a group of people with the same sex that they trust. Do not meet minors alone; Don’t go to KTV and other places when you meet for the first time, and don’t drink; Know each other long enough to meet again; As for the exhibition/concert and other activities, it is just a simple meeting, which has little impact.

Have a certain understanding in front of the noodle base, be sure to meet in public places, and never stay too late with the noodle base object casually, and don’t follow the noodle base object to remote places! No matter whether the target is old people, children or women, no matter how safe and powerful you think you are, people’s hearts are unpredictable. Protect yourself in case you regret it.

light rain

Ok, that’s all for this issue ~

Let’s make it clear that not all scammers are encountered on the Internet, but many scammers are hidden on the Internet. This article just reminds everyone that I hope we will not meet them!

Good morning, I love this world.


[1] The most important person. Self-report of Myanmar returnees: fleeing the road and burying the body [EB/OL] (2023-07-24) [2023-08-08].

Read the original text

Geely Automobile Executives: I am confident to return to the first place in automobile national brand sales, but I still need time to work hard.

IT House reported on March 20th that at the 2023 performance conference of Geely Automobile Holdings Limited this afternoon, Gui Shengyue, chief executive officer and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Limited, said that Geely was confident to return to China as the national brand of automobiles, but it still needed time to make efforts in various market segments.

Gui Shengyue said that BYD is excellent and needs to learn from it, but not all of them are worse than them. Geely is also excellent in some market segments. At the same time, he also said that the sales volume of Krypton in Hangzhou has surpassed that of Tesla, and within two years, it will become the first luxury electric car brand with a price of over 300,000 yuan in China. "New forces for many years, why didn’t you do it? In the future, we will steadily surpass in various market segments. "

Gui Shengyue also denied the idea of giving up fuel vehicles. Geely’s transformation to new energy resources should be "balanced development", and new energy resources must be the ultimate goal, but it will take a long time in the end. Some European countries and regions have also made statements according to the industry situation.

According to the report of IT House earlier today, Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely Holding Group, disclosed the product planning of Geely Automobile in 2024.

Geely brand: Galaxy mainstream pure electric SUV, compact pure electric SUV and Galaxy mainstream plug-in hybrid SUV.

Extreme krypton brand: extreme krypton Mix, medium and large luxury pure electric SUV, top luxury pure electric MPV.

Lingke brand: Lingke 07 EM-P, medium and large pure electric flagship car, compact pure electric SUV.

Chinese billiards world championship: defending champions Zheng Yubo and Chen Siming advance to the second stage.

Nanchang, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet)-The 6th Chinese Billiards World Championship of China Billiards Association recently concluded the first stage of the competition in Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. Defending champions Zheng Yubo and Chen Siming advanced to the second stage.
This tournament attracted 496 players from 41 countries and regions to participate in Yushan, and the number of participants reached a new high. It is the largest Chinese billiards competition in the world. The race is divided into two stages. The first stage is divided into domestic men’s team, international men’s team, domestic women’s team and international women’s team, and the top 32 men’s team and the top 16 women’s team are produced by the double-loss elimination system.
The competition in the domestic men’s team is fierce. Zheng Yubo, who aims to win three consecutive championships, and john young, the champion in 2017, and other famous players have lost in succession, but they still narrowly missed the top 32. Shi Hanqing, winner of the 2016 tournament, and Zheng Xiaohuai, winner of this year’s International Open, were eliminated early. Wattana, the champion of the first year of the tournament, led the international men’s team to advance to the lineup, and the Thai ball king regretted saying goodbye.
All the four champions in the first five competitions appeared in the domestic women’s team, Chen Siming advanced in two consecutive games, Fu Xiaofang broke through successfully, and Dove and Han Yu were both defeated. Natasha Chetan, a 15-year-old Indian teenager, advanced to the second stage with outstanding performance in the international women’s team and became a dark horse in this competition.
The second stage of the race began on the 12th, and the single defeat elimination system was adopted. According to the schedule, the women’s team will decide on the 15th and the men’s team will win on the 16th.

2024 Silk Road International Fashion Week: Leading a New Chapter of Macau Fashion Industry

On the morning of January 27th, the 2024 Silk Road International Fashion Week tour in Macau was officially launched, which included MAXCHILL performance, the release of Miracle Angel and FENGSANSAN brand, the joint exhibition of Macao design brands, and the display of non-legacy projects.

With the support of Macao Cultural Development Fund, the event was hosted by Film and Art Creation Agency, jointly sponsored by Macao Fashion Industry Association, Asian Model Association and Silk Road International Fashion Week, and undertaken by Mojie Fashion Group and Star Bio-Creation Co., Ltd. At the same time, the event was also strongly supported by the Tourism Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the Macao Productivity and Technology Transfer Center.

On the same day, the activity kicked off with a wonderful song and dance performance by MAXCHILL, a Macao children’s performance group. The members showed the vitality and innovative spirit of the younger generation in Macao with their unique dances and music. Their performance won warm applause from the audience and added a youthful atmosphere to the whole activity.

The special performance of ——Miracle Angel, a high-end custom-made fairy luxury brand for children’s dresses, is also a highlight of this event. Miracle Angel adheres to the fresh, elegant and noble design concept, takes "originality, uniqueness and distinctiveness" as the brand essence, and aims to give children the "right to speak in fashion", and customize a unique children’s fashion life experience for them, regardless of the cost and time-consuming, and construct the beauty without copying by hand, creating an impeccable sense of quality and value. At the event site, gorgeous and beautiful costumes with the wonderful display of small models attracted everyone’s attention.

In addition, the joint exhibition of Macao design brands organized by Macao Fashion Design Industry Association, including C/W Collective, Demi*D, Goddess Armour, Nega C. and NO.42, has also received extensive attention. Local designers from Macao have shown the unique charm of Macao to the world through their creativity.

As a series of activities of 2024 Silk Road International Fashion Week, this tour not only injected new vitality into Macao’s fashion industry, but also provided a new opportunity for the integration and development of Macao’s cultural tourism industry. At the same time, Macao’s international popularity and influence have also been effectively enhanced. Through exchanges and cooperation with the international fashion industry, it will further promote Macao’s image as a "performing arts capital" and attract more tourists to experience Macao’s unique charm.